35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks ladies. I'm so worried about my sweet boys! :cry: it is SO hard when all Ethan wants is to be held (which of course I'm doing) but then I'm terrified he will infect the baby with whatever is causing this fever. He is just pitiful. Was up all night and finally got back to sleep at 6:30; is still sleeping now. He has an appt at dr this a.m.( and hubby will take him) for a CBC, and if bacterial profile they will write an antibiotic. This has been the longest week of my life. :cry:
Ps Beth praying for good numbers sweetie! On a slightly lighter note, to answer your question, having two is amazing...and terrifying, by turns! The craziest and hardest and best job I've ever had! I truly get the saying now, and I think it was erma bombeck who said, having kids is to know what it feels like to have your heart completely vulnerable and walking around outside your body for the rest of your life.
Angela - oh I'm so sorry for the little boys!!!! Poor little tykes being sick. :( I hope Ethan gets on the meds soon so the risks of passing anything passes. I hope you guys are all right! That was a high fever, I would have been so scared too!!!!!!!!

I will keep checking and praying things start on the recovery road soon.

And thank you for the answer - I'm so glad I have you to help me!

Received my numbers today - 406. I have to get retested next week. I asked what was good and if mine were ok - she was very nice and said, anything over 80 is good but they just want to be sure it is doubling or more by next week. I remember with Poppy that I had to go 3 times, every 3-4 days and that was nerve-wracking. I'm more calm this time but just slightly freaked. :) One week is a long wait sometimes!!!

must run - my house is a complete disaster. I don't know how this happens - I swear every morning looks exactly the same and it takes me a nap time to straighten up. sigh.

hugs - Angela, praying for you!
Hi ladies!!

Beth, great news on the numbers!! I remember getting tested every three days the first time too. My numbers didn't double but increased so I googeld (of course ). And in fact it many instances numbers don't double, but increase. Just a little don't freak FYI. And on the travel front, if you really want to do it, do it! My advice is prepare for the absolute worst and you should be fine. Embrace the chaos, know not all will go as planned. Have a credit card handy to buy the passengers around you a drink if the baby cries the whole flight, etc. If you ever decide to try it I would be happy to impart my words of advice. In the mean time, hope you are feeling well, huge hugs to poppy!

Angela, how scary!!! I am so sorry Ethan is so sick! I'd probably be in the hospital ER by now. I have heard infants don't get strep if that makes you feel any better, but any kind of infection is scary and I would be exactly the same, terrified the baby would get it. Fingers crossed they figure out what it is. Poor little. I'll be thinking of you, and while not religious, will prey to the powers that be that all recover in your house quickly.

MA, I hardly saved the day, but I am happy to hear you're feeling so much better. I think I need to take my own advice. . . More on that later. Love Amelia's little kitchen! She sounds so cute!!!! Glad all has calmed down at home. How's Doug's MRSA? Scary thing I read in a magazine the other day, they've found MRSA on airplane tray tables. (Beth, tip #1, when traveling by air, bring sani wipes, and wipe down EVERYTHING you can). Hope you have a great day!!

Steph, glad to hear Katelyn's cough is just a cold. How was Disney land? Did you go already?

AFM, hard start to the day. Got in an argument with DH last night, slept on the couch part of the night last night, after crying my eyes out. You are all probably tired of my marital woes. Anyway at times like that I think, I must be crazy to want to bring another baby into our life. Anyway, Jo went down really early last night ( DH put hear to bed in her clothes, seriously??!!) I was at yoga. So she was up really early this am, when I dropped her off at daycare today she was really tired. Poor little, hate leaving her when she's like that.

I also had a crazy dream last night where I was pregnant. Last time that happened, I was pregnant. Thing is I'm in the middle of my period. But the dream was so wild and coupled with how crazy emotional bitchy I've been lately, I may test just to make sure. ( and get some vitamin D.)

It's Thursday and I'll check in to see if Angela up dates and lets us know how she and the boys are.

Hugs to all!
Thanks Beth - and that is a great number! :happydance:

I will definitely pass along any wisdom I can as we go along! Not sure how much help I can be as I feel like I am definitely just muddling through, but I will sure try! :haha:

It definitely has been a stressful few days around here. So this morning, hubby and I ended up having a fight over whether to take Ethan to the dr for his CBC...to be fair, I did call the dr and ask what else can be done *before* Ethan was awake and temp had been checked, but in my defense he had such a bad night (worst we have ever had) that I don't feel like I could have possibly predicted he would wake up with a 97.6 temp. :dohh: sigh. Wile wonderful news, of course his temp bounced right back up over 101 literally within the hour, but while it was 97 hubby called and canceled our dr appt. :Bangsheadagainstdoor: he said he thought Ethan was "fine" this morning. Big argument and lots of tears from this exhausted and frightened mommy. Hubby thinks (as always) I'm just over emotional... Well, I'm not apologizing for that, because HE did not spend all day yesterday dragging these poor kids to the dr. And then seeing how pitiful and sick and clingy Ethan was and how miserable he was. I was just trying to do anything I could to make sure we don't miss anything and get him some relief earlier if I can. Anyway, he has had some more Advil and temp is still 101...but apparently we are waiting it out. Hubby has promised to take him to urgent care if needed later today. I could just smack hubby right now but don't have the energy; I feel like I'm getting the flu (despite my flu shot). Hopefully just a migraine but th crying didn't help. Just so frustrated and worried and exhausted right now, thanks for letting me vent,

Awe Angela, so sorry for the fight and the tears!! Hmmmm fighting and crying, sounds familiar. You always have a shoulder here to vent and cry on. Lots of hugs and glad Ethan seems to be getting better. Take care of yourself, you must be exhausted. Try for a nap?

:hug::hug::hug: and thinking of you, wish I could come over and help out.

Thanks Anna, we cross posted! Definitely going to try for a nap. Praying I can get 20 mins! :hugs:
Hi Ladies - quick update - The OB called me this afternoon to schedule an ultrasound! I said I had called this morning and they want me to retest next week as my number was 406 and she said: oh that's fine, it stuck and we will schedule the u/s! She made it for mid-feb as she said to make sure the numbers are high but to not bother with the repeat blood test. yayayay!

Angela - I'm so sorry for the fight. I don't mean to be sexist but most, not all, but most don't have the level of "mothering" that we do - I guess that's why WE'RE the one doing the mothering! lol. I know when Charlie gets snappy with me about poppy it's because he's worried about whatever it is at the time with poppy and doesn't want to show it or jump the gun on things. Whereas me, I'm all: CALL THE DR NOW! lol. we are sympathetic and empathetic beings. Don't worry. I'm praying your boys get better. How nerve-wracking!

ok gotta run again, today I did 3 loads of laundry (folding is next up!), scrubbed my stove, cleaned the kitchen, made blonde brownies, and took down the rest of the xmas stuff inside. Now just to get dinner together (I had it prepared in the freezer weeks ago): lasagna rollups and a salad! hugs!!!!!
Hey ladies,

I finally have a few minutes while I pump (at a mercifully much earlier hour than last night,mthank God!)...

Read back a bit and wanted to respond to a few things. Again, I am so sorry that half the time I have to read and run. One thing that happens when you have two is you have about 1/4 as much free time as with just one...(and here I thought I didn't have much free time BEFORE lol!) :rofl: life is hectic with two, but in a joyful way.

So of course there has been a lot of drama around our house this week. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. I feel like I have lived a year in abut four days. Or at least aged a year! I'm fighting the crud myself but hoping I am going to win... Everyone else in the house has succumbed. Reece seems happily on the mend, thank God. Ethan improved today but still ran a fever all day and was back up to 102.8 by six pm...sigh. More Advil and tylenol. He seems to be improving though so I am hoping for a restful night for all of us. Baby was demanding his (usually 11pm) bedtime bottle at 10 tonight; I think he is trying to move his bedtime up a bit. I went ahead and put him down at 11:20, so we will see if the near-hour earlier bedtime makes a difference in how long he sleeps. Mwith Ethan, we always tried to keep him or wake him up for a late/midnight feed because of the schedule the drs had put us on... We didn't know better. Now, I try never to wake a sleeping baby! :dohh:

Beth, honey, you are my HERO for getting dinners and dessert! On the table the way you do each day. You are amazing, woman! I'm just proud of myself if I can get us fed at all, and I love to cook, so it's not that I don't enjoy it. I just can't figure out where the time goes. That's another thing with having two, at lest in these early days. It seems that just keeping both babies (and myself and hubby) fed, and clean, and the babies in clean diapers, with everyone having clean laundry and dishes and bottles is, quite literally, an 18-hour a day job 7 days a week. Of course I would not trade it for the world, but it is amazing to me how much laundry and how many dishes and bottles and diapers we generate in just one 24 hour period. I know for a fact I've changed at least 8 poopy diapers today and that was just for the baby. It is a trip!! :haha:

Okay ladies I am sorry I have not finished updating - I have some thoughts I wanted to share on steph, Anna and bek's posts as well but will have to do tomorrow. I have a chance to get to bed by midnight tonight and had better take it. More later. Love you all! :hugs:
Bek, I know trying to lose weight is so stressful, and doubly so when you have the pump and have to battle the extra insulin. :hugs: after both babies I have lost some initial weight then regained some... Very annoying and disheartening! We can all support each other here and we will all get there! Definitely take your vitamin d, as I know you said you get seasonal affective disorder. Fish oil or other omega 3 helps too!

So cute about Amelia's kitchen! Ethan has one waiting (someone in the neighborhood was giving it away free, but I haven't figured out where to put it yet). I tank he will have fun.

Hope you are having a better day today!
Steph I'm so sorry Katelyn is sick again, but yay for Disney! :happydance: some fun in the sun sounds great right now! It has even the dreariest, grayest month of dec and now jan that I can ever remember here. Bleh! I hear you on the house and appliance repairs. We've had so many things break in the last year it would be funny, except it isn't! Yes, it was our a/c (great memory!). We fixed the downstairs but not the upstairs yet. Still trying to decide about the $ involved there.

Anna, I'm so jealous of your vacay! We have a week at our beach place coming up soon and I'm looking forward to it, though will be hilarious to see how we fit everything in the car with two kids and the dog! :rofl:

Have some lovely margaritas in the sand for me! It won't be warm enough where we are going but should be nicer weather.

And thanks for the support about hubby. :hugs: i am so sorry you are having such a time with your husband. As Beth said, men are so clueless sometimes. :dohh: you can always vent here! Thx for travel tips too! We are driving to our beach trip but I look forward to flying with the boys when they are a little older.

More in a moment!
Angela you amaze me how you manage to post!! I am glad Ethan seems on the mend, how was last night? How is he today? How are you feeling?

Beth, I too am amazed at the cooking powers you posses. I love the cook book and am thinking of looking into it as I think it may be adapted to " The before you go to work" cookbook. Yeh on the ultra sound!

MA, how are you today?

Steph, how are things? Work crazy?

AFM, well in my spare time, I am becoming a world record holder. Yep, last night before the Ullr parade . . Let me back up... Every year we have a week long celebration for Ullr, the Norse god of snow, culminating in a parade. It's a local funny, small town thing, but oh so fun. So this year before the parade our local distillery, Breck Distillery, decided to try and break the Guiness World record for the longest shot ski. A shot ski is a ski that you some how attach 4 or 5 shot glasses to, then you lift the ski and every body does a shot from the ski at one time. Anyway, they took a bunch of old skis, attached them all together, attached plastic shot glasses to it, gathered 150 of our closest friends and we all did a shot before the parade. The old record was a ski of 150ft. Last nights ski measured in excess of 300ft!! How old am I? :dohh: Anyway I am now in the Guiness book of world records for being one of many who did the worlds longest shot ski. :happydance:

On a sadder note, DH has made me hold off on Mexico plans because he has heard a job may start earlier than he expected. Funny thing is I half think he said it to "punish me" for getting mad at him the other day. But I have a tendency to personalize things where they shouldn't be. I am hoping we will figure out a work schedule for him and that we will escape to Mexico sometime. Quite honestly I NEED a warm vacation to look forward to. It's what gets me through the day, especially in January. It's is all of 5 degrees outside and snowing sideways. I am trying to not get too sad about it and staying hopeful we will work something out. Thing is you get a better package deal if you book early. The inexpensive flights get full and you re left with only the more expensive airlines (Beth, travel tip #2). So I'm hoping to sit DH down this weekend and really figure something out.

To end on a happy note, I've lost 6lbs!!! And that was weighing myself after morning yogurt and orange juice. I think the initial loss is due to the fact that I was really over eating and eating like crap before, being so busy at work. I imagine it will plateau out some soon, but for now I'm wearing a pair of pants I haven't worn in months. They fit in the butt, but still some muffin top. Thank god I get to wear sweatshirts to work.


Lol Anna I am trying to do so many things at l once you would fall down laughing if you could see me half the time! :rofl: I love you ladies dearly and miss being able to comment more. I'm going to try to post more often though probably really quick short posts at a time, and I hope no one will think I am ignoring anything if i cant comment on everythjng. Everyone please know i am always reading and enjoying even if i can't respond in detail. I see thing go by so often that I want to comment on but only have a second... But maybe I can get more posting done that way. I miss you girls and love being able to chat about things with y'all because we are all going through the same ages and stages.

Very fun about the world record!! Any pics? Too funny; I have not done shots in forever but love local festivals and things like that. I'm sorry Mexico is on hold. Hopefully your hubby is not acting out of anything but work related interests. Hope you an get the trip back on the rails soon! Love and hugs!.
So sorry I realize you asked about Ethan; thank you! He is better today and napping right now. No major fever so far today and praying the worst is behind us.

Beth how are you feeling hon? Did you decide you will or will not get another beta?

Bek I just saw you had backed away from fb and left you a note there. I totally get what you are sying but I'm with Beth - please know you are always a positive influence and encourager, whether here on BnB and on fb. But I do know what you mean. I find myself mindlessly sucked in to fb half the time, and 'mindless' is not what I want to be! Hugs ladies!
Hi Ladies,

Popping on really quickly!

Beth - YAY on the ultrasound. Please keep us updated! Also, you are super mom with all your cooking and clothes making, etc. I wish I could do all that. Keep it rocking! Thanks for the info on the potty training. No rushing her as I too have heard that can delay potty training. Currently she likes to sit on the potty occassionally (with her clothes on) and when she is ready to actually use it then we will go from there. Yes, definitely send me the link the book.

Anna - you are a rock star! Love that you are in the Guiness Book of World Records! And congrats on losing 6lbs! You are off to a great start. Fingers crossed that your Mexico trip is still a go.

Angela - glad that Ethan is getting better ad I will keep praying that you win the battle of the flu! LOL. You have your hands full with two babies. You post when you get a chance. We all understand. We are happy to have you whenever you are able :).

Rebekah - where have you been old friend? I miss you.

AFM - Good news our washing maching was NOT broken, it turns out my husband had never heard the awful noise a washing machine makes when it is unbalanced. He took that as being broken. $80.00 dollar service visit later. I am trying not to tease my hubby but it is hard. Katie is still coughing and snotty :-(. Dr said to give her honey a few times a day (which she really likes) and some chamomile tea before bed. She likes the tea as well so that has been going good.

Need to get back to work so I can get the heck out of here. Will check back later.

Hi ladies!

It's been a packed couple of days. Went to the Endocrinologists office yesterday. Good to know I wasn't the only hormonally charged gal on the block. :rofl: I got to the office and it took me 15 minutes to find a parking space. They "asked" the Dr. if they could get me in and basically started turning me away. I was LIVID!! I told them I was stuck in the darn parking area and had already dealt with the nurse practitioner a month ago who tried to make me out to be a liar and demanded I stay on a drug that would have caused birth defects in a baby had I NOT taken myself off of it. They got me in with a different Dr. whom I didn't understand at ALL language wise and when he put me in with the Diabetic educator, I started to bawl. :rofl: Oh heavens! Me crying like this has to stop. At any rate, the Dr. I couldn't understand kept making me feel like I never pricked my finger enough for the data to transfer from the glucose monitor to my pump. I looked at his sheet and saw it was almost blank. I was dumfounded KNOWING I had taken my glucose readings. HE made me feel like I never gave them enough data to change anything. When I went to the diabetic educator we found out WHY. I DID in fact take readings. However I had to just input them myself and override because my numbers were so darn high. The monitor saw this as problematic and not something the monitor automatically does. NOW two things. One, I got this pump when I was pregnant with Jackson. I got a quick 1/2 hour how to but no more. So I really had no idea how to use the pump more efficiently. I was inputting data on my own which was like using a syringe instead of the 10k pump that was meant to read numbers and adjust itself with the readings its given. Two, the dumb dr. I couldn't understand NEVER TOOK my glucose monitor reasons. He said I didn't do my part with my pump so why should I waste HIS time. Dumbarse! Had he seen my pump, he would have noticed I was manually entering my numbers into the pump hence the reason they weren't showing up on the pump in the first place.

I walked out of the Diabetic educators office feeling MUCH better after I spilled my heartache about canceling two cycles in a row for fertility treatment (not all because of my numbers but because of Dougs issues too) and the fact that I GAINED 12 of the 15 lbs I lost because of this damn insulin. Sorry for the swearing here but the weight gain REALLY depresses me because I fight so hard to lose it and gain it all back once I'm back on insulin or hormones.

After that, I figure I'll have my numbers in order for treatment in March. I'll look at it this way, at least the next baby will be a winter baby. Jackson was October and Amelia is Sept. Waiting a couple months to get my insulin under control will be better for both me AND the baby.

What the diabetic educator told me was instead of crying about the weight gain...take something that will be a POSITIVE CHANGE and do it regularly. Walk with Amelia each day for a half hour......Eat healthy (which I'm mostly doing) and I DO need a protein at night to keep my sugars downs. Which means no vegan for me. I can't have soy protein. Plant based is REALLY hard transitioning when there are a million other things I'm trying to focus on. I feel like I'm in the center of a circle that's racing around and around and around not knowing how to make it stop.

Another positive thing that happened is we have new living room furniture!! :yay: We had a hole in the top and my butt was sinking too low. Now we have a sofa, overstuffed chair and a BEAUTIFUL fabric chair from germany that we got for a GREAT deal. WE even made it 200.00 UNDER budget including tax and delivery (which the guys took the darn sofa and put it down the basement which took FOREVER because it's shaped odd. Now Doug has his man cave.

Oh, did I tell you that he now has a guitar too? He's been wanting to learn acoustic guitar so he can lead family hymns.lol After 4 years I figured he could have one if he wanted. He ALWAYS puts us before himself. It was time to get him something to release some tension himself.

So everything is working out well. I feel better since being reminded about the vitamin D. I AM taking a prenatal vitamin with DHA in it too. It's making a lot of difference. I'm even waking up earlier than usual the past two days.


as far as staph infections go, everyone is a carrier of mrsa. It's a bacteria on the skin. Most people are resistant to it however it IS a bacteria that can get into cuts/wounds or areas which secrete bodily fluids. If someone has MRSA infection and doesn't keep it covered or does not use the proper cleansing techniques then touches anything at all, it is possible for others to contract the full outbreak.

Doug got it from working in a hospital. Unfortunately it's a risk that most medical care personnel take. In fact, most nursing staff and Dr.'s have MRSA...they just are resistant to it. It just so happens that Doug caught the outbreak because he had poison ivy this past summer/fall which was open and pretty porous. The bacteria got in through the wounds even though they were covered and ended up wreaking havoc.

In going to the infectious disease Dr., we found out that Doug's immune system was already compromised from the poison ivy wounds that once he contracted the bacteria in his wounds....it just caused all kinds of havoc leaving him getting the HUGE wounds chronically. Some get MRSA and never get it back, others get it once in awhile, and some get it chronically.

So far Doug's wounds are all starting to heal. The one on his arm from this past fall is closed but you can see where he had it. Using that bactrum wash has been successful. Once his wounds have completely healed he'll take a clorox bath and we're told that should "hopefully" be the end. Of course this all pends on whether or not someone else comes back in the mrsa and recolonizes my husband. How we're working it is by him taking his clothes DIRECTLY off and I put it in a HOT wash right away which kills bacteria. He goes straight in for a hot shower after work and then takes another one before work. He is down to two antibacteria washes because when used too much, he can become resistant to antibacterial washes AND the oral meds. Which could leave him with only one other med later on which can only be taken interveneously(sp). So we're very careful not to overuse any kind of bacterial soaps and meds for fear of resistance.

Beth, glad to hear all is well on the baby front dear friend!

Angela, glad the kids are somewhat better today. Yes, I've taken that break from fb. I'm not sure the likelihood I'll be back on. I may restart my blog again just to jot down things and keep fb open to post articles I like and chat with those I wouldn't otherwise see via private message. Otherwise, I really would rather be in an environment like this where we converse and are friends here. I learn from each of you and the conversations we have are meaningful. I'm just sick of all the negative media and believe it or not, as political as I am (I most likely would have been in politics had I not gotten married and wanted a family more) I'm also sick of politics too. I'm Independent by choice and all this politicking has caused people to be divided not united. Not to mention I was sick of some vulgar junk I've seen. I wasn't on any of the other social media either. What most stood out was blogging with like-minded women about family life, homesteading, cooking, etc. I learned from that environment.

NOW, that's not to say Beth didn't give me something to think about. I think I what I've always been afraid of is "preaching" to people. I don't want to come out as "turn or burn" to anyone. It's the opposite of Christ. There ARE times however where I get quite irritated and would like to throw the book at some. It's hard for me to be an "example" when I'm honestly the first one to tell anybody that I am such a broken vessel myself.

Over and over again I've looked at Moses who said HE couldn't be used by God ((feeling lowly)).....when God said I WILL use you. God spoke through Moses. It's encouraging. I think making mistakes or facing my own imperfections just gives me the fear that I may not be the best ministering tool in the tool box so to say. :rofl:

I'm not really sure what happened to me over the years. The once carefree happy girl turned into a fearful depressed woman. Much of which happened when we faced the loss of our son. If I could only get that carefree JOY back...life would be so much better. Only through God will that happen of course. Not by MY might.

Okay enough about me.

Steph, Did you go to Disney or is that happening this weekend??

News one the baby bear front...She's decided to climb stairs now. Time for another gate at the bottom of our slippery stairs. She's trying to put her own shoes on, she also lifting my leg up to go under it like a bridge. She gets made if I don't put my leg "just so". She's snuggling with us more and is teething again since yesterday. ((sigh)) Oh, caught her humming to herself several times today and LOVES our pekingese. She points, touches and speaks softly to her. :rofl:

Well, that's all today. Lots going on and finally had the time to post. I have some chores to do now that someone is down for the count. lol I get them done throughout the day. Gramma and grampa are coming by tomorrow (Dougs parents) Can't WAIT to entertain them on our new living room furniture.

Love to you all!! :hug:

Edited to say..Holy Cats! If you got through all this then your a SAINT! I wrote a flipping book! :rofl:
Thanks steph and :rofl: I am laughing so hard about your hubby and the washer! I guess ifnyou had not ever heard it before, it would defiitely sound broken! :haha:

Bek, so good to hearverything that is going on with you sweetie. Yay on the furniture! :happydance: and I agree, I learn more and enjoy more from the small groups online that I know well, as opposed to larger groups of strangers or acquaintances.

Okay girls not much time to post tonight but sending lots of love!
Thanks Angela. lol

As for now, Amelia is still grumpy. Oh how I hope that tooth hurries. When she's not happy, NO ONE is happy. :rofl: The kid is NOT quiet when she cries. :rofl:
Hi swinging by again and hoping to manage to stay!! I will try and catch up on everyones news as I go.

For us we are engaged wedding in Dec, Callum is walking finally and getting grommets Feb. Not sure if we are one and done or having another, but wedding first then we'll see. Age plays a big role in trying for us.
Working nights so get on computer when I can, hope to be able to log in more now Xmas over. I was working ten pm til six am then looking after Callum all day so life was fun haha.

Catch you all soon.


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