35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Lava, I like Alaina or Sophie for middle name!
Our little guy is going to be Zacharie Alexandre Kai LASTNAME :thumbup:
oh Junebug, love that!!! I agree that everyone has picked such classy names!!!
Anyone have a Moby Wrap? I just bought one yesterday and I LOVE IT!! I have Amelia sleeping in the wrap and I'm arms free. We have the Ergo too but I think it words for Doug more than it does me. It's easier with the moby wrap until she gets a bit older and I need the ergo out.
And here is my 16 week bump pic! :flower:


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MA, the stretchy wrap is the only kind I don't have, but I will be getting the K'Tan for this little fellow! I agree it's probably better for the first 3 months!
It took me about 6 weeks, but I loved it and am looking forward to nursing again with Zach :cloud9: I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
Love the beautiful bump pic, Junebug.

My friend just gave me her Moby wrap. So excited to try it out. Also, I just purchased all my b'feeding & pumping supplies except for the pump itself. We are going to rent one from the hospital for a few few months. I am hoping having a lactation consultant/night nanny who specializes in multiples with us from the beginning can help me figure it out. I am so glad you are really enjoying the experience with Amelia.
Cj, we're at 6wks.

Lava, go in with it knowing it's not easy. Give yourself and babies 3 months. The hardest part for us was wk 5 and 6. I've heard it's about right as babies start to have growth spurts and cluster feed. Your lacking sleep and it can give you the baby blues but it gets better as others have told me with time. YOU will have two so it's twice the work but CAN still work as I've seen with friends from my oct. group who have them. My sil tried it for a couple of months and said it was too much for her. The girls are almost 3 and thriving!
Wowee it's quiet in here! Is everyone okay?! :shrug:

Hi ladies!!

Went to both of my Dr.'s appointments. Breast sonogram came out with nothing. :happydance: Can't remember WHO told me, but I took a hot shower, pushed my breast down and let Amelia suckle on the nipple without the shield (even though she sucked it flat) and by today's appointment it's no longer there. We narrowed it down to a milk duct!! Thanks to all who shared their concern and experience with me. :winkwink:

Went to my 6wk appointment (even though its 7wks) at the perinatal center. The incision is looking EXCELLENT, they took out a few of the sutures that didn't dissolve. I asked if next time we could do a VBAC if possible and they said yes. They mentioned a few options of birth control for us. One with hormones, the other is one placed in the vagina which I'm sure some of you know. They mentioned the egg and sperm can still fertilize but whatever that placement is will do away with it. Said no right away. It took me 10 years to conceive Amelia. Knowing that it kills the fertilized egg is not only a conviction but would kill me inside because I DO want more with all the time wasted over the years being told I couldn't. I'm 38 in May and lets face it, I'm not sure how much longer I'll have to ttc. So we're using condoms and the timing which we'll do as well. The rest is honestly up to God. In all honesty we're not trying for another year or year and a half because I'd like to try to keep breastfeeding Amelia and just giving her "me time" before another one but I'm not going to stop a pregnancy if it accidentally happens either. Is anyone 39 or over here who got pregnant?? Just looking for more inspiring stories. We do plan to adopt as well but I'd like one more pregnancy experience. Maybe one more that I'll be a bit less neurotic and more relaxed and joyful as I was in the beginning of my first pregnancy that sadly ended badly but now we have a protocal for.

Breastfeeding. I pump 5 ounces 150ml's a day and today I pumped 8. :happydance: I don't pump after every feed because I just wanted a bottle for mornings for Doug. NOW I think I'm going to start pumping after Amelia because I'd like more to freeze. Does anyone know how long you can keep frozen breastmilk? Is it 6 months? Can I use the little plastic Medela beakers or do I have to use just the bags? I have both from a all in one pack someone bought for my shower.

Another question. I wasn't thinking when I bought our cute little diaper bag. It has a snap on the outside and opens ALL the time. I need a bag with a zipper that can house feeding supplies, several cloth diapers, a "wet bag" which dirty cloth diapers go in, spare clothes, toys, etc. I also am not interested in paying 99.00 or over (I've seen some pretty posh bags) Anyone know of a diaper bag that fits my criteria??

How is everyone doing??
Hey MA, that was my suggestion, the hard massage in the shower! Glad it worked for you! Do it whenever you feel a lump coming up and you'll prevent mastitis. Breast milk in a regular freezer keeps for 3 months. So glad you're enjoying nursing!

AFM, had a good meeting with my financial advisor. Since I am the only bread winner with DH in school, we had worked very hard at savings since I started working again 10 months ago, and now, with the savings and what I will earn until little Z comes (and while on mat leave since I continue my part-time job) , we would have enough for me to take a full year off. BUT that would deplete all our savings, so what I decided is 9 months off (2months more than I took with Zoë), and go back 3 days per week until his first birthday. IF N has a job, I could continue part -time a bit longer. And we'll get a full- time nanny starting when N would hopefully start work (September) to help me out at home. I am so relieved! It helps to have a more concrete plan :dance:

Hope everyone is doing well it IS really quiet here! Z and I are off Christmas shopping with my friend and her 20 month old this morning :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

MA - SO glad everything is going so well for you! You deserve it after all you went through. I registered for a diaper bag from babiesrus that i think has a smaller bag within that is vinyl lined to make for easy cleanup. And I think it was about $40....not sure if that helps or not.....

June- love the bump pic! coming along so nicely! :) I'm sure it is a relief to have a plan for the finances and not left worrying.

Hope everyone else is doing well this weekend. A short post from me as it's a hard day for me - it is the anniversary of my best friend who passed away 3 years ago from skin cancer. Please keep her family in your prayers as she left behind a loving husband and 2 small children - unfortunately, they moved so far away to be with the husband's family that I never see then except for pictures. I am headed off to a memorial Mass today at 4 with her family who is like my second family (I was friends with her for 20 years) and then out to dinner with them. Tomorrow I am off to New York with Charlie to see his son in his off-off-off broadway show, coming home Monday afternoon. Good thing is we will be taking the train, so I can relax, have a bathroom when needed and be able to get up in the 4 hour trip....and Charlie is happy he doesn't have to drive this time. :)

My thoughts are with you all. Have a wonderful weekend.
Hey ladies! I too was thinking it has been really quiet in here! Hoope everyone is well andi suspect we are all just exhausted mommies :rofl:

We are well here. Ethan is doing great and we are looking forward to his first thanksgiving next week! We will get to see some family we haven't seen in ages, and they will get to meet Ethan, so we are very excited for that!

In other news, we are officially NTNP as of this weekend (and that happens to have occurred right when the timing is good, tho we did not really plan it) so I am excited to be in my first "non official" TWW since Ethan! I have not yet met my weight loss goal (you may remember I'm still trying to lose about 10 lbs for the preeclampsia reasons), but will leave that to God. I have been losing (though super slowly!) so I am hoping it will continue to peel off, however slowly, till we get pregnant again (if we do! Lol). I'm really excited at the thought of getting pregnant again, but would also be happy to be on the same "track" i was last time so I'm not hugely pregnant during summer... S we will see what God has in mind!

I had a great time getting to see Laura (Lava) yesterday, if only for a couple moments. she looks BEAUTIFUL! I don't think she believes me when I told her she does not even look like she is carrying twins :rofl: but she really does look great! :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well! Bek, so glad the lumps ands bumps were normal. I had some of that as well.

CJ have fun with the shopping! I went a few weeks ago with a girlfriend but, as it gets closer to the holidays, I I tend to do more online shopping :rofl: or else I go without worrying about buying anything, and just enjoy the decorations and atmosphere. I hate feeling that pressure to "have" to find something or that particular gift for someone. But I think this year will be fun, as I get to shop for Ethan! For all our moms whho have been through a Christmas with an infant, what are some good toys for a nine month old?

Beth, I am so sorry aboutbyour friend. I went to the dermatologist recently and a couple biopsies came back abnormal. Now I have to have more of those sites rremoved. Ugh! I know I've got to get it done soon, too. Scary what can happen otherwise!

Okay ladies baby is fussing. Later! :hugs:
Angela, get the Laugh and Learn Fisher Price kitchen! Z was 7 months old at Christmas and she STILL plays with it now at almost 18 months! That was the only gift we got her last year, with a few books, since she was so young. Yay for NTNP!!!! :dance: I am very excited to be pregnant again, although worried about the close ages (Z will be 22 months old when Little Z comes...). And I am a bit sad knowing it will be our last :cry: I too do a lot of online shopping, actually all of Z's was! But for our family gift exchange, I needed ideas so went out. It wasn't too bad! I even got Z a little arm chair (looks like a 1 seat mini-couch) so she has a place to sit to watch TV. Gave it to her already, she's soooo cute in it!

:hugs: Beth, those kinds of anniversaries are always the toughest :hugs:
I was looking at that and noticed there was a recall on the L&L Kitchen in 2009. Not sure if you knew that or not. Do you know if they redid them with new parts? I'd assume they wouldn't be available if they were recalled still. I'd like to get Amelia a kitchen set as her nursery theme is tea in the garden. We'll have a table with tea and such.
Hi everyone! Hope you had a nice weekend. Other than not feeling well yesterday, I had a fun, but busy one. We had a pre-holiday neighborhood brunch where I met another mom of twins who lives up the street, a bridal shower for a good friend, got to visit with Angela, our football team won its game so they are going to the Division championship (DH is in the best mood now ha ha!) and the girls who threw my shower joined me for lunch & a jewelry making class.

Best part is the nursery is about 80% finished. Just waiting on my mom to finish sewing some curtain panels & we need to get the mattresses so we can make up the crib bedding. It is such a tiny space ... you ladies wouldn't believe how small the room is, but I think it is still pretty cute. ;) One day I hope we will be out of our 2 bedroom condo in a regular house and we will laugh at how we were all piled on top of one another with me, DH, 2 cats & 2 babies ... not to mention parents, friends, & a night nanny. I guess the important thing is that there is lots of love surrounding these little ones.

I am going for my glucose test this morning. Hope I pass so I can eat a regular Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings including pecan pie! Will check in after. Wish me luck! ;)

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