35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh Beth, what horrible news I am so sorry for your sister and the whole family. It is just heart breaking. I'm sending all my love to you and yours. Glad the storm didn't take your power out. How are you feeling? Lots and lots of hugs during this terrible time.

Angela, good for you for doing your walks!! I have a loop I do that's up hill part of the way and its a booty kicker. But it's pretty short, so I need to lengthen it. Very proud of you, and I'm sure the pounds will melt off quickly!!

Steph, so sorry the MS is still rocking your world. Also sorry DH is at work again. I know it's so much easier to have help. I don't know how you do it with MS. When is your ultra sound again? I think telling your boss at least is a good step so she/ he doesn't think you're slacking if you have to go home or are feeling poorly. Hope the MS subsides soon.

MA, I agree with Angela and Beth, my guess is your mom is just not emotionally mature enough to actually say the words you want to hear, so in her own way she's trying to say thanks and sorry. BUT you sound like you're in a very good place by setting boundaries and not being held hostage to their whims. Sorry about the tantrums with Amelia, Jo has them too and I try and not laugh at the total baby melt down end of the world antics. They are just too much.

AFM, well I thought my cold was subsiding at the end of last week, but over the weekend it got worse and worse, with unbelievable pain in my head. Jo still has a cold and cough so I took her and myself into the doctor yesterday. Turns it I had a sinus infection ( which is what I thought), and Jo has an ear infection ( which I had no idea, because teething and ear infections share so many of the same traits.). But we're both on antibiotics and I'm feeling much better today. The real kicker is my back is out. Every once in a blue moon my hamstrings get too tigh and pull my lower back out of whack. When it's really bad I can hardly drive my car, let alone get dressed, or get a baby dressed. I got a massage last night and I'm stretching tons, but it just takes some time. I went to Yoga on Sautrday hoping it would help my cold and back, but we did so much core work my stomach muscles are so sore I can't cough without pain, which is normally a good thing, but with a bad back needing a little extra support, having stomach muscles that are totally taxed isn't a good thing. Ok I whine. I am on the mend and thankful for it. It takes a lot to take me out, but yesterday just about did it. I still made it to work, but it was a struggle.

On a brighter note, it's Fat Tuesday!! Happy Mardi Gras!!! We have so many tourists that get out of New Orleans and come here that we have a Mardi grass parade every year. Bead throwing and the whole thing. It's small town, but fun.

Hugs to all!!
Hi Ladies,

Beth - I am so sorry to hear about your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with her and hubby while they go through this and also to you as well! I am glad to hear that you all are ok with the storm. How is your MS? When is your next Dr visit?

Anna - Yuck on still being sick and now Jo with another ear infection! That is the pits. Glad to hear that you are both on the mend, well except for your back! Poor you! My hubby has chronic back issues so I can imagine the pain you are in. I totally forgot that it was Fat Tuesday! How awesome that you town does a whole Madi Gras Parades that is cool.

Angela – I am so proud of you for all your walks! That sounds incredible. Glad the weather is holding out so that you are able to do that. I remember Atlanta having some nice hills as well so that is perfect! Also, wanted to let you know that I am picking up a prescription for MS today!!!! Hopefully by tomorrow I will be ok.

Rebekah – I agree with Beth about your mom putting out an Olive branch in her own way, but good for you for sticking to your guns about boundaries. As for diapers, Katelyn uses huggies and is in a size 4. I do a Size 4 overnight diaper as well. It helps. Some nights she would pee A LOT at night and wake up soaked. I have found that the overnight diapers are able to absorb and hold a lot more.

Viv – where you been?

AFM – well this weekend was the pits and my MS was HORRIBLE. I was sick the entire weekend and pretty much did NOTHING. I had to go to my hubby’s job on Saturday evening to support him, as he made the special that night. Katelyn was in a mood too and after being there 15 minutes kept saying bye bye and running for the door. I made her stay about an hour and then took her home. She also wasn’t feeling that great and hasn’t been eating much since Friday. She keeps saying “Ow my tomach, it hurts” and rubs her belly. Well last night she was so constipated poor thing. I gave her a pouch of prunes and that kind of worked, but it was a long evening and I had to change her diaper 3 times last night. Poor thing didn’t even wake up, just cried in her sleep. She also woke up with morning with her left eye swollen. Don’t know what that was about. My hubby said it was fine, but I will be the judge of that when I get home. If she still isn’t really eating I will make a same day appointment for her tomorrow. I stayed home from work yesterday due to MS. My hubby, bless him, took care of me and Katie. I pretty much slept ALL day as that is really the only time I am not nauseated! Hopefully the pills my Dr prescribed will work wonders and I will be ok. Ok, off to get my pills and get home to my baby. Will check back later.

Steph glad to hear re:meds -what did they give you? :hugs:
Anna so glad you got some meds -I always get crud after a cold too and it is awful!

So sorry for short notes am typing w one hand and left hand at that lol. Hugs and love, more soon!

Ps Reece 12 weeks and 15 pounds today!
Hi ladies!

Oh Beth, how sad. Did you say they're waiting for the baby to pass or has the baby's heart already stopped beating? My heart just hurts for her. When I gave birth to Jackson he was still alive. We had a short time with him before he gave his last breath. My heart just hurts so bad for your sister and those who have to deliver still birth. Having walked that walk, there's no words to comfort when a woman goes through the birthing process and walks out without a baby while everyone else is giving birth and holding theirs. My prayers will be to give them Gods great peace and strength through the road ahead as they grieve. I pray also that many would gather around them to hold them up when they cannot stand. So sorry! :hugs:

Steph, praying for the sickness to ease up a bit.

Anna, oh dear...I can't believe you still went to yoga with a bad back. Would a chiropractor work to realign you?

Angela, YAY for Reece! :happydance: Sounds like he's thriving.

AFM: Well, I'm almost over the cold and I end up with impetigo on the lips and a HUGE swollen gland. :lol: My immune system is working overdrive. I haven't been sick in over a year. What a way to end that streak. My lip is HUGE. :rofl:

Doug, Amelia and I spent the day together today. It was LOVELY! :happydance: Got our errands done, went to lunch at a local Bistro and had soup...I added a Chai as well. Then we went to Marshall's. That LOVELY manager. She looked up our receipt and found Amelia's dress was paid for. I walked in and everyone knew it when the alarms went off. Again I think, "how the heck did we get out of that store to begin with"? I've totally been oblivious. :rofl:

Today was "kids eat free day" at Moe's. The 3 of us ate there and a magician made Amelia a bunny and a flower with a balloon. We enjoyed ourselves together. Looking forward to a nice weekend together.
Hi Ladies,

Quick update- got some Zofran from the dr yesterday. It isn't really helping all too much. I guess I will give it more than 12 hours to do its magic. Hopefully by this time tomorrow, the MS will hopefully be gone. I have my appointment tomorrow at 12pm so please say a prayer that everything is ok.

Also, Katelyn is sick, not sure what is the matter only that she hasn't been eating, she has been sleeping a lot and this morning she spit up a little bit of water. Hubby is taking her to the Dr and I am also going to get her some Probiotics to see if that will help.

WIll check back later.

Steph, I hope the Zofran works miracles for you. It sure did for me and was how I survived! If they gave you 4mg, try 8 if the 4 doesn't do it for you. I got about the same effect from the 4's as the 8's. Also try the pills if they gave you the dissolve-in-mouth kind, and vice versa if the pills don't work well for you. I found the dissolve in mouth ones were too hard for me to take as they aggravated my nausea, but a lot of people like that better than the pills. I found it worked for me inside of 1/2 hour after taking it - nausea GONE. Hope it helps as much for you!


Bek I am so sorry about the impetigo! Yikes! it has been such a horrible winter for everyone, it seems, with getting and being sick. But yay for Moe's! We have Moe's here too but also Willy's (which I think is just slightly tastier) and I can't wait to take the boys there when they are a little bigger. I think Ethan will find it fascinating to watch them make the food!

Anna hope you are feeling better!

Beth, how are you feeling pregnancy-wise? Hope you are taking care of yourself; I know the situation with your sister must weigh heavily and we will continue to pray. I am so sorry!! Make sure you are taking care of YOU while everything else is going on, too. :hugs:

So today I went to discipleship and it was a little easier this week than last; hoping it gets easier each time. I'm learning a bit of a routine for Wednesdays. Yay! And I was down half a pound on the scale this morning (yay! Small victories!) - it is a small thing, but it is the trend in the general downward direction that makes me happy lol! I don't mind losing weight slowly as long as it comes off! :rofl:

So all in all, a good week here so far! Hugs to all!
Angela, WTG on the weightloss. a pound is a pound! :happydance: Routine! Ahh how I love that word. Glad your getting there. We're having a time trying to find a church that will work with Doug's schedule. The church we used to go to before we married had sunday morning, sunday evening and a wed. night service. Would have worked out REALLY WELL! Now we're lucky if we can even get a weekend evening service. I miss church. I miss a sense of fellowship and I miss the meat of the Word. Sure we pray here at home but I must admit I've been a bit lazy reading. We all need growth. I want our home to be God centered. We just seem to be in an odd season.

I've also always wanted to go to a couples retreat to strengthen our marriage. We've NEVER been able to go because of Doug's schedule. Hopefully sometime in the future we can do it. Right now it's just never been something we could do If we could find a new church to have a routine that would be a start! Up this way church is somewhat different. I noticed the further South we got, the more protestant churches we found. Though everyone grew up in the church and not everyone really KNEW Christ, it gave us several to choose from. Here though, it's REALLY hard to find a good church. It took us two years to find the church we've been at until last year. I miss it terribly. I miss the women, the fellowship, the Word. The schedule just isn't working though.

To have to move to a new church...well, I don't deal with change very well. It's funny. I AM outgoing and for the most part talk a lot. Inward though, I'm scared of crowds and lately I think the issue is more about the weight I've gained all these years and how frumpy I look. As if God cares about what I look like. :shrug: If I could be a fly on the wall and blend in wherever I go I'd feel SO much better.

Anna, how are you my friend? Is your back okay today? I'm thinking of joining weight watchers online. I'll see if we can afford it.

On a positive front, I spoke with the woman from the restaurant today and she has spoken to her own boss on behalf of Doug and I in hopes they'll give us a gift card for the money we lost and I will in turn give it to my parents. It looks good and she said she'd call me tomorrow. She was so kind and gracious!

Today is a BEAUTIFUL sunny day! I wish I'd asked Doug to keep Amelia's stroller home. I didn't get much sleep last night and Doug let me sleep in until 1pm. Holy Cats! (((faint))) I think my immune system is working overtime. My lip looks like someone popped a good one and the gland on that side is HUGE as well. I hope this example will never let me take my health for granted again!

Steph, I'm so sorry for the med not working. Angela is right! Try the 8mg if the 4 isn't working. It worked wonders ALL throughout my pregnancy as I had MS throughout the whole thing because of the Progesterone injections. I have to say that the one under the tongue was AWESOME for me. I didn't do well with the pill you just swallowed. I liked the dissolving under the tongue. It's interesting how different it works with everyone hearing from Angela's experience.

Last night was a fun night. I opened my first WHITE (young) coconut. I've been making green smoothies with the coconut water but last night I made coconut milk with the flesh and am now dehydrating the leftovers for shredded coconut. FRESH!

I'm noticing some kind of change in my body. I refuse to weight myself but my pants are fitting differently. I'm not feeling as bloated and "Slightly" more energetic. I say slightly because yesterday and today I'm tired. I think all this has been from the illness though as I've been taking the vitamins.

Beth, how are you doing? How is everyone? I'm still praying for all of you. This is a subject so close to my heart and I have to say I get very emotional.

Wondering how Viv is doing? Also wondering if our lurkers are still around as I miss them too! :hugs:

You know, I was thinking about the others when we all first started here too. Wondering how THEY are doing and wishing they were still coming by once in a while. Anyone hear from Hearty??

Well, Amelia is finishing her nap and I must get some housework done. My living room has toys ALL OVER and I was remembering a time when my home was spotless. Can I tell you all how much I LOVE this mess?? I still can't believe I have a little girl. Tantrums aside, she just makes me laugh and fills my heart with love. Such a glimpse of heaven.

This afternoon (after that long afternoon in) I heard her say MAH.....Maaaaah. Then she knocked on the door. :rofl: I HAD to wake up for that! Bless her little heart.

Well, praying your all doing well. God bless you, your families and your day! :hug:
I am on the 4 MG and it is the under the tongue one. I just don't really feel much for a difference. I will speak with my dr about tomorrow when I see her. Not sure I like the under the tongue as I am kinda in the same camp with Angela, it makes the nausea a bit worse and it has a terrible after taste.

Sorry for the brief, all about me post.

I am on the 4 MG and it is the under the tongue one. I just don't really feel much for a difference. I will speak with my dr about tomorrow when I see her. Not sure I like the under the tongue as I am kinda in the same camp with Angela, it makes the nausea a bit worse and it has a terrible after taste.

Sorry for the brief, all about me post.


Sounds like you may do well with the regular pill form then. It's great when you have someone who's been there. Hopefully it will reside when it's changed. :hugs:
BTW Rebekah, I love your avatar photo! Amelia looks so big! I love her hat and snow out fit! Adorable!!! hee hee
BTW Rebekah, I love your avatar photo! Amelia looks so big! I love her hat and snow out fit! Adorable!!! hee hee

Why thank ya!:lol: She does NOT like sledding quite yet. She does like riding in her stroller and catching snowflakes though, she likes the chilly weather and kicks her feet when we run through it but as far as riding in the sled...it was the only pic we got of her where she wasn't screaming. lol Sasha our pekingese behind her made her laugh by jumping towards her. Otherwise she would have been miserable the whole time. Maybe a few more times and she'll be more excited about it. If it snows again this weekend I think we're going to take her out and make a snowman. The dogs will love it at least.
Hi All my lovely friends!

Sorry MIA . . .

Beth, I am thinking of you and your family. Huge hugs for you.

MA, I HATE the scale!! Glad clothes are fitting better!! Jo isn't wild about sledding either, I think she likes ridding in it to and from the park more. Love the avatar too, soper cute!! Glad you had a good family day. As for WW on line, it's ok, but I have to say stay dedicated. Any wavering from the points and it really shows. I can really tell when I'm cheating or not recording everything I eat because I either gain or the loss stops. Oh and Jo is now in size five diapers. W were in fours but they seemed to be cutting into her legs. She's big for her age. The size fives are a little big, but I've never used an overnight diaper. I do have better luck with Huggies than Pampers.

Angela, how's it going? Yeh for any poundage lost. it's small steps and slow loss that they say sticks with you the most.

Steph, thinking of you today and your appointment!! Sorry the pills aren't helping yet, hopefully your doctor today will get you something that works better.

AFM, on the mend. Jo is too and last night was our first night of un-interrupted sleep in a long while. I think for the last few weeks what I was attributing to teething pain was really the ear infection. Poor baby. My back is really the kicker. It's getting better but it's a slow road.

Happy Valentines day to everyone. Actually I call it Black Thursday. Too many years single and being subjected to the Hallmark holiday. No plans for us. Told DH he was getting a trip to Mexico for valentines day. And I have an appointment with my marriage therapist today, how apropo. A lot of our work has been centered around the letting go of fantasy/fairy tale thinking, and valentines day kind of falls into that category. Not that it's not great to celebrate love and a great relationship, but I'm learning to let go of unrealistic expectations.

Anyhow, hope everyone has a great day!! Anna
Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Anna, so glad that you and Jo are on the mend.

I read what you said about letting go of the unrealistic expectations. Oh how I could learn a thing or two! I think I've had YEARS planned of my life since I was younger. I remember my gram one time telling me to stop it because it would only lead to disappointment and sadness. OH how she was right. It was just something kind of ingrown into me. Not by my parents...just who I was I suppose. When I read or watch anything written by Jane Austen OR Downtan Abbey for instance, I LONG for the romance that the men were (or at least seemed) during the regency era. That of being the strong, wise and heroic force while also being sensitive, witty and filled with proper etiquette.

Even SAYING that makes me laugh. Were men...even in the regency era, EVER like that?!

When it comes to my parents even Doug has said that my expectations for them to do the right thing is pretty unrealistic and the only one to change would be ME and my mindset. He too is right.

((sigh)) As I said, I have a LOT to learn. :lol: Sometimes though I will be 39 this year, I fell as though I'm 39 going on 11. I'm moving backwards instead of forwards because I seem to be relearning ways to cope with loss or what you've said, "unrealistic expectations" instead of dwelling on the disappointments. I think WAY too much it seems. :rofl:

On another note, I'm always sharing I wish my husband were a bit more romantic. He's been SO sweet. Our anniversary went well, the other day on his day off went beautifully and I look in my inbox to find a sweet romantic e-card while he also bought me pastries from a favorite french store we travelled to because I HAD to get the gift card from the restaurant where my parents anniversary party should have been. My thought was I'd better get it before they decide to take it back. What the heck?? I should have just left it until the weekend. I made my husband late for work and the stress of it all kind of ruined the afternoon we could have had. I'm glad I'm learning new things about myself. I just wish it didn't always have to be AFTER the fact. :lol: Either way, I have something nice prepped for when he comes home to hopefully make HIM feel special for a change.
OK OK OK I'm still her sorry!! I am so crap at posting, but weather has been magnificent so have been out and about loads and not so much near electronic devices.

Beth babe, no words just prayers for your sister and smooshy gentle hugs for you:hugs:

Steph that MS is just being a total B*#*h. I ended up on Halperidol which quietened the vomiting but the nausea still lurked all pregnancy (your didn't want to here that aye!?)

As for Callum's naps, he only has one a day, about 1 hour if at preschool and 2-3 hours at home (more happening at preschool, he never sits still I'm told), but never later than 4pm.

Bek, your parents are just.......just.... there is no word, I got headache reading your post about the party planning I was frowning so much! Amelia does look so adorable in her getup in that picture. You are blessed!
As for nappies er diapers, we use reusable during the day and pull ups at night which work for us. We have just started selling Pampers brand here in NZ and they are SMALL compared to our Huggies or Treasures brands. How on earth do they expect them to work through a 12 hour sleep?

I hope everyone is OK with the wild weather. 3 feet of snow would be the end of the world here, we are not equipped to deal with that depth.

Anna, have you had Jo's ears checked? Callum is speech delayed because of fluid build up in his ears through multiple ear infections. Which as you said often are mistaken for teething issues. The infection comes and goes but the fluid keeps building behind the ear drum. does she put her fingers in her ears and wiggle them or clutch her head by her ears often?
Just some thoughts.
Sorry your back is down and out and that your body appears to have gone on holiday and left you behind!!!

Ang, yay for healthy family!!!!!! Love the stroller

AFM I am busier these days, with work, being on two committees and all their fundraising and organising that has to be done, trying to plan a wedding, running a house (Chris is home though so no longer single but he works 8-6.30 so I might as well be:dohh:), swimming lessons, music lessons, two coffee groups a week, tumbletimes (toddler gym class), running a seminar at the moment on first foods and baby movement for 4-8 month olds at night, going to the gym myself. And then there are the activities I do for fun!

Callum has had his grommets put in last week, 7 min operation under full anesthesia, but he was awake in two mins and eating in 20 mins!! Running all day, had his normal nap then we went to my step mother's and dad's for tea. They said he was one of the best respondents to anesthesia they had had at that age:happydance: Easy to go under and come out with no side effects. Usually they are ill afterwards and off food a bit and sleepy and grizzly.
Seems to be hearing better too and we are getting words :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: I get bye bye daddy or nana (no mummy yet) school, hello and uck (truck), kitteh and he now understands instructions yay!!!!!!
Will go get his shoes and put them on when asked or put his plate in the dishwasher and his cup in the cupboard, puts his toys away, it's like a new child!!!
(although we still get mega tantrums, does anyone else, when he cannot get his own way or do something by himself??)

Phew, sorry about the novel. Will update on wedding plans later

Vivienne :flower:
:hi: Viv!! :happydance:

WOWee do you have a busy schedule! Makes me tired even thinking about it all. Sounds like your enjoying it though.

Glad Callum's surgery went well. Pretty awesome that he came through with flying colors. Hows the wedding planning coming? You nervous?

As for the tantrums. YUP! Amelia has them OFTEN when she can't get her way. It's hard to be patient through them sometimes. She's very dramatic. :rofl: Anna said it was hard not to laugh when Jo has them...I totally know how she feels. Sometimes they're just WAY too dramatic over simple things. :rofl: They think it's the end of the world. Holy Cats! If they're this way now, what will they be like at tween and teens?! :shrug: I can't even FATHOM that far ahead. Maybe they'll turn into little sweet angels. Haha

I'm interested in what ya'll do too. Angela, I know you just walk away. I walk away from Amelia and she just continues. What gets me though is she's NOT quiet at all. Very loud and dramatic. Usually she's good but there are times when we've been out and she's been cranky and LOUD with her tantrums. It's hard to know what to do.

I tried that Best Toddler On the Block video and they were Terrible! It's in the garage sale pile as we speak. :lol:

More tips please. REALLY need tantrum tips. Walking away does NOTHING. Pretending she's not in the room makes her just as loud. Now what? lol
Morning girls and Happy Friday!!!

Vivienne, so good all is so well in your world. I am going to ask the doctor at Jo's 18mo check-up about the tubes in the ears. Given her ear problems, I am wondering if it is affecting her speech too. Glad it is so nice where you live and I am sooooo jealous right now!!! But outside play time should always come before being inside and talking to us, so you're forgiven for being absent. As to all you do... I am stunned. I can barely manage to work and make dinner.

MA, you are not the only one out there who has gotten lost in the perfection paradigm. The idea of perfect love or true love is a hard one to break. I am a complete sucker for the "Happy ever after". So much so that it has affected my relationships. So don't fret you're not the only one.

Ok I started this post on Friday and now it's Sunday morning.

Angela, how are things??

Beth, thinking of you.

AFM, Having a goood weekend. It's Sunday morning and I'm trying to figure out what to do with the girl today. DH is going snowmobiling so the girl and I are left to our own devices. I'm thinking we'll chill for a while and then go to the pool this morning, lunch, nap, then maybe take the dog for a good long walk. It's is supposed to snow most of this week, so better get out now while we can.

Hugs to all! Beth you're in my thoughts.
Hi there!

Had a good weekend so far too. We managed to get to a church last night. It was GREAT! They are church planting so it's monthly but in March they are going to be every other week. They are using a church facility on Sat. evenings however will have to move venues after next month. I think they are in the process of locating a place to eventually build. The original building is in the city of Syracuse and MUCH too far for us right now. The North Side where they plan to plant another church is a perfect location and "hopefully" in the upcoming months we'll be going more often. They have evening services and mornings too. It was the only evening service thus far that wasn't ....well LOOPY. Don't get me wrong, In college I went to a charismatic church and it was fine, but I'd like a church with both the worship AND the Meat of the Word. One church had this loopy Holy Spirit release the devil thing and Doug and I looked at each other and slowly backed out the door. Ummm where was the focus on Gods word?

So just as I was getting emotional on finding a good balanced church...finally found one. Downside is they are in the beginning stages of church planting. SO we will go monthly here at the North Side and work from there. God is moving though! lol It's a step in the right direction for us.

On another note, we came to the conclusion that we cannot eat at a ritzy mexican place. Last night was the second time we tried and it was the second time Amelia looked like a character from the exorcism. :rofl: She wanted to walk around on her own and had a hissy fit on the floor. I picked her up and faced her towards the mall shoppers instead of the tables that were directly next to us and she was STARTING to calm down when Doug got it in his head to come by and console her causing her to have a BIGGER hissy fit. :wacko: :shrug: Needless to say, we had to leave.....found all these twenty-somethings staring at us and all I could think of was stop staring you BAST@!$. You just wait until you have your own. For obvious reasons I didn't say it but boy did I think it.

no sooner we left the place she went from possessed baby to sweet little laughy baby. :wacko:

All I could think of was that we need to come up with a plan to calm her little bum down when she has these fits. :rofl: Maybe I'll just throw to the arms at the next table and pretend she's not our and take her back when she comes to again. :rofl:

I was SO looking forward to the girl making my gaucamole fresh at the table. ((sigh))

Well, I'm off to go grocery shopping.

Talk later ladies!
Of all things Holy!!! :wacko: rofl:

Today has been a day straight from hell! :rofl: Okay, maybe not straight from hell but nearby somewhere. I should have stayed in bed. Hahaha

Doug ran on an errand this morning and I get a knock on the door which proceeded to alert the dogs which proceeded in a screaming baby who got scared. I tell the person to hold on, put my winter duds on and then Amelia's. We waltz outside to a not-so-nice girl in her late twenties who said my husband PURPOSELY backed into her car. Saw it and ran off. I looked at her straight in the face and I said, "that's not like my husband, he'd stop. Maybe he didn't see or hear anything."

I followed her out to her car which was parked DIRECTLY across from our driveway as it "usually" is (I've complained to Doug about this chick parking there before it was only a matter of time). As she pushed the dirt off her Hiundai Sonata she said SEE!

I politely told her I'd call him and that he would NEVER knowingly do something like that. I told her I'd have to get my camera though because she was parked in front of our driveway as usual. So I went back in with Amelia, grabbed my camera and took picks. Holding in my frustration with this chick and my husband who was oblivious after I'd called him to tell him to come home. :wacko:

He gets back but before he does I told the girl (which got her even MORE pissier) "You really need to park somewhere else next time. We've come close to hitting you on more than one occasion because your parked directly across from our driveway in our blind spot."

Meanwhile she gets on the phone and starts spewing things about US to whoever was on the other end. I got a paper from the glove compartment out to get her information, gave Doug the title and other info he needed and let HIM deal with her. Meanwhile I come into the house to find my Jack Russell Terror pee'd on my brand new couch and all over the floor. :mad:

So I took the fabric off the cushion and put it on the delicate cycle only to find the whole damn thing came apart at the top and bottom seems.:growlmad::nope::cry: Called the store we bought it from on January 10th and they said they can refer us to a seamstress but there's nothing they can do about our thousand dollar sofa.:sad2::devil:](*,):shock:

Good news? Doug didn't get a ticket. The officer was AWESOME!

Other than that, we're wondering if Amelia has hit a terrible 2 stage because whenever she doesn't like something, she throws her weight down on the floor. It's SO HARD not to laugh when she lays on the floor and flails, but this is something that we have to figure out how to deal with. Right now we just walk away from it and let her calm down. Does this sound like a right way to deal with it??

((sigh)) Hope everyone elses day is going better. I'm just laughing about it all. If I didn't, I'd probably cry and I'm SURE there's much worse to cry about. All this will work out, it usually does.

How is everyone? It's been quiet in here.
Morning all!!

It's Tuesday and the craziness of President's day is over!!

MA, so sorry about the neighbor. So glad Doug didn't get a ticket!! On the tantrum front, Jo does exactly the same thing and we just walk away too. Otherwise it teaches them if they throw a tantrum they will get what they want. At least that's my take on it. I think you're doing the right thing. My girl friend whose little girl is a bit older posted on Facebook that her daughter, who was about to turn two, was entering the terrible twos and to avoid this she was going to try telling her daughter she was about to turn three, thereby skipping the terrible twos!! LOL I don't think it works that way but one can always hope.

Steph, did u have your ultra sound?? How did it go? How are you?? Feeling any better??

Beth, how are you hon? How's your sister ?? Lots of hugs!!

Angela, how are you doing my dear? I had a customer in yesterday from Atlanta that said it was about as cold at home as it is here, there's a cold snap. Hope you are warm and toasty!!

Vivienne, hope all is well in your world and that you are outside with Calum playing in the warm sunshine!!

AFM, not much new to tell. Had a good mellow weekend. Took Jo swimming on Sunday and she walked all the way to the rec center from our house!! Granted we only live a block or so away, but it's a long walk when you're legs are only a foot long. My store didn't have a very good weekend. I'm trying not to take it personally but I have a hard time seperating personal self worth from work performance. My buyer said to relax, that we were still up for the year and sales were better so far this year than they have been in the past four years, but I can't help feeling like we're not doing very good. So I spent all day yesterday tweaking things to try and "fix" things. At the end of the day however I've done all I can so it is what it is.

On a brighter note, no pun intended, I am going to pay off Mexico this week!!! Woohoo! Now that the trip is paid for, I can spend a little money on the fun stuff like new sun dresses for Jo and I.

That's all I've got, hope everyone is well!!

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