35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Morning Ladies!

time just flies by in this season....it's amazing that it's almost Christmas, New Years, my 1 year anniversary then baby due!!! wow!

Everything is just fine with me, not sure when i last posted, but here's the update:
fetal echo came out great, couldn't see the two major issues we went in for, but they are convinced poppy's heart is just fine. :happydance: Went to my own cardiologist and he says all is going great too.
We finished our childbirth classes - tons of fun and a great teacher: she made all the girls swaddle a doll and the guys diaper the doll......Charlie diapered the doll and lifted it up and the diaper fell off! :haha::haha: he got it the next time, so I'm not worried. :thumbup:
Poppy is kick the heck out of me lately and gets the hiccups almost every day! and boy, poppy does NOT like the hiccups! :haha: we had another scan at 29 weeks - it's so amazing the detail! I'm convinced it is a boy, the picture just looks like a boy! and I can see Charlie in that little face! Throughout the scan I think poppy was asleep and the hands were up covering the face....the tech tried for so long and finally poppy moved! She got the pic really quick, so we have the cute face! So far is 3lbs, 8 oz and going great......the arm just looks HUGE and I say no wonder why I feel so beat up! :haha:
I'm so tired lately but not sleeping....I spoke with the OB about not taking the prednisone and and gave me a prescription for tylenol with codeine that I take occasionally at night to help sleep....and I only wake up 4 times, not 7! oh well, I'm just preparing for when baby makes his or her debut!
The OB appts is down to every 2 weeks now, and she said they would schedule the c-section date in a few weeks and it would probably be around week 37 or 38. I'm terrified of going into labor first!
We just got back from our last trip to New York City......our very last trip will be to a bed and breakfast the week after Christmas as our last quiet time before baby....our babymoon....it's still in Massachusetts, just about an hour from home.
My mom is getting better about her attitude, or maybe I'm just not caring as much anymore :shrug:. What is the most sad to me is my closest sister doesn't even acknowledge the baby, never calls me, never asks me anything, even though I've told her about all upcoming tests and issues. On Thanksgiving, my other sisters that I haven't seen in awhile all came over to see "the pregnant one" :flower: and ask how things were....my sister was there too and never even mentioned it, nor spoke much with me at all. So I had said, hey you didn't call after the echo like you promised you would (the time when I was crying on the phone telling her I needed her support and she promised to call after that appt) and she said: "oh i forgot" and walked away. My mom heard it and said: well don't you want to know? and she said: I assumed it was fine as mom didn't tell me if there was a problem and I've been busy.
So while I've gained a baby, I think I've lost a sister. She has been off and cold with me since I got engaged and was very difficult during the wedding planning. Now with the baby, it's like she wants nothing to do with me, but expects to be the godmother. ugh. Enough of that!

ok, ridiculously long post, which tells me I need to post more. I'm so glad to see the moms are doing so well and the moms-to-be are hanging in there! And the new pg ladies! :happydance::happydance: so happy to have you here!

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I think of you all often and talk about you all from the lurking posts I read to Charlie......he's even got your names down now :hugs:

Hi Ladies,

Angela I think I remember you talking about the fisher price laugh and learn Kitchen. Not sure if you got it already but Amazon has it on sale and it has free shipping.

Thanks Rebekah! I am doing some shopping for Ethan right now, in fact, so I will check that out!

YAY Beth! My parents have changed with Amelia so lets pray that's what's happening with your mom too. :winkwink: Sad about your sister, but maybe she'll turn around seeing poppy. Love to you dear friend!

Twinks...not sure if your still lurking here hunny but we received your Christmas Card. :hugs: LOVE you my friend!!

Angela, it's so much fun shopping isn't it? We went to Barnes and Noble where they have retro toys we used to have as a kid. We purchased two of them and the girl at the counter said, "I used to have one as a baby". My husband said Oh?! "Yeah, but it was my MOM'S to begin with". BOY did that age us some. :rofl:

Well, Amelia's appointment was today. Turns out she couldn't get her other two injections today because she still has issues with a cold, and acid reflux. I also found out the reason they didn't give her AR is because the rice isn't broken down. Apparently Neutromogen is pre-digested helping her to easily digest the formula and the AR isn't because of the rice. She not only has AR but is lactose intollerant with latching issues that she said should have been cleared by now at almost 3 months. She said overall she's almost 3 months and they ask that babies get 3-4 months of bf'ing if they can. With pumping so I don't engorge, she'll get a full 3 months.

So, ((sigh)) Amelia is officially formula feeding.

She also gained 12 ounces between bf'ing and supplementing the past two weeks. She's just become a whole new baby. I'm at peace this is for the best. We tried, she's just having too many multiple issues causing her distress with bf'ing. Hopefully with the next one we'll get to bf'd full time.

We're going out for a ride tonight to look at all the Christmas lights. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also looking forward to a night of Ambien for my first night of total rest. Sanity is what this will bring I think. We have another appointment in two weeks to check to see how she's doing and with hopes to get her two injections she needed.
Hello ladies

I hope everyone is well?

As for me, I have had the week from hell. As some of you know, I have a rather large fibroid situated in the lower uterine segment. Last Saturday, in the middle of the night I got a severe pain in my left side. I took some Tylenol, went back to bed and it went away.

Sunday all day, I was fine. Then Sunday at 11:30pm it happened again, only much worse. I called my Dr who told me to go to the hospital, so I did. They thought it was a kidney stone (and the pain is very similar as I had a kidney stone when I was 18), but after a scan, it turns out my fibroid is degenerating, i.e losing blood supply and dying off, causing the pain.

The gave me morphine at the hospital and I slept, then got discharged at around 4pm the next day.

Unfortunately, it happened again on Monday night and once more, I had to go back to the hospital in the early hours of the morning. I was in so much pain, I was crying and it didn't help I had to wait an hour in the waiting room to be seen. My poor husband was losing his mind with worry next to me.

When they finally saw me, they gave me more morphine but the pain wouldn't go away. They gave me a sedative to knock me out but that wasn't helping the pain any. Finally they gave me demerol and that did the trick. My Dr. wanted me to stay overnight so I did and I was taking 100mg of demerol every 3 hours for the pain.

I was so scared it would harm my baby, but my Dr. said that not controlling the pain would lead to premature labor and that the Demerol would be ok. They discharged me from the hospital yesterday and I was given a prescription of demerol to take with me. I had to take it last night but I haven't needed to take it since 9:30am this morning and I haven't had any pain which is such a relief. I had forgotten what it felt like to feel normal and not in pain. I've never experienced pain like that in my life and I have a high pain tolerance level.

So that is my drama. Please keep your fingers crossed that tonight I experience no more pain - it usually acts up at night so I'm afraid to go to sleep. I'm praying the degeneration is over with and I can experience the rest of this pregnancy with no issues. Baby is kicking up a storm which is very reassuring.

Love to you all
Jules you poor thing! I am so sorry! Hopefully it is all over with and you won't have any more pain OR the fibroid!

Bek, I hope you get a good nights sleep! I will say, that makes a HUGE difference! And I am glad Amelia is doing well on the new regimen, though so sorry to hear about the lactose intolerance. Hopefully she will outgrow that.

Beth, LOVE the photos! Poppy is gorgeous!

Jules you poor thing! I am so sorry! Hopefully it is all over with and you won't have any more pain OR the fibroid!

Thanks Angela! I haven't had to take any pain meds (no pain!) since Thursday morning - I am so relieved! I also have my appetite back which is a blessing - I couldn't keep anything down for days.

Hope all is well with you and little Ethan! xo:hugs::hug:
Hello Ladies!!! I am so sorry to have been absent, but well,... I am sure you all understand. My lovely little babies are all doing so well and turned 4 mos yesterday! My time does fly...

All moms to be - Wishing happy and healthy babies for you and uncomplicated pregnancies!!!

Mommies - How on earth do you guys find the time to post on here? Kudos to you all!!!

I have missed chatting with you my friends and hope that I can check in from time to time. Christmas is crazy busy and I am so lucky to have my hubby home on sabbatical from now til the end of the year. I am returning to work part-time (Mon & Tues only), which is perfect! We are interviewing nannies... wow...

What a difference a year makes!! Last Christmas, I had a really hard time & you ladies really helped me through it. BIG HUGS!!!!!

Wishing everyone a fantastic holiday season!!
Oh my goodness!! ((BIG HUGE HUGS)) I've been thinking of you EVERYDAY! :hugs: So glad all is well and the girls look beautiful. I hope sometime after the holidays you'll come by again and share how the last few months have gone for you. I miss you SO MUCH!

Love to you and a Merry Christmas to everyone! :hug:
So wonderful to hear from you. I think about you and those beautiful girls all the time. Good luck with going back to work PT & the nanny search. We have just started that process.

So sorry to hear about your sister, but I hope that she will mend her ways when Poppy comes. Happy to see that the heart looks healthy. Enjoy the holidays.

So sorry to hear what you went through, but so glad that the pain has let up.

Don't worry about Amelia formula feeding. Sounds like the best plan for her right now. Enjoy looking at the Christmas lights.

Babies passed the NST with flying colors today and we have now met with all of the OB doctors in our practice but one. Although they seem a bit surprised I'm still working at all, they haven't forced me to go on strict bedrest yet. I am working half days Tues-Thursday this week & Wed & Fri next and that is it!!! I'm starting to feel more confident that I will make it til Jan.

Hope everyone is doing well. L
Hi Ladies,

quick question for you all tonight.....I've been not feeling well the past few days - stomach off and some nausea with zero appetite, some diarrhea, headache, feel like a mild cold coming on, but more worrisome is a pain that I'm feeling in the upper right hand section of my tummy - almost right under my right boob..... it's not exactly sharp and not exactly dull, but a constant ache that wont go away. I spent most of the day in bed reclining and resting but it's still there and wont go away. Anyone have that? Is it the baby jammed up below my ribs? (the baby is breech as of a week ago) If I still have this tomorrow I will call the OB, I was just wondering if this pain/ache was normal??

thanks all!
Hi Ladies,

quick question for you all tonight.....I've been not feeling well the past few days - stomach off and some nausea with zero appetite, some diarrhea, headache, feel like a mild cold coming on, but more worrisome is a pain that I'm feeling in the upper right hand section of my tummy - almost right under my right boob..... it's not exactly sharp and not exactly dull, but a constant ache that wont go away. I spent most of the day in bed reclining and resting but it's still there and wont go away. Anyone have that? Is it the baby jammed up below my ribs? (the baby is breech as of a week ago) If I still have this tomorrow I will call the OB, I was just wondering if this pain/ache was normal??

thanks all!

Hi Beth!

It's possible that what your feeling is different organs moving as baby moves. I know with Amelia breech I had all kinds of odd movements, aches, pains and such. Your right, if you still feel the pain, call and have it looked at!:hugs::flower:
Evening ladies, quick drop by to let you know I'm still around!

21 weeks tomorrow, 4 months to the day yesterday we'll meet our little guy :dance:

Bought Zoë's big girl furniture Saturday:
https://www.mhcfurniture.com/collections/tuscany.php, https://www.mhcfurniture.com/collections/tuscanyteen.php (double dresser with hutch, twin sleigh bed, toy chest and night table) in "Linen". Need to paint her big girl room (light turquoise and light green) and the furniture will be ready in 6-8 weeks (made right here in Toronto, we visited the factory, beautiful woodworking!).

Charmaine, great to read you, :hugs: to super mama!!! Your 3 girls are priceless!!!

Laura you're doing great! 32 weeks with twins and still working, go mama!!!
I have that pain too when Liam is shoved up against my ribs. It's sometimes a sharp pain, but then there's also a lingering feeling of my ribs being really bruised or sprained. It does go away when Liam gets off my rib. I have been able to get him to move by laying down, massaging him off of it, and even once I was desperate and shined a super bright flashlight at him. It sounds silly but it worked. Could be just luck though. ;) Call tour doc tomorrow to ease your mind if it hasn't gone away.

Love the nursery furniture. Some of our furniture is Ragazzi, which is a Canadian company & the workmanship on it is so impressive!! Can't believe only 4 more months until you, your DH & Zoelle get to meet you little one!
Hi Ladies!

Well, I'm feeling better now with that upper belly pain, but now have an ugly cough. But that's ok as it is not a productive cough and my lungs sounded clear.....just a cough!

I think the belly pain was indigestion. I was felling really full too and no appetite and after resting all day and still had it that night, I took a big dose of tums.....then after, um, releasing some major gas:blush: (charlie told me it was so loud and long that I woke up the neighbors! :blush:) I felt much better. Next day, the pain was gone in the AM and when it flared up, more tums and more relief. So I waited for the dr appt that I had today and mentioned it - and she said, yep, sounds like indigestion and to watch it and when the tums stop helping to call her.

Otherwise, the appointment went very well today, going back in 2 weeks and another ultrasound on Jan 11th.

She told me she would schedule the c-section for the 39th week....and possibly on either wed 15th or fri 17th.....so to think about it and we would decide in a few weeks. Kinda scary but in a good way!

I hope everyone is ready for Christmas! We are having a few guests on Christmas Eve then going to my mom's for dinner on the actual day.....luckily, I already made the manicotti and sauce yesterday so that is ready to pop in the oven Sat..... I do have to bake some desserts and make some cinnamon rolls but will do that on Sat am..... So excited for Christmas! I love to give more than receive so I am all excited to give Charlie his gifts....I even slipped in a few gifts to daddy from poppy. :winkwink: Someday soon I will post pictures of all the things I've been knitting....I have made so much since starting in Sept. I'm just now finishing up a cable knit hat for Charlie to complement the one I made for poppy.... Charlie's is in a solid gray, Poppy's is in a gray/white twist. They will look so cute when they go out together! :haha:

Thank you all for your messages and posts about the pain, you all comforted me. :hugs::hugs:

Hope all is well with everyone!

:hugs: beth
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all who are celebrating them, and happy holidays to all! :hugs:
A very Merry Christmas to all of you lovely ladies!! :hug:

I hope everyone is doing well? I had another fibroid degeneration episode last night (after being pain free for 5 days). The pain wasn't too bad this time, but still - not fun :nope: I've only taken Tylenol which has numbed the pain some - I hope it stays away! I have a big Christmas dinner to make!

Baby is doing well - kicking and squirming up a storm. We are SO excited to meet our little cherub in 2012!!

The nursery is almost finished - the painting is done and we're now just putting in the finishing touches. I will post pics when it's ready:happydance:

Love to you all!!
Merry Christmas ladies I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful day yesterday with your families and close friends. I ate far too much but loved every minute of it:haha:

Jules so sorry to hear about the pain coming back that totally sucks, hoping that it goes away for good soon:hugs:

To all of you who enjoyed your first Christmas with your little ones I can only imagine how magical it was.

AFM went for my 20 week scan today, the joy of living in a Muslim country nothing stops for Christmas or Boxing Day, and everything is all good and we are having a girl YAY. So excited and Mum over the moon as she has 2 grandsons so really wanted a little girl. So Zara Grace it will be and can't wait to meet her in May.

Wishing you all a peaceful and relaxing festive season, I am back to work tomorrow but we get New Years Day off and then I fly home to London on the 5th for 8 days to see my Mum.

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