35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hello ladies!!

My goodness, it has been SUCH a long time since I posted! Between looking after baby G and work, life is crazy. I will try to get on more. I know I have a lot to catch up on!

Angela - how are you feeling? I can't believe how close you are to the 3rd trimester already. Time is flying!!

Anna - congrats on closing!! How exciting! I am so pleased everything worked out for you!

Bek - how is life in your new home? I am so happy you got out of your old place as it sounded like a nightmare with the neighbors you had :growlmad: It's so nice to have your own place and potter about in it making it your home, right?!:cloud9:

Beth! My long lost twin :hugs: how are you feeling honey and how is little Poppy doing? Thank you for your note about what to expect on Friday. G has her 6 month shots and check up on Friday. Not looking forward to the shots but my strategy is to wait outside the room while she gets them and then I swoop in and rescue her ! LMAO

So ladies, AFM, so much going on! G is now just past the 6 month mark and she is the light of my life:cloud9:! She is just getting over a little cold, but is doing remarkably well. She is on solids - she has her bottle when she wakes up and then oatmeal at daycare, followed by her bottles and then she has her evening meal which is a little oatmeal mixed with either fruit or a vegetable and she LOVES it! I love the Earth's Best varieties of fruits and veggies and she loves them too :cloud9:

I can't wait to hear what she weighs on Friday! I take her out for evening walks sometimes, strapped to me in the Baby Bjorn and oh my, holy heavy child LMAO! It's quite the workout, walking up and downhill with her strapped to me!!

We had her Christening in Rhode Island on August 5th and she was such a good girl! She slept in my arms the whole time, except when water was poured on her head and she started to cry, my little love! I'm attaching a couple of pictures of her!

Steph - Katelyn and Gabriella had the same dress!! When I saw it at Macys, I fell in love with it and had to get it for her! I looked back at pics of Katelyn and sure enough - it's the same one:thumbup::flower:

G is such a happy little girl - always smiling and laughing. She sleeps through the night but started getting a little fussy nearing bedtime the past week or so. I think it was because of her congestion. So our new bedtime routine includes me rocking her in my arms for about an hour while we listen to a wonderful CD my husband found - nursery rhymes in a classical music style. She loves it and she drifts off in my arms :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

So my hair started falling out about a month ago. So I am now overweight and balding! ROFL! I did lose some weight - I have 40lbs to go to get to goal - it's not easy and it's coming off slowly but as long as the scale is moving in the right direction, I'm happy :thumbup:

So here she is! Growing like a little flower - she is getting so big!!
I miss you all and promise I will try to post more often!!

Jules!!!! It is so great to hear from you. Yes, the moment I saw the dress and bonnet, I was like I KNOW that dress! Gabby looks beautiful (are you calling her Gabby?)!

I hear you about both the weight and the HAIR! My hair is soooo much thinner than it was a year ago, even 8 months ago! As for the weight...slowly coming off. I had to give up WW becaus I wasn't into it. I plan on going back to Spark People (which is free and basically the same as WW Online). Rebekah are still on Spark People? If so, send me your username and I will connect with you!

Anna - CONGRATS on closing on the condo! I am so happy for you. Sept 21st is not that far away. Just a little over a month and you know that will fly by! I think you had said that you were no longer living there (you are at your mom's correct?) so you are pretty much already packed up. That is a plus. And Anna, you were not in a soapbox. I agree with everything you said about women and working together and having good female role models for our daughters.

Rebekah - praying good thoughts for you today. Please let us know how your Dr. Appointment goes.

Angela - how are you and Ethan? Have you picked out names yet for the new baby? How is the room coming along? I am so excited and I feel like Anna - didnt you just have Ethan? I can't believe how fast time has flown. It has already been just about TWO years since you got the BFP with Ethan...wow!

AFM - nothing really new except work is starting to slow down a bit as my huge project is finally wrapping up! I have to say that three of my favorite things are listening to Katelyn sing and laugh, watching her play, and watching her sleep. I could just kiss and cuddle with her all day...she is my little snuggle bunny. When I look at her while she is asleep, she looks just like she did in my 3D scan and I think, that is how you looked in my belly :). I just love that girl so much...my cup runneth over. Ok, I could go on and on about how much I love/adore my baby and every little cute thing she does and is now saying, but I need to get back to work.

I hope that everyone has a LOVELY day!

Hello all!!

Jules!! So good to hear from you! We all post at different times because sometimes life just gets in the way. So no worries it's good to hear from you whenever you have the time. Gabby is so beautiful!! Such great photos of her! I am glad all is good and that solids are going so well. What is the name of the CD you're listening to at night? I am in the market for some good music for Jo.

Steph, so glad to hear I'm not the only one who quit WW. I feel guilty but I just wasn't into it. Thing is it can't help me with what I already know to be true. I need to eat less and exercise more. I've been doing better on the food front, worse on the exercise front which is odd for me as I really like to exercise. I just don't have the time. My time with Jo is so precious to me that I'm not willing to give it up to go to the gym or for a run. Need to figure out something we can both do even if it's just a walk. Anyway sorry I digress, glad to hear work is slowing. How cute is Katelyn?!!! I love that she sings!!

MA,hope doctor went well. Please up-date when you get a chance.

AFM, not much to tell . I forgot how much paper work is involved in buying a house!! What a pain in the you know what!! Anyway I think I've gotten all forms signed and off to the lender so a chance to catch my breath. Good thing work is slowing as I spent all morning yesterday emailing lender. Hoping to go camping this weekend. My parents are comming up this weekend and we are just barely getting along so I think it's best if we can be gone until Sunday night or Monday morning. I've come to the conclusion my mother is crazy. Just plain and simple crazy. So we'll see what happens.

Have a good Thursday!! Anna
Hey Steph and Anna!

Count me as someone who also quit WW LOL. I was getting bored with the slow progress and Anna, like you, I already know what I need to do to drop the weight!

Steph - we are calling her Ella, G, Gabby - all sorts of nicknames :)

Anna - the CD I mentioned is this one - we got it on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/mozart-lullabies-nursery-rhymes/id373684183

There's one particular tune that's 18 mins long (Sonata #8 in D Major) that Ella falls asleep to every time LOL. It's a great CD!
Hi Ladies!

Juuuuuuules!! :hugs: :rofl: Good to hear from you!

I am SO GLAD that I'm not the only one losing my hair and having a flipping tough time losing weight. Doug has lost a TON of weight. In my opinion I think he's losing too much. I'm feeling bone on him now. While he's off his blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds from eating vegan and he seems overall healthy, he's lost muscle and looks SO THIN girls. I'm really worried about him but he keeps telling me he's fine and that where he's at IS a healthy weight because he's eating. He's not anorexic he's eating. I told him he's lost muscle but also since he's eating vegan he needs to eat MORE throughout the day. He did agree with me. So we'll see on his front.

I have 53lbs to go so your not alone. Oh Lord! I pray you would give us all the strength and courage to overcome these obstacles and find victory with our weight loss in Jesus mighty name!!

The house is GREAT! I just finished patching the living room walls and touching up the paint. SO much nicer than they left it however I still haven't decorated yet. I'm hoping we'll get the unit to put the TV on the wall and cap the cords for safety issues with Amelia.

I haven't even TOUCHED the kitchen walls. Oh my heavens. it's white but totally dirty. Wiping down the walls made it worse. I just patched all the darn holes but I'm going to have to figure a color to paint it because it's an eyesore and depressing. I cannot believe a woman with 2 children lived there. There is NO EXCUSE for the kitchen to have 3 buckets of THICK black water where you cook for your children. I can understand with having children things not being tidy but filth is just not acceptable. In which case, this woman was a hairdresser. It just makes me sick. I think she needs to stay home for her husband and children and learn to keep her home before she goes out into the real world. It's not often I say that and I am coming across judgmental which I hate but what I've seen was disgusting. I think the sad part about it all is that while they left things for us...they moved to a home worth 300k and it was fully clean.

Let me share the latest...I walked back to the fire pit out back and I was SO mad! He threw all kinds of things in there with studs, nails, screws, etc. THEN I saw some particle board. Only I'm not sure it's particle board. I'm PRAYING it's not asbestos in the flipping fire pit. It looks awful odd. The thing that makes me think it's not is it looks like newer board. Maybe a type of sheetrock board of some sort?? Either way, it did NOT burn well in the pit.

Then the cat litter thrown near the swing set they left in horrible shape. I went to home depot today and bought a poopy scooper for cows. Haha. I'm going to scoop that all up, throw it in a trash bag and have it hauled off. Doug has been working on taking the wooden swing set down little by little.

Onto the Dr.'s appointment. It went "okay". No cancerous cells Praise God! :happydance: but it wasn't without pain. I had an internal sonogram done. My ovaries are WAY back near my bumhole. :rofl: I'm being SERIOUS! I found out that it's not my ovaries (though they are typical PCOS with a chain of cysts on them). I think you all may know from my last pregnancy that I have a tipped uterus. It's tipped all the way back and THAT'S the cause of my lower back pain darnit!

He said my insulin levels were VERY elevated. I said to him, "well I'm on an insulin pump" Oh! He said. :wacko: THEN he asked what I was going to do to get my A1C levels down. They were 6.7. This guy is a total idiot! You better stick with OBGYN dummy! I've had A1C (an average of 3 months of blood sugars for those who don't know) that were in the 9's. 6.7 isn't bad for a Type II. He said it should be 5.0. Yeah! For someone who is NOT a diabetic!

THEN he proceeds to ask if he remembered whether I was going to ttc again. I said yes. So he was ready to put me on Clomid when I stopped him in his tracks. Keep in mind that this guy bought the old Dr.'s office who helped to get me pregnant with Amelia. I told him I got pregnant on Brevelle and Menopur injections and I wasn't waisting my last 3 IUI's on something that wouldn't work. He told me he only doesn't reconstructive work and as far as TTC was concerned, he only did Clomid. GREAT! I thought. Then why did your nurse tell me you still did the same injections my old Dr. did? What a waste of time!

So he's given me a referral to the only Dr. left in the flipping area who does aggressive fertility treatments. I've heard some really iffy things about this guy so I'm a bit hesitant.

We've made the consult for labs and testing in November and will be ready again in the New Year.

SOOooo, I have a few short months to lose 53lbs.

Good news, no cancer!! :happydance: Bad news, I have only a few short months to figure out how to get off this flipping insulin pump which is not helping me fat-wise in order to start losing.

I HATE exercise. I'm eating great! Exercise?? it sucks! :lol: I can't do just a small walk here and there. In order for ME to lose weight since I'm hypothyroid and diabetic with a sluggish metabolism is to kill myself with cardio and weight training 6 days a week. Oh help me Rhonda!

Steph, yes I'm still on sparkpeople but I haven't been active in months. I suppose this can help get my bum in gear. We can work with each other. I'm HISIRISHGEM.
(all caps).

Sometime I'd REALLY like to meetup in Disney as I put out there in the beginning. I would LOVE to meet my girlfriends on here. That includes the girls on the other page too that we're missing.

Well, I've said enough for the night. Doug will be home and has a 4 day weekend. Sat. we're going to my Aunts (dad's sister) and she, mom, myself and my husband are going to help make some things for Amelia's birthday which has been changed to a carnival theme. They are helping so I'm looking forward to a fun-filled day for Amelia the end of Sept. I'll post some pics once everything is done with.

Love to you all! :hug:
Wow MA, lots going on!!

So glad the house is coming around! I am pretty sure our sellers are going to do the same thing and leave the place pretty dirty. Good news i'm married to a painting contractor so painting is no big deal. But the thing about having kids and living in filth I totally agree with!! it's one thing to be messy but if you have children I think you have an obligation to provide them with a healthy living space and that takes no money at all.

Glad the doctor went well, sort of. Yehhh no cancer!! Boo on fertility front and insulin.

Hang in there sister!! I've said it once and I'll say it again, I think loosing weight is one of the hardest things to do, harder than quitting smoking. I know you said you have to do hard core cardio and weights to loose, but walking is a start. So many people, myself included, think they have to do an hour of crazy exercise and that very thought is so daunting they don't do anything. Go for a half hr. walk with Amelia and be proud of yourself for doing something. It's better than nothing.

AFM, need to take my own advice. It's Friday !!! Woohoo!! No camping as DH has to work so trying to figure out how to avoid my parents. Sounds bad but it's better than me writing to you from prison because I've lost it and gone crazy on my mother. Maybe go to Denver. I have to figure out what convertible car seat to get. Jo has outgrown her infant. Any advice? We have small backseats in our cars so I need something that isn't huge.

Happy Friday!!!
Hey girls!

Will catch up properly this weekend (and Jules, it's great to see you back!!) but wanted to comment quickly on Anna's carseat question. I looked at a gazillion seats and none of them seemed as solid to me, nor got the same kind of real-life-parent approvals, as the Britax. So that is what we went with (we got the boulevard, with side head support, but for a smaller backseat you might prefer something like the marathon,nwhich is slightly smaller). My best advice is to go to the store and play around with them yourself to get a feel for different weights, stability, etc. and make the store let you take the one you like out to your car and make sure it will fit. Try it both rear facing (bear in mind a certain degree of recline is necessary in that position so make sure it's set as needed before you test...) and forward facing. But i feel very safe with Ethan in the Britax and many of our friends have and love them too.

Hope that helps!
Hi there!

We went with the mercedes version. lol We bought the Britax Advocate

It is WAY too big for most cars. It barely fits in our minivan but we're grateful for it's side to side impact and safety ratings. ANY Britax is good though. They all have HIGH safety ratings but they don't fit in some cars. As Angela said, go and test one in your car first to make sure you don't buy it and it won't fit. They are comfortable and great for baby.

Well ladies, Amelia felt hot again so we took her to the crappy Pede's office. The nurse was snotty when I told her I thought it was teething but couldn't rule out an ear infection or even triple E where we live.

Dr. came in and thought it was teething then saw the ear infection...then the rash on her face and now we're looking at hand, foot and mouth disease or otherwise known as coxsackie virus.

I was floored and appalled all at once. We DID take her to that first birthday party but we held Amelia the WHOLE time. She doesn't go to daycare and we wash our hands EVERY time we change her. I cannot figure out how she got the virus. She is going through SO MUCH pain. She had another fever tonight of 101.9. She's been sleeping on her knee's with her face planted to one side. Tylenol only brings her fever down to 99.1 since yesterday. I'm just beside myself. I hate seeing her sick.

The Dr. said she couldn't believe Amelia hasn't had a viral infection or bacterial infection whether it be a cold or anything else since she's been born. She said it's almost been a year and I've kept her free from illness but it's not helping me. I'm feeling guilty. Honestly it's by the grace of God that she hasn't been sick since she was born (with exception to reflux).

So, she's on antibiotics for her ear infection and nothing for the viral infection unless she's got a fever in which case tylenol is what she gets.

It is these days that I thank God for loving my baby and giving her all she needs to get through. Also for giving me courage to push aside my guilt and be her mommy.

She got a bath with mommy tonight to try to bring down the fever, a cold bottle of milk and daddy rocked her until she fell asleep. Now she's on her stomach trying to sleep. Not sure if we'll get much sleep. I'm anxious about her fever and position she's sleeping on. It's hard for me to sleep when I wonder if she'll be okay in her big girl room. I wonder if I'll hear her.

Anna, enjoy your outing if you go. I know your not going camping but I pray you find peace from the storm so to say. :hugs: Angela, how are you??
Hey Rebekah,

I'm doing well, thanks! In my last week now of second tri! Can't believe it! I'm getting to the uncomfortable stage, but at the same time, only 14 weeks to go and it seems impossible how fast this pregnancy has gone by! Still a lot to get done in those remaining weeks, so that should keep me busy. Plus fall is my favorite time of year, so I'm looking forward to that!

I'm so sorry about the HF&M; I know that misery because Ethan had it. Be aware, you and Doug can also get it. BUT DO NOT beat yourself up. These kids are going to get sick, period. It's how they build immunity and it just happens. I know it is hard to watch, but it is NOT any failing of yours. Remember last year when I began taking Ethan to the church daycare once a week? He was sick once a month for sick straight months!! (here's hoping we don't repeat that record this year!:haha:) so please do not feel bad. The doc is right, you have done amazing to get her this far without any sickness! And that virus comes with a higher fever, so don't stress. It will pass!

More later girls, sorry I'm having to post in short bursts right now.
Bek, I am so sorry to hear about Amelia - I am praying for her speedy recovery, but do not beat yourself up! (I know, easier said than done). Baby G caught a cold at daycare last Friday and she is still so congested and I feel so guilty about it too. It's nowhere near as bad as how Amelia is, but yes, we do seem to blame ourselves - it's not your fault! She is in my thoughts, I feel so badly for you too because I know how hard it is when our babies are not well :cry:

As for the state the previous owners left your home - I am gobsmacked!!:nope: Honestly I just wonder about people sometimes. I am so happy you have your own home, but so sorry you are having to go through all of that cleaning!

Ah - the weight loss. Like you, I have to kill myself with cardio to lose an ounce. Right now (and for the past 2 weeks) I haven't been great, I have been gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I eat crap, then feel guilty and try to lose it - same cycle! I have to just focus and get rid of this weight once and for all. I refuse to buy any more fat clothes LOL

I am so pleased to hear that you have no cancerous cells after your doctor's visit. What a relief!!

You mentioned Disneyworld - I would LOVE to go there! I have always wanted to! We were talking about taking baby G there when she is a little older. When were you planning on going? It would be amazing if we could make a group outing of it and meet you guys and others on the BnB board there!! I'd love that!

AFM, we took baby G to the pediatrician for her 6 month shots yesterday. She was a champ! She did cry but less than 30 seconds later, she was in my arms smiling at me!:cloud9: She is now 26 & 1/4 inches long and 14lb 15oz!:cloud9:

Girls - I wanted to ask about a napping schedule. G sleeps whenever she is tired. In the morning, following her bottle, I put her down about half hour later and she snoozes for about an hour. The afternoon is touch and go, sometimes she will sleep for 2 hours, other times, she will only nap for 20 mins. I'm asking because when I pick her up at daycare at around 4pm, I feed her and she's almost always out like a light by 6:30/7pm and I can't help but wonder if that is too early? She sleeps through the night, usually up at around 5am or 6am. I just would love her to stay up a little longer so I can spend more time with her in the evenings. Did your babies have a napping schedule at 6 months? Any advice you can offer me there?

Angela - how are you doing my friend? Steph and Anna and Beth and everyone - I hope you girls are all having a wonderful weekend!
Love to all!! :hugs:
Hello ladies!!

Rebecca, so sorry little Amelia is sick !! I know you've done all you can to keep her healthy and it is in no way your fault she is sick. Babies get sick. They have to develop an immune system and getting sick is part of the game. Hopefully we limit it to harmless colds and viruses but there's no way to completely protect your baby from the world. By comparison I think Jo has had a cold since she started day care coiled with two ear infections and a case of RSV last spring. And despite all that she is a healthy happy baby. I know it's little splice as it is so hard to see your little one sick but hang in there.

Angela, wow third tri!!! Sorry you are getting uncomfortable. The end can be so hard on your body. How are the hips? That was one of my worst areas and I think you mentioned they were really painful for you during Ethan's pregnancy. Hang in there sister, 12 more weeks to go!!!

Jules, napping, ahhh the sleep dilemma. I will tell you what I've read and what we use but keep in mind every family is different and every baby,so despite what the book I read says it's never cut and dry. According to healthy sleep habits, happy baby 6:30/ 7:00 is a totally normal bed time. And in fact ideal. Does she nap at daycare? Jo doesn't so on day care days I know she'll be ready to go down much earlier, around 6:00 than on days when she gets two, two hour naps. It means I don't get to see her as much on those days, but sleep and good sleep is so important for their brain function. Also this book says that when you keep a baby up their body ( like ours ) produces endorfins to help keep it awake. Left over from primitive days when we needed to stay awake in fight or flight situations. Anyway these endorfins then make it harder for a baby to go to sleep when they need to. That's why it's so hard to get an over tired baby to bed when you think they would just pass out. So that's my two cents based on the book I mentioned. It's worked really well for us and Jo goes to bed most nights around 7. She's happy and well rested. But like I said again this is just our experience and what this book says which is to say it may not be for everyone. There is almost never any cut and dry theory. Hope it helps.

AFM, a month from today and we close on our house!! I am never going to make it!!! We went to Denver last weekend and bought some
More PJs. Also bought a new bed frame and headboard. I promised myself we would not spend any $$ until we closed but the shopping bug took over. Still looking for a car seat. I tried the Britax in my car and it was too big. But they only had one model. I have read that the Britax 55 is good for smaller cars. Anyone heard anything about it?? That's all for now. Hope everyone is having a good week!!

Rebecca - poor Amelia. I hope she gets better soon. And as everyone else has already said, you are a GREAT Mommy! Don't let her getting sick make you think otherwise.

Angela - YAY!!! Getting closer. Do you have any bump photos? Would love to see some. Also, I don't remember if you said what the baby's name was going to be (if you have it picked out).

Anna - 4 weeks will go be quickly! Don't feel bad about the shopping, just think of it this way, you are getting a new hose so you need some stuff to go in it! As for Car seats, I did a search on the Britax website. I am going to need a new one soon, so I am also looking for suggestions. I would like to get a Britax, but not sure whether to get the Advocate or the Boulevard.

Jules - unfortunately, I cannot provide you with any sleeping advice (as mine doesn't sleep all too well!) but I do try to put Katelyn down for bed between 730 and 8pm. But the info that Anna wrote is also what I have read as well.

AFM - nothing much going on here. Craziness with work is starting to taper off. Katelyn is now walking! YAY. That is about it. If anyone has advice on to keep their LO asleep throughout the night, that would be helpful. Katelyn STILL gets up a few times in the middle of the night. I think it may be teething related though as she has about 4 teeth coming in. I will give her some Tylenol tonight and see if that helps.

Hope eveyone is well!
Steph, walking!!!! That is awesome!!! Go little girl go!! Good to hear from you. I know work has been crazy. Glad things are slowing down. Any fall trips planned??

MA, how's Amelia?? Hang in there mama.

Angela, how are you feeling today?

Jules, how's the sleep thing going?

AFM, still counting down the days until we close. Have been playing with the floor plan thinking about furniture placement. Silly I know but fun. If the deal falls through now I will be seriously sad. Jo is good. I think she had a bad dream last night because she was crying to I went in and she was sitting up in her bed. I put her on her side and gave her a passy and she was out. I don't think she was actually awake. Silly little girl!!! Other than that nothing to tell.

Wish it were Friday!!!
Hey girls!

MAN, I have such good intentions every day of making it on to post and I am so sorry! These weeks are just getting away from me.

Ethan has been cutting his first molar, and OH.MY.LANTA. Everything I've heard about that dreaded day was no lie! Poor kid hardly ate anything through the weekend, but seemed fine otherwise. Then we went to a party Saturday evening and he got four separate bug bites (this is WITH Off on him), three of which were clustered on his ankle and caused it to swell to the size of a silver dollar (no exaggeration). Poor thing overreacts to bug bites like his daddy. :0( By Sunday evening he was running a fever and by Monday it was 102.5, WITH advil. Bleh! But he had no other symptoms, and so when I finally got a look into his mouth, I noticed the molar coming in (and looks like he may be getting the opposite one too, coming in more slowly). Poor little guy. Yesterday, his fever was slightly better but his attitude was c-r-a-z-y. :brat: :brat: By the end of the day hubby came home and I think he could tell it had been an awful afternoon for the whole house!

But anyway, he seems slightly better today though I can tell the fever is coming back as the day goes on. He finally went down for a nap and I'm hoping he gets some good rest.

Anna, YAY on planning for the new house! That is so fun and I totally understand - I do the same thing!

Bek, how is Amelia doing with the HFM? I remember those days well and it is NOT a fun virus to deal with. I think that is the worst fever Ethan ever had.

Steph, I need to take some bump photos! I swore I would do that this time around but still haven't. :dohh: Will post if I do! We are still working on names but I am DETERMINED we won't wait till two days after he's born, like we did with Ethan! :rofl:

Jules it is SO good to see you back and Gabby is just gorgeous! I remember about the hair loss, and I was surprised how LONG it continued after Ethan was born! If only our weight fell off as easily! :haha:

I am already stressing about getting the baby pounds off this time (mostly because I started off this pregnancy still above my last prepreg weight) - but I'm sorry to say it isn't slowing my appetite down at ALL! I've gotten back into menu planning and blogging a bit about the recipes we make/new ones we try (let me know backchannel if anyone wants the link, I just don't want to post it publicly). The menu planning is helping me get dinner on the table again, and we are enjoying trying some new recipes, but I am eating like it's going out of style! :rofl: I also have my glucose test Tuesday :sick: and I'm not looking forward to that!

Thanks to all who've asked how I'm feeling! I'm still feeling fatter by the day and heavier, but so far, as long as I avoid overdoing it during the day and let Ethan climb upstairs instead of trying to carry him each time, my hips are hanging in there. I can't remember exactly what stage I started up with the serious issue on that, but I expect it to happen again and I've already experienced it on days I overdo. Oh boy!

Meanwhile, I ordered a couple more things for the nursery (just small things like shower curtain) but we've got a major decision coming up on the furniture. I've narrowed it down to two lines that we like, but I want hubby to see them both in person first. So it's just a matter of dragging him to do that (before football starts and he doesn't leave the house on weekends! :haha: :rofl:)

Okay girls, must run but sending hugs and love! Happy Wednesday!
Hello ladies!

I am fairly new here but heard from another thread that this is a good place to come to for friendly people and good advice :)

I'm 37 years old and just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant, finally! I tested myself about a week and a half ago...took 5 tests over a weeks time and they all came back positive! I was in disbelief that I finally got a positive. So, so happy!

Yesterday I had a 5 week u/s. Well, based on my chart we thought I was 6 weeks but turns out I am 5 weeks and will be going back next week on Thursday to see if we can hear a heartbeat! We were able to see the yolk sac yesterday. I'm scared because I don't want to get too excited until we hear that little heartbeat but this is so exciting for us!

I hope to get to know many of you ladies over time! So happy to see this thread here! Now I'm going to read back over the thread some more so I can learn all about you guys!

Oh hi and welcome, Flutterbee! I'm in Atlanta, so not far from you! I love Savannah!

Congratulations on your bfp! So exciting! This is a great group and I think you will love it here!
Oh hi and welcome, Flutterbee! I'm in Atlanta, so not far from you! I love Savannah!

Congratulations on your bfp! So exciting! This is a great group and I think you will love it here!

Thank you for the welcome!! It's nice to meet you ")

Yes, you aren't far away at all - about 4 hours!! Not sure about you but I'm ready for this heat to go somewhere else lol. Bring on some cooler temps!
Oh hi and welcome, Flutterbee! I'm in Atlanta, so not far from you! I love Savannah!

Congratulations on your bfp! So exciting! This is a great group and I think you will love it here!

Thank you for the welcome!! It's nice to meet you ")

Yes, you aren't far away at all - about 4 hours!! Not sure about you but I'm ready for this heat to go somewhere else lol. Bring on some cooler temps!

Amen! I am not a heat lover, so fall is my favorite time of year! I start third tri on Friday and I am READY for cooler weather! :haha:
Don't have time for a proper post, but wanted to say Welcome and CONGRATS to Flutter! This is a TERRIFIC group of women on this thread and we are glad that you will be joining us!

I will do a proper post later this afternoon!
Don't have time for a proper post, but wanted to say Welcome and CONGRATS to Flutter! This is a TERRIFIC group of women on this thread and we are glad that you will be joining us!

I will do a proper post later this afternoon!

Thank you MisMuffet!! :)

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