35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Yay anna! So glad the trip was fun! Try not to stress about the weight (then i should take my own advice lol! :dohh:) but yes, positive changes can help it come off faster.

CJ i remember well how exhausting those early days are. But in retrospect it was crazy to me what a short part of the first year they really were... Most of my trouble in year one was from my own insomnia issues, not from Ethan. Let's hope this second baby is as great a sleeper as Ethan!

Thanks for those who've asked how I'm feeling. I'm almost done tapering off the progesterone and have, generally, been feeling a bit better the last few days. I'll either let the one I took last night be the last dose, or I will stick to my original plan and take one more tomorrow night. I know it probably makes zero difference which is why I like the idea of quitting with last night's dose, but then I think after something like 120 doses, can I really not suck it up for the last dose? Lol. I will probably decide tomorrow night. I'll be SO glad to be done with the supplements, just for the mental boost of making progress if nothing else. And hopefully, I will feel a LOT better off the extra progesterone.:happydance:

Other than that, I basically need a whole new wardrobe for summer. I've got NOTHING summer weight, in terms of maternity clothing. .im down to my last Pair of shorts that I can "rubber band" and wear, so I went to Kohls last night to see what I could find... And found TWO items. This is not enough clothes for an entire summer lol! Next stop Gap... I found most everything there last time and not too expensive. I will also try a local consignment shop that I think carries maternity as well as kids' clothes. Just need something comfy and lightweight!
Hey Ladies,

Happy Belated Mother's Day! :hug: Though I'm a day late and a dollar short. :rofl:

Carole, looks as though we have the same birthday. Happy belated birthday to you as well! :hugs:

Angela, glad that your starting to feel better now that the progesterone is being tapered off.

Did Carole have her baby yet? I'm been MIA!

I'm sorry I've missed a lot. I haven't been getting email updates for some reason. I came by and found it had logged me out. I forgot my password and had to deal with that and here I am. I'm absent minded but have missed you all terribly! I pray you all had a lovely Mother's Day. I agree with you all. You've become such lovely friends. I'd love to meet and Disney sometime with our beautiful kids.

AFM: Several things have popped up. I found out my cousins wife is pregnant after trying a couple years. :happydance: I'm so happy for them. He's doing our closing for the house so I'll be sending him a package of fun mommy items for her. Does anyone have an idea for a little Mommy to be basket? I'm HORRIBLE with creativity lately. Any ideas for a little something to get the excitement running for both parents would be good. I'll get something later for the shower when that comes. Right now I wanted something special for the couple!

Angela, Since your a lawyer....how much do people pay a lawyer for closing? My cousin won't take money from me. He never does with family. Doug and I are going to give him what we think he is worth anyways. He's got a baby on the way and it's his business. If we couldn't afford it, we wouldn't pay him a huge amount but God has blessed us with finances so we want to make sure he gets a little something for his services.

So, I guess that will be an insight to what's happening with the housing issue. I was antsy this weekend. The seller's realtor was VERY aggressive and kept saying they had someone else in line to buy the place. The bank was set to loan us the money and they were trying to get USDA to give an exception. We received the call today that they accepted and we go to the bank to sign the letter of acceptance. :yay:

We took a ride out to the house today just to get some excitement and it's beautiful. They did the work (hopefully well) and now we wait for them to leave mid july (we hope) when THEIR home is free. Hopefully everything will move a bit smoother now. I'm just resting on the fact that we'll be in a safer neighborhood and for now on one floor together while we work out plans to ttc come January. Right now I'm perfectly happy and content with what we have. God is good and I give him ALL the glory!

So now we're packing and I'm VERY overwhelmed with packing. It'll get done and we have time thank goodness!

How is everyone else doing??
Oh MA I am soooooo relieved!! So happy to hear all has worked out with the house!!! Thank goodness!! As for a gift idea for a mom to be I got a cute one from a friend that was a survival package. It had a bunch of odds and ends for surviving the first month or so. I.e. a pack of gum for when you don't have time to brush your teeth, a granola bar for when you don't have time to eat. A bottle of inexpensive but nice perfume for when you don't have time to shower ... You get the idea. You can be as creative as you want and go as high end or low end as you feel like. I thought it was cute and you could always include some little stuff for baby too.

Angela, how ya feeling ??? Are you done with progesterone??

Carol, how are you today?? Baby??

AFM, Angela you are right I should not stress the weight too much, but alas my vanity gets the better of me and stress I do. So I just feel good about taking a step in the right direction. You can sit and whine, or you can get up and do something about what's bothering you. I prefer to be the get up and do. No news on our house. A few more showings but no takers yet. Holding onto the belief that everything happens when it should and the universe will work it out in good time. Other than that Jo is sick yet again with a cold so I was up at 5 with her this am and she slept on top of me most of the night. One of these days we will have a healthy baby that sleeps on her own and I will dance around my house in bursts of joy. Until that time I am drinking one big ass cup of coffee. Also reading 50 shades of grey. My girlfriends on the girls weekend told me I had to read it. FYI It is SAUCY!!! Probably borderline but my husband has reaped the rewards. Texted him for a quickie after work yesterday. Sorry TMI. Anyway have a Good Wednesday !!
Hey girls

Rebekah - it sounds as if things are going smoothly with the new house? I have my fingers crossed for you that things continue to progress - not too long until the move! BTW, thank you so much for your awesome recipe postings on FaceBook -I love the vegan recipes you have posted so far. I am going to make the orzo this week.

Anna - congrats on joining us with Weight Watchers! Honey I have double to lose than you do lol. I do understand how you feel - it's not just vanity, it's nice to feel good about yourself. Also I have a whole wardrobe of size 6 - 8 clothes I refuse to replace! I'm going to get into my favorite jeans again if it's the last thing I do!! :rofl:

I'm not sure how many points you have, but I will tell you that in order for my stubborn ass to lose ANYTHING I gave up the weekly extra points and just stuck to my daily allowance. The weight is now flying off - I am down 10lbs already. I am sure most of that (in the beginning) was water weight.

Can we talk about post pregnancy periods for a minute? I know - TMI - but I am dying over here. This is my second period following giving birth. The first one wasn't too bad but this one is killing me. The flow is crazy and I am experiencing awful headaches. They feel like migraines. Did any of you ladies experience similar? I don't have any cramps or backaches, just a very heavy flow and these crippling headaches. I can't wait for my period to be over.

How is everyone else doing? Love to all!
Thanks Anna, Great Idea! I'll add some things for my cousin (a male) too. Maybe some comical items for them both with a small token for baby. THIS will be fun!

Jules, glad you like the meals. We're having fun making them too!
Hey ladies hope you are all having a fab day:flower:

I have been totally rubbish at updating the past week but just struggling with the final stages of pregnancy and absolutely no sleep.

Angela I am so happy that you are starting to feel a little better, hopefully the remainder of your pregnancy will fly by smoothly and quickly:hugs:

Rebekah i am so relieved that everything is now back on track with the house, you will be making your perfect family home before you know it and your old neighbourhood will be a distant memory :hugs:

Anna and Jules well done on the weight watchers i am sure the baby weight will melt away before you know it :hugs:

AFM just back from the hospital and Zara is now measuring 4.7 kilos so they have booked me in for induction on Sunday night as she needs to come out before she gets too big. Really can't wait to meet her :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

I'm FINALLY off the progesterone, and beginning to see and feel the light at the end of the first tri tunnel! :happydance::happydance: I've been feeling a bit better, both nausea wise and energy wise, so I know that was affecting me a fair bit. I'm so thankful those supplements exist, but also glad to see them disappear into the rear view mirror! :thumbup: I'm actually feeling well enough today to drop Ethan with a neighbor and go get my hair cut, which hasn't been done in MONTHS (and I hate the scruffy frumpy feeling I get when my hair is just a rats nest!), so YAY for that lol! Aso pedicure this weekend, and shopping in Ernest for summer maternity clothes, which I I'm in need of QUICK lol!

In the end we decided not to do the NT Scan and harmony test. I was excited to do it this time, but hubby was SERIOUSLY concerned (like we had an argument about it) that if it was bad news, whether a false positive or a true one, I'd be a wreck the next six months, and he is probably right. We argued about it but I wasn't prepared to do it without his support, in case it really WAS bad news! :nope: so, we will just do what we did with Ethan , and go for our anatomy scan at 18-19 weeks and hopefully everything will be looking perfect then!

Anna, I'm :rofl: at the quickie! I'm sure your hubby was delighted! I know mine would be! My sex drive when pregnant is below zero, and poor guy, he always talks hopefully about "all these women" he has heard about that wanted sex 24/7 when preggo. Poor guy, that hasn't happened to me in either pregnancy! :haha:

Jules, I am sorry about the painful periods! I actually found mine to be MUCH better after Ethan was born...really hoping I have the same experience this time! But I had hideous periods all my life till I got pregnant. It makes me wonder if something was wrong with my hormones even early on in my life (periods were awful even when I was a teenager). Hopefully, your body is just getting used to "normal" again and you'll be fine with them shortly. :hugs:

Rebekah, so glad the house is back on and I know we are ALL so ready to see you guys get out of the place you're in now! :happydance:

Carole!!:happydance::happydance: at last you at going to meet sweet Zara in person! Induction isn't so bad really... Mine went pretty much by the book and I'm sure you will be FINE!! Please keep us updated! :hugs: so, so excited that we are on baby watch for this weekend!

Okay girls gotta run. How is everyone else? Steph, CJ, Chris, Lou, Beth, Viv, and anyone I'm so sorry if I missed!?

Glad to hear you're feeling better Angela!

Little Z has been doing better at night, only nursed twice the last few nights si I've been getting 6.5-7 hours of sleep nightly. We're having family pics done today with the kiddies in matching rompers.

I hope i get the OK to take up running and yoga at my apt. Only 12.2 lbs to go, but I need it more for my mood, although I am doing better than after miss Z!

MA so excited for you that things worked out for the house!
CJ glad all is well and I'm so jealous that you have the ENERGY to run, with a one month old lol! I was sooooooooo far from having the capacity for any extra activity at that point that it wasn't even funny! :haha:
Afternoon ladies!!

CJ I meant to check in on you. I forgt you suffered from PPD or something similar with the first so was wondering how you were doing. Can't wait to see the pictures!! Please post some here as I am the last person on the planet not on Facebook.

Carol!! I am so excited for you, at last you get to meet little Zara. I had my induction scheduled as I was late then went naturally. If that were to happen would you still have c section???

Jules, thanks for the welcome into the weight watchers club. I didn't think I ate that much but when u start tracking it you realize how all the little (cheese and crackers) things add up. I agree that I want to try and not use the extra points, but I blew that yesterday... Story to follow. Anyway great news on your weight loss and keep up the good work!!

Beth, steph, what's up?

MA, glad you liked the idea and yes you can make it very personal, that's what I liked about it. Hope the packing thing doesn't drive you too crazy. I think we might be in the same boat soon, fingers crossed.

AFM, baby still sick so I took off work today. She probably could have gone to day care today but she looked so miserable, eyes and nose running that it broke a mommy's heart so it's a mommy and baby day today. When work gets busy again I will not have the ability to be so flexible so I'm taking advantage. Also recovering from yesterday, long day made longer by the fact that my mother, who looks after Jo on Wednesdays, left our neighborhood and drove home to denver ( hour and a half away) with the car seat in the back of her car. She can't lift the car seat with the baby in it, so she takes the baby out first. Well she forgot she had the car seat still in the car and she doesn't have a cell phone. So DH tried to catch her on the highway with no luck and had to go all the way to Denver and back for the car seat. In the mean time I couldn't make dinner as we had nothing and I couldn't go to the store because no car seat. I wouldn't be able to go to work today as I would not have been able to drop the baby off at day care. So we ordered Chinese take out and ate at 10:00 last night. Thus blowing all my points for weight watchers. I snacked on cheese and crackers and red wine until DH got back. My Mother felt terrible but we've got to get her a cell phone!!

On a positive note, we have two more showings today. Fingers crossed they go well. There are two houses in our price range for sale near by that would be great for us but we can't make a move until we sell.

Have a great Thursday !!! Anna

Have a wonderful day honey and I hope you get incredibly spoiled today!!
Aww thank you Jules, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETH! :hugs:

Anna I am so sorry about the carseat! That sucks! I got to where I left the carrier in, too but at least I could not forget it lol. Then when you graduate to the bigger/convertible seat, there are new problems like not being able to swap seat between cars as easily lol! Iwas kind of bummed when we switched and I realized we now have to take my car EVERYWHERE bc of th seat being in it. My car is very safe, but hubby's is even better and I prefer to be in it when we can. But I love having him in the bigger seat as it just feels so much safer.

I'm off for a pedicure this afternoon then some maternity clothes shopping. It is Mommy Pampering Week Lol! Wish me luck, I basically need a whole new closet of clothes to get through summer as have NOTHING I can wear. Sigh. I hate shopping when I NEED things. It never fails that I can never find something when I need it!

Ps Carole I see you lurking, sweetie! Hope you are doing well. Ae you excited for tomorrow!? I guess it is a lot sooner now in your time zone! :hug:
Happy Saturday girls!

So night before last, we decided to stop swaddling Gabriella. I was dreading it as she loves the swaddle and sleeps soundly, but she is literally like a caterpillar - she starts off sleeping on one end of the pack n play (which is next to my bed) and I'll wake up in the middle of the night and she's wiggled to the other end! I was paranoid about keeping her in the swaddle as she is so mobile, I was terrified she would end up on her stomach and not be able to roll back, so I finally got rid of the swaddle.

I am so relieved because she has slept soundly (7 hours) wearing just a Sleep n' Play for the past 2 nights! :thumbup: Goodbye swaddle!

So today we are clearing out our garage so I can FINALLY get my little home gym going. All of my equipment is really hard to use as it's squished in one corner and now I am going to space it out :happydance:

Work is crazy right now. I actually got a promotion while I was on maternity leave which is nice, but I am in a brand new role called 'scrum Master' which means I am working with the software development team tracking our software development and releases. It's a challenge wrapping my arms around this new role and I have to go to training at the start of June. There's a lot to learn, but it's good to learn new things, so I'm excited :thumbup:

Angela and Carole - how are you feeling? Carole, if I am not mistaken you're getting induced tomorrow, right? I have everything crossed for you honey, I can't wait to see pics!

Steph, Beth, JuneBug, Rebekah, Anna - how are you all? I'm sorry if I missed anyone - hope you are all enjoying your weekend!
Hey ladies sorry but real quick update, earlier today I started having contractions and then lost my mucus plug. They stopped after a few hours but have started again this evening only stronger so this might be it for me. Hoping it continues and I don't have to be induced but will update you when I can x x
So excited for you Carole! We can't wait to meet sweet Zara! :hugs:

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