35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, I'm a huge proponent of counseling. :thumbup: I think every marriage could benefit from it. Look for a counselor or clinic that offers fees on a sliding scale - the more income you have, the more you pay for counseling... and vice versa. There are even places that will offer free counseling. They're typically some sort of resource center, often Christian-based but not necessarily Christian counseling (meaning they won't force religion on anyone). Check with your local United Way as well - they likely support such resource centers and can help link you up with one.

Hang in there. :hugs:
HA, thanks so much for the advice!!! I am falling into the same old routine and letting things slide. I will get on it, promise.

Angela, stay away from the boards!!!! It is so hard I know, but they will drive you crazy!! As for symptoms, I had very few. I didn't get any MS until about 7 or 8 weeks. My numbers wern't great either. They didn't double at the normal rate but more every three days. And I had low progesterone. With all that Josephine is a happy healthy 6 month old baby! Hang in there. Thinking of you.

Speaking of this teething thing is driving me crazy!! I worked so hard on sleep training her about three weeks ago and we had gotten to a good point of waking at 11 for a dream feed and then up at 6. Now she's up all night and I don't know if it's because she's in pain or back in the old cycle. I don't want to let her cry it out if she's truly hurting. How to tell??? At what point to the teeth stop hurting? Once they break through?? Any advice is much appreciated. On the plus side I have on a fitted t short and it doesn't look half bad!! Woooohoo!!

One more thing... Who was making Osso Bucco the other day?? It is absolutely one of my favorites and I don't know how to make it.

Have a good one!
Happy Tuesday ladies!

Anna - I am so sorry to hear about your marriage situation. I agree with everyone who has suggested counselling. :thumbup: I really do hope things will improve and your vacation is a good start! Maybe some relaxing time away will help. Is Jo going with you guys? Some family time in the sun may just be what the doctor ordered! :hugs:

Beth - how is little poppy? I am so sorry that he is still continuing to keep you guys up and is not feeling 100% :( Don't be jealous of Gabby because last night was a doozy! :wacko: She kept us up all night and get this - it was because her pacifier kept falling out and the sound machine kept shutting off! :dohh::wacko:

We have a Sleep Sheep and she LOVES it. Usually we put it on for her during naps and at night and it's on a 45 min timer, so when it shuts off, she's usually sleeping and will sleep straight through the night. Not last night however, I was up all night either putting her pacifier back in or turning the Sleep Sheep back on! She's definitely her mother's daughter...loves the sound of water! :haha:

Carole - I am on a temporary laptop and don't have the ability to view PDF files unfortunately - waiting for my new laptop to come in and then I will be able to view your nursery pics - I am sure it is just beautiful!:hugs:

Angela - I know it is hard, but try not to freak out over lack of symptoms (says she, who freaked out because I felt nothing when I got pregnant with Gabriella!) I was absolutely certain I was having another miscarriage when I got pregnant with Gabriella, because I felt nothing until the 8-9 week mark. When I went for my first scan, I was shaking like a leaf. Actually, I shook every time I went for a scan until I hit about the 13 week mark.

It really is true what they say, every pregnancy is different but honey, trust me when I say that many women feel nothing at first. That's why there are so many women who have no idea they are pregnant until later on. Having said all of this, I completely understand that it is very difficult to just enjoy it at this stage, one can't help but worry...I know, I have been there :hugs2: I'm counting down the days with you until your scan my friend :hugs2:

Here is a picture of my little girl taken this morning! She was so happy this morning when she got up (after keeping mum and dad up all night! :rofl:)


Hi to JuneBug, Steph, Chris, Happy Auntie and everyone else!! :hi::hug:
Anna, have you tried Advil? It is seriously a miracle drug and helps so much with teething pain! Zoë gets a dose at night when she is teething, and sometimes another one during the night if she wakes up (like last night). I found it works so much better than Tylenol, but on bad nights she gets a dose of each at bedtime and it's a great regimen!

Angela, remember how sick I was with Zoë? Sick the whole 39 weeks on meds... Well, not a single symptom this time around. NOTHING, NADA. If it wasn't for the bump, I wouldn't believe I was pregnant. Second pregnancies can be completely different from the first! Please don't get freaked out and DON'T compare :hugs:
Awwww Jules we posted at the same time. Gorgeous photo!!!! :cloud9:
One more thing... Who was making Osso Bucco the other day?? It is absolutely one of my favorites and I don't know how to make it.


Hi Anna! That was me making Osso Bucco:winkwink: Also one of my favorites!
Here is the recipe, but I made mine with lamb (this recipe uses turkey). Also, I used red wine instead of white. It was very good!

I have not been on in FOREVER, but just wanted to pop in to say hello to you all and look at all of these BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS new little babies!!!!

I hope you are all well! I am not even going to try to catch up, but will def try to get on more from now on. I have been back at work, part-time for about 2 months and the girls are growing like little weeds! Cannot believe they are 7 months old!!!!

Congrats to all the newly pregnant mommas!!!


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OMG Charmaine what absolutely beautiful brood you have there! I can't believe they're 7 months old already, that is craziness! :hugs: Hope you are well!
OMG Charmaine what absolutely beautiful brood you have there! I can't believe they're 7 months old already, that is craziness! :hugs: Hope you are well!

Thank you. :) Not long now for you!!!! How very exciting!!
Yayyyyyyy! CJ you are almost there!!!

Charmaine it's SO good to hear from you!!! And the triplets are just gorgeous!! I love their little outfits!

Jules gabby is beautiful and growing so quickly!

Anna, on the color run, I will be walking it with my best friend and can't wait! It looks like so much fun!

Thanks to all of you for the reassurance and encouragement. I know I can't compare and I need to just be glad I'm not sick 24/7 like last time! Still plenty of weeks to go in first tri so I will be praying it stays away. And yep, think i will stay off the pregnancy threads, just too unsettling!

So I had a lovely lunch with Laura (lava) and she is doing great! Twins are well and she is just gearing up to return to work soon. I know she will update when she gets a chance!

Hugs and love to all!
I have not been on in FOREVER, but just wanted to pop in to say hello to you all and look at all of these BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS new little babies!!!!

I hope you are all well! I am not even going to try to catch up, but will def try to get on more from now on. I have been back at work, part-time for about 2 months and the girls are growing like little weeds! Cannot believe they are 7 months old!!!!

Congrats to all the newly pregnant mommas!!!

They are beautiful!!!!! I am so amazed at you - Mom to triplets!!! Go you!
Hi Titi and hugs! :hi:

CJ, I have a random question for you - were you the one I saw recently mentioning that gray eyes are technically impossible (or inexplicable) from a genetic standpoint? Seems like I read that somewhere on bnb recently. I'm asking because Ethan's eyes are gray and I'm curious if I understood correctly, I think I know why his are gray but just curious!
Hmmmmm no that wasn't me and I've never heard that! I can't think of a reason why it would be impossible?
Hi Titi and hugs! :hi:

CJ, I have a random question for you - were you the one I saw recently mentioning that gray eyes are technically impossible (or inexplicable) from a genetic standpoint? Seems like I read that somewhere on bnb recently. I'm asking because Ethan's eyes are gray and I'm curious if I understood correctly, I think I know why his are gray but just curious!

Hey hon! No that wasn't me but that's interesting. My niece has gray eyes for a few months after she was born though and then went hazel!
Okay thanks! I know I saw that somewhere on bnb recently, but I could not think why it would not be explainable from a genetics standpoint, just thought it was interesting.

My eyes are hazel, and hubby's are blue. Ethan's are a bluish gray. Much more gray than my hubby's blue.
My eyes are grey. The genetic explanation is similar to blue eyes, not sure why someone would comment that the genetic basis is unknown! LOL
I have not been on in FOREVER, but just wanted to pop in to say hello to you all and look at all of these BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS new little babies!!!!

I hope you are all well! I am not even going to try to catch up, but will def try to get on more from now on. I have been back at work, part-time for about 2 months and the girls are growing like little weeds! Cannot believe they are 7 months old!!!!

Congrats to all the newly pregnant mommas!!!

OMG your girls are GORGEOUS!! :cloud9:

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