35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Awwwww Steph what a cutie pie :cloud9:

NMG I also meant to comment, I can't believe what your sister said to you :cry: It must be so hurtful to have family members so unsupportive. Big :hug: we're here for you!!!
Amelia is having a hard time today and has quite a few times lately. Her bm's are formed. They are not loose as some of you have said it is with breastmilk. Of course she's just over a month old now.

Are any of you have this issue? She's having quite the time pushing her bm's out and has been crying something awful the past several hours. I think I'm going to feed her formula next feed to see if that will work.:shrug:
Sophie has a hard time poopung sometimes. Especially whe she was around a month. Pooping seemed to cause her pain, as did gas. It's short lived over a couple of weeks. Her poops were/are always liquidy though. When she has formula they are a different colour and consistancy but still more liquidy than not. :shrug: Is she peeing lot's?
Sophie has a hard time poopung sometimes. Especially whe she was around a month. Pooping seemed to cause her pain, as did gas. It's short lived over a couple of weeks. Her poops were/are always liquidy though. When she has formula they are a different colour and consistancy but still more liquidy than not. :shrug: Is she peeing lot's?

Yes, she's pee'ing a whole lot. Her poo's though are like ours would be. formed. NOT watery by any means. She's been having issues with constipation and I'd assume its uncomfortable pushing it out. The past couple times we've pushed her legs up and she'd push them out that way in literal tears.

If this keeps up, I may ask the lactation consultant at the pediatricians office. I'm unsure what could be causing it. Or if it's normal. :shrug:
Well my first thought was she is dehydrated but if she is peeing plenty :shrug: Sophie's poos have always been liquidy.... doesnt mean Amelia is not normal. I'd just ask your Dr. The straining and discomfort is normal for her age.
MA sorry for not seeing sooner, normal for BF fed babies is daily to weekly poops. If the poo is really hard, then she's constipated. If she's not having a hard time getting it out, then it could be perfectly normal! She sounds hydrated enough for sure :hug:
MA sorry for not seeing sooner, normal for BF fed babies is daily to weekly poops. If the poo is really hard, then she's constipated. If she's not having a hard time getting it out, then it could be perfectly normal! She sounds hydrated enough for sure :hug:

Thanks, it seems hard and she cries. She IS hydrated since she goes a lot. What would the reason be for constipation? What can I do to help her? Also is there a reason my breast milk would do that??
:rofl::rofl:Steph I had a good 5 mins chuckle for that photo. How can she be this cuuuteee? hahahahahaha!!!! For xmass arrangements looks like you need 1 long 1 short straw to decide :)) My parents used to have that in every holiday. My mum's in Turkey and DH's dad comes over whenever we spend it in UK so we don't have to make a choice. I think this year we will be having Shirin around too. :)))

JB good luck with the class. I bet it will be great :)

NMG I didn't even go into what your sister said but it is out of order.

Angela hope you are on the mend? Being sick sucks regardless + a baby. ;( :hugs::hugs:

MA, Not there yet so can't comment but :flower::flower::flower::hugs::hugs::hugs:

AFM I'm back from the hospital. The bleeding stopped completely for now. I had a bit of a low day yesterday and felt very overwhelmed with what can happen. I hate being in situations where I'm not prepared so I will pack a hospital bag and sort out what needs to be done asap. Still a little freaked out about what if it happens again when DH's at work. I'm advised to call an ambulance. I live 5 mins from a hospital which has a nightmare maternity ward. Drs, nurses, the whole system is full of nightmare stories. My hospital is 15 mins away and has amazing drs and Nicu facilities. So I really don't want an ambulance taking me to the closest hospital. Dunno if it is possible to beg them or sthg. :dohh: Otherwise DH's suggesting to call his dad to stay with us. He is a sweet 72 yr old man who really cares for me and the bb. But he gets nervous and overly fussy. i don't wanna give him a heart attack if it happens again cause I had loads of blood coming out. It really wasn't a good sight at all + it really is awkward, don't wanna strip in frnt of my father in law. :wacko:

Today I'm a bit better, more rested and positive. I am praying I would get at least another month for incubation.
Oh Skye how scary. Hopefully it doesnt happen again but if t did and you were alone, could you call a taxi? At least that way youd be taken to the proper hospital. :hugs:
Is there a friend or neighbor that could take you? The taxi might work. I think the father-in-law thing could be awkward with him staying with you. But during an actual emergency, you probably wouldn't care very much at that point. I am rooting for Shirin that she stays in for another month. You'd be 34 weeks, right? And babies lungs would be developed.

I am worrying about premature labor too, obviously I want them to stay in until they are as developed & healthy as possible. But I got off the phone with my short-term disability insurance company & discovered if the babies come or I am placed on medical leave like full bedrest or hospital bedrest in 2011, I get no coverage at all even if baby is born after Jan 1 b/c that is when my eligibility begins. However if I am on medical leave and/ or the babies come after Jan.1st, 60% of my salary will be covered until 8 weeks after the delivery. So another reason to keep them cooking until New Years Day at least when I will be 34 weeks 3 days! I am going to start my modified work schedule next week & slow down.

On a happy note, my shower is tomorrow! I am very excited & we will have a good turn-out. I am glad to be doing it early so I can enjoy & get everything together soon. Also, the nursery will be completely done by Thanksgiving. Yay! It is really coming along now. I asked my girlfriend Beth to be Liam's godmother & we ask Scott's best friend & spouse tomorrow. They are driving up from Tampa & the guys will go to the football game & the wife is coming to my shower. We will ask Lily's parents the following week & we take our infant baptism class at church in 2 weeks.

We picked up a changing table from Craigslist last weekend & the girl gave me some 0-9 month boy layette items. I got a frog onsie that looks just like Ethan's & thought of y'all. Hope you are feeling better! BTW, we are getting dinner with our friends that live in your neighborhood tonight. Do you want me to give them your maternity clothes (sadly which I've outgrown) & you can have your husband pick them up this weekend? If that works, I would not have time to dryclean the black pants but will give you $20 to do it. If not, I can drive them out to you in the next few weeks. No problem.
MA sorry for not seeing sooner, normal for BF fed babies is daily to weekly poops. If the poo is really hard, then she's constipated. If she's not having a hard time getting it out, then it could be perfectly normal! She sounds hydrated enough for sure :hug:

Thanks, it seems hard and she cries. She IS hydrated since she goes a lot. What would the reason be for constipation? What can I do to help her? Also is there a reason my breast milk would do that??

I can't think of a reason BM would CAUSE constipation. There are other reasons for it, definitely discuss with your doctor/lactation consultant but keep up BF'ing!!! She is not dehydrated for sure if she's wetting 6-8 diapers per day!
Just popping in to say hi:wave:

On a different note it's been a day for stuff crapping out. Vac cleaner blew up, night light I use for feeding at night broke, dropped and broke handle off washing basket :dohh:
And it's Guy Fawkes, keeping Cal awake :cry:
Viv, I had to google Guy Fawkes :dohh: What a crazy custom! When it rains it pours eh?

Have fun at your shower lava!

Up feeding Sophie, it's 4:45am. I don't understand her schedule anymore. This week she's had me up at 3:30, 5:30, 4:30, and she's started her day ay 6:30 & 7:30. For the pas month she's gone consistently 7-8hrs wthout feeding. I guess she stll is, she's just going to bed earlier, but she's done ten hrs before. How come she is able to do ten one noght and only 7 another? I haven't given her formula since lat Sat. Maybe the one bottle of formula was helping. Now onight is daylight savings. :wacko: Hopefully she'll go to bed earlier but it will guarantee me a early wake up call.
Didn't know Guy's Fawkes was celebrated across the shore as well. It's nice when your kids a bit older and they can appreciate, scary for dogs and small bbs though. My 2 little chichis were yapping last night. Than I fell asleep and don't remember much. I think we'll have a lot more fireworks today.

Laura I'm so excited for your shower :)) Update all the nice little pressies u get. hahahahaha!! And a photo of the cake. We do need a bit more cooking but hopefully it should be ok and we will keep cooking untill Xmass xxx

I talked to my driving instructor's wife who had placenta previa. She had a major bleeding at 28 weeks but than carried to 38wks with a successful cx. No incident in between. I felt a bit better after that. Drs warning sure scared me. But it doesn't mean that it will happen. It's just a possibility.
I'm off to shopping last bit of neccesities with DH. Than the XMass shopping this week on the net. Exciting :))) Have a nice weekend girls.
Viv, I had to google Guy Fawkes :dohh: What a crazy custom! When it rains it pours eh?

Have fun at your shower lava!

Up feeding Sophie, it's 4:45am. I don't understand her schedule anymore. This week she's had me up at 3:30, 5:30, 4:30, and she's started her day ay 6:30 & 7:30. For the pas month she's gone consistently 7-8hrs wthout feeding. I guess she stll is, she's just going to bed earlier, but she's done ten hrs before. How come she is able to do ten one noght and only 7 another? I haven't given her formula since lat Sat. Maybe the one bottle of formula was helping. Now onight is daylight savings. :wacko: Hopefully she'll go to bed earlier but it will guarantee me a early wake up call.

I'm having the same problem. Amelia for 3 days went about 7 hours through the night without waking. the past two nights she's been waking us up around 430, today it was around 730am which is fine, but yesterday was CRAZY for feeding. Literally every two hours I was feeding her. I wasn't sure if she was getting enough milk because we too were feeding her formula so yesterday I gave her one ounce of formula with a little bit of medicine for gas and she was fine the rest of the night. Now right now she's crying...She fed from 145 to 233pm and now she's crying again. :wacko: I don't know what's going on.:shrug:
Just an update about my shower. It was lovely. My hostesses did a beautiful job - great food, two kinds of punch & sangria, a Twins quiz with prizes for the winner, a journal for friends to write advice, predictions, and memories as a keepsake, gorgeous flower arrangements. It was at my friend's Public Relations office that is in a charming old house - very cozy with perfect flow for entertaining. There were 22 women who attended including the hostesses, DH's mom & aunt, my mom, a few former co-workers, school and church friends.

The wife of DH's best friend came. We had asked she and her husband earlier in the day to be Liam's (the boy twin) godparents. She is the Dean of the Art School at a private university in Florida and she gave us a stack of illustrated books that I just love. So many great gifts! Favorites include handmade knit booties and hats from my mom, a Coach diaper bag that I can later use for legal files at work, an infant swing, boppy feeding pillow, housecleaning services, baby photography services, a closet organizer set, photo albums, scrapbooking sets, plaster kits to make with the babies' handprints and footprints to hang in the nursery, a bathtub filled with toys/shampoo/hooded towels & washcloths, etc., tons of adorable clothes/swaddles/sleepsacks, a bouncer, bottles & feeding supplies, and Scott's favorite ... a bib with a G on it for Georgia, his favorite football team!

Also, a friend of Scott's in North Carolina picked up a beautiful rug for the nursery for us and will bring it on Thanskgiving. It is a round wool rug with bunnies romping around the border and ladybugs whirring overhead. It is so sweet. Now we just wait for the cribs to come in and I need to get some items I didn't register for like b'feeding supplies, nursing bras (any recommendations?), crib sheets & mattresses.

The best news is that my friend who I told you ladies about that has not had any contact with me since June except for a call 2 weeks ago told me privately after the party that she is 18 months pregnant from her 2nd IVF (after 3+ years of TTC with numerous surgeries & treatment). She has not told anyone but close family I guess due to M/C fears, but I am very excited for her. I am still a little perplexed that she has been pregnant since July and I haven't heard from her. Not that she didn't tell me her news, but that she has had no contact whatsoever. I guess it is something that I may not fully understand, but I am grateful for a happy outcome. I am just delighted for her and really it was the highlight of my day. This makes her the 4th of my close circle of friends to become pregnant in 2011 who will deliver at the age of 40! Now if only my good friend who lost her twins in June has another successful IVF in Jan & gets her sticky bean and I pray for my TTC 1st 35+ girls constantly for the same outcome! I was reading about Sarah & Hannah in the bible today and I know that their time will come, but the pain of infertility struggles is so incredibly hard and it is a pain I wish I could take off their shoulders. It is hard knowing we are not in control of something so deeply desired. Not that I will never complain again about a pregnancy ache or worry, but I must remember to be grateful each day.

Tomorrow is the tour of the maternity wing at the hospital where we deliver as well as the NICU which I'm very curious and nervous about the babies having to use. I am going to try to go back to sleep. It's 6 am and I've been up for 3 hours! zzzzzzz I'm with all you moms feeding newborns in spirit!

Thanks for all the support, ladies! It is all more exciting when I can share with you.
I prayed for months after Jackson Jeffrey passed away and asked that as Hannah gave her son to the Lord, that as I did, He too would provide like he did Hannah. Sure enough He did. This is of course after 10 years of infertility. He DOES provide. Not always in the way we'd like, but He does provide.

Sounds like you had a LOVELY time at your shower. That's how it should be. Nice, light and exciting.

Congrats to your friend as well.
Just an update about my shower. It was lovely. My hostesses did a beautiful job - great food, two kinds of punch & sangria, a Twins quiz with prizes for the winner, a journal for friends to write advice, predictions, and memories as a keepsake, gorgeous flower arrangements. It was at my friend's Public Relations office that is in a charming old house - very cozy with perfect flow for entertaining. There were 22 women who attended including the hostesses, DH's mom & aunt, my mom, a few former co-workers, school and church friends.

The wife of DH's best friend came. We had asked she and her husband earlier in the day to be Liam's (the boy twin) godparents. She is the Dean of the Art School at a private university in Florida and she gave us a stack of illustrated books that I just love. So many great gifts! Favorites include handmade knit booties and hats from my mom, a Coach diaper bag that I can later use for legal files at work, an infant swing, boppy feeding pillow, housecleaning services, baby photography services, a closet organizer set, photo albums, scrapbooking sets, plaster kits to make with the babies' handprints and footprints to hang in the nursery, a bathtub filled with toys/shampoo/hooded towels & washcloths, etc., tons of adorable clothes/swaddles/sleepsacks, a bouncer, bottles & feeding supplies, and Scott's favorite ... a bib with a G on it for Georgia, his favorite football team!

Also, a friend of Scott's in North Carolina picked up a beautiful rug for the nursery for us and will bring it on Thanskgiving. It is a round wool rug with bunnies romping around the border and ladybugs whirring overhead. It is so sweet. Now we just wait for the cribs to come in and I need to get some items I didn't register for like b'feeding supplies, nursing bras (any recommendations?), crib sheets & mattresses.

The best news is that my friend who I told you ladies about that has not had any contact with me since June except for a call 2 weeks ago told me privately after the party that she is 18 months pregnant from her 2nd IVF (after 3+ years of TTC with numerous surgeries & treatment). She has not told anyone but close family I guess due to M/C fears, but I am very excited for her. I am still a little perplexed that she has been pregnant since July and I haven't heard from her. Not that she didn't tell me her news, but that she has had no contact whatsoever. I guess it is something that I may not fully understand, but I am grateful for a happy outcome. I am just delighted for her and really it was the highlight of my day. This makes her the 4th of my close circle of friends to become pregnant in 2011 who will deliver at the age of 40! Now if only my good friend who lost her twins in June has another successful IVF in Jan & gets her sticky bean and I pray for my TTC 1st 35+ girls constantly for the same outcome! I was reading about Sarah & Hannah in the bible today and I know that their time will come, but the pain of infertility struggles is so incredibly hard and it is a pain I wish I could take off their shoulders. It is hard knowing we are not in control of something so deeply desired. Not that I will never complain again about a pregnancy ache or worry, but I must remember to be grateful each day.

Tomorrow is the tour of the maternity wing at the hospital where we deliver as well as the NICU which I'm very curious and nervous about the babies having to use. I am going to try to go back to sleep. It's 6 am and I've been up for 3 hours! zzzzzzz I'm with all you moms feeding newborns in spirit!

Thanks for all the support, ladies! It is all more exciting when I can share with you.

Hehe do you mean 18 weeks pregnant, not months????? Sounds like it was a great occasion and a good time had by all.

I forget that Guy Fawkes isn't a world wide thing. It's just an excuse these days to terrify animals and blow up letterboxes here :dohh:

Chris, Rebekah, you are lucky! Cal only does 2-3 hour snatches at night still and doesn't go down until 10ish. These last few days he's been crying consistently between 8-10pm and we can't get him down, and then when we do he's up 2 hours later. Argh! He's really fighting the sleep these days. He's turning into your typical colicky baby. And now he's started chewing and sucking his hands and drooling like a fool, like he's preparing to teethe.

3 month shots tomorrow too, hope they go well like last time and he's just a bit dopey for the day.

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