35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks girls!

steph, I am so sorry about the ms misery,,, I know that sucks so much and probably scares katelyn to see. Just remember, she won't remember!

For me, I found eating saltines (keeping them by the bed at al times for nighttime) and drinking ginger ale over ice (the one time my rule against high fructose corn syrup goes out the window lol!) helped settle my stomach when nothing else would. I find it is really a matter of whether my blood sugar is getting low, regardless of time of day,.. So I ate a LOT and pretty much constantly to keep my blood sugar up a bit and make the nausea better. Hope that helps sweetie. I know it really does suck while you are going through it. Try to think fun thoughts of fun baby stuff and all the fun you will have with your newest little one. :)

AFM made it through church group this morning and we are all home. Exhausted but it was fun, need a nap now but may not get one, we shall see. It's terrible that I would be so tid after just a morning at church, but feels like mt. Everest to get out the door with two! :dohh:
Angela - saltines work most of the time but sometimes the ginger ale makes it worse. I went to BRU and got the preggo pops. They are actually working!!!!
Yay! I found the flavors of those made mine worse but it just depeds from person to person - do whatever works!! :thumbup:
Ps I just had to share this laugh - it seems both boys are worn out from their morning, and have taken a 2.5 hour nap so far (well, Ethan has been down for hours but only sleeping one and a half of those)... But I never know exactly when I will win these little "both down at the same time" lotteries, so it is hard to plan to be productive lol! :dohh: it would be so nice if they were a little more predictable! :haha: :rofl: Reece is getting better about sleeping in his swing if i top off his feeds with a bottle, so maybe I can get them into a good routine. Ethan is still transitioning into one daytime nap, so he is all over the place, but maybe soon we can get a groove going! :thumbup:
Hi everyone,

Steph, I can't imagine what your going through darlin! :hugs: Praying those preggie pops work miracles for you. I'd imagine Katelyn is frantic seeing her mommy like this. So now I'm betting early on that your having a boy. Any takers? :rofl: Just that it's been so different this time I'm wondering. Though Angela, didn't yours go different with Reece too?

Also, how is your bp doing this time around since your so sick? They don't correlate do they?

Anna, Yay on the yoga. I'd actually LOVE to get us in a class. Doug has really taken to yoga lately. I'm having a tough time because it uses your body weight. For obvious reasons picking up a 200lb body part isn't all that easy. :rofl: I DID see a video from a Vietnam War Veteran who lost the use of his limbs from parachuting. He gained a lot of weight and couldn't walk without canes. He shot videos where he literally fell hard to the ground trying to do yoga positions. He kept at it and later started losing weight with portion control and keeping up with yoga until he mastered it. Not only did he gain his muscle movement and other movement but he walks without canes and has lost weight. The video shows him running now. VERY impressive.

Still sick here. Amelia isn't doing too bad at all. I'm the only one REALLY, really sick. I made an appointment with the nurse practitioner in case I still had it by tomorrow. I'm guessing I have an issue with sinus infection. I feel like I got hit by a truck. If Doug didn't stay home the past two days I don't know what I would have done. I've literally been bed ridden for two days. I haven't been sick in a very long time. It's an eye opener NOT to take it for granted. I usually know when I'm really sick. While this isn't the worst, it certainly knocked me on my bum! :lol:

Have a good night ladies!
Morning all,

Not much going on, and quiet on here so a quick post. MA, I failed you, was feeling pretty crappy yesterday afternoon so I bailed on yoga. Now I'm beating myself up, but oh well, Saturday for sure!!

Hope you feel better! So hard to be sick and the mommy.

Angela, yeh for napping at the same time!! Jo has been down to one nap for some time per daycare requirement (grrrrrrr). But when she's at home I'm having trouble getting her to nap at all. At daycare she sleeps for 1-1.5 hrs, at home I'm lucky if I get 50 minuets. Hope you are doing well and huge hugs to the boys.

Steph, how a you feeling today? Have the pops helped?

AFM, feeling like a looser as I did not go to yoga yesterday. Also feel like I'm slacking weight wise, so I'm back to being determined. I did buy myself a new dress for Mexico yesterday. Other than that so ready for this week to be over. This cold had wiped me out and I'm really tired. Thank god DH has been getting up with Jo in the morning. That's it from here.

Suuuper quick as I'm currently in the "nap window" trying to get a couple things done before anyone wakes, but just wanted to share a pic of the boys in their new stroller. They LOVE it (or at least Ethan does - won't get out of it! :rofl:) and Reece seems to enjoy riding!

(Now, for mama to get walking every day and get some of these baby pounds moving, LOL!)

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday and our preggos are not feeling too nauseous. Anna and Bek, get well soon!

Beth, I'm still stalking for baby birthday photos LOL! :haha: And Viv for wedding details!

Hugs girls! :hugs:


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As Anne Of Green Gables would say, "Tomorrow's a new day with no mistakes" :winkwink: It will be alright. :hugs:

Like the new wheels Angela! How fun.

Still not feeling well. I went out today but I'm wondering if I'm dealing with walking pneumonia. I just feel pretty weak. Amelia is teething and SHE IS NASTY! :wacko: Very clingy to poor Doug and cries whenever he leaves the room. She grabs on to his legs and has to walk with him. :rofl: It's taking it's toll tonight on us both though. I'm sick and he's got a headache. Wouldn't take it back for anything though. SO blessed to have her.

New York City is batting down the hatches for a snow storm. A foot to them is a disaster since traffic is already crazy. Snow and nowhere to put it will make for some crazy stories.

Since we're in central New York, we're actually getting 5-6 inches. SO crazy. Usually WE get it since we're in the snowbelt. I'm quite jealous! I'm a snow bunny at heart. I don't like zero temps but I do love the snow. Even with a cold.

Happy Weekend ladies!
Hi all and Happy Friday!!

I am so over this week!!

Angela, love the stroller and I think more practical than a side by side one. So nice to have wheels and be able to get out and about!!

MA, so sorry you are not feeling well yet. One of my employees had walking pneumonia earlier this year. It's a real bummer. Topped off by a teething toddler and that's a lot to handle. LOL on clingy Amelia. Jo is the same way with her dad. Sounds like we've got a couple of daddy's girls. Hope you feel better!!! And glad you will not have as much snow as the city. The weather channel is so melodramatic, they make it sound like the end of the world. I was once in NYC when it snowed 8". Went for a walk in Central Park that morning and it was so quiet and peaceful. But I understand this storm will really snarl up the airports and the city.

AFM, NOt much to tell. Went to daycare potluck last night and it was actually a really nice spread. A little crazy BUT I resisted the cheesecake dessert, one of my favorites!!! So small steps. Jo is better and we are all recovering from our colds. On the mend. Other than that looking forward to a mellow weekend, no crazy football parties, no traveling, just a weekend to hang out and be home.

Steph, and Beth, hope everything is ok with our pregger mommies.

Hugs to all, especially those on the east coast!!
Anna, :rofl: I laughed at your comment about the cities and the snow. The media hype is too funny! Doug and I looked out the window and said, "LOOK! There's a snowflake." Of course it's steadily snowing but around here you expect it! We live in New York for crying out loud. Hahaha Now the 30 inches that are expected in Mass...that's CRAZY! I'm kinda jealous! :rofl: Though I'd expect with the rain they had there that snow will make it heavy and lines will go down with power outages. That isn't so fun. Snuggling with the family though? Oh man...I love winter storms!

Sounds like your daycare meeting went nicely. How fun!

I'm still out whether I have walking pneumonia. I took more sudafed and mucinex which tends to work. The neti pot has been a God-send as well. At night it seems to get worse for me. I haven't had a full nights sleep in days. I think that's the killer.

Have fun relaxing this weekend! :hugs:
Hi Ladies!

only have a quick minute as hubby is playing with baby! He finally cut his 8th tooth - there are about 2 more coming, so the pain isn't over, but this one was a doozy.

We are in the heart of the blizzard - we are expecting about 3 feet of snow by tomorrow morning. :happydance::happydance::happydance: Can't wait to get poppy out there and get a picture of him on a snowbank! We are in Massachusetts, and in the 3ft belt, so it should be good!

MS has been kicking my butt this week, along with being dead tired. Saltines and resting have been the order of the days lately. Last time, it was this bad too and passed at 13 weeks, so looking forward to that timeframe too!

Wed was Poppy's FIRST birthday! yay! Charlie and I had a small family party, just the three of us, before we have the big parties the next couple of weeks.

gotta run, I'll reply to the posts in a bit, just wanted to pop back in. hugs to you all! - Beth
Hi Girls,

I am still here. trying not to puke every minute of my day LOL.

Rebekah and Anna - sorry to hear that you are both down with colds, although Rebekah yours seems really really bad! I am glad that Doug was able to stay home and take care of you and Amelia.

Rebekah - I think Anna and Angela summed it up nicely about your parents. I have no additional words of wisdom LOL, other than I am sorry that you are unable to get your deposit back.

Anna - Yay for chillaxing at home this weekend. Sometimes it is nice not to have any plans or stuff and just go with the flow.

Angela - Love the stroller. Guess I need to start looking into double strollers, but I have some time. Also yay for double napping! That is awesome.

Beth - Looking forward to hearing about Charlies Bday party! How are you feeling?

Viv - Wedding plans? Is the fiance back from his trip? How is Callum?

AFM - My hubby has been having to go into work all this week. I am grateful that he got this new job, but I am kind of being selfish in that I liked having him home in the evenings to be with me. Oh well. I will live LOL. This is a great thing for him and I want to support him so I will suck it up. It is just so hard when all I want to do is just lay on the couch. It is nice to have an extra pair of hands with Katelyn right now. Angela - don't know how you did it! Again, I think I am being a whiny cry baby and should just suck it up. Millions of women do this all the time so I can handle it.

The preggo pops work for a minute, but if you eat more than 2 in a 20 minutes it starts to grate your tongue LOL. I just ate some mixed nuts and that actually helped.

I was trying to wait until the end of 1st trimester before I said anything, but I am so uncomfortable and feeling lousy, that I think as soon as I hear the heartbeat and know that everything is ok, I will at least tell my boss, coworkers and my family. Not sure about hubby's family because if that happens everyone will know. Lets just say my MIL LOVES to gossip to put it nicely.

Ok, I am gonna head home. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I promise not to be so whiney next time I post LOL.

Hi Ladies!

Beth, I wondered where you were in all the storm news. I'm SO Jealous! :lol: :happydance: I am praying that it's a fun storm though and nothing that will cut out utilities for a long period of time or hurt anyone tragically. Sadly I know how dumb people can get in this weather. I.E. two idiot kids in their 20's started racing around our Cul De Sac purposely making their cars/vans 360 or 180. I would have pooped my pants had I been the people on each corner. The van came close to the living room of one of our neighbors. Stay warm, safe and praying the morning sickness gets better while you hunker down together. :hugs:

Steph, Your not a whiner! Your going through clusters of hormone peaks with the morning sickness. I love having my husband around too but I don't know what I would have done had he not been here while I was sick. You are celebrating his new job but grieving the loss of time with him and some kind of sanity while you transition to pregnancy and motherhood to two. Your strong and you'll make it dear friend! We're here for you. :hugs:

Angela, what's up for the weekend?

Viv, anything new?

I know I'm forgetting someone. While my moods are getting better my memory still sucks! :happydance:

AFM: I took some time to recover a bit before calling my parents yesterday evening. LUCKILY they didn't answer the phone so I got to leave a message. My intent was to let them know we kindly cancelled the party like they wanted. While I haven't heard from them I AM grateful that this was taken care of. I am making boundaries. While we DID lose money from the deposit. It's THEIR anniversary and they can spend it any way they like. After prayer I decided throwing money loss in their face wouldn't be appropriate. It was supposed to be a gift anyways. So I just told them we did what they asked and cancelled.

Now this doesn't mean their going to get a dinner from us which I have this feeling they'll throw back in my face.

I felt bad because neither parent bothered to call us back. It is what it is. I heard a sermon last weekend which Doug reminded me about. It spoke about what defines US. In the end, it's not pleasing my parents, my husband or even our daughter....it's living a life pleasing to the Lord. HE'S the one I put my faith, trust and hopes in. HE is the one to please. Obviously I am a wife and mother and of course after the Lord I am called to be a helpmeet or side-kick with Doug and a mother/teacher to our daughter. THOSE 3 things are priorities. While God teaches us in His word to honor and respect our parents, it also tells fathers not to provoke a child to sin and that wives will cleve to their husbands and leave their parents. An instructional book on what Gods plan for MY life is. So.....that has helped to let this go and move forward. Doug and I have reached an agreement that this was enough though. I won't take Amelia away from her gramma and grampa, however we're not going to do extra's nor will we be bullied into doing things their way anymore to suit their agenda.

Had a great week even though I was sick. It was LOVELY time with my husband and daughter. a mini vacay. Have a great weekend ladies!
Hi everyone!

Well did today leave me gobsmacked. :rofl: Finishing lunch and all of a sudden the door knocks. It's gramma! Holy SH!# :wacko: I hadn't heard from my parents since I left the message that we cancelled the dinner. No calls, NOTHING. Then today....my mother is at the door. Mind you, I live around an hour away from them in the woods. :lol:

Doug and I looked at each other and of COURSE he was on his way out the door to work and Amelia was just about to take her afternoon nap which had to be put off. Mom came in and said she brought Valentines baskets for us. I could NOT believe it! Not the baskets, but just astonished that here we were after the drama of their 40th anniversary. During said time she played with Amelia and we talked but it was REALLY ODD to me. Just uncomfortable for me. Confusing!

I thanked her for everything and she continued playing with Amelia. I gave her some coupons she could use for the cats and just as she said she would have to leave, I kept thinking...I have to ask, I HAVE to know if she got the message. What if she didn't get the message? So I said nicely, did you get my message? She said, Yes! and that was it. Nothing more said.

What the?! ((tapping my feet and thinking)) WHAT was this?? :wacko:

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to move on, but nothing was really said. Just a surprise visit and that is that. While I wouldn't want them to know we lost money I would have at least liked something like, "Got your message. Thank you! I'm sorry things didn't work out". No acknowledgement, now apologies, not even a wink. I don't even know what to think.

She was playing with Amelia and just kept saying, how she can make the faces with grampa next time. NEXT time? Are you kidding?? I'm going to need some space. We have been uprooting OUR routine to visit THEM everyone other weekend. It's high time we had a weekend or two to ourselves.

Anyways, I've only been telling you guys about this situation and HAD to share the odd activity of the day.

Now on to another question I have:

Amelia is 16 months. She's still using bottles for milk and sippy cups for water. I'm working with her on using sippy cups for milk as well but we'll get there at some point. ANYhoo, Doug wanted to switch from pampers after the rash issue from the wipes to Huggies. For the most part, huggies was okay.....Well, Overnight they just aren't cutting it. She's leaking through them at night. Literally pee'ing too much at night. Does anyone have a HUGE overnight pee'er? What diapers are you using?

Should I find new diapers? Should I let her drink her last bottle 1 hour BEFORE she goes to bed?

She now has another red bottom AGAIN. It's hard to get it healed. She IS showing signs of teething quite a bit. First on the left side and now on the right so it could very well be the contributing issue to the baboon bottom. Just wondering what everyone is doing for the excessive wetness overnight which I'm sure doesn't help!

Hope you all are having a lovely weekend. :hug:
Bek, I'm not sure what to think about your mom! :wacko: :nope:

On the diapers, we had that issue with Ethan. Since about 14 months, he has been in a size FIVE Huggies overnight diaper for nighttime. It's crazy to me but that is what works for us! :thumbup: He only wears a Pampers 4 during the day, but needs the extra absorbency at night.

Hope all our preggos are feeling as well as possible! :hugs:

We got out for another walk today and yesterday. Yesterday, 4 miles at the greenway we went to last week. Nice, but flat (which is great too). Today, we tried another one nearby and it kicked my patootie!! I mean, uphill the whole first half. Pushing a 35 pound stroller plus a 25 pound toddler and 15 pound chunky infant... you do the math! I was huffing and puffing, but I sure need the exercise. I told hubby, I think if we can do that every weekend (twice each weekend) and I can pick up another walk during the week with friends around the neighborhood, I can probably knock off a pound a week. I was EASILY working as hard as I would be running on the treadmill. Feels good though, and I'm SO ready to get moving on this baby weight.

Sorry for a short message. I'm just at my desk for a second to try and see how best to print Ethan's bday invitations. Gotta order envelopes next, but I think the invitations are going to look nice. Will share once they are done.

Hugs and love to all!
Just checking in on everyone.

Phew! Glad tonight is almost over. :lol: Amelia was AWESOME today. That is until I put her in for a nap. She woke up and when I went to get her she screamed and threw herself down on her mattress. :rofl: The tantrums lasted until bed time.

Oh and as I was hanging her laundry I noticed that one of her two dresses I purchased for her at Marshall's felt odd. I picked it up and lo and behold, the security thingamabob is on it. Oh Shizzle! I don't know HOW I didn't see it before. It's been two weeks since we purchased it. I must have just shoved it on a hanger and into the closet. My predicament? I'm almost POSITIVE that Doug doesn't have that receipt in his wallet as he usually throws them away after a spell since we plan to keep things. Especially if it's two weeks or older. It will be a miracle if he has the receipt. SO now what? :shrug: We have a check copy online but it doesn't give a breakdown. Will they think we stole it?! Ugh the silly predicaments I get us into. :rofl: :wacko: I ought to write this stuff down for a book. :lol:

How is everyone? Our pregnant ladies. You okay? Beth....do you have power dear? I've been thinking about you and that storm. Praying all is well. Steph, I hope you and Katelyn are doing well. I know it's been hard without your hubby since the new change. Thinking of you as well.

Anna, what's going on? Are you respiting? :hugs:

Angela, Holy CAts! YOU GO GIRL! That's quite a stroll. I was thinking about taking Amelia for a walk tomorrow. I'm not sure how cold it will be. Since I live towards the country, our roads are hard to stroll a child on in slippery weather. Maybe Doug will take us to the huge mall to walk. He LOATHES malls, but it's exercise.

Praying all is well dear ones!
I will get caught up soon...I have a sinus infection, Jo has an ear infection, oh and my back is out...awesome. Enough said, hugs to all and I'll catch up soon.
Hi ladies,

Quick post: storm was huge, we never lose power as our town has their own electric company and not on the huge ones always going out. We never lose it. About 3 feet of snow , drifts about 4 feet. Poppy doesn't have much interest in it yet. I do have some pics I will post later.

MA- my mom does the same thing, act like it never happened and ignores the whole thing.....it's her way of apologizing and moving forward and not dwelling on it going over and over it, and keep reliving hurt feelings. My advice from experience : she's offered her own type of olive branch. Take it, you'll be happy you did.

As far as diapers, poppy is a big pee boy, so we always put him in a size up at night. Gives more room to hold more pee. He's in a 4 at night, 3 during the day.

Anna- so sorry about the infections!!!!!!!! And backaches are the Worst. So sorry my friend.

AFM- my sister went for her ultrasound and it was terrible news. The worst. They expect the baby not to last the week. Sister has to go back for another ultrasound next week to ensure the hb is gone and then they will plan prob a c-section to deliver her as my sister can't be induced due to her own health issues. So a devastating loss at what will be 26 weeks. So sad.

Sorry to leave on such a crappy sad tone but I hear my guys downstairs and I think poppy just had a big spitup, gotta go check.

Hugs to you all
Oh Beth honey I'm SO sorry for your sister. God bless them and we will be praying for them. :hugs: :cry: :cry: I cannot even imagine having to sit by and wait for something like that to happen...to lose her sweet baby in that way. I am so, so sorry!!

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