35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Meant to ask is anyone still breastfeeding at seventeen months? Callum just loves it still and is on there two/three times a day. Considering it took eight months to get it right I shouldnt complain that he still wants too!
SO glad your back Viv. We missed you!

As for me, I totally forgot to mention last post that as many of you, I had it out with Doug last night and made him sleep on the couch. I was LIVID!

What I didn't mention is that he's lost SO MUCH WEIGHT having gone vegan that he looks VERY sick and anorexic. I've been trying to tell him the last month but it's like telling a drug addict that they're addicted to drugs.:dohh:

At any rate, last night I was rubbing his back and felt his back bone all the way down. :cry: Granted before bed isn't exactly the appropriate time to have discussion but once I felt his back I was just taken back. That wasn't the only thing. Last weekend he tried on a pair of skinny jeans I found on sale. Not really knowing WHY they're called skinny. :haha: Well, he looked SO stick thin that I honesty was scared and embarrassed that he has gotten so thin that he didn't honestly see how thin he was.:cry:

At any rate, after I told him he was far too thin and needed to gain something....that I was afraid he was going to die...he pushed me off as over-reacting. He's said that this Dr. Essylstein's reverse heart disease says once you get to an optimal weight, it will taper off.

I was PISSED! First of all that he pushed me aside when I'm seeing DRASTIC weightloss. The fact that I'm his wife and love him. Second, He's going ALL THE TIME as a nurse. In order to STAY at an optimum weight you need to EAT. He's eating...YES....but he's eating vegetables that have no fat in them. He's not eating ENOUGH of them because his metabolism is fast and on the go all the time. He needs to put in MORE. He's lost weight, he's lost muscle completely and he just looks sickly. It's been an alarm going off the past few weeks, yet he keeps pushing me off. He was even approached by an older lady before she was laid off last month and she told him she was concerned about his weightloss.

After sleeping on the couch today....we met with my inlaws. Went to lunch and Dougs 73 year old dad said, "son, I want you to stop this diet your on. You've lost too much weight and you look very sick". He didn't say anything. When I asked him what he thought in the car he said, "I'm not hearing anything different than what I heard last night". He didn't say, " I get what your saying".

Just on the phone, I told him I'm stressed out. There's too much going on. He's losing WAY too much weight, we're dealing with Doug's parents right now because his siblings live out of state but won't directly step up to the plate to help figure out what living arrangements will be made when one passes. My father in law said he's not going to make it until next year and today he said he wants to make it to 75 (2 years) until June the month after his birthday. It's stressing my mother in law out, upsetting me too and then we have MY parents (I'm an only child) to deal with. He's been on this vegan kick, I've been feeling pressured to eat that way because he says it's healthy and well, it's expensive too so if we buy it, we better eat it. When telling him this over the phone, he says maybe we need to see someone to help us get through. Okay, I'm all for therapy....maybe it will help with the fact that I'm terrified to make love to a man whose lost so much weight his bones are sticking out. It's scary to me. I can also deal with trust issues from childhood and the anger and depression I've had since Jackson.....how do you deal with him wanting to STAY vegan but figure out how to gain the weight and have muscles. There ARE men who eat Vegan and look good. Happy Herbavore has just put a pic up here: Happy Herbavore

I don't think he's anorexic mentality. I think he just thinks all this will level out and that he looks GREAT but then will eventually level out. Truth is, he's not eating enough and he's lost muscle which has made him look sickly. I'm not sure who I would talk with. I don't know of many Vegan Nutricianists nor do I know many vegan weight trainers who will teach Doug what he needs to do and eat to be the man I once married. I love him no matter what. I just don't want him to die because he's not aware.:cry:
Meant to ask is anyone still breastfeeding at seventeen months? Callum just loves it still and is on there two/three times a day. Considering it took eight months to get it right I shouldnt complain that he still wants too!

Viv, I don't think anyone in here is still nursing with exception to Angela who just had her 2nd little guy. I'm not sure when Steph stopped Katelyn. It was recently though. Good going! He's very healthy with all that breast milk.
Hi Viv glad to see you back. I have been following you on Facebook for a while, But it's nice to have you here too. I recently stopped nursing about two weeks before Christmas. Katelyn was 20 1/2 months old. My main reason for stopping was that it was interfering with her sleeping through the night. But I do have friends who plan on nursing until their kids are two.

Rebekah sorry to hear about your fight with Doug. I hope his weightless tapers off and that he is able to see how concerned you are about him and realizes that he has lost too much weight. What does his physician say? Keep us posted.

AFM. Went to Disneyland today but didn't stay since katelyn still has a cold and we are having record breaking cold Temperatures. Also she was really tired and cranky. The. She only took a 30 min nap today so gonna try and put her to bed early tonight.

How is everyone else's weekend going?

Viv SO glad to see you back! As rebekah said I am nursing now, but with our second. I do give Ethan (the 22 month old) expressed breastmilk most days, so that makes me happy that he is getting that milk even though I'm afraid to try nursing him these days (he bites!)

Huge congrats on the wedding! And Callum is adorable!!

Rebekah I'm so sorry for the fight with Doug. There is definitely a point where guys, especially can get too thin and just look unhealthy, even if they feel fine. It can be hard to get all the necessary nutrients being vegan... My sister and her husband are vegan and he looks very healthy, but he is VERY serious about it and I feel sure he really makes the extra effort to get his protein, etc in to keep his muscle mass. You are definitely right that muscle is the first thing to go when eating that way, unless you are very careful with protein balance and strength training to keep up your muscle mass. I will pray he starts to do both if he wants to continue that lifestyle! And hugs through the teething. Ethan is teething still too, with about three teeth coming in at once at the moment, he is miserable and we are giving him Advil half the time for the pain. These poor munchkins!

Steph, so sorry it is cold there - it is record warm here, and we are in shorts in January lol!

Anna how is your weekend going sweetie?

So, some happy news from here for a change - got a new car today! :happydance: an SUV which will be the family truckster for the next oh ten years lol! We don't normally trade vehicles often...my last car I kept almost 12 years, but we got a great financing offer and decided to go for it. We LOVE it and hubby now says he wants to trade cars with me lol! I think we will all really enjoy it and I'm looking forward to driving it. We needed just a bit more room than my old car provided, and this one will be easier to sling strollers and things into. Still have to lift up to the level of the cargo bay, but don't have to fight with the sides/edges of the trunk and its shape. I'm thrilled with our new wheels and Ethan (who is currently obsessed with cars!) really enjoyed his trip to the dealership!

Hope everyone is well. We are exhausted but had a great day.

Love and hugs!
Hi Steph. Praying Katelyn starts feeling better. I had heard you've been having some interesting weather there. Stay warm and get better you all!

Angela. Hooray for new wheels! Oh how I wish we had someone closer for Doug to talk with that new about nutrician and muscle mass/protein knowledge. He could really use it. He is SERIOUS about keeping it. I honestly have no problem with him staying there IF and it's a big IF, he can find a way to get some weight on and get that muscle mass back so he looks healthy and not sickly. It really is alarming. He says it's helped him with the bp and cholesterol so I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt but he needs to do his part. I don't as I'm sure he doesn't, want our daughter growing up without a father. SAME for me though. I'm convinced that vegan lifestyle isn't for me. I'm having a tough time myself getting my insulin numbers down. I can't have soy because of thyroid issues and fertility drugs, have to avoid certain greens most of the time, wouldn't have dairy or cheese. It's just been very emotional for me. I'm overemotional with too many things going on at once.

A friend of mine sent me a free weightloss program and exercise program from Dr. Mercola. I'm not usually a HUGE fan of him because he sells products on his site. I find those people as money makers and not really helpful however this was free and there may be something there. I'm going to avoid Gluten products all together for the next few months and stick with GF grains along with low glycemic fruits and veggies with lean proteins and see how I do. I'm in belief that "I" lose the most weight using some kind of animal protein and exercising my bum off. My body is different from Dougs and always has....I don't know WHY I feel his way is the end all. More veggies YES. Less carbs and junk food during stress ...YES! However I need more meat protein. He scared the life out of me now though because I keep worrying if I'll end up with heart disease and not be able to watch our daughter grow up. My gram lived to 85 with diabetes eating dairy, eggs, cheese and all meats. MODERATION is the key she always used to say. That's where I'm at. I'm just not feeling my best and depressed...a lot of things need to change but I'll start with one thing at a time, one day at a time, etc.

Thanks so much for your encouragement ladies. I'll keep everyone posted as I get on.

Love and hugs to you all!!

P.S., Angela, Ethan is too cute! Love the avatar. Steph, any new ones of Katelyn??
Hi all.

Very sleepy this morning for some reason Katelyn woke up at around 11pm last nite (after screaming and crying trying to put her to bed) I soothed and put her back to bed about 10 minutes later and she freaked out. Started screaming and kicking in the crib shouting NO No No. I tried picking her up and she didn't wan me to. She was screaming Room so I thought she wanted to come into my room. Well she started screaming again. I finally took her to the living room and she calmed down and went back to slew instantly. I put her in her crib and she slept peacefully until 530am. I had just woke up and looked at the moniter and was thinking oh good she is still asleep when I heard Mommy. Well we had a replay of the 11pm hour where she screamed and cried until I took her to the living room to lay down. Since then she has been just as nice and playing quietly and laughing etc. don't know what the screaming episode was about. But mommy is SLEEPY.

Angela congrats on the new car. Glad you have more room for the fam.

Rebekah hang in there. I too wish we all lived closer. I would come over and give you a hug and we could work out together. At any rate will motivate each other.

Ok gotta get in the shower and go to church. We are redoing the nursery at the church and I have the new toys/ pack n plays and need to geth there early n

Love you all
Thanks for the warm welcome. :flower: Sounds like everyone has their plates full!

Rebekah, Doug sounds like he's taking the veganism too far?? It definitely would not work for me and sounds like it's not for you either. Can anyone at his work speak to him gently? Maybe an outside influence could help?
Yay Beth!!! :happydance: managed to read a month or so back so far!!!

We are in heatwave here, very warm all night , luckily Callum does well in hot or cold. Champion sleeper most nights thank goodness. 12 hours 7-7.

Interesting to read about the ear infection issues. Callum has had 8/9 so far and is getting grommets as his speech is delayed as was his walking. Plus side is he flies really well as his ears are already blocked!!! :dohh:

OK bed for me. Mon-Wed are my days off so I stay up a wee bit later, usually one or two am reading :dohh: but tonight determined to be asleep before midnight.
Hello all!! Wow so much happened over the weekend, it took forever to get caught up. However since it's -17 outside there's not much foot traffic so the store is slow and I've got plenty of time to read. . .

Vivienne!! Sooooooooooo good to hear from you! I am glad all is going so well. Congrats on the engagement! Callum looks great and great job on the BFing! Alas I stopped around 6 months. But I wished I had kept it up longer.

Angela, I am so jealous of your weather! Happy about the new car! I am determined to make mine last two more years. I just opened up a savings account for a new car so that hopefully in two years Ill have enough to pay cash and not have to finance it. Also glad to hear the boys are better, but sorry for the teething. If its not one thing it's another!!

MA, what a rough weekend you had. I was vegetarian for a while but was craving protein so badly, I ate worse as a vegetarian. Everyone is different, so do what works for you. As for Doug's situation. That's a tough one and I don't have any real words of advice other than I know you mentioned you don't think he's anorexic, but if he doesn't see anything is wrong you may want to re-think that diagnosis. Also maybe talk to his doctor that says he's fine. Either convince him you're husband is not fine, or maybe the doctor will have some good words of comfort or knowledge that will make you feel better. I swear you have some funky docs in your neck of the woods.

On the Facebook front I agree with you. I just recently joined and I can't for the life of me figure out what the big deal is. After the school shootings I had to stop going on, especially since one of the victims was named Josephine. It would just break my heart. Anyway there is so much crap on there that I visit occasionally, but that's it, would much rather be here.

Steph,sorry Disney was a bust, I feel you on the cold front. Burrrr! How's Katlyn's cold? And LOL about the washer!!! So sorry but that is too damn funny!!!

Beth, how are ya honey? Feeling alright?

AFM, well it was a banner weekend, and one I have no desire to revisit. We went to Denver for the weekend and went out Saturday night to a comedy club. All would have been well had our night ended there, but no then we went to another bar. Had a couple of more drinks there. Then we went to a club . . . And that's where the night took a turn for the worse. I had one more drink there, but someone in our group, who was a high roller, got us a private booth and a bottle of vodka. I didn't drink but one or two sips from there on out, but I think there was something in our Drinks, because I was SO MESSED UP! I will ask once again, how old am I? Anyway it was all couple except for this one guy who was really annoying. Somehow I ended up talking to him and he was fresh out of a break up. So I ended up getting his whole life story ad then we started talking about my marriage. Anyway somehow this guy got convinced that my marriage was going to end in the next year, that my husband was going to leave me and would I consider him in the future? That I was just what he was looking for . . WTF!!!!!!! I essentially told him he was living in a dream world. Anyway one of our friends doesn't drink so he drove us home. Which was good because we were the first out of the car. Apparently after we got out of the car, annoying uh had a total melt down, wanted to go to another bar, and when everyone else said no he freaked out. Wanted out of the car calling every body A-holes. Then he wanted to drive himself to another bar and our friend who was sober wouldn't let him, so he kicked him out of the car by the side of the road in sub zero weather!! Nothing like 40year olds acting like their 10!

Next morning, yesterday, I woke up at 8 and could barely walk or change a diaper, so I begged my parents (we were staying at their house in Denver) to take the baby for a couple of more hours as I couldn't function. Luckily by 10 I was back to a functional state, but man oh man what a night. Needless to say I have decided to lay off the booze for a while. While I've been doing well with just one drink a night and done, I think it's time to dry out for a few months and it will only help on the weight loss front.

So that's all from here but I think that's enough. I have to say I am so glad I'm not young anymore. That club was an eye opener. When I was young you could go out in jeans and a t-shirt. But this place all the women were in the tiniest dresses and the highest heels!! It was 0 dredges and I had more fabric in my sweater that they had on their entire bodies!! I know I sound old, but it was so different than when I used to party. Guys were all in suits. Too funny. Granted I am from the grunge era when a flannel shirt and a pair of combat boots was the in look. I would never survive the party scene these days.

So happy Monday!! Huge hugs to everyone and thank goodness My life is what it is, despite my bitching, I would not trade it for anything!! Ps I think Mexico is a go, we just have to figure out dates!!

Hi ladies

Anna- sounds like you had a fun weekend and getting plastered every now and then is ok. So glad that the Mexico trip is back on. Yay for some fun in the sun. Will ur parents be going again or just you Jo and hubby?

Viv- sorry if I'm being dense but what is a grommet? Is that a tube for the ears? I also forgt to say congrats on your engagement.

Angela how are the boys doing? You still winning the fight against the flu?

Rebekah how are things with you?

Beth did you get a date for your ultra sound?

AFM katelyn had her last appointment with the developmental folks due to her being preemie. She is right on track and actually at 24 months verbally and a few other places. She doesn't need to go back as she is doing great. Yay. Of course she cried the whole time. They would try to get her to play with stuff and she would yell No. She was not having it. But despite that she did great after warming up to folks.

Well my period is two days late but I'm not going to test until Wednesday or Thursday. So we shall see. I'm not holding my breath though. I will keep you all posted.

Ahhhh Steph, I will be on pins and needles!!

Me too. So exciting!:happydance::hugs:

Thanks Viv. We'll see what happens.

On Doug, He's been seriously looking at the vegan sites he's been going to and trying to find more information on what to eat when. He's obviously not getting enough for the amount he's on the go. I've also emailed Dr. Esselstyn's son with Engine 2 which is plant based. He's got several books out, some meals at whole foods stores and works out like crazy. Hopefully we will hear from them.

Honestly what I think we need is a plant based dietician and a consult with a plant based trainer to teach Doug what he needs to do to gain muscle with plant based diets. He got to the weight loss but as you've said, has taken it too far without being AWARE.

I told him I'll give him a month to figure this out and seek counsel with a dietician and/or trainer and if I see any more weight loss before then, we're going back to meat and dairy in moderation. I'm not trying to treat him like a child but I DO want to make sure we're healthy. People who get too thin can also have healthy issues....anorexia can cause the heart to stop. I can honestly say he's not "trying" to be. He IS eating and I noticed since yesterday he's been eating more. Had pasta with green beans, mixed veggies and an artichoke cake with marinara sauce. He eats oatmeal in the morning....mid afternoon I think he feels he gets too busy at home and at work to eat. I told him he cannot allow himself NOT to eat. At least carry something for several snacks when he gets busy. He's lost weight and is active so his metabolism is quite fast. (wish that were mine). So we'll see what happens.

As for me....I think I'm just dealing with SAD. I'm calling to have my vitamin B12 levels checked out. I'm taking vitamin D prescriptions and it will probably take a couple weeks to work. The darker, longer hours are hard here. It's on top of everything else going on. My FIL was put in the hospital 2 days ago and the same day, I encouraged my husband to ask them where they wanted to be in the case the other passes. They're in their 70's. Doug has two other brothers living out of state but we are the only ones nearby. About an hour and a half away.

I'm also seeing my numbers start to go down now on my blood sugar readings. That's a great bit of news. I DO wish we could start ttc but maybe waiting until the end of February will be good as the SAD will start to subside with the nicer weather in March.

I started exercising today. Nothing serious. I was watching biggest loser and decided to do crunches, lifts and jog in place. Amelia was giggling the whole time and then clung to my legs. I used her 20 lb body to life her up like a kettle bell 20 time x 2. It felt great and I noticed my numbers go down even better.

I'm noticing the key is exercise. OH how I HATE exercise! I used to be a dancer. I used to like gym class. For some reason....to get motivated to exercise sucks. Watching biggest loser and seeing what could happen if I don't incorporate exercise into MY life and make it a family event....well, I need to step up to the plate for them.

Lastly, Doug and I are thinking about going to counseling again. We just need some communication skills and I'm a HUGE part in blocking my marriage from any kind of growth. I hate my body. HATE LOOKING at that stupid apron belly. I hate looking frumpy and wish I could look nice in pants or a dress for a change. I also have to deal with this depression which I believe will start getting better once some weight is lost....but like those on the biggest loser, I have some issues that I need to deal with. Jackson's loss, missing my gram who was my mother figure, dealing with past emotional and physical abuse from my father (though he's really changed over the years) knowing how to deal with boundaries and hurts that I cannot change....dealing with new coping skills. I think once I open these doors it will help my relationships including my marriage. I'll begin to let my wall down and maybe start to at least trust my husband. I love him.....I just feel like in order for everything to go right, I have to always be in control.....otherwise, the heartache that happened with Jackson or anything else in my life will happen again. I blame myself for a lot of things. I even hate myself sometimes. I'm actually not even sure why I'm planting this on a forum for the whole world other than you ladies, to see.

So there it is. Believe it or not, everything isn't as bad as it sounds with me. I had a lovely day with Amelia. She really makes me laugh that kid. She's such a sweet girl. I'm blessed with her and Doug.
Hi girls!! Just popping by to see how everyone is doing.

MA, I'm sorry you are struggling today. Marriage is never easy. Lord knows you have all heard enough of my drama. I think counseling is great. And it is natural to blame ourselves for things, but it doesn't mean the blame is rationally placed. You have been through some really hard times, the loosing of Jackson I can not even imagine. Cut yourself some slack. No one is perfect, not by a long shot. Lots and lots of hugs, cause I think you need some...:hug::hug::hug:

AFM, Nothing to tell . . Working and freezing my YOU KNOW WHAT OFF!!!

:hugs: to all!
Rebekah I agree with Anna 100% RE; Marriage and cutting yourself some slack. And hopefully your SAD will start to decline with the B12 and Vitamin D. I giving you lots of hugs too!!!

Anna - stay warm! my parents were saying that it was -8 in Denver so I can only imagine how cold it is where you are!

AFM - Well I decided to take the pregnancy test early and apparently I didnt do it correctly because I got NOTHING. I guess I didn't pee on the thing long enough. I guess that is what I get for not waiting until tomorrow like I said I was going to LOL. I will check back later.

Good Morning Ladies!

Well I tested around 5:45am this morning and got :bfp:!!! Although I will say it took me a minute to figure it out as I got the test with the plus or minus and it was dark in my house so I wasn't sure if I was imagining the plus sign or not LOL. I knew I should have gotten the digital test that said Not Pregnant or Pregnant LOL.

I am going to go to the dr either today or tomorrow to confirm.. Although I will say, Katelyn has been clingy lately and the other day she looked at me and said baby! I then asked her if I had a baby in my belly and she nodded yes. hee hee.

I still haven't told my hubby and deciding how to tell him. Last time he was half asleep and it was a bit underwhelming :wacko:so I will try and make sure he is awake.

Oh YAYYYYY Steph!! So exciting!!!! Love all these bfps coming so close together!!! :hug: honey!
Steph!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

oh goodness, I am SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO happy for you! Bonus for me, I get company throughout the whole nine months!!!

yayayayayayay~ big congrats to you! Love the Katelyn said baby! :haha::haha:

oh so happy for you.

Just a quick post for me today - eating tons of chocolate - only thing that will stave off the morning sickness! Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary! Not going anywhere, just ordering a late take out dinner from a fancy place and eating it after Poppy goes to bed. As the 2nd anniversary is cotton, we bought each other a beautiful set of luxurious monogrammed sheets and a set of 6 monogrammed resort towels. :) And he have a dozen red roses waiting for me this morning. I'm not even baking if you can imagine that. We are getting a small 6" cake from where we had our wedding cake done, in one of the flavors we had. So it truly is a day for both of us!

ok gotta run, love to you all and Steph, SO happy!!!!

Woohoo!! Steph!! So happy for you!! Katelyn is psychic!! And so happy Beth has a bump buddy, so exciting.

I also meant to mention congrats on Katelyn's test scores. Speaking from personal experience she is heads and shoulders beyond Jo in the verbal department. So happy she has caught up.

AFM, not much to tell. Jo is good, a bit clingy these days, but how I love the mommy hugs! It's warming up today, 14 degrees this AM and it felt balmy. We're going out of town again this weekend. Friends have rented a cabin at Wolf Creek. It's a ski area to the south of us near Telluride. They have more snow than we do. Fun to get out of town again. I won't down hill ski, but with warming temps hope to take Jo for another cross country ski or two. Other than that struggling with my parents as daycare workers. They are great grandparents but I picked her up from them yesterday and she was soaked through. My mom doesn't want to change her because she fusses . . . :nope::nope:seriously?!! You have to change her!!! Anyway fingers crossed all goes better after our talk this morning. It's like walking a tight rope. I don't want to insult them, but at the same time, her welfare is paramount.

MA, how are you today? Feeling better?? How's that little cutie?
Angela, good to see the quick posts.
Beth, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I think tonight sounds perfect, and love the sheets and towels. There is something so right about good sheets and towels.
Vivienne, where are you working these days, meant to ask before.

Happy Hump Day!!

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