35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies - quick question before I drop from exhaustion with a very cranky baby today....

the zantac isn't working as well as we hoped. he is in such distress tonight and the past few days off and on, but today has been constant except when he's at the boob.... what else can I do? does gripe water really work? can I give it to him with the zantac?

I'm calling the damn ped tomorrow and update him that it has only worked about 30%.....he is such a miserable boy today. We are in for a very long night. his poor tummy - he has been pooping so badly all day today and keeps straining even after a massive poop....he is only happy when he's at the boob and he's not always feeding, just sucking....but won't take the paci very much, just wants me. I let him as he's in such discomfort but I'm aching! He won't even let me bicycle his legs and gets very :growlmad: at me!

Pray we have a good night, or that I don't lose my mind being up all night with a cranky poopy pants. :wacko:

Hey Beth!

I am so sorry poor Poppy isn't feeling his best. As far as Gripe Water - sometimes when Gabby has a bad case of hiccups or I can see she has some gas distress, I give her something called 'Colic Calm' which is all-natural Gripe Water.


It really does work for her and she LOVES it. She sucks it right down! The first time I used it I was a bit taken aback because it is black in color and I didn't like that. But we got used to it - it does work and might be worth a try with Poppy.
Happy Monday ladies!

Carole we missed you! I am sorry to hear you were not feeling well :(

As far as packing for the hospital - I think I packed my bag at around 30 weeks - at my doctor's advice because of my darn fibroids. She was certain I was going to go into early labor and that Gabriella would be premature. Turns out she was only 2 weeks early...

As far as what to pack - as Angela states, what hospitals provide worldwide really vary so I would call and find out. Ours provided pretty much everything, but I did get hubby to bring our Boppy pillow to the hospital as it was much easier to breast feed Gabby using it. Also chap-stick was a life-saver for me too in the early days. My lips were dry because they wouldn't let me drink anything before and after the spinal. I also had some granola bars packed just in case.

Oh - if you have a baby book, bring it with you and ask them to put a copy of Zara's footprints and finger prints in it too :flower:

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but will post again if I forgot anything. I am so excited for you honey - you must be anxious to meet little Zara!! :cloud9:
Hi girls!! I've been keeping up over the weekend.... a lot of activity! Let's see.... what do I remember?? UHM ANGELA holy congratulations!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: soooo excited for you guys!!! It's funny I know a few people now who got pregnant really quickly the 2nd time round :thumbup: Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 mo my friend! xoxo I think I already commented on Ethan's bday pics but if not omg is he ever gorgeous! Crazy how a yr passes so quickly eh? I find time is really going fast now......... :wacko: :growlmad: :nope: :cry: Soon I'll be back at work.

Beth, the pics of Poppy are simply stunning. Sorry if I already posted that, but not really sorry because he really is adorable. I wish I could give you some advice on his poor tummy but best call your doctor again. :shrug: Hope he feels better soon. Your cake sounded so delicious!!!

Nice to hear from you again Carole!! I can't believe you are already at 30 weeks! Wow. I think you asked about when to pack your hospital bag? DO IT NOW! lol I packed mine at 39+1 weeks AFTER my water broke and my labour started :rofl: Don't lead by my example. Apart from what everyone else said, pack yourself some entertainment. A laptop with some tv shows or movies. It can be long and boring and you'll be happy for the distraction during contractions.

Rebekah, I love hearing your house hunting stories. I just hope for you soon that you'll find that special place! Keep searching! I agree with you, it is amazing how disgusting some people live. I know I am not the norm and live a lot cleaner than most, I am sooooo OCD jokingly, but still, the filth that some people just don't seem to see? :shrug:

Jules your avatar is just killing me with its cuteness. YAY for your dinner date night out! Sounds like fun. Keep it up! They are a lot more portable at that young age. I had a fussy evening baby so going out was not an option for us.

Steph, good luck with the move!! When do you plan to go to Colorado? I can't believe you are leaving the sun of California for the snow of Colorado..... :dohh: jK I am sure it will be much better to raise your family in Colorado.

I can't remember who asked me to PM them about facebook, but anyone who I haven't already friended and wants to be friends PM me and I'll add you right away. :)

Anna honey how are you doing?

I was thinking about Skye the other day too..... hope all is well!!!!

How are our new friends doing? Don't be so shy!

We haven't babyproofed yet, but I don't know how much we'll do. We just replaced our railings actually because they were unsafe and very dated. The new ones I am afraid aren't all that safe either full of nice sharp edges. :wacko: Oh well, at least now little heads can't fit their way through. Our house is relatively baby safe now I think. I don't have any knick knacks really and it's pretty minimalist clutter free. When she starts crawling I'll be sure to always keep the office and bathroom doors shut.

Speaking of crawling we are working on it. Slowly but surely. She loves being on her tummy and rolls around like mad. She can spin on her own axis but hasn't grasped the concept of moving her legs yet. lol She can sit on her own now but now 100% sturdy yet.

Gotta run! I had more to say but I have to get something done before she wakes up.
Beth - the zantac didn't work for Katelyn either. Her Ped (actually, the gastro guy) put her on Prilosec. That started to work within 3-4 days. I still had to keep her upright after feedings for about a month, but then it was fine. The Prilosec i was able to add to her bottles (had to take it 2x a day) because it tasted REALLY REALLY bad and she wouldn't take it otherwise. I hope that info has helped and I hope that Poppy gets some relief. Try some nipple cream for your boobies, it will help wonders! Or if you don't want to put on a cream, the lactation consultants told me to use breastmilk on the nipples to help with the pain/cracking, etc.
Carole, I still cannot believe your almost a month away. Time has gone by so quick. I can't tell you how EXCITED I am for you and the other newbies who've come by to share. Waiting patiently for more mommies and babies to come on over.

Angela, thanks so much for sharing so much! :hugs: I'm with you on the air for summer. It's 70 here in Central New York and I cannot BELIEVE we had a mild winter and have gone straight to summer weather. I hope this doesn't mean high 90's for summer or you can find me laying underneath the nearest air conditioner. I DO want to take Amelia to the beach though. News reporters said Dr.'s offices have been bombarded with Tic bites already.

Jules, it's always good to get ahead of yourself and plan for the needs of our children. Nothing crazy about that. :hugs: I ate least get it together in my head and then when it's time we will have stuff ready.

Oh, reminds me. Angela, the same mother of the little boy I told you about with the electrical outlet covers?? He has also put himself in the fridge, between the fridge...you name it. He LOVES to explore. She's had to come up with some interesting baby proof stuff. I should ask her what she's done and compare what everyone else is doing. :rofl: Amelia is quite active. In fact, she's in her jumper and max (our dog) stood there. She grabbed him by his halter and wouldn't let go. Had to take care of that. She sometimes hollers over to him "hey! Come here bubby! " Okay, she's not really saying it, but I think that's her baby babble to max. :lol:

Beth, don't mix gripe water with prescriptions. Our Dr. didn't want us to do it. Can't remember if it had similar additives that would Overdose or whether it would counteract with the prescription but it's not recommended. Usually kids of reflux go through a couple medications before you find the right one for them. The med they put Amelia on worked for her right away and still works (though we've tapered her off it now) but most kids need either zantac and if they don't do well on that they do better on prilosec or prevacid.

Worst case, you'll have to get off dairy to see if there's an allergic affect to milk. If you are eating anything like beans or spicey stuff he'll be affected. Banana's too can cause gas as well as brussel sprouts and broccoli. If he's not gaining weight because of it then after awhile they may transition to formula for reflux like what Angela had for her son or extreme cases like Amelia get Neutromagen.

Chris, she's almost crawling already? Now you'll have to keep up with her. It seems as though these little ones are quick, quick, quick. lol I have this feeling Amelia will run before she walks or crawls. Haha She does Irish Dancing in her bouncer. It's quite comical!

Steph, what's going on with you??

AFM, Today was a LOVELY day! Doug, Amelia and I went for a long walk together. It was hot already in the 70's. My lower back was killing me. Not sure if I need a chiro appointment or a deep tissue massage but boy am I outa shape! At least I'm up and moving!

We bought a Vita Mix yesterday and I plan to juice, make vegetarian soups, baby food and protein shakes with it. I can't wait to get one. We watched a documentary on a guy from Australia who juiced for 3 months and lost a ton of weight. He was 300lbs or so. The transformation was awesome and he's off his pills.

Good news on the vegetarian diet for Doug...The Dr. took him off both his cholesterol meds AND his blood pressure meds. He doesn't snore anymore in bed either. The past 3 days have been LOVELY! :happydance: This vegan diet really does help. You have to watch your vitamin levels though and get enough B12 and D. Other than that, it's a great way to reverse heart disease and I'll let you know what happens with the diabetes and hypothyroid. The jury is still out.

I seem to have a better outlook today too. Mom called. I felt terrible, she was calling to see if I was "still mad at my dad". Granted he's stopped smoking and is dealing with that but there is no excuse for being a jerk as he's been. She thought it would just blow over but I told her he never apologizes when he's wrong and instead of asking her to call me, he needs to call me himself if only to say "I was having a rough day and I apologize for how I handled it" and we can just move forward. He's NEVER admitted when he's been wrong so I doubt this will ever happen. I love him but refuse to put up with him tearing me down in front of my husband and daughter. The last thing I want is for my daughter to not respect me because grampa says I'm no good. :wacko: Either way, it's water under the bridge and I'm over it. The ball is in his court and he can either call and apologize and move on OR continue to do what he's doing and miss out on a relationship with his daughter and grand-daughter. I told my mom I would never purposely take Amelia away because of him. It wouldn't be fair to my mom or Amelia so I reassured her of that. As long as she acts well around Amelia I'm fine.

Well, hi to everyone else. :hi: Have a great day!
Hi ladies...

well, I was right - we had a super long night last night. Poppy was absolutely miserable and slept for only about 10 mins at a time.....I was and still am absolutely exhausted. Today was a little better until tonight, when all hell broke loose and he was unhappy yet again. I finally went out for about an hour and a half to a store I needed to get to and left him fed and relatively calm with charlie and got home to a very frazzled charlie and angry poppy. charlie says he doesn't know how I manage all day with him so unhappy and in such distress.

I called the doc and he finally called me back later on, saying to stick with the zantac for another week and to go ahead and try the gripe water (MA not sure why some docs says ok and others no) but I was at my wits end so I tried it and he fell asleep almost instantly. We got the little tummy's gripe water as Charlie looked at the colic calm and didn't like the ingredients in it (i don't ask anymore, he was very frazzled). this gripe water just has fennel, ginger and sodium bicarb, so it was more natural. The doc said to call him at the end of the week or sooner if things don't get better as this is the standard growth spurt time and he could be fussy due to that but that would only last a few days so call him by Thursday if no change.

MA - I appreciate your input!! :flower: i did go off dairy for over 2 weeks with no change in poppy.....I'll try anything, and already had stopped beans/broccoli/peppers/onions/anything green or gassy! I'm basically eating chicken and potatoes and eggs every day! And that cake but I changed the whipped cream out to cool whip as that is a non-dairy topping and no change.

Not looking forward to another long night! He didn't sleep much during the day too, kept fighting sleep and jerking awake, so hoping he will konk out soon. That meant neither one of us got any sleep! :nope:

Charlie is sitting with poppy across the room and I just HEARD the poop explode into his diaper.....I'm hoping that will ease his belly!!!! :haha:

I'm actually too tired to think of much else to say tonight....I'm hoping for sleep!!!!! I'll be back on tomorrow, either sleep typing or refreshed. many sleepy hugs to you all.
I really truly hope the sleep fairy visits you tonight Beth :hugs: You sound in such good spirits given all that you are going through. You were really meant to be a mom. Lil Charlie is so lucky. :flower:
Beth, you and Charlie are doing all you can. Dr. is right. growth spurts (and teething)can cause chaos in our schedules. Amelia is having one rough night as we speak. Sometimes you just keep going until they wear out. :hugs:

I stopped bf'ing when both of us were just tired and miserable. Though I often wonder why so many kids have reflux/colic issues? :shrug: seems kind of odd the high rate. Does anyone else wonder about this? Just seems so odd that many kids have it, yet the symptoms are different with each kid. :shrug: I keep wondering if there's something else causing it all. How have women for YEARS been able to bf'd without problems yet so many women have attachment issues, reflux or some other issue that interrupts? Are women just not talking about these barriers?
Oh Beth, I feel so badly for you. I can't imagine what it must be like dealing with a cranky baby and lack of sleep. Poor Poppy :( I am happy that the Gripe Water worked - I hope Poppy starts to feel better soon :hugs:

Tomorrow we take Gabby to the doctor - I can't wait to hear how much weight she has gained. She's definitely grown!

Speaking of weight, I am hell-bent on losing 40lbs before August. I refuse to be fat in Gabriella's Christening photos! :rofl: I miss dessert!! I have such a sweet tooth! Switching low fat yogurt for cake is hard, but will be worth it LOL

Hope everyone is having a good day today! :hugs:
Thanks Chris - that was such a lovely thing to say - esp when I'm at my wits end and thinking that I just can't handle this!

And thanks MA - it's good to have advice of mommies who have been through this....I'll just keep plugging away, eventually he will sleep! Yes, I have thought to myself that something as natural as bf is so darn HARD at times, how can the women throughout the ages just do it with no issues??? I'm convinced they just didn't talk about the issues, I have to think that or else I'll go nuts thinking that it is just something I can't conquer.

Not much sleep last night. For a little boy who didn't sleep much during the day either, we had a long night. Up for hours. Tried the gripe water again and he just spits it out and chokes on it (even though I dose it out in little bits). He was SCREAMING this morning and squirming so bad when bf, with the arching, coughing, wheezing, and crunching his little legs into his chest that he is only feeding about 10 mins tops at a time. Now, I don't know if in a growth spurt they eat less just more frequently, or he is in such discomfort that he doesn't finish and cuts it short.

I tell ya, at 5am when I've been trying to get him down for the past hour and a half after a feeding and he's awake and in discomfort and spitting everything up and wants to feed again, it can almost break you. Normally I don't really curse but I was so frazzled and tired that I think a sailor would blush. :blush: Then I feel bad because it really isn't his fault and I think about how miserable he is compared to me and then I get upset at myself! :dohh: We had many of those cycles in the middle of the night..... when I got back into bed, finally, I just had put poppy in the bassinet and he was awake and looking around but finally quiet I told Charlie I couldn't do it anymore - didn't even want to LOOK at him (I'm such a bad mom :nope:) - and he got up and took him to rock him for another 30 mins before he finally fell asleep. Fitful sleep, but sleep. He is finally sleeping now, with hiccups (I thought the gripe water was supposed to help with those??!?!). I had given him a dose, which he choked on, let most of it dribble out then had a huge mucousy spitup that was really nasty.....then frantic for more food, which only ate about 9 -10 mins again and popped off and flopped his head on my boob and fell asleep. I put him in his swing to rest better. Hoping he feels better now.

I'm calling that damn dr this week. We weighed him and will keep a check on it to make sure he isn't loosing as he doesn't get another weight check for 2 more weeks. I am NOT going to just wait - if I see a dip, I'm alllllll over it.

I will try to nap with him this afternoon. I owe Charlie an apology as I was a snappy turtle to him last night but I was too tired to think straight before he went to work. I will think of something for him.

Many hugs to you all, I honestly don't know what I would do if I didn't have you girls to rant/ask questions/cry to. I am blessed. Exhausted but blessed. Going to have a little chat with my best friend who passed away and is up in Heaven now....I need her help too to get me through this phase.

Beth, I have no answers for you as poor Poppy's situation sounds much worse than Ethan's ever got... But i know the little tummies gripe water never really worked for us either, unfortunately. I hope you get some relief soon, but I want to say this LOUDLY: you are a FANTASTIC MOTHER. we have ALL had nights where we curse through every hour on that clock, and that just comes with the territory and in NO way makes you a bad mom. There is a physical point where you can get so sleep deprived and exhausted that your own body fights back for survival and you can think to yourself, I just can't do this... I know, because I've been there. You WILL make it and Charlie and Poppy will too. The first three months with a newborn are enough to break ANYBODY. you do whatever you have to to get through and you don't feel bad about how you are feeling for ONE second. Sorry for the soap box speech, but I needed to hear this when I was in your shoes and you will be FINE. I know it seems impossible now, but all those sleepless nights really do fade to a distant memory. Just keep breathing. You're doing MUCH better than I was at that point! :hugs:
Beth, Zoë was exactly the same as Charlie :hugs: It does get better, I promise! I think lanzoprazole may be far superior to ranitidine. Request that and try that before you give up on BF'ing. I swear, the nursing part actually became so enjoyable once the reflux issue was resolved that I no longer minded being up 2-3 times per night nursing my angel. It just took about 3 months to get to that point... I still had to hold her upright for 30-40 minutes with each feed, but I did it! I cried when she self-weaned at 12 months, I swear I would have been one of those moms still nursing a 2 year old had she not :blush: If you want to PM with me, I'd be happy to help out with suggestions :hug:
Oh and MA I forgot to answer your question: yes, all babies have some form of reflux, since the gastro-esophageal sphincter (that prevents stomach contents from flowing back into the esophagus) does not mature until 1 year of age. Most babies don't need meds, and some babies are what we call "happy pukers" (i.e. no crying or discomfort with reflux, nor any weight gain issues) but there is a good proportion who need meds to have comfortable feeds and to grow. The vast majority of these babes outgrow their reflux by 1 year of age, when meds are no longer necessary as the sphincter has matured enough :flower: Zoë was off hers at exactly 12 months!
Beth - I just want to echo what Angela and CJ already have already stated. You are a TERRIFIC MOM!!!! Don't doubt yourself because you want to get some sleep and need some space/breathing room. We have ALL been there and like it has already been said it does get better and it will be ok. Please continue to vent, cry, etc with us as often as you need to! I agree with CJ, ranitidine did nothing for Katelyn and I was upset and went to see a gastro specialist (recommended by my Ped because Katelyn was preemie) and he put her on the Prilosec (omeprazole) which did wonders. I started taking her off it at 7 months and we haven't had any issues since. Hang in there Momma!

AFM - about to send out Katelyn's birthday invitiations!
Thanks CJ! Why don't the Dr.'s here who supposedly advocate bf'ing just say to stay on the meds and stick with it then? :shrug: I won't go back and feel guilty but I can't say it hasn't passed through my mind. At least I have quite a bit of breast milk I'm feeding her now.

I tried to take her off her meds the past three days to see how she's doing. I thought it was the teething but last night was a horrific night. Turns out at midnight (WAY past her bedtime) she was still up. Just then, she spit up a ton of clear liquid. Smelled acidic. I could've knocked myself in the noggin! :duh: I gave her the med for reflux and she was down for the count. I'll stick with the year old suggestion. Maybe next time I'll just stick with it past the 3 months, ask for the reflux med, keep him or her up and try it that way. Thank you for your input.

So sorry beth that you had a bad night. It's trying emotionally and physically but if you can get to where CJ speaks of...it sounds like it will be smooth sailing. :winkwink: :hugs:

3 days in a row of record weather here in CNY at 74 degree's. SO weird but I'll take it. We went for a family drive this morning before Doug went to work. It was LOVELY. Tomorrows weather predicted to be 80. Holy Cats! :happydance:
I don't know MA, I was wondering why your doc was so pushing formula. Of course you shouldn't feel guilty, you did what was best for you especially given the recommendations you were told :hugs: The important thing is that Amelia is thriving, regardless of her source of nutrition! Definitely sounds like her sphincter is still immature, I'd stick with the meds! Your next one may not even have this problem: I'm honestly hoping for that this time around, as all of a sudden the difficult first 3 months have come back to me with a vengeance. It was SO bad that I thought I'd never want another child again :cry: I think only at 5 months was I willing to even contemplate the possibility and look where we are now. Obviously it gets better, otherwise DH would have had the snip already :haha:
Sorry for selfish post but this is from my phone so not as easy.

I had a bad fall at work yesterday after someone spilt a little water and didn't clear up. I slipped and fell hard on the Step. Thankfully bubba is fine but I have severe bruising across my back and arm and my knee and ankle are badly sprained. I am now on bed rest for 4 days and hope to get crutches today to help me be a little more mobile but the pain is real bad. Wish I could take something other than Panadol.
Oh Carole!!! Honey that's horrible :hugs: Thank goodness the baby is ok. I'm so sorry you are in so much pain.
Oh Carole honey, how scary!!! I am so glad th baby is okay! Please try to rest up a bit, did they give you a day or two off work at least?


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