35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks ladies. I got nauseous, almost fainted, and had to lay down after drinking that gluclola stuff so I don't know what to expect, but they were able to take my blood sample. Will find out my results tomorrow. If I fail, then what?
Then you have to do the longer one. There can be false positives with the first screening test... Fingers crossed for you!
Morning everyone!

I have been really busy at work and this weekend was a whirlwind of activity. Hopefully, I can remember what everyone wrote last week!

Rebekah - YAY on breastmilk clog getting unclogged! I am glad it was anything more serious. When Katelyn was around Amelia's age I would, at least 2 or 3x a week, get three washclothes and soak them in really really hot water and then put one on the top of breast (folded in half), one on the middle on the breast, and one on the underneath, then Iwould put a towel on top of that! WOO the milk that would flow out, but my ducts would definitely unclog! As far as pumping and storing. If you have Medela pump and save bags, they should come with a little insert that you twist onto the long part of the pump aparatus and then it fits into the bag. It is just kind hard taking the thingy out of the bag. I actually just used the bags the other day as I wanted to put more milk in the freezer (good for 3 months in a regular freezer, if you have just a freezer then 6 months). You can also pump into a bottle and then pour into the bag. Whichever is easiest! I also am trying to wait another year and 1/2 before TTC again and I am also just using condoms. I am currently 38 and will more than likely be 40 when the next one comes. I think there are a few of us on here that were 40 when they had #1 so you are in good shape!

Angela - Hey there! Wow 9months old. How is doing crawling and stuff? Also, I am like you...I will probably only make the baby food every now and then. It is just way more convenient to buy it. Especially when I still trying to figure out if she is allegic or not. I am not trying to make a whole batch of food that I may or may not have to pitch out. Congrats on the NTNP. I remember you saying back in June that this was when you were going to possible start again. .

Laura - yeah that glucouse stuff is pretty nasty. Sorry that you fainted. You will probably be ok. Fingers crossed for you.

Beth - hugs to you. I know that it must be tough on the anniversary of your best friends passing. We are here for you.

CJ – Glad to hear that you had a good meeting with your financial advisor. Kudos on the online shopping. I never really have done that. Now that I have Katelyn, I may try. But at Christmas times, I like to go to the mall and see the Christmasy stuff . Thanks for the suggestion of the L&L Kitchen. Katelyn will be 8 months by Christmas and I want to get her some more books and just a few items as I know my parents will be going over the top with presents. Katelyn is almost sitting up by herself – so hopefully by then she will be able to so she can play.

AFM – Katelyn last week had her RSV shot (one of 5). Because she is preemie she has get one every month for until April. Also, since starting solid foods she is getting quite constipated. Her Pediatrician said to give her 1 ounce of prune juice mixed with 1 ounce of water for a week. My poor baby. She is miserable. I am hoping that the prune juice works and I don’t have to give her a suppository. CJ, Angela, Terri – any of you have this issue with your lo’s? Last night she was up every 2 hours starting at 2:30am so this morning I am exhausted. The other night she slept until 6am – go figure. I really think the constipation is messing with her sleep. On a good note, she is really like the solid food. I sometimes cant feed her fast enough! She also LOVES her exosaucer. So that was a great investment and I highly recommend one! Ok – off to a meeting. I will try and check back later today. This will be a slow week due to the holiday. Oh – Beth, I am going to attempt to make homemade cranberry sauce. I tried it a few years back, but it just wouldn’t gel so it ended up being sorbet! Fingers crossed for me that I am able to make it jellied!

To all the other busy new mommies (and mommies to be – never, animal, skye, rowan) Hi and HUGS to you all!

YES we dealt with constipation! Rice cereal were bad for Z, so we switched to oatmeal, which really helped. Also, anything with bananas, apples, pears further constipate. Prune juice will definitely help as well! :thumbup:
Oh thanks! I did switch to oatmeal cereal from rice, but I had been adding in pears, so I guess I will stop. She is currently eating peas...will that cause it too?
No peas are fine if I recall!
What I did with Z since she loves pears and bananas was to mix in some prune juice in her cereal and still give her small amounts of those fruit. Seemed to balance out!
Does anyone have the sleep fairy's phone number :dohh::dohh::dohh::dohh:

Skye, yep still boob feeding, getting better. He's quite quick, about 10 mins a side.

Love the names Lava :thumbup: And I almost fainted after my glucose test, quite common but I did feel like a bit of a fool :blush:

Sorry to read and run but I don't get a lot of time at all to do anything. Thankfully have appt with sleep clinic on 1st Dec :happydance:

Have a lovely week ladies. Just heading into Summer here YAY
Summer!! :shock: Heading into winter here and everyone was colds :dohh:

Hi everyone! Been stalking just haven't had a chance to post much. Hope you pass the glucose test lava! Viv I hope the sleep fairy comes your way soon. :hugs: So sorry about your friend NMG. Hope Katelyn gets over the constipation soon Steph. Thats no fun. Junebug you're already 16wks! :shock: How come other peoples pregnancy's fly by??? Angela! Ntnp already? :happydance: A friend on this board is already three mo pg and has a five mo old! Rebekah, happy to hear the lump was only a milk duct :thumbup:

K my nose is dripping everywhere, i need to find a tissue :cry:
17 weeks today Svet! :cloud9: I feel little Z from the outside all the time now, since this weekend. I can't have an anterior placental like I did last time, the movements are so much more obvious! Yes, it IS flying by! Feel better :hugs: Viv good luck at the sleep clinic apt, hope they can help!
Chris - Sorry that you all have colds in your house. That must be miserable.

Laura - did you get the results of your test yet?

Viv - Keep us posted on the sleep clinic!

Skye - how have you been with all the stuff happening over there? I hope you and your family have been ok.

CJ- 17 weeks! Wow it has been going quite fast :hugs::cloud9:

AFM I think I am going to have to give her a suppository. Two days in a row of prune juice and nothing. Poor little thing probaby doesn't have any more room for food.:cry: I am just praying that my hubby calls me within the next hour letting me know that she blew her diaper out.

I will keep you all posted as I know everyone is on pins an needles waiting to hear if Katelyn pooped! :haha::rofl:
Lol good luck with the poop! :haha: Z also went 2-3 days without pooping when we started solids. Definitely avoid pears bananas and apples until it's resolved, then slowly reintroduce them along with prune juice!
Steph, what is the status of diaper blow out watch!!!!???? ;)

I passed my glucose test, thank God. Saw the babies on U/S. Lily is 2 lbs 6 oz & Liam is 2 lb 5 oz all looks good!! Now he's got his little butt in her face, but she gave him a good kick!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!
Hi Ladies!!

Steph. Seems like we're in very similar situations then and who knows, maybe we'll be bump buddies at the same time. :hugs: Thanks for your insight too!

Also on the cranberry sauce front...I've used https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/paula-deen/waynes-cranberry-sauce-recipe/index.html for a few years now. It has Grand Marnier but it's AWESOME and cooks off! Try it!!

Viv so glad things are getting better for you hun. Though we too are feeling sleep deprived we're FINALLY making some headway to getting up at a normal hour. 11am is it right now. It WAS 1 or 2 in the afternoon...keeping in mind my husband works nights. I'd like to work to getting up at 9am again and NOT sleep the day away. :winkwink:

Lava, sounds like a LOVELY weekend. :happydance: Glad you passed that darn test!

Steph, sounds like you've had the same issues we've had with constipation. Good news on our front...not one but TWO poopy blowouts! :happydance: :rofl: Daddy was pooped all over the other day. :haha: Mommy got hers early this morning. :rofl: Not sure what did it, but I've been drinking more water. :shrug:

Got cracked yesterday at the chiropractor. I'm SORE today. He said it would happen because I have some major inflammation in my muscles, etc. Oh shoot! Speaking of poopy.....she's making noise. :rofl: She's a regular pooping machine now. :happydance::haha:

Called the endocrinologist because my numbers are CRAZY with my hormone imbalance. :wacko: They messed with my numbers over the phone to tweek the pump. Hopefully that will work until I see them next week.

Wishing you all well dear friends! :hug:

How are you all doing? Getting ready for Christmas?? Where's Skye??
Day 4 still no poop :-(. I just got off the phone with my hubby and still nothing. He did give her more prune juice. So maybe by the time I get home from work...CJ - I worry that giving her prune juice for more than a week will mess with her forming teeth. I didn't really want to give her any "juice" until she was at least 1. But I guess you have to do what you have to do. I do have prune puree that I intend on feeding her (mixed with her cereal) after she has done her 3-5 days eating peas.

Laura so glad to hear you passed your glucose test! YAY. Babies are at a great weight!

Rebekah - do you have the recipe for the cranberries? Sorry you are so sore! I will be getting ready for Christmas on Friday...well we will be going to Dland because I get a great discount at the stores at Christmas time and then I will be decorating my house. I will be going to Colorado for Christmas so we will be putting up a fake tree much to my hubby's chargrin. I can't wait to officially start listening to Christmas music...it makes me so happy.
Steph the quantity of juice that you're giving her is so minute, it won't affect her teeth :hugs: The concern there is more if that's all they drink and if they're put to bed with juice for naps and at night. Did anything happen tonight? Did you try a glycerin suppository?

Laura, yay on passing the test! And those weights are great!

MA, sorry your numbers are out of whack, hope they can help you figure out why :hugs:

Off to do my work-out now... Nite everyone!
Hi, ladies! Just wanted to pop in and see how you are all doing. I'm lurking all over the place just checking on everyone. Hope all of you newbie moms and soon to be moms are doing well and excited about your little ones.

Much love to you all! :hugs:

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