35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

:hug: Carole that sounds horrible!!! Get some rest, hopefully they'll let you have a few days off!!!
I am thankfully off till Sunday but just tried the crutches and they are a no go as use my tummy muscles too much. Don't want to strain that area.

DH has been great and come home early to look after me, he is gonna lift me in the bath later and let me have a soak
Carole, I can't begin to imagine how scary that must have been. Praise God that the baby is doing well. I wish however, that you weren't in so much pain. I DO hope that your workplace will provide you for paid leave while you have to be out and pay for the medical bills associated with it as well as giving the employee a good talking to about picking up what we spill. Goodness! It's a normal thing to pick up after ourselves but when there is someone pregnant I would have hoped they would have watched it even more.

Praying for a speedy recovery and SO glad you have a supportive hubby to help you through. :hugs:
Carole - yikes!:shock:

I am so sorry that happened to you. Having a fall while pregnant is scary - I fell when I was about 18 weeks pregnant, but my fall was no where near as bad as yours. I tripped outside and fell forward. In trying to protect my stomach, I dropped to my knees...ouch LOL. I had badly bruised knees for a bit. But baby is very well padded in there! I do hope you feel better soon honey, rest up :hugs:

Beth - how are you feeling? How is Poppy doing? To echo what everyone else has said, you are an amazing mother so never feel badly about snapping a little. Gabriella had a rough first few days home which is nowhere near as bad as what you are going through and I almost lost it then! Sleep deprivation can make a person crazy. As humans, we're not meant to live on little to no sleep, so it is perfectly normal to cry and feel frustration when you're delirious through no sleep.

So we took Gabriella to the doctor yesterday. This was a weight check as the doctor was not happy with her weight last time (she hadn't gained enough). Yesterday though, she came in at 8lbs 10oz which was a gain of 1lb 1oz in a two week time frame which was wonderful! :happydance::thumbup: Doctor was very happy with that as were we! :happydance:

Last night, Gabriella slept for 6 and a half hours!:wacko: I was up after 4 hours, 5 hours and 6 hours just to make sure she was still breathing. We were both shocked she had slept so long. She usually sleeps for about 5 hours - she is a wonderful sleeper, but it is hard for me to relax and enjoy it as the fear of SIDS just freaks me out. I can't relax when she sleeps so long and always find myself checking her. Did you girls go through that too? I'm so scared of her stopping breathing.:nope: We woke her up finally at 6:30am to feed her and she chowed down on 6 oz of formula!

So tomorrow I am having lunch with our future nanny who is the godmother to the two daughters of a very good friend of ours. She has a degree in child development and will be coming to look after Gabriella Mondays through Thursdays in our home. I will be here too as I work from home, but I need someone to take care of Gabriella while I work as I am often in conference calls and meetings.

I'm really happy this worked out as she is a lovely person and I feel very comfortable leaving Gabriella with her if Tony and I also want a night out alone. :thumbup:

Angela - how are you feeling? Any nausea yet? I'm excited to see your first ultrasound pic!

:hi::hi:Hi to Chris, Rebekah, Steph, JuneBug, - sorry if I missed anyone - hope all is well! :hug::friends:
Yeah Jules I totally did that. :wacko: I still do sometimes. :dohh: It's been so hot here so her room is bw 24-26 degrees. Last night it was 27!!! I was freaking out she was going to cook.
Sophie started sleeping longer stretches around Gabriella's age too. My problem was my boobs! :shock: Here my baby would be sleeping but I couldn't because my boobs were so engorged. I literally had to squirt some out into the sink to relieve the pressure. :rofl:

On a different note... i think I am ovulating which means AF is around the corner :thumbup: I am not in a huge rush to get my period but I just also want to be normal again. Weird huh? Also.... TMI and I apologise in advance but I was checking out my lady parts yesterday and uhm....... it looks weird. There are two 'things' just inside that I swear weren't there before. Could it be scar tissue? I feel like my vagina is pushing out slightly.... I read you can swell during ovulation. Anyone experienced this before? Sorry for the vag talk.

Oh another note :haha: A friend of ours and their 2 week old baby popped by the other day. Oh dear God I am SO not ready to have another baby :rofl: It was overwhelming to think Sophie was ever that small!!!! :shock: Seriously. My first reaction when I held her was 'is she ok?' She looked too tiny but weighed the same as Sophie at birth. How quickly we forget. Well, certain times of the year, smells, songs... all have a way of bringing back memories.... it's been summer hot here (same as when Sophie was born) and that coupled with the newborn cries gave me a mild panic attack. So let's just say I had a revelation! In no way shape or form am I ready to have another baby! It's rather freeing to have taken this pressure off me and just enjoy Sophie for now. I also thought I would get pregnant when Sophie turns a year (which is still 5 mo off) but I think we'll wait a little longer. After all, I am not that old :rofl:

:hugs: to all! xo
hi ladies!

thank you to you all for boosting my spirits and making me feel good about being a mom.....It is such a comfort knowing I'm not alone in reaching the end of the rope at times.....and that it will get better. love to you all :hugs: you are all such wonderful moms!!!!

we had a great night last night, sleeping for 5 hours, quick feed, then back down for almost another 4. phew!

we went to the ped yesterday as the night before he had projectile spitup, very very watery poop - pretty much colored water - and an underarm temp of 99.1.....I called the 24 nurse at the ped and she walked me through a rectal temp :wacko: and it was still 99.1, so he was ok, just needed to be seen in the morning, which was yesterday..... so we went and the dr thinks he may have a little stomach bug (we hardly ever go out except for the drs and he said Charlie could have brought something home from work and not been sick, just carried it. But the ped also thought the zantac may be losing effectiveness as he was up over a pound and a half in 2 weeks - up to 11lbs, 2.5 oz!!!! he's a porker :haha: the dr said this weight gain is huge for an exclusively bf baby and I must have great milk! :haha: so anyways he upped the zantac dose and said to watch for 2 weeks until his 2 month appt when he may switch to something else. Or I can call next week if absolutely no change.

but he is a little better today, he needs a nap and has been fighting it the past few days. we are going out for a walk later today, which should be fun. Yesterday morning at 3am when he was up after only an hour or so after the last feeding and making tons of noises, charlie was going to get up to rock him and I stopped him saying, he's not crying, let him be.....and we didn't even peek at him and after about 15 mins of fussing, he put himself back to sleep! :thumbup: this morning at 3am feeding he went right back to sleep, so things are improving. :thumbup::thumbup:

Jules - 6 hours!!!!! AWESOME! Gabby is such a good little beauty!!! the first time poppy slept for 5 hours, we woke up groggy to his loud fussing and freaked out that he was crying for 2 hours and we slept through it.....:haha: I hope 6 hours is coming my way soon..... and great news on the nanny! I used to work from home as a software engineer (I was laid off when I was 2 months pg and haven't gone back, thinking I won't for awhile) and I know you def need someone to help out....it's not a cakewalk to work at home! (yummm cake! I'm starving!!!! I had charlie get me a nutrigrain bar at 3am feeding as I was soo hungry and thirsty! comes with the bf territory)

carole - hon, I'm so sorry. I'm glad baby is ok.....I hope the soak helped, and rest rest rest!!! give that DH a big hug for being such a caring guy.

Angela - how are you feeling?? :hugs:

:hugs: to Chris, Bek, CJ, Steph, Lou, Never and who did I miss??? Has anyone heard from Lava? I think about her and wonder how she and the twins are...

I received a maya wrap from a friend and am going to use it today so I'm not strapped to the couch holding poppy all day.... I have another OB appt this afternoon to check the incision issue but the visiting nurse tells me it's almost all closed so hoping I am done with the visits soon!

I just got the invites to the baptism, they are so cute! also got the tableware and stuff for the party.... I am doing a cupcake tree with a decorated small cake on top (I ever mention I have a certification in pastry arts and used to also teach cake decorating?? :) ) also planning on cream stuffed strawberries, lemon tartlets, peanut butter tarts, oatmeal scotchies (cookies) and chocolate chip cookies....might add a fruit tart or mini cheesecakes, not sure.....the cupcakes will have a blue wrapper with a cross on it and a pick on top that says Charlie's baptism and the date (Aprill 22nd).....also making favors of a decorated sugar cookie in the shape of a onesie with a cross on it, I'll bag them separately and tie close with a blue ribbon and a label the same as on the cupcakes. I'll be sure to take pics. :) I should have planned parties for a living!

OK enough about me.....I hope you all have a great day, will be in the mid-80s today - very unusual for us in MA, so we will go for a walk soon!
:hi: to you all and thank you for being such great, supportive, and loving sisters to me!!!!

Hi ladies, sorry no time to write, so glad to hear all new moms and babes are doing well! :hugs:

3 weeks and 6 days until my C-section now! And only 14 actual days of work left thanks to Easter holidays, although it is 3 weeks and 1 day away (my last day, April 13th, that is!).
CJ!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

so excited for you!!!! I hope Zacharie stays in there until d-date! and god bless ya for working until so close to d-date!
I think he will! My uterus has calmed down now since last weekend, and I have a feeling he won't come early thank goodness, I'm not emotionally ready yet!

I am starting to get sooooo excited! I need to start knitting his going home sweater. Have the yarn and pattern all ready to go, starting it tonight. With Zoë, I finished hers the night my water broke :dohh:
Super quick update and promise to catch up this evening, but got my betas back today and they are continuing to rise normally! :happydance::happydance:

Hcg is 1340, so slightly more than doubling on schedule from 312 four days ago. :thumbup: progesterone still holding at 28 (was 29 when they started me on the vaginal supps), but that too is normal considering that method of supplementing doesn't show up as a big spike in the blood progesterone.

So all in all, looking great and praising God for that! First scan scheduled Tues Apr 3 at 6w4d!

hi ladies!

.... I am doing a cupcake tree with a decorated small cake on top (I ever mention I have a certification in pastry arts and used to also teach cake decorating?? :) ) also planning on cream stuffed strawberries, lemon tartlets, peanut butter tarts, oatmeal scotchies (cookies) and chocolate chip cookies....might add a fruit tart or mini cheesecakes,

CAN I COME??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Beth, that sounds absolutely AMAZING! I am drooling! :flow: It's so cool that you have a certification in pastry arts! I absolutely love to bake and decorate cakes too, but I am an amateur. I would love to take a class one day and learn how to decorate properly, so that my cakes look more professional.

I'm so happy to hear that poppy is getting better! :thumbup: :hugs:5 hours is great! My doctor said at around this age is when babies start to sleep more during the night - I really hope that poppy keeps this routine up. Five hour sleep, plus a quick feed and then down again :thumbup:

JuneBug, not too long to go now! Are you nervous / excited? I'm so happy for you!

Angela - AWESOME on the betas and YAY for an ultrasound soon!! :thumbup::happydance:

I broke my diet this afternoon and dug into the Girl Scout cookies :blush: It's SO hard trying to lose weight. I've been doing cardio in the evenings this week while Tony looks after the baby and OMG it is SO exhausting! Before I got pregnant, I was working out for an hour in the morning and between half an hour / an hour after dinner in the evenings and was super fit, but I haven't worked out since I got pregnant last July and it's so hard getting back into it:wacko:

Ok ladies, I am off to do baby laundry..AGAIN! :laundry::hangwashing: I've never done so much laundry in my life! :haha:
Jules, on that laundry - just you wait!!! :rofl: so far today I've got half a load before noon with the sheets and pj's Ethan peed all over last night! :haha::haha:
:haha: Try adding cloth diapers to the mix! :rofl: I think I'll be doing about 2-3 loads per day soon :dohh:

Yes Jules, I'm getting ubber excited and just a bit nervous that little Z will be as high needs as Zoë was for her first 3 months. I could never put her down... If he's like that, he'll just have to learn to live in my Baby K'Tan :thumbup:
Oh and I started his sweater today :happydance:!!! Goal is to have it done, along with hat, booties and mitts in 2 weeks...
CJ that is so awesome on the knitting! I'm in awe of your stamina woman! Working full time, late third tri, a toddler to care for and youre still feeling crafty! So impressed! :hugs: i love to knit but haven't picked up needles in probably two and a half years. Im halfway thru an afghan project that has been going on about five years now! :haha:
LOL that's my cross-stitch project :blush: Working on a beautiful fall angel (done the spring angel, took me 7 years :shock:). I plan on finishing the fall angel during this mat leave! I also have about 10 patterns and yarn picked out for little Z, big Z and myself to keep me busy. My routine was to hook myself up to my breast pump (bilateral and with a band to hold it in place so that I have free hands), watch a couple of TV shoes and knit away, before bed. I completed 2 sweaters for myself, 3 as gifts and 2 for Zoë in the 7 months I was off work the last time!
Awesome news Angela!!!

CJ getting excited for you! :happydance: Not long now!! Thank goodness I have friends who knit I just simply don't have the patience.
:haha: Try adding cloth diapers to the mix! :rofl: I think I'll be doing about 2-3 loads per day soon :dohh:

Yes Jules, I'm getting ubber excited and just a bit nervous that little Z will be as high needs as Zoë was for her first 3 months. I could never put her down... If he's like that, he'll just have to learn to live in my Baby K'Tan :thumbup:

Oh dear, was Zoe really bad? I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like, you poor thing. I have my fingers and toes crossed that baby Z will be a very good baby!!

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