35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

OMG I forgot how bad ms really was. It is not jsut in the morning, but ALL DAY!!!! looking forward to April!
Steph, yes it is awful and I'm so sorry! Hang in there! :hugs:
"Been a long weekend - I told someone about what happened with the ultrasound and she said it probably is a miscarriage and they are just waiting 2 weeks to see if I need a D&C or something. This is going to be a very LONG 2 weeks! It wasn't something I wanted to hear so now, of course, I'm freaking out about it.

Slap that B(*&h up the side of the head!!!!!!!!:growlmad:

Steph I really feel for you with the MS:sick: it is the pits, but from it comes such a wonderful creation. :baby:

Ang, mastitis and a sick baby thank goodness for MIL, heaven sent. :hugs:

MA meat all the way at least two times a week or I feel week, especially during my period as I no longer take the pill and I suffer from menorrhagia (overly heavy periods-one tampon an hour plus maternity pads. TMI I know :blush:). My iron levels drop drastically so meat meat meat!!

Anna, sorry to bum you out with weather but it really is fantastic!!! Annnnnnnd you are still nauseous :baby::baby::baby::baby:???????

AFM still living the single life, Callum has gone down today without a peep for the first time in two weeks. Actually I had better get him up soon for dinner (he's been down 3 hours) bath and bed again!

LOL! Vivienne!!

Glad Callum had such a good nap!! Did he go back down again ok? How much longer are you single? Every time my DH goes out of town it makes me truly appreciate single moms. I don't know how they do it.

AFM, snowy and cold, but that's how we like it. Not that I'm not dreaming of my Mexico beach and spending my free time googling what to do in Mexico, but if it's going to be cold at least snow. Plus it's our bred and butter. If you're going to live in a ski town, you'd better like snow.

Jo is good but got up at 5am this morning. DH got up with her, but I woke up too and couldn' t turn off my brain off. So I got up and DH went back to bed. Reason for my a.m. wheels turning is Jo's verbal. She is just falling way behind in the speech area and I think it's because she is using sign language as a crutch. They teach a lot of sign in day care, but my friend and mother of three little ones in California says that now the experts believe that too much sign language delays speech. I'm guessing that's what is happening with us. Now I just have to tackle day care and try and get them over to my side. I'm going to email my friend and see if she has any sources on this topic, articles I can print off and take into day care with me. She will talk eventually, but she is really behind now.

So that's all from me, hope everyone is well! Steph and Beth, hang in there!!
Beth, thinking of you this morning and sending lots of hugs and good thoughts that this is one sticky bean and all will be well!!

Good Morning,

Thanks for all the MS well wishes! I truly appreciate it.

Angela - how are you feeling sweets? How is Reece and how is Ethan? Is he finally over his cold?

Viv - Good to hear from you and awesome that Callum went down for his nap without a hitch. Fingers crossed this is a recurring thing and at night as well LOL! Question what how much time is Callum awake between his nap and bedtime? I ask because sometimes Katelyn will take a 3 1/2 hour nap and when it is time for her usual bedtime it will take 45min to an hour to get her to go to sleep.

Anna - Why do you think that Jo is delayed in speech? I hope you are able to get some good information on sign language and speech development. If you want I can ask some of my friends as well. I have friends in the child development field and would be more than happy to see if there is any information for you.

Beth - please let us know how everything goes today! I will be thinking of you today and tomorrow!

AFM - I need to get some more ginger stuff to keep the MS at bay. I am good as long as I am eating. I go in for my prenatal informational tomorrow where they will do the first part of the gloucose test YUCK! They also schedule the 1st ultrasound then. I will keep everyone posted. Katelyn woke up at 4:30am last night and it took an hour and some crying on her part for her to go back to sleep. The night before she was up at 5am and then same thing, I had to force her to go back to sleep, which she did, but still.
Not sure what is going on with her sleep patterns of late. I hope that it is a phase and that by end of February she will be back to sleeping at least until 5:30 before waking up and wanting to get into our bed...

I will check back later! HUGS!
Hi Ladies

had my blood test this morning, will find out the results tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers!

Selfish post right now as I'm so very upset for my sister. She is a few years old than me and has 4 kids right now and found out a few months ago she is unexpectedly pg with their 5th. they are nervous but excited. She had that DNA chromosome test done and all was clear and is a girl. Charlie and I are to be godparents, baby due in june. My mom just called me to tell me that this past ultrasound she had, it doesn't look good. Seems there is only 1 kidney and only 1 vein and artery in the umbilical cord, not much amniotic fluid, and the NT test indicated downs, as well as she having a small chin, which I guess is also another marker of downs. They told her most likely she will be severely disabled with mental ******ation.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I am so upset for her. She is so confused because the last ultrasound was fine! She has another ultrasound in 2 weeks, the dr say, it may be distorted because there isn't a ton of fluid in there. There is nothing on either side of downs, so who knows where this is coming from. What scares me is that Charlie's older brother had severe downs and passed away when he was 3 months old. Now I'm freaking out and I feel so terrible because that is SO selfish of me to think of myself at a time like this. So please switch any prayers from me to her, she and her little girl need them more than I do.

ok, I'm crying too much to see straight. Charlie is kinda mad that mom told me right now when she knows I'm waiting for the next ultrasound but I told him I would want to know, it's my sis!

gotta go for now. hugs
Beth I am sorry to hear that. Your sister and her baby will be in my prayers. Will she be having a Amnio?
Thanks Steph - she is not going to have it because the risk of miscarriage with it is higher with her - her uterus is paper thin and they are afraid of it happening. She wasn't supposed to get pg again as she has some issues with her liver when she does and the fact that her uterus is so thin. So she is going to stick with the next ultrasound and see what happens. I hope they are wrong and this next one shows no issues.
Beth I'm so sorry and will be praying for BOTH of you!

Sorry ladies. I have so much I want to say but keep needing to sleep whenever I can between feedings; got no sleep last nite due to cold. Hanging in, hoping for better days soon! Reece to dr tomorrow for checkup and first shots. Lord help me!
Ps steph, yes keeping food in tummy always helps! I kept saltines by bed for middle of night
Hugs and prayers for all:

Beth I can to imagine the emotional turmoil your sis must be going through. I am thinking of you both and hoping all turns out well.

Angela, for the love of mike sleep!! Way more important than keeping up here. We in you're here, post when u can. Good luck with shots!!

Steph, food is good, as is ginger. Lots of hugs. And yes if you wouldn't mind asking your friend about the speach thing and sign language that would be a huge help. I've googled and I don't find anything suggesting what my friend told me. All articles I find are pro sign language. This is good if I mis understood what my friend was saying. Reason for my concern is her vocabulary is shrinking instead of growing. She used to say "more, milk, all done, and please" when she signed the sign. Now she just signs. So the only word she says with any regularity is dog. That's one word. She'll be 17 months soon. She's tested as beig slightly behind, but I fear it's getting worse rather than better. However after being in daycare the other day I think a lot of her classmates are in the same boat. Daycare says they see waves of speach development, where one class may be really verbal, and the next not so much. However this doesn't put my mind at ease. On the one hand I think, relax, she'll at eventually, the other side of me is the up tight mom who worries too much. And not for nothing listening to you all and my friends about how much their kids talk makes me worry. Sooooo if its not too much of an imposition, if your friend has any resources I should check out that would be great. Thanks so much.

Ok next to what Beth is going through my issues seem pretty small so I'll try and keep everything in perspective.

Love to all, prayers to all, will check in first thing tomorrow!!
Super quick but just checking to see if Beth has heard from dr...
Ps Anna, Ethan hardly says any words, though he can say several of them... He usually just points and whines (sigh). We rarely hear them yet. He chatters but a lot we can't understand. Only maybe ten words he says regularly tht we can understand, so don't stress! :hugs:
Hi Ladies -

Had a rough night crying and worrying, but am ok now. thank you for all the prayers for my sis. I just can't imagine hearing news like she has. I cried to charlie about that and he, very calmly and soothingly, said: we'll be fine, we can handle it if that comes our way. So it was comforting to have him say that.

I am all alone this morning, Charlie had to be at a meeting over an hour away at 8am, so had to get up at 5:45am. But we were lazy bones this morning, getting up at 8:30!

I had about 4 small heart attacks this morning....
#1 - right before I called for my number.
#2 - DURING the call, the only receptionist I don't like answered the phone. She is always doing about 5 things at once. She told me the #'s went up, they were at 43,000!:happydance::thumbup:
#3 - right after the call, she called me Back and asked me if I had paperwork for this lab and I said yes. then she said:"hmmm, wellllllllll, Ingrid will call you back later to discuss the numbers". I said what is everything OK??!?!? She said, ummm, yeah. I'm ashamed to say I kinda flipped. I said very sternly, WHAT the hell does that mean? and she said ohhh, everything's fine, she will just tell you when she wants another ultrasound. I told her I had one for next Thursday and she said ok then.
#4 - about 20 mins later, my favorite receptionist called and said Ingrid reviewed the blood work and it was a great number and wants me in for an ultrasound this afternoon. After hearing that, I panicked and said, is there something wrong, please tell me, my husband isn't here, I need to know quick! (weird, I know but I was stressed) She was very nice and said no, everything was fine, just the #'s were high enough that she wants to do it now. so I'm going in at 2pm today, prob alone, as Charlie will be back in the office at 1pm but has to work.

Now, I'm not sure if I fully believe everything is ok as it seems they are rushing the ultrasound, or they know how freaked out I am and want to put me at ease.

I wish Charlie could come with me, but I'll manage and post afterwards, good or bad.

Love to you all!
Thanks Angela - we posted at the same time!

and that reminds me - Anna, I was at knitting Tuesday and there is a new woman there who has a grandson(sam) who is a few weeks older than Poppy. I don't like her much and if I recall correctly, I didn't much like her kid that I went to school with either! Anyways, she was sitting next to me and poppy and was telling me how Sam says Nana all the time and asked what Poppy says. I said mom-mom and dada. She said, "Oh really! Well, Sam says quite a few words, he is so advanced. Maybe you should push words on him". I smiled the "get away from me smile" and said, my sister and I both didn't speak much until kindergarten age 5, so I'm not worried!
Just checking in to see if Beth posted...

Beth, woohoo!!!! Great news and I'm sure everything is fine. It's probably what you think, the numbers are so good they just want to put your mind at ease. Don't worry on the freak outs, we all have them and given your circumstances, coupled with the stress of your sister's news, it's totally understandable. I think all doctor offices need some sensitivity training. It's like they are completely daft when it comes to what they say and how they say it. But huge hugs on your great news!!! :hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance:

And thanks to you and Angela for the speach support. After a good nights sleep and some reflection I realize I'm stressing over probably nothing. That she will come around in her own time. She babbles tons, so I'm backing off. I did mention it however to one of her teachers and she said they would try and do some more engaging activities with her.

Other than that nothing to report. Still no witch. If she doesn't come by Sunday I'll test.

Hugs to all, thinking of you Beth this afternoon.
On way to Reece's dr appt. but Beth honey am thinking of you! Will keep checking in to see how the ultrasound goes. Hugs and prayers and I'm sure all is fine! :hug:
Beth - Glad to hear that your numbers are high and looking forward to hearing how your ultrasounds goes this afternoon!

Anna - I will call a few of my friends, but I would not worry. I have another girlfriend whose daughter is the same age as yours and she only says a few words and seems to have her own language (that is what her mom says - not me). In fact, my friend's daughter can say the word mommy, but never calls her that. She will call her dada. So Jo is fine, but I will get any information I can for you. :)

Angela - Hope that Reece is ok and it is just a cold. I also hope that you are starting to feel better.

Rebekah - what has been going on with you girlfriend? Miss you!

AFM - Katelyn is waking up again on a regularly basis which is not making me happy. I love snuggling with my baby, but I do not want her in my bed for the majority of the evening at night and I can't sit in the rocker and rock her to sleep all night long. It is uncomfortable to hold her and have her pressing in my tummy. makes me want to :sick:. Speaking of which, MS still going strong, but I guess that is good. This is about the week in 2010 when it all ended, so I am trying to not to think about that too much and stay positive. Have the glucose test today and will let you know when the first ultrasound is schedule. Staying positive :thumbup:


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