35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks ladies!

JuneBug - is it called Baby Advil? I've never given Gabby any meds before and don't have any in the house so I want to make sure I give her the right type!

Angela - I am dreading watching her get the shots! I think you are right, it is harder on us! I remember her getting her first Hep B at the hospital and also they drew blood. It was torture watching! She was so upset! :cry:
Yes, there is an infant formulation of Advil, just ask the pharmacist. I strongly recommend the dye-free version!

It gets worse as they become aware of the needle. For Z's first 3 sets, I just nursed her and she hardly made a sound. For the 12 month ones, she wanted nothing to do with nursing and screamed when she saw the needle :wacko: It definitely IS harder on us! :hug:
Hi Ladies!

Gee wiz, I haven't gotten any email notifications that there was anyone posting so I figured there was no activity. I was surprised with 6 pages. SO sorry to have missed all the action.

Angela, glad things went well. I knew you'd be just fine with little babes. So glad to hear it confirmed though to ease your mind. It's always such a good thing to hear. Ethan is such a little cutie-pie!

Beth, sounds like your on the road to sanity with the schedule and the baby's new med. LOVED poppy's pics. Too cute!

Hi Twinks and HA! :hi: :hugs:

Jules, I haven't lost a whole lot and in fact I'm pretty ticked off. Doug and I are on the same vegetarian plan with a few exceptions and that man already lost 20lbs. I've been back to pre-baby weight BUT....I'd like to get to the weight I was before my first pregnancy which ended in loss. That means I have almost 50lbs to lose. It's not going ANYWHERE! :wacko: Granted I don't feel safe enough to walk outside here in this area but I am eating a whole lot better and exercising when I have the time here in the house. Hopefully once we get settled I'll start losing a bit more.

I also LOVE the photo of you when your a baby and your right! You both look alike. It's so lovely to see isn't it?!

Amelia was giving me issues with her 4pm nap time. I let her cry it out and she's asleep. I feel like a nap though. I've been so high strung that I haven't been able to sleep much.

Anna and Charmaine, thanks for the check-in on the home front. I am proud to finally say we found our home. It's in the country by a river and is about 15 minutes from church, the cemetery our son was buried in and only a 22 minute drive to Dougs work. I've heard nothing but good things about there area. It is a farming community so it has a wide variety of people. Some hard working blue collar families who are trying to keep their kids out of trouble and then there's the elderly. It's a small town feel where everyone knows everyone else. Our area is the newest and has smaller but nicer built homes while in the town there are homes built in the early 1900's. The school system is great and even though we'll homeschool, we plan to put Amelia in some sports, art and music programs to supplement and also give her a well-rounded education.

First of all, I have to say the price on this house was AMAZING! We found plenty of houses that were crap and wanted WAY more than this house offered. It has a partially finished basement, HUGE fenced in backyard. There's woods behind us, tree's to the property on the side of us and an elderly person to the side and across the street from us. Totally amazing with the updates. We WILL need to put in two new tubs and I'd like to replace the bathroom flooring and update lighting in both bathrooms, the kitchen and living areas. It will need paint in most rooms with exception to the grey bathroom and the green living area. Will also need a new door to the basement and whole new front door. Aside from that, so far so good. We have our inspection on Friday. We also found out that the family didn't think they were going to sell so quickly SO, they will have to reside in the place until mid July because the home owners of THEIR home are building. Our lawyers will deal with the technicalities which I'm hoping will go smoothly. ((My cousin and uncle are our lawyers to I have confidence it will be all taken care of))

I'll keep everyone posted. In the meantime I'm LOVING the pics of all the baby's. :happydance: So excited about the sono's I'm seeing.

Carole, I know this is hard but the end is not far. Keep pushing through the rough days. It will all be worth it when your holding your little one in your arms. :hugs:

Steph, Yay on the home front. Hopefully you'll be settled sometime soon. :hugs: I've been thinking about you.

CJ: I'm so sorry to hear about your mil. :comfort: Glad to hear your mom will be retiring so she'll be able to spend some time with her grandbabies. Looking forward to seeing what joy this little one brings too along with big sister. Warms my heart!

Love and :hug: to you all!!
Angela - YAY on your scan! That is great news. I would have posted yesterday, but I will get into that later! And I LOVE the photo of Ethan. I am sure you kiss the dimples all day long LOL.

Carole – Sorry that you are hot and miserable, but just a few more weeks to go! And yes, as Angela said watch your BP!

Jules – I think Gabby looks exactly like you. As far as the shots are concerned, no allergic reactions, just low grade fever. Katelyn’s dr’s office always gives her a dose of Tylenol prior the shots and then I give her another dose no matter what 4 hours later. And then another before bed so that she is comfortable and not in pain.

Hi Twink, Happy Auntie! Good to see you ladies!!!

Anna – How are the preparations for Mexico? As far as me doing it all and how I am doing it. I am not. I am about to lose it! LOL. I did get most of the stuff for the party completed. Just need to put together the favors and buy the food – then decorate…Luckily, my parents get in on Friday, so I will have a ton of help and Steve’s sisters are helping out a lot as well which is good. Glad to hear the Jo is starting to sleep better. Hope if continues!!!!

CJ – Wow, I can’t believe that you are already 36 weeks! Where did the time go? Looking forward to seeing new baby photos from you and Carole! YAY!

Rebekah – let us know how the house buying is coming along! You are getting like me and becoming MIA LOL.

AFM – Well, yesterday I went to lunch and as I was leaving there were helicopters and police on the block. While at lunch, I receive an email saying the my building is on Lockdown and no one can enter or leave. There were 4 men who had robbed a store and were armed and running around near our building. So me and my girlfriend ended up going to the mall for the rest of the day. We tried to get back into the building around 2:30, but the police wouldn’t let us onto the street. My poor co-workers were trapped in the building on lockdown until 5:30 last night and we had lay-offs that morning so some of the people who were laid off couldn’t even leave!
was supposed to go on a day trip today up to Pixar Animation Studios – well now I will be calling in since I got nothing done yesterday. The other bad part is that my breastpump was in the building being held hostage LOL. I have a hand pump at home and was planning on using that until I remembered that I was being proactive and had packed my linen closet up and it was in a box somewhere in the garage!!! Le Sigh.

The house hunt continues which is going to be tough to do this weekend since we have the birthday party and Easter! I just have to put it in God’s hands and LEAVE IT there!

I hope that everyone is doing well.

Rebekah we posted at the same time..I was just commenting that you were MIA HA HA HA
I LOVE your house!!!!! It is beautiful. I love the breakfast nook in the kitchen and the window for the barstools as well. Question - are they leaving the play area in the back?
I LOVE your house!!!!! It is beautiful. I love the breakfast nook in the kitchen and the window for the barstools as well. Question - are they leaving the play area in the back?

They would but we're asking them to take it. The swing set is wooden and it's old enough to where there is wood loosening. The jumper we're unsure about. Our nieces and nephews would love it but then it's HUGE!

We're planning on putting a life-sized doll house out there in the place of the swing set and later bring in a new swing set.

We're also going to be having a sizable vegetable garden and flower bed. Around the fencing I'd like to put some berry bushes, grapes, etc. and out front in place of that pine tree we'll most likely take out, we're going to put a cherry or apple tree. We'll be landscaping at some point too. When we actually take over the place, most of the growing season will be half way done so no garden this year. We may be able to get plants at half price to start landscaping though. :winkwink:

We keep all the appliances though. I wanted that leather couch in the basement SO bad but they weren't going to part with it. It's okay. We'll have to actually buy another couch anyway.

Oh, forgot to mention Amelia has her 6 month photo shoot tomorrow. Can't WAIT to see it all. I bought two frames with a spongey foot print to go in and we'll give one to both grandparents for mothers day. Should be fun!
MA - love the house! FX'd everything goes well with the inspection and it's smooth sailing from here on out. :thumbup: A thought occurred to me, though - I may be overly cautious, but you may want to go back and edit that post to take out the link - it shows the address to your house, and these forums are visible to absolutely anyone and everyone - you don't have to be a registered user on BnB to read what's posted here....
Wow I have alot to catch up on!!! Where have I been???? Just wanted to say congrats to Angela! And MA! What a nice house and that property! Gorgeous land. I hope you'll be very happy there.
Hey ladies! Thank you. HA your probably right. Thanks for the heads up. I took the link down just in case. :winkwink:
Thanks girls! MA, I love the house! But HA makes a good point, can't be too careful. There has actually just been a situation on another thread where apparently a member has been either lying about or exaggerating a serious illness for weeks now... Weve all been praying and thinking about this person and now there is question over who the person really is... A lot of girls had shared a lot of personal info with her, etc. it's terrible that we have to worry about that kind of thing but definitely take care everyone!

Pls excuse typos!
Morning all!!

Ma, I am sorry I did not get to see the house (the link is gone). But I am so excited for you and sooooooo envious!! Good luck with the photo shoot. Can't wait to see the shots!!

Speaking of, shots of a different kind, Jules, Jo never so much as ran a fever. It is SO much harder in us. And CJ makes a good point. At this age they don't know what's happening so it's over before they even register it. I found some baby ibuprofen, couldn't find baby Advil. They have it in the baby medication isle and t's good to have on hand. It was a life saver for teething. Love the picture of you and gabby!! She looks so much like you!!!!

Angela, how ya doing today??

Ma, one more thing... One of the cruelest twists of life is the male female weight loss cycle. We're the ones who stress about it and yet we are the ones who struggle with it the most ( weight loss). My DH can just think about a sit up and have a flat stomach while I can do 1,000 crunches a night and still have a pooch. What the heck!! Hang in there girlie! You are doing a great job of eating healthy and exercising when u can. That's all anyone can ask.

Steph, wow crazy work story!!!! Sorry about the breast pump. Did you explode??? Good luck with the party, Easter, and the house hunt. Glad family is comming to give you a hand.

Happy Auntie!! Hi! You make an excellent point about posting links and pictures. It occurred to me a couple of days ago that I posted a naked picture of my daughter. Am I a bad mom?? It was done in all innocence but there are crazy people out there. I am not on face book but some day I will have to be to monitor Jo. Don't want some 40yr old pervert stalking my daughter. So scary the world we live in. Sorry about the other thread. You are right a lot of us post really personal information assuming this is a safe place to vent out frustration, talk about our fears and sadness. Sometimes it's the only place you can say certain things knowing these women will understand when no one else will. So sad.

Svet!!!! There you are!!! Missed you and hope all is well!!

AFM, took an unpaid day off work yesterday and hung out with my girl all day. She's been spending so much time in daycare lately I just couldn't bear the thought of another day when my parents couldn't take her yesterday. So I got a precious mommy baby day!!! Made a lot of baby food. But quick question. I made a cantaloupe /banana batch but the banana part turned brown. Any ideas of how the keep the bananas from turning brown or is it enviable?? Other than that nothing to tell.

Hope our pregnant mommies are hanging in there!!

Have a good day!!! Anna
Inevitable, I meant bananas turning brown, is it inevitable?? Fricking spell check. Also notice no more pregnant ticker... Kind of sad, but on the other hand I can drink marguerites in Mexico!!!!
Hi ladies!

Anna, So sorry that you didn't get to see the house. Once we finalize everything I'll get a pic up of the place without and actual address. Thanks again ladies for the heads up.

On the vegetarian home front....I have to say that my sex drive has gone from nill to twice in one night. With the hormonal imbalance of PCOS I've had this problem for YEARS and all of a sudden I have this amazing sex drive that my own husband can't keep up with. :rofl: The book mentions sex drives of both male and female would get better but I always ignore that stuff because it's never worked before. Umm, something's working. I also have the excess skin but everything's floating downward so I can't see any loss. Also, just under my chin is starting to sag and I feel as though my face looks bloated. What's up with that?! :shrug:

Well, had the photo shoot today. Too funny! Here is a sneak peek:



Awwww is Amelia every precious!!!!

Bek, try taking measurements instead of only following weight. I noticed that when losing my weight, sometimes the scale hadn't budged much when in fact I was gaining muscle and losing fat (muscle weighs more than fat) so the measurements were where the changes were happening!

And yay for sex drive, LOL! Looking forward to that returning here... With my contractions that have been going on for 3 weeks, I've avoided intimacy at all costs in case it is enough to convince my body to go into labour :wacko: I did much better this pregnancy compared to the last one!
Ma, LOVE the photos!! She is sooooooooooo cute!! I love the setting. She is just precious. What a cutie!! And beautiful dress she's in!!!! Also woooohoooo for sex drive!! It may be the change in diet. Did u ever see the movie "super size me"? This guys eats horrible for 30 days and at the end he can't get it up. I'm not saying you guys ate badly but it does make the point that diet has a really strong effect on the sex drive.

Also CJ is right I would measure too. Sounds like you're loosing just in inches not necessarily pounds. And CJ I'm sorry I don't want to come off as a know it but muscle and fat weight the same, a poun is a pound is a pound, but in size they are dramatically different. A pins of muscle takes up a lot less space than a pound of fat.

Ok that's all for now. CJ how you feeling?? Sorry about the contractions. And the no sex. Take care girlie. How are Zoe's teeth??

Jules, how did the shots go? We're they today???
AFM, nothing new to report, going to easterass with friends and will put the girl in a dress. It was a lastinute decision so I don't have time to go shopping for a cute Easter dress but we'll just have to make due.

Have a good weekend. Anna
Omg I don't think that post could have had any more typos. I have to stop posting from my phone!! Sorry everyone.
Sorry, meant to say that same amount of muscle takes up less space than fat, hence the measurements changing and not the weight.

Nathan had the monitor last night (I had 8 hours straight of sleep, no bathroom needed!), he's home until tomorrow then back up North. The next time I see him will be the night before the C-section. And we took our chances on inducing labour :blush: Just realized we won't have opportunities for intimacy until 6-8 weeks after the C-section since he's out of town!

The contractions have slowed down, I repacked the hospital bags as I had forgotten some stuff, and worked on Zoë's big girl room some more... Feeling great in general, such a change from third tri with Zoë!!!
Wow CJ! Sounds great that your feeling so good right now. What an amazing feeling since your last pregnancy. Can't WAIT to hear the birth story. SO EXCITED!

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