35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Jules, on that laundry - just you wait!!! :rofl: so far today I've got half a load before noon with the sheets and pj's Ethan peed all over last night! :haha::haha:

Does it get worse the older they get? Oh my stars! :rofl:

:rofl: I will just say this... The babies get bigger, what they eat increases, the clothing (thus soiled surface area) gets bigger, and their exposure to dirt and mess increases, so yeah, I gotta say, it definitely gets worse lol! But totally worth it, and I actually love folding clean baby laundry! :cloud9:
yay on the knitting, CJ! I knitted a whole bunch of things for poppy and I'm so glad I did! I too have a dual pump and the halter bra that holds them up....Charlie gets the giggles when I put it on :haha:

I just dropped off my cross stitch for framing that I made for the nursery, should be done in 2 weeks.....

I was also wondering how it will be if little Z will be the same as Zoe and how you will manage them both - I am worried that our next one will have the same discomfort and how to share time between the two....cause this one is taking all my time....how do I not let poppy feel neglected. I know, I'm kooky already thinking of the next one! :blush:

Thanks Jules, and you all are more than welcome to come to the christening! :flower: I love decorating cakes and teaching the classes - I do all that on the side and have made wedding/baby shower cakes and charged for them! And for friends and family too and just love it. I miss baking, and finally made some brownies for Charlie as my apology for being a snappy turtle one night.....but not just any brownies - choc brownies w/ choc chips, frosted in a creamy peanut butter frosting (made w/fluff), topped with chopped peanuts and peanut butter cups, then drizzled with melted choc! He gladly accepted my apology.

oh and girl scout cookies - YUM! I ate an entire sleeve of thin mints in ONE SITTING, so don't you dare feel bad. My goodness, you were SO fit! I'm jealous, I have so many knee issues (4 surgeries on one so far and still not right) that I am not very active - doesn't help that I'm lazy too. :haha::haha:

all my baby weight is gone but that doesn't mean anything as I was too chunky to begin with! But not that I'm back to my orig weight, I will be starting walking now and trying to lose weight this summer. My goal is to lose 25 - 30 lbs but not all this summer. I'll be happy with 15lbs this summer.

angela - YAY, so happy for you. wonderful news!!!!!

i saw the ob this afternoon - still one more week of the visiting nurse packing this darn thing. I have my 6-week checkup actually on the 8th week, so I'll be going to the dr and seeing nurses every week for 8 weeks! :dohh: ugh!

I hope you have a wonderful day with your little man today!:flower:
Happy Friday ladies!!

I am at work do this is a quick post to say thanks for all your kind words. I am still married (more on that later). Jo is great and getting her first tooth (more in that later too). I have spent all morning getting caught up And took notes so I will post properly tonight from my computer rather than I phone.

However just real quick ... Angela, Happy Birthday and huge congrats on the BFP!!!!

I have the stomach flu again, I think. I took a prenatal this am just in case. But baby was sick earlier this week so I'm pretty sure it's the flu.

Anyway, more later and love to you all!!

Xoxo anna
:cake: Happy Birthday Angela! Hope today is a great one! Congratulations on your new little one coming. :hugs: Thanks for the reminder to come here more often!

I finally caught up, but forgot to take notes. :blush: I do remember talks about cakes and knitting. I've asked a coworker to teach me how to knit (I've taken a few quickie lessons here and there, but I think I need one:one instruction), and I'll be starting with some sort of dishrag next month, LOL. My BFF is the cake decorator, so I leave the fancy stuff to her, and I just make homey desserts.

Yesterday I was excited because I thought the bloating was gone, but today it appears to be back.
Hi girls and thanks so much for all the sweet birthday wishes! It is so nice to have so many awesome friends to make my birthday such a happy one!

So I just typed a lengthy post on ipad and lost it. :cry: I am on my desktop now while munchkin naps so will try to recap -

Anna, so great to hear from you and so glad the marriage is hanging in! Please know I'm praying for you! :hugs: Feel better soon, stomach flu is no fun! (but I have to admit I would be SO excited if you are pregnant again :haha:)

Nikki, thanks for stopping by! It is great to see you here and glad all is going well! I'm already bloaty, and I've heard you "pop" sooner on a second pregnancy, so I am giving up hope I won't feel huge immediately. I already feel fat! :rofl:

Beth, your cooking and baking amaze me! I love to do both but am strictly amateur! And I don't think you are crazy at all for already thinking of a second :baby:. Honestly, I was telling my husband, it is AMAZING what God allows us to forget so that we want to do the whole thing again and again! :haha:These little creatures take over our hearts and minds and no matter the struggles, they are worth it! :happydance:

CJ, SO excited for you and we are counting the days with you! :hugs:

Beth, I think you asked about Laura - she's doing fine and I'm in contact with her by text. We are actually meeting up next week for a playdate and I am so excited!

Jules and Beth - the christenings/baptisms are so exciting! We have not done Ethan's yet (long story) but definitely will. Our church performs them up to six years, but we certainly won't wait that long! :dohh: I can't wait to see your photos!

Speaking of photos, I FINALLY have a professional session lined up for our family next weeknd. I am SO excited! This photographer did amazing things for some friends of ours so I am really hoping it goes well. I don't think I'm very photogenic and generally hate pics of myself, but Ethan takes GREAT photos so I am really excited!

How's everyone else? Steph, Rebekah, Chris? Carole, hope you are resting up! Purple, let us know how you are doing sweetie! If you like I would be glad to be bump buddies with you! :hugs: We are not too far apart!

Several people have asked how I'm feeling and I really appreciate that! I'm honestly SO excited to be pregnant that I really find it hard to focus on getting mundane things around the house done. I feel like it's my first time being pregnant again LOL! I think it is becaues we were not at ALL sure we'd ever be able to have a second, and now my every waking moment is consumed with excited planning. I'm trying not to get TOO excited just yet, becauseI know it is very early yet, but still... i want to tell EVERYONE and I know I can't yet. If we get good scan results at 6 weeks we will prpoably tell a few family and very close friends. I just can't keep my mouth shut that long! Plus, I signed up for the Color Run here in Atlanta (was it Anna who was asking about that? It looks AWESOME) and now I am going to have to tell my friend that I'm walking with why I'm walking so slow! :rofl: :rofl: I'm just hoping I still feel as good at 7 weeks as I do at 5, and can at least walk it!

But honestly I'm SO thankful that I'm feeling great, really. Hoping it doesn't mean anything is wrong, because I was so sick last time. :shrug: But the good betas so far give me hope that it's fine and I am just celebrating every day that I'm pregnant and feeling good! I am really tired and wear out very easily right now, and short of breath/lightheaded (I remember this from my last pregnancy - it disappeared in 2nd tri so I think it is the HCG). And I have just enough noticeable feelings from my abdomen that I can tell something is going on in there! :thumbup: So for now, I just celebrate every day and wait impatiently for my scan! I'm really praying that, as long as nothing is wrong, I do NOT get morning or anytime sickness this time, because I can tell how difficult it would be to care for Ethan all day feeling really sick. :dohh:

Okay girls please forgive if I forgot anyone. I already had mommy brain and now the new baby brain has turned my head to mush!

Love and hugs to ALL! :hugs:
Happy belated birthday Angela! So glad you're feeling well, I hope it keeps up!

Anna, great to hear from you and I'm thinking of you :hugs:
Happy Saturday girls!

Anna - so great to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear you have the stomach flu again :( Hope all is well with you, we miss you!:hugs:

Angela, I'm excited to see Ethan's pictures with the photographer you've chosen. He is such a photographic child, they are going to come out great! I'm sure you've heard this many times before, but he could be a child model. I can see him on the pages of a Gap catalog, he's so adorable :hugs2:

Beth - how are you doing honey? How was your night last night? I hope little poppy had another good night :flower:

Rebekah - any luck on the house hunting? How is Amelia doing?

As for us...I had lunch with Gabriella's new nanny yesterday (her name is Sona..pronounced 'Sonia'. As a reminder, although I work from home I need someone to look after her Mon - Thurs from 10am - 3pm while I am on conference calls and working.

It went really well and she is SO amazing with Gabriella. We bought Gabriella with us to lunch and she fussed a little and Sona picked her up and rocked her and calmed her down. She came to the house after and I showed her around and each time Gabriella fussed, she calmed her down no problem and even got a few smiles as a reward from Gabriella! She's the baby whisperer! :thumbup:

Another bonus is that she loves gardening and I have been wanting to do something nice with our yard for years (a vegetable garden and some flowers, herbs etc.) and she said she will help me put it together because it is relaxing for her and she enjoys it. I'm so excited!:happydance: Our garden is SO plain and boring right now, so this makes me happy :thumbup:

Hope everyone is having a happy day so far! Hugs to everyone!! :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend, I am back to work hobbling a bit still as my knee is extremely painful and still swollen but hey it will get there.

Angela Happy Belated Birthday honey hope you had a perfect day. I am so looking forward to seeing Ethan's pics as I know they will be gorgeous:hugs:

Anna so good to hear from you and hoping things are looking up on the marriage front. Sometimes it is so hard especially when a little one comes along it can take guys a while to adjust. My sisters hubby was a nightmare as he just didn't like not being the centre of her world anymore and having to put his son first, selfish I know but it happens as they get so used to their life before baby. Hang in there and I pray thatthings work out:hugs:

Jules YAY for super nanny!!! I know it is such a relief to know that you have someone you trust with you most precious little thing in life. We have a maid who is amazing with kids, that is the only reason we hired her full time 3 years ago when we started TTC. Great maids/nannies are like gold dust here so you snap them up when you hear of a good one available. I know that I will be so much happier about going back to work when Zara is so little as we have Meron who is our angel who I trust with my life.

Beth I am so impressed with the knitting and only eish that I could still remember how to knit clothes etc and had the time :nope: Praying things get better with little CHarlie soon :hugs:

CJ you are getting so close now, it is so exciting. Hoping that the next couple of weeks go by quickly and smoothly for you :hugs:

AFM just ticking along, knee is still very painful so moving about alot less which I find annoying as I hate not being mobile. Hoping that it gets better this week and turns out to be just a sprained knee and nothing more complicated as I need the strength in it for labour. Also finally managed to take some pics of the nursery. Still waiting on the final border to arrive from the UK so we can finish by her bathroom/wardrobe and need a bigger rug but apart from that we are done. I have tried to upload but need to reduce the file size so will post as soon as I have figured that out.

Take care all and enjoy the rest of your weekend:hugs:
Good Sunday Morning ladies!!

I know I promised a post on Friday but alas the stomach flu bug I had got worse and I spent Friday night and all day yesterday with a fever and tied to the toilet (sorry TMI). So while Jo takes her morning nap, thank goodness, I will try and get caught up. I lost my notes so it's from memory so forgive if I forget someone or something.

Angela, yes I've signed up for the color run here in Denver. Am very excited but I am not getting any running done in preparation. I was going to run this weekend but do not have the energy with the flu thing. Good luck on the run, it looks so fun. Is Ethan going?? I am going to put Jo in her jogging stroller and covering it in white fabric and she's running with me. Should be fun.
I am so excited for you and wish I could be your bump buddy, but the witch arrived this morning so it is not meant to be. In truth we are not trying but not using any birth control either other than the pull out method. NOT very reliable. As for not getting excited I understand but it sounds like you have a really good hold on reality but still enjoying the pregnancy. As you should!!! We all know too well that things can go wrong, but there's no reason to worry as you've said it's in other hands. Enjoy the glow.

CJ, so close now!!! I am not on facebook so have not seen the bump photos but I'm sure you're beautiful!!! How is work going and when is your last day??? Your DH is home now right??? Thinking of you and Carol!!

Speaking of ... Carol, you are so close too and I am happy to hear you have good help in your house. It is such a load off knowing you have a good care taker. How are you feeling?? I am so sorry for your fall, sounds terrible!! and so scarry!! Take care of yourself and counting down the days!!

NMG, I would love to bake and sew. I just don't have the temperament. I love to cook, but baking takes precision and I am not very good at that. How's poppy?? I will echo what everyone else said in that you are a great mom and we've all been there. There were times when Jo would cry / scream from about 4pm-10pm straight due to colic. We almost took her to the emergency room twice. It's so hard on the parents and you feel so helpless for your little one, but you are doing all you can and if the Zantec doesn't work insist that the doctor try something else. Prevacid solutabs worked wonders for us. She went off them right around 6 months. However they are getting harder and harder to find ( the solutabs ) so have the physician write you a prescription for a few months if he will if you can find it so you can stock up.

MA, how's the house hunt?? I talked to a friend yesterday about putting our condo on the market so we can look for something else. The baby is still in our room as our neighbors are too loud and the walls too thin for her to sleep in her room. So the reality is unless she sleeps in our room for forever we need to move.

Animal, how are you?? It is so hard to get back into the workout routine how's it going?? I LOVE the pictures!!

Svet, how's the teething going?? Jo is getting her first two teeth. I'm trying to teach her to crawl but that's not in the cards just yet. how are you?? i think you are right 6 months is a magical time!!!! everything is so new!!

Twinkle, Hiiiiii!!! Always good to see you!!

Steph, how are you??? When do you think you will move to colorado?? Sorry about the MIL. I just don't understand some people.

I know I've forgotten some people, but the girl just got up from her nap so I'm limited. Does anyone else struggle with nap times??? I feel like I get her on a sleep schedule on the weekends but it goes out the window at daycare on Mondays. Then things get back to normal a little on Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays a little and I have her again on the weekends. So frustrating!!

AFM, What to say on the marraige front. I will make it brief and to the point as I think this is a place for pregnancy and babies and the celebration of the two and not a place to disect a screwed up relationship. Having said that here's the skinny. We are bad communicators and yes, the baby is a contributing factor. When we got married we said no kids, then i changed my mind. DH went along although I think somewhat reluctantly. When I finally got pregnant and told him he didn't talk to me for about four days. I thinn whoever said that some men are the babies and have issues giving that role over to someone else was right on the money. Anyway I feel as if I am somewhat hindered in my "right to complain" about things as I created the situation he didn't want in the first place. Having said that, I know it sounds stupid and I am not a stupid woman just lost in how to proceed from here. I know we need help. But counseling in expensive, yet I have to take that first step and havne't. Our pattern is: bad relationship and I swear I have to go to counseling, then things get better for a time and I think maybe everything will get better until they go down the crapper. We are mean to each other sometimes and my biggest fear is that Jo will grow up and think this this is normal and the way relationships work. I don't want her to think it's ok for someone to be mean to her, espically a life partner. Children learn from their parents how a relationship should be and I do not want to set a bad example. But how to change???? So the more I write the more I relaize counseling is a must if not for us then for her.

On a positive note, we are headed to Mexico in a few weeks and I'm so excited!!!! March is a crazy time where I live with spring break crowds so it will feel good to get away.

ok that's all for now, will try and find my notes and fill in any blanks.

Hi Ladies-

oh my, we had such a bad night for 2 nights. last night was the worst. Up every hour, got about 1.5 hours total of sleep and that was fractured throughout the night. not screaming, but very uncomfortable and loud whimpers/grunts/groans/cries. then he did such a large watery poop that was about 4 explosions in less than 15 mins and blew out the diaper, all over charlie's jeans. My poor little poppy. The doc said when he has that watery loose poop to give him an ounce or two of pedialyte, so I just did that, he seemed to take it fine. But I am so darn tired, I can't think straight. Charlie thinks he got worse when we upped the dose of zantac but I don't know, I just know it's not helping. Now is the question on whether to wait until a week from Monday when we see the baby doc again to tell him that his solution was crap and to give me something else for him or call him this week. I just know I can't go on like this for another week, so if no sleep again tonight, we are in trouble.

Jules - you are so sweet to worry about us. It's funny - the day I wrote I was jealous that Gabby slept for 6 hours - that night poppy went 6.5 hours between night feedings. Then all hell broke loose and he won't sleep anymore longer than a few mins - keeps jerking himself awake. I'm hoping that huge poop was what was bothering him and he will have a better night. I have to tell myself that or I will go stark raving mad.
I am so glad the nanny is going to work out so well! What a relief to you to have a competent, caring woman you can rely on.

Angela - happy happy belated birthday, dear! What a lovely bday gift to have a little bun baking in the oven. I'm still so happy for you, even if I can't look at my little man today without pulling my hair out. :haha:

Carole - I'm so sorry you are still in pain. Rest up and get 100% before pushing yourself with a newborn. Because, trust me, even if you are in the worst pain of your life and feel you can't move, you will when you hear her cry....your pain will go away trying to soothe your little one, so make sure you are healed before you ignore any lingering pain....you don't want to prolong your healing time because you are pushing yourself.

Anna - I'm so sorry about the marriage issues. Hoping your trip to mexico will help the communication start flowing, but counseling is not a bad thing too!!! Hoping things get better for you guys. :hugs:

Little Poppy is sleeping good now and that worries me as I don't want him to sleep too long too deep now and not later on tonight. I need my sleep! I know I had more to day but I don't remember.....tomorrow marks 7 weeks and I'm hoping it goes better than the 6th week! :cry:

hugs to you all. :hugs:
Beth honey I am SO sorry and I remember those days well. That said, I would call your dr. TOMORROW. that doesn't sound like simple reflux to me and even if it is, then the Zantac isn't helping, and you need to move on to something else. I'm wondering if the Zantac itself could be disagreeing with him. I myself can't take acid blockers of that type as my body absolutely won't tolerate them... Wondering if poppy could have a similar issue. Or I think CJ suggested prilosec or Prevacid? Perhaps your dr could try a different med... I would not continue to suffer like that without calling dr though! :hugs:

On the startling awake, I'm sure you already tried this but just in case...have you tried swaddling? It makes a WORLD of difference and if you aren't already, try it now! You can basically google and see demonstrations - super easy and helps keep them from throwing their arms up and waking themselves.

I hope you get some sleep tonight, as I know how miserable that is for all three of you! :hugs::hugs:
Ok quick post as I am still at work but I have managed to solve my file size for the nursery pics. I printed them off and scanned them so quality/colour is not as good but gives a good idea.

Hope to catch up tonight when I am home as my new laptop arrived today after the hard disc corrupting again last week arrgh.


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Gorgeous Carole! I love the colors!

Anna I haven't forgotten you and want to respond when i can type for a few minutes, hugs and love!
Anna, huge :hug: I hope that DH agrees to counselling... Our situation is a bit similar: when we first met, we both had decided that we did not want children. Then, I changed my mind, and he went along with it, even before we were married. We had it REALLY rough for the first 3-4 months, and started going to counselling. We're still seeing a counsellor every couple of months, when he is in town and we have a sitter. Things have gotten better, but it took time and work. I hope the fact I'm on anti-depressants this time around will help ease the horrible post-partum depression I had, as this probably made our relationship even worse than it would have been...

My last day of work is April 13th, with the C-section 5 days later. DH just left last night for his last 6 weeks of school. He is coming back to visit for the Easter weekend, then the night before and of the C-section, then he heads back again for his final exams only to return home at the end of his schooling, May 1st.

Beth, the swaddling helped us for the first 2 months of life, but the thing that made the most difference in the end was letting her sleep on her belly. She likely didn't have as much pain from the reflux in that position, and started consistently sleeping longer stretches when we switched her to belly. Some may not be comfortable with that, but after doing my research, I decided that what works for some children doesn't for others and for us it was the right choice. To this day, at almost 2 years of age, she remains a belly sleeper like mommy! And for us, the Prevacid (lansoprazole) is what worked. I agree with Angela, call the doc ASAP!

Carole, beautiful!!! I love your colours :cloud9:
Hello friends,

well, I did get some sleep last night. phew. I fed him a cluster feed, last one starting at 9:45 (and it was a long feed) and although he didn't get to sleep until after midnight, he slept until 4am. :thumbup: So while he went 6 hours between feedings, he only slept for a little less than 4 hours. Still, I'll take it. After the 4am feed, he fell asleep on me and was peaceful last 15 mins of quiet time, and when I moved him to the bassinet (the mattress is elevated on a slant too), he was ok for about 10 mins, then woke up and same thing as the night before, but not as vocally. I told Charlie to let him fuss for a few mins before we get him and he put himself back to sleep in about 10 mins and slept for another almost 3 hours.

Oh and we definitely swaddle! We have a swaddle sleep sack that is very easy and keeps him nice and tightly swaddled, but since it's been so warm, we were using a jersey blanket and while I can do it so tight, he comes out of Charlie's so easily and wakes up sooner. So I usually do the swaddling, even though it annoys Charlie that I won't let him do it. The thing is, when he does it, it gets so loose and up around his face that I freak out and tell him he can't do it anymore. the other morning I let him do it because I was too tired and I woke up to his swaddle looking like a toga on him! I asked charlie what happened and he said he couldn't do it and he was too tired to care. I couldn't blame him too much as we are exhausted, but I am ordering a swaddle sleep sack in cotton today for the spring/summer!

CJ - interesting about the stomach sleeping - I was thinking poppy was sleeping good on me because it was me, but the other day I actually thought maybe it was because his belly was on me, essentially sleeping on his belly on me.....he has a pretty strong neck already, maybe I'll try the stomach sleeping and see how it goes.

Angela - I was wondering too if the zantac isn't agreeing with him, and I just looked at the side effects and they are constipation and diarrhea! what the hell kind of side effects are those for babies! I wonder if it is doing it to him. I see the visiting nurse today for myself (hoping this is the last week for this) and will ask her as well. The past 2 feedings have been 1.5 hours apart from the beginning of the previous one - is this still a growth spurt? I thought they only lasted a few days in the 6th week?

Carole - your nursery is so cute! Love it!

CJ - you are so close! Yikes on DH not being there day to day in these last few weeks, but so glad he will be there for the c-section! He is almost done, I bet he can't wait to be done and be back with you guys. If we lived close, I would haul Poppy over there and keep you company in these last few (LONG) weeks! Sending :hugs:

I must go for now, have to clean up a bit for the visiting nurse and, you guessed it, he's hungry again. :wacko:

Same here Beth! It took me 2 months to realize Z slept well on me because she was on her tummy! If he can lift his head a bit already, he'll be able to turn it from one side to the other like Z did... Just make sure you don't swaddle or use blankets if you try out the tummy sleeping. I wish you lived closer, would LOVE to have you visit :hugs:

And yes, his frequent feeds could be a growth spurt! Z had them it seems more often than "by the books" :hug:
Morning ladies!!

Beth, so sorry to hear poppy is having so much trouble. Josephine is a lot like Zoe in many ways. Jo is a stomach/ side sleeper too and it has helped. I agree with Angela and CJ., call the doc ASAP and tell him the drugs are not working. The effect of a good reflux drug is pretty quick. Again I advocate for the Prevacid solutabs, they resolve in a bottle so are easy to administer. And the work wonders. Side effects can be constipation so forewarned. But compared to hours of crying due to reflux, it's a small price to pay and her constipation was never that bad. Many hugs and hang in there!!

CJ, wish I could come hang out too!!! How are out managing?? Work, toddler, pregnancy... Oh my! Also thanks for the words of comfort. Helps to know someone else has been in the same boat.

Angela, how are you this am??

Afm, up all night with the girl. Teething giving her a lot of trouble. Her second tooth is comming in and she was up every four hours last night. Poor little thing. Good news I am finally feeling better after stomach flu. Four days of not eating does wonders for the swimsuit and Mexico but I have little energy to spare for Jo. Good news is that I feel as if have a clean slate to start from diet wise. MA, I am inspired by you and think I will try and be a pescadarian for the next month, nothing but fish for meat then the standard vegetarian diet. So that's all for now. Have a good Monday

Oh I forgot... Carol I'm onmy phone yet again so can't pull up the photos of nursery but I will from home. I'm sure it's just beautiful!!

Hey girls! Anna, thanks for asking after me!

I'm doing well, just did something today that I know better than to do. :nope: I made the mistake of reading back a bit on my November thread and saw where one of the girls who just sadly miscarried had basically the exact same symptoms (or rather, lack thereof) that I have had. :dohh::dohh: I know ALL the intellectual reasons that this should not freak me out, but it definitely does, I think just because this pregnancy, my symptoms have been so different (such a lack of nausea that, while awesome in itself, worries me just a bit). The only major symptom I've had, apart from being tired most of the time, is just being constantly, and I mean no-quantity-of-food-satisfies-for-long, starving all the time. No matter what I eat, I'm hungry again soon after. That was this girl's only real symptom too.

I know my betas have looked good so far, I'm just freaking out because I can't get scanned till a week from tomorrow. Believe me, I'm NOT dumb enough to wish for morning sickness or major nausea (ive had a teeny bit off and on), I'm just praying all is well with this little one and we see a heartbeat. And praying I can keep from going insane till next week's scan. :wacko: :wacko: man, I had blocked out the memory of how nerve wracking this whole pregnancy thing is, especially the early weeks!

Anyway, I'm doing fine and I do have other symptoms, and I would be delighted to go 9 months with no nausea! I just hope all is well. I'm now reminded of why I really had to limit my time in the pregnancy forums while I was pregnant... Just far too many scary stories and others' fears, when I have plenty of my own. I think I will just stick to this board and my march group and stay out of the pregnancy groups! :dohh:

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