35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA all weekend, was crazy busy... Funny how I have more "me" time at work than I do at home now! Missed you ladies though and thought of you all several times over the weekend, hoping everyone was having a good one. It was a holiday here in Canada yesterday and my father arrived from out of town for a visit (he's here the week).

MA - so sorry all this is going on... Like Angela said you deserve their extra attention *hugs* I hope you spoke to someone already! And yes, it is usually a good idea to treat the partner too to prevent re-infection following antibiotic treatment: a few years back when I was incidentally found to have BV (it was asymptomatic) on my routine PAP test - boyfriend was also treated! And I would refuse to see that nurse as well!!! :growlmad:

Viv so sad to read about the deaths :-( I hope no one else has lost their lives, how tragic...

Angela, so happy for you that you're being placed on bedrest!!! It'll give you some much needed rest time before baby arrives!

Terri, you didn't post today, I'm wondering if something is going on!!!! I'll check FB :) If so sending you some labour vibes!!!

Anna, so happy your scan went well! Isn't it surreal to see that little heart beat? I still remember the exact moment I saw Zoë's for the first time :cloud9:

Austin, glad you're feeling well!

Chris, hope you're doing well too!!!

Nothing new to report here. DH reformated my computer last night so I'll have to reorganize folders and add my programs (i.e. iTunes) all over again. Sigh. Stupid Vista. He wiped it off and installed Windows 7, hopefully the "issues" will be resolved...

OK back to work I go, will likely check in during my next pumping session, worried about MA and hoping she'll update us!!! *hugs* everyone.
Viv - so glad to have heard from you! Happy to hear you and your family (including furbabies) are safe. The news looks so sad... I honestly didn't know NZ dealt with earthcquakes... Hoping that you get the water & necessary services restored asap!!
Prayers for your city...
another quik hit from me work is crazy,will catch up with everyone later tonigt. Just wanted to say to Vivienne, so glad you and yours are safe, so sorry for the rest of the country! Take care of yourelf! Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't work during this pregnancy. However you are not a bad omen! LoL , take care anna!
I thought of you, too, Vivienne, when I heard about the quake on the news - I'm so sorry about all the loss, but at least you're okay. :hugs:

MA - what a horrible thing to be going through with those doctors! It's too bad you're not a little closer to Strong Memorial in Rochester - they're supposed to have an excellent facility for that kind of thing. Maybe someone from Strong can make a recommendation a little closer to you?

Woo-hoo on the bed rest Rottpaw! You'll finally get your well deserved rest! Make sure to keep us posted - you'll have time now. :)

Anna - I'm so happy that things went well at the scan! I was thinking about you yesterday morning and hoping all would be well. Did they tell you how long it would take to get the blood results back? (If you mentioned it, I apologize for asking...) I know where I'll go, they take 7 - 10 days. You'd think they could turn it around sooner than that. How exciting to hear the heart beat! I can't wait for that!

Okay, Austin - I want to know how you got my boyfriend's picture on your avatar?? He loves me. Really. He just doesn't know it. :wacko: I tell my husband this all the time, but strangely enough he doesn't seem too concerned about it...

Have a good morning everyone. :flower:

Actually, I think we may end up heading to Rochester. I'm going to give this Dr. at the perinatal the benefit of the doubt on our first appointment next week. I have written down questions and concerns and see what happens.

I'm still not happy with the hospital here and I am thinking that I may just travel the two hours to the other hospital. We'll see it's all in Gods hands, but I'm going to check out perinatologists in the area and may make an appointment with one. My husband isn't crazy about the idea as it's quite a ways away but I'm concerned about good health care for myself and baby. I'm wondering if we can use the Rochester perinatal as our "regular" one and then have this perinatal center do the coordination here in our home town. They can work together but we'll actually go to Strong for care.

We'll see. :thumbup:

Junebug. I'm glad I'm not off my rocker to say my husband needs treatment. I think I'm going to call his own Dr. and ask them to treat him because I'm pregnant and high risk. Maybe he'll get treatment that way. :winkwink:

Viv. I'm SO sorry :hugs: I'm glad your all okay but feel so awful for everyone over there. Please let me know if there is anything you need.

Well, after all the hoopla I have my results. My beta was 13,809 and while my progesterone went down from 36 to 28.2, I'm told that's okay because progesterone fluctuates and my levels are still good.

I have my first sonogram on Thursday when we're guessing I'm 7wks 1day. I'm praying to see how many we have in there, to see them growing on target and hearing a heartbeat.

Looking forward to our first perinatal appointment next week for more preventative measures.
Okay, Austin - I want to know how you got my boyfriend's picture on your avatar?? He loves me. Really. He just doesn't know it. :wacko: I tell my husband this all the time, but strangely enough he doesn't seem too concerned about it...

Have a good morning everyone. :flower:

LMAO Sunshine~~~~!! Okay, I will share him....:laugh2:

MA - So glad to hear your numbers are good! Yay!! :happydance:
Okay, Austin - I want to know how you got my boyfriend's picture on your avatar?? He loves me. Really. He just doesn't know it. :wacko: I tell my husband this all the time, but strangely enough he doesn't seem too concerned about it...

Have a good morning everyone. :flower:

LMAO Sunshine~~~~!! Okay, I will share him....:laugh2:

Oh no, not another Bon Jovi fan. :shrug::haha: I never really got into him. I was into Def Leppard, etc. at that time.

I have a few hotties I like: Jamie Oliver, Kionu Reeves, L.L. Cool J (He makes me salivate) and drum roll please...Colin Firth:kiss:.
Thanks, Austin! Although I have a feeling in a few months' time he won't be too interested in either one of us. Unless he's into the whole rounded physique thing...

Oooh, MA! I had a thing for Joe Elliot, too. And Bret Michaels. Especially my Bret. Still do. :shy: Even though he's gotten pretty pathetic through the years. What can I say - I'm loyal. I told my husband he had to take me for better, for worse, and for Bret. (Yes, I was a total hair band fanatic in the 80's! I was a sucker for long hair and spandex...)

And I'm totally with ya with Keanu & L.L! Keanu still makes my toes curl! *sigh*

Awesome numbers, by the way! :thumbup: I hope the Rochester thing works out for you. I'm surprised it takes two hours for you to get there - you must be on the east side of Syracuse. Still - well worth it for the piece of mind.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon :)
Thanks, Austin! Although I have a feeling in a few months' time he won't be too interested in either one of us. Unless he's into the whole rounded physique thing...

Oooh, MA! I had a thing for Joe Elliot, too. And Bret Michaels. Especially my Bret. Still do. :shy: Even though he's gotten pretty pathetic through the years. What can I say - I'm loyal. I told my husband he had to take me for better, for worse, and for Bret. (Yes, I was a total hair band fanatic in the 80's! I was a sucker for long hair and spandex...)

And I'm totally with ya with Keanu & L.L! Keanu still makes my toes curl! *sigh*

Awesome numbers, by the way! :thumbup: I hope the Rochester thing works out for you. I'm surprised it takes two hours for you to get there - you must be on the east side of Syracuse. Still - well worth it for the piece of mind.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon :)

I'm in the Valley near Nedrow going into Lafayette. We're centrally located. Up one hill is Erie BLVD, up the other hill is Camillus and up another is Nedrow to get to Lafayette and Cortland. :thumbup:
No baby yet... just tired of the cramping and the not sleeping so although I'm following you all and sending you all my best mentally, I'm not being the greatest poster in the world.

My Mom is also here almost all the time now and I don't always feel like I "should" be on the computer that much while she's working around here. Not that I can help her (she's painting E's "big boy room") but I feel guilty none the less.

Ultrasound was good today. Baby estimated at 8lbs 3oz +/-1lb either way :wacko: Still on for induction next week if this baby doesn't evict him/her self sooner than that.
Man on man a lot o has been going on. I was busy with relatives this weekend and didn’t get a chance to sign-on until today.

Anna – Congrats on your scan and seeing your little bean and hearing the heartbeat! What a wonderful feeling! I know that you are on :cloud9:.

Angela – Yoo hoo on the bedrest! I am so happy for you. Any day now! (yes, I want an epi as well – but it does look painful and scary – however if I can do the amnio, I can do the epi :thumbup:).

Sunshine – LOL, you Dr sounds like they are from the 40’s not even the 70’s. No jeans HA HA HA HA HA. I basically LIVE in my maternity jeans and will be going to Old Navy to buy some Capri jeans next weekend.

Rebekah – OMG, I am so sorry that you are going through all this drama with your Dr. :cry: It shouldn’t be this way. My heart goes out to you and I will pray for you and your little bean everyday that you get the medical care that you should have and everyone treating you wonderfully and making you feel amazing because you are doing something amazing…creating a LIFE! HUGE :hugs: to you! Glad to hear that your numbers are good and looking forward to hearing about your appointment on Thursday! (P.S – LOVE Def Leppard – Photograph was my fav song and as for LL Cool J :bodyb::headspin: …he is my first pick for my “island” of me and 5 celebs I could have on a deserted island)

Viv – Glad that you are ok after the earthquake.:hugs: Sorry to hear about all the losses that have happened as a result. My church is praying for all the families out there and for those that lost loved ones. Again, very glad that you and your family are ok. Please keep us posted.

Code – Sorry about the Braxton Hicks. Hopefully that is a good sign that the baby is coming soon and they won't have to induce?

Austin Gurrl – Glad that you are doing ok while hubby is away and that you have your furbabies to keep you company (as well as the AWESOME Jon Bon Jovi – yum).

Junebug – I still have Vista and am patiently waiting to put Windows 7 on. Hopefully that will happen within the next month.

AFM – Nothing too exciting. I have a appointment tomorrow morning with my perinatologist. Work is really really busy at the moment, but in a few weeks it should settle down. I think I am going to start to register for stuff this weekend (EEEK!). A friend at church gave me a huge bag of clothes – some of it with the tags still on. So I need to sort through all of that. On Sunday, the baby kicked and I could actually see my tummy move so that was super exciting. Though, every time I try to have my hubby see/feel the baby move, she never does. My hubby said that is because she knows better than to kick Daddy LOL. Anyway, glad to read that everyone is doing ok. I will check in with you all in the morning after my appointment. :hugs::hug:

Code, sounds like it's REALLY uncomfortable for you and angela these days. Praying for some peace, strength to get through and that baby will safely come soon. :hugs: I hope you get some rest through the pain.

Steph, sounds like baby is playing hide n seek with daddy. :rofl: how adorable. Looking forward to hearing more after your appointment. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. :hugs:

Oh L.L. I can see me rubbing him down with oil. :rofl: ((whoa, it's getting hot in here)) Okay, I need to come down to earth. I love my hubby. In all honesty, I don't think any other man could have endured what we have and he's got a pretty hot bum too. :winkwink:
Evening Ladies!

So many hot men so little time . . . MA I'm with you on Collin Firth! Did you ever see the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice? It's awesome and I love him more every time I see it!!

Ok, back to the real world . . .

MA, so sorry for all the trouble. It's so hard when you're medical options are so limited. We have the same problem here. My perinatologist was fine, but he tried to sell me hats. Sooooo weird! He found out I run a store and wants me to carry some hats from Italy. He's Italian so maybe he's helping family or friends, but still I thought it a little unprofessional and I also kept thinking . . .Do you not make enough as a perinatologist you have to sell hats???? Good luck with everything.

Sunshine, and Austin, I get my blood work back in a week so I'm hoping next Monday. And BTW, I am not out of the closet completely. I have told everyone at work but still have not told family. A little weird, not sure why I'm hesitating. Anyway Austin I can barely wrap my head around one baby, let alone three. I think before the scan, even though I went through weeks of MS, it was all theoretical. Talked to DH about telling family and he said, " let's wait it's still early." I think I will be 8 months along and he will be saying ". . let's wait it's still early." I think it's a form of denial.

Vivienne, again so glad you are ok. Many hugs!!

Codegirl and Rottpaw, let's go mommies!!! Can't wait and I bet you can't either. Rottpaw happy you're on bed rest!! Enjoy!!

Missmuffett, so exciting to register!!! I think I'm on my last leg of regular clothes. Using the belly band pretty regularly these days. Think I will have to take a trip to Target and Old Navy this weekend to get a few essentials.

AFM, although I've talked about myself through out the post, headed to Book CLub tonight, will let the cat out of the bag there. I talked to my main boss today and told him the news. He was very excited for me and honestly expressed the possible issues that would arise from the possible promotion I'm seeking in the fall. I appreciated his encouragement and he said," if anyone can handle it all you can!" Nice vote of confidence. My direct boss also went to bat for me and said she would pick up any necessary slack until I returned to work if that's what it would take to get me the job. I was pretty suprised as we do not always see eye to eye. So we'll see. It would double my salary and really help out with the cost of day care.

Ok I'd better go. Have a good night everyone! xxxx Anna
Hey ladies!

I think Code and I are definitely ready for these babies to toddle on out! I know we both want to avoid being induced. I would LOVE it if baby would come on his own, maybe over the weekend or anytime before Tuesday LOL! that's the current date the doc is tossing around for induction. We'll see if my blood pressure cooperates and she will let me wait longer, or if it will not matter (she may also induce just based on size alone). i'm praying baby comes on his own whenever God is ready because I would sure like to avoid induction AND avoid C-section. :thumbup:

Viv I am so glad you guys are okay! It sounds very scary and I am so sorry for the terrible loss of life and destruction of property. :hugs:

MA I am SO happy to hear your beta was great! Everything sounds like it's going perfectly so try not to stress even if the docs are cretins. I am so sorry about the medical care there and I definitely agree - go farther afield if you need to, even if it means some driving. You won't regret that!

Anna I am LOL at your hubby. Mine was that way a little too, in the beginning. He'll come around, don't worry! Wait till he can feel (and see!) baby kicking and on ultrasound. He'll fall in love, I promise!

Steph, good to see you! And my doc actually said that the babies ALL seem to know when Dad is called over to feel a kick. I know mine has never cooperated (he knows he's being watched) and the doc said she hears that all the time! Somehow, they do know! :haha:

Sunshine and Austin, I LOVE Bon Jovi. Some friends are going to that concert here soon and I am soooooooooo jealous!

Junebug - :hi: and hope all is well with you!

PS guys has anyone heard from Chris (Sveta?) I hope everything is okay with her.

I cannot believe your Dr. asked you to buy hats. That seems like it REALLY crossed a line. I've seen some Dr.s carry Noni Juice and some other pyramid scheme business products. I really find it to be unprofessional. ESPECIALLY when you have a practice specifically for medicine and your not a naturopathic Dr. who has actual knowledge in what your selling and the effects it can have or interactions with other drugs.

Sounds like work is going really well. They sound very supportive! That's great to have that kind of support in the workforce! Your hubby must be pretty nervous. Your twelve weeks. Has he seen the heartbeat yet or the baby move?? I know it took Doug awhile to just comprehend the new life we had. This pregnancy he seems a bit more excited and ready. He's actually been more joyful and less freaked out than I have. Which is pretty awesome. We pray every night and he lays his hands on my belly and prays over the baby(ies) for my womb to hold, for good health for baby(ies) until Oct. and for my body to be free of infection and anything foreign. God really did hand-pick such a wonderful man for me. I can't imagine my life without him or God in my life.

Angela, maybe nows the time for hubby to start those back massages. I keep hearing how they can induce labor as does rigorous housework. I AM praying for your blood pressure to go down some for your safety and the baby's. It sounds like no matter what, it's time for him to come. Sounds like he's big and your just having so much discomfort that as long as he comes soon, it doesn't really matter how as long as you both are kept safe. :hugs: I pray you get the birth you hope for dear friend. God is good. I know He's with you!

I haven't seen Chris at least for I think a little over a week or so post. Praying she's doing fine and just busy. :thumbup:
Thanks Rebekah! That is definitely how I feel - i'm just ready for him to get here, however it needs to happen! Praying he comes on his own and without induction or section, but as long as he's safe and healthy I'll deal with whatever we need to do to get him here!

I will mention the back massages to hubby. They sound wonderful! Of course, he has been doing some reading of his own and is fully convinced that a whole lot of :sex: would get the job done. :haha: He won't shut up about it! Last thing in the world I feel like doing right now - I only feel like :coffee:!! :haha: But I am willing to try just about anything at this point, even though I'm not really in that mood!

Thank you so much for your prayers and I'm continuing to pray for your healthy pregnancy and that you are able to get to some seriously good docs!! :hugs:
Thanks Rebekah! That is definitely how I feel - i'm just ready for him to get here, however it needs to happen! Praying he comes on his own and without induction or section, but as long as he's safe and healthy I'll deal with whatever we need to do to get him here!

I will mention the back massages to hubby. They sound wonderful! Of course, he has been doing some reading of his own and is fully convinced that a whole lot of :sex: would get the job done. :haha: He won't shut up about it! Last thing in the world I feel like doing right now - I only feel like :coffee:!! :haha: But I am willing to try just about anything at this point, even though I'm not really in that mood!

Thank you so much for your prayers and I'm continuing to pray for your healthy pregnancy and that you are able to get to some seriously good docs!! :hugs:

Isn't that like a man to bring up the sex aspect. :winkwink::haha: My husband would be right on that one too. Just be sure that BEFORE you give him what HE wants, that HE gives you that massage. If anything to relieve the stress and tension for you. I always say give n take a bit. :winkwink::thumbup: Once I get a massage Doug can do whatever the heck he wants. :rofl: :thumbup:
LOL I like the way you think!! Good plan!!

LOL I like the way you think!! Good plan!!


They should also get brownie points for bringing before us something like chocolate chip cookies, pieces of chocolate candy or anything sweet and enticing.:winkwink: When :sex: is on the mind, they kinda don't think so much about the brownie points they'd get. :lol:
Morning, ladies!

Junebug - such a pain to get the computer all squared away, isn't it? We FINALLY bought a new one a few weeks ago (after eight years!), and I still have a bunch of things to transfer.

MA - Okay! I know where you are now :) A little south of the city. I grew up in Rochester and have made about a million trips up to the Islands, so I passed through the Syracuse area frequently.

Codegirl - here's hoping this little one makes an appearance in the next few days!

Good luck with your appointment this morning, MissMuffet :) Too funny about the baby knowing not to kick Daddy!

Wow, Pablo - that's awesome about you bosses! I hope it all works out for you. Doubling the salary is ALWAYS a good thing!

Too weird about the hats, though...

Hey, Rottpaw - fingers crossed for a healthy delivery by this weekend! Funny how sex is always the answer with the hubbies, though. I swear they're all the same!

Have a good day, everyone :)
Morning ladies!!!

Terri and Angela, hope those babies don't keep you hanging in there much further! Sending some labour vibes your way! Hope you're getting rest, Terri it's awesome of your mom to help you out and paint E's big boy room! My mom and her friend finished my future nephew's nursery last weekend...

Speaking of which I forgot to mention, I'm going to be an aunt in the next few weeks :happydance: My sister is due March 14th and has finished work last week. Now we're just waiting for the little guy to come! His name will be Mathéo :cloud9: That's the name I wanted for a boy but Nathan vetoed it.

MA I hear you for wanting to go further to get better care, I would do the same in your shoes! Hopefully they'll be able to coordinate something through your OB so that you don't have to travel so far for every apt. I did this for my pregnancy: I work in a tertiary care hospital and decided to be followed there, despite the fact it was over 1 hour from home, 2 in rush hour traffic. Now we've moved closer so we're only 45 minutes away in rush hour traffic thankfully!

Steph, too funny! My DH didn't believe me for a while that she was kicking because she'd go all quiet when he tried to feel her :) Although he did feel her at 17 weeks, then nothing until over 30 weeks :rofl:

Viv, how are things? Thinking of you :hugs:

Angela LOL on DH trying to convince you to :sex: to bring on labour! Typical ;-)

MA so great your DH is so supportive and helpful! Yes you're definitely lucky. It sounds like he is helping to keep you grounded and excited about the pregnancy! BTW, no I haven't tried bikram yoga (the hot yoga), I'm a little ball of sweat doing any exercise in normal temperatures, I'd probably come out of a hot yoga class in need of an IV for rehydration :rofl: Did you try your yoga DVD? How is your appetite doing?

Ahhhhhh 80's hair bands, brings back memories...

Anna, we didn't come out of the closet until 14 weeks. Our 8 week ultrasound had shown something which raised our risk of trisomy 18 (much worse than Down syndrome/trisomy 21) to 1/10 and we weren't going to disclose the pregnancy unless the results were good. Thankfully the CVS showed normal female chromosomes, so then we told everyone, including our families. People were shocked that we waited so long, but it's not about them, it's about when YOU are ready! Yep, DH was also in denial, LOLLL. And you have awesome bosses, lucky lady!

Chris, 8 years? Wow that must have been a good computer! Mine barely make it to 3 years, there is always something pooping out on me. I always get lemons it seems. Appears my computer survived the transition to Windows 7 but the real test will be tonight. Didn't have the chance to play with it last night, had some errands to run while dad watched Zoë after she went to sleep and Nathan was out rehearsing with his band...

I hope everything is good with the other Chris (Sveta), it's true she hasn't posted for a few days.

I'm getting more and more broody now that I'm getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly! I think we missed the egg by 2-3 days (usually ovulate days 16-17 but we BD'ed day 20), so we'll pay more attention next month. I really really want to be pregnant again NOW!!!

OK off to dictate the last patient's letter now, will check in later. HUGS everyone, hope you're having a great hump day!!!

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