35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

:hi: ladies

Miss Muffet - Scarlett is fabulous. Thanks for asking :hugs:

Rottpaw - just to warn you - I had to have a C-Section because Scarlett was breach and they do it under epidural here in the UK. Having the Epidural itself was incredibly painful and as I have many tattoo's I would say I have quite a high pain threshold. I thought you should know in advance. You don't get a medal for going without pain relief but at the same time you might surprise yourself as it's a different kind of pain and has a purpose. Just keep an open mind. :hugs:

We have a travel system - chasis, carrycot, pushchair and car seat and it has been a god-send. I would definitely recommend the Isofix base you put in the car and then just clip the seat in and out. It seems like a big expense but trust me, when the baby is crying or it's tipping down with rain you really don't want to be messing about with belting the seat in.

On the stretching pains front - I had them right into second tri and it's surprising how painful they can be. They then went away and the next thing I had to contend with was swollen ankles - again it's amazing how massive they can get but be completely normal - oh and it's also normal for one to be more swollen than the other (usually your right ankle - it's to do with how the baby is laying). I carried over a very hot summer so some of you ladies might not have to contend with that.

Big hugs to you all
Thanks Mrs J! I have heard from several people that epis can be painful when inserted, but hubby had his at the same hospital where I'll deliver, and he said they gave him a shot to numb everything before they put the needle in for the epi. Did they do that for you? I'm hoping that makes the difference!

So glad Scarlett is well! She is growing so quickly and I love your new avatar!
I didn't find my epi painful at all, but compared to the back labour I was having I think anything would have felt fine.

It is cold when they put in the actual medicine but I had an infection and fever by that time so I cracked up the room by saying "that feels WONDERFUL!!" when they actually put in the medicine.
Evening ladies,

Just a quick pop in to say hi and thanks to all for all the advice on carriers, strollers, etc. I went on one buyers guide yesterday, but didn't find it that helpful. Am going to check out Consumer Reports next.

Angela, sounds like all is progressing nicely, happy full term!!

MA, Another thing I've found is that if you're hiking the baby carrier seems to work better. I don't know how the trails are in your neck of the woods, but here their just too rocky and full of roots that baby gets all jumbled around. Baby carriers like the Bjorn and such seem to work much better for the trails!

Sunshine, Didn't you have a doc appt on friday? How was it?? Did you already tell us and I forgot?

Mrs. J, so good to see you here and get advice.

Codegirl, I keep forgetting we have two mommies about ready to go. Hope you are feeling well!!

AFm, just nervous about tomorrow AM, will write when I get home how the scan went. Send me all the good vibrations you can.

Have a good night! Anna
Good morning all :hi:

Good memory, Pablo! Yep - I had my 1st prenatal last week. It was more of a medical history session than anything else, and she gave me paperwork to get a bunch of blood work & a urinalysis done. I have an appointment with the lab to get all that done this afternoon. I also have an appointment in two weeks to meet with another OB that I hope to switch to. The one I have now is fine for the yearly checkups, but incredibly archaic when it comes to pregnancy. She told me no exercise during the 1st trimester, no heels, no jeans (must not wear anything constricting), and nothing with zippers. :huh: Talk about red flags going up - I almost asked her when I should start building a bubble to move in to! She works out of a small office with no equipment, and does absolutely no testing on site - not even a pee test. She probably graduated from med school in the 70's and hasn't updated her advice since then. SO - I'm hoping to switch to this OB that's a little younger (by younger I mean graduated med school in '89, so he'll still have plenty of experience), and works out of a womens wellness center that's attached to a hospital with a state of the art neo-natal center. If anyone's going to be current, it'll be this guy. The only downside is that it's a guy, and I'd prefer a woman. Just not the woman I'm currently going to... At least this new OB works with a midwife, so she'd probably be doing more of the "hands on" stuff anyway. Literally. :haha: I have one more appointment with my current OB next week to go over today's test results, and hopefully that'll be it with her. Considering all the problems I've had already with this pregnancy, I'll feel a million times better with someone a little more in touch.

Good luck with your scan today, Anna - I'll be sending the good vibes in spades! :flower:
Good luck today Anna! Can't wait to hear the update!

Sunshine, WHOA, I agree - new doc and FAST! That's crazy. And for whatever it's worth, I've been wearing my first pair of maternity jeans all the way thru the pregnancy. they are now a bit tight but docs I've asked all agree, as long as it's not uncomfortable to you, it's not going to be a problem for the baby. They are cushioned by the fluid.

Code I hope we BOTH get our little ones here soon. I know I am about going stir crazy at this point. I'm going to try to make this my last week in the office (one week earlier than originally planned, but I'm too exhausted and my blood pressure goes up daily). Not to mention baby's weight LOL!

How's everyone else today?
I will catch up when I get home, but quick post from my phone . . . Saw the baby!! Heard the heart beat!!! All looks well! We'll know more after blood work comes back next week but for now it's real! Finally feels real. Happy monday to all! Anna
Just a quicky from me to say wonderful news Anna xxx
WTG Anna! Loved hearing the news.

AFM: I'm still waiting for the call from the Dr.'s office for my latest Beta. I'm a bit ticked off because while I was getting my labs done this morning and paying off our bill, I asked to see the nurse with hopes to ask her about my husbands issue. She told the secretary she was too busy to see me and that she'd call at the regular time...which is almost 6pm my time. The pharmacy is already closed.

I know they have a job to do and are busy, but that made me feel like my questions don't deserved to be answered unless they deem it okay by phone late in the afternoon. When I first found out I was pregnant waiting for an appiontment with the perinatal center, I told her that they said I'd have to start progesterone right away. She's looked at my progesterone and said her and the Dr. refuse to give me anymore because my progesterone numbers are high enough. It went from 29.9 to 36 last week and I haven't gotten todays numbers.

I told her that wasn't the issue, that it was due to my loss. She's making me wait until my appointment with perinatal center on March fourth to take it up with them.

I'm really feeling at a loss again with medical staff. I'm SO on edge as it is and I feel as though nobody really cares medically and they all think they know it all and don't want anyone telling them otherwise. There's absolutely nowhere here in Central NY that doesn't seem to have that theory in OBGYN. I just keep praying hour by hour and day by day that God will continue to show His strength and glory. I certainly can't trust in the medical staff here. I wish we could just move to a better place with better medical care.

I'll be back on shortly to share my phone conversation when she calls.
I'm SO MAD!!

I just called the office because the nurse said she's ALWAYS There later between 530 and 6pm. SHE was supposed to call me but I called because I hadn't heard from her. I got the oncall who said they left at 4pm.

Are you kidding me?? We had a STAT for my beta numbers to be sure they were going up, I had two very important questions at the office she said she was too busy for. I'm so PISSED right now I could spit!

I'm waiting for the on call Dr. to call who most likely won't have access to todays labs. Tomorrow I'm going to let it rip with the nurse!

I understand she thinks I 'm a pain in the arse because I'm calling with questions but I've had a traumatic last pregnancy with a traumatic loss at 22wks. THEY are the ones making me feel as though my pregnancy isn't going to last by saying "wait until the next lab" "IF" the numbers rise above five-thousand you'll have your first sonogram to "see IF the baby(ies) are alright.

All I need is someone who will listen to my concerns and show a little compassion.
Oh Rebekah honey, I am SOOOO sorry you are dealing with all this runaround and after such a stressful loss with Jackson. :hugs: :hugs: I can't believe they aren't being more sensitive and I agree with you, you should definitely have better care. If I could I'd come up there and bring you down here to see my dr! I am so sorry honey!

Please try not to stress, as hard as I know that is. At least on the progesterone, I can tell you that my dr. (my RE/FS) said anything above 15 is fine. They didn't put me on supplements until I got to 12, and so if you are at 36 you should be golden there. Of course you want to see the HCG number too, but hopefully they'll have that for you tomorrow. I know how worriesome it is to wait for those numbers and I was always so thankful that my doc had a same-day policy (they ALWAYS called the same day with the results). You DESERVE to feel like a priority and be treated with respect and particular compassion in your case. I am sending you a BIG hug!!

AFM, my dr. called back today and (hallelujah!) now wants me on modified bed rest due to my BP continuing to be high. That lets me discontinue work (thank the Lord!) immediately and just rest. I am SO thankful for that. With all that has happened recently I desperately need a break, however brief, between baby and work, and it wasn't looking like I was going to get it. So I am soooo relieved and hopefully that alone will help with the BP. My dr. also wanted my next scan moved up to tomorrow (I think that issue is size related, to see how big he is 2.5 weeks after last scan). So we will do that tomorrow at 10:30, then she wants me to do a 24-hour urine test (I guess for preeclamspia). That will run from Tues-Wedns and then we go back to see her Thursday. She specifically mentioned that we might need to induce at 38 weeks, so we'll see how things go.
Sounds like things are getting closer Angela. I AM glad they finally put you on bedrest. I think that will help you and baby alot. Wondering what his weight is too. He's such a cutie patootie. Can't wait till he gets here.

Thank you for the encouragement. I had my meltdown on the phone with Doug. Honestly I have to RELAX and enjoy this pregnancy. I'm going to get my results tomorrow, see if they'll give me my first ultrasound by Thursday. I have to go to the perinatal center on March 4th so I'll fire this office after what happened. Honestly I'd like to travel the two hours to Rochester for the better hospital. My head is all over the place with the crap care here. It's up to God to take care of us, there is nobody in our area for fourteen counties that is capable of having a Dr., patient relationship. I haven't even SEEN the OB in almost a year. The nurse has been doing all the work and she talks to the Dr., but I never see him.

It was that way with perinatal center too. I hope this time they won't be that way. I need things to change.
Bless your heart! I am just so sorry you guys don't live closer to better docs. I am so spoiled living where I do and having had a doc for a father.

The perinatologist shuold provide you with excellent care. We have loved the one we've been working with, and I feel better knowing they are alongside my OB. You go see yours March 4, right? Have you worked with that clinic before? I hope you'll have a better experience there!
Viv, just saw on the news there was a big earthquake in NZ - are you ok?? :hugs:
Bless your heart! I am just so sorry you guys don't live closer to better docs. I am so spoiled living where I do and having had a doc for a father.

The perinatologist shuold provide you with excellent care. We have loved the one we've been working with, and I feel better knowing they are alongside my OB. You go see yours March 4, right? Have you worked with that clinic before? I hope you'll have a better experience there!

Hi Angela, thanks. Yes, the perinatologist was the one that botched my pregnancy with Jackson when the nurse refused to look into my mucus plug issue. I NEVER saw the Dr.s unless they deemed fit. This time I have an appointment with the one Dr. that kept looking in during her c-sections. One of my questions will be if I can just see HER and refuse the same nurse that had me last time.

This is the only perinatologist office in fourteen counties. The only other one is over two hours away. I don't know what to think now. All I know it I want to get the heck outa this state after we have our babies. I'm done with the crappy healthcare. I actually miss Ohio over this stupid state! I'm sure our families will be mad. I don't really care right now though.:nope::growlmad:
Man, I typed a long post & lost it... dern it. I will try to remember everything I wanted to say....

Angela - YAY for no work & getting some R&R!!! Hope you are able to relax for a bit, hon... its not long now!!

Anna - How exciting for you!! Quite amazing, isn't it? Am glad that you are feeling better & reassured!! Are you "coming out" yet???

Sunshine - OMG! your doc sounds like a trip... don't blame ya for wanting to get a newer model, girl!

MA - Speaking of docs, sorry you are having such a tough time!!! That stinks. I hope you will get the caregivers you want and get to stay away from those others... Hang in there!! Its amazing that with your hubs being in the "biz" that they aren't more cooperative with you... what a shame. I hope that all continues well for you & you don't need all those docs...

AFM - Its my 3rd night since DH left for Asia... I am feeling much better... I know he hated to leave, especially now... Its been very quiet... Just me, my pups & kitty... and getting some "tv face time" with my other bf, Jon Bon Jovi.... :) I have had a concert dvr'ed for months and haven't had time to watch it... Ahhhh, BLISS out.... Mr. Bon Jovi and I have a love affair that began in Jr High... :) I ALWAYS go to a couple of shows when they are on tour with my girlfriends... the show this year in March will be *quite different*, I must say.... BUT, I get to buy one of those cute Bon Jovi onesies that I have always coveted... OMG... did I say one? I mean, three.... lol...

Slowly, but surely, getting my head wrapped around the idea of that.... *smiling*
Hope everyone is well..... sorry in advance for the nutty post!
Bless your heart! I am just so sorry you guys don't live closer to better docs. I am so spoiled living where I do and having had a doc for a father.

The perinatologist shuold provide you with excellent care. We have loved the one we've been working with, and I feel better knowing they are alongside my OB. You go see yours March 4, right? Have you worked with that clinic before? I hope you'll have a better experience there!

Hi Angela, thanks. Yes, the perinatologist was the one that botched my pregnancy with Jackson when the nurse refused to look into my mucus plug issue. I NEVER saw the Dr.s unless they deemed fit. This time I have an appointment with the one Dr. that kept looking in during her c-sections. One of my questions will be if I can just see HER and refuse the same nurse that had me last time.

This is the only perinatologist office in fourteen counties. The only other one is over two hours away. I don't know what to think now. All I know it I want to get the heck outa this state after we have our babies. I'm done with the crappy healthcare. I actually miss Ohio over this stupid state! I'm sure our families will be mad. I don't really care right now though.:nope::growlmad:

Oh sweetie I'm so sorry it's the same clinic again as with Jackson. Bless your heart. I would DEFINITELY refuse to see the same nurse again. I just hate it for you. I don't blame you for wanting to move!! :hugs:
Viv, just saw on the news there was a big earthquake in NZ - are you ok?? :hugs:

Hey HA,
Yes we are:thumbup: thankfully lucky in that we have power now and some bottled water and our beautiful fur babies are safe and well, but no running water or sewerage. Sadly so far 65 people are confirmed dead and that will rise. :cry: We have lost our beloved cathedral in the centre of the city, it was a focal point for all of our city and I am beyond devastated about it. :cry:
The central city is decimated and cordoned off and many of our beloved heritage buildings are gone. It is beyond comprehension, the loss of life in a small country like ours is felt by everyone. :cry:
We are still having smaller earthquakes as I type and they will go on for a long time possibly over two years!:growlmad:
I know how lucky I am really but I am so sad.
PS I started my new job today and had only been there 2 hours when it hit, am I an omen or what!! :dohh:
Hope everyone is feeling full of beans and Rottpaw not long now! :hugs:
Love V
I thought of you, too, Vivienne, when I heard about the quake on the news - I'm so sorry about all the loss, but at least you're okay. :hugs:

MA - what a horrible thing to be going through with those doctors! It's too bad you're not a little closer to Strong Memorial in Rochester - they're supposed to have an excellent facility for that kind of thing. Maybe someone from Strong can make a recommendation a little closer to you?

Woo-hoo on the bed rest Rottpaw! You'll finally get your well deserved rest! Make sure to keep us posted - you'll have time now. :)

Anna - I'm so happy that things went well at the scan! I was thinking about you yesterday morning and hoping all would be well. Did they tell you how long it would take to get the blood results back? (If you mentioned it, I apologize for asking...) I know where I'll go, they take 7 - 10 days. You'd think they could turn it around sooner than that. How exciting to hear the heart beat! I can't wait for that!

Okay, Austin - I want to know how you got my boyfriend's picture on your avatar?? He loves me. Really. He just doesn't know it. :wacko: I tell my husband this all the time, but strangely enough he doesn't seem too concerned about it...

Have a good morning everyone. :flower:
Viv, just saw on the news there was a big earthquake in NZ - are you ok?? :hugs:

Hey HA,
Yes we are:thumbup: thankfully lucky in that we have power now and some bottled water and our beautiful fur babies are safe and well, but no running water or sewerage. Sadly so far 65 people are confirmed dead and that will rise. :cry: We have lost our beloved cathedral in the centre of the city, it was a focal point for all of our city and I am beyond devastated about it. :cry:
The central city is decimated and cordoned off and many of our beloved heritage buildings are gone. It is beyond comprehension, the loss of life in a small country like ours is felt by everyone. :cry:
We are still having smaller earthquakes as I type and they will go on for a long time possibly over two years!:growlmad:
I know how lucky I am really but I am so sad.
PS I started my new job today and had only been there 2 hours when it hit, am I an omen or what!! :dohh:
Hope everyone is feeling full of beans and Rottpaw not long now! :hugs:
Love V

Thanks for letting us know - I'm glad you are all ok. I saw the cathedral on the news this morning - so sad! Stay safe, and I pray you get water and sewer service soon. :hugs:

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