35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Codegirl, We're going to prayer group tonight. I'll add you and angela and Viv to our prayer list. Praying that you might find relief and that baby will come smoothly before your induction date in Jesus name. Try having your hubby give you a pressure back massage and If you do a search on the internet for reflexology. You should be able to find a map of your foot that will help your husband massage your foot. If you have him take a thumb to the correct area and move his thumb to the tip while holding (this does hurt a little) that sometimes starts the process too. I've heard brisk cleaning and I think someone in here mentioned during sex to stimulate the nipple area which is supposed to bring on contractions.

Titi, praying that you get your precious BFP soon. Sounds like your having EXCELLENT symptoms! It will be nice for you to graduate with us!

Viv, I'm honestly heartbroken. I wish there was something we could do. Like Anna, please let me know if there is anything specific you need. We love you here! :hugs:

AFM, we went early this morning. I prayed specifically that we would see boldly a baby, sac, etc. And that if there were more than one that they all would show up completely. I prayed also that we would hear or see heartbeats.

We have a singleton which I'm EXTATIC about because I'm already high risk and having multiples would make it that much more riskier for me (not that God doesn't have it in the bag though :winkwink:) With a singleton, we wouldn't have to buy a new car, AND while I don't have too many options as a HIGH RISK patient, I may just be able to pull off that natural birth I want again. Not to mention that once I get cerclaged I may not have to be on total bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy.

So this is exciting!

Heart Rate is 145.

Yay! Rebekah I am soooooo happy for you! God is good and he definitely answers our prayers! Sounds like everything is perfect so far!
Oh Rebekah! I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your WONDERFUL news and photo! As Angela said God is Good...ALL THE TIME! Time for you to get a baby ticker :)
Hey ladies! Just an update from this morning's appointment.

I think I may have mentioned to you guys that at last Friday's appointment, I took my home blood pressure monitor in to the doc's to show her the recent readings I've been getting (which were creeping steadily up). Because her tech had taken my pressure (over my shirt :nope:) and gotten something like 110/70, she thought my machine was malfunctioning and sent us home for the weekend with instructions to get a new monitor (even though the one we have is recommended by most docs as the best on the market). Those instructions came despite the fact that when the doctor herself took my pressure (on both sides), she came up with 130 somethings over 80 somethings both times. I couldn't believe that, despite her own readings, she still thought it must be my monitor, when the only "low" reading was coming from her tech (who does a very rush job and takes pressures over clothing, which I don't agree with).

So fast forward to Monday of this week, and she must have second guessed that decision because when she called that day, she put me out on modified bed rest. She also sent us directly to the perinatologist for an ultrasound and, while there, they checked my pressure twice and got 140+/90+ both times. So now we know it's not my machine.

The funny part (or would be funny, if it wasn't scary) is that, with all this background, today I went in and the tech got another 110/60-ish reading. So the doc comes in and asks how the readings have been the last couple of days and I said, the same as before, basically hovering high 130's, low 140's over 88-92. And she looked at the chart and said "but it was normal here this morning." I looked her straight in the eye and told her, the ONLY "normal" readings I've been getting in the last few weeks have been from her tech. So the doc took it herself again and came up (surprise, surprise) 140/80. I am just amazed (and a little scared) that she isn't wondering about her tech's ability to correctly take a pressure. If I hadn't been monitoring my own pressure all this time, I would not have known what was happening! Sigh. Just one more reason I believe you have to be your own healthcare advocate.

So meanwhile, sorry for that whole long story, but that brings me to my update - we are now officially scheduled to be induced Monday night! EEEeeeeee!!!! It makes it all so real to have a scheduled date. When you know they could come on their own at any time (and still could) it's somehow not quite the same as when they say, show up at this time. Now I'm all nervous! The doctor did say that, based on baby's size and my BP, she will not allow us to try for a long induction. I will basically get one shot at it and then if that doesn't work, it will be a section. I'm hoping to avoid the section (and induction, for that matter) so please send prayers for baby to come on his own before then!!

Meanwhile, have been up since 5:30 this morning (couldnt' go back to sleep) and about to take a nap. Whew! Lots to plan and get done over the next couple days, and I need some rest first LOL!
YAYYYY just logged on fast to check if you'd posted MA, sooooooooooooooo happy for you! Working from home today which is tough since I am nursing Zoëlle on demand as well. But I'm closer to my baby so happy :)
Angela, such exciting news! You're right, BP's are NOT supposed to be taken through clothes, good for you for being up front and honest with the doc! :growlmad: Idiot tech!!!

For the record, the C-section wasn't bad at all, in case you end up there... I was terrified because it is major surgery, but my recovery was even faster than some friends who had tears during their vaginal deliveries so in the end, for me, it was fine! :thumbup:
Oh Viv :cry: :cry: :cry: The situation sounds horrible, I can't imagine being in your shoes right now :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Please let us know if there is anything we can do...
Angela - we might end up with babies on the same day. So far the talk has been for a Tuesday induction but I should have more information tomorrow after my dr. appointment :thumbup:

Did you dr. do an internal to see if your cervix is ripe and ready? That will make a difference to on how fast and simple an induction would be. My first induction took forever because I was totally not ripe so we spent days just trying to get the cervix ready :wacko:

Oh, and maybe this will help with the c-section fear... one of my Dr. calls it a "vajina by-pass procedure" :rofl: Not that I don't have the same fear, but it's funny non-the-less :haha:

Rebekah - beautiful bean!!!! :dance:

AFM - still waiting :shrug:
Hiya Terri!!! Still trying to send labour vibes your way :flower:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: "vagina bypass procedure", love it!!!
Angela - Sorry to hear about you being induced, but that just means that you get to finally see your little guy on the outside! And think of the pros to a c-section - your vajay jay will still be in tact. your sons head won't be coned shaped from being pushed out that tiny hole...you get a cool scar...um...can't really think of anything else.

Question about the blood pressure - they don't have machines that automatically do it? At my hospital, they put the thing around my arm, push a button and it does it by itself. The nurse is normally doing paperwork while it is going. Then it stops and I get to see a digital reading of my BP and heart rate. At any rate - tech is obviously not doing something correct and I am glad that your Dr. finally wisened up and took it herself.

You and Codegirl will be in my prayers for heathly/safe deliveries no matter how it happens :).

Thanks girls!

CJ - I am glad to hear about the quick recovery! One thing that has been on my mind (and I think even more on hubby's) is that my hubby just had a hernia repair surgery, which of course is somewhat similar in incision type and location, and he was shocked at how long it took him to bounce back (he's only 42 so was not expecting a lot of downtime). I think he is worried because he knows I am a wimp LOL! But i reminded him I'll have hospital-grade pain relief the first few days (he was just sent home same day with percocet and advil) so I don't expect it will be quite the same. Plus i'll have the little guy to focus on. But i'm glad to hear a happy recovery story too!

Code, it would be fun if our LO's share that birthday! I am a March birthday myself so i'm kind of glad it will be March for our little guy. She did check my cervix today, but I am really tender down there right now (think I have another yeast infection; sigh) and she even said "I think you are 1 cm maybe - it's hard to tell because you are tense." So who knows. :shrug: I'm hoping that she is right about the 1cm and maybe I will have progressed a little over a few more days. She did say they'll use the cervidil and then the pitocin. Does anyone know if there are really any side effects of those two? I'm not sure what all to expect.

Steph - I do hope to avoid a section if at all possible, but LOL about the "positive" side effects LOL! It is funny how our thoughts can change as we actually go through something. Until I got pregnant I always thought "Oh, I'd rather have a planned C-section any day". That was before I saw hubby trying to recover from his hernia op, and read up on the benefits to mother and baby of vaginal delivery. But I am not one who's firmly set one way or the other. I just want baby here safely and both of us healthy and I'll take that any way I can get it!

I took a nap and feel much better. Now I need to sit down and make a list of the last few things we need to get done before Monday. At the top of the list has GOT to be naming this poor baby. I can't believe it but we STILL don't have agreement on a name!!!
Oh sorry Steph, I missed responding to your question. My doc's office has the more old-fashioned BP machines that hang on the wall and have the soft cuff. The one we have at home is electronic like you describe, and now the second one we were told to buy :wacko: is electronic as well, though a cheaper CVS model. Seems to work perfectly though and both home machines agree (and the doctor agrees with them, when she takes my pressure herself). the only one giving low readings is the tech. :grr: It just makes me angry because I know it is becuase she's just not being careful. She lets the air out of the thing so fast that the needle on the indicator just flies, and I can't imagine she's able to even see the dial reading for both numbers that quickly. I wasn't too worried when I was also getting normal readings at home (which, thankfully, was for the vast majority of my pregnancy). But once it started going up i was surprised at how quickly the doc dismissed the higher readings I was getting, when she got fairliy high ones Friday herself.

Le sigh.
morning ladies!

vivienne, can't imagine what you are going through! We here could take up a collection of supplies to send to you if you need anything. Clothes, bedding,etc would be pretty easy to send. If we can help in any way let us know. I realize I just vounteered everyone, didn't mean to do that but if folks would like to help, maybe you need something??

Absolutely! Count me in, Anna...
Angela - I had 2 rounds of Cervidel with Edward before they broke my water. I didn't notice any side effects with it except I actually went into early labour but because it was back labour (E wasn't laying in a good position, nothing to do with the induction) I didn't recognize it :wacko:
I took a nap and feel much better. Now I need to sit down and make a list of the last few things we need to get done before Monday. At the top of the list has GOT to be naming this poor baby. I can't believe it but we STILL don't have agreement on a name!!!

Us either!!!! If this is a boy, he's probably not going to come home with a name :dohh:
Morning ladies!!

vivienne - :hugs: and prayers

Sorry I pretty much skimmed the rest, not being a really great "posting friend" these days. :wacko:

Someone did question Canadian health care.
Here is my experience. I have had what I like to refer to as a "high responsiblity" pregnancy (vs high risk) meaning I have a LOT of stink'n Dr. appointments. I see my baby dr's (I choose Family Dr.s that have a special interest in obstetrics instead of an OB), an Endocrinologist (who is concidered the best in the GD field, if not in the Country, then at least my province), weekly BioPhysical/NST exams including talking to the Radioligist, a Physiatrist and Psychologist. And I just had to have a referal to an OB to make sure that I'm still able to have the family dr deliver the baby.

I can't even imagine paying for all/part of these appointments. Most weeks I had 2 to 3 appointments. I wish I could explain the way they have all made me feel, like I was a valued member of the team and that my concerns were important and heard and they always take time to answer all my questions.

Edward was "assigned" a Ped when he was born. He is amazing and I adore him too :thumbup: I'm so happy to find out that our new noodle will automaticly have the same Ped :dance:

So I personally think that our healthcare rocks. Is it perfect?? Nope! There are definate issues and I know our Goverment is working to fix the problems but I'm not sure if there is a perfect solution. People still fall through the cracks, but I'm not convinced that doesn't happen with all the different healthcare models.

Our biggest problem here in Alberta is the lack of family docs. So regular illnesses (flu, etc) it can be hard to get treatment and this tends to block up our Emergency Rooms.

The people that work in the healthcare field tend to be very special people. I have only run into one LPN that I didn't really care for in all my different treatments. yesterday I even did a 'walk by' the L&D ward to see if they had a microwave that DH could use and one of the nurses took me on a tour, showing us the kitchen area and one of the rooms. She was so sweet and welcoming.

My Mom was an RN in the system her entire career (just retired a few years ago) and I know that they pay well, but they definatly feel the pinch of any cutbacks. Most of the front line staff try not to let the cutbacks inpact their patients which means that they get to feel the crunch. I think that's our biggest strength and biggest weakness in the system, and sometimes leads to staff shortages as staff leave for places with better funding. :grr: to the government.

Sorry for the book, but I'm pretty passionate about our healthcare :thumbup:
AFM - still waiting for the baby to come. Starting to worry that this one will stick around till induction and I really really don't want to be induced. I think I'll ask for another sweep tomorrow at my dr. appointment and I'm also sending it out there that people add me to their prayer lists that this baby comes before Tuesday all on his/her own.

Oh, and quick question... do any of you have advice on what do to if you and your DH are stuck on a name? I am totally in love with a boys name but DH isn't a fan and nothing on his list is rock'n my world. We have a girls name that we both like but we are still stuck for a boy.

Code we are also still stuck on names! :dohh::dohh: I just this evening told hubby, okay, TONIGHT we have got to name this child! And he said "tonight?! Why?" I said because we keep putting it off and now we're going to meet him Tuesday, LOL!

We've agreed to pare down to a short list of possibles, and we'll name him when we actually see him. :thumbup:
Hi lovely mamas to be- just a quick hi and request that you send me some of those special pregnancy vibes! Still too early to tell but I am having lots of symptoms and ended up locked in a bathroom stall at work losing my breakfast this morning. Hope I can graduate soon! xoxo


titi, fingers crossed!!! Sounds promising!! Best of luck I'm so excited!!!
Yay titi!! I am praying this is your month!!!
Ok Quick catch up . . .

MA, soooooooooooooooo happy for your bean!!! I agree that while I would have loved twins or more, a singleton is all we can handle financially. I am glad you and babe are healthy and had such a good appt., you must be overjoyed!!

Rottpaw and codegirl, well ladies looks like the fat lady has sung. There is still a weekend between you and induction, so fingers crossed. One of my friends who had a little girl the vaginal way then a c section with twins wondered why she suffered through 36 hours of labor the first time when the c section was so easy in comparison. I completely understand wanting to go the natural old fashioned route, but I thought maybe it would cheer you up a bit. Either that or scare the crap out of you about the 36 hours of labor :rofl::rofl: Sorry maybe not the beat time to joke about that.

Good luck on the names, we haven't even talked about that yet. I know I have two I like but have no idea what DH is thinking.

Junebug, your little girl is so cute, every time i see your avatar I just smile!!

AFM, curled up on the couch with DH and fur baby. DH made stir fry and I'm fat and happy. Have a good night ladies!! I'll check in first thing in the AM to see if anything happened over night. :thumbup:

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