35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hey girls!

Quick question for CJ. I think you said Zoe self-weaned about nine months? Or at whatever age that occurred, did you then introduce something to replace the breast milk, such as cows milk or formula? Ethan is 9 months exactly and is starting to really refuse a lot of his formula. He will take a couple sips then push it away, etc. With a lot of coaxing, we can usually get around 3/4 of what the dr. Recommended into him as far as formula. (say he eats perhaps 20 oz formula most days over four feeds, plus another 15 oz of solids)

I am wondering if he is trying to self wean? He still eats his solids well, in fact seems to prefer them. We see the dr.in another week or so, but I was curious what you would think...she told us at our 6 month check that he (then) needed to be getting between 24-32 oz formula per day plus solids, but she did not really tell me how much of that is for nutrition and how much for hydration. The solids he currently gets are 3.5 oz breakfast which is a yogurt, fruit and brown rice mix (commercially prepared but about 100 calories each). 3.5 oz fruits and veggies plus 2.5 oz turkey or chicken etc, for lunch, then same for dinner. Do you think we should just let him drink however much formula he wants at a feed and not worry about the formula otherwise? I understand they don't recommend cows milk till 1 year, but his formula is dairy based...

Thanks for any words of wisdom you can offer! :flower:

Hugs and love to all! :hugs:
Angela we started introducing cow's milk (whole) at 10 months, it is fine before 1 year! Sounds like he is getting a lot of solids and may not need as much formula. She self-weaned from the breast at 12 months, but luckily continues to take whole milk now on top of her food. Ethan is already getting dairy in his formula and his yogurt (and probably cheese?) I would not worry about how much formula he's taking, at 9 months, a lot of the calories are coming from solids! You may even be able to see if he likes whole milk better. Does he take water too? And were there concerns RE: growth and weight gain? (I don't recall so, and if not, hydration doesn't need to come from formula!).
Angela we started introducing cow's milk (whole) at 10 months, it is fine before 1 year! Sounds like he is getting a lot of solids and may not need as much formula. She self-weaned from the breast at 12 months, but luckily continues to take whole milk now on top of her food. Ethan is already getting dairy in his formula and his yogurt (and probably cheese?) I would not worry about how much formula he's taking, at 9 months, a lot of the calories are coming from solids! You may even be able to see if he likes whole milk better. Does he take water too? And were there concerns RE: growth and weight gain? (I don't recall so, and if not, hydration doesn't need to come from formula!).

Thanks CJ! He has not had any issues with weight gain, though gain has slowed way down now at nine months which I understand is normal. He still has a serious gag reflex, triggered by even the slightest texture, so takes zero finger foods or foods with texture for now, but eats his purees very well. I've tried giving him a sippy with water but, so far, he only plays with it. :shrug:
Yup it took until 13 months to get Z to drink a tiny bit of water! I would say just let him take the quantity of formula he needs, sounds like he is fine :hugs: And keep trying with the water, they eventually take it!
hi ladies!

Well, Amelia gained just 3 ounces in a two weeks. Not exactly a good weight gain but since she was still in the same percentile and didn't drop, they didn't freak out. She DID grow 1 and 3/4inches long to 21 3/4 inches tall now. Maybe it's all evening out because of that?!

At any rate she had one shot and another oral antiviral. She'll have the others over the next few weeks. I'm doing an alternative schedule because I don't want her having too many side effects from 5 different shots. :wacko:
That's a huge growth spurt MA! Plus docs dont tend to use the WHO breastfed babies chart, you msy want to print it and bring it in with you. I had to do that because they were using standard North American charts which are mostly formula fed babies (done in the early 80's). They dont work for BF babies!
Thanks Junebug - I'm trying not to beat myself up too much, but I still wonder if I'd just eaten a little more fat, fed her a few more times per day, etc. etc... Ah well. What's done is done. You're right - at least I fed her for 6 weeks. A lot of women I hear about stop sooner than that. If we were ever to have another, I'd definitely try it again. HOWEVER - I'm 40 now (yikes!) - I think my poor body would fall apart if we did it again! :haha:

Holy growth spurt, MA! Was that all in the last two weeks?? Officially, Hannah's only grown 1 & 1/2 inches total since she was born! But to tell you the truth, the way they measure at her ped's office is a little sloppy. At one of her measurements it showed that she shrunk... sigh... Hannah had a couple shots yesterday, too. The poor thing was really hurting after we got home last night - she kept screaming so much that I cried right along with her for a while! :cry: Seems fine today, though, thank God. :thumbup:

Angela - VERY interesting to read what Ethan's eating now. It lets me know what I'm in store for! It seems like there's so much to keep track of, though - almost like you've turned into a professional nutritionist! Hopefully it's easier than it sounds??

Well ladies, I'm off to do some laundry before the princess wakes up. Have a good day, everyone! :flower:
Don't worry Chris, it IS much easier than my post probably made it sound. I am one of those people who, if given an instruction (like by the doctor) will try to follow it to the letter, so I track everything carefully. Most people are not like me and do not make themselves nuts over details the way I do! I always try to remember, mothers have been raising babies for millenia, and they did it long before we had the kinds of things we do today. I am also a worrier which, combined with my attention to detail, means I worry a lot over small things! :dohh::dohh:

Ethan basically eats a combination of formula and solids these days. It's pretty simple really - he gets some fruit and yogurt for breakfast, meat and veggies for lunch and dinner, and formula at all those feeds plus a bedtime bottle. But in reality, we're down to feeding 4x per day instead of the 8 we began with when he came home, so it is MUCH simpler than it used to be! :happydance:

Glad to hear everyone is doing well and babies are growing well!

Speaking of driving myself nuts, I am still going crazy with waiting and symptom spotting in this TWW. I think I have now convinced myself that I AM pg which means if I'm not I will feel like an idiot on top of being disappointed. I just have so many symptoms it is reminding me of when I got pregnant with Ethan, but then they come and go (as I remember they DO at this stage) so I then become convinced I'm not. :dohh::dohh: The good news is, I don't feel NEARLY as much pressure or worry over it as I did when we were TTC #1. At least now we have our beautiful boy and, if we never get pg again, we will be okay with just 1. But it is still so EXCITING to be in a TWW - I was not prepared for how excited I would be! :happydance:

Ah well. I am going to pick up some tests tomorrow at the store and HPT. I am now (best guess) 12 dpo so would be 13dpo tomorrow... early days for sure, but I picked up a nice strong positive at 14 dpo with Ethan. So we shall see!

How was everyone's (in the STates) thanksgiving? We had a lovely visit with all of hubby's side of the family, many of them that we have not seen in years. They all LOVED getting to see Ethan. But my MIL (God bless her) literally scheduled us a social engagmenet for every day we stayed with her (so five in a row!) and we ALL came home completely exhausted! I told my husband, next time we've got to gently tell her that was too much, and maybe 3 engagements in 5 days would be MORE than enough!

okay, gotta run for now but hugs and love to ALL! :hugs:
Hi ladies,

Chris, yup...quite the growth spurt. I had to double check to make sure it was right. I made her take her to the scale and measuring area she had originally been on to double check. The family kept tell us she was long over the weekend. They noticed because my side of the family is all short. :lol: I knew she would take after Daddy.

Angela, I'm a worrier too exactly like you. Detailed, controlling the schedules/environment and a very anxious person when things are out of place or I'm not in control for some reason or another. Amelia has kinda helped with that issue as we've been late for EVERYTHING and have had to reschedule things or not go at all. In fact, we haven't been to church in weeks because this bf'ing schedule every few hours has made it basically hard to travel. Even to my parents we get up, I bf'd Amelia, get us dressed, eat, make it in the car and by our destination she needs to eat again, I'll try to get errands done and I'll find time to eat a few minutes before her feeding but shove it in. :rofl:

I've tried shopping and there's only one bf'ing place and it was out of order. :wacko: so I had to bf'd in the car. I'm not quite the bf'er in public yet. Not ready other than bru and the car or my parents private room.

I want to try for another one too. Angela, how many months post are you that your tww?? A friend of ours got pregnant 5 months after her c-section with one of her pregnancies. I'm not trying for that at all, but I plan to stop the condoms around that time and we'll leave it in Gods hands. With PCOS and not getting an actual period on my own, I highly doubt with bf'ing I'll get pregnant....but then watch it happen! :wacko: :lol:

:hug: to you all!
Hi, just popping in to check on everyone. :flower:

We are well just not getting much sleep, and probably won't for a while. Sleep clinic said that Cal's reflux is the problem and no matter how much you medicate, change diet etc, there will always be days when he is so uncomfortable it wakes him. :dohh: Nevermind, sleep is overrated anyway and I seem to be functioning ok without it. We are out and about a lot now with 2 different coffee groups each week, visits to my psychologist, my mum, dad and stepmum, groceries, the mall, visiting friends, going out to dinner with baby. Have had lots of visitors and can now say confidently that a lot of people have seen my boobs!!!! I have BF'd in parks, walkways, cafe's and my car too MA!!
Not sure when I will wean, I was going to do 6 months, but that is coming up so soon I think I may try for longer and see how long we can manage it.

Chris I totally understand the BF/formula conundrum and the only reason I am still feeding now is because everyone told me to give up when it wasn't working and I was still in the hospital and very depressed. I am naturally stubborn so as soon as someone said you can't do this anymore, I said, watch me. Otherwise I would have gone to straight to formula. It is so much easier in many ways, for going out and leaving bubs with a sitter, having hubby feed if you are tired. Just think of all the sleep you will get!!!!

Love to all, off to pump, going out tomorrow and Cal is staying with the grandparents.
Viv, Chris, MA - so glad all is going well with the new babies & they are growing well. I am so interested in the b'BDing/formula feeding discussion as well as well when to move to solids, sleeping, growth spurts, and getting out of the house advice.

Congrats on getting back to TTC! I hope that little Ethan has a little baby brother or sister this time next year! Let us know when you test!

Nothing much to report. Same stuff. Planning to leave work at the end of the year whether the babies are here or not, but struggling to get there even with my modified work schedule. The nursery is pretty much done & we just have a few more house projects. At my urging, DH is going out for a holiday happy hour with friends tonight, but I am staying in & conserving energy but I do plan to get my holiday cards out. Really, work & weekly doctor.appt are about all I can manage. They are closely monitoring the babies' weights & despite me gaining almost 35 lbs already, they want me to eat more & move less so I don't burn so many calories. After years of doing the opposite to stay fit, you'd think this free pass would be more enjoyable but it stresses me out. Liam is only 2 lbs 8 oz & Lily 2 lbs 12 oz. so they are pretty small and if I don't plump them up, they will put me on strict bedrest early. Financially that would be tough for us since I wouldn't get any of my disability pay & I don't have enough leave to fully cover 12 weeks without it. Please pray I make it to Jan.1st!!! With no Christmas decorations at the house to speak of this year and me declining holiday social events, I need to muster up more of my own cheer. ;)

Hope I learn some of that go with the flow attitude you are mastering. ;)

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Hello - have posted this elsewhere but thougt I'd pop over and tell my fav mummies/mummies to be about it - I think it's really cute!!

Angela - my fingers are crossed for you!! Are you testing today, or waiting 'til 14 dpo like you did with Ethan? Good luck!! I'm so excited for you - it makes me wish we would have started with the whole kid thing earlier. Guess I'll have to live vicariously through you ladies!

Lava - hang in there! I can't imagine how overwhelming it must all be, but I have faith that you'll be able to make it to the end of the year. :flower:

Viv - holy smokes are you busy! I'm impressed! I barely even get out of the house anymore, and here you are with a totally busy social life! I must admit I'm a bit jealous... I guess I'm just having a hard time mustering up any kind of enthusiasm while I'm still in my maternity clothes because I still can't get into my normal clothes. :cry: I'm hoping to change that in the next few months - we'll see.

Not much going on with me. My car died on Thanksgiving night on the way home from my parents house, so we're getting a new one tomorrow. Which is fine because I was due for one anyway. But still - nothing like shelling out twenty grand with one less income and one new baby in the house... :dohh:

Have a good weekend ladies!!
Hi ladies! My name is Teri and I'm 36 and pregnant with my first! My hubby and I have been trying for over 17 months so this LO is so very very welcome! I'm currently 4 weeks and 3 days and in theory I'm due August 3rd but that's up for some debate. I'm just pretty positive that August will be the month. lol No idea on whether it's a boy or girl yet ofc, but I'm excited that I'll be doing quant blood tests every week to check on my hCG progress! I believe they said at 7 or 8 weeks they'd be doing a sonogram as well. I'm not sure beyond that.

So glad you came over to the graduates thread, Dodger! Welcome. I'm so excited for you!!!

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