35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Just checking in case Carole has posted any news! I LOVE when this thread is on baby watch!!!

Hugs and hope everyone had a great weekend! We took Ethan to a local food festival today. Like a sampling where you can taste fare from lots of different local restaurants. Some of them are already favorites of ours, but it was awesome to get out in the sunshine on such a beautiful day. A bit hot for my taste (mid 80's with intense spring sun) but it was breezy enough to be pleasant. Ethan seemed to enjoy his chicken fingers and barbeque!
Good Luck Carole! :hugs:

Hi ladies. Amelia has been odd the past few days. She's napping different, her normal afternoon nap has gone from 4pm to 5pm. She's been whiney and her feedings went from 8oz to 4 or 5 oz. She's also shaking her head like No! I'm not sure if this is teething or an ear infection. Anyone have any idea's. I don't want to make an appointment to the pede's unless it's something serious. What do you all think?! :shrug:

Angela, sounds like a great time! I think we have something similar in a couple weeks. Not sure if Doug will have the day off or not.

Your like me. We can handle 70's but today 80's was awful. We need another air conditioner. :wacko: If we don't buy one now, we won't have it by July when we move again.
Bek I am definitely a cool weather lover! I would never make it here in the summers without a/c!

Amelia may just be going through a growth slowdown (did she have a spurt recently?). Particularly after about six months, we noticed some changes to Ethan's napping and feeding routines. Between six and twelve months he drank a lot less than I wanted him to, but dr, explained they start to slow down on appetite sometimes in that age range.

If she has an ear infection, I would expect a fever. That said, Ethan had fluid in his ears after an infection and was tugging at his ear, but no fever. If she has no fever might give it a couple days and see?
Morning all, Jo is napping before I have to go to work, so time for a quick post. Wanted to see if carol had posted yet ... Good luck sweetie!!!!

MA, If she has a fever and it's low my money is on teething. I read an article recently that explained that the some of the nerves along the jaw and the ears are shared and that's why they pull on their ears when they teeth. A low fever is common, but if it's a high fever or your worried I'd have her checked out.

Svet, good to see you, what r u up to?

Jules, Yehhh for the home gym! Just finishedy first week of weight watchers. It is interesting tracking where I spend my calories. Darn glasses of wine!! I used some of my excess points this last week but am hoping to cut that down this week now that I have a hang of things.

AFM, getting over the cold both Jo and I got. Wooooo was it a doozy, short but mean. I still have a bad cough she never got, and she's got a bit of a runny nose but nothing much. Glad to say we are sleeping much better!!!! Wooohoooo and I think the top two teeth are just about ready to pop through. That's about all for me, hope everyone had a nice weekend, sounds like it. We went for a couple of walks with the dog and to a birthday party for a friend's two year old yesterday. Have a surprise party tonight for a friend's 40th. Anyway, have a good day!!! Good luck carol!!!!! Anna
Hi Ladies!
seems like forever since I've posted! Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes!! 37 isn't so bad!!! :) Poppy gave me yummy chocolates and Charlie gave me a new smartphone! One of these days I'll set it up! :)

We are going back to the ped today as more projectile vomiting this morning, as well as on Sat (nice thing to wake up to on your bday!) and Sunday! this makes 5 times in 2 weeks - we went after the first time and was told it was nothing. Well when his little body convulses and he heaves and has 4 bursts of vomit, it's not "nothing". Charlie's coming home from work to come with us as we are getting answers today! :growlmad:

the teething is still going strong - he gnaws on the pacifier so much he broke one! he is really going to town on the gnawing, sometimes he will bit his fists so much it brings tears to his eyes. and the drool....ohhhh yuck. constant faucet - it is making a little breakout on his chin! not so bad but I notice.

he is sleeping from about 10:30 or 11 until about 6:30-7 so that is wonderful. and he is so much fun, except for the vomiting, that really bothers him. He is eating so much too....but on the days of the vomit, he is spooked and will only eat 2oz about every hour.... we tried the gas and fussy formula, no luck, this happens on it too...and he burps all day, even just sitting in his swing 2 hours after a feed....then gags and burps again. damn reflux!

we tried the nutramigen, but he HATED it. turned his little nose up at it and refused it. So I have 3 12-oz cans unopened from the ped as samples if anyone wants it. Rebekah, I sent you an email on fb about it as I thought Amelia used it before but i may not even have hit send....it's been a crazy few weeks.

i miss you all and resolve to get back on more, once this vomiting is under control. Jules - miss you honey! Hope Gabby is doing well, she is so beautiful! I know you asked about the periods some pages back.... I had endometriosis so I was expecting them to be bad again, but so far I only had one - and that one wasn't good, so when I thought it was due again, I was feeling crappy and expected a horrible one but nothing came, just the heavy pre-period feeling for about 2 weeks! I actually had to go get a pregnancy test just to be sure and it was negative.....at this point with Mr. Vomiting, I say, that's ok right now! still shooting for the fall! :)

Angela - how are you feeling??? I agree, it was too darn hot for me this weekend being in the mid 80's but the sunshine I loved. opened the windows and aired out the house! we went for a walk on Sat for my bday and we were so focused on the sun not hitting Poppy that we forgot about ourselves and we both got a little sunburn! But Poppy didn't so we can deal :)

Carole!!!!!! Waiting on tenterhooks!!!! Good luck sweetie!

Hello and :hugs: to everyone else, time for another 2 oz for Poppy - I swear that I am thankful he doesn't have a heart condition or any other problems, but man this reflux is discouraging. Poor Charlie is thinking we can't do another one, that this is too hard. :( He took care of him on the bday and he was exhausted. I didn't want to point out I do this everyday, all day, as that would have pushed him over the edge.......
Just checking (I'm checking hourly now lol!) on Carole! I gave her my email and offered to update the lists for her if she wishes, so if I hear anything be assured I will post! I hope everything went (or is going!) fantastically and she is just in love with her sweet Zara!

Anna, so sorry about all the colds and teething! We went through a phase with constant illness and constant teething misery and I was losing my mind! Hang in, it will get better! :hugs:

Beth, you poor thing! And poor sweet poppy! All that reflux and vomiting! I am so sorry, it is definitely hard in tho very early months, but they DO eventually grow out of it even if nothing else seems to help. :hugs:

We are good here, just gearing up for our trip to the beach coming up soon! :happydance::happydance: I can't wait! It will be Ethan's first trip where he gets to play in the sand!

How is everyone else?

Checking in...

Beth, poor poppy!! Little man is having a hard time. I hope the doc can figure out what's bothering him. That just sounds aweful. When Jo was sick with vomiting she had the same reaction to food, like she was scared of it. Poor little things. Fingers crossed he gets better soon. Sounds like it's hard on the whole family.

Angela, sounds like you're feeling better!! Yehhh for trips to the beach!! We took Jo for the first time in Mexico but I think she was too little as all she wanted to do was eat the sand. Does Ethan know not to eat the sand??

AFM, a bit discouraged as I got on the scale and I weigh more than I thought I did. See, when I started weight watchers last week I just guessed at starting weight. So this am I actually got on a scale (which I never do for this very reason) and I am five pounds heavier that the weight I guessed as my starting weight. So sad!! On the other hand it has strengthened my conviction to stick with it as I now have even more weight to loose than I previously thought!!

On a more positive note talked to our broker and she said she thinks she has a really good potential buyer for our condo. Older retired gentleman whose daughter and family live in a nice neighborhood near by. He wanted a place to stay when for when he comes to visit the family so he's not under foot. He lives in Singapore and London or something the rest of time. Soooo fingers crossed.

Will keep lurking for news of carol.....Anna
Anna I don't know if he will try to eat sand or not. :haha: he puts everything else into his mouth, so probably. :dohh: I'm just hoping I can get enough sunscreen on him to keep him safe lol! So far, he is not much of a fan of outdoor textures (grass, sidewalk) under his feet. Will be interesting to see how he reacts to the sand and the ocean! I'll definitely share some pics!

So good to hear about the buyer for your condo, but I'm sorry about the weight! I know exactly how that feels...I GAINED five pounds back after I lost the 'immediate' post birth weight. Sigh. I eat when I'm exhausted lol!
Hi Ladies -

Anna and Angela - thanks for the sympathy! God help us, we heard from the ped that 3-4 months is the "peak time" for reflux....first he told us it would ebb by 3 months. So we think he's just making crap up now. :nope: He did admit that they just don't know and he will grow out of it and we can start him on food in 2 weeks after we see him for his 4 month appt so it should be better after that. I just feel so bad for him, esp when his little chest pops in and out in convulsions before the vomiting. We are on the spitup formula now with the added rice starch so it's thicker and hoping this will help.

oh good Lord, they eat sand too?!?!?!?!?! I guess I should brace myself for this now! :haha:

as far as the weight loss goes - with the donuts, cake and candy I've had since Mother's Day, I'm up in weight too! I think the Weight Watchers is great, and I will stick with it online but darn it's hard with all the candy around! :haha: I eat when I'm stressed out and with all the stuff going on, I'm stuffing my face! It has to stop!!!! I'm going out this Thursday for a girls night with 2 girlfriends from high school; Charlie is on Poppy duty. SO looking forward to it!

Poppy has lost most of his dark hair from birth and now is a blonde! I was a strawberry blonde until I was about 7 and Charlie was a towhead until 7ish too.....so it's only natural he will be a blonde, but it's so cute! Looks like he is bald but it is fine and short right now. So cute!!!

I made 2 online scrapbooks from shutterfly.com, one is all pictures of him for the first 3 months, the other one was all his ultrasound pics, with the corresponding belly bump pics I took at the same time each time I had an u/s....also put in there the morning of delivery with me in a johnny and Charlie in his scrubs, our first family portrait in the operating room and few pics of us holding him that first few days....I love it! so much fun to do. I made captions and put the little stickers on it online and uploaded the pics and they sent it to me all done. Easier for me than regular scrapbooking - which I LOVE but can't find the time or energy these days.....

ok back to feeding the little munchkin... hugs to everyone! Still waiting for Miss Zara news!
Beth they eat EVERYTHING lol! Aything they see his potential food to a toddler. Sigh. Ethan will pick up cheese cubes from the carpet that are (sigh) covered in dog hair, and snarf them right down. My type-a doesn't extend to vacuuming every day :rofl: so sadly, there is always going to be dog hair on my floor. Then I get philosophical about it and think its good for his immune system! :haha:

Poor poppy! Hopefully the rice formula will help, and solids will definitely help. Ethan's pretty much disappeared with th combo of the formula and solid foods: :thumbup:

And I did a shutterfly book too, loved it!

Ethan too was born with dark, dark hair and has been blond since about three months. It's so funny to see how that happens!
Beth, the vomiting does not sound like reflux, the doctor does know there's a difference right?? Poor little guy. I will say Jo got tons better when we started food. Hugs to you all. Thanks for the weight watchers support!! Darn it I am determined to loose this weight!! Hate feeling like a heifer...

Angela, I have come to the same conclusion re: dog hair. Part of life and probably won't hurt her. She probably has a hair ball in her stomach right now. LOL. you do what you can. I will be thinking of you this weekend as it's the Denver Color Run. Am I ready? NO! I have been running some, but still feeling unprepared. Oh well it's just for fun and our race benefits the Children's Hospital in Denver. So it's a good cause. I hope it's not too hot. Being a mountain girl I am such a heat wimp!!

Still on baby watch...
Anna I'm so jealous! I hated missing our color run. It there was just NO way I could do it at seven or so weeks and nauseated as hell.

You will lose the weight, I know you will! :thumbup: :hugs:
Some kids do spit up a lot with reflux! Amelia did all over my mom last month BUT my mom shook her. :rofl: There is silent reflux which is milder but most kids with reflux let it all out if their not treated. It even comes out through their noses too. There IS a difference with vomiting though as Anna said. So if he's REALLY vomiting all over (projectile) then it seems as though it could be something else. Also, some kids don't do well on the Axid. Amelia is one of the ones who does well on it but most I see on here with MAJOR reflux need one of the two other meds. If he's on Axid have them change the prescription to see. Also, The children put on Neutromogen in our circle of nursing friends said they didn't like it so they went to the kind Angela used on Ethan. It's specifically for reflux too and is cheaper. Amelia needed the Neutromogen because it's pre-digested.

On another note, thank you for the reminder about your pm. I'm ******* these days. :wacko: I DID actually get your pm but forgot to respond back. haha We're packing and busy with other projects before we close so between that and balancing time with the family and our extended family, I'm a little bit out of sorts. :lol: Thank you for the offer! Luckily we get monthly cases since Doug works in the medical field. I think we're set with a years supply at cheaper rates than most would get them. Could you possibly donate them to an orphanage? We do that with things we can't use, but we know the staff personally.

Anna, praying the gentleman will buy your property! :happydance: That would actually be a GREAT fit!

AFM: Amelia has been up twice since 130am crying. She did it last week too. Tonight I'm not sure if it's the fact that we moved her crib in our room to get her used to her REAL bed or if it's teething. Angela, you mentioned a slow down. That's possible. The Dr. said she thought she was going through a growth spurt last time we were there which was why she wasn't actually gaining. She is looking like she has more rolls. :rofl: but she's not eating as much....she IS eating a meal 3 times a day WITH the bottle afterwards. Is that how everyone else is doing it? She has about 2TBS of baby food and then goes for the bottle. Sometimes she drinks all 8 ounces and sometimes only 4. :shrug:

The idea was to put her in HER room a couple months ago, but with packing her room is pretty full. Not to mention having her in an upstairs room here alone isn't very safe since both me and the dogs have fallen down the stairs. I'm trying to get her used to her bed NOW so that when we move, I can just casually introduce her to her own room. It will be good for her AND for us I think. HOPEFULLY introducing her this late won't backfire on us. She's been in the pack n play until now by our bed where the actual crib sits now.

((sigh)) sometimes I feel like a crappy mother! I just have no clue what the heck I'm doing. :lol: I "thought" I did coming into this. I thought "keeping" the baby in utero would be harder...BOY was I wrong about things getting easier. I really wish sometimes my mom was more nurturing. She's just not an emotionally lovey dovey person and therefore just doesn't know how to help me or share ways for things I may REALLY need her help with. :rofl: Baby bear is not a bad mannered baby at all. In fact, she's usually a pretty good sleeper and pretty darn happy if she's not hungry, wet or tired. I just sometimes wonder if I'm doing things right. :shrug:

Well, Carole, we're all thinking about you and praying all is well with the new transition with you and baby! :hugs: :happydance:
morning ladies -

where is that baby Zara??!?! :haha:

thanks to you all for the support about my little vomit munchkin! :hugs: I was very firm is stating the difference between his normal spitups and these episodes. they just don't know, esp because he is gaining weight like a champ (up from the 54% percentile to the 58% in 2 weeks, up to 14lbs 6.5oz and never lost even an ounce yet - I weigh him a ton too) and seems very happy afterward (of course he was all giggly at the doc :wacko: come on poppy, vomit on the doc!!!!). So I guess I will have to resolve myself to the fact that he will continue to spitup and every week or so have an attack of projectile vomiting. sigh. the doc upped him to the highest he can go on the omep. and we will see in 2 weeks when we go back for the 4month how it has been and either change or stick with it.

Last night he decided to be spitty king.... we were on the reflux formula and was on it all day fine with me. I went to a wake for a friend of mine from knitting and when I got home Charlie was upset - poppy had a massive spitup and Charlie was feeding him again from a batch he made and was pulling the bottle out every 30 seconds saying "it's not going down, he isn't getting anything!" :cry: So I went and bought the cereal nipple, boiled it, cooled it and tried that - still nothing. Tried another nipple, same thing. So we switched to a small bottle and a fast nipple and mommy took over the feeding (and didn't pull the bottle out so much:dohh:) and he finished it. But we were concerned enough to use the ready to feed bottle we had of the regular at bedtime to make it easier (and not take so long). So many spitups.....changed the sheets and him twice last night. soaked us all! :dohh:

He went to sleep at 10:30 last night and woke up at 4:30 but was not fussy until about 6 when we fed him then - the soy kind this time. Still some spitups but back to the normal sizes and all seems back to normal. :shrug:

Rebekah - you voiced exactly what I was moaning about every day: wondering if you are doing things right. Sometimes no matter how much quiet time we do, space out the feedings, etc, it never seems to help and we're at a loss as to what to do. And charlie is feeling it hard :cry: I feel helpless with him too. I offer to take him at night and let him either work at home or just relax but he says no he wants to hold poppy, then the spitups happen and he takes it really hard, saying it shouldn't be this difficult, we are doing something wrong, we can't do this again, etc. :cry::cry::cry: Then poppy smiles and giggles and all better but his words are still out there.

ugh ok. anyways, Rebekah, you are doing everything Right! they just can't tell us what is wrong which would help!!! Good luck on the packing! Hope all settles down for Amelia when she gets her own room :hugs:

I was thinking that when poppy starts crawling, I would have a clean rug as I would have to vacuum all the time, but let's face it, I won't and I'm ok with it. We don't have dogs (I'm terrified and allergic (massive allergic to most cats)) but I'm sure there will be stuff enough to buck up his ammune system!

big hugs to the best support group out there! you have all been my sane link in times of craziness.

MA and Beth, oh how your words ring true. I wonder all the time if I'm screwing Jo up. How do you know?? I read the books and the articles. According to most I'm doing things wrong. Jo is still sleeping in our bed, co sleeping. MA, I think you and I are living parallel lives. I keep thinking she should be in her own room. But due to circumstances and living conditions she is with us. Ahhh the trials and tribulations of parenthood. I hope I'm not screwing her up too much. I am sure neither of you are. Think to the recent past where kids were put in the field just hours after birth and they survived. Am I raising the next president of the united states???? I dont know. But hopefully not too screwed up.

No news from carol which is really what I was hoping for. Hope all is well!! Anna
Beth, have you tried the Dr. Browns bottles yet? The ones with the inserts for Reflux? They are AWESOME. They slow our little eaters down and are supposed to take the air out while they suck. It made a HUGE difference with Amelia. Maybe that would help. He'll get better. Amelia isn't as bad as she was. Each passing month she gets better and better. She DOES however continue spitting up. I think it was Angela or CJ who mentioned it takes some babies longer to develop their esophagus. I think they said up to a year.

Anna, there are children who are raised in 3rd world countries who sleep in the same room with all their family. People keep saying how happy Amelia is. I'm wondering if it really is her sleeping in the pack and play next to us knowing we've been there. We also carry her in the Ergo when we can but use a stroller. I DO let her cry when it's naptime and bedtime when she's fighting it and I won't coddler her when she's in her swing,jumper or stroller because someone once told me if you constantly take them out they will start having tantrums later on and want mommy and daddy to constantly pick them up at times when they should settle.

Overall, we play with her, give her some time to settle herself and she sleeps in the same room with us but in her own crib. I think it's made for a well rounded kid thus far but ask me in another 20 years. :rofl:

Waiting on the sellers attorney to get the paperwork we need for sellers renting from us as well as paperwork from a prior lean on the house to be cleared BEFORE we buy the home. I love that my cousin is our lawyer! Praise God for him checking all the bases. Hopefully in a week or two we'll close and I'm PRAYING they say they don't need to stay any longer that mid July. We're already seeing people come out of the woodwork on the nicer days and nights. Here it means gangs are active as well as crazy people. Oh how I'm praying for a miracle that they won't need to be in the home as long as they think.

Well, I'll keep you all posted.

Still waiting on Carole and her little. It's hard to be patient. :lol:
MA - I will try those bottles, so far we have been using the playtex dropin liners...charlie has this thing about it because they are "pre-sterilized" liners but I'll try anything. I'll order some today and get it soon and let you know. Thanks for the tip!

Co-sleeping is not a bad thing Anna! as long as you know how to and not roll over onto Jo, it has been done for centuries by most other cultures but ours! Poppy is in the bassinet right by my head but it's the same thing - we are constantly there for reassurance and help. I think it's a good thing! :hugs:

we are good mommies, we just get caught up in the stresses and forget it. Look at our smiling babies - that says it all! Happy and healthy. Just a little vomity in my case. :)

hugs hugs hugs!

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