35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna SO cute! And yes, she looks so happy for being up all night :haha:

Beth, adorable photos of poppy!

So yes, my scan is tomorrow. Our clinic does not allow children, period, and I was unable to find childcare so hubby will be staying home with Ethan. As long as everything is fine I'm okay with that, but if something is wrong, I will be VERY upset to be there by myself. The good news is, I've had no reason so far to think anything is wrong, and my MS is now so intense (and all day and night like last time) that I feel like everything should be okay. I'm just praying! scan at 2 tomorrow. I looked back at my 6w2d scan with Ethan to remind me what I can expect to see. I'll be 6+4 tomorrow. If everything looks good I am DETERMINED to relax and try to enjoy this pregnancy (first tri ms misery notwithstanding) and stop obsessing and spending so much time googling and worrying. You would think having done this once before, I would not be so nervous, but nope! Never a shortage of worry for me. :dohh:

Hugs to all and happy Monday!
Angela, you know the MS is a good sign, but I know it's hard not to worry. Just stay off the Internet!!! Except for here of course. Sorry DH won't be there. Also sorry for the crazy MS. Another boy perhapse??? Take care of yourself!! Picture of Jo was taken last night before the total melt down.

Have a good one. Anna
Hi girls!

Anna, Angela - I know you are both so right about the weight loss..it's just so depressing not having anything that fits. I'm so tired of living in stretchy pants:cry: My husband, bless his heart (he is a big guy!) tells me that I am beautiful no matter what weight I am and he likes me with a lil chunk! :rofl:

I'm just going to keep at it and hope for the best and try not to stress. I just hope it eventually comes off!!

Beth - I love the pic of Poppy in the blue hat! He is so precious. Has he had his 2 month check up yet with shots? Gabby is getting her shots on Monday - if she cries it will break my heart!:cry:
Your night time routine sounds very similar to Gabby's routine - starting at around 7pm we start making the house just a little quieter. She gets a bath, eats, naps in my arms (or Tony's arms) up until around 10pm or 11pm and then she's swaddled and in her bassinet.

I've been reading books to her lately - she's smiling a LOT lately. It's amazing how much of a fool I will make of myself to get a smile out of her! LOL.

Anna - Jo is beautiful! That is a great picture of her in the tub!:thumbup:

Angela - I wish I could come with you to your scan. I know how nervous you must be :hugs: I'll be on in the afternoon to see how things went...I have everything crossed and you will be in my thoughts and prayers my friend!! :hugs::hugs:
Thanks Anna! I do wonder if it's another boy. Will be excited to find out!

And I think the ms is going to keep me out of even walking the color run. Unfortunately, I'm feeling pretty ill these days till at least after lunch, and the run starts at nine am and is 1.5 hours each way from my house. :wacko: I hate to disappoint my friend and waste the reg fee but I just don't think I could do it, not at 7 weeks. I do want to get back to at least walking for exercise once the nausea passes, just not there yet. :hugs:
Hey ladies!

Beth, I'm glad you and DH had a good chat and that the omeprazole seems to be helping. :hugs:

Jules, it took me 15 months to lose my baby weight :blush: I think I used the BF'ing excuse to keep indulging longer than I should have... Will not make that mistake again! Plus I had PPD, so didn't actually start working out until Zoë was almost 5 months old. This time around, I can't wait to start running again, so I am hoping to start slow jogging 8 weeks after the C-section. I agree, give yourself a bit of slack, it'll come off!!!

Angela, :hug: and good luck tomorrow! I was alone for ALL scans during this pregnancy, as DH is living 4 hours away for school :wacko: I was really nervous given the bleed I had at 6 weeks plus the complete absence of all symptoms... Turns out my body is just handling this pregnancy so much better than last time and I learned not to complain about my lack of symptoms :haha: Keep us posted!!!

Anna, I HATE teething! Was up 3:45-5AM with a very unhappy Zoë who is cutting her 2 year molars. I'm so tired :cry: Oh well, only 7 days of actual work left so I can't complain too much...

Anna, Jules and Beth, thanks for the baby photos, you've made my day :cloud9:

Hi to everyone else!!! OK back to finish the load of stuff on my desk...
Jules, we cross posted. Thank you so much and I will report back as soon as I gt home tomorrow! :hugs:

CJ thank you too! At this point I honestly feel about like I did with my pgcy with Ethan, so I feel good about things in that sense, but am really missing the lack of nausea and the enjoyment of lots of food that charactized weeks 5 and 6! :rofl: we had our family and Ethan's portraits done this satruday (I can't wait to see and share those!) so I took a zofran that day so I wouldn't LOOK as awful as I'd been feeling. I felt SO much better I was even able to go out for Mexican with hubby and ethan and I thought, oh that's right, THIS is what it feels like to want to eat again lol! I don't want to complain though, I'm so thankful to be pregnant again and at least this time, with the perspective earned from my first pregnancy, I can remind myself it's just temporary and I don't have to worry it will go on forever, like I worried last time.
Hey ladies!

Beth, I'm glad you and DH had a good chat and that the omeprazole seems to be helping. :hugs:

Jules, it took me 15 months to lose my baby weight :blush: I think I used the BF'ing excuse to keep indulging longer than I should have... Will not make that mistake again! Plus I had PPD, so didn't actually start working out until Zoë was almost 5 months old. This time around, I can't wait to start running again, so I am hoping to start slow jogging 8 weeks after the C-section. I agree, give yourself a bit of slack, it'll come off!!!

Angela, :hug: and good luck tomorrow! I was alone for ALL scans during this pregnancy, as DH is living 4 hours away for school :wacko: I was really nervous given the bleed I had at 6 weeks plus the complete absence of all symptoms... Turns out my body is just handling this pregnancy so much better than last time and I learned not to complain about my lack of symptoms :haha: Keep us posted!!!

Anna, I HATE teething! Was up 3:45-5AM with a very unhappy Zoë who is cutting her 2 year molars. I'm so tired :cry: Oh well, only 7 days of actual work left so I can't complain too much...

Anna, Jules and Beth, thanks for the baby photos, you've made my day :cloud9:

Hi to everyone else!!! OK back to finish the load of stuff on my desk...

And I just want to say, you are amazing juggling all that you are doing right now! Working full time, taking care of Zoe with your hubby gone most of the time, getting ready for baby and still finding time to KNIT! Lol! I saw your journal post and couldn't believe all you are balancing! Although I knit too, and could see where that may actually be a soothing project, except that you have a project deadline!

LOL thanks, I think I've been in survival mode since DH left in September :haha: It's amazing what you can get done when you really have no choice! As for the knitting, don't laugh but a lot of it is done during rounds at the hospital :rofl: I only get about 30 minutes done per night as I unwind and watch 1 TV episode...
Hi Ladies,

I have been MIA for the past week and half. Work has been super duper crazy! When I get home I have just enough energy to play with Katelyn give her a bath and put her to bed! My boss is out this week so I have some breathing room here to read and post!

I have been trying to catch up on what everyone is doing and have posted to some of your FB pages this week so I am trying to keep up to date with that!!!!

Hi Happy Auntie!!! I hope you are well. Thank you for the update on our friends on 35+ and thank you (and Angela) for the update on Heartree!

CHarmaine! I know I am about 8 pages late, but your girls are GORGEOUS!!!! I just want to squeeze each of them!

In fact all you all that have posted photos of your little ones lately they are just too cute for words!

Angela - Let us know how your scan goes!!!

CJ - So excited for you.

Anna - Sorry to hear that Jo is keeping you up with teething. I love the photo of her in the tub though!

I am trying to get all the last minute preparations for Katelyn's birthday together, but been having trouble finding time. My Step son had his birthday last week and we had a party for him this past Saturday and in addition to all of that, we are trying to do a shortsale on my house (which was approved and if all goes well we have to be out by April 13th!!!!!) and look for a rental in the mean while! We found a couple that we liked. One that has a great backyard, but is kind of small on the inside, however we can store things in the garage. Another, that is roomy on the inside, but no garage thus, we would need a storage room. It has just been a pain in the ass frankly especially since we are on a time crunch. If we had more time we could probably find something that was a better fit, however I am leaving it in God's hands. He will put us where we need to be!

On top of that my family is flying in this week for Katie's bday! Gonna be another busy week. I am hoping by April 16th the house situation will be done and we will be in our new spot. I will try and keep up with you all this week. Sorry this post is mainly about me.

Hi to everyone else, Jules, Beth, Happy Auntie, Carole, Laura, Rebekah

Steph honey :hug: that is a lot to get done in two weeks! I know how stressful the party planning alone can be, can't imagine a two week short sale and move on top! I wish I lived closer and could help you somehow!
Hi all!!! Thank you so much for your sweet comments about the lil' girlies!!! They are a TRIP! Haha, no pun intended... :)

All of these lil ones on here are sooo sweet! I have just ran through the posts....

We are still swaddling. I know, it sounds crazy, but it is the ONLY way to get them all settled down. When they wake up in the night, we re-swaddle and put in the pacifier... seems to do the trick. Yes, they are nearly 8 mos old.... grrr... prob not the best thing, but.....

On weight - OMG... I have 25 more to lose... ANd have not seen any movement on the scale in at least 3 weeks... My clothes fit better, but like Anna says... - the STOMACH... GRRR... and its just all mushy & gushy and YUCK. I know I need to do more excercise, but I just hate it... Need to tell myself to SUCK IT UP!!! MOTIVATE!

ooohhh, but Anna - how I wish I could go to Mexico!!!!! :) :) :) And that pic of Jo in the tub is so PRECIOUS!!!

MA - the house hunt sounds so hard, we did it 2 years ago.... I so HOPE you find your dream home!!! Your sweet Amelia is just a DOLL!!!

Steph - I can't believe its nearly been a year!!!!! I'd love to see a new pic of that little princess of yours!!!

Hi to all and hope that we hear good news from you, Angela!!!
Hey Ladies

Hope all is well with everyone.

Angela good luck for the scan today, I am looking forward to your update later telling us about your little bean with a heartbeat. And although you will be alone physically we will all be with you in spirit for sure :hugs:

Austin those babies of yours are just adorable and I really don't know how you do it with 3!!!

Beth so glad that things are starting to get a little better for you, parying that it gets even better for you and you start to get some sleep :hugs:

Jules I feel for you on the weight issue but I am sure that weight loss with happen soon. Your delivery was not that long ago and the body will take its time to adjust. I know the famous seem to pop right back into shape but I am sure they just starve themselves and work out furiously everyday with a personal trainer whilst the nanny looks after baby. It is not like that for us "normal" people :haha: Hang in there and I am sure you will ping back before you know it:hugs:

Steph excited to hear about birthday preparations for your princess, I am sure all will go completely fine and everyone will enjoy the day:hugs:

I am totally loving all your pics of your gorgeous babies, it really does make me smile.

AFM I am now so over being pregnant, I know I am so very lucky after our long TTC journey but I am seriously so tired and uncomfortable now that I want it to hurry up and be May already. I am really not sleeping much at all now as just cannot get comfy and then I need to pee every hour without fail even if I try to limit my fluids later in the day :growlmad: I am coming to work like a zombie and grouchy at DH and the weather is now hotting up here and over 30 degrees C everyday now. Really hoping the Dr's feeling is right and she will come early they reckon by 2nd May at 38 weeks but official EDD is 14th May. Hoping that by working it will have some miracle effect of starting my labour by 38 weeks as I just couldn't imagine going overdue when in May temps will be high 30's:cry:
Charmaine, so great to hear from you! I, too cannot imagine having three with exactly the same needs at the same time, I find it hard many times with one! :haha: they are just beautiful and you are doing a fabulous job!

Thanks Carole! I know those last months of pregnancy seem so long and arduous. :hugs: I remember thinking, I expected to feel awful by nine months, but noboday mentioned it beginning with seven months! :dohh: I'm sure you are already aware of this, but especially late in pregnancy and with the heat going up so dramatically, keep an eye on your blood pressure (get a monitor you can use at home and check at least once a day, I used an Omron brand if you can find it there). If your pressure goes up,they will likely induce you early, at least that was my experience. The best advice I can give is just to remember, you will get to meet your princess very soon. :happydance::cloud9:

So yep, scan is at 2 today. I'm nervous about everything being well, of course, but excited at the same time. It felt like this week would never get here!!

Just wanted to pop in and wish Angela the best of luck for today. Angela, I will be thinking of you today and holding your hand in spirit, in that scan room right with you!:hugs::hugs:

Hey Ladies

AFM I am now so over being pregnant, I know I am so very lucky after our long TTC journey but I am seriously so tired and uncomfortable now that I want it to hurry up and be May already. I am really not sleeping much at all now

Oh boy, do I sympathize Carole! I remember feeling that way at the end of my pregnancy - in my case I was at the hospital it seems ALL the time - either for high blood pressure monitoring or fibroid pain. And of course the lack of sleep! You get to a point where you are just so over it.

Hang in there honey, not too long to go! :hugs:
Thanks Jules! :hugs: I will update as soon as I get home!
Good luck Angela, thinking of you!!!

Had my before-last OB apt just now. Everything is good. One more before the C-section. My surgery was moved up from 1:45PM to 11:45AM, I am ever so grateful as this is 2 hours less of fasting :yipee: I did feel fed up with being pregnant with Zoë, so I completely sympathize! My experience this time though is completely different. I was sick until the end with Zoë, plus I swelled up like the Michelin man starting at 34 weeks and suffered from insomnia starting at 6 weeks :wacko:. This time, I've not experienced daily nausea, sleep like a log and have no swelling, so I'm very much enjoying third tri, which I didn't think was possible! Can't believe I'm 36 weeks today with little Z making an appearance in 15 days!!! Still have a few things to do at home, but we'd be ready if he came now...

I'm so excited, my mom has just announced she's retiring in June! Which means we'll get to see her much more often (she lives 5 hours away...). My MIL is undergoing chemo and radiation for her breast cancer so I'm expecting we'll have to make the trip to her to have her meet her new grandson as she can't be here when he makes an appearance (she is 4 hours away) :cry:
Hello lovely mummies!! Thank you for the hugs & for being indignant on my behalf!!

The good news is we've got our next appointment on 11th April so hopefully we'll get the HSG results & DH's SA results then. The bad news is I've stalled on the weightloss front so they probably won't do anything at the moment anyway. However knowing if there's anything wrong or not will be a relief!

Loving all the pictures of your LO's - Charmaine the girls are gorgeous!

Will pop back in later to see how Angela's scan went.

Love, hugs & as much sleep as possible to all of you xxxx
Morning all!!

Twinkle I can not believe it has taken so long to get your test results!! But water under the bridge I guess, can't wait for april 11th!! It will be good to know if there's something wrong. Remind me, are you "unexplained"? I hated that term!! It just means you can't get pregnant and they don't know why. Anyway, cheering for good results and thinking of you!! Lots of hugs!!

CJ I will repeat what someone else said and marvel at all you juggle!! I can barely manage job and baby. If DH has a job he can't take the dog to I am thrown for a loop with the added responsibility. I am in complete awe and bow to the goddess of getting it all done. I am so happy to hear you are feeling so good this time around. Makes a world of difference. Quick question , I had started running again but find running with a jogger a challenge as you can't use your arms. Any pointers or advice?? I tend to use my shoulders more and I think my legs more. Congrats on the move up time for C-section!!

Carole, how I remember those last few months!! When I say I miss being pregnant I mean the first two trimesters!! Cause the third was a ...rhymes with witch. I was in misery and so I feel your pain. Hang in there it's just a little further and you will be holding your precious baby in your arms!! People kept saying to me to enjoy it because at least right now she's easy to take care of, and it sounds silly but oh so true. No reflux, no teething, no BFing, no bottles, no poopy diapers. Not that I minded any of those things but they present their own challenges. Also enjoy the intimacy of it just being you and baby. There's such a special connection between you two right now... Ok think I'm going to cry. Anyway hang in there and I'm cheering you on!!!

Steph, how are you doing it all???? Yet another goddess of doing it all!!! Birthday parties, work, moving oh my!! Hand in there and good luck with the house hunt.

Austin!! always a treat to hear from you! How are things going?? Do u still have help with the girls?? They are just so darn cute!!! Are you back at work or staying home?? And I think the last time Jo slept well at night was the last time we swaddled her, so I am not judging!!

Angela, fingers crossed the scan goes well. Thinking of you and wish I could be there to hold your hand!!!! I will be there in spirit!! As for color run/ walk I am sure your friend will understand. Are you going to tell her why?? I was never stricken with the kind of MS you have so I never experienced anything that come really knocked me out. Post when u can I will be waiting and will check in regularly.

MA, how's the house hunt?? I am guessing you are busy with hopefully putting an offer in on a house. Good luck!!

Beth, how's poppy doing??? Is the new medication helping????

AFM, I stalked heartrees journal yesterday and it is so good to hear her so happy. She wrote something I loved, " my soul feels like it it is wrapped in twinkling stars and covered in glitter.". I love that !! She's describing how she feels pregnant. So sweet and special thought I would share it. I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her. On another positive note JO slept really well last night which means mama slept really well last night. I feel as if I will survive the day unlike yesterday where I thought I would crash and burn before the day was through.

So happy Tuesday!!!! Anna
Morning all!!

Twinkle I can not believe it has taken so long to get your test results!! But water under the bridge I guess, can't wait for april 11th!! It will be good to know if there's something wrong. Remind me, are you "unexplained"? I hated that term!! It just means you can't get pregnant and they don't know why. Anyway, cheering for good results and thinking of you!! Lots of hugs!!

CJ I will repeat what someone else said and marvel at all you juggle!! I can barely manage job and baby. If DH has a job he can't take the dog to I am thrown for a loop with the added responsibility. I am in complete awe and bow to the goddess of getting it all done. I am so happy to hear you are feeling so good this time around. Makes a world of difference. Quick question , I had started running again but find running with a jogger a challenge as you can't use your arms. Any pointers or advice?? I tend to use me shoulders more and I think my legs more. Congrats on the move up time for C-section!!

Carole, how I remember those last few months!! When I say I miss being pregnant I mean te first two trimesters!! Cause the third was a ...rhymes with witch. I was in misery and so I feel your pain. Hang in there it's just a little further and ou will be holding your precious baby in your arms!! People kept saying to me to enjoy it because at least right now she's easy to take care of, and it sounds silly but oh so true. No reflux, no teething, no BFing, no bottles, no poopy diapers. Not that I minded any of those things but they present their own challenges. Also enjoy the intimacy of it just being you and baby. There's such a special connection between you two right now... Ok think I'm going to cry. Anyway hang in there and I'm cheering you on!!!

Steph, how are you doing it all???? Yet another goddess of doing it all!!! Birthday parties, work, moving oh my!! Hand in there and good luck with the house hunt.

Austin!! always a treat to hear from you! How are things going?? Do u still have help with the girls?? They are just so darn cute!!! Are you back at work or staying home?? And I think the last time Jo slept well at night was the last time we swaddled her, so I am not judging!!

Angela, fingers crossed the scan goes well. Thinking of you and wish I could be there to hold your hand!!!! I will be there in spirit!! As for color run/ walk I am sure our friend will understand. Are you going to tell her why?? I was never stricken with the kind of MS ou have so I never experienced anything that come rely knocked me out. Post when u can I will be waiting and check in regularly.

MA, how's the house hunt?? I am guessing you are busy with hopefully putting an offer in on a house. Good luck!!

AFM, I stalked heartrees journal yesterday and it is so good to hear her do happy. She wrote something I loved, " my soul feels like it it is wrapped in twinkling stars and covered in glitter.". I love that !! She's describing how she feels pregnant. So sweet and special thought I would share it. I hope she doesn't mind me quoting her. On another positive note JO slept really well last night which means mama slept really well last night. I feel as if I will survive the day unlike yesterday where I thought I would crash and burn before the day was through.

So happy Tuesday!!!! Anna

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