35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thanks girls!! I think if his dr wasn't so worried we would be calmer, but we will see what the audiologist says. Thank God, he has no risk factors or symptoms of autism right now. Praying it stays that way. Hugs and thank you all for your love!
Evening all, will post proper tomorrow, but just checking in and saw Angela's post. Wanted to give huge hugs to you and Ethan tomorrow!!! Hope all will go ok. I'll agree with everyone once again, don't measure him against others, except that's hard to do when even the "experts" say ," well most kids his age...". Ugh! I am so sick of that saying!!!

Ok lots of love, thinking of you and will catch up fully tomorrow am.
Evening all!

Angela, checking in, wondering how the appointment went today. Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry DH forgot. If you recall my DH forgot this year too. But it sucks. As far as things a husband should NEVER do, forgetting your wife's birthday is at the top of the list. Lots of hugs and hope all is well!

MA, Jo seems to be reaching a break through in her speach, adding new words all the time. However, it's not like she says them all the time. My dad said she said "snow" the other day, but I haven't heard it since. However I think she's starting to catch up a little. She's still behind and only uses about 10 words regularly. She does use a fork pretty well, but that's more about playing with her food. Plus she's always been a really physical baby so anything with physical dexterity she's pretty good at. How's Amelia doing? How's the cold?

Steph, how are things at work? How are you feeling? Has the nausea subsided much?

AFM, well it is almost comedic to say we're sick again. Not really "we". But as Jo and I start to get better DH was sick in bed all day with a stomach bug. Seriously? I'm getting ready to kick everyone out of the house and pour bleach all over everything. So I'm just praying I don't get it because I can't take any more sick days. Plus I've had the stomach bug twice now, three times in one year is just unfair. :nope: Ok whining, hugs to all!! :hugs:

Thanks girls, I love you all! Super quick as very late but hearing is okay. Rechecking in six weeks bc a little fluid in one ear...not enough per dr to affect speech though. Evaluation by state babies can't wait program (offers free therapies if needed) is tomorrow and will update after that. Thank you all for your love and encouragement!
Hi all,

Just checking in really quickly. Katie went back to preschool today it was like day one all over again. She is on the mends. I on the other hand feel like crap. The cold is now in my chest and I keep coughing and coughing. Last night I woke up and my throat was on fire. I checked and no white spots to no step. This morning it was ok after about 20 cough drops. My throat does get really dry and it is hard to talk. Hoping I get better soon. I like Anna have been sick too much in the past six months. As for the nausea it is ok until my throat gets dry and then I start to gag. So I constantly have gum or cough drop in. My mouth.

Oh and hubby is getting sick too. Ok now that I have whined I'm going to sleep at 8pm. Nite!
Angela we posted at same time. Keep is posted on tomorrow's evaluation. Prayers still with you all.

Checking in...

Angela, glad the doc appt went well. Will wait to hear what the specialist has to say. Hugs!!

Steph, woman I feel your pain, and I couldn't imagine being pregnant too!! My heart truly goes out to you!! I ate a whole roll of cough drops day before yesterday in like an hour!! Glad Katie bug is on the mend, but sorry DH is getting sick. Ugh will this cold season ever end???

AFM, if I could stop coughing (like Steph) I'd be ok. Especially at night. Seems like I wake up once and cough uncontrollably for about an hour, then it settles down for rest of the night. And this is with cough medicine. Trouble is about the time I go back to sleep Jo wakes up, think her throat is dry too. Good thing, it seems DH is getting better and he'll live. Granted he's still moaning and groaning like he's at death's door, but that's men for you.

Hugs to all, will check back in to see if Angela up-dates.
Anna and steph, you both sound like what happens to me when I get a cold and it gets in my chest - the neverending cough that just wears you out...usually with those symptoms I get a diagnosis of either bronchitis or pneumonia... Mine always needs antibiotics to clear but clears rapidly once I get meds going. Hope that helps!

Evaluation went well today, or I guess I should say he qualifies for the program :wacko: not sure that is "well" or good but at least he will now be eligible for help and speech therapy. The good news is the two evaluators (one, a speech pathologist) did not think he needed any other therapies - they think his motor skills, problem solving etc. are fine, it's just speech that needs to be addressed. Should be able to begin therapy in the next three weeks and it'll be once a week. Yay for that!

So meanwhile, today one of the girls in my church group got the news her dad has had a stroke, and I found out last night an acquaintance from high school has died of lung cancer at my age. So, so sad - she leaves behind a husband and two beautiful little girls. It just feels like a very sad day to me today and it's so cold here we can't even get out and play outside. Just sort of feeling sad and down, but very thankful for all my blessings.

Love you girls!
Hi Angela,

Well, it sounds like with a little bit of speech therapy he will be fine. So glad it wasn't anything else and wasn't anything serious. I bet he's just on his own time. Sounds like he has an agenda of his own. :lol: He'll be just fine! Your mind is now at ease and you can move forward knowing he's getting the best.

Feel better to you other ladies.
Back from the dr. Cuz I thought I might have bronchitis. Dr put me on antibiotic. Fun times.
Steph it will definitely help and quickly so I'm glad u got meds! Love and hugs!
Angela, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't say a word until well after age 2. My older sister had started talking very early and Mom was genuinely concerned I had some sort of cognitive or developmental delay or disability, so much so that she took me for cognitive testing. And you've read my posts - you know how much I can talk! The drs told Mom that a) I was developing different skills at different times than my sister had and try not to compare the two of us, and b) maybe I just didn't have anything interesting to say yet! When I did start talking, I skipped baby talk and went straight into full sentences. (And Mom likes to joke that I haven't shut up since!)

I'm glad Ethan's hearing is fine, and I'm sure he'll catch up with no problems. Early intervention is really good, so it's great that you're starting him now.
Morning all!

Angela, so glad the news from the evaluators went well. I'm with everyone else, he'll get there in his own time. But a little help along the way can never hurt. I'm sorry for all the sadness in your life right now and the crappy weather doesn't help. I had some ladies in from Atlanta yesterday that said it was warmer here than where you are and that's just plain crazy talk!! Seems to be a cold spring for most. I'll be thinking of your high school friend and the family she left behind. I have to say that is one of the saddest things. Lots and lots if hugs and hope the sun comes out, both literally and psychologically. Ok before I break into a song from Annie...

MA, how are things this morning?

Steph, glad you got the drugs!! I have an appointment for Jo on Monday (ear check) and if this cough doesn't go away by then I'm asking about it. So tired of it. Hope you are feeling better soon!!

HA, As always so good to see you here and appreciate all your words of advice and wisdom. Lots of hugs!!!

Beth, how are ya? Thinking of you and hope all is well. You're probably busy knitting something impressively extravagant for poppy for Easter. Hugs!

AFM, Well it's warming and as a sure sign of spring we are off to go camping this weekend. DH is prepping the camper and we'll leave tomorrow night after work. Headed out to Utah, highs in the upper 60s, low 70s. Time for a little sun. Taking the bikes in hopes of doing a little riding and get some exercise. Other than that, Jo is still struggling with sleep. Don't know if its a cold or something else. Does anyone have any info on sleep disorders in kids? I've googled some info on WebMD, and night terrors and sleep walking are not unheard of. Just wondering if anyone has known anyone with this problem. She wakes up screaming every time. Just not normal.

Ok I'm out!
Thanks ladies, I really appreciate your support! It is just SO frustrating, because I normally do NOT believe in comparing kids (especially siblings), but the drs. make you fill out these questionnaires beginning with the 18 month visit. And all of a sudden, things you simply may never have tried with your child yet (like kicking a ball as opposed to throwing one) get your kid labeled as "behind." GRRRRRRRRRRRRRr.

HA, my Dad used to tell us a story about how he did not talk until he was 4, and then, like you, began speaking in full sentences. I don't know to what extent there could be a genetic tie there, but I know Dad's genetic makeup has always been very prominent on his side of my family - the resemblance between the men on his side of the family is quite striking and we have seen it now through at least 4 generations. So I'm hoping that is all it is, though it is sure frustrating. I can tell my sweet little guy WANTS to tell us things, as he talks constantly, it's just that we can't understand 95% of it. It's exactly like listening to a foreign language speaker. Clear intent to communicate, appropriate gestures and inflection, normal rhythm and tone. Just can't understand anything. I do have to say it's getting a bit better day by day, and I'm VERY thankful for that. Whether he is improving, or we are just getting better at picking it up, I'm not sure. But hopefully some therapy will help get him caught up quickly. He is definitely a smartie, so I don't think it's any kind of intellectual issue, I think it's simply late speech. Praying that's all it is!

I hope everyone is feeling better or at least on the path to recovery - it has been the worst spring for sicknesses I've ever seen around here, and it sounds like the same everywhere else :-(

I'm having a better day today, though Reece is still waking us up earlier and earlier. :wacko: I really think the problem is that he has the body/size of a 9-12 month old (as evidenced by his current wearing of clothes Ethan wore at those ages), but he is eating the normal diet of a just-turned-4 month old...I think he is just not able to get enough to eat to hold him through the night anymore. :wacko: He sucks down almost 8 oz of formula before bed, but it just doesn't hold him lately. We were already doing formula at the last feeding (held him better through the night than breastmilk) and, for a while, he was trending toward longer nights on that routine - sleeping about 11-7 which was AWESOME. But then, he started waking at 6:30, 6, 5:30, etc. and when we got to 4:50 hubby and I looked at each other and said "we need to switch this kid to the A/R formula" (has added rice starch, and is what Ethan ate his first year) to see if it will help him sleep through... well, it worked like a charm for about 2 weeks... now, we seem to be back to the same earlier trend for the last few nights and MAN is it killing me!!! :dohh: :dohh: If we sit him up in the bumbo and try to spoon feed rice cereal or purees, he still demonstrates that oral thrust reflex (pushes food back out of his mouth). But today, hubby suggested trying one of the pouches we use for Ethan to self-feed (like an applesauce one) and, much to my shock, if I offer it to him while he is reclining (like a bottle) he sucks it right down and grabs onto it wanting more! :haha: Greedy little buggy! So adorable. I have a feeling my love of cooking is going to have a happy audience once this kid gets a little older LOL! Ethan can take food or leave it; has never once shown strong ties to food and never fusses if meals are a little late, etc. But Reece is the opposite end of the spectrum completely!

So anyway, Anna you are right - it has been CRAZY cold here. THey are calling it "Marchuary," as apparently it has been colder this March than it was in January! We've had extreme freezing temps here for March - into the 20's and barely making it into the 40's as a high...crazy stuff. I'm normally a cold-weather lover, but I have to say I'm looking forward to getting the kids outside to play again, pollen and all! :haha: Are you gearing up for Mexico!? So jealous!! How is the eye?

Steph hope you and Katie are on the mend! When is your amnio scheduled?

Bek, is Amelia recovering well? How are you feeling sweet lady?

Beth, I LOVED Poppy's EAster hat!! And Poppy did MUCH better with the EAster Bunny than Ethan, LOL! Ethan threw a fit and the best pic we got was a sullen face, LOL. But oh well. It was WAYYYYY past his nap time and we were really pushing our luck to go at all that day. So glad you got a great pic with Charlie!

Viv honey, how are you doing?

Okay ladies, must run and make a swipe at dishes/laundry/dinner prep. We're working on table skills, so we are trying to eat together as a family at 7 each night. Our usual dinner time used to be more like "feed Ethan at 5:30 and we will eat at 8," so this is a challenge for me LOL. I'm not used to starting dinner at 5:30! :rofl:

Hugs and love to all! And WARM thoughts. Man it's freezing out!!
Hi everyone!

Anna, I'm so jealous about the weather there! It's sunny and the snow is starting to go but it's FREEZING! We're trying to get our seeds in for our garden this year. That is start them indoors...it's too cold right now for outdoor planting of any kind. I'm wondering what kind of harvest season we'll have this year.

So sad about little Jo screaming in the middle of the night. Can you co-sleep with her for awhile? We have a noise maker in there and there's a light on Amelia's monitor so it helps us to see her at night. She's usually okay.

Angela, sounds like Ethan will be just fine gathered by what your saying. Reece sounds like a cutie patootie too!

Amelia is starting to get better. It went from snot in the nose to in her chest so daddy brought his stethoscope home to be sure she didn't have pneumonia. I think it's just trying to clear itself. Hopefully it will be gone by the weekend. I think I'm done putting her in daycare during cold and flu season at least. I don't mind our play groups because I know we're all pretty good at cleaning the kids toys and most of our kids are healthy with exception to 1 who goes to daycare all day while mom is at work. Those darn daycares. :rofl: Like you said, you just can't keep them clean because all the kids are carriers.

I'm doing fine thank you. A little tired as AF is here. I had another baseline today and go in for a sono tomorrow to see if any cycsts are left behind then I'll probably start another round if all looks clear. I'm content and at peace right now. Love my husband and daughter....spending time with them and the dogs. We even went hiking the other day. It felt GREAT!

Doug and I have decided to have a peaceful birthday party with just the 3 of us this year. My mom won't like it but we just need it peaceful and we're in need of a family vacay if just a mini staycation somewhere. We've got time.

Did I share with any of you that my husbands coworker is pregnant with TRIPLETS?? She's going to the same fertility specialist, on the same meds and do an IUI like us. She's 10 years younger so I'm guessing it's less likely for US to have triplets but Doug called in a panic. :rofl:

Honestly I would panic with 3 myself. There are women with a stitch in the forum who've gone to have twins but I've only heard of 1 so far with triplets who had the stitch. That would put me over the edge. A singleton or twins is good enough for me if/when it were to happen. It takes me so much longer than most because I have the bicornuate uterus, pcos and tipped uterus to the bum. If it doesn't work, we'll go back to our plans to adopt again.
Hi Ladies - quick selfish post -

My sister delivered her baby girl yesterday. She survived for 53 minutes. One pound, 7 oz and only 12" long. My sister had a priest in the delivery room with her and her husband and was able to have her baptized and confirmed before passing away. She had so many defects and problems that we all knew she wouldn't survive, the drs didn't think she would survive the delivery and was pushing my sister earlier to terminate as her own health was in danger, due to developing severe 2nd trimester preeclampsia, which is very dangerous in the 2nd tri - she usually gets it in the 3rd and with her elevated LFT and other complications, usually has to go on bedrest - she had to be hospitalized with her issues already and was determined to make it to 28 weeks and deliver her via c-section. They could not induce her due to her uterus being tissue-paper thin, they were afraid of uterine rupture and endangering her life. sigh.

I feel blessed to have been able to make her an ultra-preemie hat and blanket so my sister could have a picture of her bundled up in it and also now she has something of the baby's to take home with her to have as a keepsake.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She needs them.
Morning all,

Beth, I am so sorry for your sister's loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. It is so kind of you to have had time to make the hat and blanket. All my prayers and love.

Angela, how are things? Hope it warms up soon for you!! Ethan's speach reminds me of every toddler I know. When they come in the store I try and engage them and if I have success they answer me or ask me questions, and I ALWAYS have to look at mom or dad and they translate. Jo is the same way. We are finally figuring out her words as they resemble the original word but are definitely toddler speak. I'm sure Ethan will come around soon. It would be one thing if he weren't talking at all, no sound, but the constant babble means he's trying and I'm sure will be talking your ear off soon . We eat together most nights and I do think it sparks their interest in using utensils because they see us use them. However after giving Jo oatmeal this morning, I don't know how anyone expects a toddler to use a spoon with any success!! A fork is one thing, but a spoon. I spill with a spoon! Anyway hugs and hope you have a good weekend.

MA, sorry about the witch. But sounds like you are in a good place. Sorry Amelia is still coughing. The birthday party sounds great! Hope you have a great Easter!!

Steph, are the drugs working?

AFM, Well another tough night. Up at 1:30, 3:30 and then every 45 min. MA, we tried pulling her into our bed, but it almost makes it worse because then no one sleeps. And it doesn't seem to have any effect on her. At this point we either have another ear infection or something else is going on. I always wonder if she's "playing us" waking up and wanting to be held, but she wakes up screaming, whatever it is is happening while she's asleep. Other than that looking forward to camping this weekend and two weeks from yesterday we leave for Mexico!! I haven't made my goal weight, but I'm down to wedding weight, pre- baby and down at least one whole size, so I'm happy with where I'm at weight wise. Other than that I think I'm late . . . Every time I say that I always get my period so hoping that will work this time too. I've come to be ok with just one, and getting pregnant right before we leave for margueritaville, would definitely cramp the vacation. Having said that a baby would be a blessing, just not one I'm prepared for right now. So I'm sure ill start later today after mentioning it here!

Ok have a good weekend everyone!
Sunday night quick up-date:

My mentioning of the witch worked like a charm, within 2 hours period started. Bring on the cabana boy and the cocktails!! Will up-date more tomorrow am.

Happy Easter!!
Beth - Your sister and her husband are in my thoughts and I am sorry for their loss. You and your family are in my prayers.

Anna - Glad that you are able to party and have some cocktails on your Mexico trip! Hopefully, you and Jo are feeling better. How was the weekend camping trip?

Rebekah - How is Amelia feeling? Family hike sounds like a lot of fun. Keep us posted on your TTC journey - even if it does end up in triplets LOL.

Angela - How is Ethan doing? So glad that the specialists are much more optimistic than your pediatrician! Also, he may very well take after your dad and in a few months or so start speaking in complete sentences. How is Reece doing? Is he still waking up in the night earlier and earlier?

HA! YAY So good to see you. I hope that you have been well. We've missed you!

AFM - Well, the antibiotics are doing the trick and I feel so much better, but am still congested and coughing. Katelyn is doing better as well, but she still has this horrible cough. I am hoping it goes away this week, if not, she does have her 2 year old appointment next week. Of course now my hubby is sick with it and of course he is (like Anna's husband was last week) on death's bed. Every time I talk to him it is how much his throat hurts and how he feels hot and cold, etc. I am like, yeah buddy! This is how I have been feeling for two weeks and I still had to do mommy duty and go to work. He of course will be laying in bed for the next few days. Le sigh...men LOL.

We are having Katelyn's bday party on Saturday. It is Yo Gabba Gabba! themed. I have yet to buy anything and did the invitations on evite. My SIL and I are going to go to Party City on Tuesday and get the essentials. This is going to be a no frills party. With being sick, I just haven't had a chance to really plan. Not that Katelyn will care. She will have fun playing with her little friends and cousins and eating cake.

Well I am at work and need to get back to the grindstone. I hope that everyone either had a Lovely Passover or Lovely Easter (or both!)!


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