35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

Congrats on the girl Carole!! Zara Grace is a beautiful name.
Congratulations Carole! I think Zara Grace is a lovely name and I'm so excited for you guys! Have a safe trip to London and check in when you can! :hugs:
Congrats carole. Zara Grace is a very beautifully unique name! It'll fit her well.
Thanks Ladies I am even more excited now than I was before, it is great to know what thr sex is as I am super organised and like to buy things in readiness etc. I received a whole load of vouchers for baby stores this year so will be hitting the shops for all things pink very soon.
HI ladies and Merry Xmas.

Sorry have been MIA for a while but have been so busy!!! Spent 4 days with the inlaws and my BIL and his girlfriend sprung a surprise wedding on the family Xmas eve!!!!!! We flew home Xmas day to be with my mum and spent Boxing day with my dad, and the day after that with friends. Cal actually flies quite well, no crying and did some sleeping.

Cal never sleeps during the day so I have to entertain him all day, it's really tiring and sometimes to be frank, a little boring!!!

Congrats Carole!!!!:happydance: and a girl too.

MA, we have such issues with Cal and silent reflux too. Luckily he tolerates the BM ok and is always keen for a feed. I am getting really good at flopping them out anywhere anytime. We have also started him on solids. He has one meal a day at the moment of baby rice and banana and he has tried avocado and liked that too.

Waiting for the next milestone now. I am too impatient!! :dohh: He has smiled at week 6, giggled and chuckled from 4 months, grabs everything now and pops it in his mouth (his favourite is a coffee mug when you are drinking or the spoon when you are trying to feed him) blows raspberries and has found his feet. So I'm like, what's next, rolling properly, sitting up c'mon little guy impress me!!!!

Hopefully we can all chat more after the silly season. If anyone wants to add me on facebook, just look up Vivienne Wood, Christchurch, should pop up!

Happy New Year :happydance:

PS: Cal is nearly 68cm long, I think I am going to have a tall lad!!
Hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is looking forward to ringing in the new year. I know I am.

Cal is doing so well! I understand what you mean about having to entertain him all day! It does sound exhausting, but I bet looking back the time with him during this stage will feel like it just flew by.

Thank you for the card. You have such a beautiful family! Sounds like you all enjoyed the holiday and are finally getting over the colds that have been plaguing you, your DH, & Ethan. I have been having a hard time getting any sleep at night. I am worried about insomnia on top of just limited sleep time when the twins are born, even with a night nurse here. I have taken a Benedryl with my doctor's permission on occasion but don't want to make a habit of it. It is amazing the difference in mood rhe day after a decent night's rest.

So glad to read your update! I hope you are managing the pain well & monitoring your heart condition. I know you are relieved that Poppy is developing well with no issues. When is your next ultrasound?

Hey Carole,
Love the name Zara Grace. So pretty!

Getting all ready for your little girl's arrival?

How are all the new mamma's doing?

How are you hanging in?

How has the transition from breast to bottle been going for Amelia?

I am working from home today, but then am on maternity leave. Dr. wants me on modified home bed rest until the babies arrive. I got everything wrapped up yesterday at the office. Met with my HR Director to discuss my leave. Turned in my Status Reports, completed my timesheet, changed my VM & email messages to say I'll be out until April 1st. It is surreal. Outside of 2 weeks I took for my wedding/honeymoon, I haven't been away from work for such an extended period of time since 1999. ;)

My OB & specialist are still monitoring the babies' weights closely. I have weekly u/s, biophysical profiles, and twice weekly non-stress tests in addition to my regular weekly OB appt. Lots of doctor's visits. I am so thankful for good health care & insurance. Lily is on track, but Liam is still only in the 19th%. He did grow some in the last 2 weeks and isn't in distress so they will probably keep them cooking for another 2-3 weeks unless I go into labor on my own or another issue develops. That put my delivery date to about Jan.16th or 18th. I am so uncomfortable that I am glad I may not have to go further than 37 weeks, but I know that this is temporary & we just want healthy babies.

Roll on 2012! I just want to thank everyone for the support they've given me this.year. I am so happy to have met a group of such wonderful women. Happy New Year! L
AFM went for my 20 week scan today, the joy of living in a Muslim country nothing stops for Christmas or Boxing Day, and everything is all good and we are having a girl YAY. So excited and Mum over the moon as she has 2 grandsons so really wanted a little girl. So Zara Grace it will be and can't wait to meet her in May.

YAY! Team pink!! Congrats Carole - you must be so excited! I love the name Zara Grace, it's so pretty:hugs:

How is everyone doing? Can you guys believe that we are nearly in 2012? 2011 really flew by! I am so excited for the new year....I just need to stop eating. I have gained 40lbs and this morning I ate 2 bagels for breakfast. :dohh:LOL

I am going through phases with my eating since I entered the third trimester. Some days I have zero appetite, others I can eat a horse!

So next week we have another ultrasound to see what's going on with my fibroid and to check on baby. I had another episode of fibroid pain 2 days ago which was awful, but the pain wasn't as bad as the first time around, thank goodness.

Not too long to go now! The nursery is coming along nicely...will post pics once it is finished! Baby is kicking and squirming about in there, which is the best feeling in the world to me! I am so going to miss being pregnant when she is born!! I absolutely love being pregnant:happydance:

Wishing you lovely ladies a very happy new year!! Here's to a healthy, happy and prosperous new year for us all!:hugs::hug::friends:
:hugs:Hey Ladies

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the year ahead. DH got us tickets to a trendy sushi restaurant/bar which is really cool but to be honest I will struggle to stay up til past midnight as I am in bed earlier these days hahaha.

Jules so sorry that the fibroid is giving you problems again but hand on in there not that much longer to go and it will all be so worth it:hugs:

Lava I can't believe how quickly your pregnancy seems to have gone, it might not feel the same for you, and so glad that you will be on maternity leave real soon so you can take it easy before the twins arrive :hugs:

Viviene it sounds like Cal is coming on in leaps and bounds which is great to hear :hugs:

Skye hope you are well honey and that you have had a great Christmas :hugs:

To everyone else I hope all is well with you and your gorgeous bubba's. I am now on countdown to flying home on Thursday to see my Mum and shop for baby stuff, have ordered loads of things already online in the sales to save time trawling Oxford Street. The one thing I can't buy online is bras as they don't stock any in my size here in Bahrain, I am a little scared of just how big they are gonna get to be honest as have gone up 2 cup sizes already to G, can anyone tell me how much bigger they get by the time baby arrives? Need to guess and buy bras as this will be my last trip home before I deliver in May.

Take care all and catch up soon :hugs:
Hi everyone!

Happy New Year to you all. Having had you all here for me in my journey has been a God-send and I'm so pleased and honored to count you all as friends.

Charlie and I just got back from our 2-day "babymoon". It was heavenly. It was at a chic boutique hotel about an hour from home that we received as a wedding gift (almost one year ago!). Complimentary hot breakfast and slow walks around the pretty city before coming back and totally relaxing in the afternoons. Even had a working fireplace in the room, so it was a heavenly, romantic way to have some quiet time together before poppy comes and quiet time is hard to come by. :) We found a fantastic bakery that we loaded up on cupcakes for home. All in all, a wonderfully restful time.

The cough I had got worse but it is not an infection. They put me on an inhaler and told me the cough will last for a few weeks. I also am very hoarse but we still managed to go away as I don't think I will be venturing out much anymore. The coughing is giving me some cramps and it's hard to breathe and move around much. Poppy also likes to settle on one side of my belly when I'm lying down so you see a very lopsided belly! :haha:

I have another ultrasound on Jan 11th to check the progress. So far she's thinking of scheduling the c-section on Wed, Feb 15th or Fri, Feb 17th. But she said depending on how I progress that may not wait for the 39th week (I really am terrified of going into labor first and having the section an emergency, but I'm trusting they know what is best. The joint pains are getting worse despite my constant resting, but I'm taking it one day at a time and lots of ice and tylenol.

Lava - so glad you made it to your timeline for maternity leave! :happydance: And as Jan 16th is my wedding anniversary, I think that is a Wonderful day to have your babies!!!! :hugs::hugs:

Carole - keep eating to plump up that baby! :flower: What a beautiful name you picked!

Jules - :hugs: to you about the fibroids.

All the mommies - I hope these holidays were extra special with your blessed bundles of joy.

And to all the rest of the mommies-to-be - we are almost there! Who is next up to deliver? Is it Lava? If so, then yikes, I'm right after!

Back to vegging on the couch watching a marathon of the Twilight Zone. Then off to Church, pick up the chinese food for dinner, then relaxing again staying up as late we can! I bought some sparkling raspberry grape juice to have instead of champagne. :thumbup: Have a happy and healthy New Year to all!

:hugs: Beth
Hi ladies! Happy New Year!! :hug:

Beth, sounds like a lovely babymoon. We didn't go on one so hearing yours sounds just wonderful. So glad you had the opportunity to go.

We enjoyed the holidays. Amelia slept through most of it though so no pics of her opening anything. I'm assuming next year she'll be more alert and fun! She is playing with her toys when she's up. I'm finding she starts getting more alert around 10pm until her last feeding at 4am. I'm exhausted and it's starting to show because I've almost caught the house of fire twice. Just yesterday I put turnips and potatoes in the steamer, turned on the stovetop and a half hour later remembered I had no water in it when I started smelling stuff. I thought we were only supposed to be absent-minded in pregnancy?? I'm loopy lately!! :wacko:

How is everyone doing?
Happy new year to all!

Bek, don't feel badly about the absentminded-ness. It goes with the sleep deprivation and will get better!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season! For all the mommies, let's all post some pictures of these babies over the holidays. Would love to see everyone and babies!

I will do so too as soon as I get to my desktop. Gotta run an errand before dinner but will try to post some pics this evening!

Hope all our mommies-to-be are feeling well. Can't wait to see this next group of little ones born! I think we have several coming up soon, right? lava, NMG, Skye...then in just a few more weeks/months it will be Jules, June bug, Carole...:happydance: I get so happy thinking of all these new babies to come!

Hugs and love to all and I hope we can get back to our usual chatty selves now that the holidays are over :rofl:
Okay girls, I found a couple Christmas pics to add! Here's my little guy. I only wrapped - don't laugh! - one present for him; the rest I left unwrapped this year, since he's not really able to understand what's going on quite yet. But he enjoyed unwrapping the one, and has loved playing with all of them!



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Oh Angela he's so cute! I love the one on the bike. He looks so proud!!!

Happy New Year girls! On my phone so just a quickie xo
Happy New Year ladies!! I hope everyone had a nice new year's eve celebration? I spent mine on the couch with my lovey hubby - he had some champagne and I had some apple juice and we watched the Twilight Zone marathon on TV LOL! It was a lot of fun actually :thumbup:

So I go for an ultrasound tomorrow to see what my fibroid is looking like. I get pains now and again, but (touch wood) I have been able to control them with Tylenol and my heating pad. I had to break down and take more Demerol about a week ago, but hopefully I won't need to do that again.

I'm getting quite a few Braxton Hicks contractions though! They don't hurt at all, so I assume all is a-okay.

Angela - Ethan is SO CUTE! I like to call him Mr. Dimples! He is always smiling and he makes me smile every time I see his adorable little face:flower:

How is everyone else doing? :flower:
Jules, hopefully that fibroid will continue NOT being an issue. :winkwink:

Angela, he's ADORABLE! I didn't wrap at all either. She slept the whole time at EVERYONE'S house so she really wasn't all that alert. I'm assuming she'll enjoy next year a whole lot more. We bought tons of books, blocks, retro toys, bumbo table, bottle nipples, sippy cups, boogie wipes, socks, etc. She got a whole lot from gramma and grampa and my cousin bought her a little einstein music turtle which has been AWESOME!



Baby Bear with Paternal Gramma

baby bear with her pooh bear jammies on and her stuffed pooh bear from Great Aunt Rorie.lol

baby bear AMAZED by her new little einstein musical turtle.

another toy Great Aunt Rorie bought for Amelia (she spoils baby bear).
Hi All,

Happy New Year!!!! We are now back from Colorado. Both Katelyn and I got a cold almost the minute we landed!

Rebekah and Angela I love the PHOTOS!!! Amelia and Ethan are adorable and are getting so big!!! Also, I am still forgetful...so pregnancy memory never really goes away LOL.

Beth - Glad you and the hubby had a nice babymon. It is important to get that quality time in with the hubby before baby.

Carole- Congrats on a girl and the name you chose is beautiful!

Viv- good to hear from you!!! Looking forward to seeing pics of Cal! It is cool when they start to eat solids huh? Also, I tried to find you on FB, but when I put in what you had I got some articles (there is a nice photo of you an Cal in there by the way :D

Laura - YAY maternity leave!!! It is a weird feeling to be out for so long. Since I was off during the summer, if felt like I was back in college and off for summer break...except I was TIRED and not because I was out partying LOL!

Jules - Let us know about your ultrasound and sorry that you are still having pain from your fibriods.

Chris#1 - Happy new year and let's see some photos of Sophie!!!:hugs:

Too all the new mommies, I hope that your Holiday and New Year with your new little one was magical and memory making. And to all soon to be mommies, I hope that you all had fantastic Holiday and New Year as well. :hugs::hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance:

I am posting some of Katelyn...I just realized we didn't take ANY pictures of her by the tree...:dohh: Don't know what we were thinking!

We were waiting for Santa and just when we were about to have our turn the computer that is used to store the photos broke down :growlmad:

Santa Baby.jpg
Computers back up (after waiting another 20 minutes in addition to the 1hr and 45 minutes already waited in line!) and off to see Santa!

After opening presents (we only wrapped two - the others from Santa were not wrapped LOL). She decided she wanted to play with them on my Mom's sofa.

Two days after Christmas and wearing the new snow suit and hat that Mommom and Poppop bought her (my parents).

Back in Cali where it was (still is) 82 degrees outside. We are having another Christmas morning for our family...my stepson didn't go with us to Colorado so we had to got to do opening Christmas presents twice :happydance:
Just popping over from the remedial group to say Dwrgi had a text from Skye today:

Skye's had little Shirin this afternoon at 3 pm! Mum and babs are doing well, although mummy is very tired!


PS - loving all the new pics, ladies!!

<retreating back into lurkdom>
Thanks for the infor Happy Auntie!!! Happy New Year!

YAY Skye!!!! Congratulations! It is a Happy New Year for you indeed!!!!
Yayyyyyyyyyy! Skye! Congrats and love!

HA thank you for letting us know!

Viv, I too tried to add you on Facebook but could not locate you. Send me a pm with your email if you like, and I will try looking you up that way.

Steph and Bek, love the photos! I can't believe how fast all these babies are growing up!

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