35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Anna, how are you feeling this morning? The internal creams for yeast usually take about 2 days to kick in, definitely make an apt with your doctor if it doesn't start feeling better today!

Yep, EDD is expected due date. Mine was my birthday, which also happens to be FIL's birthday. But I went into labour 8 days before EDD and had her 5 days before, so now we have our own b-days :)

Just a note of caution on mucus plugs. Every woman is different, for some it is pretty obvious like MA mentioned, but for others (including myself) they are barely noticeable. I *think* I passed some mucus about 1 week before my labour started, and if so it consisted of a tiny mucus streak when wiping (sorry if TMI) over the course of about 4 days. It was not at all evident. And also, once passing a mucus plug, there is no way to predict when the onset of labour will be. BV stands for bacterial vaginosis, and antibiotics are the treatment, such as flagyl. Diflucan does nothing for BV, as it is an anti-fungal used to treat yeast infections. Both BV and yeast are very common in general, so important to address the BV possibility when pregnant if the treatment for yeast is not kicking in! I had 6, yes 6, yeast infections while pregnant. Drove me nuts. Seems my symptoms were much worse while pregnant than they've ever been, compared to the symptoms of yeast when non pregnant. And of course, I got a yeast infection following treatment of a urinary tract infection while pregnant.

How did everyone sleep last night? Terri, I'll definitely be asking for a tryptophan prescription if I have the insomnia with the next pregnancy! It was so bad I'd try anything that is safe for baby!!! Zoë slept 8:15PM to 4:30AM, DH went in to settle her with soother and bouncing ball which worked (!!!) and she slept until we had to wake her up for nursing at 7:45AM!!! Which means she really doesn't *need* to nurse at 4-5AM, I'm so happy! Now we'll try to kick that habit with DH going in instead of me. Hopefully should take only a few nights like it did for you Terri, with E!

I have been taking herbal supplements to try and boost my breast milk production, as pumping at work has not been 100% successful. I'm taking a solution of fenugreek seed, blessed thistle herb, nettle herb and fennel seed: it tastes FOUL!!! BUT it seems to be working, when she doesn't nurse during the night I wake up with majorly engorged breasts, like I was in the first 2-3 weeks of having her! I've just noticed a warning on the bottle though, that it is not safe to take it while pregnant. Since we are TTC now, I will need to buy the solution that is safe while pregnant, which has dried raspberry leaf, nettle leaf and alfalfa leaf. Sigh, all the things to think of!

MA that is AMAZING that US women can get a tax credit for nursing equipment like breast pumps!!! I wish we did too in Canada. It's costing me a lot, you need to replace the valves every 6-8 weeks for optimal suction and those little suckers are pricey. Not to mention I had to buy a pump both for the office and for home, since I didn't want to lug one around constantly in addition to the cooler with the milk.

Wow, there's my novel for the day. Off to see some patients now! Hope those with insomnia slept better last night!


I'm having itching something awful and the creams NEVER work for me. :wacko::cry: I'm terrified it's BV and I know I can't have flagyl until the second trimester. It's freaking me the heck out as that's what creeped in when I lost my mucus plug. I'm not sure what to do right now. I usually have to have diflucan to get rid of yeast. I've been ingesting a TON of probiotics, but they aren't doing too much either.

I think I'm going to call the OB's office, but I'm not sure what to do to make sure baby(ies) are taken care of.
Oh hun :cry: it must be so hard to relive your past experience this way. Definitely see your doctor if you have ANY concerns!!! I can't even begin to imagine how you feel given your loss... I do know that they can look at the discharge under the microscope to see if it's yeast or bacteria, and then treat you appropriately! There are other antibiotic options other than flagyl too. :hugs:
Good morning ladies!

Pablo – you are better than me cuz the 1 day yeast infection treatments NEVER work for me. :growlmad: I did a 3 day last time and I was still itchy for like 4 days afterwards. I think if I get another yeast infection, I will definitely do the 7 day. And Junebug is correct, it seemed to be SOOO much worse while pregnant than when non pregnant.

Sunshine – we call our baby “Peachy” :laugh2: mainly because when I told people I was pregnant according to my ticker she was the size of a peach so I said that Peachy was doing just Peachy. My OLDER brother decided that nickname was sticking no matter if it was a girl or a boy. Thank goodness we are having a girl!!! :wacko:

Rottpaw – glad you are doing ok and we will still be praying and thinking about you! :hugs::hugs::hug:

Junebug – a co-worker of mine was saying that there is this Korean soup that you should start to drink while still in the hospital and it will help with milk production. My friend said she started drinking the soup immediately after her 1st child was born and she produced TONS of milk so much so that she said she was a fountain LOL. :haha:

MA – Thanks for the pretty bra link. I will definitely check it out

Svet, Codegirl, Viv – Hi and :hugs:!!!!

AFM – My sleeping is getting better at night, however I am having still having hip pain. My body pillow helps but not a lot. Now when I sleep my hands start to swell and go to sleep. :growlmad: I broke my right wrist about 3 years ago playing softball and now that hand constantly goes to sleep and gets fat and prickly feeling EVERY night. My left hand just started to swell at night specifically around the knuckles. I googled and it is common for this to happen at night…Le Sigh.

On another note, I know I shouldn’t be paranoid, but this is around the time that I had my mmc last year :cry:. I am trying not to think about it, but it is hard. I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow so that should ease my fears. Anyway, I hope that everyone is having a good day. :flower:

Oh hun :cry: it must be so hard to relive your past experience this way. Definitely see your doctor if you have ANY concerns!!! I can't even begin to imagine how you feel given your loss... I do know that they can look at the discharge under the microscope to see if it's yeast or bacteria, and then treat you appropriately! There are other antibiotic options other than flagyl too. :hugs:

I'm in such a pissy mood today too.:wacko: We were looking at buying a house last summer and our landlord foreclosed on his property without telling us so we needed to use that savings to up and move at the last minute. We found this rental which is all brand new LITERALLY and looks like our own, but we are renting. The guys are finishing the place next door and all their smoking is coming through the registers. Doug has told them nicely three times that I'm pregnant and high risk and that second hand smoke can cause preterm loss. Having had one already we would really appreciate it if they'd smoke outside the apartment. Today, fourth time. After Doug left, they started smoking. I parked my butt on their porch and told the supervisor that smoke is coming through the registers and he denied doing it in the house. :growlmad::dohh: My sense of smell is heightened, I KNOW when they're smoking. ((the idiot)) So I told him to stop and then called Doug to have him call the office and speak with the landlord. As much as I like this place, I have to feel safe. WE are paying rent and thus my home should be free and clear of things that can cause miscarriage.

My husband actually just called me and told me that the office said they'll take care of them all. The landlord doesn't smoke and he actually has a newborn that was born prematurely and understands what we are going through.:cry: I thank God for that call.

I guess I'm just feeling alittle scared today. I wish these first two trimesters came with guarantees. I was so afraid to leave our other board to come here because I just don't know and always seem to have "what happened last time" in my head. It's ALWAYS at the back of my mind.

I truely want to be happy and excited, but between the medical staff and their attitude and now dealing with these lousy yest/bacteria infections...I'm just scared outa my mind. :cry:

Thank you for your support and encouragement!:flower:
Ah MA - it will be ok. I am glad that the landlord is doing something about the smoking. Dont be scared about the infections I know that what happened last time will make that hard, but it was a combination of things last time. Call your dr and make an appointment. As Junebug said, they can tell you within 5 minutes if it is yeast or bacteria and give you something. It doesn't have to be the same antibotic as last time either. Keep the Faith dear friend. I know it is easier said than done :). Keep us posted and let us know how it goes.

Lots of love!
I just heard from the nurse at the OB's office. She is very sweet. She made me an appointment for friday to be tested. I told her doug is doing doubletime at the hospital that is understaffed at the moment.

As you both said, she mentioned that BV can be treated with other drugs if this is what it is. she also told me to stop taking the probiotics until the perinatologist gives permission. So I'm stopping that.

I went upstairs for a few minutes to just "Breath". I had to calm myself down and redirect my anxiety and emotions before I gave myself a panic attack or something. It worked and I seem to be back here on earth instead of heightened emotional panic state. :rofl: I do think I need a nap.

By the way, I started sleeping this week. I've had THE BEST rest the past couple of days and I'm even taking naps in between.

Eating is another story. I have basic nausia but any kind of food doesn't appeal to me. Meat is making me sick. I've tried to at least get some meat in me for protein but it just tastes horrid to me.

At first salads and pickles were doing it for me and now even salads are blah. I long for some kind of food sensation. Haha I'm trying not to have onions, potatoes, sweets with sugar in them, because of the yeast issue. I have blood oranges, gala apples, raspberries. All I want to do though is dip them in nutella with a side of milk. rofl

What's appealing to you lately for meals and snacks? Maybe your input can help.

Love to you all. Honestly I don't know what I would have done without 35+ origional board and this graduates board. Your all so very encouraging and God just knew what I needed. :hug:
You can always eat what I like most...PIZZA!!!!! :)

I'd love to eat that all the time, but I'm type II diabetic so I have to watch the white carbs that put my sugars through the roof. I wear a pump so I can usually bolus more insulin, but I try to keep healthy. Maybe that's why I'm so BORED!

mm, I LOVE NY thin and greasy pizza. YUMMY.
MA, so so sorry you are so stressed. I would be anxiety ridden too if I were you, it's understandable. I'm anxiety ridden just from all the stories I've read and heard over the last two years. However, this is a different pregnancy with it's own set of rules. A different embryo, implanted in a different place in your uterus, and growing it's own little life. Glad you have an appt set with the doc on Friday.

Missmuffett, My thoughts are with you too. Here I am thinking I'm in the clear as I reach the 12 week mile stone, but the reality is that something can happen at any time. My advice to you is the same as to MA. Please try and enjoy this pregnancy. It is different from the last and not destined to turn out the same way. I know this must be impossible to do, but your little bean is strong and doing great!! Hang in there.

Junebug, I too have been doing yoga, but am having a hard time in my little area finding a pre-natal yoga class. However my quest continues and if nothing else my yoga teachers have been great modifying posses for me if need be. BTW, yeast infection seems to have cleared up!! So much happier!!!

Have a good night!! Anna
MA you're doing great *hugs* Soooo good that your sleeping is fine, it definitely helps to be rested! Eating: everyone is so different! Have you tried alternative sources of protein like peanut butter, fish, tofu, legumes (chick peas, lentils, kidney beans, etc...)? Nuts are great too! Used to pop almonds (about 5 almonds several times a day) to help with the nausea and provide some nutrition. What about yogurts and cheeses as source of protein?

With regards to smokers, I used to openly SNARL at them while pregnant. Non-pregnant they annoy me, pregnant I wanted nothing more than to stuff that cancer stick down their throats!!! I understand how upset you are about it! Glad your landlord is being helpful here.

Anna, great to hear that you're feeling better! And yes, most yoga teachers are aware of modifications during pregnancy: to be honest, first trimester is fine for most poses, just not twisting ones. I did head stands up until 37 weeks, so inversions are fine too! Baby used to love it when I went upside down :) And I loved doing balancing poses (like tree pose) while pregnant! Your centre of gravity shifts completely and I loved the challenge of finding my "new" pregnant centre! I am looking to getting my yoga teacher certification and if I do, prenatal yoga will be my focus. You can also buy some great prenatal yoga DVDs online at Amazon!

I had a rough case today :-( Just diagnosed a patient with a genetic condition associated with very high risks of death during pregnancy (uterus rupture or aorta rupture) so I had to counsel her that they should seek alternatives as she may not come out of it alive :cry: I HATE cases like this, makes me so sad. At the same time it made me very grateful to have had a healthy pregnancy with good hopes of another one...

OK, off to bed I go. I'm exhausted, don't know why :shrug:

HUGS everyone!
MA you're doing great *hugs* Soooo good that your sleeping is fine, it definitely helps to be rested! Eating: everyone is so different! Have you tried alternative sources of protein like peanut butter, fish, tofu, legumes (chick peas, lentils, kidney beans, etc...)? Nuts are great too! Used to pop almonds (about 5 almonds several times a day) to help with the nausea and provide some nutrition. What about yogurts and cheeses as source of protein?

With regards to smokers, I used to openly SNARL at them while pregnant. Non-pregnant they annoy me, pregnant I wanted nothing more than to stuff that cancer stick down their throats!!! I understand how upset you are about it! Glad your landlord is being helpful here.

Anna, great to hear that you're feeling better! And yes, most yoga teachers are aware of modifications during pregnancy: to be honest, first trimester is fine for most poses, just not twisting ones. I did head stands up until 37 weeks, so inversions are fine too! Baby used to love it when I went upside down :) And I loved doing balancing poses (like tree pose) while pregnant! Your centre of gravity shifts completely and I loved the challenge of finding my "new" pregnant centre! I am looking to getting my yoga teacher certification and if I do, prenatal yoga will be my focus. You can also buy some great prenatal yoga DVDs online at Amazon!

I had a rough case today :-( Just diagnosed a patient with a genetic condition associated with very high risks of death during pregnancy (uterus rupture or aorta rupture) so I had to counsel her that they should seek alternatives as she may not come out of it alive :cry: I HATE cases like this, makes me so sad. At the same time it made me very grateful to have had a healthy pregnancy with good hopes of another one...

OK, off to bed I go. I'm exhausted, don't know why :shrug:

HUGS everyone!

I have tried the other protein sources. I actually have jars of nuts on the counter and lots of beans. I bought some red quinoa because it's considered a full protein. Not sure how I'll like it, but I figure it's worth a try. I have fresh fish and I know I'm only allowed twice a week.

I drink ALOT of Keifer which is probiotic. kinda like drinking yogurt. I also bought some organic yogurt too. It's hard with this stuff because it's dairy and I thought dairy is not only a protein but a carb as well.

I know that when I drink skim milk, it's protein, but it's also carb and if I ever get lows, I know if I drink a glass, it will raise my bloodsugars.

It's not the lows I'm concerned about. I'm trying to keep my highs down as well. Seem to be doing pretty darn good lately too.:winkwink:

So are you an OBGYN then?! I'm sorry to hear about your day. Goodness, with the issues I've had with several Dr.'s around here, it's kinda weird talking with one here on the boards that actually sounds kind, with excellent bedside manner.

You have to understand that aside from the mishap with the perinatologists last go around, after I lost my son, we went to another OB with hopes to try again at some point, who said I still had some of the placenta left in me (which I found odd because the hospital said I got it all when I delivered). This man promised us we'd conceive again, showed us HIS method of cerclaging that was supposedly better than all the others in town and sent me home on birth control for a month to get my lining started for surgery to remove whatever was left in my body.

A month later, the day before I was to go to the hospital for surgery with this guy, I had to call to confirm my appointment with him at the hosptial. Something told me to call his office that day even though we were just to go to the hospital.

The message was confusing and directed Doug and I to his website where he said he closed down shop and his license was revoked.

So not only did I go through a traumatic experience with the perinatal center and then with the hospital, but this new Dr. I was referred to that was promising miracles of pregnancy has up and closed shop without even calling his patient directly to let her know there was no surgery and that I needed to be seen for the meds he prescribed me that I had been on for weeks.

Needless to say, I called the Dula we were supposed to have when I was pregnant with Jackson and started to cry. Poor thing, she wasn't my dula anymore because Jackson had passed. She was kind enough to refer me to a Dr. that was great and said that even if I had to go back to perinatal center because I was high risk, there is a possiblity they would allow this Dr. to work in conjunction with them.

So thats where I'm at right now. I'm with an excellent office and waiting for the perinatologist appointment March 2nd with the only Dr. I'd allow see me. She was delivering by c-section the whole day and kept coming in between them to check on me and then cried with me.

There's something about women in OBGYN that kinda helps I think. They've been there and can empathize. The males thus far in obgyn are cocky and really don't seem very open to any communication other than their own. At least I haven't seen it yet here.

When we moved back to New York State I was pretty disappointed with the medical care here in my area. It seems as though all the Dr.'s who specialize are leaving the area. In fact, there was an excellent childrens Dr. for brain injury at the new childrens hospital here who up and left.

There's only one perinatologist in 14 counties which doesn't leave room to choose and I think most of them are quite cocky KNOWING their the only ones in the area and thus, their patients in fact, cater to THEM.

I've often told Doug I've wanted to move away again. What good does it do anyone to run away from your problems though right? Besides our son is resting here.

I'm glad your on here. It kinda gives me hope that there are Dr.'s out there who are good. I don't have the most positive experiences with them here in New York State. I was talking with another friend of mine whose like a mother figure and telling her that it's going to be SO hard to go back to the SAME perinatologist and the SAME hospital that botched everything. I mean, I don't really know if they changed any of the policies they said they'd change.

She gave me such comfort in telling me, well Bek, I know your not given many options, but to spite the bad experiences, there ARE some good folks out there. She said, this is the time to lead on Gods plan, His strength and favor. He knows all you've been through and will see you through every step.

It was helpful. Calming.

On a side note, I think I'm going to buy a yoga video for prenatal. I really need some kind of exercise and I know I can't do anything too strenuous being high risk. I think maybe that could help me quite a bit to RELAX.

I'm looking forward to Mondays beta so we can hopefully have a sonogram next Thursday which will be 7w1day. I'm praying for a heart beat and to see how many are in there. peekaboo!:baby::happydance:
Thanks, Pablo & Junebug - your explanations of taking it easy are the most comprehensive I've received so far. Makes perfect sense. You guys rock! :thumbup:

Thanks to everyone for all the great name suggestions! I was leaning towards Codegirl's idea of Sprout (the DH is 6'4", so it would be sort of like Sprout and the Green Giant), but then somehow it morphed into Squirt. :haha:

So Squirt it is.

MA and MissMuffet, your fears are completely understandable considering the tragic losses you've both suffered - my thoughts are with you. Pablo's advice of how each and every pregnancy is unique really hits the nail on the head, and is something that all of us who have suffered a loss should try to keep in mind.

Thank you Pablo!!! :hugs:

MA - quinoa's AWESOME! A friend of mine turned me on to it about a year ago. Don't make it with water, though - use chicken broth instead. Gives it a better flavor. (In my humble opinion, anyway...)

I'm with you, MissMuffet - I've had a craving for pizza something fierce lately! Mmm... such tasty, cheesy goodness... :pizza:

Good luck at your doctor's today!

Junebug, I can't imagine having to bring that kind of news to someone. It's no wonder you're tired! I don't know about you, but emotional days like that always seem to wipe me out. Either that, or maybe you're pregnant...? :winkwink:

Well, I went to my last appointment & u/s with the RE yesterday. Squirt's doing great - perfect growth, and a HB of 161. :happydance: Yay! :happydance: EDD is 9/25/11. So I've officially "graduated" out of their office and I've been sent back to my regular OB. I have an appointment with her this afternoon. I must admit, though, I've been spoiled with all the ultrasounds! It's really going to be tough not to get all that visual verification anymore. BUT - no complaining from me right now. I'm just grateful I've made it this far!

Hope everyone has a good day - only one more day 'til the weekend!
Hi Ladies,

Whew! I still feel like I am in survival mode, just taking one day at a time. But today is Thursday, so only today and tomorrow at work and then we'll have a weekend to rest and recover. This will be the first weekend in SO long where we are not needing to drive out of town to visit Dad, or feeling badly because we can't go visit that weekend (or he isn't up to it). I am so sad to lose him, but in a way, having an end to the situation is a relief. He's not suffering any more and I don't have to worry about where he is; he's home with the Lord and will be safe forever now.

So our plans for this weekend are to REST as much as we can, and try to take care of a few baby-related things that we need to get done just in case the little guy decides to come a week or two early (something mommy is hoping for, since he was already 7 pounds two weeks ago! :dohh:) We need to pick up a few items that we'll need starting from day 1 at home with baby, and get the house ready and carseat installed just in case. But overall I think it will be a restful weekend in many ways, and I'm looking forward to that! I may even be able to cook a few meals to freeze, which I have really wanted to do but not had time for.

On the baby front, I'm feeling pretty decent all things considered, and can't complain. The only really worrisome thing is my BP is creeping up (before it was in the 110/70 range and now is more like 130, 135/86 or 90 range). I'm checking it twice a day with our home monitor and will take all those readings with me to the dr. tomorrow. I am SO hoping that she puts me out on home rest, just so I can at least be done with work and go ahead and begin leave. I could really use a couple of weeks before baby comes to process everything that has happened and get everything ready. My feet and ankles are also so swollen 24/7 that it hurts to walk, as the skin can't stretch any further! That has been a more recent issue (like in the last month) so I believe it may be related to baby's increasing size and lower position. I think he has "dropped" because my heartburn and reflux are improving (thank God!) and he seems slightly lower lying - although he is so big, it is hard to really notice the difference. Even though the house is not yet ready, I am just about ready to get him out LOL! Come on little one! :haha:

So I've been trying to keep up with how everyone's doing, but I may not be a 100%. Please forgive anything I missed -

Austin - HUGE news, literally LOL!! That is AWESOME! I know a surprise like that must still be rocking your world, but how amazing! Congratulations and I will pray that all 3 stay happy and healthy in there!

Sunshine - as others have mentioned, to me "taking it easy" means not pushing. So if you were previously doing fitness things that felt like a lot of exertion (high body temp, sweating, exhaustion afterward) I would just tone it down to where you're exercising more gently. Walk instead of run, or yoga instead of high impact, things like that. I was one of those people who just felt like I did not want to do ANYTHING that might cause a problem, so I kept my exercise to walking and stretching (but could not even continue that once I developed a lot of SPD pain). But I have heard that anything you were previously accustomed to is basically fine; just listen to your body! :)

We too got very spoiled with multiple ultrasounds at our RE's office; then once I got to my OB at 12 weeks it was "one at 18-20, then another at 35!" I was like, whoa! That's a LONG time to wait LOL! But we ended up with low-grade placenta previa at 18 weeks so were rechecked at 25, then had a private 3D/4D scan at 33 and that helped break up the wait.

MA - :hugs: and try not to worry about the BV or yeast. They'll get you treated appropriately and even if they can't use systemic antibiotics, I suspect they can use topical versions and surely some are safe at all stages of pregnancy. I've basically had a yeast issue since I got pregnant. It seems more external (I think from all the - sorry if TMI - constant increased discharge) so I have just used the external monistat cream as needed. I have only had to treat an internal one once so far, and I used the 3 day. Seemed to work okay but took a while to resolve completely. At the time I was also using progesterone suppys so that was just all kinds of fun LOL! :rofl:
Hang in there sweet friend. I know how stressful it was for me in the earliest days and you are battling with the nightmare of what came before as well. Try to trust in God's timing and His protection. If you need a happy outcome to focus on, we have some very good friends here who lost their first son at 25 weeks (cervical issues; I think incompetent cervix but have never heard an actual confirmation on that diagnosis). He was just too tiny and did not make it, which broke my heart particularly because I was born at 27 weeks and made it (and that was 36 years ago!). It's just all up to God. They went on to have a perfectly healthy little boy (with cerclage) and he is now 4.5. So remember that ALL things are possible with God. If at any time you are not 100% comfortable with your care, seek out another opinion (as many as it takes). I'm like you - I prefer female docs for OB/GYN and I deliberately chose an all-female OB practice when we got to that point. All three of the OB's who might end up delivering us have kids of their own, so I know they've been there and done that. I just feel like with OB or GYN, men simply never will be able to relate the way another woman can.

Junebug I am so sorry about the rough day yesterday. It is never easy to deliver terrible news like that and it sounds like you are a wonderful and empathic doc. :hugs: and kudos for caring so much about your patients.

Steph, I am sorry we are near the anniversary of your MMC but try not to worry! Do something fun for yourself and try not to think about it or stress. You are well into 2nd tri and as much as the swelling of various parts is miserable, it's also normal. My feet and ankles are so bad they are actually painful right now, but the doc does not seem too worried. The joys of pregnancy! :haha:

Code, we are getting close!! Have you heard anything else on your delivery plan?

Svet, Viv, :hugs: and how are you guys doing?

Happy Auntie, glad to see you lurking here! We are sending you tons of :dust: and love! Stop by any time!

Okay ladies sorry for the novel. I gotta run to work. Please pray that this or next week will be my last in the office, as I just can't cope with work on top of everything else right now!

Love to all!
Wow ladies! Novels indeed :)

Angela, nice to read you. Definitely relax this weekend, you deserve it after what you've been dealing with :hugs: I hope you get put on house arrest as I call bed rest ;-) That would be great to not have to work anymore! You are soooooo close! I was obsessed with the car seat being installed when I reached 36 weeks, just in case she came early. Thank goodness we did because my waters broke at at 38 weeks and 6 days :)

Sunshine, LOVE Squirt! Definitely unique! Hmmmmm, maybe I will have a BFP sooner than anticipated? Will keep you ladies posted! That's what I love about this site, I can have your support without disclosing the pregnancy in RL until the end of the first trimester...

MA, I'm actually a Medical Geneticist. My training involves pediatric genetics, adult genetics, prenatal genetics (teratology, embryology, syndromes involving fetuses, etc...), cancer genetics, etc... Right now I am practicing in adult genetics so I diagnose, follow and treat adult patients with genetic disorders. It makes me a VERY stressed pregnant woman as I know everything that can go wrong with fetal development and with pregnancies :wacko: I used to go to the NICU every couple of weeks while pregnant to look at baby on ultrasound and make sure the heart, brain, stomach, kidneys, etc.. still looked normal. It was weird to see a "NORMAL" written in big on my 18 week scan, as I'm used to dealing with the abnormal ones. Unfortunately as part of my speciality, I don't see healthy pregnancies and babies, so I had a strange bias that way. But since a big part of our practice as Medical Geneticists involves breaking bad news, our training focuses a lot on communication skills and LISTENING to patients, compared to other specialties where they do not teach their trainees any of this, sadly enough... It sounds like you have the support of great friends which is amazing! I am hoping for you that you find caring and empathetic health care providers, you truly deserve it!

Yes, prenatal yoga DVDs are great. Can do it in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace and take breaks as needed. Quinoa is great! I was obsessed with it a while back and made salads for work with it :)

AFM, little one once again woke up at 4AM, but DH successfully had her back to sleep within 15 minutes with no crying for booby, then she woke up at 7AM. So another blissful 8 hours straight in bed for me :happydance: I booked her first professional photo session for next Monday, now I have to pick 2 outfits! So exciting!

OK I need to go take care of my pumped milk now, TTYL!!!
Oh Steph, forgot to say thanks for the suggestion of the Korean soup. I'll have to look into this, I'm very curious! I have 2 sisters adopted from South Korea so a lot of our family cuisine is Korean, and I've never heard of this! My breast milk production is actually great, it's just that my boobs don't like pumps :-( When actually nursing Zoëlle, I have tons of milk, and actually drop a whole lb in my pre- and post- weighings, it's crazy! But at work, my breasts can get pretty engorged. It's amazing how much of nursing is psychological... I was hoping those herbal supplements could increase how much actually made it OUT during the day. Right now as I pump, I already have almost 7oz which is amazing! I used to only get 2-3oz per pumping session...

OK now I really need to go! Hope everyone is having a great Thursday morning, HUGS!
HI all! Sorry to have been out so long, but have been a bit overwhelmed.... :)

Angela - Glad you are getting settled & I hope you get to stay home! I have a hard time working now, can't imagine at your stage!

Sunshine - Squirt! LOVE IT! On exercises, I have heard you don't want you heart rate over 140bpm. I have a heart rate monitor & wear it walking, on elliptical, etc. And yes, as Pablo said, when talking is hard, your're working out too hard. I, too, have been doing prenatal yoga... and regular hatha, too. No deep twists and you're fine. Was it Junebug that said baby loved inversions? haha... too cute!

MA & Pablo - Sorry yall are dealing with issues "down there"... I have not had the pleasure of a yeast infection, but have dealt with UTI's on and off forever... Sorry for you girls and hope you feel better soon... MA - I couldn't see the commercial... :( Was it by chance the one for Chase bank where guy comes home to 3 cribs, etc?? That is the one I thought of...

AFM - I have thought about little else lately... still so overwhelmed... We are trying to not think in terms of "babies", as recommended by our FS, as we don't know what the future holds. We will go back for the next scan and see where we are...

Otherwise, I have been sick... Not flu, but definitely a bad cold (cough, low grade fever, congestion)... Have been taknig OTC Tylenol cold meds (rec by FS nurse) and staying home. Just feel lousy... and am worried about the effects of the fever. Its not been high, 99 - 100.6, but still worried. And DH leaves on Sat for a week in Asia for business... which will be really hard as I will have no one to talk with about how I am feeling...

We are very glad we didn't tell my parents last weekend...

Re: food - Don't know if its the cold or symptoms slacking, but have had no appetite... No nausea, no ms, just nothing sounds good. Forced myself to ear some eggs & toast for breakfast this am. Blech.
Sunshine - love the nickname!! Might borrow it if, IF, we go for #3 :wacko:

CJ - just wanted to tell you how much I love ya, I'm so glad you joined the thread :hugs:

Angela - sounds like you have a good plan to take it easy. we ARE so close, I can almost taste it.

My blood pressure is doing the exact same thing, so the GD clinic made me pee in a cup too because of the change. It was all good but then I woke up with a headache this morning. Keeping and eye on the bp today and so far I've been under the "max" for going to the hospital. I meet with an OB on Friday and of course, I have myself in a state over all the "what ifs". DH worked hard to try and talk me down but when he said that our last labour was "sucessful" because we ended up with a healthy baby and healthy mom I could have just strangled him. YES, in the big picture we came out the other side BUT I'm the one that had weeks of recovery etc... and I think some of those memories are starting to raise their ugly head.

I just wish this baby will just COME early without anything so I don't have to make decisions.

The GD clinic couldn't believe that I hadn't had to see an OB yet and that I was going to be "allowed" to go to 39 weeks. That sure didn't help calm me down.

We are also working like mad to try and get a "big boy room" finished for my son. I did some retail therapy after the clinic yesterday and spent WAAAAAAY too much, it was hard to fess up last night. DH has suggested that the Egiption cotton sheets are a little extravigent for a 2 year old :rofl: He *might* have a point :rofl:

I hope everyone is feeling well and sending labour dust to all that need it and sticky dust to all the rest!

Re: food - Don't know if its the cold or symptoms slacking, but have had no appetite... No nausea, no ms, just nothing sounds good. Forced myself to ear some eggs & toast for breakfast this am. Blech.

this is how I was for both pregnancies. It was easier with Edward cause I could eat anything I would finally find that would sound good. DH use to go through the fridge and freezer naming food to see if he could find something, anything that I would eat. I ate grapefruit for a couple months :haha:

This pregancy with early GD I've struggled more with finding things to eat. Things that sound good would be hard on my sugars.

Guess that's why I gained 30 lbs first pregnancy and 12 this pregnancy :dohh:
I thought since I posted last night there wouldn't be much going on here this am, WOW was I wrong!

MA, I too love quinoa and find oilve oil and lemon juice the secrete to a good quinoa, makes it not too dry. Although I will have to try chicken stock!! Yum!

Sunshine, love squirt!!! Glad you are graduating to OB !! But get ready for not as many scans. I still haven't had one and it's driving me mad!

Junebug,so sorry about work! That must be the thoughest part of ur job and I agree, no wonder ur tired. At least you got 8 hours of sleep!! I have to say I am really worried about sleep deprivation. I LOVE to sleep!!

Angela, glad you are doing better and take it easy this weekend! Good words of advice to MA. I am not a religious person ,so I fall short when it comes to those kinds of reassurances. Take care of yourself dear friend!! You're so close!!

Finally, Austin, so sorry you feel so crappy! Are you going to be ok with DH gone for a week? Is there someone you can confide in about what's going on so someone can check on you? Hope you feel better!!

AFM, it's another day where I don't feel pregnant,which is good as I'm ms free,but weird. Just waiting for that scan next monday to confirm everything is fine. Driving me crazy!! However tomorrow is friday!! Yehhhh hoo!!! Have a good day everyone!! Xx anna
Good morning everyone (afternoon in some places). A LOT of activity since last I posted.

Sunshine – Squirt is awesome and it is nice to have “name” for the LO.

Angela – It is great to hear from you and yes, please relax and recoup this weekend. I will definitely pray that you go out on Maternity leave as of Monday, Feb 28th. :hugs: Car seat installation – where do you go to get that done? Starting to freak out a bit as I haven’t done ANY preparation yet for this baby and there is a great deal to do. :wacko:

Austin – Sorry that you are sick. I know how miserable it can be to have a cold and be pregnant (and possibly have morning sickness!) While your husband is away, you can definitely talk to us about how you are feeling. Since I am in Cali, I am on pretty much until 5:30pm (8:30pm your time…I think or are you 2 hours ahead?). Anyway, you can ping me :flower:

Codegirl – I will also pray that your baby comes early for ya! :hugs:

Pablo – I hear it is starting to warm up in Co (at least where my parents are in Castle Rock it is supposed to be in the 60’s). :cold:

MA – let me know how you like the prenatal yoga videos. They offer classes through Kaiser and I am thinking about signing up. My only issue is that I really don’t like regular yoga (I know I am weird, but I find it too slow and boring – I took dance classes a majority of my life so I like things a little more up tempo and fast paced) so I am not sure I will like the prenatal yoga, but I gotta do something…my HIPS hurt! :sad1:

Svet & Viv – Hope you are doing well

AFM – I have a Dr appointment with my OB/Gyn this afternoon. I have a list of questions for her. I had originally written them up when I went to see my perinatologist, but since he is a man, he couldn’t answer several. I too love my OB. I have been going to her since I was 19 years old and she gets me and is able to calm most of my worries and talk me down when I get crazy LOL.

On another note - can’t remember if I asked this or not and I am too lazy to go back and check – but is anyone watching One Born Every Minute on Lifetime? I know that there is a version in the UK, but the US version just started like 2 or 3 weeks ago. I cry everytime a baby is born and it makes me even more excited for the birth of my daughter. :thumbup:

Well, I have meetings pretty much for the rest of the day until I leave for my appointment. So I will chat with you all either later today or tomorrow. :hug::hug:


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