35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

I am so glad that you had an uneventful 1st trimester. Those are the best kind! I had some nausea, but Angela from this Board told me about the prescription, Zofran, and it gave me complete relief so I was really lucky. Other than a little scare at the very beginning of my pregnancy, everything has been going great. No complications so far, just the regular discomforts that carrying twins brings in the last trimester, but it will all be worth for healthy babies. Getting to 21 weeks is a great milestone and it's the fun time too when you have the energy to plan and shop for your little one's arrival!!! So excited for you.

Titi & Dodger,
How cool that your due dates are so close together! Y'all can be bump buddies! woo hoo!

I'm glad that you were able to switch doctors and I hope that you will feel comfortable with the new one. I can't believe that you are 18 weeks almost! Has time been flying by for you or dragging? I'm always curious if one feels like it is slow-going or a speedy blur for other people. I felt like the first trimester and now these final weeks are going really slowly, but from 12 weeks to 28, it just sped by. I love the name Zara! That is so feminine and very unique. Grace is a lovely middle name ... that is on our list to go with Lillian, but we are really struggling to settle on a middle name and have a handful that we are considering. I'll pick one which my DH vetoes and vice versa! We are going to name our boy is William Alexander but we will call him Liam. I really like those two for your boy or the two others you mentioned, Oscar or Charlie. Oscar is unique! What names has your husband come up with? I really love all of the names that the girls on this board have picked out so far, very classy choices!!! Have a great retreat with all that yummy food!

Thanks for asking about my stress-test. It was done in a regular Labor & Delivery post-partum room at the hospital where we plan to deliver. I really liked all the nurses and our doctor came over to check on me, which was very nice. Unfortunately, we were there from 9 am to 12:30 pm. It took them an hour to find our two squirmy babies and pin them done on the monitor and then another 2+hours to complete the test because Baby B (Liam) wouldn't stay put unless my DH stood next to the bed and held down the plastic monitor piece with his finger- we started calling him "Jack Bauer" from the TV show "24" because Liam would "go off the grid". He'd move and we'd have to start over. At one point, he must have just taken a nap and wasn't moving at all. Finally they brought me lunch and then he started behaving. Baby A (Lily) cooperated the entire time. Guess this is just foreshadowing of what we have to look forward to. :) All in all, it went fine, but I have to do this every other week in the hospital, and the alternating weeks we will do a biophysical profile at the maternal fetal specialists office (which is the NST with a sonogram). All on top of weekly OB visits so lots of doctor's appt. I am happy about being so well-monitored though.

I think that you texted me about the NST, but I couldn't read it b/c my cell started acting up yesterday morning and we had to take it to Verizon after our appt. They fixed my phone but lost my account history! I'm so sorry your message was deleted!

Hi MrsMuffet,
Love that Katelyn is going to be eating Turkey and Green beans for her holiday meal!!! Very grown up!

New mommies... I hope to see some pictures of the babies dressed up for Christmas!!! I'm going to try to post some pics of the nursery tomorrow if I have time.

Soon to be mommies ... I'm so excited that we've got some more ladies on here to share their pregnancies with us! :) Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hey Laura, yes I did try to text but no worries! I just wanted to tell you not to stress (ha!) about the non stress test, and I figured you would get the text faster than you would be able to check here. So glad it all went well! I had one toward the end of my pgcy and it scared me to death at first when Ethan would slip off the monitor. They did not warn me at first that that can happen and I was like, what happened to his heartbeat!? :dohh: so scary. Once I understood I was able to relax a little.

I am glad they are monitoring you so closely! :hugs:
Hey Lava so glad that the test at hospital went well, this is something that I have never heard so good to be aware.

I still can't believe that I am nearly 18 weeks, it has gone really fast for me, I have 2 weeks till my next scan and then a just over another week until I head back to London for 8 days to see my Mum and do some shopping for baby. London has so much more choice than Bahrain and far cheaper too. Because I am no longer a UK resident I can claim my 20% VAT back on all shopping so really makes it worth while. Really looking forward to seeing everyone but must admit a little worried about how cold it will be as I do not have many warm clothes that fit me and absolutely no coat at all and seems a little stupid to buy one just for 8 days wear.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend I am relaxing this morning whilst DH moves the bedroom furniture from what will be the nursery into the other guest bedroom as we sold one set in readiness for the nursery. We are then going out to buy paint as we have chosen the colour and DH wants to do it all before we travel reckons it is good to have done by the time I am 6 months so that I can then relax for the remainder of the pregnancy. Must admit I am super excited for it all to be done as love the design.

Take care all and catch up later x x
Carole' I am so glad to see you back here, and so happy things are going so well for you! :cloud9: decorating the nursery is so much fun and really makes the whole thing seem so much more real! And good for you for wanting it done by six months. In retrospect I definitely should have planned to finish a LOT earlier with my nursery! :dohh: hope you recover quickly from your cold and infection. We've been down this whole week with a miserable cold. Ethan got it first, gave it to me, and now hubby has it. Oh, joy! And I am so glad you got to switch doctors. Feeling confident in the care you are getting is so important every step of the way! Ps I love the name Zara! Beautiful! :hugs:

STeph I hope Katelyn likes turkey better than Ethan :rofl: he will eat it with a lot of coaxing but I have to mix it with fruit or veggies. :haha: he doesn't like any of the meats! I think it is the texture, not the taste.

Hugs to all! svet, Skye (how are you sweetie?), bek (sent you a pm, let me know if you did not get it!) sunshine, Laura, Anna - where are you lady? Please check in when you can! - junebug, terri, nmg, rowan, ceedee, all our new girls, and anyone I didn't mention by name! Got to run feed Ethan but more update from here later!

Love to all!:hugs:
Okay ladies it's getting TOO quiet in here lol! Are we all just as crazy busy as me!? Hope everyone is well!
Hey Angela,

Yeah...it is waaaaay quite in here. I am really busy trying to get all my Christmas stuff finished by the end of this week as I go to Colorado next Tuesday. Almost done with my projects/Christmas presents.

Been lurking a bit. Glad everyone is doing ok and tests are going well. Hope all the new mommies are getting into a good rhythm with your babies. Hope all the pregnant moms are getting some sleep and good rest/relaxation!!!!

Steph I can completely understand. We were all down last week with a nasty cold so I got zero done. We just got our tree up and house decorated this weekend! Cards go out this week hopefully then I can just relax and focus on picking up the last couple gifts we need and enjoying the season.

Hope you have a super productive week!

Hugs to all! Everyone check in when you can!
Hi ladies!

It's been awhile. We've had issues with what we now know is acid reflux. Amelia is calming down since the meds. She's a whole new little one and now we have a cold. :wacko: We're working on getting the breastmilk supply back up since we've been opting out of some feedings because they kept saying it was the breastmilk when in actuality it doesn't matter if it's breast milk or formula so now I'm back on breast milk and supplementing with the AR formula until the supply comes back. She STILL has issues latching to my nipple. just with being plus size there seems to be so much areola to take in she has a hard time. The quick let down makes her frustrated so she takes the shield and sucks it through at HER pace. Hopefully this will get better with time. Either way I'm giving it a few more weeks before I up and go to formula full time. I'm not apposed to it at all.

It's been busy around here as I'm sure it's been there. Anyone take pics with Santa? We haven't yet but we're hoping to. We've been at my parents A LOT. I can't BELIEVE how awesome my parents are. Totally different. It's honestly amazing.

Love to you all.

p.s Welcome to all the newbies. What a praise report this is to have MORE!! :happydance: Congrats ladies!! :hug:
Morning Ladies,

It seems everyone is getting so busy with Christmas preparations, we celebrate it here in Bahrain with friends but normally go to a 5 star hotel for one of their champagne brunches. Only this year I am the designated driver :haha: Don't mind though as I get to eat soo much goregous food and there is such a great atmosphere with all the expats gathering together. At work all my muslim friends want to join in so I have organised a separate dinner for us at the golf club with no alcohol and a secret santa as they love the idea of Christmas.

I am due to fly home on Jan 5th for 8 days to see my Mum so we will have a get together then and lots of baby shopping in the sales in London.

Steph Colarado sound perfect at Christmas, enjoy with your LO:hugs:

Rebekah glad to hear that things are getting better for you and Amelia with the reflux issue. I am sure her feeding will improve if not formula is perfectly fine, I for one was brought up on it as my Mum did not breastfeed at all and I am a very healthy person indeed. Hope to see some pics of Amelia with Santa soon :hugs:

Take care ladies and hope to stop by later after work :hugs:
Just stopped in say a quick hello ladies! I see everyone is busy, busy. I'm still busy trying to cook this LO! :baby:

Carole - congrats on 18 weeks!!! So excited for you.

Hope you all have a great day!
I wrote out a long post to everyone & lost it!! Aargg.

Anyway, glad to hear everyone is doing well & busy getting ready for the holidays.

We passed our NST test & biometric screening. Liam is not growing as well as Lily & there is about a 20% discrepancy in weight (Liam is an oz shy of 3 lbs, Lily is 3 lbs 11 oz) so they are monitoring me closely and if he doesn't catch up the specialist will recommend that we take both babies at 36 weeks so Liam can grow better outside the womb. I have mixed emotions about that. It's still a month away and that will almost be full term for twins but it will mean time in the NICU. Also, Liam is still breech so it will likely be a c-section. I need to get my head around being unable to have much say in how this labor & delivery will go down and also brace myself that I may be coming home from the hospital without one or both babies. I'm sure they will be in great hands with the neonatal nurses, but still ... The good thing is that I'm feeling more confident about getting to at least Jan. without being placed on full bedrest or hospital bedrest. That will translate to more paid time off with the babies when they come. ;.)

Hey NMG,
How are you doing? Still lurking?
Laura...you will deal with it the way you always do..with dignity, strength and love :hugs:

Stop being harsh on yourself and at times like these, you just focus on what is best for your beautiful babies :hugs:

Omigod Never you're pregnant again?!? :yipee: Aw Hon please I pray for you a healthy and happy nine months!!!! Stick baby stick!! :dust:

Lava you're going to be awesome. When it comes to labour and delivery... the best laid plans :shrug:

Sorry for the short post. On my phone nursing Sophie to bed in the dark. Btw she full on laughed yesterday for the first time! Massive case of the baby giggles. :cloud9: it was spurred on by me picking her nose while in the bath. :rofl: She did it again tonight when I was kissing her belly. Love!!
Svet...yes I know, early days and all that and my wonderful whatever attitude will get me through...wish I wasn't so impatient testing early but knew I was :wacko:

CONGRATS NEVER!!!!! YAY! I too am praying for your sticky bean!

Kinda reading and running as I am still at work and need to get home. Finished my calendars for the family and ordered them in the nick of time as it was buy 1 and get 2 free on Snapfish and the deal ended TODAY!

GOing to take photos with Santa while in CO so my parents can attend. My mom was soooo happy.

Laura - I think there are a lot of us here who had c-sections so if you have any questions, please fire away! Also, Katelyn was in the NICU for 6 weeks so again, any questions shoot! 36 weeks is GREAT even for single baby. I believe 37 weeks is considered full term so you are gravy!

Ok gotta run...in all this Christmas madness is my Husband's birthday! I still need to get cards, gift, etc.

I'll try to post tomorrow.

Laura, my niece was a singleton born at 36 weeks (my sister went into preterm labor at 26 weeks and spent the next 10 weeks on bedrest in the hospital :wacko: ), and she only had to spend one week in NICU. On top of that, before delivery the drs were preparing my sis and BIL for her to weigh no more than 4 lbs, but she came out at 5 lbs 10 oz, so remember, those weights from the scans are just an educated guess - they might still take them early for it, but Liam might prove to be bigger and stronger than anyone expects. :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Angela I think I remember you talking about the fisher price laugh and learn Kitchen. Not sure if you got it already but Amazon has it on sale and it has free shipping.
Thank you so much ladies for the encouragement about the weights, possible early c-section & NICU, especially MrsMuffet & HA. A neighbor with twins called me tonight and had the same issue - interuterine growth restriction - with one of her boys. At 34 weeks at a specialist appt. they told her the babies had to come the next day & they spent a few weeks at the hospital, but she assured me that everything would be fine if I can hold out a few weeks longer. I just saw her boys at Thanksgiving & they are robust 2 year olds so I am keeping that image in my head. I've also heard that the u/s only can give an estimate as to weight so again. Just taking it day by day at this point. I know I have been struggling to reduce my activity & rest at home unless I have a Dr appt or am in the office (now only for about 10 hours/week), but I was thinking about others who were on bedrest (especially MA). It is harder than I realized. I have lots of respect for ladies that deal with pregnancy complications & restrictions. But, I can do this if I have to. Thanks again for the support!!!
Oh and Chris ... your post re: Sophie giggling made me laugh & get teary eyed all at the same time ... so sweet.

Angela ... glad you & your family have knocked out those colds.

Skye .... hope you do the same too.

Never ... so good to see you on here. Love those tickers! Come on Oopsie ... we are rooting for you!

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