35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi Ladies -

back from the ultrasound! Everything is perfect, I am measuring a week early, so I'm 6.5 weeks instead. phew! fetal pole was there, and heard the heartbeat. She said it was a little low but she usually sees them this low at 6.5 weeks - it was 113bpm. I have a pic I will upload later but it's just a little blob - a cute blob, but a blob!

So I go back in 4 weeks for the first appt. Not sure if they will treat it the same as Poppy's - giving me so many ultrasounds as his pregnancy went perfect but I'm thankful so far.

I go tomorrow for the full bloodwork, couldn't do it today. oh, and charlie zoomed home to take me to the appointment! He said he didn't want to miss it. :) This time around, I'm not going to have him come to every appt, just the important ones, so I was so thankful he came. :)

to celebrate, I'm not making dinner!!! takeout!!!
Steph hang in sweetie. That sucks they do the glucose this early! Ick! Hugs!
Hi all. So they think I am 6w+4days. I have my first look on feb 14th.
Hi ladies,

Great news today! :happydance:

Beth, now you can tell whoever that person was who was so abrupt about miscarriage to shove it where the sun don't shine! :winkwink:

Steph, good to hear all is well with exception to the sickness but I'm praising God for that too. That's ALWAYS a good sign. hormone levels seem to be keeping up. So I can't seem to remember what you mentioned about Katelyn. I can't see the page while I'm typing but hopefully all is well with her too.

So glad to hear all the news today.

Nothing really much going on here. I'm enjoying Amelia. She's been in a good mood the past two days after teething. She's walking better, more babbling than ever, says kitty-kitty, hi, dada, mom-mom, doggie (sort of) and puts her fingers together when saying kitty-kitty. She's not all that vocal to be honest though. While she DOES say these things, I'll ask her to say BALL, BOOK or other things and she just won't budge. I see her as a visual learning. She SEE'S certain things and then she copies certain motions.

She LOVES to dance and listen to music. She like mommy in that she loves anything having to do with the arts. Dance, music, "some" art. She LOVES to laugh! Doug and I just can't get enough of her laughing and squealing. Just amazing!

AFM I've been doing LOTS of reading. I'm reading my favorite series by Jennifer Chiaverini: Elm Creek Series. The latest book in the series and now she has a new book called Mrs. Lincoln's dressmaker. It's supposed to be historical fiction but to be honest, she takes much of her historical fiction and researches it. Mrs. Lincoln REALLY DID have a special dressmaker who used to be a slave. She used her skills to become THE BEST dressmaker and somehow made it to being Mrs. Lincoln's personal dress maker. Keep in mind if you look at all the beautiful dresses Mrs. Lincoln actually wore, you'll see how intricate and beautiful they are. THIS is the dressmaker in the historical fiction book. I LOVE historical fiction, and biographies. I haven't gotten to this book yet, but bought it specifically to read. It's the first in a new series.

As many of you know I LOVE quilting. Quilts have a prominent role in history. Some were even used in the "underground railroad" to direct slaves to freedom. Because many slaves weren't permitted to read, there had to be something to show them which houses were safe to stay at. Women in these specific safe homes created quilts that nobody would recognize to anyone but the slaves. They understood how to read them. Just simply AMAZING.

I get into history more now than ever. My hometown is Auburn where Harriet Tubman lived and also Lincoln's Secretary of State, William H. Seward who bought Alaska and helped to shape our nation. I LOVE touring his home and my families historical book resides in that house as well.

I'm also reading a book called "The heart of anger". It's a biblical book for helping children with anger biblically. I came across it when Mrs. Duggar brought it up as she was talking about one of her youngest (strong willed)girls. She was SO patient and loving yet FIRM that I wanted to understand how this book helped her.

I have to say I consider it more for ME than for Amelia. It's helping ME to deal with certain issues of my own life where I've become bitter and angry. Obviously losing Jackson didn't help any but I'm noticing that it's time to "let it go". If not for my own sake at least for Doug and Amelia.

In the process I pray it can help me to deal with her temper in a patient and wise manner. She's VERY expressive like her mommy. She LOVES Big and has big tantrums too. lol Knowing how to deal with them will help us all a great deal. Especially if I can move past my own hurt, anger and bitterness. It's just TIME to let it go!

Well, that's what's been going on. I'm just playing with our girl, getting more stuff done around the house and Doug gives me some extra free time to read.

This weekend is our extra special weekend. Can't WAIT for massage and acupuncture. Not sure what we'll do from there, but I'm looking forward to it!

Love to you all. I've been praying for each of you in different ways. You ALL are on my heart daily. Love you all dearly. SO GLAD to hear the good news Beth.

Oh, forgot, I'm sorry about your sister. I'll be praying for her as well. Sometimes they get all hyper for no reason. I know they freaked me out about Amelia's heart and the cardiologist even asked me if I knew my age meant high risk for downs. After all that, I had to wait 8 weeks only to find out she didn't actually have a heart issue it was a reflection from my insides. :wacko: All that needless worry for NOTHING. I pray that this is your sisters case. That she will in fact have a healthy baby and a safe and healthy 9 months! I'll continue to pray for her daily.

As for the worry about Downs, I'm with your husband. Worry about that when/if that comes. Don't give yourself something extra to worry about. Doug and I worked with many adults with Downs and other disabilities. MANY of whom lived very normal lives. They work daily, some are married, many have jobs and do better at them than those who are without disabilities. They bring JOY too.

Sadly, our society teaches that these folks aren't worthy of life which is why those my age are asked to have genetic testing. If you look at orphans you RARELY find one with Downs. There are quite a few less orphanages for kids with Downs than there were. Not because the percentage of Downs kids are lowering but because of the amount of abortions when parents find out the children have actual chromosomal abnormalities.. This is another topic I get into because Doug and I have been tinkering with the thought of actually adopting children with Downs Syndrome later on down the road. Doug has also had a heart for children in Africa for a while now too so it will be interesting to see where God directs us. Again, that will be down the line since we hope to try for one more healthy full term pregnancy. After another child, I don't think I will be able to handle anymore fertility injections and hormones nor the stitches to keep the babies in nor the fear that comes with each time. I'd rather try for one more child in my body, work my bum off to lose this weight and get healthy so I can keep up and play with them all and THEN adopt more children.

Since Doug and I both have medical training, why not adopt a child who has special needs. Our insurance is good (at least right now) and with both our background we have the experience as well as the love to be able to share. Right now though, I'm just trying to give all I have to my husband and daughter, work on #2 and let God guide and direct us for everything else.

On another note, I'm feeling SO much better lately! The vitamin D is working, though I think I need a shot of B. My insulin levels are GREAT! The nurse at the fertility Dr.'s said she was glad to hear of the numbers and told me when I'm ready to call a week in advance. SOOOoo. Right now I'm just focusing on each minute/hour/and day. The end of February is good for us to start again so I'm just taking right now to relax and enjoy all that God has already blessed me with. Counting my blessings so to say!

Hope your all having a great week so far. It's been windy here with all the weather changes. Went from 9 degree's to 50 yesterday LOTS of wind and snow tonight low in the teens again. I don't mind the snow but I sure wish we didn't have the subzero degree's They really make things a bummer around here. Tire pressure goes down, batteries in the cars start going. There are worse things though!

Love to you all. :hug:
Ahhhhhh just lost mypost because I lost my Internet connection, don't have the patience to re-post, so know I'm thinking of you all . .. Beth, woohoo for a good appointment!!

Xoxo Anna
Ok I'm back minus my morning headache.

Beth, woohoo!! That is such great news about the baby and I'm glad Charlie could make it.

MA, have a fabulous weekend!! I am so jealous. Glad Amelia is doing so well and you sound so much better. Letting go of anger is hard, for everyone, cut yourself so slack. What you went through with Jackson would test anyone's faith, patience, and soul. I understand your wanting to let go, it's a good thing, but maybe easier said than done. Just don't beat yourself up too much. In the mean time, a massage and acupuncture sound delightful!!

Steph, the sleep thing is always a struggle isn't it? We Still struggle. Hope you are feeling better today. Lots of hugs and thanks for trying for any information, but please don't worry about it, I have come to terms that she will talk in her own time.

Angela, how are you and the boys today? How is everyone feeling? Is your MIL in town still? How's the boob?

Jules, if you're lurking hope you and Gabby are well.

Vivienne, how are things? Still single?

AFM, well spotting and cramping today so I think the witch is on her way. As with every month, some sad some happy. Margueritas in Mexico, yeah!!!! No baby, boooo. I have to admit there are some days I'm so tired I could not imagine two. But you make it work no matter what like so many of you amazing ladies do or will do so soon. We are hosting a Super Bowl party on Sunday so my weekend will be filled with cleaning and prepping for the party. First party in the new house, most of our friends have never seen it, so that's exciting. But the Super Bowl starts at 6:00 and Jo goes down around 7. Anybody had this problem. Our house is small so Jo's room is not that far from living and family room. Thoughts?

Anyway, have a great weekend!!!

I have a thought. How about getting one of those baby noise machines. We have one for Amelia and we leave it on the ocean breeze. It's calming and she hardly hears any noise. I have the tv on loud so I can hear it. She seems to do well with that in her room. There are many times that machine has saved the day.

Thanks for the comment by the way.

Today I'm doing coupons. I got quite a few coupons from coupons.com today. Matching them with each circular. Hair products, baby products, some games for christmas gifts, truvia sugar for my dad, cat and dog stuff, even chocolate almost free. I also found a coupon for All (we get free and clear which the dermatologist recommends). Not only will I have that coupon, but the one I can combine with it from the dermatologist. I'm getting REALLY excited!

It's snowing ALOT here. :happydance: I'd like to take Amelia out sledding later but so far she's shown she's not a snow bunny yet. I even took her out today just to walk and she SCREAMED. lol Gramma is going to try her in it tomorrow too.

Hoping you all have a lovely weekend!
Saturday night, tried the chicken again, used some recipe ideas of Beth's along with MA's cooking time and temp. Turned out SO GOOD!! Thanks!! I did parsnips also roasted in the pan and they were so sweet!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! And MA, Jo had a humidifier in her room that makes a good fan noise, her cd is better so fingers crossed tonight goes well!!

Xoxo Anna
Hi all!!

Monday and not much going on. Our Super Bowl party was a success, 25 people in our little house, it was a mad house!! But fun was had by all. A little overwhelming for Jo with all the other kids, but I think she had fun. Slept like a champ when bed time came.

Oh and a few more pounds lighter, but I've decided that I've got to start running again to really get the scale moving. The fur baby went to the vet on Friday and he's 12 lbs over weight!!! So three mornings a week I'm going to try and get moving with the fur baby so we can both loose a few more pounds.

Hope everyone else is well. Hugs to all!
Anna good for you on the weight loss! :hugs: we took the kids for a 3 mile walk sunday at the local greenway; lovely day for it but I could sure feel it in every muscle last night lol! My Joints take forever to gt back to normal after pregnancy, and that is mostly where my pain comes from. We are hoping to do that walk at least once a week as a family, and hopefully I can work in several other walks during the week. We finally settled on a stroller and I LOVE it; definitely recommend it for anyone with two as a great go anywhere stroller. Baby jogger city select ($$, but we found one on Craigslist for a price we could live with). Reece is already in it - no need for car seat adapter, etc.

Anyway I am hanging in and feeling better, thank God for my mil! She stayed till Saturday and I took Friday and cooked a bunch of things for the freezer while she was here. She comes back in a month for Ethan's birthday. Can't believe he will be TWO!!

I'm thinking of doing a cars 2 theme for this party, as that's his favorite movie so far. He watches it over, and over, and over...:rofl: I gotta get it in gear and plan his party bc I need to get invitations out. Feels like there is so much going on that it is a bit overwhelming, but I know I will eventually get into a groove with two. :thumbup: it feels so hectic sometimes (like this morning, as I went ahead and did the kids' baths before naps so evening won't be so crazy). But I know it will get better.

Beth and Steph, hoping you aree both feeling as well as possible! It sounds like you are only a day apart - woohoo! I'm so excited for both of you! I know the ms makes each day drag,.. I remember last April as the longest month of my life :rofl: :dohh: but it WILL get better soon!

Bek, Ethan does big tantrums too! :rofl: lately, we are REALLY seeing the screaming me-me's and it is very tiresome. I know it comes with the territory. But jeez! He screams at EVERYTHING and it gets so old. Especially when it wakes the baby. Sigh. I will be praying for your ttc path!

Viv, so happy you are back and posting. Wedding planning is so much fun but I know it can be stressful too. Please share things with us as you gt the chance! Would love to see the preparations take shape!

Okay girls gotta fold laundry, the buzzer is going off. Hugs and love!
Oh ps Reece went for his two month check last Thursday. Doing great and 14+5 already! My little Chunk a lunk! :haha: got his first shots, which I was glad for as now can stop stressing so much about pertussis exposure here. Bad enough we have to worry so over flu!

We also moved him into his nursery this weekend. That transition always makes me :cry:, but he was outgrowing the pack n play bassinet weight limit! :dohh:

Will upload some new pics soon!

Morning Ladies,

Well the stinking 49ers lost BOOO!!!! I am so bummed.

Anna - Glad your superbowl party was a success and that Jo went to sleep without any issue. Also Congrats on more weight loss! That is fantastic!

Angela - Yay on Reece's 1st shots. I know that that is a huge sigh of relief. Wow he is moved into his own room already...I know that is tough. So do you have a monitor for both rooms or do you have the same monitor and just an additional piece for his room? Yay on finally getting a new stroller! Our babies are getting big. Almost 2. Time FLIES!!!!!
I think that Charlie and Gabby turn 1 this week. Happy 1st Birthday babies!!!!!

AFM: We always have a big shin dig at our church for Super Bowl Sunday and my husband grills. Glad it is over as I haven't seen him for the past week. Thursday, he went to the church when I got home and seasoned all the meat, Saturday he went to work and then back to the church to start smoking the ribs and pork butt and to make hamburger patties. Sunday he cooked all morning at the church and wasn't done until about 2pm. Katelyn and I were at the church and both us took a nap in the nursery from 1-3pm. It was lovely. However my MS is awful! I truly don't remember it being this bad the last time around. Or maybe I just blocked it out. But I really don't want to do anything because I just feel so sick all the time. But I have to because Katelyn comes over and says "play Mommy! Up Up" and physically pulls me off the couch and then cheers when I get up to go into her playroom with her. How can I not play when she gets to happy about it? However, I do feel like such a sloth. Angela - How did you manage to cook, clean, and care for Ethan during your 1st trimester. I seriously don't want to do ANYTHING other than lay on the couch or in bed? And Beth, you are amazing cooking like you do. If this nausea would go away, I may have more energy and want to do stuff :-(.

Well I complained enough, I need to get back to work. I will check back later.

Rebekah - HUGS!!!! How was your weekend? Want to hear all about it! Miss you!

Viv - How is the wedding planning coming?

Hi ladies!

Guess who woke up with a cold?!:haha:

At least it happened AFTER all the fun! My parents took Amelia and we went to the spa. LOVED it! We both got massages and then I got an acupuncture treatment. After that, we went downstairs and got in the hot tub with the waterfall that looked like a pool. Got in the sauna and then the AWESOME power steam shower. ((( que Hallelujah chorus))):happydance: I wish there was a (((praise))) button. :happydance:

From there we went to a couple garden stores to prep for our spring garden and then to a nice Indian restaurant where I had THE BEST meal I've had in AGES!

Stopped by Barnes and Nobles so we could sit with some tea/coffee in hand and read books. I bought Amelia some learning videos for Valentines Day then we left for my parents but stopped at walmart before we got there.

Next day Doug took us shopping and we stopped by a nice mexican restaurant that makes they're own fresh guac. Another lovely dish and even Amelia had rice, beans and guac to eat. Went home to watch the Super Bowl which I wasn't really impressed with (anyone else like it?) then went to bed.

Now the vent...I lost 20 minutes of my massage session. We almost lost the whole session because my mom left the house and dad said she demanded we stay because she wanted to see us. This of course even when we told them we had an appointment and couldn't be late. I let it go and just decided to move past my frustration. Afterall, they DID take us in even though they gave us a hard time and though I got a 30 minute instead of a 50 minute...at least I got something and went into the acupuncture appointment.

Well, today ended up REALLY testing me. My parents 40th Anniversary is coming in April and so I thought a nice gesture would be to plan a gathering of some sort to celebrate their 40 years together. So December I approached my dads sister (my favorite aunt who is like my sister) and she was going to help. Doug and I had already put a sizeable down payment at a restaurant well known for food, and it's in a Dickens Town right across from the lake. The only thing was that my mom hasn't talked with her siblings in awhile and it's not "really" a fight. They just distanced themselves because my mothers mom (okay I'll call her my grandma) has been evil and quite hurtful over the years. They all just got sick of it. My mom sometimes PUSHES her on everyone (including me) even when she's been rotten. Mom isn't talking with her mother now because she finally pulled something nasty with her. SOOOOooo needless to say the people going were my dads side (siblings only). I spoke with my cousin (my best friend) who is my moms sisters daughter (are you all falling me??lol) who said they were on talking terms now.

It ended with me being confused so my husband told me to call my parents and spill the beans about the party so if my felt comfortable and WANTED her siblings there, she could and would feel happy about it. If they didn't show at least they would be invited.

Called my parents and next thing you know, mom asked to call back and she does...only with my father saying 'don't waste your money". I told her it's been in the works for a while now and we already put the deposit down. Then all I hear is my mother telling me "we aren't THOSE kind of people" we don't need lavish parties like your aunt and uncle (my dads brother and his wife). Then my dad said "I hate this sh&*!

WOW! Um, first of all we go out for Christmas brunch and Thanksgiving, as well as Easter with my fathers side...how is THIS any different?? Second, I thought of this idea to celebrate their 40 years together. It was SUPPOSED to be a kind gesture to acknowledge their anniversary with people who LOVE them. What finally did it was as my dad said "I hate this Sh&*!" my mom said, "let her do what SHE wants to do".

:cry:Again, this wasn't about ME. I wanted to celebrate their 40 years together. Doug and I couldn't ever afford to put on lavish celebrations every year like my cousins for their parents. I wasn't trying to keep up with them. My thought is that life was short and who knows if they'd make it to 50th milestone. I wanted to celebrate THIS milestone with them. Mom said, "your father and I think you should wait until our 80th and THEN celebrate it! (gathering they'd be dead).

I just hung up. What's there to say:shrug: I'm not sure what I can ever do right. The drama in my family is also wearing. Things have to "look" a certain way to one side and the other side is considered embarassing with exception to the ones who put up boundaries in order to not deal with their mother's evil ways.

This tied with a comment my mom made when she called me "mommy dearest" After I mentioned I had to put some of Amelia's toys upstairs and switch them because she has too many at once. :dohh::wacko:

Honestly I don't know what to do and I'm ALWAYS second guessing myself. Wondering if I'm too selfish. I know many of you have said I'm hard on myself.....part of this is because of how I grew up. I know I'm neurotic.

Needless to say, Doug is going to see if we can get our deposit back and I'll send them flowers. What I gather we'll hear closer to April is "I thought YOU were taking us to dinner"?? making it MY fault because they don't want the family there, they'd rather just my parents, Amelia and I which I probably should have done in the first place, but I let my heart lead the way. Again I made a mistake. :wacko: :shrug:

Okay, done venting.

Aside from that mishap....even with a cold I seem to be happy. I'm going to take some medicine before bed.

Angela, Glad your feeling better. I bet those walks were NICE!

Anna, sounds like a fun party. What did you make??

Steph, the nap with Katelyn sounded precious! I want to go to YOUR church! Sounds like fun!:happydance: So I wonder if the morning sickness means anything like gender. If this could be a boy since you didn't have it with Katelyn? Sorry your dealing with such a bad case but I'm still celebrating the good hormone surge!:hugs::kiss::flower::winkwink:

Love to you all. I'm going to rest with my hubs. I have to say he's been very sweet. Even tonight he listened to me when I told him about the conversation. I just love that man of mine!
Morning ladies,

Angela, glad your MIL was able to stay for so long and that you got some food made ahead! That helps me so much. The walk sounds lovely and I hear ya about the joints. That's where the majority of my pain during pregnancy came from and it took me a while to get back. Good for you for doing it. And so glad you got a stroller!! That's a must for where you live. Glad the pertussis shot is out of the way, that is so scary this year. Hugs and glad all is well if not a little crazy. You will find your rhythm, even if its chaos. As for birthday party, love the cars theme!

Steph, so sorry about the MS, I echo MA's question about gender. Maybe a boy this time around with the MS being so bad. Did you find out the gender last time? Your Katie bug is so cute! Just love the visual of her clapping her hands and cheering when you get up to play with her. Too cute!!

MA, I'm so sorry your weekend was so stressful. Glad the massage was good but so sorry it got cut short. I have no words for the family situation other than it seems there is no pleasing these people. I know you want to do the nice and generous thing, but it seems you meet with rudeness and just plain pain in the ass resistance every time. I don't think it's selfish to give up and just do what pleases you and to heck with everyone else. I say this in regards to your own family. In regards to them, by now I would have given up and told them to go to hell, but you have more patience with them and I know they're family. So hard, no easy answers. There is a saying that you can't control other people, only the way you react to them. You need to find a place of peace with them, but again that's a hard thing to do. Sorry girl, lots and lots of hugs!!!

AFM, well MA, ,you and I have something in common. I now have Jo's cold full blown. Doesn't help she was up ALL NIGHT!!! DH finally ended up sleeping on the couch with her for a few hours during the night. She was screaming! I don't know if its teeth or possibly an ear infection brought on by the cold. I woke up at 2:30, gave her some honey for the cough, but was then wide awake. So I read my book for an hour and just about the time I was going to fall asleep, DH brought her back to her crib and tried to put her down. She woke again screaming, so I got up and rocked her, but to no avail. So I gave her some Tylenol and she finally went back to bed around 5am. So we all slept until 7:30, which is great except that I unshually leave for work by 8:00. Jo woke in good spirits, so she's at daycare today, but man oh man am I wrecked. I know DH means well but instead of dealing with her he just goes to sleep with her. Which is great but then she wants to be held or rocked all night. Once I gave her Tylenol and got her to sleep I put her in her crib. She woke up briefly but I let her cry it out for all of two minuets and she went back to sleep on her own and we all got some sleep. Anyway forgot my cold medicine at home and am suffering, but it is what it is. Other than that nothing to tell . . . .

Vivienne, yes please do share wedding details. Dress pictures, flower arrangements, etc. so fun and exciting!! Hope you are well.

Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday girls!

Both boys napping and I finally got a shower, so I have a couple minutes (my first priority is always a shower lol!) to update and catch up.

Anna and Bek, so sorry about the colds! I definitely know that misery. Was awful last week. hope you feel better soon! it is so hard when the littles are sick, too. I'll be taking the kids to the church tomororw for my group meeting (which I'm SO looking forward to) but that always makes me scared we'll pick up another round of crud. My biggest fear is flu, for Reece's sake. We've all had shots but of course he can't yet. :-(

Steph, the ms is SO hard. I truly just had to focus on survival mode. One foot in front of the other kind of thing, for several weeks. But the worst of it only lasted about 6 weeks (for me it was from about 6 weeks to 12 weeks). I ended up taking more of the Zofran, and sooner, this pregnancy than with Ethan. I needed the boost of nausea- free time in order to manage and to sleep. Would you consider taking it? It worked great for me. I always tell people that then feel like a drug pusher LOL! As bek said, its a good sign, though I know it doesnt feel good.

Beth, hope you are feeling well and I can't wait to hear all about the birthday party?!

Viv, so jealous of your warm weather, though I love the cold here. It's just the dreariness that gets to me about February here. Do share the wedding details when you get a chance!

Rebekah sweetie, your family wears ME out, and I'm not even THERE! :rofl: You truly have such a forgiving and patient heart with them... I'm with Anna :blush: I am afraid I'd have told them off - you were just trying to do something nice! :dohh: I just hate that your family are all so hard on you. Good grief. You would think they would be thankful for a party!?

AFM, we are well and I'm just praying we STAY that way for a while (though I know it will take a miracle, because I'm planning to start getting us out and about a bit more... can't take any more sitting in this house! I'm going stir crazy!) It will be hilarious to see how I manage at the church tomorrow. Both kids, and one will have to stay with me in our classroom (though there will be lots of loving arms to help hold him). I just hope he isn't too disruptive to the class. We'll see... I may have to enlist a neighbor to watch him on my class mornings. Ethan loves his daycare there and I know he will enjoy getting out.

So, I've found some invitations for the bday party. Now, to get them ordered and other details like cupcakes, etc. going. I can't BELIEVE my little guy will be TWO! Doesn't seem possible. And not far behind, I'll be turning 38. That, too doesn't seem possible!

Reece's nursery is coming along. He's been sleeping like a champ in there the last three nights, except he wakes up about 11:30 and hubby goes in to do a pacifier run or soothing as necessary. I think it's the new environment and a holdover from when we used to do his last bottle later, like at 11:30. Hopefully, he settles into the new routine soon.

Don't know how much longer we will be breastfeeding. I love doing it, but my supply seems to have taken a big hit during the day and I'm guessing that is from the mastitis, because nothing else has really changed. :shrug: any tips from anyone? I really want to ocntinue, but to be honest I'm not wlling to do it overnight and that may be impacting our supply side, as well... He is now going about 1 hour longer overnight (maybe 1.5) and sleeping more like a 9 hour stretch (I pump just before I go to bed, but that means pumping about 11 and then not nursing again till between 7-7:30...) I'm not sure if that is part of the problem (and it probably is). I'm just unwilling to sacrifice sleep because the daytime routine is so demanding that I can't handle it with any less sleep than I'm already getting - I seem to be waking about 4:30 now with sore boobs and know i need to nurse or pump, but don't want to go backwards again on sleep. :dohh: I'm trying to make decisions that are in the best interest of our entire family (i.e. not a completely exhausted mommy for Ethan and wife for hubby, plus my body needs sleep to make breastmilk...). So, we will see. It would be great to get back to where we could nurse exclusively during the day. I don't know how much of the issue is my supply or whether he is just eating more now.

Okay baby crying, must run! Hugs!
Hi ladies,

Oh Anna, we ARE going through similar things with the littles. Amelia took a 20 minute nap for the whole day and she's been CLINGING to Doug. Luckily he's taken the day off today and may end up taking another one tomorrow. I am SO sick! Oddly I have made it since Amelia was born without illness. My guess is I got it from the spa. Maybe the hot tub, but I'm wondering if the steam room did it. Just all those germs and not everyone is as clean. EWww

I did a neti wash. It helped release a lot of nasal pressure which I'll have to do again tonight. The meds are okay but the only one that helps me to get to sleep is Alka Seltzer Cold and Flu.

Steph, Have you gotten any ginger root?? Living in California you probably have some natural juicing places too. My suggestion is to juice some ginger. It's supposed to help with tummy's. Try maybe juicing an apple, carrot and ginger. It tastes SO Good and the more ginger you can handle the better (I like my ginger and my juices bite back. lol)

Angela, I'm right there with you on the breastfeeding. You have to do whats right for your family. You've tried it, you've gotten a little bit and that to me is good. I'm taking your example and running with it when we have our next one. I'm not going to focus on everything so much. I want to enjoy the baby more. I was watching some videos of Amelia as a baby and I wish I had let myself enjoy the experience more. So much focus from Dr.'s on weight, food, etc. It was a lot of pressure. Now that I have experience I am going to be less stressed about it all.

Thanks so much for all you both said. An update is we most likely won't get our sizeable down payment back. Doug called and in order for us to get it, someone else has to book the room. Seeing as though it's booked in April we have time but it's not like we are rich. That money could have gone toward other important things. Live and learn. I'll NEVER do this again for them. Never will I try to do something nice. In fact, I think I'm taking a break for a few weeks from them.

I do think I'm going to need to figure out boundaries here. I don't even know how to do it but maybe it will mean starting therapy. I've been talking about it for awhile. The past few weeks I've been seeing more and more need to go. Not just to help my marriage but just to figure out ways to "let go" and create boundaries I've never done before. Doug has been so supportive through Everything. I honestly can't complain. He's forgiving, patient, kind EVEN when I'm sick and short with him and he's actually tried helping my dad and I understand each other. I love my parents, they show their love through money and buying things for us....they have done that all my life. I had a water bed, all the barbies and dream houses I needed and a phone in my room. Hugs and I love you's were non-existant though. They just don't show emotion. There is only so long I can focus on THEM as the problem though. As Anna mentioned, I can't change them, I can only change the way I react.

Well, I'm going to end here. Doug made soup bless his heart! Vegan, but I'll take it. He was nice enough to buy some parmesan to add to the soup. lol

Love and hugs to you all. Get well ladies.....STAY well Angela! :hugs:
Morning all!

Angela, there is breast milk tea that can help with milk production. Can't remember the name, I will google it, but I drank a lot and it did help. I'm with you on the sleep. It seems like our bodies should produce more during the day so to give us more sleep. I remember waking up with aching boobs. Other than pumping at night I'm not sure what to say, and that defeats the sleep thing. Can't believe Ethan is two!! Yeh for invitations, boo for colds and flu. It's so hard. Daycare is awesome in that it helps socialize and let's them play, but the germs are enough to make me run in the opposite direction. Glad you have class and are getting out a bit.

MA, I think therapy idea!! I wish I could recommend my therapist. While I am seeing her for marriage counseling, we definitely touch on parent relationships as there is a lot of influence there on how you manage all other relationships. She's been great in helping me establish boundaries. She describes it like a horizonal shade that you can adjust for light. Sometimes we have to completely close the blinds and sometimes we can open them all the way, but most of the time, especially with difficult relationships, we let in just enough, but keep them close enough to manage our own lives and protect ourselves. I liked the analogy. Anyway, lots of hugs and sorry about the deposit. I know you guys don't have a lot of extra funds and that makes it all the more frustrating.

I also keep meaning to mention this and keep forgetting. While you can access weightwatchers on line for free, the amount if information is really limited. To really do the program and track points you have to join. Just FYI.

AFM, speaking of ...how many points do you think half a box of Whitmans chocolates is worth? My resolve melted last night and I totally self indulged. Half a box may be an exaggeration, but not by much. I haven't started my running/walking regime yet due to cold, but I'm on the mend and headed to yoga tonight after work. DH has the girl all day today as my parents went to Mexico for two weeks. It should be interesting. He's taking her to the job site to unload some equipment, to a vacant lot to gather some wood, etc. I wonder how well that will go??!! Anyway I find it comical but they will have a good day and she LOVES her daddy. Other than that not much going on. Very warm here lately, feels like spring, eight more weeks until vacation!! Not that I'm counting or anything.

Love to everyone else, Steph, I see that you are lurking. Hope all is well. Take care of yourself! You too Beth.

Angela, tea is called " Mother's Milk". Appropriate. I'm sure your local grocery store will have something comparable. If not a local natural food store should have something.
Hi All,

yes, I am here and lurking. I want to respond to all updates, just havent had time or energy. I will try to respond later. Had a rough morning where I was violently ill and of course my little shadow was in the bathroom with me and started to cry as I am hunched over the toilet. Luckily, my hubby came and got her. I am going to go to BRU today and see if the pregnancy pops work any.

Angela - I used Fenugreek to increase my milk production. I pumped at 12am and then went to bed and didn't pump again until 6am. I would take 12 pills a day. I would break it up and do 4 3x a day or 6 2x a day. It helped tremendously. I didn't really like the tea, but then again, I am not much of a tea drinker.

Rebekah and Anna I will respond to both of you later today.


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