35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Good call! The bras I bought while pregnant don't fit me :wacko: It feels really nice though to find some that fit! For me the problem was finding some in the smaller band sizes with large cups!
...However, i have to tell you, since being pregnant sex is weird for me. I start to get very weirded out by the fact that my daughter is in there while we are doing the do.

:rofl: Last night we tried... it was very romantic and lovely until he well... you know, gave my nipple a little too much attention and I screamed OUCH at the top of my lungs!!! :haha: Just really killed the moment. I apologised and told him I was sorry but it hurt!!! He said it was ok, but the mood had passed because that just made it very realy that I was pregnant and stuff. :growlmad:
AustenGirl CONGRATULATIONS!!! So exciting!

Pregnancy insominia - I have it bad, and had it first pregnancy as well and for me it never goes away. I swear by Triptiphan, all natural amino acid. I've taken it both pregnancies and have even used it between babies as a sleep aid when needed. Doesn't work 100% like a real sleeping pill BUT is non addicitive, natural and available by prescription (at least in Canada).
Terri I have never tried Tryptophan itself, but that is why milk is supposed to help with sleep. It contains natural occuring tryptophan, as does turkey :) Tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin, one of the main neurotransmitters that regulates sleep. I didn't realize you needed a prescription for it!
I get it by prescription as you need a LOT of it just to pass the body brain barrier. I take 2 to 3 grams to sleep.
Hi Everyone. pablo, just keep watching the issue. If it's a golf ball size of mucus it's time to call Dr. If it's just a little bit and it's clear, it's nothing. If it smells funny and itches, it's BV and you HAVE to get it taken care of. Flagyl is only recommended in the second trimester though as is Diflucan but nothing over the 120 mg I think of the Diflucan once or twice in the month because the side effects of too much are bad for the baby.

Just keep an eye out for the amount of mucus. I lost my mucus plug and it's the size of a golf ball or bigger. Sometimes it will have blood but mine didn't. I just knew by how big it was. Keep in mind it doesn't usually happen everyday to most women. I was in an accident that caused mine. I just thought I'd put what it looks like "just in case".

Austin, I'm 6 wks tomorrow so next week will be 7 wks for me. They don't know when I'll get the ultrasound but based on the fact that I'm high risk, I usually get much earlier every two weeks. Its nice, but it also means I'm higher risk so it's not fun with the worrying that comes with it. :winkwink:

As for your multiples, yes, multiples come with risk. This I know because as high risk already, with the three follies, I was warned that we could have multiples which will put us at greater risk. The thing is though, if you are monitored closely and you "take it easy", I think you'll find your risk lower if your in good health for the most part and just eat well and watch the folic acid. Did he mention weather you'd be cerclaged as a preventative??

I'll be having a cerclage at 13 or 14 wks because of what happened with Jackson last time. It keeps those little ones in there. I'm not sure the risk with multiples though. There are always risks with everything. :wacko:

We are surrounded by twins in our family, my husbands youngest brother had twins on their first try. They'll be 3 this year, my second cousin just had her twins and our friends have twins that are 5 this year. ALL GIRLS and they ALL are CRAZY! :rofl:

I'd imagine that having triplets will be a fun experience that will keep you young. :winkwink: :lol: Enjoy this pregnancy dear friend.
Oh, Austin. This commercial reminded me of you:

This means if you also have a flex spending account you are elgible to use it on breastpumps.:happydance::thumbup: If you also spent money in 2010 on breastpumps and supplies, they are covered this year when your doing your taxes.

You can find the article Here

Thought this could help some of us:winkwink::thumbup:
As for bras and intimate apparel., While in Buffalo last week, I found this store with LARGER size bras that were GORGEOUS! It turns out they're a sister company to Lane Bryant. I thought you gals may like the beautiful bras that you may find might fit you.

Cacique Plus Size intimate Apparel
Thanks MA for the info. I bought some medication for yeast infection, but it still feels weird "down there". In the past the yeast medication cleared up my symptoms pretty fast. If not better by morning then I'll make apt to see the doc. Plus side for once, I took the afternoon off and took a nap. First time all pregnancy. Felt sooooo gooodd!!!

Wait . . . MA what does EDD October 13th mean??? Is that your due date?? That's my birthday!! Maybe it will be baby's too!! It's a good day to be born. Us Libras are pretty chill.

Have a good evening!! Anna
Thanks MA for the info. I bought some medication for yeast infection, but it still feels weird "down there". In the past the yeast medication cleared up my symptoms pretty fast. If not better by morning then I'll make apt to see the doc. Plus side for once, I took the afternoon off and took a nap. First time all pregnancy. Felt sooooo gooodd!!!

Wait . . . MA what does EDD October 13th mean??? Is that your due date?? That's my birthday!! Maybe it will be baby's too!! It's a good day to be born. Us Libras are pretty chill.

Have a good evening!! Anna

What kind did you get? Did you buy a 3 or 7 day? Usually it takes that long to work. By weird, what do you mean? Maybe you both should refrain from :sex: for awhile :winkwink: At any rate, it wouldn't hurt to get checked out. Have the check your cervix to make sure everythings alright. I'm sure it is, it may have just freaked you out a bit.

Yes, my due date is around the 13th. Jackson was actually born at 22wks on October 22nd. So it's a bitter sweet moment, but will be a month of great joy with two births in that month. October is our favorite season here too because Upstate NY has a beautiful turning of the leaves then. We usually go to the Adirondacks for a spectacular view.

Try not to worry too much dear friend.:hugs::flower:

P.S., can you tell I was lonesome today? I was bored out of my mind and seemed to post a million times here today.
I love October!!! Favourite everything! Weather, holidays (Thanksgiving, Halloween), MY birthday!!! (29th) LMAO It's the BEST month!! xoxo
How funny, MA - when I read Austin's news I thought of that commercial too!

Okay girls, now I just have to ask. What, precisely, does "take it easy" mean? I hear it all the time from doctors - "It's okay to exercise, just take it easy" or "You can do what you normally do, just take it easy..." What exactly do they mean by that? Do they mean I have to cut my exercising in half? Not work up a sweat? Do the same amount just go slower? At work if I make 10 trips up the stairs a day carrying stuff (under or at 20 lbs), do I need to have someone help me? Do I need to put stuff off at home if I'm really tired? What do they mean by easy?

Of course, when I ask, the response I get is "Oh, you know, just don't go overboard." :dohh:

Am I the only one that's irritated by this?

(Please, please, please MA, don't think for a second that my little rant is directed in any way towards you or your post about taking it easy! :flower: I just find it frustrating when I get such vague instructions from my own doctor!)

Sorry, ladies! Rant over!

Okay - next question. Do any of you ladies in the 1-20 month range have a pet name for your little one? The DH and I are trying to come up with something, and nothing's hitting us. Back at my 1st scan - when we thought I was farther along than I really was - it just showed a small amount of "stuff" in there. I was told that it wasn't developing correctly and I would loose it. I came home, Total Recall was on TV, and I said "Holy crap, I'm carrying Quato!" (Yes, as you can imagine, I was rather bitter at the time...) So anyhow, we started calling it Quato, but then found out that the little one really WAS viable, and we were just off on our dates. SO - obviously, we have to loose that name. Problem is, we just can't come up with anything!

We both have a rather warped/sarcastic sense of humor, and want to stay away from the usuals like "bean" "peanut" and "jr" - any suggestions? I'm at a total loss!

Pablo - EDD is estimated due date. I think. I get a little confused with all the abbreviations myself... :blush:

I have my final appointment and scan at the RE this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!

Hope everyone has a good day. :flow:
Hi Ladies,

Well, we've survived the initial days after Dad's passing with I think as much grace as was possible. Thank you to ALL who sent prayers and good thoughts our way, each one is appreciated! I definitely feel God is carrying me through all this, even if at times I feel like I'm barely surviving :) The funeral went well Sunday, my visiting aunt went home yesterday (it was great to see her and visit and talk about Dad) and now we are trying, as much as possible, to settle back into a bit of a routine for however many weeks we have left before baby arrives. We are 36+3 now, so hopefully it won't be long before our little guy appears! Hugs to each of you and I will catch up and post over the next few days.

Sunshine - Edward was "sprout" and this one is "noodle" don't know if that's what you are looking for or not.

Angela - :hugs: and prayers!
Anna, how are you feeling this morning? The internal creams for yeast usually take about 2 days to kick in, definitely make an apt with your doctor if it doesn't start feeling better today!

Yep, EDD is expected due date. Mine was my birthday, which also happens to be FIL's birthday. But I went into labour 8 days before EDD and had her 5 days before, so now we have our own b-days :)

Just a note of caution on mucus plugs. Every woman is different, for some it is pretty obvious like MA mentioned, but for others (including myself) they are barely noticeable. I *think* I passed some mucus about 1 week before my labour started, and if so it consisted of a tiny mucus streak when wiping (sorry if TMI) over the course of about 4 days. It was not at all evident. And also, once passing a mucus plug, there is no way to predict when the onset of labour will be. BV stands for bacterial vaginosis, and antibiotics are the treatment, such as flagyl. Diflucan does nothing for BV, as it is an anti-fungal used to treat yeast infections. Both BV and yeast are very common in general, so important to address the BV possibility when pregnant if the treatment for yeast is not kicking in! I had 6, yes 6, yeast infections while pregnant. Drove me nuts. Seems my symptoms were much worse while pregnant than they've ever been, compared to the symptoms of yeast when non pregnant. And of course, I got a yeast infection following treatment of a urinary tract infection while pregnant.

How did everyone sleep last night? Terri, I'll definitely be asking for a tryptophan prescription if I have the insomnia with the next pregnancy! It was so bad I'd try anything that is safe for baby!!! Zoë slept 8:15PM to 4:30AM, DH went in to settle her with soother and bouncing ball which worked (!!!) and she slept until we had to wake her up for nursing at 7:45AM!!! Which means she really doesn't *need* to nurse at 4-5AM, I'm so happy! Now we'll try to kick that habit with DH going in instead of me. Hopefully should take only a few nights like it did for you Terri, with E!

I have been taking herbal supplements to try and boost my breast milk production, as pumping at work has not been 100% successful. I'm taking a solution of fenugreek seed, blessed thistle herb, nettle herb and fennel seed: it tastes FOUL!!! BUT it seems to be working, when she doesn't nurse during the night I wake up with majorly engorged breasts, like I was in the first 2-3 weeks of having her! I've just noticed a warning on the bottle though, that it is not safe to take it while pregnant. Since we are TTC now, I will need to buy the solution that is safe while pregnant, which has dried raspberry leaf, nettle leaf and alfalfa leaf. Sigh, all the things to think of!

MA that is AMAZING that US women can get a tax credit for nursing equipment like breast pumps!!! I wish we did too in Canada. It's costing me a lot, you need to replace the valves every 6-8 weeks for optimal suction and those little suckers are pricey. Not to mention I had to buy a pump both for the office and for home, since I didn't want to lug one around constantly in addition to the cooler with the milk.

Wow, there's my novel for the day. Off to see some patients now! Hope those with insomnia slept better last night!

Angela, we posted at the same time. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Forgot to mention, Zoë was "Petit Pois", direct translation in English is Little Pea, real meaning in French is Sweet Pea :)
ok just lost my post,so starting over . .

junbug,thanks for all the info, feling better. Think the treatment worked. Hard to know what is normal pregnany discharge and what is yeasty. God I hope I don't have 5 more of these things. I wore tights twice last week and panty hose v day night for date night, now I know to stay away from those.
Also have you tried acupuncture for milk production? My acupuncturist says it works pretty well in conjunction with the herbs.

MA, I am a one day treatment kinda girl. Thanks for all the advice. If I feel as if things are still funky i'll head to the doc. I also thought of that commercial for austin when I read the news. LOL!!

Sunshine,good luck today!! Hope the appt with the FS goes well, you deserve a good news appt. I have not named my bean yet. Still leary as I have not seen or heard heartbeat. I will be currious to hear what you come up with. As for the "take it easy". From what I can decifer, as far as exercise goes you can keep doing what you were, just don't get too out of breath or you'll deprive the baby of O2. You should be able to carry on a converation. Other than that don't get exhausted. Your body will tell you when it's too much, just listen to it. There are days when I just don't have the energy to take on some projects, so I don't. Hope this helps and is not too vauge.

angela, lots of hugs for you friend. I am sorry for all your sorrow. Lots of hugs and try and concentrate on the last few weeks!

missmuffett hi!
svet, how are you other than sleep deprived?
vivienne, where are you? Still on vacation? Just want to make sure all is well.

AFM, nothing to tell. . . Happy hump day!
one last thing . . .

sunshine, don't get too hot when exerciing. Not hot yoga, and keep your body cool during other exercise. Babies don't sweat and an elevated body temp can possibly lead to birth defects. That's why no hot tubs. So that's what i've read. I still hike and cross country ski, I just stop more and wear layers so I can cool down if need be. Hope it helps! Anna
Yep Anna, great info! I still exercised but stopped training for marathon running. I did lighter cardio work-outs and continued yoga (not hot). Managed to keep it up until 34 weeks, when belly was so big it was really reducing my lung capacity so I stopped... I did continue prenatal yoga (which is awesome!) until the week before I had her! I think as long as you were active before it is fine to continue (while moderating intensity) but if you weren't active before then pregnancy is not a good time to start heavy cardio training: still fine to take up light activities like prenatal yoga, which also teaches good breathing techniques and relaxing positions that can be useful during labour :)

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