35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Charmaine! :hi:

The girls are too cute for words!! Gee, I think Amelia has all three of those personalities in that pic. :rofl: I showed it to Doug and we just laughed together. They are too cute. Love the lower lips. G looks like she's the calmer one?? Do share what their personalities are like with three. I've missed you! :hugs:

Hi ladies. Angela, I'm sure everything will be just fine. The wait is hard!

Anna, so sorry your having a hard time in your marriage. My husband and I seem to have a communication issue too. It's not as harsh....we're just two very different people who think differently. He is much more laid back and I'm the one more aggressive. We're working it out but I too have the same fear for Amelia. Much of this is MY attitude and I'm trying to figure out how to step back and take a breath before I freak out.

Case in point. We've had 5 gang shootings in the past month. Much of it is during the day now. Few days ago two guys were throwing things around next door and arguing over a 20.00 sale. I was LIVID!!!!:wacko: I put Amelia upstairs in the furthest corner of the house, ran downstairs and opened my door. I stared out the door at the burgandy sportscar leaving our connected driveway and gave them a dirty look. They in turned stopped the car but then never got out.

The girl next door came out of her house and I lit into her but good!!!! I told her there was NO way she was going to have her "friends" over again. She was putting MY family in harms way and I would kick her boney ass from here to kingdom come. Oh my goodness. Mommy mode kicked in and I feared my daughters life since there was a 6 month old shot in killed because he was used as a shield in a gang fight. I was out for blood! She kept saying she was sorry and it would never happen again. I told her she better believed it would NEVER happen again because I was more to be feared than the two asses she had in the home fighting over a 20.00 deal. They made it MY problem when they started doing that crap loud enough for me to hear. In NO WAY was I about to let that crap happen in an adjoining home to ours not to mention if someone were to retaliate we could be killed. Gangs don't know nor do they care who is innocent just that people live in the same place the other idiots hang.

Next night I lit into her mother and told her my responsibility was to MY family and not her daughter. I feel for her kid but she's an adult and is putting us all at risk.

Called the landlord who made a promise up and down he'd have great tenants next door and that he was cleaning up the area which is why he remodeled the place up and down. Haven't heard from him STILL but I'm sure he's expecting rent. SO PISSED right now!

We're looking at a house tomorrow. It's a ranch, in the country, 3bd, is heated with boiler instead of gas/oil or propane which may be cheaper and is in good shape. Setback? It's on a busy road and while the house next door is taken care of, there's a trailer just past that which is shabby. The other place next to us is after a lot and is a day spa. Most of the area is commercial with a mom and pop home improvement store across the street.

Our backyard would have a pretty good sized storage barn that's brand new. Two big tree's near the front yard by the road and two more out back we'd have to take down before putting up a fence.

The positives are that it's 20 minutes from church, 23 minutes from the hospital where Doug works, same time if I get pregnant again to get to the High Risk office, 20 minutes to our favorite grocery store and 20 minutes to the beach. Oh, 20 minutes to Amelia's pediatrician.

You can see it here

Anyways, not sure if it will work out or not but we're looking at it. ((sigh)) praying something works out soon. We know we'll have to put in some update and work into it but we hope we are able to find something with our modest budget. We'd like to live BELOW our means so we can manage to do other things like continue to pay off bills, go on trips, etc.
Morning all!!

Austin!!!! So good to hear from you!! And LOVE the photo of the girls!!! They are so sweet!! Amazing how fast time flies. Josephine will be 7 months April 5th and I can't believe it. Your girls all look so sweet and really healthy!! How is it being back at work???
So good to hear from you!! Now we just need to hear from Sunshine.

Jules, the picture of Gabby is just beautiful!! What a cutie!! In answer to your question, it's a family vacation ... A really big family vacation. My patents have treated us, and my brother to a week at an all inclusive Riu in Mexico. So there are built in baby sitters as my parents are going too. Thanks for the Osso Bucco recipe!!

CJ, so close!!! Two questions. A) with Advil is that ibuprofen?? And is there a baby version?? We have switched to baby ibuprofen and it worked much better last night. She was up once for a dream feed and again after the mess wore off so I gave her another dose and she slept until just after 7!!!!! Second question, you said something the other day about babies sleeping on their stomaches but not in a sleep sack. Is that right?? And why? Because it decreases mobility?? Jo is a side sleeper, but the sleep sack is a necessity for us. Please advise. Lastly how r u feeling today???

Angela, when is the color run in Atlanta? Ours is in may. I saw on their web site some of the runs in June and July are already sold out! Should be so fun. I am trying to run , but have found running with a baby jogger is a bit different since you don't have your arms to pump. Any advice?? From anyone??

Ma, shootings?? How scary!!! Who would use a baby as a shield? The thought makes me sick. I looked at the new house. It looks to be in good condition and a nice big basement. The busy street thing is hard. It will affect resale, just an FYI. But if the front yard is big and you can plant or if it already had some bushes or trees to act as a sound barrier maybe it won't be suck a big deal. Good luck cause it really sounds like you need to move.

AFM, nothing to tell. Jo slept really well last night so I am a little relieved that maybe all our sleep training will prevail through the teething process. She was up this morning for about an hour before going back to sleep. She's with my parents today so hopefully she'll get some rest. Quick group question, for those doing daycare do you have a problem with them implementing naps?? My day care seems to poo poo my concerns re:naps as if it's not a big deal if she doesnt nap. When all my research is to the contrary. Anyone else have this problem??

Ok I'm out, it's another beautiful day in Breckenridge. 50 degrees again today. Like everyone we're having a crazy warm spring. I'll take it. Last year it snowed up until the first of June!!!

Xoxo anna
CJ, so close!!! Two questions. A) with Advil is that ibuprofen?? And is there a baby version?? We have switched to baby ibuprofen and it worked much better last night. She was up once for a dream feed and again after the mess wore off so I gave her another dose and she slept until just after 7!!!!! Second question, you said something the other day about babies sleeping on their stomaches but not in a sleep sack. Is that right?? And why? Because it decreases mobility?? Jo is a side sleeper, but the sleep sack is a necessity for us. Please advise. Lastly how r u feeling today???

Hi hun! Glad you had a better night :hugs:

Yes, Advil is Ibuprofen. Advil has a baby formulation, more concentrated so less volume to give. It is based on weight. Sounds like that is what you have :thumbup:

I think a sleep sack is OK, I believe I mentioned no swaddling (i.e. arms should be free) and no free blankets for tummy sleeping.

Feeling fine today. Tired though, had a work dinner and I didn't get to bed until past 11PM then Z was up at 5AM requiring some TLC... zzzzzzzzzzz early bed tonight!!!
Bek I sure hope you can find a home soon sweetie! That situation sounds awful and so scary!! I hate that your police can't/aren't doing more! :hugs:

Anna, our run is april 7. I'm a little bummed because my friend waited late to register and we missed out on the original run which is this weekend, at a local (and beautiful) park. Now, we are participating in the encore run which being held at the motor speedway :wacko::wacko: not really a place I can envision being nearly as pretty a venue as the park would have been, especially this time of year, but I'm trying to be a good sport about it. I've not tried jogging with him because I don't have a jogging stroller yet, but I can see it would definitely be harder. I have found it much harder to walk the hills in our neighborhood with Ethan in the stroller for the same reason.

AFM, just working on finding a good sitter for eThan a couple times a week. Mommy needs a few mornings out lol! And yes, Anna, naps (at least for
Ethan) are CRITICAL. I absolutely refuse to put him anywhere that won't honor his nap schedule (and just crossed another potential part time daycare off the list for that reason). He is such a happy go lucky kid as long as he gets his naps and I just think, especially at these early ages, why make their lives (and ours as parents) more difficult by refusing them sleep when they need it? The daycare I was considering has a morning half day program from 8:30-12:30, but NO nap during that period. :dohh: huh? Poor Ethan naps from 10:30 -12:30 and would be an absolute disaster if he missed that nap, which is the longer one he takes each day. I've let him basically set that nap pattern as he needs to and he shows no signs yet of being interested in dropping the morning nap (shows more sign of dropping the afternoon one, tbh). Hth! :hugs:
MA wow. I can't imagine dealing with that stress. I really hope this house works out for you, or that another one comes up soon!!!
CJ we cross posted - glad you are feeling as well as possible! Try to get some sleep mama!

I too have found the Advil just works better, whether for fever control or pain relief, for Ethan. I quit taking it years ago myself because (oddly) I get canker sores in my mouth anytime I take ibuprofen and hubby has begun to have that same experience. So I just take Tylenol, but the Advil sure works better than Tylenol for Ethan. :thumbup:
CJ, thanks that clarifies things.

I keep meaning to mention here satire I found in Denver. It's called Once Upon A Child. Apparently they ate more common in the east but it's a second hand child's store. I don't k ow about them all, but the one in Denver in AWESOME!!!! The clothes are beautiful!!! In really good condition and really cheep. The other day I got five pairs of shorts, three pairs of shoes, two bathing suits and a hat for Jo for Mexico and I spent $38. So if there's one near by it's worth it. They also have toys, high chairs, jolly jumpers, strollers, etc. Their web site has a store locator!!
We have those here too, the stuff is awesome! You can even bring your clothes and items in for trading!
I LOVE the whole concept of consignment! :cloud9: I've been getting my stuff at church consignment sales in our area, but it's the same concept as the store. Soooooo amazing the deals you can find!
I promise, promise, promise, to fix my signature this weekend. Although I still feel crappy. ..
:hugs: Anna... Crappy because of your recent illness or something else?
Hi girls! :hi:

Rebekah - your living situation - or rather the people living around you - sound awful. When I read that someone had used a baby as a shield during a shoot-out, I was horrified. It amazes and scares me that there are people like that living in this world. :nope:

How are our pregnant ladies doing today? JuneBug, Angela, Carole? I hope you are all feeling bright and breezy! Carole, how is your knee honey? I hope you are feeling better :hugs: I just got my new laptop in and now I can see PDF files and saw your nursery pics...so cute! I love it.:happydance:

Beth - how is poppy doing?

AFM, wow what a day it was yesterday. Gabby was fine in the morning and then she turned into a little cranky-pants all afternoon/evening. She was hiccuping most of the day and in the evening I am certain she had reflux, she was not a happy camper. I was holding her all day, trying to calm her and I woke up this morning with a terrible back ache and a crick in my neck. I am hobbling today! :jo: :haha:

Today she has slept quite a bit in her swing. She seems to enjoy the rocking motion. The lullabys it is playing are starting to make me sleepy too!

So this weekend, my cousin Graham is visiting from England with his wife and 2 daughters, I am so excited! They are staying close to Rockerfeller Center in NYC and we are meeting them for lunch on Saturday in NYC. If the weather is nice, after lunch we might head to Central Park for a stroll with Gabby.

So Gabby's hair seems to be thinning. I hear this can be common with newborns? She was born with a lot of hair and now she's starting to look like an old man with a comb-over! :rofl:

Ok, time for more laundry..ahhh!! It just keeps coming! LOL! :laundry::iron::hangwashing:
Hi Everyone! Oh I LOVE consignment shops too! We have one called Momma Goose we travel to in Ithaca and there's a couple here in Syracuse. It amazes me that these clothes are high end and have no stains. How in the world are these peoples babies not staining the clothes? Just about all of Amelia's clothes have spit up or baby food on them as do each of my shirts now. I don't think there's one shirt I don't have spit up on. :lol:

Amelia's been napping for a good 2 hours today. She forgot to nap this morning or should I say she was busy watching everything around her. I KNEW she needed a nap when she got cranky too. :winkwink:

The house didn't work out. As Anna said, it just wouldn't have any resale value because of where it's located. I just found out that they are putting in city waste pipes in which means they'll be digging and such...I also found out that it's the start of bringing other stores in. Which means that since this house is one of only a handful on the street, the place will be packed in a year or two. I just can't take the chance.

I DID find out however, that there are a couple areas we've been looking at with one of the best homeschool groups. They aren't too loopy and have classes available for sports, music and arts. Also if we'd like to opt in, we could pay a few hundred dollars for her to take science labs instead of her doing the labs by herself at home. It's an excellent homeschooling group and the area has a great school system so she could have a well-rounded education. We plan to homeschool but I like the co-ops which help to incorporate socialization with both homeschool and public school kids. SO, I'm honing our search in to this specific area. Not too far from everything, yet in a country setting. We shall see what we find!!

How are all the new babies doing and how are you pregnant ladies doing??

:hug: to you all.

P.S., forgot to mention we splurged (I should say...invested) in a Vitamix. Since going vegetarian I like to make smoothies. With this not only can I make my smoothies but I can juice, make hot soups and nut milks. We're buying flax milk weekly now and I can make it myself for MUCH less!! Doug has been doing great on this. I'm SLOWLY getting into it. We watched a movie called Forks over Knives. There's a book on it as well. Anna, you should watch it or take out that book as well as Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

I've been wanting to go vegetarian for about 3 years now and Doug refused. After Reading Dr. Esselstyn's book when his dad had yet another bipass....He started a vegan diet. He's been sticking to it and is now OFF his blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I couldn't believe it. The movie forks over knives has pushed me a bit more as a type II diabetic. The overall health even for people who THOUGHT they were in good health was crazy!! We'll see how this does overtime. I'm cutting out chocolate or "trying" to as well for the next 6 months I'm just going to do fruits, veggies, legumes and whole grains. Hopefully I'll lose some weight and be ready to try again come winter.
Morning Ladies,

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend.

Rebekah shame about the house not working out but I am sure you will find the one that is meant to be soon. It is so stressful trying to find and complete on a house that I don't envy you at all but just focus on you being a family in your own place in 6 months time with nicer neighbours:hugs:

Jules how exciting to have family coming out and getting to head into the city, I used to travel to NY quite a bit in my previous job in London and I love NYC. So vibrant ans always something to do or see. Enjoy:hugs:

CJ YAY for c-section coming soon, you must be super excited now :hugs:

Beth how is Charlie doing now? Hope he is getting better and sleeping a little more :hugs:

Angela hoping you are feeling a little better about the pregnancy now, your scan is so close now and I am sure everything will be just fine with Bubba. I also agree with you on the other pregnancy threads, they scared the hell out of me as people start threads with such scary and depressing stories that I just couldn't cope. Keep away and just stick with us:hugs:

AFM still hobbling along with my knee but hoping it gets better in the next couple of weeks. I also had a scan this morning and Zara is now 3kgs or 6.6lb already hahaha. Although only 33 weeks she was measuring at 37. Hoping she doesn't get too massive as wanted a natural birth but lets see.

Take care all and hope to catch up with you soon :hugs:
Morning ladies -

Thank you to all who have asked how my little poppy is doing.... we are OK - called the ped and he upped the zantac to the highest dose and asked we wait a week. It has helped some more, but not enough for me. We are calling again soon and he promises to change to another one if this craps out. As far as sleeping - with the feedings and keeping upright afterward, he really only sleeps for 3.5 hours straight - it just seems longer sometimes because we keep him upright so that adds on another hour or so. :wacko: Charlie gave me a night off 2 nights ago and gave him a bottle of my expressed milk at 3am (I, and my sheet and nightgown, we soaked when I woke up at 6 - had to pump desperately on one side and feed him on the other!), so last night I gave Charlie a night off and took care of poppy all night. And it wasn't too bad, he was wired at 10pm (more on that later), and it took an hour to get him to sleep, then up once at 2:30 and he went right back to sleep....then up for the morning at 6am - well, really 5:30 but I pushed it until 6 by giving him his pacifier, which he kept losing:wacko:. So I wasn't up for too long overnight, but I am tired.

So the wired at 10pm thing - Charlie and I are in a battle about a bedtime routine. I feel it is absolutely necessary, he doesn't. He says he'd rather have him up until 11pm and then sleep until 6. I told him it doesn't work that way and last night was the Perfect example. Poppy was up straight from 5pm to 10 and was WIRED. I snapped at charlie to turn the lights down at least but he said no. And at 10pm when he was crazy, he handed him to me to go to sleep! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: When I got him calmed down and asleep (a brief feed in there somewhere too) it took about an hour and I climbed back into bed, woke Charlie up (I know,I'm mean) and told him that was crap and we Need the bedtime routine because he was so overtired he didn't know what to do. he agreed (I didn't give him a choice, really). The thing is, charlie says poppy has his days and nights confused (not really), but I pointed out (probably like a snappy turtle again...sigh) at one of the 3am feedings that he was talking and kissing and laughing when he was changing his diaper! So the other night when we were up, after this conversation, he did it again and I said "hello! what are you doing!?!?!?!?" He looked properly chastened and said he couldn't help it because he was so cute and he works all day. :dohh::dohh::dohh: I told him to come home earlier!!!!!

I am off to my cardiologist appointment soon, and I hope I timed his feeding correct so he won't be crying for food during it....and will fall asleep (I've had him up for about 2 hours now, time for a nap). I know they need lots of sleep right now, but I'm trying to limit them to 1.5 hours at a time as he will sleep for 3 or more hours during the day and just 3 at night! I wonder if putting some rice cereal in my milk will keep his belly fuller longer. The visiting nurse said this was the drawback for bf babies - they get hungrier sooner - formula is denser and takes longer to digest so they go longer between feedings. what a reason to try formula at night!!!!

enough about me...Jules - my OB told me to expect the hair to fall out, this won't be his final hair, or possibly even the eventual color/texture he will have...it will fall out and grow back in, maybe the same, maybe different. She also said for me to expect mine to start to thin out too as all the pregnancy hormones are gone! :wacko:

Charmaine - what lovely girls they are!!!! I can't believe how old they are! You are such a supermom with triplets!!!!!!!!! I can't imagine :wacko:

Carole - you have a chunky girl in there! Poppy was 8lbs, 8 oz and was 2 weeks early, so I know all about chunks! Hang in there, you are getting close!!!! :hugs: glad your knee is healing.

Bek - holy moly, I hope you find a house soon and get out of that location! Mama Bear protecting her little cub! I admire you for putting your foot down to that girl and the Landlord....

anna - :hugs: thinking of you!

CJ - you are constantly in my thoughts as you near your d-date! :hugs::hugs:

Angela - I can't wait to hear about the scan! stay off those other boards! Praying for you! :hugs:

ok, gotta go put poppy in his jacket and see if I can drift him to la-la land....but if not, the car ride will!

:hugs: to you all.
Hello all!

Beth, wow do I know how the bed time battles go!! We have had a couple of rounds ourselves. From what I've read in the book Healthy Sleep habits Happy Child, when keep a baby or anyone for that matter up past the time when they first get tired, the body produces a form of adrenalin to keep it awake. This goes back to the days of early man when we needed that hormone to keep us safe in a dangerous environment. Anyway this hormone keeps us awake but also makes it harder to fall asleep thus producing a bad cycle. The longer the baby is kept awake the more hormone his body produces to keep him awake the harder it gets for him to fall asleep when he finally goes down. The book also says then there is extra hormone in his system and it will cause his sleep to be less deep and more scattered. On the flip side if you can get him down when he first gets tired, no hormone is produced and he will sleep more soundly and longer as there is no hormon in his system.

From my experience there are other factors including colic, reflux and teething that seem to have a profound effect on sleep, but Jo does sleep better if she goes down early and sleeps better. Even my doctor suggested keeping her up later so she would sleep later. I was thinking are you crazy??!! Haven't you read the research??? So not everyone is well informed. Anyway good luck. Maybe if you explain the science behind the reason for putting him down early he will understand better.

As for thinning hair mine did!! I've always had a ton then it started falling out at an alarming rate!! I asked my hair dresser and she said this was common an that I would find it growing back eventually. I now have little fuzzy tufts at my hair line where new hair is comming back in. Woohoo I thought I was going to en up liking like my dad who is bald.

Carole, glad the knee is feeling better!! What a big girl you have in there!! Nice and healthy. Take care of yourself. Not much longer!!

Jules, what a fun trip to NYC. I too love that city. I used to have a few friends that lived on the upper west side and I would go and visit at least once a year. Runs through central park. Then coffee and a bagel with a ton of cream cheese like only new yorkers know how to do. I am jealous of your trip!! Have so much fun.

Ma, you inspire me to eat healthier. I need you in my kitchen at night when I'm making dinner to keep my on track. My DH is always complaining of being run down and tired and I think if he were to eat better it would have a profound effect on his health. I have heard of forks over knives. I will try and get it. As for the house sorry it didn't work out but sounds like it was for the best. The homeschool group thing sounds awesome!! I had never heard of it but it sounds like the best of both worlds. Amelia is lucky to have a mom that takes such good care of her future!!

Angela, how are you this am???
Skye, if ur lurking hope all is well.
Austin, hello!!
Sunshine, you are missed.
Lava, hope all is well and many hugs!!
Titi, hi!!
Svet, what's up girlie???

Ok think that's everyone. BTW, how's Heartree??

AFM, determined to go for a run tonight with the girl in the jogger. Mexico is only 2 weeks away!! Yikes! Does anyone know I a good place to get a one piece swim suit that's not totally old lady??? My stomach is not bikini ready but every one piece suit I look at is aweful!! Any advice???

Have a good day!! Anna
That wasnt everyone!!! CJ, So sorry. How are you this am?? How ya feeling??

BTW, I post from my phone and there are typos. When I don't put a "D" on the end of "an" or some other words it's auto correct not an accent!! LOL I laugh and cringe when I go back and read what I post. But if I try and edit I end up loosing the post half the time.
Jules, what a fun trip to NYC. I too love that city. I used to have a few friends that lived on the upper west side and I would go and visit at least once a year. Runs through central park. Then coffee and a bagel with a ton of cream cheese like only new yorkers know how to do. I am jealous of your trip!! Have so much fun.

Hi Anna!:hi:

NYC is only about 12 miles away from my house, so we are always there to be honest LOL! I used to live on the upper east side before dating Tony and oh, how I miss it! I always tell Tony, if we strike it rich, we're moving to Park Ave! :rofl: I doubt my Tony would go for that tbh, as he works in the city and likes to peace and quiet our Northern NJ town offers, but we have the best of both worlds here, being so close to the city, yet in a nice, quiet town.

Beth, I am sorry to hear about your sleep battles :( I know it's tough to sometimes get on the same page as far as what you (both) feel is right to do with baby.

Ok, more later guys...I;m off to prepare a meatloaf for tonight! Right now Gabriella is making me laugh - she's having a grunt-fest trying to poop one out!:rofl:
Hearty is almost 22 weeks and was put on bedrest a week ago for potential incompetent cervix. At her anatomy scan (baby girl is perfect, btw :cloud9:) her cervix measured only 2.6 cm - it had been over 3 two weeks earlier. Her high-risk dr put her on bedrest for 10 days to see if it improves. Apparently they'd been checking it regularly due to the 4 D&Cs she's had, so that's good - allowed them to catch it early. It's really a cruel setback as she'd finally gotten quite comfortable that this was her forever baby, and now she's worried about losing this little girl, too. :sad1: One bright spot is that her employer has been great about allowing her to work from home so she doesn't have to apply for short-term disability.

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