35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Wow, Codegirl, Egyptian cotton sheets for a 2 yr old? Nice! Wanna adopt me? I'll even let you call me Squirt! :)

Junebug, in a way, I know what you mean about your work place making you a stressed pregnant woman. For three years I worked at a school and adult care center for people with severe autism. The scary part was that a lot of them didn't start having problems until at least their toddler years. It used to be that you could breath a sigh of relief when your baby was born healthy - not so much anymore. I'll probably be a nervous wreck until this kid's in grade school! You try not to think about it, but when you're immersed in it every day it really changes your perspective.

Austin, I wouldn't be surprised if you're overwhelmed for a while - such big news to process! Sorry you're not feeling well - maybe with the hubby gone you can sleep all weekend without having to feel guilty about it..? That's what I would do! :)

Angela, you're still in my thoughts and I hope things continue to get easier for you as time goes on. :flower:

Glad you finally have your scan on Monday, Pablo! Something tells me it'll be a while before I see another one of those...

Have a good day, everyone!
Reading quickly while at work, but Steph, on the carseat question - here in the States what I have heard is to install it the best you can (according to directions, etc.) and then go to any fire station, police station or DMV and they can double check and adjust for you (it's free and they are all certified for this purpose). Apparently the most common mistake is that people do not secure the base tightly enough. We are going to invest in those "seat protector" thingys because you are supposed to secure it tightly enough that it will basically dig way into your car's seats... so we're off to Babies R Us this weekend to grab a couple of those. My car has the "LATCH" system but that is only on the left and right sides in the rear seat, and they say to put baby in the middle of the rear seat (obviously can't do this if you have more than one child, but for a first child you can) to protect more from any side impact. So we'll be securing it with the seat belt install and I am a bit more nervous about getting that right. The seat we bought (Chicco Keyfit 30) is supposed to be one of the easiest to install correctly, but as a first timer I worry about absolutely everything! :dohh:
Hi ladies! :hi:

Angela, thank you so much for your kind words. You've really calmed my heart.:hugs::kiss: I do hope you get a pass for bedrest. I think the peace would help quite a bit. I also hope that bloodpressure comes down. Do you think its the added stress over the past few weeks?!

Junebug, I can't even imagine the stress and sadness that job must bring. A couple in our grieving group had a test done that found them to both carry a genetic abnormality that caused their own child to be deformed with an inability to breathe on his own. Not only were they grieving for their son, they were grieving the loss and inability to ever bare a child again. He was going to get clipped and she was going to start bcp's. I wasn't really sure if they were planning to adopt. I didn't think it right to ask at a time like that. Just wasn't my place, but I DO hope they did because they were such a beautiful couple.:cry: Dealing with issues like that as a career would put me over the edge. I think I can be "overemotional" so aside from the sadness I think I tend to take on everyones problems. You sound like such a compassionate person and to spite how sad and hard it must be, I'm sure there are times when this testing is of great help to many.:hugs:

Austin, YES! That was the commercial. I noticed you were trying to find others who were pregnant with triplets in the multiples forum. I even started reading the only 1 other gal who had triplets...her pregnancy story. I noticed she too didn't have morning sickness all that much either. It's SO fun to read her journal! It's also good to know that while there "can" be complications, you have someone here who made it the whole way through to the general 33wk mark. I guess 33wks is the average delivery for triplets.

I too haven't been good with food. NOTHING sounds good to me and I've LITERALLY been making myself eat for the sake of the baby(ies). I get SO frustrated because nothing is tasting good at all! And like Code, I have type II diabetes and am wearing a minimed pump, so while I can bolus the heck out of any food I eat, the idea is to eat healthy and nothing that will bring my blood sugar up. I'm quite proud really. My numbers have been AWESOME lately. Much lower than usual and definately lower than my last pregnancy. It's amazing. Though I keep wondering if since my appetite stinks and I'm eating healthier food than usual, if they'll think I'm "dieting" when I'm actually eating healthy meals throughout the day.

I think the worst thing I've eaten thus far is a weight watchers cookies and cream bar because it's lower in sugar and gives me the chocolate I like.

Tonight for a snack I'm having raw veggies and hummus.:thumbup:

This morning I went to bed at 2am and woke up at 530am. I went downstairs and had a glass of Keifer and then went back to bed and slept on and off until 1pm. I've been up now and I'm tired again.

My sleep pattern is crazy. I'm glad I'm a homemaker because at least my schedule is more flexible and I can just let my body do what it needs too. I feel LAZY though.

Missmuffet, I was a dancer too for 14 years. Later I ended up with PCOS and gained 50lbs quickly...my weight has gone up, up and up, so I lost what would have been my career.:shrug: I'm not a usual yoga fan either. I know the poses, but I'm a big woman, so sometimes it's hard to get that belly outa the way or to hold my own darn weight. I figure I have to do SOMETHING because I can't do high impact or what normal weight women can do during their pregnancy. I usually do walk away the lbs. with leslie sansone, so I suppose I could purchase her video as well.

Pablo, the quinoa with olive oil and lemon sounds good. I also think I'm going to try it with broth. I happen to have extra broth on hand so i might try making some tonight.

I pray your all having a lovely day. I'm trying hard to keep awake. Tomorrow I have my appointment to check for YI/BV. Thing is, I don't feel itchy right now. I'm wondering if it's YI on the outside like you said you had angela. Maybe the Keifer helped with probiotics. I'll still have her check inside and out to see if she can find anything.

What's with this yeast issue with many of us? It's pretty heavy during pregnancy and it was with my last too. Though this time it's not as BAD, it's still not comfortable though.:winkwink:
MA - I do think the BP increase is probably just all the combined circumstances. I am really hoping it's not the pregnancy itself which of course would mean preeclampsia, but I am keeping a really close eye on it and trying to watch my salt intake. I noticed that last week while I was home sick for the first part of the week, the swelling in my feet and ankles was much better (I think because no fast food/junk food like I sometimes eat at work LOL) but my pressure was still up a bit. I'm hoping that's stress and not pregnancy itself, but if for some reason it's the pregnancy or PE, at least we are 37 weeks on Sunday and I won't be too frightened for baby if they want to get him out early.

TMI alert :) On the yeast, I think my issue has been caused by the normal increased discharge of pregnancy. It has been (at least for me) thin and watery enough that I can tell I don't have a true yeast infection going on internally, if that makes sense. There's no heavy goopy stuff. But the consistency of the "normal" discharge is more sticky than regular cervical mucus. I am one who has normally got pretty heavy CM during ovulation, etc. and this is not quite the same. I think it is the stickiness that causes my issues; it sort of (sorry again for TMI) causes my undies to stick to everything "down there." I think the constant cycle of dampness is what has caused my problem. If I use the external yeast cream regularly (like 2x a day) it stays pretty comfortable, but if I even skip a day, I can tell. :dohh:
I'm thin watery mucus. The outside itches like CRAZY. I've tried going rogue at night and we usually keep the fan on for "white noise". So it dries things out. The yogurt and keifer help, but once the underwear goes back on, it's hot and moist down there. The creams make it worse for me. It's already wet down there. Adding more cream makes it icky. I get so frustrated with it.

I'm glad your almost at the "safe point" on Sunday. So if it is something serious baby will be okay. I forgot to mention last time that I giggled when I found out baby is already past 7lbs. He sure is a cutie though. Can't WAIT for pictures! It's SO exciting for me to see some of "our" girls here either with their children or coming close to birthing. I'm just so excited to have a second chance at motherhood. God is so good!
I'm thin watery mucus. The outside itches like CRAZY. I've tried going rogue at night and we usually keep the fan on for "white noise". So it dries things out. The yogurt and keifer help, but once the underwear goes back on, it's hot and moist down there. The creams make it worse for me. It's already wet down there. Adding more cream makes it icky. I get so frustrated with it.

I'm glad your almost at the "safe point" on Sunday. So if it is something serious baby will be okay. I forgot to mention last time that I giggled when I found out baby is already past 7lbs. He sure is a cutie though. Can't WAIT for pictures! It's SO exciting for me to see some of "our" girls here either with their children or coming close to birthing. I'm just so excited to have a second chance at motherhood. God is so good!

I agree about the ick factor, but don't hesitate to try the external cream (used externally only of course) to see if it helps things for you. Check with your doc tomorrow but I don't think it can hurt anything since it is external, and it has sure helped me all the way thru pregnancy. I use it sparingly so it's not the same feel as having used the whole yeast infection treatment or anything like that - not gloppy and in fact feels much better than when I don't use it. Maybe it would help! :flower:

And yes, our baby is definitely a butterball LOL! I am so excited to meet him!

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here right now trying to figure out whether I'm having early labor symptoms, or just braxton hicks. :shrug: I've had BH before, but nothing like this. I've had these contractions for about 3 hours now and they are more like a strong BH coupled with period-like pain, which I've not had before. A bath has not helped (normally would help with BH for me) and so I'm trying not to get too excited, but make plans accordingly. I just had some dinner and I'll relax for an hour or so, then finalize packing my bags before bed - just in case! I am scheduled to see the doc tomorrow morning anyway, so if I make it through the night I will go ahead to my appt, and if not then of course I'll be seeing her tomorrow either way :happydance: I am guessing that if I can sleep through them (or they disappear while I rest) then they are just bad BH; otherwise I am guessing I won't be asleep for long!

Wish me luck! I will report back in the morning!

Love and hugs to all!
I'm thin watery mucus. The outside itches like CRAZY. I've tried going rogue at night and we usually keep the fan on for "white noise". So it dries things out. The yogurt and keifer help, but once the underwear goes back on, it's hot and moist down there. The creams make it worse for me. It's already wet down there. Adding more cream makes it icky. I get so frustrated with it.

I'm glad your almost at the "safe point" on Sunday. So if it is something serious baby will be okay. I forgot to mention last time that I giggled when I found out baby is already past 7lbs. He sure is a cutie though. Can't WAIT for pictures! It's SO exciting for me to see some of "our" girls here either with their children or coming close to birthing. I'm just so excited to have a second chance at motherhood. God is so good!

I agree about the ick factor, but don't hesitate to try the external cream (used externally only of course) to see if it helps things for you. Check with your doc tomorrow but I don't think it can hurt anything since it is external, and it has sure helped me all the way thru pregnancy. I use it sparingly so it's not the same feel as having used the whole yeast infection treatment or anything like that - not gloppy and in fact feels much better than when I don't use it. Maybe it would help! :flower:

And yes, our baby is definitely a butterball LOL! I am so excited to meet him!

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here right now trying to figure out whether I'm having early labor symptoms, or just braxton hicks. :shrug: I've had BH before, but nothing like this. I've had these contractions for about 3 hours now and they are more like a strong BH coupled with period-like pain, which I've not had before. A bath has not helped (normally would help with BH for me) and so I'm trying not to get too excited, but make plans accordingly. I just had some dinner and I'll relax for an hour or so, then finalize packing my bags before bed - just in case! I am scheduled to see the doc tomorrow morning anyway, so if I make it through the night I will go ahead to my appt, and if not then of course I'll be seeing her tomorrow either way :happydance: I am guessing that if I can sleep through them (or they disappear while I rest) then they are just bad BH; otherwise I am guessing I won't be asleep for long!

Wish me luck! I will report back in the morning!

Love and hugs to all!

Luck? I'm freaking out I'm so excited!!:happydance::flower: Praying all is well and I'm sure you'll make it your priority to get on here and keep us posted if you have contractions. Be sure to also post through pushing too.:winkwink: :rofl: Just kidding of course. All jokes aside, I DO pray all is well and wish you the best if this IS the moment. Looking forward to hearing from you after your appointment and if we don't, I'm sure we'll figure out where you are.:winkwink::baby: CAN'T WAIT till baby comes!:happydance::cloud9::hugs::kiss:
Good morning ladies!

Well, no news yet. I was able to sleep last night from about 11-1, then awake 1-3 to check timing again. Oddly, they were very regular contractions (which is more like true labor than BH) but seemed by about 3 to taper off pain-wise, so I tried to go back to sleep. Slept okay most of the rest of the night, waking periodically to more contractions but not so bad. I'm very glad I have already been scheduled to see my doc this morning and I'm looking forward to finding out if perhaps I'm starting to dilate or anything (I'm assuming she will check, if I explain about the night I had last night). i'll report back!
good luck! We'll all be on pins and needles waiting for your post-dr report! :happydance:

PS - I'm posting a little update on the TTC thread for you.
I'm waiting patiently Angela! :winkwink: :hugs:

If you are dialating, try a little bit of housework to get ya moving. Maybe hubby can give you a lower back massage which helps get labor moving too. I'm SO excited. Praying all is well with you and baby and looking forward to hearing good news soon.

AFM: Exactly what I had feared. Went for the testing and I have Bacterial Vaginosis. :cry: Puts the fear right in me after losing my son from BV that worked it's way into the cervix after I lost my mucus plug. The good news in all of it is that I'm being monitored at ALL TIMES seriousely. They're not taking any chances and I love this OB's office who is very efficient and knows me. I'm hoping aside from the perinatologist, they'll allow me to stay with them along side the perinatologist office. That way everything will be covered and I know it will more likely be caught with my OB.

Flagyl is not recommended during the first trimester so they prescribed clindamycin during pregnancy. Everything I've seen shows that there are no known birth defects with taken this drug. All by studies of course because the drug has been around for awhile. So I'm feeling somewhat of comfort. I'm just praying this baby(ies) will be safe, that any infection or anything foreign would stay out of my body and that I can carry to term healthy baby(ies).

this is SO hard. I'm so glad I have Gods strength when I am weak and am not in control.
Oh so relieved you saw your doc and they are treating you properly! Yep clinda is safe in first trimester and throughout pregnancy actually, you're in good hands!!!

ANGELA!!! We're waiting for an update! So freaking excited for you!!!

<3 Terri, happy to be here too!!!

I was a dancer too! Did ballet and acrobatics until 17 years of age, and competitive gymnastics :) I LOVE power yoga, or it's Sanskrit name of Ashtanga. It's much faster paced than Hatha yoga, which focuses on flexibility and relaxation. 1.5 hours of power yoga classes are so envigorating and great cardio work-outs! Have you ladies tried it? Prenatal yoga is much more Hatha based though, but when you're pregnant relaxation is key :)

Well as per my charting, turns out I ovulated on Valentine's day, but we didn't do the do so we missed this egg. That is fine with me, I really want to go to Switzerland in August and I don't want to go on an international flight more than 24 weeks pregnant. I might even wait until April to try and catch the egg, that way I'd be 16-17 weeks pregnant for our trip. I fit in my regular clothes until I was 20 weeks pregnant the last time around and people couldn't tell I was pregnant until 25-26 weeks (which is nutso to me, it was obvious MUCH earlier based on my impressions...), so hoping it'll be the same the next time around.

I posted videos of Zoë giggling on FB. She's soooo cute (I know I'm biased but nonetheless!). Turns out next Monday is a holiday so we have to reschedule our photo shoot. AND she's teething again. I suspect the top front teeth: not eating other than breast milk, cranky as all heck, didn't sleep through the night and needed nursing to settle again, pulling at ears, and sticking her entire fist in her mouth. Poor sweetie :-(
morning al!!

Steph, YES I've been watching one born every minute!!! And I have the opposite reaction, it scares the crap out of me!!! It seems so sureal to me. Can't believe it will be me in 6 months! Thank god i'm not 17 like the girl in last weeks episode! As far as car seats go I have heard the same thing about the fire station. Like you and MA I too grew up dancing,but I really like yoga, I think of it as really slow ballet. I try and find the grace and calm in each pose. Good luck!

sunshine,hi! Hope you are well!

angela,thanks for all the info on yeast stuff. No TMI. It's what this thread is for, to ask the questions you can't ask anywhere else. I for one appreiate all the info. I can't wait to hear what the doc says about the contractions!!

ma, good luck with the prenatal yoga. I too am yoga challenged. I call myself the special ed kid in the class. And except for the teacher and those select few,most folk struggle to some point. The most important thing is to get out of it what you can and know any effort is healthy and good for you. How was the quinoa?

HA, when do you go back to FS? I'm so excited for you! Read on the other thread about the great lab rsults!!!

AFM, well I might have done the happy yeast infection is gone dance too soon. Discharge is back along with mild itching. Thing is I can't tell if it's normal heavy pregnancy discharge or the yeasty coming back. Think I will try a three day treatment. If it's not cleared up by monday I have the appt with perinatologist and maybe they can give me more answers. BTW, end of first trimester happy dance!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

junebug, I hate to ask medical questions of you as you are not at work here and I don't want you to feel like you are, but if you or anyone else has any insight into if it's harmful to use yeast infection internal treatments even if you're not sure it's a yeast infection. Does that make sense? I could try the external cream too.

ok enough from me . . . Happy friday! I look foreward to weekends so much more now!
No Anna, not harmful even if it turns out to not be yeast. If the symptoms are persisting I'd definitely see your doc though. Definitely don't mind trying to help out :)

Hmmm I like your analogy, describing yoga as slow ballet :flower:
Girls - Quick post... I am speechless at the moment...

Had the FS appt and had a vaginal scan.... and there are THREE.
Saw and heard all three heartbeats... all strong, around 150 bpm...
2 were bigger, 12.5 & 12.1 (7weeks, 3 days ~) and one smaller, 8.7 (6 weeks, 6 days)...

oh my Lord.... I am terrified. Doctor was quite surprised and said my 38-yr-ovaries really beat the odds... I had only released 3 eggs, so odds of ALL three fertilizing and implanting are crazy.... Dr. said there is really nothing to do now but wait and see how they progress... and to TRIPLE my folic acid... will see me in 2 weeks for another scan.

DH was there & stunned too... He met me back at home with 3 dozen roses and card that just said "WOW! I love you...."

I really, really am speechless right now.... :) :) :)

OH MY GOODNESSS!!!! How exciting is that!!! :happydance:
Hey girls and hi there Twinkle!

Well, I'm shot down on all fronts. OB says cervix is still "long" (so I guess definitely not effaced much) and she doesn't feel any real changes there, so she thinks what I had last night was just a practice run. She also said that, while my BP is definitely rising, it's not "over the line" yet and for me to just keep watching it. :grr: so no bedrest or home rest orders for me. :hissy: I guess they just want me to be sitting at my desk when my water breaks! And so, here I sit!

She did say several times that I'm considered full term after this weekend (37 weeks), and she made a point to tell me who is on call this weekend (twice). So I am not sure if she actually thinks something may happen, or what. :shrug:

She also drew labs to check for any BP problems that would show up in bloodwork. Hopefully it's nothing serious, but at least if there is an issue I should get to be on bed rest (which would be welcome at this point!)

At least now I sort of know what to look for in terms of what types of BH episodes I can have, without it meaning anything. And my consolation prize is that she wants us to have another scan at 38 weeks, because baby is measuring over the 90th percentile on growth. She did not specifically mention why but I am assuming it has to do with size. So I still have hope that after that scan they may decide to induce.

Hope everyone else is well today! I have a mini crisis brewing at work and I arrived really late today due to my appt this morning, so I will catch up on everyone's news this evening. :hugs: to all!
Girls - Quick post... I am speechless at the moment...Had the FS appt and had a vaginal scan.... and there are THREE.
Yes, THREE. TRIPLETS!!!!! I really, really am speechless right now.... :) :) :)

OMG! :headspin: I know I don't belong in here but heard it on the TTC #1 over 35 thread and wanted to see for myself. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! (what? had to do it 3x :haha:) So happy for you Austin Gurrl! Many blessings. And your DH is so sweet.

OK, with my head down and :sad2:......back I go now to TTC #1 and earn my right to be in here!
HA, when do you go back to FS? I'm so excited for you! Read on the other thread about the great lab rsults!!!

AFM, well I might have done the happy yeast infection is gone dance too soon. Discharge is back along with mild itching. Thing is I can't tell if it's normal heavy pregnancy discharge or the yeasty coming back. Think I will try a three day treatment. If it's not cleared up by monday I have the appt with perinatologist and maybe they can give me more answers. BTW, end of first trimester happy dance!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I don't go back to the FS until I get a positive HPT next week or we're ready to start the next medicated cycle, and that was by my choice. I'm already on progesterone support because of my miscarriages, so I didn't have to go back for the normal post-IUI progesterone check this week. And I asked if there was some reason I had to come in for a beta or if I could just POAS... I'm actually really disciplined about not testing early/often, and I'm ok with the TWW... and since POAS is so much cheaper than a blood test, that's what I wanted. (Besides, my arms are still bruised to hell from all my FSH/E2 checks over the last two weeks! I need to give my veins a rest! :haha:) So I'm just waiting! <cue Jeopardy music>

Why are you seeing a perinatologist? Are you high risk for some reason and I just don't remember? (And pleeeeease forgive me if that's the case - I tend to get a lot of the back stories mixed up without realizing it....)

Hey girls and hi there Twinkle!

Well, I'm shot down on all fronts. OB says cervix is still "long" (so I guess definitely not effaced much) and she doesn't feel any real changes there, so she thinks what I had last night was just a practice run. She also said that, while my BP is definitely rising, it's not "over the line" yet and for me to just keep watching it. :grr: so no bedrest or home rest orders for me. :hissy: I guess they just want me to be sitting at my desk when my water breaks! And so, here I sit!

She did say several times that I'm considered full term after this weekend (37 weeks), and she made a point to tell me who is on call this weekend (twice). So I am not sure if she actually thinks something may happen, or what. :shrug:

She also drew labs to check for any BP problems that would show up in bloodwork. Hopefully it's nothing serious, but at least if there is an issue I should get to be on bed rest (which would be welcome at this point!)

At least now I sort of know what to look for in terms of what types of BH episodes I can have, without it meaning anything. And my consolation prize is that she wants us to have another scan at 38 weeks, because baby is measuring over the 90th percentile on growth. She did not specifically mention why but I am assuming it has to do with size. So I still have hope that after that scan they may decide to induce.

Hope everyone else is well today! I have a mini crisis brewing at work and I arrived really late today due to my appt this morning, so I will catch up on everyone's news this evening. :hugs: to all!

Well, I'm sorry you don't get bedrest orders, but I guess I'm happy he wants to stay put a little longer - whatever is best for the little guy! And yay for extra scans!

OK, with my head down and :sad2:......back I go now to TTC #1 and earn my right to be in here!

This really did make me LOL for real, but <hanging head> I'm sulking back over to the TTC thread too.... :yellowcard: Not that I don't love being there, don't get me wrong - I'd never have made it this long with my sanity intact without it! :friends: (Though some would argue just how much of my sanity is actually left intact! :fool: :rofl:)
Sorry about the practice run, Rottpaw. :( But like HA said - whatever is best for the little guy.

And please keep coming back, HA and Titi! If there's anyone that doesn't belong here it's probably me, as I was never really a part of the TTC thread to begin with. (The first time I posted there I was already pregnant, and moved over here shortly after). Kind of like walking across the stage to get the empty diploma folder because I didn't complete my classes. :haha:

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that mixes up the back stories, HA. Nice to know I'm in good company! There are times I've actually sat here w/pen & paper to jot down little notes as I read... :dohh:

Well, tomorrow's the day we shock the you-know-what out of my parents with the big news via a Happy Birthday Grandpa card - we're even bringing the camera to catch their expressions. Yeah, it'll overshadow my dad's little b-day celebration, but something tells me he won't mind. :winkwink:

Angela, I'll be thinking of you!

Have a great weekend everyone! :kiss:
Junebug, you put my mind at ease about that drug. Thank You!

You seem to really be into yoga. Have you ever done the one that your in a room and it's a hundred degree's? I don't know the name of the yoga class. Anyways, I had a friend who did one and taped herself. I couldn't help but :rofl: I'd just DIE in there!:haha:

I actually have a yoga video specifically made for plus size women. It has three settings for beginner, intermediate and advanced. Of course I haven't gotten to it now. I do mainly weight training (which I switched to just using the stretching tube instead of heavy weights) and walk away the lbs. I'd LOVE to add yoga to it.

zoe is ADORABLE! She reminds me of one of my neices (one of the twins) with her cute little bonnet. Poor little thing. Another issue with pulling ears is ear infections too. I found out from several friends whose children had severe ear infections that chiropracters can get rid of chronic ear infections. I couldn't believe it.

Can't wait to see more pics of zoe. I bet they'll be so adorable.

Sorry about missing the O' but sounds like you have everything worked out for later in the spring. I can't wait to have you back on board!:hugs:

Pablo, Junebug is right about the inserts. The only drugs you shouldn't take during first trimester are Diflucan in the first triemester which is for yeast and/or flagyl which shouldn't be taken in the first trimester either. That's for BV.

Just wondering if what your feeling is BV though. It usually comes with itching on the "lips" externally and has a smell. Have your hubby check to see if you have cottage cheese or white inside. That's usually yeast. If it's yeast, try another FULL three day suppository and buy some activia as well as keifer for the probiotic. If it's yeast, you should be rid of it, if your still itchy and smelly it's BV and you'll need meds. Don't let that one slide at all.:winkwink::thumbup: When you go in for a culture you should find out pretty quick.

Something new, I just found out from someone on the cerclage board that in the process of her Yeast Infections and BV that before she had her cerclage not only did she need more meds for herself but for her husband as well. I was floored because I picked up my medication....thought about it and Doug has been itching and adding cream and powder down there. It's flipping possible we're handing it back and forth to each other:growlmad::wacko::shrug: So Monday when I go in for my labs, I have to ask them what to do about him. Wondering if he'll have to go back to his own Dr. and have them write a lab slip. For what though, BV? Yeast?! Good grief, who knew?!:shrug:

Twinkle, Titi and HA, you won't be in there for much longer. Keep your chin up and don't lose hope dear friends!:hugs::flower:

Angela, I'm SO BUMMED! :lol: Ah well, God has lovely timing so it will be worth it when the time is finally here. I've heard women doing housework and having their husbands massage their backs to get them into labor. You'll be there soon enough!

Well, the past couple of days the nausia has picked up a bit. Still no actual sickness but I'm nauscious as all getup!:winkwink: I keep praising God. It's a good thing!:happydance:

Have a lovely weekend ladies!:hugs::kiss::flower:

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