35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Congrats on your anniversary Beth!!! Sounds like it will be a great night. Yes excited to have you as a bump buddy!!!!
Hello all!

Good morning. It's a bit quiet on here, so ill just say hi and hope everyone is well.

Steph, have you told DH?

Beth, hope your anniversary was fun.

Angela, how is everyone in your house?

MA, you've been quiet, is everything ok? You're usually the master poster.

Vivienne, how are things a with you?

Jules, how are things with Gabby?

AFM, nothing to tell. Jo had a hard night last night. I think it's another tooth. Will it ever end? But everything is going well.

Happy Thursday!!
Hey ladies, just a quick post from me but we are all well, or almost so. Ethan still has a bad cough but seems fine otherwise. So sorry I'm MIA but promise a better update shortly!

Hugs to all and happy Thursday!
Hi All,

I did tell DH, he was happy about it. Went to Dr office today and had it confirmed. We have a prenatal orientation on Jan 31st. Get to do the glucose test and from then they will schedule my 1st ultrasound. YAY.

Ok, at work and cant really type, will check back later.

Hi Ladies!

Hope you are all well! YAY Steph on the confirmation! So glad I have a bump buddy here!

Angela - sorry about little Ethan's cough. Poppy had one at New Years and it is jarring to hear such a noise from a little one. Hoping it goes away soon!

Anna - hi! Sorry about the issue with the grandparents, that is a narrow line to walk but you are right, she can't be wet through like that! Hoping that went better. Poppy had a tooth soooooo close and it's been driving him nuts but I think there are more that aren't quite so close but coming in. I swear it's been non-stop for us too for Months! this will be tooth #8 but I think there are more coming soon as he chomps HARD in the back and sides. sigh. poor things!

Viv - so nice to have you back!!!

AFM - morning sickness abounds. But I'm armed with crackers and gingerale. I made a mistake on the U\S date - it is a week from today! yay! It will be our 1st one! Charlie is irritated because it's the day before his company has a big move but he wouldn't miss the hearing of the heartbeat. :)

Our anniversary dinner was lovely. He wears a tie to work everyday so he always dresses nice and I dressed up too when he went to get the food. We had a lingering dinner while poppy slept upstairs, and had a great time. Thank you all for the happy wishes!

I just finished up doing a contract work for my old company. It's nice - I do it all remotely and have a couple of hours every few months.

ok, must go back to the couch before Poppy stirs too much so I can rest a little more. :) attached is the new scally hat I made him the other day. My little model loves my hats!


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Happy Friday!!

Thanks for the up-dates girls!!

Beth, he is soooooo cute!! I love the hat!! Will you make me one too?? Just kidding but your talents are limitless!! Yeh for ultra sound!! Hope things are going well for you, that MS is a bear.

Steph, woohoo for confirmation!! Hope you've had a good week. Glad DH knows.

Angela, love the pop- ins. Sorry to hear Ethan still has a cough, so does Jo. I never did take her to the doctor, but if its not gone by this weekend I may to make sure no respiratory infection. She's just been sick for too long.

AFM, Nothing new to report. Jo is still teething, not eating much. It was a crazy morning as I had to get us all packed for the weekend before work. We're leaving this afternoon, myself from work, won't be going back to the house. So all had to be done before work which is a crazy time regardless. DH had to dress Jo for the day and you would have thought I'd asked him to solve the world hunger crisis. Miraculously he managed to pull it off and neither was the worse for wear. So we are packed and off for another adventure. However, two weekends in a row of going out of town and i'll be ready to be home for a weekend. Just need time to get stuff done. On the weight loss front, one more pound down. I'm trying to be excited that I didn't gain anything, but after such a good start, I'm bummed it's only a pound. But I guess after my bender last weekend, it's to be expected.

Mexico looms, dreaming of white sandy beaches . . .
Have a good weekend, we will have Internet so i'll check in. . . .

P.S. MA, thinking of you, hope all is well . . . .:hugs:
Morning ladies,

It's been quiet on here.

Beth- love the hat you made for Poppy!!!! In fact I have loved all the clothing you have made for him that I have seen. You are so talented!

Anna have a great weekend! Sounds like you will have a blast. Soon you'll be able to get Jo her own skiing stuff and she will be right next to you you on the slopes!

Angela I hope Ethan is feeling better. How is Reece?

Rebekah how are you? I miss you. I hope you are ok.

Jules/Viv hope you both are well miss you too.

AFM I have been completely exhausted the past few days. Just starting to feel nauseated but not too bad. Which kind of freaks me out. As well as the fact that when I miscarried I got pregnant in January. So please pray for a sticky bean. In the meanwhile I will try not to fret and stress. We are gonna take it easy today maybe go to the mall and get Katiebug some new shoes. I'll check back later.

Hey ladies!

Sorry I've been so scarce here this past couple weeks. Of course everyone was sick last week and then we were on vacay this past week. My mother in law came with us and, as always, was a huge help, but it has been a crazy week even so, with Ethan still coughing/runny nose/generally feeling pitiful, and me losing even more sleep than usual as Reece has suddenly decided to fight me at every nursing session. :dohh: :dohh: :coffee: it has been frustrating, as during the first part of the week everyone seemed to be doing well, then the week sort of devolved into the nursing issues and continued sickness for poor ethan bug. I can tell I am also still fighting this illness that everyone else in the family has had. But, all in all it was still wonderful to get away from the dreary weather at home, and get into the sunshine and moderate temperatures we enjoyed this week. Yay for vacay!

Anna, I hear you on the teething. Poor Ethan has been getting absolutely hammered with new teeth just one after another after another. We are having to give him Advil almost every day just so he can eat! I'm with you... Does it ever freaking end? Poor munchkins!! I know he's hurting when he refuses to eat. Hope Jo gets over it soon as well and these kids can get a break!

Steph, I'm still SO excited for you and Beth, and I am praying all goes perfectly for both of you. I hope that you don't have too much nausea, but at the same time i know it is scary when you feel like symptoms subside, etc. Did you say they do the glucose test this early? I hate to think of you having to drink that stuff when you are already nauseated! :hugs:

Beth, happy belated anniversary and hugs! How are you feeling sweetie? LOVE the cap on Poppy and I am so amazed at all your baking, cooking and knitting skills! I am knitting an afghan, but it is literally a three or four year project already,..and no completion date in sight lol!

Rebekah, like others I'm praying you are doing well, and are getting out and spending time with your sweet girl and hubby. Update us when you can. And be sure you are taking your vitamin d! :hugs:

Viv, SO good to see you post here again! Congratulations on the engagement! And Callum is just precious. Such a cutie!

Jules honey I hope you and sweet Gabby are well!

Well ladies, my mother in law is taking care of Reece overnight for us so we can catch a little more sleep, so I'd better run and take advantage of that gift. Hugs and love!
Hi all!

How was everyone's weekend?

Steph, I know it's hard, my lack of pregnancy symptoms really freaked me, but not every pregnancy is the same and not everyone gets sick. Sending lots of sticky bean dust your way!!!

Angela, I'm so happy I'm not the only one giving my kid pain relievers. I feel like Jo gets Tylenol daily. So happy MIL was there and gave you a hand. Vacation sounds awesome! I hope you got a good nights sleep! Hope everyone is on the mend, but sorry you are fighting it too. How are you feeling today? How's Ethan? Those darn colds that linger. Lots of hugs to the little man.

AFM, well it was a weekend of the good, the bad and the ugly. W were in Wolf Creek and I've never been there before. It's beautiful and the group we were with was really great. The weather could not have been more gorgeous, with temps feeling like spring. Jo on the other hand had a rough time sleeping and ended up spending the night in our bed two nights. And she is not a quiet sleeper. Any one traveling with a tot and have any advice? It's never happened before, and now I'm worried about Mexico. We could tough it out for a few nights, but not for a whole week. It wouldn't have been that bad if I hadn't gotten yet another round of stomach flu.

Yesterday we went for a long cross country ski and I felt fine. Came home, took a shower, and still fine. Then around dinner time didn't feel that great, an hour later I was curled up on the couch with fever and nausea. By the end of the football game I was done, made it to our room and tossed everything (sorry TMI). Luckily that was the only time I threw up and my fever broke a few hours later, but sharing the bed with a restless toddler was the last thing I needed. I'm week today and REALLY don't want to go to work, but all will work out. I'm just in survival mode today. Anyway all told the weekend was a success and we got some great cross country skiing in. Plus with all the sunshine , good hit of vitamin D.

...speaking of, MA, you've been MIA. I'm a little worried. Hope you're just spending time with DH and Amelia.

Happy Monday!
Oh Anna I am so sorry about the stomach flu! And yes, traveling with these little people is definitely an adventure all in itself. We are driving home now, and so far today we have seen or done all of the following (in many cases, more than once): packed up the condo and car with not one but two screaming children (I actually think that may have been what I consider Ethan's first full-blown, red white and blue temper tantrum, and before 9 am to boot), one screaming howling dog (who despite never once being abandoned in the four years we have had her, always thinks she will be left), approximately eleventy-billion snotty kleenex from poor Ethan's constantly running nose, one infant carrier/carseat and sleeper COMPLETELY wrecked from a poop volcano, a cleanup that (much like peanut butter) got absolutely everywhere and on everything before it got better...(sorry if anyone was eating lunch! :blush:) and an infant whose poor little head got whacked on the seat belt buckle when daddy, trying to be helpful, yanked out the boppy that I had positioned to keep exactly that from happening. Throw in some assorted crumbs and salt all over the console of my new car from where hubby (ironically, not the children!) turned over the Zaxby's fries, and it's been a fun afternoon! :rofl: all first world "problems" of course, and no big deal( but traveling with little peeps sure is never boring! Meanwhile my poor monkey Ethan had had only some goldfish today (all he would eat despite being offered both breakfast and lunch so far) :-( I think between this never ending cold and his teeth he is just over food. Poor kid. He is going back to the dr this week if he is not better soon. I think his cough is getting worse instead of better.

Anyway, Anna on the sleep, will she sleep in a pack n play? What did you do for her sleep last trip to Mexico? Ethan does well in his pop or have you seen the peapods? Very cool for camping etx and we have one though have not tried him sleeping in it yet.
Hi Ladies. Popping in after an interesting weekend.

Sorry for the MIA. Started that Doug ended up taking Friday off because my Dr. recommended I go into prompt care. I had tingling in my left foot and hand along with pain on my side. I called the Dr.'s to make an appointment with the nurse practitioner and they refused to see me because they thought it could be heart related. Got to prompt care and had a cocky Dr. (Doogie Hauser) who had great knowledge but crap bedside manner. In fact, when he asked if I had all my shots I told him I forgot to get my rabies shot. :rofl:

He said they don't deal with heart patients either and sent me to the stinken ER for more testing. 3pm until 1030pm (thank goodness I had sense to take Amelia to my parents an hour away) and they couldn't find ANYTHING wrong with me. Good Gawd! I could have just gone to the nurse practitioner had they not made a big deal out of it. I'm guessing 1 of 2 things. Either A., it's muscular because my back also hurts between the shoulder blade area and a nice massage will take care of it OR it's Vitamin related...Maybe B vitamin. I know D levels can cause aches but I'm taking my D vitamins.

Got that over and we all ended up in bed around 1am after picking Amelia up from grandparents and traveling the hour home. We were up by the crack of dawn to meet up with my Aunt and Cousin then to the farmers market which was a downer. We decided to go BACK to my parents an hour away and pick mom up to go to the Amish Market to stock up heading to the Carters, Gymboree and Stride Rite outlet where I saved $$$. In fact, I bought 400.00 worth of clothes for next winter for little over 50.00 with our gym bucks and clearance. :happydance: (((PRAISE)) I was bummed though since I bought a pair of shoes another size up at stride right not knowing I could have gotten 2 pairs for 40.00 either online or my local store. Live and learn.

Sunday we hoped to go to a new church we have been contemplating only to wake up and finding out that the service in the evening we THOUGHT they had was a prayer meeting. :rofl: So next weekend we'll have to go. Went to Home Depot and bought an Americana chandelier for the kitchen. Would you believe Doug actually installed it himself to SPITE he was afraid he couldn't do it?? We also painted our kitchen an 1800 color from Benjamin Moore called "Revere Pewter". Looks LOVELY in the kitchen.

Doug is going to work on changing out a handful of our outlets to childproof. Since he did the new light he's more confident. We're saving money too as we would have been charged 600.00 for the light he put in AND the same amount of child proof outlets which are only 1.12 a piece.

So to answer, I'm doing well. I DO still have tingling in my toes and hands as well as the back...Doug is going to take us for our anniversary for massaged though.

Our anniversary is the 9th and he has to work so he's hooked up my parents a week early and we're going to go to the spa for private yoga, dual massages (I'll get some acupuncture as well) and the waterfall jacuzzi then out to dinner. HOPEFULLY a deep massage will be just what I need to get my back pain under control.


Steph. :happydance: I can't believe two of you are already pregnant. Please send us some of that water please! I got my meds again for the end of the month in Feb. We're going to start in March. I'll need a sono to see my lining which I hope is thing or I will need provera to get a period.

We have 4 rounds of IUI'S which came by surprise as I thought we only had 3. Praying for one more happy, healthy full term pregnancy and then I think we'll adopt from there. I don't think I could do too many other fertility treatments. They really take a toll on me. After one more baby/ies I'll start exercising like crazy and be able to stay on the meds that help me lose weight. I had to pick one or the other this time around because you can't get pregnant on several diabetes meds. My hope is to lose weight and get healthy.....Until then I just plan to exercise and eat right....no matter what I'm getting insulin in my body which stores as fat so I'm just focusing on the happy outcome which is WHY I'm back on the pump.

Amelia is doing well. She too was teething last week. She seems to be having more tantrums lately. She's even tried to bite me a couple of times. I've had to be firm about that. She's eating more and more foods and is now saying "here kitty kitty" with gramma. She IS a whole lot of fun!

Anna, "The happiest Toddler" was dumb! Doug and I are going to put it in the yard sale in the summer. To me it's condescending and makes her worse. She drags her tantrums on when I say "oh, oh!! Your MAD, your really, really Mad!". Just dumb. :rofl:

Well, I'm tired right now so I'm going to call it a night on the computer.

If I'm not on as much it's mainly because I'm trying to spend MORE time with Doug and Amelia. So I'm getting my housework done in between. It's working because I have to say I HAVE had more fun with them this weekend.

Love to you all
MA,:hugs: so good to hearr from you! Glad all is well, although the tingling thing worries me. Hope the massage works. If I ever win the lottery I'm hiring my own massage therapist to have daily massages. I think it's one of the best things in this world.

Also LOL on the happiest toddler!!! I have not seen it yet, but appreciate the review. Have a great time with Doug. That sounds like a GREAT evening.

Lastly, we have an Oshkosh outlet here and I stocked up at Christmas time. Jo is wearing a pair of floral overalls today from there. I couldn't believe the deals!! Woohoo Amelia will be one well dressed little girl.

Angela, you make me laugh!! I can totally commiserate. I changed a blow out in the back of the pick up on our way home and it was EVERYWHERE!! Howling dog, check, food all over, check. Josephine LOVES being in the front seat of the truck. All those buttons to push and play with that getting her back in her car seat takes an act of god.

I do hope Ethan feels better soon. Pool little guy. Jo still has a lingering cough and its been over a month.

AFM, Well I whimped out and went home early from work yesterday. I was asleep by 9 and woke up at 7. 10 hours of sleep and I feel human again. DH got a contract he had bid on and now has a good amount of work lined up for the spring. THANK GOODNESS!! So Mexico is back on. We may have to settle for Puerta Vallarta instead off the new city, but a beach is a beach and I won't complain. Not when I was afraid it wasn't going to happen at all. Now I just have to make sure I can go when DH is free. We're going to try for the second week in April. I think it will be ok, but the ski area may still be open and that usually means no go. But the last week is so slow I'm thinking it will be ok. Fingers crossed.

Steph and Beth , hope our mamas are doing well.

Have a good Tuesday!
Angela, one more thing . . . Jo usually sleeps well in pack and play. Last year she had a crib at the hotel in Mexico. We will request one again and take blankets and sheets from home so it smells like home. Quick question . . . Is Ethan in a toddler bed yet or a crib? Reason I ask is that's an option, giving her her own bed. But she tosses and turns so much I would be afraid she would fall out. Any thoughts?

Thanks Anna
Anna Ethan is still in his crib... I'm in no hurry to get him out as I fear he will never go to sleep when he can get up and play with things lol! Think it depends on whether you think she would stay put for you... Id go for the crib if hotel has one
Just wanted to ask...What are you feeding your totts for meals? I'm just trying to plan meals ahead of time. I don't want her to get bored so I thought I'd ask what everyone does for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time. So far so good here.

I'm still having some terrible muscular pain. I hope the massage works. I'm hurting pretty bad. Feel like I've been hit by a mack truck. Dr.'s don't know what it is so I'm left feeling like this hoping it will just let up.

Well, back to watching Parenthood. The house looks like a storm blew in because baby bear has played hard all day. I'm too exhausted to pick up right now. I'll wait an hour. lol

Praying all is well and that those of you with illnesses start feeling better.

Love ya'll!
Hugs rebekah, and I am so sorry for all that you dealing with! I hope they can get you some answers...and that the massage helps. A massage sounds heavenly right now and you have got me thinking about getting one myself this weekend!

For meals, Ethan usually eats: cheese cubes, fruit and veggie pouch, cereal or toast and milk for breakfast; rotisserie chicken, veggies and a starch at lunch and dinner is either the same type of thing as lunch, or it's some of what we are having. Occasionally gets a peanut butter sandwich or cheese sandwich at lunch, depending on what he has eaten earlier in the day. For lunch and dinner, veggies might be broccoli, corn, peas, carrots, green beans etc. he likes berries and eats those at breakfast sometimes. Snacks are usually goldfish, Annie's snack crackers, peanut butter crackers or puffs. He gets 3-4 bottles a day still, around 4-6?oz each. I just haven't got him off of bottles yet. He really likes his bottles and will drink water from a sippy but mostly ignores milk in a sippy. Hope that helps!
Thanks Angela,

Funny you mentioned it..Amelia drinks water from sippy cup but refuses milk in it as well. I've had friends freak out over getting off the bottle at 15 months and so I was thinking she was behind. Hearing Ethan is still on the bottle it just tells me that they are where THEY need to be. Even Doug said she's not ready, when she is, she'll drink it from sippy cup. It IS good to hear this though.

Hm, I haven't given her cheese other than melted in pasta. I may do that next then. She had pasta and meatballs with peas today. Homemade. I'm getting back into meat again. I've been wondering if this could also be an issue. I STILL plan to eat more vegetable dishes....I'm just not sure vegan is right for ME. Maybe I'll try it again once I actually lose weight, however I tend to do better on a low carb diet.

Oh how I PRAY the deep therapeutic massage works. I'm in a LOT of pain right now. Mainly between the shoulder blades. Pain on my side and still have the tingling. I noticed it as I was picking up Amelia and dancing with her for an hour. I just feel weak and in pain. I have a lot of things to weed out but Vitamin D, B and the vegan thing has crossed my mind. Help me Rhonda. lol

hope your all doing well. I'll get there. I think it's time I focus on the positive and as some of you have said, cut myself some slack.

How are you ladies doing with morning sickness??

It's freezing here and we have lots of snow and are getting more overnight. Brrr. Waiting for Doug and then we'll snuggle with some comedies.
Bek Ethan LOVES cheese. On things, in things, by itself... He is a cheese fanatic lol! Mostly he gets real cheese like Cabot, which I prefer him to eat and I cook with it a lot, but he also eats American cheese occasionally. I buy the blocks of Cabot and cut it to size myself, as I think the bagged ones are too large in size for him yet.

I hope the massage helps. Re: food, I could never do without meat and dairy and literally think I would find it mentally depressing as well as not a good diet for me. Vegan may work fine for Doug but may not be right for YOU. :thumbup: I will pray you figure out what is best for you! There is a saying here in the south - If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! :)
Hi all!

So good to read your banter it cheered me up tons. My boss just called and was a total Bitch (sorry for cussing but there is no other word for it). And she was this way right off the bat with NO reason. Just put me in a sour mood. But reading your lovely posts has lifted my spirits!!

MA, JO was forced to go sippy cup due to day care (grrrrr), but still loves her bottle and we use it for bedtime, naps, and when feeling bad. She prefers it. For food breakfast is usually yogurt, banana, and milk. Lunch: some kind of protein, usually Turkey, fruit ( raspberries or strawberries are her favorite) and veggie ( she loves carrots, green beans and broccoli.) Dinner is some chicken usually( or whatever we're having), a veggie and fruit for dessert. Cheese, cheddar is a FAVORITE!! She is a cheese-a-holic. Snacks, fruit packs, graham crackers, gold fish. She drinks a lot of milk! She's a milk-a-holic too. Especially when she feels bad or is teething.

Hope you feel better!! So sorry you a feeling so poorly.

Angela, yes I think keep her in her crib too. And good to know Ethan is still using a bottle, I'm with MA, some people are fanatic about getting off bottle at 15 months, but she's not ready. How is Ethan feeling? How's the cold?

AFM, still struggling with this stomach thing. Woke up last night around3:45 nauseous. Feeling better now though. Good news . . . Booked Mexico trip!! Woohoo, and bit financial bullet and went the adventure route. Man I hope I don't regret it. Anyway, something to look forward to, get me though these winter days. Which aren't that bad, it's almost 70 in Denver today. MA, send me some of that snow will ya?

Hope everyone has a good day, I'm determined to kick the crappy mood my boss got me in. Yuck!

Happy hump day! Anna
Hi Ladies!

Angela, I have to say that it IS depressing with no meat or cheese. Half my family is Italian (moms side) the other half is Irish/English. So meat and potatoes as well as loads of cheese and meat. :rofl: I just can't do it! I'm also getting a bit frustrated because I'm finding I have to make two dishes. The other day I made two batches of chili. One with beef the other with beans and veggies. While THAT dish wasn't two bad (I just split it in half) some days I'm making two totally different dishes. I'm a homemaker so I consider this part of my job, however it sometimes gets tedious.

An update on Doug...He IS eating more. I still don't think he's "getting" it though. NOW he's just loading up on carbs. ((sigh)) Last Saturday we went out and met my aunt for brunch. He ordered oatmeal with raisons, home fries and a bagel. :wacko: How is it that I'm the fat one and I consider myself to eat a healthier diet than most in my life?! :shrug:

As I sit here ,Doug is getting the car tire checked yet again. That's the 3rd time in two months. These are new tires and they are supposed to be top of the line 100,000 mile warranty. Yet they keep saying nothing is wrong with it. Same tire, same side. :wacko: He's missing time at work and I have to say he's missed quite a bit with the last few times not to mention the time he took off for taking me to the hospital. I'm afraid they'll fire him if he keeps this up. Granted this is nothing he can really do with any of the situations he's been late or absent but for a nurse on a cardiac unit, he's relied upon. We also NEED him to keep his job. Praying they don't get tired of him and that things start to calm down on our end with "emergencies" as his boss and the nurses have all been over and above great with working with him.

Also Amelia went right in for her afternoon nap. No fights and it's already been an hour. WOOHOO. I get PEACE!

I go on FB just to check in on my sisters in law and lurk but not been on as much. I'm actually liking the peace between that and the t.v. being turned off. In fact, I've been listening to the radio a bit more and have been hooked on talk radio at 5pm. I take that time to just relax, play with Amelia and make dinner. Doug has been letting me sleep in during the mornings. It's such a special thing he's doing for me. He takes Amelia out in the ergo with the Dogs and then does stretching with her. This morning he's said she raises her arms when he does. She really is quite cunning!

I started blogging again last night. Not sure where that will go as I really haven't blogged regularly since Homestead Blogger which no longer really exists since they changed the format and got hacked. I miss the old format and the women I learned from on there. I am SO GLAD we have this thread as you ladies have been such a blessing. Totally nicer format than most social media outlets.

I'm also getting back into couponing. Hopefully I can save us some money. Along with that I've started cleaning the craft room so I can get back in to quilting and my mom bought me a loom so I'm going to try my hand at looming this week.

Other than that, I'm bopping to old songs on the radio. "Your as cold as ice, your willing to sacrifice our love". Haven't heard that song in awhile. Oh how I miss the old days. lol I'm grateful for my husband and daughter though too so I wouldn't give these days up for anything. Hahaha

Anna, it's been funny here. We had no snow on the ground last week and now there's several feet. The guys across the street (teens and twenty somethings) had to park on their lawn because there was an off street law in effect for the plows. They got up and couldn't get their cars out. :rofl: Luckily one of their friends had a truck with a chain. It was quite comical watching them. Along with this has been the 9 degree chill though. I don't mind the snow...the freezing temps I could live without though. Thank God for the comfort of our own home!

Well, enough of my banter. Anna, praying for a better day! :hug: Congrats on the Vacay...can I hide in your luggage?

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