35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Day 4 still no poop :-(. I just got off the phone with my hubby and still nothing. He did give her more prune juice. So maybe by the time I get home from work...CJ - I worry that giving her prune juice for more than a week will mess with her forming teeth. I didn't really want to give her any "juice" until she was at least 1. But I guess you have to do what you have to do. I do have prune puree that I intend on feeding her (mixed with her cereal) after she has done her 3-5 days eating peas.

Laura so glad to hear you passed your glucose test! YAY. Babies are at a great weight!

Rebekah - do you have the recipe for the cranberries? Sorry you are so sore! I will be getting ready for Christmas on Friday...well we will be going to Dland because I get a great discount at the stores at Christmas time and then I will be decorating my house. I will be going to Colorado for Christmas so we will be putting up a fake tree much to my hubby's chargrin. I can't wait to officially start listening to Christmas music...it makes me so happy.

:winkwink::thumbup: Let me try this again. I thought I did it but I must have forgotten. :rofl: :wacko: Waynes Cranberry Sauce
SUCCESS!!!!!! I got home from work yesterday and my husband was changing her diaper which she BLEW OUT! Then later that evening after dinner and thankfully before her bath, she blew out another one! YAY! Thanks CJ on the info regarding the juice. I purchased the glycerine suppositories, but haven't given it to her yet as I wanted to use more natural remedy.

Rebekah - thanks for the recipe! I will let you know how it goes/went on Friday or Saturday!

Ok anyone else so very excited about baby's first Thanksgiving! I know she can't eat anything, but still just to celebrate the holiday. I have a lot ot be Thankful for! Tonight we go to a evening service at the our Church. Tomorrow morning we shall get up and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade followed by the Dog Show YAY!!!! Then on to BIL's for dinner with hubby's family and friends.

If I don't get back on today I hope every one has a truly HAPPY THANKSGIVING. We all have been blessed this year with pregnancies and babies and even if you arne't in the States, you can still celebrate (we'll send you a turkey leg HA!)! Much love to you all. I am very THANKFUL to have all you WONDERFUL, INTELLIGENT, KIND, THOUGHFUL, LOVING women in my life. I know most of us have never met in person, but I do consider you all my FRIENDS and I am very THANKFUL to have gone (and still going) on the TTC/Pregnancy/ and now mommy journey with you!

Yay Katelyn! :happydance:

I'm excited about the holidays!! Doug and my mom have to work tomorrow so we're going to celebrate this Sat. Can't WAIT to put Amelia in her 1st Thanksgiving onesie! :lol: Her stocking is being monogrammed and if you click the link to my blog in my siggie (Broken hearts, mended fences) You'll see the family Christmas cards we'll be sending out.

I can't believe how bad my sugars are right now! I'm a little depressed about it. want to be here to see my little girl get married and have her own kids :cry: Hopefully over the next few weeks we'll get them under control. I'm going to have to get rid of whole grain carbs for now and just eat low carb fruits and veggies only. It'll have to start after turkey day though. I'm going to start exercising and reworking my way to weight training. muscle tends to help lower my sugar numbers.

Praying your all having lovely days!
Oh, We're thinking about a trip to DisneyWorld Fall 2012. It's still up in the air, but we NEED a vacay this year!
Happy Thanksgiving my American friends! Big hugs and kisses to you all! xo

MA, your plan to lowering your sugar sounds good. Exercise is key to a healthy life. :hugs:
Good morning ladies!!

Haven't had a lot of time to check in lately, but I'm very happy to see it looks like everyone's doing well. :thumbup: Unfortunately I had a lot of BFing issues and was unknowingly starving my poor little girl!! :cry: At least I figured it out in plenty of time. So anyhow, I'd been pumping every two hours to try & get things flowing again. Doesn't leave a lot of time to do much else... :nope: And after a few meetings with the lactation nurse and a full week of all that pumping, I had to face the fact that BFing just wasn't going to work (I was producing 5-6 ounces total per day). Old boobs, I guess - who knows. :shrug: So I fed her at breast for the last time on Thanksgiving morning. :sad1:

BUT - the good news is that since she's been getting formula (and enough to eat) she's turned into a completely different kid. Not NEARLY as difficult as she had been. Yay! AND - now that what goes into my body doesn't go in to hers, I can really focus on my diet & exercise program and have started my diet meds again. Double yay! I'm starting to feel a little bit human again.

I now have a sling, so I'm hoping to have a little more freedom - we'll see... I miss all of you ladies and hope to be able to check in a little more regularly now. Have a great day girls! :kiss:
Hey Chris. Nice to hear from you. Hannah is gorgeous. Love the new pic! So glad y'all are doing well. Good for you that you tried bfing, but also switched to formula when you realized it was the best for the baby's health.
WTG Chris. It was nice to see you again! So sorry things didn't work out with bf'ing but as far as I'm concerned, you tried it and it didn't work. It's not the end all and I'm sure this is right for BOTH of you!

My husband, a nurse has said as gung ho as the medical community is with bf'ing he wishes they'd not put so much pressure on women to bf exclusively and make women feel like they're not giving their children the best milk product. He said whatever the choice, the babies will be nourished and healthy. With my ups and downs I always felt as though if i'd give up, I'd be a failure. I cried a lot about it. Now I'm simply not going to let it bother me. There are plenty of babies that I've seen who've been formula fed and are quite healthy and smart. Formula as Angela said is quite matching to breast milk.

So now maybe we'll see you on a little more. I understand completely how the time it takes to bf'ing. I'm pumping and bf'ing. Speaking of that, Steph...how much are you pumping after bf'ing? I'm getting about 10 ounces a day on top of all the bf'ing Amelia gets every 3 hours or so. I noticed today that I'm starting to get even more milk now.

Also, at 2 months on the 29th how many ounces are your children getting. Amelia is getting 4 ounces and sometimes even 5 each feeding or I'm assuming because that's what she's been demanding from bottle feedings.

Hoping everyone had a lovely thanksgiving. We went to my parents on Sat. and everyone from the family who hasn't seen Amelia showed up. :cry: It was LOVELY! My parents are fitting in well as grandparents surprisingly. I even met the baby from my cousins daughter I told you about earlier in the year. The one who got pregnant while on drugs and tried to commit suicide while pregnant?! This was also the hesitance I had giving birth on the 29th because Amelia was sharing the birthday with this baby who was born to a careless mother a year after Jackson was born.

Anyways, the baby is 1 now and she's ADORABLE. :cry: She's in such a sad state right now. Mom is in rehab and grandma has custody. She's been negligent with her own children so different family members are watching the baby when she goes to bingo etc.

At any rate I had all I could do not to take that baby with us and raise her with Amelia as my own. I just keep looking at Amelia and loving her all I can. This poor little one of my cousins may never have a stable life with a real mom and dad and it breaks my heart because she's SO damn cute! If you have it in your mind, please pray for this baby. That God will guide and protect her footsteps and help her get out of the generational bondage she was born in. It breaks my heart because like me, there are PLENTY of couples who would give anything for a child and here this one is neglected. Just pisses me the heck off! :wacko:

On a happy note: Doug, Amelia and I had a really lovely time this weekend and there has been so much to be thankful for. I gave my cousins baby a great big hug and loved her all I could along with Amelia. If anything, she knows she's loved by MANY distant family members bless her little heart.
Thanks for your kind words, MA :hugs: I know that formula fed babies turn out just fine (I was formula fed myself), and I know that I wasn't crazy about the whole breast feeding thing to begin with, but knowing that I can't provide for my child breaks my heart. At least she got a solid 6 weeks in, plus another 2 weeks of breast milk/formula combo.

I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. It was especially nice for us, too - last Thanksgiving we had planned on breaking the good news of my 1st pregnancy, but I wound up miscarrying and having the D&C a few weeks before. So the holidays were a little rough last year. Amazing the difference a year can make, right?

Anyhow, I'm glad to see that your parents are settling in to the whole grandparent role. I don't know about you, but I just love watching my parents with my child. And your cousin's baby is in my prayers - she's lucky to have you in her family. :flower:
Chris!!! I've missed you! Sounds like you are doing good. 6 weeks BF'ing is awesome!!! Remember all the troubles I had? 6 weeks is a long time when it's not working. Good on you! MA said everything perfectly. There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula. It's true, they put so much pressure on women nowadays in regards to BF'ing. That's why I had such a struggle to make the switch. It just so happens while I was toying with the idea, BF'ing started to work for me. Took me 10 weeks. :wacko: After this weekend I am saying NO to pumping and if I need to go out and Sophie has to get a bottle, she will get formula. Saturday we had a bunch of friends over so I was going to have a glass of wine or two and give her a bottle for her last two feedings. I had some breast milk stored so she was going to have that. Well for the first time ever she simply refused the bottle. It was also the first time I had ever tried to give her breast milk from a bottle, usually it's other people who will feed her then. So I passed to her a friend. Nope. She wasn't having it. No way. So I had no choice but to give her the boob. I felt bad because I had had a small glass of wine but thankfully that's all I had had. I gave up the wine the rest of the night and BF her her last feed too. I hope this isn't going to be a new thing... Anyway, so all that gloriously pumped milk dumped down the drain. I work so hard for that for it to go to waste so no more. Formula it is. So she'll get a couple bottles of formula a week as needed. Provided she'll take the bottle :wacko: We'll try today. Booby monster.

That picture of Hannah is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cute! We all need new pics ladies! Here is one of Sophie from a week ago:


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MA you sound so happy! I am really glad you're parents are great with Amelia. I know it was something you were concerned with. :hugs: How are you feeling? I am really impressed with your perseverance pumping. 10 oz is amazing! :mamafy:
Hi Ladies,

It was a really whirlwind week last week!

Chris2 - Great to hear from you and Hannah is adorable! As everyone else has said 6 weeks is great and there is nothing wrong with formula. Don't feel badly because you can't get provide her with enough milk. Think of all the things you CAN provide her with! I am also glad that this holiday season is way better for you than last year.

Chris 1 - love the peek-a-boo photo of Sophie LOL! Don't worry about the wine it is fine and she will be ok. I totally understand about not pumping. It is really the bane of my existence right now and I am really toying with stopping come January. By that time Katelyn will be 7 months adjusted and 9 months actual. We will see.

Rebekah - YAY on your parents being active grandparents! It sounds like you all had a great Thanksgiving and I will definitely be praying for that precious 1 year old. As for my pumping. I normally get about 6-8oz each time I pump after nursing. I don't pump directly after nursing though. I normally will wait about 30-60 minutes. When I pump at work I will get 7-9oz a session. So I pump between 24-36 oz a day on top of nursing in the morning and a night/late late night. You will definitely see an increase in your supply as Amelia starts demanding more and as you continue to pump after a feed. If you are taking fenugreek or mother's milk tea, you will probably see even more (about 1 oz or so more).

AFM - my cranberry sauce came out perfect. My hubby, who is a chef, helped me a bit by suggesting I let the cranberries simmer for about 20 minutes to form a syrup. Well that did the trick! It jelled perfectly! My candied yams came out great as well. Since we went out and didn't have left overs, last night I made mac and cheese and stuffing. My hubby had deeped fried a turkey for just the two of us on Thanskgiving when he was cooking the other turkeys so we now have some good left overs! My poor baby has a cold. She is congested and I have been suctioning out snot for the past two days. I had her sleep with us last night after she woke up around midnight cuz she couldn't breathe. 3 different times in the middle of the night I had suction her nose - poor thing. She isn't running a tempature which is good. I just bought a humidifier so I am hoping that will help.

Anyway, as usual I am off to pump. I will check back in a bit.

Steph try hydrasense. It works wonders and gets the boogers out. Also the humidifier will really helP!
Thanks ladies for all that wealth of information. Amelia hasn't had a cold ((knock on wood)). It's a matter of time though this winter I'm sure. We have our 2 months appointment tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous that she may have lost weight but she has gotten longer. She's tall. Takes after daddys side I see :winkwink:

Thank you Chris, I AM a lot happier. Or trying to be. I have my moments. :lol: I'm starting to fall into the role I think without getting so freaked out that I'm a bad mommy. I'm learning that everyone in the medical field has their idea of whats right. I get a million different ideas. I'm taking them for what they are and just letting both Amelia and I figure out what's right for us.

It helps to have her for Christmas. Chris #2, I totally hear you. This time 2 years ago I was in a state of depression and could barely make the holidays. It's all a blur after giving birth to Jackson and leaving the hospital without him. Just horrible. We have a stocking with his name on it in remembrance. In fact, I needed it because so much of the medical community and our parents weren't acknowledging his existance or should I say the fact that he was alive. So a friend recommended that because her mom did that with the loss of her older brother. I put bulbs in there. It's so exciting that now we have Amelia during the holidays and can CELEBRATE.
MA - I'm so grateful that we all have a wonderful reason to celebrate this year! :hugs:

Chris - Sophie is such a doll! And Steph's right - don't worry about the wine. The lactation consultant I was dealing with said that a drink was fine (just not a six pack!) It clears out of your system within a few hours, anyhow. I've been drinking a glass of wine here and there since I got out of the hospital. But always right after a feeding so I had a few hours for it to get out of my system before I fed her again. Oh - and I think I read a few pages back that your full name's Christina, right? Mine too! :thumbup:

Steph - I'm coming over to your house for dinner tonight!!!

Have a great day, everyone! :flower:
Chris1, so little alcohol after 1 glass of wine gets into BM then into baby's bloodstream that it is completely fine to have a drink once in a while without pumping and dumping! :hugs:

Chris2, GREAT on you for BF'ing 6 weeks!!! You know, you tried your best, and it didn't work out. There is no guilt whatsoever in that!!! I have many friends who beat themselves up about it when it fails, it is perfectly fine hun!! Also, I have friends for whom it didn't work for baby #1, but for baby #2 it worked beautifully. You never know, if you have another, it may work fine! I was BF'ed for 3 months, then switched to formula and I'm fine :winkwink:

MA, what a lovely idea to have a stocking for Jackson :cry: I am so happy you have Amelia, it will help with holidays :hugs:

OH YES!!! Everyone should invest in the Hydrasense nasal aspirator. WHAT A LIFESAVER that thing is, we LOVE ours!!!! I luckily had purchased it before Z's first cold so was all set when it hit. Saline drops also help to dislodge gunk, use it about 5 minutes before you aspirate and you'll be impressed with how much mucus you can get out and it's such a relief to see your babies breathing easier!

18 weeks today!!! Gained 10 lbs, but it's all in my chest and belly. MASSIVE baby growth spurt in the last week... Need to take my bump pic tonight. This little guy will be BIG. Thank heavens for scheduled C-section :haha:
Thanks for the info on the Hydrasense. I can't seem to find where to purchase one though. I am getting websites for Canada, but not for the US. There is one similar at Target called the Nose Frida Aspirator... I will keep searching.

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