35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls!

I need to catch up, but wanted to post some pictures of our 'Ella. We took her for her first ever photography shoot in NYC today. The photographer was amazing. I can't wait to see all of the shots, but she sent over a few preview shots today.

'Ella also had her 2nd appointment with the pediatrician today. She is up to 7lbs 2oz! She eats like a horse and is gaining weight nicely !:happydance:

Hope everyone is doing well? I will post more once I have caught up! Hugs to all! :hugs:


Hi girls -

I don't know how many of you lurk elsewhere these days (probably not much because I know you're almost all busy with your newborns now) so I wanted to let you know my first round of IVF was a success. We're nervous because I'm spotting continuously... official testing day was supposed to be Thursday but I started spotting on Monday. I assumed we were out and we cried a lot and talked a lot. I tested Tuesday morning so that I could get an official BFN and stop all the post-IVF hormone support, and much to my surprise it was positive. My first two betas look good but with my history, the spotting has us very anxious. Fortunately my clinic are very patient and understanding with neurotic recurrent miscarriers like me and they're willing to run betas every 48 hrs right up until my ultrasound if that's what I need to feel comfortable.

It's so early (and I've lost so many) that I feel a little fraudulent posting here, but I wanted to let you know.
Hi girls -

I don't know how many of you lurk elsewhere these days (probably not much because I know you're almost all busy with your newborns now) so I wanted to let you know my first round of IVF was a success. We're nervous because I'm spotting continuously... official testing day was supposed to be Thursday but I started spotting on Monday. I assumed we were out and we cried a lot and talked a lot. I tested Tuesday morning so that I could get an official BFN and stop all the post-IVF hormone support, and much to my surprise it was positive. My first two betas look good but with my history, the spotting has us very anxious. Fortunately my clinic are very patient and understanding with neurotic recurrent miscarriers like me and they're willing to run betas every 48 hrs right up until my ultrasound if that's what I need to feel comfortable.

It's so early (and I've lost so many) that I feel a little fraudulent posting here, but I wanted to let you know.

HA welcome to the Grads and it is the best feeling ever to have you with us:happydance:. This is such a lovely thread like the over 35 TTC#1 but things move at a slower pace here. I know this is a very exciting yet scary time for you but as I have posted on the other thread I have a feeling that this is your time. I guess we just get so used to our bodies letting us down that we are just too scared to believe in the miracle when it happens.

Hang in there and I am willing those betas to come back high again today :hugs:
:cry: Oh HappyAuntie. I'm so excited. :happydance: I'll pray for an overwhelming sense of peace for you as you wait. I remember all too well how neurotic I was not just in the beginning stages but through the whole thing. :wacko: I think I kept taking test after test after test until we waited for beta and sonogram. It was horrific.

I'm SO glad your Dr.'s office is so nice like that. Every office should be that way! You may post in here whenever you'd like dear friend! I'm so happy for you. It's been a rough road and I'll be waiting patiently for good news.

Congrats and many prayers for you dear friend. :hugs:
Jules, those pictures are gorgeous! The baby is such a little darlin.

We just booked for Amelia's 6mo. and for her birthday party in September already. :rofl: I'm an organized freak sometimes though you wouldn't really know it with how unorganized the house is now that we have a baby. Haha

Can't wait to see the others. They were very nicely done!
:happydance: oh HA massive :dust: your way fx'd!!!!! So excited for you! Stick baby stick!!!! :hugs:

Jules what gorgeous pictures!!! I really regret not doing newborn shots so we booked for next weekend with a photographer friend to mark Sophies six mo.

I'm such a lurker these days. I really need to do an update. Btw on Valentines Day Sophie cut her first tooth! Too cute xo

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Still trying to catch up in here :wacko:

HA...good to see you in here :hugs:

Nikki...I am feeling less sick this last couple of days although food aversions are still lurking. I still haven't told everyone...just family and close friends really. Not long till you are out of first tri.

Jules....:cloud9: those pictures made me :sad2: they are just too cute

MA...hope the house of your dreams is just around the corner so to speak...can't believe you are even starting on Amelia's birthday party already :shock: :rofl:

Steph...love the pics of Katelyn..hope things slow down a little soon

Svet...bless her cutting her first tooth on Valentine's day

Carole...the end is in sight hun and then the tiredness will be all so worth it

Rottpaw....good luck trying again..Ethan has grown so much already

Gosh I know I have missed so many ladies out...anyone hear from Lava...skye...pablo these days?

AFM..finally in second tri, hearing the HB on the doppler twice a day which has been a total sanity saver to be honest and hoping things begin to be more enjoyable and maybe even a little bit relaxed?????

Happy weekend :flower:

Jules - LOVE those 2 pics!

We just got some proofs of our photo session this morning and were just looking at them too! I am deciding on whether or not to get some big pics or do some birth announcements..... I will post a few later when I get a chance to download them.

But I had to say how adorable and Beautiful your Ella is! Not sure which is better, the angel face or the kicking back lounging one! You have such a beauty. :hugs:

we had a very looooooong night of gas pains and many poopy diapers. Poor guy is tuckered out and daddy is very frazzled. So I'm trying to keep everyone happy and quiet this morning, but the infection site is bleeding and oozing more and I'm trying to keep that from Charlie so not to stress him our more....The nurse said it is because I keep bending over to get Poppy.....ugh, but I Need to! He needs his mommy! Anyways, I'll be back on later.

Gentle hugs to all.....beth
I apparently posted prematurely... betas today are not good - mc #4.
Hi girls!

Thank you all for the kind words on my 'Ella's photographs. We had such fun at the session and the photographer is amazing. The mother of my Godson and I are going to do a joint shoot with 'Ella and my Godson Nicholas this summer in Central Park with her. :thumbup:

Beth - how are you feeling? A staph infection sounds awful. My best friend got a staph infection after he came back from Costa Rica with his girlfriend. He has had the most terrible time with it - it was in his back and he had two surgeries to remove infection debris from bone in his back, plus he is on anti biotics again.

From what I understand, Staph infections can be difficult to get rid of, so do rest up when you can. I hope you feel better very, very soon. I can't wait to see pictures of lil Poppy! I also wish you lived closer - Poppy and Gabby could have playdates!!:happydance:

Rebekah - any news on housing? I have faith that a beautiful house is going to show up for you soon - unfortunately you have to fumble through the weeds in order to find the pretty flowers sometimes, but it will happen!

How is the Vegan diet going? I went Vegan for a short while before I got pregnant as I read that a Vegan diet could help shrink fibroids. Unfortunately it didn't last, but I all but stopped eating red meat and ate a ton of fish and chicken. I also quit processed foods. I dropped 40lbs and got pregnant - but I was working out like a fiend too at the time. I do believe that the 'clean' diet I was on/weight loss helped me to conceive. I'm trying to get back on that clean eating bandwagon but it is oh so hard!! I just want to eat chocolate and chips LOL

I love that you are looking at organizing Amelia's birthday party LOL. I was looking at 1 year birthday cakes the other day and Gabs is only 2.5 weeks old! :rofl:

Angela - I believe your scrap-booking retreat is this weekend? You must let us know how it went - and how hubby made out looking after Ethan! A scrap-booking retreat sound like a lot of fun!:thumbup:

Nikki - great to see you! How are you feeling? Also happy early birthday! When is your birthday in March? I'm March 3rd! :flower:

NeverSaynever - congrats to you on your pregnancy also! Like you, the doppler saved my sanity! best $50 I ever spent!:hugs:

As for us - Gabby is doing so well at night! She slept 5 hours straight last night and after I fed her/changed her/cuddled her, she slept another 3 hours! I believe that this awesome swaddle blanket has a lot to do with it : https://www.miracleblanket.com/

I would previously swaddle her the old-fashioned way but she is so strong, she would break out of every swaddle. The Miracle Blanket keeps her snug and cozy and I think it is helping! Did I mention she is now a whopping 7lbs 2oz! I was so thrilled to hear she is up almost a pound since birth!

Breast feeding is not going great - my pediatrician told us to just keep doing what we are doing (breast and formula but mostly formula) because my milk seems to be diminishing. I'm trying not to feel guilty, but it's hard not to :cry:

We will be taking Gabby to Rhode Island for Easter - I am so excited! :happydance: I bought her THE cutest little Easter dress and yellow cardigan for Easter service at church in R.I. We will be meeting with a priest to organize her Christening in August, as she will be getting christened in R.I which is where hubby is from. Hubby was an altar boy at the church we will be baptizing Gabby :thumbup:

How is everyone else doing? I came to thinking the other day - wouldn't it be fun to have a little meet up one day? I know we are all so far away from each other, but maybe we could make it work when kiddies are older? A mama and baby get together!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! xoxo
I apparently posted prematurely... betas today are not good - mc #4.

Happy Auntie - I came in today to congratulate you on your pregnancy and then read your most recent update. I am truly heartbroken for you:cry::cry::cry:

I cannot begin to understand how you are feeling right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend :hugs:
I apparently posted prematurely... betas today are not good - mc #4.

Happy Auntie - I came in today to congratulate you on your pregnancy and then read your most recent update. I am truly heartbroken for you:cry::cry::cry:

I cannot begin to understand how you are feeling right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers, my friend :hugs:

I don't have the words. Jules said it best. I'm just so sad for you right now. :nope::cry::hugs:
HA - I'm so sorry, my friend. My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

quick update on my infection - today the visiting nurse told me the packing stuff (the wick they pack inside me) is looking green again, so it could be another infection. :( I really hope it is not, I see the dr on tuesday. I am back to my normal visiting nurse tomorrow, I hope she says things are not that bad.
Oh my goodness NMG!! What is going on?? Have they answered why your body is so slow to heal right now? It seems like your immune system is being challenged. I pray your infection starts to heal soon. :hugs:
Oh Beth I hope they get that infection under control soon for you my dear!

HA :hug: so so sorry to hear your news :cry:

MA, yikes your house hunting adventure sounds more like a nightmare! I really hope you find that little hidden gem soon my dear!

Angela how was your scrap-booking weekend?? I'm jealous :rofl: May be another year or so before I can leave DH alone with a toddler and a baby! How did DH fare with Ethan?

Jules, love love love Gabriella's pics! :cloud9: What a beautiful baby you have there!

Hello to everyone else, Steph, Chris, Chris2, Anna, Carole, and anyone I've forgotten to mention by name! :hug:

AFM, 31 weeks tomorrow, still a bit of SPD but on the whole doing better. A GF and I had our Buffalo shopping trip on Saturday and I bought tons of stuff that we need for big Z and little Z. The max for a less than 24 hours is $100. I declared $300 and we were given a yellow slip and told to pull over. I was terrified I'd be fined or jailed, since I had spent over $1000 :blush: (we'd been making a list of everything we need for months for a second baby and a growing toddler and not buying anything here, plus I got DH's graduation present, a Nook Tablet - We don't have B&N in Canada...). Turns out they weren't searching us, just wanted to see receipts and have us pay 5% tax on the amount we exceeded, phew! Paid $16... What a close call though :blush:

I'm tired, but no signs of early labour, which I'm worried about since it means DH may not even be in town when it happens... Fingers crossed I make it to the C-section date!
Hey Ladies,

Hope you are all having a good day.

Jules your photos are so amazing, Ella looks just perfect. I told DH that we have to find a good photographer when Zara is born as I want some creative pics to capture those precious times.

Angela hope the weekend was fun and you didn't worry too much about Ethan, must have been strange to be away from him.

Nikki and Never hope the pregnancy's are going well for you both and you are not too tired:hugs:

Beth OUCH to the infection that sounds really tough. I hope that things get better soon :hugs:

Junebug glad things are going well for you and the shopping trip sounds great although customs always scare me. I had way too much when coming back from London and just wrapped most of it so I could say it was presents from family hahaha. I didn't realise that we are only 2 weeks apart, I am 29 weeks today.

AFM I have now had my first meeting with our Doula and it was great, she gave me so much information just need to try and get DH to read it now hahaha. I have another scan on Thursday which I just love and these will be every 2 weeks now. Then we have a birthing workshop on Friday morning. I can't believe that my due date is 11 weeks away, I am so excited now.

Take care all and hope to catch up with all your news soon :hugs:
Ok quick pop in to say hi and catch up. This will be brief but bear with me.

Ma, good luck on the house hunt!! Be patient and I'm sure something will come up. Be vigilant as people are dishonest unfortunately and inspectors can be be crap. Have you ever watched The Holmes Inspection on HGTV???

HA I am truly heart broken for you!!! Many hugs me!!

Carol, I hit a wall in third trimester re: energy. Hanng in there but don't push yourself.

Cj, hope you are feeling better.

Beth, how's poppy ??? I love the nick name!!! How are you?? If you or anyone needs help on gass or fussiness I feel as if I could write a book. Just ask.

Animal, beautiful photos!!!! She is so sweet!!! I too miss being pregnant. Am trying to work up the nerve to talk to DH about it. Good luck!

Never, hang in there girl it will get better.

Rottpaw, how are you???

Svet, my bump buddy how are things???

Steph, how are you??

Afm, Jo was really sick last week with RSV. It's a respitory infection that at our altitude affects a baby's oxygen level. So instead of putting her on oxygen for a few days we went down to Denver. She is all better now but t threw us for a loop. She probably got it at daycare. Work is also crazy as I had my head employee quit because he broke a finger and felt he could no longer work. MEN!! They are such babies. Anywy had to scramble to cover the store for president's weekend and deal with taking baby to Denver. On the plus side I got the baby sleep book and Jo is doing really well and mapping great. Not sleeping through the night but only wakes up once or twice. As for me I have got to get back in the gym!! Anyone else having trouble finding the time?? Ohhh one last thing, made a bunch of baby food from scratch last weekend and it worked great and Jo loves them. I can recommend the baby food cook book I used if anyone is interested.

If I forgot anyone I am so sorry and please forgive the numerous typos, sending this from I phone at coffee shop!!

Take care,
WOW I missed a lot!!!

Happy Auntie – I am so sorry to hear your news! My heart and prayers are with you and your DH.

Angela – YAY on Ethan crawling and almost walking! That is fantastic. How was your retreat? Please post some photos with is teeth!

Rebekah OMG on the house prices. If you only knew what the pricing was on houses here in Los Angeles 400k + and that is AFTER the houses have dropped! I am hoping soon to move to Denver area where the prices are more sensible. Good luck in your search, you will find the right house and it will have everything you want  My hat is off to you on eating Vegan and on starting yoga!!! That is fantastic!

Beth – Glad to hear that your incision is healing and that you can stop the antibiotics!! Also, glad that little Charlie/ Poppy is feeling better. Poop = good. Definitely sounds like a growth spurt. Hee hee on calling him Poppy on the phone with your mom. It is common that they tell you to wait 6-9 months before getting pregnant again due to the c-section. As you continue to bf you will lose more weight.

Nikki – I totally understand about being anxious to tell but waiting until after 1st Trimester. It was so incredibly hard. I had to tell my mom around 10 weeks, because she was coming out (unfortunately, for her best friends funeral) to stay with us and I was throwing up at the smell of everything! I will be praying for a GREAT birthday and excellent news from the OB. Looking forward to hearing your parents and friends good cheer when tell them the news! There are still several people in here that are still pregnant so you are in good shape.

Carole – I hope that you had a good time this weekend at your event. When is your next appointment? Looking forward to seeing photos of Zara from your scan.

Jules – I so love the photos for baby Ella! What a beauty!!!

Twinkle – HIYA!!!

Chris – YAY on Sophie’s first tooth!!!! Woohoo! I’ve been lurking a lot too!

Never! Congrats on 2nd trimester. If you were having nausea (can’t remember sorry) it should start to subside

CJ – Glad you had a great shopping spree!

Pablo – Sorry to hear about Jo’s RSV. One of my other friends baby has it at the moment as well. Because Katelyn is Preemie, she has been getting RSV shots once a month since October. Apparently, preemies are more susceptible. I think her last one is in April. Please send me the name of the cook book.

AFM – Katelyn is crawling and pulling herself up on EVERYTHING. She gets mad when I remove her from her crib because she has pulled herself up and is grabbing at the mobile (my husband took down the actual mobile, it is now just the music part still attached). Katelyn has yet another cold. It seems like every other week, her poor nose is running. She and I both hate wiping and suctioning the snot out of it. I still need to get the nose Frieda thing, but keep forgetting. Katelyn gave me a scare the other day. I had decided to give her a Gerber Puff again to see if she would put it in her mouth this time. She did, she put it to her lips and then stuck her tongue on it, then popped it into her mouth. Well that thing DID NOT dissolve immediately as it says on the box. It was sitting on the middle of her tongue and she started to make gagging motions. The second time she did this, I reached into her mouth and promptly grabbed the stupid thing out! Apparently, she is not ready for the puffs and neither is mommy. Anyway, I am searching for “themes” for Katelyn’s birthday as I will need to send out invitations in about 3 weeks! WOW where did the time go. On Friday I was in a meeting with a pregnant woman and was saying how I just had a baby…10 months AGO, that is no longer JUST having the baby. It feels like I just had her, but she is almost 1. Can’t believe how time is flying by. On that note, I need to head on out, my hubby is here for me. My stupid car is broken so he has been schlepping me to and from work.

HUGS to all.

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