35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

morning ladies!

thanks for all support re: doc story. I thougt it was weird but always good to run it by others.

Svvet, hope you are ok and just busy posting in your daily journal. We are thinking of you.

Rottpaw and Codegirl hoping labor kicks in soon and no inductions or c sections are in your future.

Junebug, hope you catch that bean soon! Good luck with the new computer!

AFM, came out to book club last night as did another girl who was drinking tea as she said she thought she was getting sick. That was her excuse for not drinking. So when I came out with Becks non alcoholic beer in hand she did too. It was fun, but I worry about a friend of mine who was there. She and her DH have been trying for years now only to discover last year he has no swimmers. They are thinking IVF, but have still not decided. Anyway, I worry how she is and how the news hit her. She is ushually a rock but so many of us can testify to the difficulties of being TTC and hearing friends are pregnant. As for my DH I did not take him to the ultra sound on Monday to see the baby but I will take him to the next one, maybe that will bring it all home.

happy hump day from me too! Anna
Anna, meant to comment on that: definitely NOT normal for a doc to be trying to sell things!!! If we did that here in Canada we would have our licenses suspended.

Difficult situation for sure RE: your friend who has been TTC'ing for years :-( I'm afraid there is no easy solution to situations like that, she'll need to come around on her own and hopefully she's not too upset. So hard though to be in that position...

Reminds me of a work-related pregnancy issue... We counsel a lot of couples who are infertile and being work-up for genetic causes. So happens the genetic counsellor who works with me on those cases was pregnant at the same time as me, so both of us very pregnant women would walk in the consultation room to talk to these couples. It was uncomfortable but they were all OK once we got into our discussions. Definitely made me more in-tune with the vibes patient send off and to address it if there is any discomfort...
Hi girls....
Whew.... I have had a doozy of a night... and morning. Went to bed last night & all was fine. I woke up to go to the bathroom at 2:25 am only to discover that I wdnas bleeding... quite a lot in my experience. It was bright red, which I know from reading is the scary kind. I didn't know what to do, so called the medi help line, who connected me to my FS doc. He reassured me some, told me that I shouldn't go to ER, unless it didn't stop.... which it looked like it had. Tried to fall back to sleep, but just couldn't.
I was terrified.... woke up & called in to work and made appt to go in to FS.

I just got home... all 3 are fine, have grown and have strong heartbeats. Saw some blood on the US ( just looked like a dark spot to me) and doctor said that it might happen again, likely even. I am to take the rest of today off, but can go back to work tomorrow. Just no strenuous activity, "take it easy", in other words.

Am worn out... physically, mentally & emotionally. For those who have gone through something similar, I have a new understanding of the fear. Really made me think about how fragile this all seems...

And I miss my DH so much.... I was so scared without him here... :(

Sorry for the downer post & I really, really feel so much better now.... just needed to vent and cry a bit. Hugs to everyone!
:hug: :hug: :hug: Austin, can't imagine how scary that was for you :cry: It's great that they did an U/S and everything looks great! Sounds to me like it was a bit of a bleed between the placenta and the uterine wall, you'll likely continue to see some spotting, growing darker and darker (meaning old blood) for a few days if not weeks. It's actually very common in first trimester but that doesn't make it any less scary, especially given your situation with triplets. If you have fresh blood again though do go back to get it checked out again. REST!!! When does DH come back?
Anna, I bet he'll start coming to terms with everything once he gets to REALLY see there's a baby in there. I think with Doug he couldn't feel the realness I was feeling. He wasn't getting the stretching, the nausia or the bubbles I was feeling with Jackson. So for him to comprehend it all was just hard. When he saw Jackson it was a different story. When he heard his heartbeat he started to become more active.

I'm excited about tomorrow but I'm praying we both hold it together when we see our baby for the first time. :cry: It reminds me of my little angel in heaven too. He is so precious. Just like whoever is peeking in my womb right now.

Junebug. I'm moving to Toronto. Kind of funny. We used to travel to Toronto as a family almost every summer as a kid. I still remember the zoo and the huge park with all the rides.

So I have to ask since your a Dr. there. I've heard some say they don't mind the healthcare system in Canada and others say that the wait is horrifying and if you have something serious, to wait can be deadly. What's your take on your healthcare system? Do you like it? Is there anything you DON'T like about it??

Today when we got home from lunch our place wreaked with cigarette smoke again. The young guys waited till we left and started. They're all denying they do it to the landlord. Doug called him and told him that our basement wreaks of it, that it's coming through our heating system.

He says he doesn't know how it's happening. He's telling them they aren't allowed. I let him know I'm not trying to be a witch but having lost my son preterm. I'm not about to let second hand smoke be an issue for preterm labor. I'm protecting my child and I'm willing to go to any length to do so.

I hope this doesn't mean we move "again". I think the only way to find peace, have a smoke free home, quiet environment and decorate the way we'd like is to own our own home.

Sadly, our last landlord foreclosed on all his properties and we all had to vacate the premesis without notice and we lost our sizeable deposit while also having no choice but to dip in our savings for movers, two months rent, security deposit and pet deposit for this place. Now we're starting over for a downpayment on a house.

It probably wouldn't be good to move while pregnant or with a newborn anyways, it's just a bit frustrating that something always comes up when we try to buy a house. I'm just seeing the need to have a place of our own with the safety net of doing things the way we'd like them without having to go through a landlord. Granted there are expenses we'll incur along the way for upkeep, but at least it will be ours!

So, I'm just leaving the whole thing in Gods hands and praying He speaks boldly at some point about housing circumstances. In the meantime, I'm grateful for what we DO have and hopeful that we'll have little ones in October.

I'm so excited that by Christmas we'll have "baby's first Christmas". This year we bought a stocking with Jacksons name on it. Just something to acknowledge his little presence in heaven. I can't wait to put more stockings up to represent children we have here on earth. I'm so excited!:happydance:

I was going through Jessa's triplet journal and there have been quite a few times she had dried blood. She'd get quite alarmed by it. It turned out to be nothing. It may just be something common in triplets maybe?!
Hi Ladies,

Anna – I nearly peed my pants when I read that your Dr was trying to sell you hats. LOL. OMG that is just too bizarre and random. I agree with Angela that your hubby will come around and want to tell the world. My hubby and I were the opposite. He couldn’t wait to tell everyone under the sun and once we did tell people, he would whip out the ultrasound photos to show EVERYONE. . I think once your hubby can see it for himself he will be overjoyed and ready to announce it to the world. Sorry to hear about your friend at book club. I agree that most of us can all relate to hearing news of others pregnancy while still TTC.

Angela – In addition to a back massage, I heard that foot massage can also cause labor. In addition to that, since your hubby wants sex, stimulating your nipples can cause contractions and labor as well.

Rebekah – I know I have told you in the past, but your hubby sounds great. It is nice when the men in our lives are supportive and encouraging. Makes me want to go and give my hubby a big kiss right now! You are in my prayers for tomorrow!

Junebug – congrats on being an Auntie!

Codegirl – any news on the baby? Perhaps you are giving birth as I type??

Austin – Wow, I am so glad that everything is ok with you and your triplets. I am sure it must have been extremely scary for you, especially since your hubby is away. Just glad that the you got checked out and all is good. Your post is not a downer because you and the babies are alright. Please ping any of us if you need to vent or cry some more. We are here for you 

AFM – Had my appointment with the perinatologist. As usually, my BP was higher at this appointment than with my normal OB/GYN. Last week when I went it was 116/69. Today it was 127/76. However, I had just walked up 3 flights of stairs and didn’t get a chance to catch my breath before they called me in to take my BP.

The appointment went really well. Peachy is looking good and weighing about 1lb 6oz. He wants to continue to see me, which I don’t mind because I am able to get glimpses of my baby 1x a month so YAY for that. He said my ankles were slightly swollen but nothing alarming…I didn’t even notice they were swollen. I know my fingers are swollen and at night I can barely make a fist without being in pain. Now my right wrist pops out socket and I have to pull it on my hand to put it back in place…my stupid left hand continues to go numb at night. Sleeping has become a bit of a chore. I went to Ross yesterday with my sister n law and picked up 2 capri maternity pants. Once the weather gets a bit warmer (probably next week – it is So. Cali after all), I will wear them. I ordered about 10 items from Old Navy. Com (really good deals) last week and they should arrive on Tuesday. Now, if only my stupid back ordered bras would arrive…Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and happy hump day from me too…and Angela I guess for you I mean that literally HA HA HA.

MA so excited to hear about your scan tomorrow!!! And to find out how many little ones you're incubating ;-) So sorry those idiots are smoking again, that must be so infuriating! If you do have to move again, I wish you a uneventful one. We moved into our new place when Zoë was only 11 weeks old, it really wasn't that bad. We had movers and my family helped! And if you want to move here, there is a house for sale right next to mine right now ;-)

Regarding the health care system, I think it is good. If something urgent comes up, it is dealt with very fast in the vast majority of cases. Because it is a publicly funded system, there are appropriate paths for non-urgent vs urgent to ensure everyone is treated optimally. For example in my clinic, non-urgent cases can wait up to 6 months to see me, but when something urgent arises I see them within a week (we have 3 time slots set aside weekly for urgent cases). Most clinics function this way. Oncologists typically see new cancer patients within a few days of diagnosis. The system is constantly being improved, one suggestion to do this is to introduce some private clinics in the hopes of alleviating wait times in the publicly funded system but this has led to fears that many physicians would chose to work in the private clinics (better pay) so this has not yet truly materialized, although if you can afford to pay out of pocket you can get some elective surgeries (i.e. knee replacements) done with a lot less of a wait time than in the public system. It also varies from province to province: I trained in Québec (Montréal) and the system was not quite up to par with the Ontario system with longer wait times, MDs who are highly underpaid and underserviced areas with lack of access to specialists. It depends on how well each provincial government organizes itself and deals with issues. The longer you sweep it under the rug, the worse it'll be in the long run! All in all though, I think it is a good system and I like that I can get medical care wherever I am in Canada (for example if I was visiting a friend in British Columbia and got sick, I would be treated there for free, then the BC government would send a bill to Ontario to pay for my treatments).
MA so excited to hear about your scan tomorrow!!! And to find out how many little ones you're incubating ;-) So sorry those idiots are smoking again, that must be so infuriating! If you do have to move again, I wish you a uneventful one. We moved into our new place when Zoë was only 11 weeks old, it really wasn't that bad. We had movers and my family helped! And if you want to move here, there is a house for sale right next to mine right now ;-)

Regarding the health care system, I think it is good. If something urgent comes up, it is dealt with very fast in the vast majority of cases. Because it is a publicly funded system, there are appropriate paths for non-urgent vs urgent to ensure everyone is treated optimally. For example in my clinic, non-urgent cases can wait up to 6 months to see me, but when something urgent arises I see them within a week (we have 3 time slots set aside weekly for urgent cases). Most clinics function this way. Oncologists typically see new cancer patients within a few days of diagnosis. The system is constantly being improved, one suggestion to do this is to introduce some private clinics in the hopes of alleviating wait times in the publicly funded system but this has led to fears that many physicians would chose to work in the private clinics (better pay) so this has not yet truly materialized, although if you can afford to pay out of pocket you can get some elective surgeries (i.e. knee replacements) done with a lot less of a wait time than in the public system. It also varies from province to province: I trained in Québec (Montréal) and the system was not quite up to par with the Ontario system with longer wait times, MDs who are highly underpaid and underserviced areas with lack of access to specialists. It depends on how well each provincial government organizes itself and deals with issues. The longer you sweep it under the rug, the worse it'll be in the long run! All in all though, I think it is a good system and I like that I can get medical care wherever I am in Canada (for example if I was visiting a friend in British Columbia and got sick, I would be treated there for free, then the BC government would send a bill to Ontario to pay for my treatments).

Hm, that's all interesting. What's the pay like for nurses there? Have you any idea? Any idea what benefits nurses get over there? My husband is an RN.

We've SERIOUSLY been contemplating moving somewhere else. I love my family, Sadly I think our home state we've grown out of completely. My husbands job right now is REALLY good. My only concern is uprooting him somewhere and then because he's knew, he'll get canned because a hospital will downsize with the economy BUT RN's seem to be in high demand in most places. Honestly it's not all that far away from here either. Though it's kinda funny thinking about moving to a whole other country. I don't know, Canadians don't seem foreign to me because they live directly next door and we've always made stops over there. Not sure though if they'd hire someone from the U.S. for nursing when they can probably hire within the country anyways. Just something to think about I suppose. We really would like a nice place to raise a family and be able to build a life. It seems that the opportunities here in New York State just aren't there. I'm sure this could be anywhere though.

Steph...peachy is no longer a peach but a papaya. :lol::thumbup: Growing up a storm in there.:cloud9::happydance: Sounds like the arm and hands have issues. I do hope it gets better. I'm already having the discomfort of sleep. I can't find a side I'm comfortable on. We have HIGH mattresses so I had Doug take the mattresses off the bed frame and put it on the floor so I don't have to climb the bed every night. He's done it, but I'm STILL not comfortable.

Anyone see the commercial yet of the pregnant woman with her husband who's not comfortable going from room to room to room and finally she settles sitting up on the couch while her husband sleeps on her lap? That feels like Doug and I.

He is such a good egg that man of mine. I emptied my trash next to my bed and I had planned to get another bag for it this morning and when I woke, he already had it done. He is AMAZING. As we were walking out for lunch, he took the time to get all the ice off each step and walked me down. He just blesses my heart!
Haven't seen that commericial yet. May need to u Tube it. Ha about Peachy no longer being a peach. I was JUST having that convesation yesterday with my brother who said her new nickname was Carmen Miranda because of all the different fruits! LOL.
Haven't seen that commericial yet. May need to u Tube it. Ha about Peachy no longer being a peach. I was JUST having that convesation yesterday with my brother who said her new nickname was Carmen Miranda because of all the different fruits! LOL.


:rofl: Too funny:thumbup:
HI ladies. :cry:
This has got to be one of the hardest weeks of my life. We are up to 98 dead and 226 missing. Our little city will never be the same again.
We take so much for granted in our comfy lives, like running water, a flushing toilet and being able to sleep without the earth moving every hour or so. My poor bubs must be so over all the rushes of adrenaline he/she is feeling from me. My midwife appt would have been today but obviously a no go. Will have to reschedule some other time.
Thank you all for you kind thoughts and prayers, :hugs: I know many people are worse off but this was not the pregnancy experience I had planned :cry:
I don't have much time, but I wanted to pop in and say good morning!

Austin, I'm so sorry you had to go through that scare - and all alone, too! Thank God everything turned out okay, though. :hugs:

MA - can't wait to read about your scan this morning!! Fingers crossed for ya!

MissMuffet - I'm so glad your appointment went well! That stinks about all the swelling and the wrist thing. "Boo!" to the swelling, but Woo-HOO to the new clothes! \\:D/

Vivienne, my heart truly goes out to you and all those poor souls affected by this tragedy. I know there's nothing I can do, but you're still in my prayers. :flow:

If I missed any other major news, I apologize - I've only had time to skim the posts... :blush: Hope everyone has a good day! :flower:
:hugs: Viv and Austin. Austin, so scary but I am so glad all is well!

Viv, I can only imagine what you are going through. PLEASE try to take care of yourself and that baby first and foremost. In events like that, sometimes just the constant influx of bad news and worse news (and news, period) can make you more stressed. If needed, turn off the TV and don't check news on the web; just try to insulate yourself. You and baby are most important right now! :hugs:

Morning to everyone else! I'm off to the doc this morning so we will see what she says. I'll update as soon as there's any news!
morning ladies!

vivienne, can't imagine what you are going through! We here could take up a collection of supplies to send to you if you need anything. Clothes, bedding,etc would be pretty easy to send. If we can help in any way let us know. I realize I just vounteered everyone, didn't mean to do that but if folks would like to help, maybe you need something??

Austin, so scarry and without DH there! I am so glad everything worked out but can't imagine the fear. When is DH back again? Take it easy sister! Think of hot men with shoulder length wavy light brown hair! Just day dream all day!

Junebug, once again can't imagine how hard ur job is. And yes it is hard to be ttc and hear the news of other pregnancies. I lost it last year when a friend announced her pregnancy, it's what prompted me to find some help by way of this web site. I love canada btw, used to fly to calgary all the time, beautiful city!

Sunshine, glad to see you, hope you are well.

Missmuffett, glad scan went so well sorry about all the swelling. Good to know about Old Navy, think I will check it out. I have no idea about maternity clothes . . . Is it one size fits all, do you size based on your normal pant size??? Any advice is much appreciated.

MA, the smokers . . . That would send me through the roof!!! I used to smoke for years and now i'm so sensitive to it. Is this a neighboring unit? I know the thought of moving is a pain, but if in the end it will make you happier then . . .. I think you said they were construction guys, will they be done soon? Can't wait to hear how scan goes today!!!! So excited, good luck!

AFM, think i'm getting vericose veins. Not surprising given I work on my feet all day, but still a bumber. On the positive side me boobs are now more than a handful! Also, now that MS. Isn't as bad I am finally eating the way I want to eat through this pregnancy. Back to the healthy stuff. A girl in my book club gained 60 lbs! She's also 28.

Rottpaw and codegril, fingers crossed!

have a good day!! Xx anna
Hi lovely mamas to be- just a quick hi and request that you send me some of those special pregnancy vibes! Still too early to tell but I am having lots of symptoms and ended up locked in a bathroom stall at work losing my breakfast this morning. Hope I can graduate soon! xoxo
Good Morning!!!!

Titi- much :dust::dust: your way for a :bfp:VERY VERY SOON!!!!! We are looking forward to having you here!

Viv – You are still in my thoughts and prayers. I agree with Pablo – if there is anything we can do/send, let us know. :hugs:

MA – looking forward to hearing about your appointment this morning!

Pablo – You base the maternity clothes off of your regular pant size. However, a lot of places just say S, M, L. So I decided to get Large just in case (I usually wear a 10 or 12). They are a little roomy in the leg area and my bump isn’t quite big enough yet for the band area, but I figure I would grow into them. If you are buying jeans, as with any jeans, I suggest going to the store and trying them on. I bought a pair of jeans (even tried them on!) and they constantly slide down. I think I probably should have gotten a medium instead of large.

Everyone else – I hope you are having a pleasant morning. Gotta do some work now, but I will check back in a bit later :flower:.

Morning ladies!!

vivienne - :hugs: and prayers

Sorry I pretty much skimmed the rest, not being a really great "posting friend" these days. :wacko:

Someone did question Canadian health care.
Here is my experience. I have had what I like to refer to as a "high responsiblity" pregnancy (vs high risk) meaning I have a LOT of stink'n Dr. appointments. I see my baby dr's (I choose Family Dr.s that have a special interest in obstetrics instead of an OB), an Endocrinologist (who is concidered the best in the GD field, if not in the Country, then at least my province), weekly BioPhysical/NST exams including talking to the Radioligist, a Physiatrist and Psychologist. And I just had to have a referal to an OB to make sure that I'm still able to have the family dr deliver the baby.

I can't even imagine paying for all/part of these appointments. Most weeks I had 2 to 3 appointments. I wish I could explain the way they have all made me feel, like I was a valued member of the team and that my concerns were important and heard and they always take time to answer all my questions.

Edward was "assigned" a Ped when he was born. He is amazing and I adore him too :thumbup: I'm so happy to find out that our new noodle will automaticly have the same Ped :dance:

So I personally think that our healthcare rocks. Is it perfect?? Nope! There are definate issues and I know our Goverment is working to fix the problems but I'm not sure if there is a perfect solution. People still fall through the cracks, but I'm not convinced that doesn't happen with all the different healthcare models.

Our biggest problem here in Alberta is the lack of family docs. So regular illnesses (flu, etc) it can be hard to get treatment and this tends to block up our Emergency Rooms.

The people that work in the healthcare field tend to be very special people. I have only run into one LPN that I didn't really care for in all my different treatments. yesterday I even did a 'walk by' the L&D ward to see if they had a microwave that DH could use and one of the nurses took me on a tour, showing us the kitchen area and one of the rooms. She was so sweet and welcoming.

My Mom was an RN in the system her entire career (just retired a few years ago) and I know that they pay well, but they definatly feel the pinch of any cutbacks. Most of the front line staff try not to let the cutbacks inpact their patients which means that they get to feel the crunch. I think that's our biggest strength and biggest weakness in the system, and sometimes leads to staff shortages as staff leave for places with better funding. :grr: to the government.

Sorry for the book, but I'm pretty passionate about our healthcare :thumbup:
AFM - still waiting for the baby to come. Starting to worry that this one will stick around till induction and I really really don't want to be induced. I think I'll ask for another sweep tomorrow at my dr. appointment and I'm also sending it out there that people add me to their prayer lists that this baby comes before Tuesday all on his/her own.

Oh, and quick question... do any of you have advice on what do to if you and your DH are stuck on a name? I am totally in love with a boys name but DH isn't a fan and nothing on his list is rock'n my world. We have a girls name that we both like but we are still stuck for a boy.

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