35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh my heavens....I just lost a HUGE reply. I'm SO mad. :lol:

Anyways, I'll come back tomorrow night to rewrite it. I just wanted to say hello everyone and especially to our new member flutterbee.
Bek, I'm so sorry. I've gotten so frustrated with my tablet crashing while I'm trying to post that I really only post anymore when I'm at my desktop, which is about every three days LOL, then I copy the post I've created before attempting to actually submit it. I don't know what is up with my tablet but when I lose posts, it's usually 75% my tablet and 25% this site... sometimes, if I've been editing a lengthy post or attempt to come back and add to one I've started, this site will crash when I try to post. Sigh. Hope Amelia is better!
Hi girls!!

Welcome flutter bee!!!!!! So nice to have new faces and congrats on the BFP!!! That is so exciting!!'.

MA, sorry you lost post! Man I hate that. Hope Amelia is better, looking forward to hearing about how she is doing.

Angela, how I love decorating!! Problem is DH and I seem to have different ideas about who should be in charge. I'm getting the feeling he wants the whole house to be one big man cave.

So sorry to hear about Ethan!! Poor little guy! Jo's regular teeth have been a bear I can't imagine what we're in for when the molars come in. Give him lots of hugs from me!!

AFM, nothing new to tell. We have a big bike race coming through town tomorrow so I am prepping the store for it. If you happen to catch the race on TV, look for me.

So sorry to hear the heat is so bad in the south, for us summer is waning and I think we've seen the hottest we'll get. Lots of rain with highs in the 60s. We're lucky I know as so much of the country is in such dire straights with high temps and no rain.

Anyhooo, one more day until Friday!!!
Hi ladies.

Amelia has a new pediatrician. She had a reaction to the Amoxacillin and the regular nurse on call told us it was just a reaction to continue on it. I told Doug to stop giving her the med until we call the pharmacist who in turn said that we should discontinue it. We had to make an appointment anyways with the new pediatrician closer to our new home so when we called they said she could just come there for a visit. Turns out while she DOES have an ear infection, she doesn't have HFM disease. There's no sign of it and there wasn't a sign of it when we were at the regular pede's office either. So that was a mere guess from the old pede's Dr.

The new office gave us a different antibiotic and sent us on our way. We'll see them again the end of September unless she has another reaction or we feel she needs a visit. This new office has Mickey Mouse and Friends ALL OVER the place. A Chalk board with them, murals all over the halls and get this, even Kohler fixtures in the bathroom with the characters on them. The beds, for older kids and infants has their heads on them and they give out all kinds of stickers and such. Amazing, clean and really up to date. They even take credit cards (which is our flex spending card) where her old pede's office doesn't AND they didn't have the cash to break my 20.00 last week when I tried to pay our copay. :wacko:

Angela, It sounds like you have an idea of the new nursery decor with exception to the furniture. I can't WAIT to see what you do with this one. It's always fun to do this part after all the waiting. I'm also interested in seeing your thoughts on what it's like to have a toddler and an infant.

Amelia had the same kind of night Ethan did yesterday. She cried all day and all night with exception to being outside in the pack n play while I trimmed some tree's. No fever and we couldn't figure out what the problem was. Maybe her ear infection? A tooth? Whatever it was it was HORRIBLE. Today she's in much better spirits thank the good Lord!

Anna, planning the decor and setting of the home kept me sane during this process. Have at it dear friend! :lol: I'll be waiting to see pics of the real decor when your finished. Though I'm still working on ours little by little. Today we're having our driveway sealed. I know it sounds silly but it's exciting for me. Our first home and here we are doing things to take care of the property. It benefits US. Doug even took me out on the deck the other night to see the stars. It was BEAUTIFUL!

Today we trim more tree's and weed whack the surroundings. I'm also managing to get some laundry done. I do find that when Amelia is doing well it's getting easier and easier to manage the home. Last night though I had to put her in the pack and play because her hours and hours of crying was wearing me thin. I felt bad, but it's a safe place for her while I try to take a break from the emotional aspect of it all.

Jules, I'm with Steph, Amelia and Katelyn are similar with their behavior and sleeping patterns. What works one day won't work the next it seems for us. It's trial and error.

Steph, so glad things are winding down for you. YAY Katelyn for walking. Keep mommy busy but sleep darlin! Sleep! :rofl:

As for the exercise. I came across a site about a woman like me who was having a tough time losing weight. She went on a plant based diet ( like Doug) and lost her weight. She joined a site called Peer Trainer. It's similar to SP but seems like there's different ways of going about things. Since my local SP group is disbanded (or no longer meeting with each other because of scheduling and non comital issues) I thought I'd try it.

I also have the book Eat To Live by Dr. Fuhrman which I'm starting to read. Doug recommended it a while back and it's supposed to help type II diabetics lose the weight and reverse some of the issues but it's a great book for those wanting to lose weight.

Her blog is called "Healthy Girls Kitchen".

Well, this is basically what I wrote last night.

Flutterbee, it's great to have you on board with us. How long have you been ttc if I may ask? It sounds like you've been waiting patiently for this beautiful blessing to happen. Congrats to you. We'll answer any questions you have and be support when you need it. Nothing is too personal it seems. :lol: So WELCOME! :hi:
Flutterbee, it's great to have you on board with us. How long have you been ttc if I may ask? It sounds like you've been waiting patiently for this beautiful blessing to happen. Congrats to you. We'll answer any questions you have and be support when you need it. Nothing is too personal it seems. :lol: So WELCOME! :hi:

Thank you, thank you!! Happy to be here and to meet all of you nice ladies!
We have been trying to conceive for 8 months. The last two months I was on Clomid. When I started the Clomid, I started keeping a BBT chart and that is actually how I knew to test this time - because I wasn't getting a temp drop where I normally would. It was so awesome to finally see a BFP!

Whew, I'm glad to know that nothing is too personal! :blush:
Hi girls!

Bek, I hope Amelia is feeling lots better! Ethan has now come up with a mild cold (thankfully not as bad as previous ones) and I'm trying desperately not to get it myself. I really think what was bothering him earlier in the week, though was that molar. He seems better on that front, but last night he fell and did something to his left leg (no marks we can find, no bruises, no swelling, but he has been limping all day!) we decided to give it one day to see if he is better tomorrow, as it is not hurting him when we move it, press on it etc. but will definitely take hm to doc tomorrow if not all better. We were both standing right there in the kitchen with him when it happened, but neither of us actually saw it as he was walking round the table with his push car, so I dunno. :shrug: but other than that, we are just trying to stay well here!

I did go to my favorite consignment sale today (it is held 2x a year) and cleaned UP! I know that i WAY overdid it on buying 0-6 mos stuff for the new little guy, but I was finding SO many awesome things for $1.00 or even 50 cents! I couldn't say no! :haha: I also found a few cute things for his nursery, and a few new winter things for Ethan and some toys for him for Christmas. Yay!

Other than that, we are just planning to work around the house this weekend. Hubby is going to do some home improvement, and I am going to try to get all the new baby's goodies organized and do some work organizing that nursery. His shower curtain and other bath items came this week and I'm looking forward to putting those up. Oh and ps, I found a Very Hungry Caterpillar sleeper for the little guy!

Okay, hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the last weekend in August!

Oh dear. Poor Ethan. Amelia was a unicorn last week. It's since gone down but the black and blue mark is right between her forehead. I feel like everyone is staring when we go to the store. One of MANY bumps and bruises I'm sure because this kid of ours LOVES to get into things. She's quick too! :lol:

Last night I freaked out because I caught her doubled over sleeping. She was in a sitting position but landed flat on her face and was actually sleeping that way. Anyone have a kid that does that?? I flipped and ran into her room. OF COURSE she woke up an hour later. :wacko:

She's feeling MUCH better. She's been such a good girl the past two days. I LOVE holder her. She cracks me up because she LOVES music and bounces with music. She has mommy's taste. I was watching Paladia and they had Coldplay on then Pink. I was dancing in the kitchen and she was having a GREAT time dancing with mommy.

I'm also noticing I'm actually starting to get things done around the house. I managed to get laundry done, I made a nice meal, took the dogs out, fed them, cleaned the bathroom, got rid of clothes Amelia has grown out of and put the new sizes in her dresser and closet. We played, I bathed her, brushed her teeth after her last meal and prayed while I rocked her to sleep. It was AMAZING! :happydance: It only took me 10 months to learn to balance. I'm also feeling like I'm not as crazy. I think the progesterone is fully out of my system. Can you believe it? 10 months and I finally don't feel that lump of progesterone on my butt. :rofl: We're all better for it because I'm calming down but guess what? Since I don't get a period because of PCOS they want me to take provera (progesterone) to get a period every three months to keep the lining down since we're ttc in January. So another two weeks and my head will be turing like the exorcist. :rofl:

I didn't manage to exercise though. ((sigh)) I'll get there though. I am second day into plant based eating. Can you believe it? I just made a nice zucchini soup with spinach and corn. It turned out YUMMY! I've been eating salads with fat free dressing alot more as well. No soda. Rice and beans with veggies, and whole grain pasta with veggies and beans.

I DO have to get my fruits in. A smoothy with kale and/or spinach with berries and pomegranate juice will help.

I also bought some chia seeds for a recipe I found. An amazing peach dessert with chia in it. Similar to rice pudding though since I'm only plant based and no dairy, cheese, meat, eggs, etc. it's slightly different. I'm also LIMITED soy products. I've LOVED the almond coconut milk. It's my favorite so far.

Okay enough about me.

Angela, sounds like a fun filled weekend. I'm looking forward to hearing more about it!

Steph, Anna, and Jules, what's up for your weekends??

I miss Beth, CJ, Viv and the others. I hope they pop in again sometime soon! If only to say hello :hi:

Flutterbee, how are you feeling? Any cravings yet? What will you be doing on your weekend??
Rebekah, doesn't it feel great to get things DONE again, and live in some semblance of a normal routine? For me, that was the point where I began to relax a bit and feel like I can do this. I've only recently (maybe since Ethan was about a year) gotten back to where I'm cooking much, and our routine continues to evolve, but I'm hoping it will be a lot easier to integrate the second baby into the routine than it was to create the routine the first time! :haha:

So I'm still in full nesting mode, LOL! Looks like that is where my weekend is headed. I spent all day yesterday either at the consignment sale or doing the laundry and sorting from it. The good news is, this morning I was able to put all the little guy's new clothing for the first about 6 months into his nursery closet. :happydance: :headspin: One thing I really wanted to do this time around is put outfits together for that first couple of weeks. Not like going crazy with dressing him up, but just having things like a sleeper/hat/socks (if needed) combo stacked or hanging where I (and more importantly, the grandmas) can see them and know where the smallest sizes are, then the next smallest, etc...and see what goes together, before it all ends up in the washer. This kind of planning seems obvious to me now, but when we brought Ethan home, even though I had washed everything, I didn't really have stuff ready to grab and go. I will also get all his bottles and breastfeeding stuff ready and sterilized, etc. and of course we already have a diaper changing station ready that we use for Ethan... we will have the pack n play set up in our room, ready to go... and one in the grandmas' room, in case they take him for a night which they sometimes do. Just being able to come home this time to a house that is already pretty much set up, should help with my stress level. When we brought Ethan home we HAD all this stuff, but I don't think I had anticipated getting bottles ready, etc. (was hoping to EBF) and I can remember stumbling around in a completely exhausted haze, trying to find things like bottles and burp cloths and sleepers and swaddles when I needed them. This time I plan to be ready! :thumbup:

I also started making a packing list for the hospital stay, etc... that will be a bit more tricky this time, mostly because I will need to plan for several scenarios (what happens if I go into labor unexpectedly, vs. induction or other planned labor) - we will have to have a plan for who is taking Ethan, and our dog, and which grandma is coming first, etc... so I'm working on those plans as well. (can you tell I thrive on planning and order? :rofl:) I just really don't want to feel as "lost" and helpless as I did when I came home with EThan, and I think if I can get the house ready a bit better, including little things like what PJ's and clothes will fit me and be comfortable for those first few days, etc., that should help a lot.

I think I am rambling a LOT here because I am thinking out loud... sorry for the rabbit trail!

Anyway, that's about all that is going on here today. I hope everyone is having a great day!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I just noticed, I am finally UNDER 90 DAYS to go! :happydance: :headspin: I'm half a week away from 7 months!

Unfortunately, this week is getting started with a dr. Visit for Ethan this afternoon. He is still limping and I'm not willing to wait any longer to see... Oh boy, praying it is nothing serious and WON'T require an afternoon at the hospital for radiology. :wacko: at least he is taking a good nap and I'm hoping he won't be too upset at having to go to the dr. Our regular one is out this month for disc surgery on her neck (which I really sympathize with, because I have a similar issue). But I really do NOT like the dr we will have to see today, and would not go if I wasn't desperate. :nope: I switched drs. After about three visits with this lady after Ethan was born, because she and I just do not see eye to eye. Hoping for a quick and painless visit all around lol!

How is everyone? Love and hugs!
Yeh!! Angela!!!

Will post a proper post later but for now a couple of picts from this weekend!!

<a href="https://s1080.photobucket.com/albums/j327/annajones3274/?action=view&amp;current=photo-2-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="https://i1080.photobucket.com/albums/j327/annajones3274/photo-2-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

ok worked this time.

Such a big girl!!


Happy Monday!!
Hi everyone! :hi:

Mommy's Angel - I never got a chance to get online this weekend so I just saw your questions today. I am feeling really good, just extremely tired! In addition to working 40 hours a week I am also going to school full time become an Art Teacher, so I have a lot going on lol. When I signed up for four classes this semester I wasn't pregnant yet haha. But I have faith, I can do it! Luckily my design job is a desk job so that helps lol. As far as cravings...not a lot so far. I mean when other people mention just about any food I'm thinking "OMG that sounds SOOO good" but I don't really want to eat it, if that makes sense?? lol.

rottpaw - 90 days! You are so close! I am so excited for you!

pablo797 - your baby girl is just precious! Thank you for sharing your photos with us! :)

Back to work for me, I just wanted to say good morning to you ladies! I hope that each of you had a wonderful weekend! I hope to be online more during the week this week!
Hi Ladies!

It sounded like there was a lot going on this weekend!

Angela &#8211; sorry to hear that Ethan is getting a cold and I do hope that you don&#8217;t get it. The only thing worse than having a cold in the summer, is being pregnant and having a cold in the summer, cuz you can&#8217;t really take anything and I am sorry, but Sudafed doesn&#8217;t really do it. So fingers crossed that it passes you over! Also, YAY for you on the consignment sale! And kudos for having the energy to get all the stuff sorted AND put away! I am not pregnant and most of the time don&#8217;t have the energy to put the laundry away right after it is done. Normally takes me like another day at least LOL. And if you want to go crazy dressing the baby up, then do it! Let me ask you&#8230;are you using the same bottles you had for Ethan or did you buy new? You won&#8217;t feel as lost as you did with Ethan. The first time you didn&#8217;t know what to expect (the books are good in theory, but it is a whole different thing in reality!). This time you around you have some know-how which is why you are able to plan. Even if all doesn&#8217;t go according to plan a, b, or c, you will still be ok, because you have been there and done that. Keep us posted on the Ethan&#8217;s leg and what the Dr. says!

Rebekah &#8211; WOW! Sounds like you were busy. It is a great feeling when you can start doing stuff again! It does start to get a bit easier each month! (apparently, I am loving exclamation points today!!!). Love your new avatar also. Amelia&#8217;s hair is starting to get long!

Anna &#8211; how was the bike race this weekend? Love the photo of Jo!

Flutter- thanks for the update on your pregnancy. Good for you for working full time and being a full time student! That is fantastic.

Our weekend was busy and Fun filled. My SIL and her family came over Friday and Saturday to hang out. On Sat met some of my other mommy friends (they are like us&#8230;1st time moms over 35) at the park. The park we went to is one of my favorites and has a lake with about 1 mile walking path. The kids played at the playgrounds. Katelyn now likes to walk up the slide (her 3 year old cousin was doing it&#8230;) and having mommy help her slide down. She got to feed some fish (and ducks) in the lake and she walked&#8230;A LOT. First at the park, then around our neighborhood. The great thing about my new place is that we have a lovely neighborhood and all the kids (my niece and nephews) were playing with Katelyn outside on the sidewalk. The boys raced up and down the sidewalk with Katelyn and my niece trying to keep up. On top of that my hubby made delicious chicken tacos (homemade shells), homemade salsa, homemade guacamole. I even allowed myself to have a margarita!

Sunday, we relaxed and went shopping. Katelyn&#8217;s vocabulary is also starting to pick up, though she is starting to say no more often now. But she really is starting to speak pretty good. I have to be careful what I say, especially when driving and stuck in traffic LOL. Hopefully this week will go by quickly because my Mommy is coming to visit on Saturday and will be staying for 8 days! I am so excited. Next week will be another action packed on, as we are having a labor day party at the house. We are gonna do it on Sunday so that I can rest and relax and chill with my mom all day Monday.

Totally off topic Rebekah, I am DOWN to meet up at Disney World! Or, Disneyland. Either one.

Ok, I need to get back to work. Will check back later.

Quick post as I am typing one handed on my phone with sick sleeping baby on my chest.

Flutter glad all is well! Any nausea yet?? Mine didn't really hit until week 7. Good for you work and student!!! I am on awe!!

Ma, how's little Amelia?? The feeling of finally being able to do stuff is awesome !! Restores some sense of normalcy .

Steph, your neighborhood sounds terrific! So nice katelyn has cousins so close in age and so near by!! LOL on watching language! I'm not so bad but DH can drop the F bomb like no ones business!!

Angela, so glad all is coming together!! 90 days!!

AFM, well you guessed it Jo is sick AGAIN!! Bad cough and small runny nose. She was really fussy this morning and wouldn't go down for a nap. So in desperation I'm having her sleep onmy chest so she gets some sleep. Every time she coughs she wakes up and cries. Gotta run!!

Hi ladies!

Angela, your making me excited! I love hearing all the prep talk. Speaking of babies, my husbands co-worker who's daughter was born a month after Amelia, found out she's pregnant again. :rofl: took her by surprise! I LOVE this girl so I'm really happy for them. They are GREAT parents!

Steph, I'm wondering about bottles as well. I'm saving all the Dr. Brown bottles and buying new inserts, caps and nipples and storing them. I'm saving all her clothes as well. Some she never wore yet and let me tell you that this kid is NOT wanting for clothes the past year. Now we're working on 18mos thru 2T. I LOVE buying things for next year on clearance. I actually got Amelia's Christmas dress for THIS year for 6.00 at Gymboree where most of her clothes I buy on clearance.

Anna, Jo is ADORABLE! I can't believe how big she's getting. She's getting cuter by the minute!

Flutterbee...Holy Cats! Your schedule is CRAZY. So glad your job is one that allows you to sit. I didn't really have many cravings but I was sick most of my pregnancy because I was on progesterone almost my whole pregnancy. :lol: I craved vanilla ice cream with sprinkles for the most part.

Steph, we're coming to hang with YOU! :lol: I love hearing about all the fun times and the FOOD. Ugh!

Jules, how are you?? :hugs:

Anna, I can't believe Jo is sick again poor kid! Praying for a restful night for her and you!

As for us, Amelia's ear infection seems to be gone. Her new meds cause red bm's and the trots so when I felt something slowly move down my arm and stomach yesterday, you guessed it! Poo all over. :rofl: I've been using diaper covers but it's coming right through. She has two more teeth cutting in on the bottom and one more canine on top. :wacko: Poor kid can't catch a break.

She started standing in her pack and play (and in general). I caught her and she started to laugh. She makes us laugh SO MUCH! She's eating better as well.

I also think I FINALLY found the right fit for Doug and I where a gym is concerned. They have a daycare there that's CLEAN and it's not just young kids but older women. They keep it clean and clorox EVERYTHING after each kid uses it. I am concerned about illnesses being passed as some of you have said happens in daycares, but it's only a couple of hours and I'm guessing this can help build their immunity. We'll see. I'm looking forward to starting. We'll probably pay on the weekend sometime and start next week. :happydance: I'm mainly on a plant based diet now. Some things are taking a little slower but I'm noticing I'm getting up earlier and feeling better. Would you believe I had a macrobiotic salad with miso ginger dressing?? All kinds of sprouts including sprouted almonds and seaweed. :rofl: I also had a Kale, celery, spinach, green apple and lime juice too. Of course I topped it with a coffee later but at least I'm eating better than I ever have! No red meat, not even chicken right now. I've been finishing off the egg whites and cheese then we'll replace it with rice cheese. "Hopefully" this eating plan with exercise will help me lose some needed weight. Doug is working on muscle. Along with the 40lbs he lost, he also lost muscle. He's looking HOT though now!

On a sadder note, my friends from high school's nephew was born with a rare disorder. He's a few days old and it's been VERY sad. I've chosen NOT to share his website nor the condition on here because of our ladies who are pregnant AND the ones lurking who are waiting for a pregnancy. It would be WAY too stressful for them all and the issue is VERY rare. Thing is, I've been SO upset about it. He's been on morphine almost throughout the day to cut the pain and because my husband is a nurse and the experience with my gram, I know that morphine causes one to relax a whole lot more and can sometimes stop respiration. Last updated during the night he stopped breathing for a little bit. Which is normal for a lot of kids in NICU BUT, this kid is on morphine too. Anyways, I have to pray for my own fears because it's scared the heck out of me for another pregnancy. :wacko: When am I going to learn that God is in control?! As I learned from Jackson..."better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all". They were on the news last night and I will NEVER take for granted even the littlest of things. Even Jackson's passing. I am just grateful that he didn't suffer.

Okay enough of "Debbie Downer". It's just that "something" that's reminded me to count my blessings. I have MANY of them!

Oh, I also got out the rest of my breastmilk that was in the deep freezer. It's getting ready to expire so I'm using it for Amelia before it expires. I'm PRAYING this will give her some needed protection during the cold and flu season. I've heard some say the good stuff stays even when frozen and then heard it doesn't. Figured it couldn't hurt! Around 3 ounces a day until it expires from deep freeze. Not a whole lot, but better than nothing!
I just wanted to quickly update on baby Easton. They are slowly weaning him off morphine thank goodness. Their going to try using just tylenol and "sugar" therapy? I've NEVER heard of sugar therapy for pain have you??

They have set up a not for profit fundraiser for him and to date just one site has raised over 70,000 dollars. There is a marathon fundraiser as well as many independent businesses that are raising funds as well. They are in need of special bandages that cost over 10k. Insurance only covers 1k of it so the medical aspect is a great one for the rest of his life.

Easton's dad has a year left working at a manufacturing company which is closing it's doors and will only keep him if he uproots his family to a state FAR away from the family that supports him. His wife will obviously be staying home with Easton and his brothers now. Things are SO up in the air for them.

I was just delighted to hear that they are weaning him off morphine. Good news but I'm still praying for some way to help him. They were thinking they may transfer him in the future to Cincinnati for either a bone marrow transplant or stem cell treatment. Right now Cincinnati is helping our hospital here with treatment since they are the ones that usually work with this VERY RARE condition.

Just thought I'd update from my post last night. It really blessed my heart.
Morning all!! You can always tell when my work slows down as I have time to post daily.

MA, glad Amelia is feeling better!! But so sorry to hear about your friends baby. It is heart breaking and so sad. I think you are right. Or to mention the web site. Being pregnant is scary enough. We all know how many thing can go wrong, but so many people have perfectly normal healthy babies too. You just never hear about it. Anyway, I wil keep her in my thoughts.

AFM, nothing new to tell. Jo slept well last night for the most part so thateant we slept well woohoo!!

Quick question to all feeding toddlers. Since Jo has started solids I've been having trouble getting vegetables into her diet. When she was on baby food you could purée the veggies with some fruit and call it good. But now I don't think she will eat straight broccoli or spinach. Any ideas?? Steamed carrots? Most of our veggies come from salads so I'm at a little of a loss. Advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Hope everyone is well!!

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