35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies!

Past few days have been hectic - charlie's office is moving down the street but there is SO much to do with his move and it keeps him at the office a bit later than normal and he brings tons of paper home to go through - he's been at that office for as long as he's been at the job - over 34 years! Much to go through! But they are moving on Friday so it should be over soon (then the unpacking begins!).

We have our ultrasound tomorrow at 1pm!!! :happydance::happydance: super excited! Morning sickness is a beast but ok, same thing as last pregnancy. It should pass in a few weeks.

Been a pretty good day - made homemade chicken soup, chocolate chip cookies and cleaned up a bit. Poppy's been taking a little over 2 hour naps each afternoon, so I really get things done! Also worked more on an afghan for my sister, while watching an old Bette Davis movie - I LOVE LOVE LOVE old movies, esp Bette Davis! Today's movies are crap, I much prefer the old ones.

Anna - Yayayayayay on the vaca! how wonderful! I'm jealous but not in a mean-spirited way. I wish you sun, fun, and excitement! Have a cosmo for me, please! I'll raise a toast of cranberry juice, orange juice, and sprite to you (my favorite mocktail of choice these days). As far as bitchy co-workers (or bosses) - I've been there enough times to know that you just have to let it go in one ear and out the other with a fake smile plastered on your face! :haha: hugs! you will be on vaca soon!!!

Steph - hope you are feeling well!!!

Angela - hope Ethan is feeling better! What is it with kids and cheese?? :haha: Poppy loves cheese too - I break up little bits of cheddar cheese and he gobbles it up so fast! thinking of moving towards grilled cheese sandwich soon. Poppy refuses to drink water. Flat out refuses! My mom said none of us drank water either as babies! I know it will change one day so I keep trying.

I tried the kid yogurt but it kinda skeeved me out not having to chillit until opened. Poppy loves it but 2x has thrown up, so not sure if it was a coincidence or not. We are sticking with the freeze-dried yogurt bites, he does much better with those and chows down on them.

MA - I haven't said much on the whole vegan thing as every time I type something out to respond to it, it sounds too critical and that is not how I want to come across. :( (I actually have had this post up for awhile ready to submit but really don't want to hurt feelings or seem, well, bitchy. But I will post it with my apologies now if I crossed any lines.) But it doesn't sound like it's for you. It is SUCH a commitment for the rest of your life that you really really have to be 100% in it to win it. One of my friends is a dietician and she understands vegetarian but not vegan for most people. She feels you don't get enough proper nutrients and minerals from vegan as most people don't do it right - and she stresses to have a dietician counselor to help as you lose fat, but muscle mass as well, and that is not good. We have had many discussions on food as helping or hurting you, esp as I have a few autoimmune issues (celiac disease is something I have to be tested for yearly) and many foods can actually inflame you and cause more pain. Since my gluten tests are normal, she stresses moderation in EVERYTHING. Esp carbs and protein, even down to the times of days you eat them! but you need to do what you think is best - just you have to be happy with the choice. And you didn't seem happy with that choice. there are people who HAVE to go that route and do so, but to voluntarily choose it to be your way of life when you aren't fully committed to it, will lead to unhappiness and cheating on it, then actually cause remorse and sometimes depression about it. Moderation. go with that for awhile. When you make Doug his meal, steam a small chicken breast along with it and then you can share the veggies/sides! I hope nothing comes across as abrupt but I am trying to type fast and get my thoughts out while I have the minute!

As far as the tingling, I also get that due to one of my autoimmunes, and it sounds like it could be peripheral neuropathy (like mine is, caused by many different things) - which really shouldn't be ignored, esp with a chance of diabetes (not sure if you are at risk or have it, but worth checking). Hoping a massage will help with the back - maybe tension/stress? Warm bath or at least a heating pad may help too!:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

oh boy, someone is clamoring to play and mommy has just enough energy left to sit on the floor and wrestle for a few minutes! I'll let you all know how the ultrasound goes - Charlie is convinced there are 2 in there, but I'm not buying it!:wacko: All I feel, when not nauseated, is like a little iron ball in my belly - which somehow translates to twins in sweetie's eyes!!!!!! :dohh::wacko::haha: Funny what makes people think certain things. Ok gotta go!

Hugs to you all!
Beth too funny that Charlie thinks it is twins! :haha: glad you are feeling as well as possible and can't wait for your ultrasound tomorrow! Typing w one hand, more later! :hugs:
Hi all,

I am still tryin to read through pages 470 and 471 as the nausea has hit and trying to read on my cell phone is for some reason making it worse.

Rebekah we give katelyn pancakes, eggs, French toast, regular toast, yogurt, bananas, berries, waffles, bacon sausage for breakfast. She will pouches for snack. She LOVES goldfish, graham crackers, pretzels, and Cheerios as a snack as well. Dinner she will have whatever we are eating. But she loves spinach retries beans green beans Mac and cheese. Im not going to lie she also likes pizza French fries and potato chips. We don't give them to her often. She had her first potato chip at my parents house and she likes them ever since. Basically if it is on our plates she wants to try it.

Ok gotta go eat dinner speakin of food will check back later and will hopefully wont feel so sick.
Morning ladies!

In a much better mood today! And Beth you are right, in one ear out the other. Good news boss came around and was human to me by the end of the day.

MA, I'm with everyone else, sounds like vegan just didn't jive with you. Which is OK. We all have different bodies, with different needs. I think I've told you the story before of how I went vegetarian in the past but ended up eating less healthy. I was hungry for protein so I ate cheese, lots and lots of cheese. And at the risk of over stepping my bounds, I think Amelia would benefit from a diverse diet. I have no doubt she is well fed, you are a wonderful mother and take great pains to make sure she gets all she needs, but she may be like you, and need a little animal protein. Just a thought.

On a different note, I've got the 80s station on at work today! Grooving to the oldies. Did you ever think the day would come when the 80s were considered oldies?? You sound in better spirits.

Beth, woohoo for sonogram today! How far along are you? I am impressed that you made chicken soup and cookies! I am such a slacker. Twins??!!!! I have a friend that just had twins, and while the "idea" of them is fun, the reality of it scares the bejesus out of me!! However I have all fingers crossed all goes well. Hope you are feeling well today. Oh and old movies are my favorite!! Can I please Marry Carey Grant??? My favorite was Kathryn Hepburn.

Steph, sorry the MS has you too, but sometimes it's a reassuring symptom. How's work going? Have you told any co-workers yet or your boss? Are you waiting to tell people?

Angela, how are ya hon?

AFM, hanging in there. Still not 100% over the stomach bug, but ate a cheese burger last night and it was really good. I will admit a little secret here, I wonder if I'm pregnant. Probably not as it is really early in the tww for any symptoms, but my friend is going to give me a pregnancy test she has that she won't use, so if in two weeks I still don't feel any better and the witch disappears I'll have a test. I'm mix emotions about this. As you have all heard me lament I'd love another one, but as Jo gets older, more independent, almost out of diapers, I really wonder if I can go through it all again. I'm 41, I'd be 42 by the time the baby was born. Anyway, it's probably just a stomach virus thing and nothing more, however I am taking my folic acid just in case.

MEXICO,!!!!! Thanks all yes I am very excited. MA, you are more than welcome in my suit case!! Now that we have a baby we tend to travel with everything and the kitchen sink. Back in the day DH and I went to Europe for 10 days on a ski trip with just two small carry-ons and two backpacks. Ahhh how times change. We really need to invest in some bigger luggage. Now begins the task of trying to figure out the whole bottle sippy cup thing when the water out of the faucet may not be entirely clean. It's a really nice hotel, but . . . Jo has gotten better at drinking out of a straw, so we may by pass sippy cup for the trip in favor of a straw and get disposable bottles for night time. A couple of weeks ago I was in Denver at my favorite second hand kids store and they had a $1 sale. So I bought some summer play clothes to take for her. She has no summer clothes for her current size.

Anyway, I babble, hope everyone has a good day!
Hi Ladies - we are getting ready to head off to the doctors!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

anna - I'm 7 weeks along, or so I think - I will find out specifics today if I miscalculated!:haha::haha: As far as the chicken soup goes - I have no shame in telling you how I cheated on it!!! On Sunday night I was too pooped to cook, so we bought a whole chicken from the store - you know the rotisserie one! So we had that fully prepared - Monday I made the leftover meat into a chicken pasta dish and then yesterday, it literally took me 5 mins to prepare the stock: took the carcass I kept in the fridge (made sure I kept the skin, it gives more flavor to the soup), added an onion I just quartered (even left the skin on it), couple of stalks of celery, I forgot the garlic, oops, oh well - didn't miss it, couple peppercorns and added enough water to just cover the bones. That was it. let it simmer without my stirring (I forgot!) for 4 hours, skimmed, added potatoes, canned carrots (I forgot the get them fresh the other day!), little salt and pepper, and some reserved meat from Monday night. Literally took 5 mins to throw it in the pot!!! Easy peasy! Don't think I slaved!!!!! The cookies - well I can make those in my sleep I make them soooo much. I don't even need to look at the recipe anymore :dohh:

Mexico sounds WONDERFUL. 8 degrees out right now and it is chilly chilly. Makes me wish I was at Mexico, or atleast curled up in front of a fireplace with a cocktail! I hear you on Carey - I'll take Humphrey Bogart any day!!!

ahhh, Charlie's home, gotta run! I'll be back after the ultrasound!

ohhhhh - and HUGS for you Anna with maybe pg!!!!!
Hi Ladies - back from the ultrasound.

They say it's still too early to tell anything and my dates may be off. She saw the yolk sac but couldn't measure the fetal pole yet, so no heartbeat yet :( She said probably because my cycles are SO irregular (they are between 27-35 days) and my phases are different lengths it is hard to see anything yet. So we have to go back 2 weeks from today for another ultrasound.

I know it's not BAD news but I was so hoping to hear the heartbeat today :(
Hi Ladies

Beth – Sorry, that the ultrasound didn’t go exactly as you wanted, and you probably are earlier than you thought. But when you go in two weeks it you’ll be able to hear the heartbeat and probably get a cute photo as well. But I know that you wanted to have all that stuff today and now you have to wait an two more weeks to see your new little one. As for making chicken noodle soup even the “cheat” method that you did was intense LOL. I really don’t know how you have the energy for all that. You amaze me every time you post. Man I wish I was more like you and cooked and sewed stuff. I like the idea of cooking and stuff, but then I get lazy and make whatever is easiest…that is of course if my husband is not cooking. Thank God I married a chef. Though I will say, I tend to do better on the weekends with cooking. I truly love your baking/cooking and sewing ability and one of these days I am going to get several of your recipes and try to make some stuff…maybe when I am on maternity leave…

Rebekah – Sorry to hear that you are still in pain and I hope that the massage eases it ( lovely anniversary present!). As for the tantrums that is normal at her age. Katelyn still has them every now and then, but most of the time I am able to distract her and get her to move on to something else. Normally it involves chasing the dogs around LOL. Oh and LOL on the Happiest Toddler. Oh and as for bottle, Katelyn drank her milk from a bottle (or nursed) until she was 20 ½ months. The bottle she stopped on her own for the most part. Around 18/19 months, I started giving her milk in a bottle in the morning and at night and then at 19/20 months she only got milk in a bottle at night. Then she just stopped wanting the bottle at night time. It did take her a minute to actually like drinking. I am with everyone else, add some cheese, bacon, and chicken back into your meals LOL.

Anna – Glad you booked for Mexico! That is fantastic news. Which week did you book for? Man your weather is like the weather we have in California. No haven’t told anyone yet. Waiting until 1. Hear the heartbeat, and 2, done with 1st trimester. Just an FYI I was secretly hoping that you are pregnant as well. Don’t even worry about your age. I will be 40 when I have baby #2. A good friend of mine was 41 when she had baby #1 and she still wants another one. And another friend (all three of us were preggers at the same time) was 45 when she had her first and she still wants another. So don’t worry about your age! Yes, it is exhausting to think about the early months, but I just remember how fast it went and is still going! And with Jo, you can have a little helper ;-)! Well fingers crossed and I hear ya about packing everything under the sun when you travel. I, like you, went to London for a week and took small carry-ons. When I went to CO for Christmas I had people asking me if I was moving or going away for a month because of the amount of luggage.

Angela – LOL on your trip details. We have not driven anywhere too far with the entire family (dogs and baby) and after hearing your story, I am not anxious too LOL. Please keep us posted on Ethan, hopefully he is doing better.

AFM – well I feel bloated most of the day and the MS comes and goes – don’t know what that means. I was heading for lunch today and nearly throw-up in the parking lot, but then later I was ok. I will say, I am uncomfortable when I sit in a chair too long. I am also looking for day cares for Katelyn. My hubby is going back to work which is great, but also sad because he has been home with Katelyn all this time. I liked that he was home with her, but I know that he is ready to get back to work. So, I am looking at the YMCA near where I work. It has great reputation. There is also a day care at my church, however it is out of the way for me to go to work and for hubby so I am not sure that would be a good idea. I am also looking at Kindercare. I went to Kindercare as a kid and they are great, but they are pricey! Ideally, I would love to have her in the Disney Day Care which is right across the street from me, but we are still on the waitlist and probably won’t get off until late April/May. They told me after she turns 2. I am going to need to put this baby on the wait list now as opposed to waiting until I am done with 1st trimester!

Anyway, that is all that is happening with me. We have busy weekends in February starting with the Super Bowl Sunday (my hubby cooks/smokes a bunch of food for a party at our church) and then Disneyland with the family and inlaws the following weekend. Well, I am going to try and leave work about 30 minutes early today. I will check back later.

Hi Ladies,

Thank you! I have been feeding Amelia scrambled eggs for a couple weeks now and she's on 2% milk. I tried to feed us both chicken today but it didn't go so well. In all honesty I steamed it and it came out too tough. Amelia actually through it up. She didn't like it. I KNOW she'll eat meat because we fed her turkey for Thanksgiving.

I'm also giving her yogurt. She's getting veggies and fruits too but I told Doug it's time to put her on a "regular" diet. He's not all that happy but he's not apposing which is nice. It's working for him but I'm miserable. Before I take things out of Amelia's diet, I want to try her on them. What keeps coming to mind is my gram when she used to say, "everything in moderation". I'm willing to keep away from red meat which is what I did BEFORE and add back in fish, turkey, chicken and eggs as well as dairy and cheese. I'm going to try for less fat and sodium. Instead of using tons of butter like I grew up...get used to the natural flavor maybe add a little bit of sea salt and pepper. Exercise.

Well, we made the appointments. Yoga (which ended up being free for the first timers) in the morning, two massages, an acupuncture treatment for me which is covered by insurance and dinner somewhere. We're going to pack a lunch as well and have lunch somewhere in the middle then go into the waterfall jacuzzi. All in all, we saved quite a bit with free yoga and the insurance covering acupuncture.

Calling fertility Office to start retesting the end of February and make sure I don't need provera. In the meantime...I'm going to try and eat better and exercise. It's SO HARD to get back into the swing of things. Maybe with eating meat again I'll start feeling better.

Anna, how lovely that would be if you too were pregnant. Let us know once you test. ((hugs))

Well, I'm pooped. I'm going to end here.
Super quick one liners from me as typing w one hand - pls forgive brevity!

Beth honey a similar timing issue happened with Laura (Lavalux) and her twins were perfect. Your beta was good and yolk sac in proper place, so every reason to think things are fine. Try not to worry for the next two weeks though I know it is frustrating. :hugs: and yes as steph said you are a domestic goddess! I'm in awe!

Anna I SO hope you are preggo too! I know how much you would love that! Mexico sounds fab and I'm so jealous! Do you test before your trip?

Bek I'm with everyone else. Eat what YOU enjoy. Let Doug do the same. And like Anna, I don't want to overstep but I absolutely think kids diets should not be restrictive! Let her try everything! On chicken, try a rotisserie one from grocery. Ethan eats them every week and goes crazy for them! lol!

Steph ms does come and go, no worries! And Daycare is definitely pricey! Take your time researching but disneys sounds awesome when you can get in there. :hugs:

We are getting better, slowly. Ethan is improving; I've been giving him some expressed breast milk to try to get him some antibodies. Seems to help him and helps me feel like breastfeeding is helping him too ( since I had so much guilt over having to quit it with him so early). My discipleship group leader brought us dinner today which was really sweet. I feel like I'm slowly getting a grip on things and a routine going, yay!
Hi all!

Beth, so sorry the appointment didn't go as well as you had hoped. But like the rest have said I'm sure all is well, and more to look forward to in two weeks. I am just jealous you get one so early. Here my doctors don't do one until 12 weeks. As for chicken soup I hear ya on the rotisserie. They are great!! I'm going to the store tomorrow and am going to get one and maybe do the same. One of my favorite working dinners is a chicken in the crock pot with carrots, celery, garlic, onion, pepper corns, and sweet potato. Simmer all day and its fall apart tender. Plus lots of good stock for future soup. Maybe I'll do one of those this weekend too. Anyway, your domestic goddess abilities never cease to astound me.

Steph, LOL on the traveling to Colorado with all that luggage!! I'm sure we will look the same going to Mexico. Thank goodness bags fly free internationally on United. As for day cares, it can be the same here for wait lists. It's better now that there's one more, but there used to be just two in Breckenridge, and if you didn't get on a wait list the second you found out you were pregnant, then you were SOL. Best of luck!! And yes the cost is astounding for daycare. Without help from my parents both financially and the fact that they take her for a day and a half, we would have to seriously weigh weather or not I should be at work.

MA, I'm glad Doug isn't fighting you on the food thing. I will agree that rotisserie chicken is also a favorite of Jos'. As for red meat, I agree with you, no need to go there unles she really loves it. I've actually tried to feed Jo steak and she has no interest in it which is just fine with me. We keep meat to chicken and fish which is best for her anyway. And we too do 2% milk. We have family history of heart disease so they say unless there's a health/ weight issue, 2% is fine. Kids get plenty of fats for proper brain development from other sources. I'm high fiving you on the exercise front. I actually like to exercise and I find myself really struggling. Tell ya what, we'll motivate each other . . . Today 30 minuets of something. Walking, dancing, whatever. I am trying to go to yoga tonight but if I don't make it I'll go to the pool. And your weekend sounds amazing!! Can I hide in your suitcase???

Angela, glad Ethan is on the mend. Also so nice someone brought you dinner. I am having dinner delivered to my friend that just had twins tonight. I would take it, but just having been sick I don't want to risk getting the babies sick. Take care !! Lots of hugs super mom!

AFM, well I feel much better today so no holding your breath on me being preggers. However both DH and Jo are still healthy and haven't gotten my bug. Hmmmmm. Angela, we travel to Mexico in April, so I would be almost out of first trimester if I were preggers. So I would know before I go. But I will state again, probably not preggers. Frustrated the scale isn't moving like I wish it would. I don't think I've lost anything in the last week or so. Probably due to the fact that while I cross country skied last weekend I haven't done any exercise since then. Also I have a hard time at night. My first instinct when I get home is to pour a glass of wine, and break out the cheese and crackers for a snack. One big glass of wine is 7 points, which is a lot!!! So I'm trying to figure out a way to curb my hunger. I need a late afternoon snack. I just really want to feel good about my body again. I know it sounds shallow, but I can't help it. Ok can I get any more whiney??? Yuck! Like I said, I'm going to do something tonight, get back on track. . .

Well that's all from me, we have a confirmed case of influenza at daycare. It's actually the receptionist, but I can guess she got it from work. Fingers crossed it's an isolated incident.

Happy Friday!!!

P.s. MA, I could use some pointers on coupons. I made my budget for the next few months, and it's tight. Any way I can stretch the grocery bill further would be great. Any pointers or words of wisdom you have please pass along.
Anna, I too love to coupon, just don't have time right now, but the site i use is www.southernsavers.com - you can learn a ton about methods there and especially how to play the CVS Game" and get tons free if there is a cvs pharmacy in breck. I love her site and I am sure someone similar covers your area. Happy couponing!
On the milk, poor Ethan has lost a pound due to recent sickness and teething, so today we are starting to put heavy cream in his (already whole) milk! Here's hoping it helps, because he won't touch pedia sure. :-(

And speaking of milk, I have a viciously clogged duct (or three) today and am practically jumping out of my skin anytime I have to hold baby or Ethan to my chest. Ow, ow, ow! Some days, bottle feeds look better and better :wacko:
Angela, thanks for the web site info I will check it out especially since I just blew my budget! I got on line (mistake) and was looking up umbrella stroller for tall people. I'm 5'8 and DH is 6'2. Regular umbrella strollers are for people 5'4. So anyway couple of clicks on amazon later and I spent $60.00 on a new umbrella stroller for Mexico. Granted we need it, wouldn't travel without it, but I seem to have no control over my impulse shopping!!

And poor boobies!! I am sorry! BFing is so great until its not, and then it's really not!! Warm compress? I can't remember what they recommend for blocked ducts. Lots of hugs!

Hi All,

This will be really quick since I am at work:

We are gonna look at Kindercare, YMCA, and the place where my SIL takes her daughter. Though I will say, I am not too keen on that place as from the stories she tells me it doesn't sound all that great, but I won't be a snob. I will give it is proper due diligence.

When it rains it pours (actually it is raining here in So. Cali) Yesterday I mildly complained about MS and today it is here with a vengeance! Been sick most of the day and smells from the places I go make it worse! Went to lunch and could smell everything! YUCK! but I am better now that I ate...not much. Hoping when I go home and eat some fruit that will help.

Angela - for the clogged duct(s), normally they unclog when the baby breast feeds, but yes, warm compress does help as well. You can also get a bowl and fill it with warm water and put your boob in it. If that doesn't work, this may sound gross, but have your husband try to unclog it...just saying...

Anna - I think if you have a glass of wine two or three days out of the week that should be fine. IT is hard to stop cold turkey with certain foods and drinks.

Rebekah - Glad that DOug is on board with Amelia's dietary choices. I used to not give Katelyn and red meat, but as I said, she will come over and want to eat whatever is on our plates. She used to not like steak or ground beef (or ground turkey for that matter), but now she eats it. She still likes chicken the best followed by spaghetti (or any pasta with a marinara sauce) LOL.

Ok gotta run. Will check back later!

Hugs Beth hope you are well!


Have you put your booby under hot water in the shower? I used to sit in the hot shower and push downward on the clogged breast. After several minutes of working it out in the hot water, it would start feeling better and work as usual. Is Reece taking enough in? Do you need to pump for a bit after you get it unclogged?

Anna, Angela is right...there are some great websites out there. I for one like For The Momma's. She goes through regular coupons from Coupons.com and your local papers and will match them up at places like Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc. I LOVE it! During black friday she has all the deals with coupons. I was quite surprised. My sil is AWESOME at it. Of course at some places like CVS I have to actually buy the stuff. She'll come home with junk food and odds n ends for gift baskets at free or virtually free. I LOVED the basket she gave me one year however the food for OUR home ....eh, not so much! Toilet paper, light bulbs, diapers, etc....fine. It IS a full time job. I used to mail each company I bought items from for coupons. Now it's become a task. We used to make out though. I'm "re-learning" the newer techniques as there's so MAJOR crazy couponer's out there. :rofl:

Steph, so sorry your feeling down in the dumps. :hugs: You ladies all came to mind and I found myself praying for each one of you today. Brought a smile to my face.

Well, I think Amelia was teething today. She was inconsolable and here's something odd. She moved her face REALLY hard back and forth against mine and opened her mouth on my chin and cheek. Now I'm not sure if that was her way of kissing me (I was kissing her while consoling her) or if this was just a way to calm herself during the pain. Doug said, "that's new". Yup. She's been doing it the past couple nights but alarmed me today as she did it several times whilst crying. My guess is this is comforting to her as those teeth come in. I also had snot in my hair which caused my hair to stick to my cheek. :rofl: I'd never take these moments away. I waited 10 years for this! :lol:

Well, went to my appointment with the pump rep. She helped a great deal tweak my pump. Why is it the Dr.'s haven't a CLUE how the heck to use it?? They change my pump numbers but they really are making things harder on me. She looked at my pump and asked me if I was stressed! :rofl: I've been testing my sugars and bolusing FOR the machine because the numbers the Dr.'s put in were WAY too low. Now keep in mind I had one half hour training session with a rep when I was pregnant with Jackson and that was it. All the Dr.'s had NO IDEA what numbers to base my pump on so "I" was guessing which honestly was a risky move because I could have ended up in coma's several times. Luckily I knew I'm great insulin resistant...but I can't say as though all the ups n downs were good for my heart.

NOW she's added the numbers well and raised up my basal (long lasting all day insulin) as well as the bolus insulin before meals. Aside from a 300 number which was alarming (I started crying thinking I was doomed) My numbers have been better that they have been in MONTHS. So we'll see.

Downside: She said be prepared to gain weight. ((sigh)) My body won't be working off those keytones and the pump will actually be working FOR me so of course the insulin will be stored as fat.

I spent most of the day looking for fitness classes Doug and I could go to. There are a small few. Today one that I hoped would be hopeful ended up scaring me. The guy was OBVIOUSLY juicing. Not MY kind of juicing but using Steroids. His eyes were blood shot, he was acting REALLY weird and just made me nervous. My husband thought it was pretty clear he was on steroids. It was the cleanest facility and newest weight training equipment. SO SAD.

The other one is too expensive and way too far. So now I'm stuck doing walk away the lbs here at home (which at least is something) and my own weights here. I guess if I can prove to myself I can stick to it for 3 months, I'll then go to a weight training class. Until then, I'm going to have to show some self control and work my bum off. It's hard to push myself.

We walked a bit today. Tomorrow I'll be walking away the lbs.

It's been FREEZING here. 9 degree's again. :wacko: I cannot even tell you how this feels. Our door locks froze in our car. Doubled up on Amelia and I put one of the quilts over her stroller to keep her warm. Of course mittens and hats. Wouldn't have gone out had we not had appointments. We would have stayed at home.

Well, have a GREAT weekend everyone!
Thanks girls for the tips / yesterday about 3 I started running a fever a d by 4:30 it was climbing so fast I could hardly function and called the on call dr. Mastitis. My whole boob is bright red and feels like a baseball. I got two doses of my antibiotic in yesterday and slept okay after waking for more Tylenol. Will be resting as much as possible this weekend.
Oh Angela, so sorry. How painful. Yes! Get some rest and get well. :hugs:

Not much going on here really. Amelia is teething and has been grumpy all day long. Wouldn't it just be that she was playing...walking AROUND the wooden chest we use as a coffee table..she was laughing and carrying on when I hear a THUMP. She somehow hit her mouth and just under the top front tooth started bleeding. Luckily she didn't chip anything but she was hurting. We had to call daddy to make her feel better. She kept screaming DADDY. Poor little bitty. She finally got to sleep. ((sigh)) I hate when our baby's hurt! Hopefully tomorrow will be okay for her.

Take care Angela! Have a good weekend ladies.
Thanks Rebekah, I'm so sorry about Amelia's tooth/bump. Owie!

Well, our situation has gotten so pitiful we are calling in my MIL for support. She arrives tomorrow and thank God, bc hubby has jury duty this week :dohh: On top of mastitis, I now have a chest cold and the poor baby has it too... Not sure who got it first or where the @$$@"&$$@" it came from. Insert curses from every language and then some here. :hissy: :brat: :hissy: :brat: Grrrrrr! I literally haven't left the house in a week since we got home from vacay. I have tried SO hard to keep this poor baby from illnesses this early and damned if he isn't sick twice already before he is ten weeks old!!! You can't make this stuff up and I am so freaking frustrated (and grumpy, sorry). At least Ethan seems to be mending; now i just pray he doesn't get this latest. :(
Hi all!

Angela, so sorry you and baby are so sick! How's the boob? You just can't catch a break can you? Hugs to everyone in your house!!

MA, poor little and her owie. Hope Amelia is on the mend. Good for you for doing something, I have failed miserably!! And thanks for the coupon tips too. Went to the store yesterday and came in under budget!!!

AFM, well DH is out of town this weekend so it's me and Jo and unfortunately she too is miserably sick with terrible head cold and fever. Poor little. She actually seems in good spirits, just a bit quick to get fussy. I'm making home made chicken soup inspired by Beth and Jo's cold. However I roasted my own chicken. Like to use organic chicken and the rotisserie ones at our grocery store aren't. You'll probably laugh, but I've never roasted a chicken before. I've done chicken a hundred ways, but never roasted. I couldn't figure out why it didn't look like I thought it should when it was done, then I cut into it and realized I had roasted it upside down, with the back up. Ahh well . . . Tastes ok, not great, any advice?? But it will make good soup. Roasted a lot of veggies with it including some sweet potatoes, my new favorite super food. Well the dog barked and it sleeps to have woken baby, so m off . . . Have a good Sunday!!

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