35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hello Ladies,

Wow lots of chatter and good to see. Took me a few minuets to catch up. Can I just say one thing before I respond to all the posts . . . I love the Olympics!! It may be geeky but I don't care I think the olympics are awesome and I love watching them. My husband could care less but I really enjoy it, I find it a more pure form of althleticism.

Anyhoo . . .

Beth, glad you did not take offense. I find myself in situations I would normally let lie but if Jo is concerned them mama bear comes out and I will do or say things I normally wouldn't. Point is I think Poppy will be the reason for you putting your foot down. And that's a good thing. Speaking of Poppy, what a cutie!! Wow what a sweet little boy. As for the TWW. . . well I guess we'll just see won't we. Fingers crossed???

MA, Glad you are getting settled in the new house!!! How exciting!!! It's so fun to set up a new place, but I know so overwhelming. Glad to hear Amelia is getting adjusted and what a crazy story about the bird!!! That is too funny!!! As for the bath, Jo and I take them together. Just something to think about to help the transition. Also thanks for the info on the baby food. I did not find it at our target but I will look again and try the zip code finder. We are planning a Denver weekend next weekend so may try and find it down there.

Angela, LOL on bending over, how I remember it well. I am sorry all your appliances are breaking but glad you had good help with MIL. She sounds so sweet and LOVE the car story. I too really like my MIL and consider myself lucky. How's the air conditioning???

Steph, How was the party??? You're probably still recovering. Wow that's a lot of people. Also I love the new Avatar. Such a sweet picture!! And no, we have not gone the vitamin route nor has her doctor said anything about them. I think if she wern't thriving then maybe, but she's a big baby and perfectly healthy.

AFM, thanks to all for all the support on the house front. I was really ready to walk away from it despite it being perfect because sometimes you just have to. But we decided to put in one last offer so we knew we had done our best and given it our best shot. Also there are very few properties in our price range here in the mountains. So we put in the offer but it was only good that day. Then it was see ya latter loser. So at first the selling realtor called our realtor and said to view the E contract he had to log in and sign in and he really didn't want to so could we send it in PDF format?? So my realtor being the kind of bed over and grab your ankles kind of guy he is said sure and sent over the contract in PDF format. Seriously!!!??? In this day and age he couldn't open an E document?? How does this guy do business?? Anyway to make a long story short they countered and we accepted and we bought a house. What I don't understand is all of our other contracts were sent in the same way so did he "feel" like opening them or did he not ever look at those contracts at all?? MA, yes I have saved all correspondence and am reporting him to the Board of Realtors as soon as this is over. We close on the 21st of September to give the home owners more time to move out, but as of now the house is ours. We have to close on our condo first which seems a done deal ( knock on wood). I will send a link so you can see what we are buying, but I don't want to put in an address here as we all know how crazy people can stalk. What I will say is that I am so excited and terrified at the same time. I LOVE the house, but it' a big purchase and it scares me a little.

Jo is awesome and while she started crawling a few weeks ago it was more of a scoot and drag. This weekend both feet officially went behind and it is on!! Wow is she a little mover. So pleased with herself for getting around on her own. We've been spoiled until now. I realized tonight how much I need to go around and baby proof the house. Crazy!!! And guess what . . . she loves tuna fish!! I was eating a tuna fish sandwich the other day and she looked interested so I gave her a taste and she gobbled up most of my sandwich. So question . . . is tuna fish ok for baby?? I know if you eat it a lot it can have high levels of mercury. Anyone heard anything??

We went camping this weekend and it was a good trip except for th fact that I got bit on the eye by a spider I think. It is swollen huge and feels like a bite. Looks alike a big black eye. Jo is going through yet another round of teething and cold. I swear it never ends. I am buying stock in children's Tylenol. Poor thing.

So that's all for now. Cautiously optimistic about the house and dreaming of re-models . .

Anna congrats on the house!!!! That is fantastic news and Sept 21st isn't that far away. I mean it is already August (2012 is MOVING RAPIDLY!). Glad that you are going to report that realtor. What an ass he is. Yes, sounds like he was just being lazy or on a power trip to see how far he could push. Excited to see photos when you can! YAY on Jo crawling crawling soo exciting!

Rebekah - LOL, everyday I come on waiting to see what new animals will turn up on your doorstep hee hee. So glad that you are loving the new house and can enjoy your walks (well now you just have to deal with the occassional wild turkey) without stress and strife!

AFM - This weekend was not long enough! Went to work on Saturday for about 5 hours and then had to clean my house for the party. Luckily, my SIL and her boyfriend came over to set everything up for SUnday, and they helped clean.

Sunday I had to go to work again, but I literally just dropped lunch off for my Quality Assurance team and then went back home. I just wasnt comfortable leaving Katelyn. I know that she has tons of older cousins, aunts, uncle, and grandmother there to look after here (my husband was busy cooking), but I wasn't sure who would be getting in the pool with her etc. I will say that most of my husbands family have now seen my daughter throw 3 or 4 terrible tantrums. I mean it was bad. As soon as I got home she started crying for me. If I put her down or someone else tried to hold her, she screamed, arch backwards, and cry and try flail her arms. I am hoping that she outgrows them soon. I am not sure the best way to handle them. I sometimes whisper in her ear, but that doesn't help. I tried ignoring her, but felt that was kind of mean, bcause if I were angry and pissed, I wouldn't want to be ignored. That would just piss me off more LOL. WHat has kind of worked is I tell her, I know your mad, Mommy knows your mad, but Mommy said no. Then I sing to her. If any of you have ever watch Nick Jr and the lady that sings/signs I sing the What are you feeling song and do the grumpy part


I think part of the problem with the behavior was because she was so very tired and hadn't napped all day. She finally knocked out at 4pm (right after I put her bathing suit on) she slept for about an hour (woke up because those little swimmer diapers SUCK and she peed all in her crib and woke up from being wet. I really don't understand how those thing work in the pool!).

I put her in a regular diaper and then another bathing suit and she was then a happy camper. She got excited when my SIL took her out to the pool. You would have thought after all that she would have slept like a rock all night. Not my daughter. Around 12:30am she woke up I think from a bad dream, because when I went in to her room she started to cry harder until I spoke to her and said Mommy is here. THen she immediately stopped crying and reached for me to pick her up. Of course she slept the rest of th enight through pretty well...in my bed. It is my own fault. I started the habit, now have to figure out away to break it.

On a great note, her vocabularly is increasing big time. She is starting to mimick Steve and I more and more. My SIL always says Bye Guys when she leaves, now Katelyn says that whenever people leave the house she will wave and say Bye Guys. She crawled over to Steve the other day and said I tired. He then gave her a bottle and she went to sleep. I love that she is starting to understand and use her words.

Ok I have rambled on for a bit. I hope everyone is well and had a GREAT weekend. Have a great week and I will check back in a bit!

Oh almost forgot! Anna - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Olympics! I stay up til midnight everynight watching them. I am total Michael Phelps fan! Swimming is my fav event!
Hey ladies!

I love the Olympics, too! I especially love the gymnastics, which was my sport as a kid, and that is all that I watch every second of, but I also enjoy the swimming and track and a few other sports. I'm also SUPER jealous of the nice, cool weather over in the UK in AUGUST! LOL! :rofl: It's about 165% humidity here today and, even though it's not as hot as usual this week, the humidity alone will make you sweat bullets. Bleh!

Steph, I had some neighbors over today for a swim date (which got rained out, boo!!) and thought of your comments about the swim diapers - you are exactly right that they do not absorb anything except pool water! Hubby and I have come to the conclusion that they are there just to keep any solid contents out of the pool! :rofl: :rofl: I'm sure the pee gets loose because when we pull Ethan out of the water, he REEKS of pee (which never happens in a regular diaper indoors, for example). So I think they are just for beach and pool use. I have to remind myself to change him out of them immediately if, like today, he doesn't end up getting in the water.

Anna, thanks for asking - the air downstairs is fixed, thank God, but was super expensive. Now, we are struggling with decisions on the upstairs system, which we really think needs to be replaced (humidity control is zero up there and it's not cooling properly, either). But hubby is considering changing jobs this fall or beyond, and so we're sort of up in the air on some decisions right now (including sinking any money into this house that we don't truly have to right now)... so we are going to first see if a tune up helps that system, and possibly some rerouting of ducts in the attic. We only have another six weeks or so of truly hot weather, so hopefully we can get through the rest of the summer without any more major expense. Speaking of houses, CONGRATS! I am SO excited for you! That is such a happy feeling when you get the place you really want under contract. :happydance: :headspin: And I never did hear whether my MIL has found her car (not sure if I mentioned it, but she is about the most feisty and independent woman I've ever known, and last we spoke, she was going to go LOOKING for her car as soon as she got home! :rofl: :dohh:) But that is just how she is and she CRACKS ME UP! PS I am so sorry Jo has another cold! My church group starts back in a couple weeks and I am sure that will kick off another round of monthly illnesses for us. Oh, brother!

Steph, the parties and weekend sound fun, but I know how it is when the weekend doesn't feel like it has enough hours in it. That is great about Katelyn's vocabulary! Ethan has basically one new word at the moment and it's "Car." He LOVES to point out the cars in his storybooks, and will walk to the garage door now and point and say "car!" I LOVE it. SO sweet! But he has been slow to say anything with any regularity, so I'm thrilled that we now have an official word (that he's said more than once in a blue moon) besides mama and dada. I am sorry about the tantrums but... Ethan is throwing those too. I wish I could say it's NOT normal, but I am very much afraid we are entering that phase! Someone reminded me, the "terrible twos" BEGIN at ONE...not two... so we are pretty much there! :dohh: Ethan pretty much throws whatever he can grab (like his paci or whatever he is holding) if he is told no now, and starts crying. What I've started doing is I calmly explain why we had to say no, then I say, "no fussing," then if it continues I say "okay, you can cry, but I'm not going to listen to you fuss" and I walk out of the room. The hilarious part is he will IMMEDIATELY stop crying (though he often still snuffles and sniffles as he runs), RUN after me, and then whenever I stop moving, he stops and the tantrum begins again. It's SO clear that he wants (indeed, insists upon) an audience, that I think once he is a little older, the concept of time out may work well for him with this. I may be able to send him to his room for a few minutes to calm down and get himself together, and that may help him realize that the tantrum is not an okay reaction. Right now, he is still too young for time out, so I do the above and then, whenever he stops fussing, I pick him up for hugs and tell him I love him. It's such an immediate reaction from him right now that I can tell he is just wanting his own way, and we all know how that goes in life!

Bek, I've been thinking about you and hope you are enjoying being able to get out and walk with Amelia! I know that was something you were really looking forward to. Have you been able to get into a better nap routine?

Beth, we miss you! But I know it's hard to find time to write much, as I'm having a hard time myself these days! I loved Charlie's six months pics on FB! So sweet!

AFM, we are good here. It's a week of dr. appts (dentist yesterday and then follow up scan on Friday!) so I am anxiously awaiting what I hope will be an all-clear on Friday. I'm also working on my household projects (a little more slowly than I was a few weeks ago, LOL!) but with more of a sense of urgency, as August is upon us. It's always been my experience that fall, my favorite season, FLIES by as soon as we round the corner of Sept 1. And there is SO much I want to have done by the end of Sept that I am now starting to realize, I've got to really get a list going and prioritize it... I've been taking my time and that's great, but we are 25 weeks this Friday and that only leaves (if the timeline with Ethan's induction is anything to go by) thirteen or fourteen more weeks! EEEKKK! Doesn't seem POSSIBLE (but at the same time, I'm increasingly uncomfortable in many ways, so I'm kind of glad it's moving fast lol!) I'm back into my menu planning (which really helps my sanity) and have started trying and blogging some new recipes again (which is something I love and that relaxes me). That plus just trying to stay on top of my daily routine with Ethan and taking care of the house is enough to exhaust me, so I'm trying not to overdo it. There are days where I can tell I have definitely done too much lifting or stairs etc. and I really pay for it by dinner time. So I'm trying to respect my limits.

Okay girls, gotta run start dinner, speaking of food. Much love!
Hi ladies!

Oh Steph, when I saw your post I just wanted to drop to the floor and cry. :rofl: I've had a ROUGH day with Amelia today. She's been in moods on and off the past few days. The tantrums are over the top. She cries if we put her down but if I hold her she lifts her bum up and tries to crawl up me. I sing and rock with her and she fidgets from one shoulder to another. I KNOW she's tired but she refuses to sleep. The other night she was up every 3 hours. Last night she got up around 4am and then again at 8am though Doug left her in the crib in her room for an hour to see if she'd go back to sleep.

A friend of mine told me she gave her son cows milk for the first time. I decided I would try Amelia to get her off the neutromogen. Ugh! What an airhead I was. She threw up twice today. Doug thinks it's the milk SO back on neutromogen again. :wacko: So she didn't have more than a 20 min. morning nap and only a 30 minute afternoon nap. BOTH she woke up cranky as ever.

It's 630 and she's finally calmed down in her pack n play with the toys. I plan to let her roam around once we're unpacked but right now it's too unsafe.

I am not sure what to do when she has these moods. When we're out in public or around people she's VERY GOOD and smiles or laughs. People tell us all the time how good she is. :rofl: When we get her home, she has meltdowns. Today I'm just plain exhausted. I needed to get laundry finished because my shirts have throw up on them however Amelia in my first priority and she just seems to need me more than usual today. I will say that she through up all over me this morning and had a HUGE messy diaper. What a morning. :rofl:

Angela, I've been loving the walks. Today I was hoping to walk with her some time this evening to the park but Doug accidentally forgot to leave the Joovy. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I have my ultrasound appointment tomorrow and am hoping my innards are okay. lol We test for thickening of the walls and whether or not there is cancerous cells. Oh how I pray we find everything okay. Even the rough day with Amelia is one I will cherish. I don't want to struggle with cancer and the thought of leaving my husband and little girl. I think I'm just a little overemotional from lack of sleep but I so need a cry after she goes to sleep tonight! :cry:

The neighborhood is GREAT. We ate on our "deck" twice this weekend and like Steph, our weekend went by SO fast! I can't wait for another of Doug's days off so we can relax again.

So, in a nutshell Amelia is starting to have naps but we're having some sort of issue. I'm not sure if it's a tooth coming in (she only has two right now on the bottom), the milk issue or what the culprit of the throwing up is. Doug is calling the Pede's office tomorrow to find out what this could be.

Angela, keep us up on your appointments. I like hearing how well you and sweet little babes is doing.

I'm off to spend some time with Amelia.

Love to you all.
Anna, almost forgot to respond. :wacko: :rofl:

Congrats on the house!!

Glad to hear it's yours but also happy your going to turn that loopy selling agent in. What a Nut!

Can't wait to see your place. :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

Just doing a drive by and will do a proper post tomorrow, but just wanted say that Rebekah I LOVE your new Avatar photo. Amelia is ADORABLE in that hat! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
hello ladies!!

Steph, LOL on the video you posted!! I have never seen that and peed my pants! Am I really out of the loop? Should Jo be watching this? Right now i'm trying to keep TV away from her, but that was too funny!! Love the tantrum advice though and will incorporate it once I think Jo can understand, which will be soon. As for little swimmers, I wonder if they work too . . . Maybe just for show,good thing pee is steril. The party sounds great but you need a day off!!
Lastly, I grew up a swimmer and love to watch swimming!!! We have a seriously hot swim team!!

Angela, so excited for scan on Friday!! Ohh and I love gymnastics too!! I'm terrible at it so I have so much admiration for what those women can do! As for little swimmers, i'm pretty sure the poop could get out. I always make sure Jo has had a BM before swimming. LOL!! Take it easy girly,no over doing it,but time is flying!!

MA, thanks for the house congrats! Yes it's exciting, but so frustrating. I want to be in now!! So glad you are so enjoying the new house!! Dinner on the deck sounds perfect! As for sleep and tantrums, I think all our babies are just getting to that age. The milk thing is hard but I have heard wait until they are a year old. Saying that Jo is 1 next month and I have no idea how to transition her to milk. Do you do it slowly? Mix a little with formula at first? Good luck with everything!!

AFM, Took Jo to doctor yesterday as she is still fussing and crying all night, and it's getting worse. She had fluid in her ears from the cold so back on antibiotics we go. My doc didn't want to medicate her if it would clear up on it's own or if it didn't bother her,but that is not the case. Plus i've been giving her Tylenol for a week and a half and that's not good either. I hope this will be the answer and we can all get some good sleep. A week and a half of no sleep is starting to wear on me.

The house is coming along. Had the building inspection today. DH was going to go, but turns out the wife and all kids were home and in their P.J.s (apparently the wife had very small pajamas) and DH didn't want to have anything to do with that. So I am anxious to hear how it went.

other tan that headed to denver this weekend to buy some pajamas for Jo. She has pretty much out grown all of her P.J.s! Such a big girl.

have a good wednesday all!! Anna
Hi Anna,

On the transitioning to milk, when I started with Katelyn, I would give her 1 oz of cows milk (I use Hertitage Organic Milk or Horizon Organic) and 5 oz of breast milk (or formula. My Dr had said at one to give her more food food and less milk. Milk should be limited to 24 -32 oz at day. So I would give her 4 or 5 6oz bottles of milk a day.) After a few days, I increased the ratio, to 2 oz of cows milk to 4 oz's and so on. In about a week and a half she was drinking regular milk.

As for the video, it is an interstitial that comes on Nick Jr between shows. Katelyn loves music/songs (probably because I am constantly singing to her - though I am not a great singer) and anytime she hears music or songs on the TV she will watch and dance. I just bought 3 new Toddler Tune CD's (one of them has music from Sesame Street) and the very first song was the Itsy Bitsy Spider. SHe heard the music and came out of her playroom and stared at the stereo and started to dance and do the movements to the song. It was too cute. If you don't have Jo watching TV right now that is wonderful. We actually limit the amount of TV time for Katelyn (actually even when a show is on for her, she will only watch for a little bit and then go and play in her play room). Any of those music video things can be found on You Tube. I am trying to see if doing a little baby sign language will help with the tantrums. We shall see.

I have to say the people who you are buying the house from are a bit nuts. IF you know you are having an inspection, why would you be home and in your PJ's (small PJs at that!). WOW.

Sorry to read the Jo has to go back on antibiotics, but glad they found out the cause of her discomfort. Hopefully, in a day or two she will be sleeping like a baby LOL...

Ok, back to work emails. I'll check back soon!

Hi ladies. Well, I felt quickly and Amelia has her first tooth on the top right that broke through. It's just in the gum line. I suppose that was the reason behind all the behavior. Today she was GREAT. She DID wake up 3 times in the am yesterday. Oh Lord, please let her sleep tonight!

We went for a ride with daddy this afternoon, played in her kiddie pool, then mommy took her for a walk to the library and tried the playground. By 6pm she was ready for a nap and conked out. I was wondering if she'd get to sleep with her nap being so late but so far it's 2am and she's doing okay. We'll see.

Steph, I'll have to try that. Our Pediatrician has been crap lately. We have no idea what we're doing and we've been trying what our friends are doing with their kids similar in age. Today we fed her two meals. half the package of one meal and half the package of a fruit while adding water. She gets a bottle in the morning and a bottle before bed. It's worked today. We're making an appointment with a new office closer to us with hopes it will be a better fit for us time-wise and personally for Amelia.

Steph, Amelia loves music too. I sing to her before bed EVERY night. Baby Mine and a couple other songs. She bops to the music, our family and friends LOVE watching her dance. Hahaha Sounds like another similarity to the girls. It's really funny to hear how similar we all are.

Anna, like Steph said, how odd is that family with the pj issue. Especially knowing about the inspection. Seriously?!
Anna, that is TOO funny about the pajamas and the seller's family... umm... There are plenty of days I don't get a shower right away, but if we have contractors or people coming over, I try to put some clothes on at least! Yoga pants and a t-shirt at least look like clothing, but are as comfy as pj's. Some people!

Quick update on my MIL's funny car story... they FOUND the car. Apparently it was stolen by a known criminal in the area, but...get this... the guy had actually made IMPROVEMENTS to this car! You have to understand, my MIL is as frugal as they come, and she only addresses the mechanical issues with her car (things that would affect its reliability or ability to run). Anything cosmetic she ignores... so she had let it get to where the A/C doesn't work (in ALABAMA, in AUGUST...don't get me started!) and the windows are, apparently, PERMANENTLY down. :saywhat: The radio didn't even work... so this guy that stole it apparently put freon in the A/C (which can't have been free), fixed the radio (maybe he is a big DIY'er :rofl: and had applied for a TAG!??? They found the car in his driveway, with his pants (I don't even like to THINK about that part) and wallet in the car... He had taken her registration out of the car, but apparently didn't think anything about leaving his wallet in it! I really think some criminals are criminals simply because they are too stupid to get along in life otherwise. Of course, given the condition of the car and the fact that she left the KEYS in it with the windows down, he probably thought he was doing her a favor taking it off her hands!!! :rofl: So, my MIL is VERY happy to have her old car back and hubby and I are VERY insistent that it needs to be replaced, pronto. :nope: Parents! At some point, it feels like we have to parent THEM! :haha:

Bek, I'm so glad you are able to get out and about more. The teeth can definitely affect their sleep. Ethan's have been coming in steadily for a few months now and he has been waking up in the night more than usual (usually he doesn't wake at all). On the feedings, check with your new ped... they had us giving Ethan I think it was minimum 24 oz formula till age 1, then switched to 16 oz minimum cows milk. We switched to milk gradually over a few days. Then on top of milk (which for us has been 4 feedings for a while now), he gets three meals. So our schedule goes: bottle upon waking, breakfast an hour later, nap roughly 10:30-12:30. Then bottle, lunch, nap roughly 3:30-5. Bottle, dinner, then bedtime bottle just before bed (around 8, and he goes down around 8:30). We stick pretty closely to this routine, but if he's not hungry I don't make a big deal of it or force him to eat... That has been his routine since probably 9 months or so. Hope that helps!

Hi to everyone else! We've got more A/C people here today. We'll be trying the easier, and cheaper, fix on the upstairs A/C first... seeing if there is anything they can do to tune it up or make it run more efficiently... then this fall, we'll see about getting the duct work in the attic straightened out. Sigh!

Meanwhile, I'm excited for our scan tomorrow! I just realized today; I am only TWO WEEKS from THIRD TRI!????!!! That is simply amazing to me! Of course, I feel as huge as the Titanic already, but it still doesn't seem like it should be 3rd tri already. It's making my nesting urge even worse LOL! This week I'm in my office, trying to purge as much paper clutter as possible, and organize it a bit better (right now, hubby is using an upstairs bedroom for his office, but eventually we are going to need to consolidate offices and just share the actual "office" downstairs so the kids can have a dedicated playroom). I'm just tired of my own disorganization and the paper clutter EVERYWHERE. Even hubby is finally getting in the spirit, which is good!

Okay girls, everyone have a great day! Hugs!
Also (I wanted to put this in a separate post, so it doesn't get lost in all my rambling!) -
Please keep Melissa (HappyAuntie) in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow. She has a hysteroscopy scheduled to remove what is possibly a fibroid or polyp. It is *possible* that this growth has been there a while now and may have been causing some of her RMC, but not certain. They hope to learn more once Dr. can see what's going on in there. I know she will appreciate your prayers and thoughts!

Hi Ladies!

Angela, can't believe your almost in 3rd trimester already! So excited for you. Also keeping HA in prayer. Thanks for the update.

Hilarious story about your mil's car. Funny she's still not wanting to give it up. Haha

Thanks also for sharing your schedule with me. I'll add another bottle in between and wait for her new Pediatrician visit to transition to milk. I gave her milk full force. I should have known better than to just give it to her straight. ESPECIALLY being on nutromogen all this time. :wacko: So the tooth up top must be a canine because it's on the top right side and it's coming in weird. I know it's not her front tooth. Poor kid, this teething thing really hurts her.

I'm exhausted today. I was up early and went to bed at 2am waiting up for Doug. In between "sleep" I kept thinking about things. We're a bit behind this month with all the moving and of course the landlord is waiting until the last minute to send our deposit..."because he can". lol We're REALLY tight and it just makes me a bit anxious. I know everything is going to be alright, my mind just doesn't stop.

I think I'm going to take Amelia in and take a nap with her. She's bigger now so it's easier to nap with her. I have already napped once and it was easier than I thought (though I NEVER let down my guard).

I've been watching Big Brother on TV (it's my guilty pleasure show) and I'm sad to see my favorite player (Janelle) be evicted out the door tonight. The game was good and it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Okay, enough about that stuff. Just checking in. Oh and I found out today that we can't have chickens. I'm SO BUMMED. Of course there could be worse things so it's a tiny disappointment. I can't believe we can't have chicken when we're out here in a country setting and wild turkey lands on my doorstep. It's kind of odd but I accept the code enforcement law. Disappointed though. I was looking forward to some fresh eggs.
Hang in there Rebekah! It will smooth out soon, I bet, as you guys get settled into a daily routine. :hugs:

We had our follow up ultrasound today, and everything looks about the same, which is to say baby looks perfect, just still a "minor" (as dr. said) issue with that one kidney. He said we will recheck again in 7 weeks...in between then, I will see my dr. In about three more weeks and have my GTT (hate that test!). Otherwise, looking good and we got some more cute photos of hands, feet, and his little nose and lips (so sweet!) I will post a couple of those when I can get to my desktop.

Hope everyone is well and looking forward to this weekend!
Hi Angela,

Glad that everything was good. I am sure the Kidney will be fine. I am looking forward to seeing the photos of the LO. Oh and I just noticed that you changed your ticker! YAY!
:happydance: Yay! So glad to hear. I'm also praying that the kidney issue clears itself. :hugs:

Happy weekend ladies. We had a great family day today. Amelia had a nap and it seemed like she woke up talking, talking, talking. :lol: Ra, MMM, Ba and Dada It was really funny! She also slept through the night last night and went to bed at her old regular time tonight. I thought she was awake this morning and Doug went into the room and she was sat up at the end of the crib with her head laying on the bars keeping her upright. It was quite comical. She's like her daddy. She can sleep anywhere. :rofl: Bless her little heart!
Hello ladies and happy Monday!!

Angela, love the MIL story!! LOL and yes I find myself parenting my parents all the time. The tables have turned. Such good news on the scan!!! And 3rd tri already??? Didn't you just have Ethan?? Good luck with the air conditioning.

Ma, glad Amelia is feeling better and hopefully getting some more sleep so you can get some sleep! Teething is so hard. Also Jo's schedule is pretty similar to Ethan's but she goes to bed a little earlier. I am planning on transitioning her to milk after her first birthday which is under a month away!! Sorry to hear about the chickens, I am surprised you can't have them. Fresh eggs sound so good.

Steph, thanks for the milk transition advice I will use it when we start. I love that katelyn loves music so much! It's one thing I feel Jo doesn't get enough of. Seems in our house the t.v. Gets turned on for background noise instead of any music. I am determined to change this once we're in our new house. I need to look into some kids music.

I will keep HA in my thoughts. Does anyone know how ?? IVF went?? Can't remember who had it last month. I thought it was HA, but if she's having fobroid surgery I don't think it was. Anyway thinking of all those who are still struggling. Such a hard fight to fight. Much love and many hugs to our sister awaiting their little beans.

AFM, I am trying not to get to excited but we close on our condo tomorrow morning at 9am. Once that is done I can breath a HUGE sigh of relief!!! Without the sale we can not afford the house so all hinges on this sale going through tomorrow morning. I have been very cautiously optimistic as I know of so many deals that fell apart at the last minute, but I am starting to let myself be a little excited. As for the crazy sellers ...well as long as we get the house in the end they can come to the door naked as far as I am concerned. After the totally screwed up contract negotiations I am prepared for the whole process to be jacked up. I am well and Jo is great. We had a really good weekend, but as with every Monday I hate knowing I won't getto spend any quality time with her until next weekend. We did have a really good morning this morning. As usual she got up at 5:30 and I got up with her. We sat on the couch and cuddled and then cuddles with her new stuffed teddy bear. She has a lot of stuffed animals, but their up on shelves and she never really played with them. But I got to thinking about Ethan and his "stuffies" and thought I would see what she thought. She Loves them so I think I need to get her more stuffed animals. She just snuggles and hugs it and it's SO DARN CUTE!!!!

Anyway,keep your fingers crossed all works out tomorrow!!!

Hi Anna - I will definitely be sending good vibes your way that everything works out with the sale of your house tomorrow. So sweet to hear that Jo likes to cuddle with her teddy bear. I hope you are getting some good pictures. It seems that everytime Katelyn is doing something cute, my camera or phone is no where in sight! In terms of music, I found some really good CD's at Barnes and Nobles. Most were about $3-$5.00. The one I paid most for was the Sesame Street CD. That sucker was $14 bucks! But itis the one she loves most. I think the next time I go to a garage sale I will see if there are any kids CDs there too.

I too am hoping that everything goes well for HA and will be keeping her in my prayers.

Angela - congrats on being in 3rd trimster. Down to the home stretch now. Soon you will be a mommy of two! No more first time mom for you LOL.

Rebekah - How is the unpacking going? I loved the video you posted on FB. So cute!!!! Sorry to hear about the chickens, but it seems there are so many other animals around, it may not have been good to have them there. Looking forward to photos of the house and the neighborhood.

Beth, Jules, CJ, Chris, and everyone else hope you are doing well. Miss you ladies!!!

Praying all goes well with the closing tomorrow Anna. :hugs:

Steph, thanks for the compliment about the video. Amelia tonight started saying mama too. :rofl: We're REALLY having fun with her.

Would you believe she has a top tooth canine coming in, a bottom (3rd tooth) all in the same week and I think I feel two more coming on her left side middle bottom and top. No WONDER she's been so moody! Poor kid.

Things are coming SLOWLY. The counters are still full and there are still bins that need to be unpacked. I just took out a bin and a basket from Amelia's room and have 2 bins left to clear her room. THEN I have to work on her decor. This weekend we're getting another shelf and pole to put under the one that's in her closet already so I can hang other clothes. The kid has a TON of clothes!

Working on getting our rooms more unpacked and then purging. I think I may have said we'll be having a yard sale next year to add to adoption expenses when we're ready.

Have my Dr.'s appointment tomorrow. I had to cancel the one last week because Amelia was up every 3 hours and we were TIRED. :lol:

I hope everyone is doing well.

Have a good week!
Hello Ladies!!!

Well you are now talking to a woman who has one less condo in her life and is on her way to owning a single family home!!! Wooohooo!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance: I can not describe the load off my shoulders to have closed on the condo. Everything went off pretty well and we now have the down payment for our new home, which, fingers crossed, will close Friday September 21st. For the first time I can actually hope that we will have this home. Up until now I have not let myself get too excited as I know all too well deals fall apart at the last minute. But now that we are closed on the condo I think all may be ok.

MA, poor little Amelia, all those teeth at once. Remember Tylenol works wonders and lets you sleep.

Steph, have you tried down loading any music? And I think garage sales are the way to go. Also check out thrift stores and used baby goods stores, they may have some too, though it's hard to know the condition of the CD in that case.

AFM, well you know my story. All is well and so happy things seem to be working out.

One other point I meant to mention the other day but forgot. I watched the closing ceremonies of the Olympics on Sunday and I was so moved by all the stories. I cry all the time watching the olympics. Anyway, in a world of Snookies and Kardashians I love that there are positive female role models for my little girl. Please let her emulate the swimmer from Colorado Springs, or one of the pro beach volley ball players, or a gymnast. I find it so wonderful that games such as these brings out such positive female role models. There are so few of them these days and one of the points made was how powerful the femal athletes were when playing / competing as a group wheather that be on the basketball court, the volley ball court, the row boat, or the gymnastics floor, or track, the U.S. women dominated. Let that be a lesson to us all what we can accomplish and what we can teach our daughters about working together. This harkens back to the discussion about how women can treat each other so badly. If we're just nice to one another and work together then, just look what we can accomplish.

ok sorry soap box over, but it's one of hte life lessons I hope to instill in Jo. That women working together are so much more positive and powerful than tearing one another down in a negative manor.

Ahh to solve the worlds ills.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!


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