35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks ladies!!

Lurking and waiting for news from carol. Celebrating our 4 year anniversary this weekend. Since i will already be in denver for the race, we have booked a hotel room down town and my parents are taking the baby for a night so we get a night of grown up time. Woohoo excited!! Also going shopping for Jo at the second hand store I told you all about a few months ago. We are officially running out of hand me downs. Time to start buying her clothes. But truth be told I'm kind of excited. Fun to shop for baby.

Have a good weekend. I will be lurking for news of baby Zara.
Happy Anniversary Anna! Have a great weekend FILLED with love. :lol: :happydance: Enjoy shopping for Jo too. We're getting down to having to buy her some clothes as well. Right now she's in need of some summer jammies. Looking forward to seeing your stash when you get home. Take pics!
Hi All,

Sorry I have been MIA, but work is kicking my BOOTY!!!!!! A whole lot has been going on around here!

Anna – YAY WW online. I’ll send you , Beth, and Jules PM with my username so we can be friends there as well and support each other. How is Jo? Is she still sick? Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! Yay on the potential buyer. Fingers crossed that he bites!

Rebekah – Sounds like Amelia is teething. I think we ALL ask if we are doing it right and there is no “right” answer. At least once a week, I ask if my hubby if he thinks I am a good mom. I have Katelyn in her own room, in her own bed…Most nights at around 2 or 3 she wakes up and I trot her into our bed where she sleeps until we all wake up in the morning. I try reading the books, but because Katelyn is preemie everything is thrown out the window and then I get frustrated trying to figure out where she “should” be etc. Just remember that you are doing just fine. I see the photos of Amelia on FB and she is happy and she is WELL LOVED and cared for.

Jules – I have took scrum training and am scrum certified so I feel ya. Once you get the hang of it, it is really useful.

Beth – Wow, so sorry to hear that poppy has such bad reflux! I know how frustrating, scared, and upsetting that can be for you. I swear to you it does get better. Our ped told us to start putting ¼ tsp of rice cereal in her milk. That did help, but she would get constipated at times and then I hated to see her uncomfortable from the constipation. But the cereal and the medicine did help alleviate the reflux. How wonderful about the online scrapbook! I keep meaning to do that, but just forget. Your books sound wonderful!

Angela – YAY on the beach. We are going this weekend as well. Glad that Ethan is eating bunches of different foods! That is fantastic. Katelyn doesn’t like grass either. She will touch it and sit in it, but she refuses to crawl on it. I hear you about the dog hair everywhere. We have hardwood throughout most of the house and as much as I would love to sweep/vacuum every day, it is more like every other day (or three) and there is dog hair everywhere! She also likes to eat the lint balls she picks from her blankets, clothes (she works hard to pull them off and I work hard to grab them from her hands – or from in her mouth!).

Carole – Hoping that you are ok and that baby Zara has arrived!

AFM – I started reading no cry baby solution and it was saying that babies should have an earlier sleep time and it would help them sleep through the night. I had been doing so well in putting her to bed at 730pm. Well Friday night, not only did she not go to sleep until 10:30pm she woke up at 2:30am and I brought her in our bed and she slept until 6:30am. Saturday we took an impromptu trip to Disneyland. Well, Katelyn was cranky the entire trip. She slept a lot longer Saturday evening. Sunday, we went to a Strawberry Festival and she was much better! Her eating is still pretty finicky. I can only get her to eat baby food if I mix it with our food and then it is hit or miss. So, we whenever we make our dinner, we make a little plate for her. The problem is though, she still only has 2 teeth so she only eat but so much at a time. Her favorite thing is still cheerios . I am starting to worry again about her weight gain. My husband gets annoyed by this, but I can’t help it.

This weekend we are going to the beach. My Hubby’s friends all go camping Memorial weekend (and he normally does too) so we are going up for the day. We will see how Katelyn does in the sand. I am NOT looking forward to all the sand that will be in her diaper and clothes. In other news, whenever I sing the itsy bitsy spider to Katelyn she tries to do the hand gestures with me and it is the cutest thing! I love seeing how she has changed over the months. It is simply incredible how much she has learned and knows!

I will try and be better about checking in especially since we have a new arrival expected soon!

Hugs to everyone else (Chris, CJ, Skye, Chris 2, Charmaine – how are those three girls!, Laura, Lou, and anyone else I might be forgetting – Angela –have you heard from Terri lately?)

Steph, you and I are are SO similar. :rofl: I think Katelyn and Amelia are on similar schedules too. I'm not even sure if all these books work honestly! We are on a whole different schedule than most people. Doug and I are getting to bed around 2 or 3am so the earliest she gets to bed is around 930 10pm. Sometimes I feel like a crappy mother when I see and hear other parents putting their kids to bed around 8pm but having tried it that way, Amelia wakes up WAY too early. 6am is too early for the both of us after daddy getting home from his shift. If I change my own schedule and fit it for getting up at 6am I lost time with my husband. I have to figure out what's best for Amelia right now though. I mean, If she goes to bed at 930 10pm will this mess her up the rest of her life?! :shrug: Listening to my silly question I have to just laugh at myself! :rofl:

What are you using concerning diapers for the beach? Water is still too cold here though Monday will be in the low 90's. It's flipping muggy here and I'm already dying of heat! :lol: I bought a pair of wee waves. Very cute. I thought I'd try a few methods. What does everyone use?

Is there a video of Katelyn doing the itsy bitsy spider?

Steph, help I don't think I'm loosing any weight and it's been two weeks. Think I am using too many extra points. I know Jules doesn't use any of the extra points do you? Also have trouble with eating at work. Any advice??

Ok lurking for news...
Anna,Track your points religiously. I find that if I don't track I over eat.
I'm stress eating BAD!! :wacko: Amelia was cranky most of the day, only took two half hour naps and cried most of the night until almost 11pm when I left her SCREAMING in the crib...thank God she didn't puke twice like she did when I tried to put her down at nap time.

It's hot here though the air conditioning is on upstairs so she's comfortable. Down here I had her in a onesie and gave her a bath in the sink for awhile to calm her after her afternoon nap episode then tried to lay her down on the floor then again in the swing where she fell asleep for a half hour.

It's 2am and I'm trying to wind down but I told Doug not to come home with a a turkey sub with veggies and mayo (FAT) and a flippen chocolate chip cookie. ((sigh)) I'm trying REALLY hard but I'm a stress eater. It's not like I can go outside to walk. I can't wait to get out of here. I'll have two beautiful rivers to look at while walking near our home. I'm looking forward to it but I'm REALLY trying to be strict if we're going to try again. I need to get up and get out. SO FRUSTRATED! :wacko:

Well, ((sigh)) tomorrow is a new day. Lord knows I'm ready for it! :lol:
Hi Rebekah,

Sorry to hear that Amelia had such a rough night (you too!). Katelyn was sound asleep and then her brother came home at 11:30 and woke her up. So she ended up in the bed with me and Daddy. Then around 2am our stupid dog started to bark for like 30 minutes. Luckily since Katelyn was with us she didn't wake up.

I totally understand your frstuations and needing to move. July is really close! Maybe get some healthy snacks so if you feel yourself getting stressed you can munch on those? I know it is hard to do that because fruit is not the same as doritos LOL. We need to motivate and help each other cuz I need to lose 30lbs before I try again. WE can do it!
Steph, the sad part is since we've gone pretty much vegetarian (Doug is full on Vegan) all we have is fruits and veggies. I have NO EXCUSE because it's actually in the house. When I get stressed out I actually have Doug order OUT at like midnight for "comfort food".

Did you see Dr. Oz today? He had belly fat reducers. I wrote them down in email form and am going to try a couple. Bloating was chewing on Caraway Seeds in the morning and before any meal that makes you bloat. Then there was the Safron supplements that blocks the brain from wanting food and is supposed to make you feel happier. One more was a supplement that is supposed to block cortisol for those who are stressed out.

I think I'm going to try a couple. I've been drinking a TON of water, back on veggies today, will have a salad tonight for dinner and I think I'm going to try an oatmeal protein and fruit smoothie to fill me up and keep my blood sugars going over night. Since I go to bed at 2am I'll stop eating at 10pm. I may also try a workout video tonight. NOW my excuse is that it's hotter than all get up today....86 with humidity. :wacko: I need a pool!

Well, we're looking forward to a 3 day weekend together and hopefully Wed. or Thursday we'll be closing. I'm so flipping nervous! They sure are cutting things close! Closing interest rates expire next sat. With the holiday on Monday that gives them until Tuesday to get things together with finalizing the stinking lean from the owners prior to our owners. :wacko: Talking about eating. I just want to stuff my face in a big fat chocolate cake with my favorite skim milk! I suppose maybe some almond coconut milk with cocao nibs, strawberries and agave nectar would suffice! ((sigh)) Help me Rhonda! :rofl:
Okay girls, I know I have about ten posts to respond to (and lots I want to say!) but first!...

I've had an update from Carole!

I'll repost her words below, and then I'll upload the pic she sent...

From Carole:
"Sorry I have not been in touch sooner but only got out of the hospital yesterday and it has been crazy.

So my birth story is quite a marathon, I went into labour exactly 24 hours before I was supposed to be induced. I was at home alone as hubby out watching champions league football final with friends at the pub. I text him and told him not to rush as could be hours before anything really progressed.

At 2am our Doula arrived at the house and we laboured there until contractions were more regular and close together, coming every 4 minutes. Then made our way to the hospital, my back was in agony with every contraction and hubby was the only one who could ease it with firm pressure massage and a hot water bottle. We reached L&D at 7am and basically was checked on he monitor for contractions but declined VE, my friend who works as a midwife there text me at 11am to say she would come in and deliver Zara for me which made me very happy and more relaxed, it was her day off poor soul. Labour continued for hours with pain increasing but still I was declining meds at that point. At 2pm a decision was taken to get me into then delivery room and break my waters as things just were not progressing as fast as they would like, after that the pain was horrendous so I started with gas and air. Still I was only 5 cm dilated so they then started the drip of cyntozin which took my pain to another level. After 20 hours of labour I gave in and screamed for the epidural. It didn't work right away so they had to increase the dose and finally I felt human again. They told me that they could feel Zara's head but she was having difficulty coming out as had moved positions and was back to back labour, the reason for my agony. I continued to try to deliver naturally for another 4 hours but she just couldn't make it out so I was forced to have an emergency C Section after 25 hours of labour.

They had a tough time getting her out even that way as she was so big and when they weighed and measured her it explained everything she was 60cms long and weighed 5.1 kgs or 11.2 pounds.

I know it was not the birth I planned or hoped for but I am very proud that tried all I could to do it naturally and all that matters is that she is here with me and absolutely perfect. I just love to watch her sleeping and just can't believe how lucky I am to finally have my baby...trying to recover from the section which took its toll on me, they said that they were quite brutal on my body to get her out as she was so squashed in there.

Will catch up in the next few days and send more pics."


  • Zara Carole.jpg
    Zara Carole.jpg
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Steph, help I don't think I'm loosing any weight and it's been two weeks. Think I am using too many extra points. I know Jules doesn't use any of the extra points do you? Also have trouble with eating at work. Any advice??

Ok lurking for news...

Anna, I lost NOTHING when I had my extra points, and neither did a friend of mine (who, 8 months later is down 60lbs).

Skip your extra points for a week and see the scale go down, I guarantee it:hugs:
Hi girls - first of all congrats Carole! I can't wait to see pics!

Ella is having a rough few days. She is not eating as much as she should. She had 4oz at 5am today and as of now (12pm) has only had 3oz. She is teething like crazy. I just want her to eat:wacko:

My mother in law, brother in law and twin 11 year old nephews are coming today for the weekend, so I must go clean up, but I will write more later!

Hugs to all!:hugs::hugs:
Woooohoo carol!!!! Congrats sweetie!! Quite the story, and what a big girl!! So happy you are both safe and sound.
Jules, thanks!! Ok goal for next week is No extra points.

Angela, sorry u misse the color run was fun!!

Messy duo.
Holy Cats! ((faint)) Wowee Carole! YAY:happydance: What an ordeal. She's a cute pudgemuffin! :hugs:

Anna, What is a color run? How did you two get all the paint on you. :lol: Looks like your daughter fits into your lifestyle SO WELL! I just love hearing about everything your doing together. We really want to start getting out with Amelia! She was out with family visiting today but I think we're going out on a trail "weather permitting".

How is everyone doing?
Congratulations Carole - wow wee - no wonder she had such a tough time coming out!!! So glad everything went well - looking forward to seeing some pictures xx
Just posted a long post and lost it, sooooo MA you can U Tube the color run. It's a charity run and in Denver it benefited children's hospital. They have them in tons of cities. Jo did awesome!! She is such a trooper. I hauled her all over Denver all weekend and she just rolled with it. She likes the jogging stroller and checking out all there is to see.

Hope everyone had a good weekend, and I agree with twinkle, that is one big baby to try and push out the ole vayjay. Ouch!!

Take care,
Congratulations Carole!!!!! YAY. So glad that baby Zara is finally here and what a birth story! Hope you both are doing well. Looking forward to seeing more photos!!!


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