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35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Beth - sorry to hear about the UTI, however it is extremely common especially if you are BDing frequently. No matter what, always pee after you are done having fun lol, that actually helps to ward off the infections.

Happy Birthday Anna's mom! I am sure she will love the photos of Jo! Those are always the best gifts especially for the grandparents.

Jamie - glad to hear you had a fun visit with your parents and that potty training is happening YAY!. I am also trying with Katelyn as she likes to be Naked Booty Baby. Last night she was naked and telling me she had to pee and I asked her if she wanted to sit on the potty and she said NO! I then said, well, you cant just pee on the floor - you either need to go sit on the potty or we have to put your diaper on. Do you want your diaper - her reply "Yes I do!" SMH. Le sigh... Keep me posted on how it goes. Hope the power napping ends soon and that baby boy takes a real legit nap! Also, have a GREAT time camping this weekend!

Angela - Hope you and the boys are well!

Chris - how is the TTC?

AFM - nothing new since yesterday. We are having some friends over tomorrow for an afternoon/evening of swimming and BBQ. Then on Sunday we are driving out to Oxnard for a Salsa festival. Hopefully, my hubby will be able to make some good contacts and get info on selling his salsa.

Have a great weekend yall!!

Hey girls!

Oh WOW how time flies! I was paging back, and I haven’t posted in the whole month of July! :dohh: :dohh: Yeesh! I gotta do better. Am so sorry!

Beth, honey I am so sorry about the UTI. I’ve had plenty, and they are NOT fun. :nope: I found taking cranberry supplements after bd’ing really helps me. So fun about the swim lessons! We’ve been getting Ethan in the water most weekends, and he is really warming up to it now. So fun to watch!

Jamie, I sooooooo sympathize with the sleeping/napping issues – see below! Ethan had a brief spell of what we thought were night terrors, and it was terrifying for ME! Yikes! And I love the pics of your sweet littles!!

Anna, love the pics of adorable Jo as well!! Such a big girl now!! I hope you are enjoying the camping! I’m not much of a camper, but I might be if I lived where you do! And happy bday to your mom! Girls’ trip sounds super fun and I am super jealous!! But yuck about the medical bills. I know that is not easy to deal with!

Steph, YAY for good bp and happy healthy munchkin! Not long now!! :happydance: I really want to try your hubby’s salsa! Next time you come this way maybe we will be able to get together and I’d love to chat with him about recipes! How awesome if he can sell it!!

Viv hon, how are you? Wedding is soon, right? September?

Chris, how is ttc coming?

We’ve had a rough month of July, mostly on my end, as my insomnia has come back with a vengeance. I’ve had two or three craaaaazy bad spells where I don’t sleep much for two or three nights in a row. :cry: I finally got so desperate that I decided to try melatonin, even though I had heard not to use it while breastfeeding, as it can mess up baby’s sleep rhythm. Well, I guess that only applies to babies who were sleeping well to begin with, which Reece wasn’t!!! :hissy: :brat: Not at night OR during the day. So, I decided to try it and THANK GOD, because it has been the answer I have been praying for. I’m finally, finally sleeping again – and not a moment too soon! Mama was about to LOSE it!!

So meanwhile, Jamie I really sympathize with you because Reece has NOT slept well since he turned 5 months. :nope: It was like someone flipped a switch in his head, and suddenly he could not sleep through the night. He seemed to have a TON of gas (like a seriously abnormal amount of gastrointestinal distress!!!) but his dr. insisted “all babies have gas.” We said, gas that disrupts his sleep???? My husband was taking the nights for me (because, with the insomnia, I’ve been desperate for sleep whenever I can) and he ended up having to put Reece in bed with him so he could literally flip him from his back to his stomach (yes, I know, there are about four things hugely wrong with an infant sleeping facedown in a regular bed, but stick with me). Every time he would fuss, which was about every half an hour :dohh: hubby would have to flip him. Exhausting for both of them! We thought we had turned the corner when, for a few weeks, we were able to get him down back in his crib and he slept peacefully for the most part…then it began again. A week ago, I called a friend who has used Moms on Call (a group here in Atlanta; more on them in a moment). She gave me the bare bones of their schedule, and we implemented it starting last Friday. I am THRILLED to report that, except for a disastrous nap that he is currently NOT taking :rofl:, he has been sleeping like a dream, both nights and naps!!! :happydance: :happydance:

Moms on Call is a group of pediatric nurses/mothers who, between them, have eight kids and two sets of twins, so they know their stuff… they specialize in babies who won’t sleep. So I have two friends locally who’ve used them (among their offerings is an in-home consultation, where they will come to your house and spend the day with you and show you exactly how to get your baby into a good sleep routine). I’d heard such good things about them that I decided to try it (the book, which is cheaper than the consult). I still wasn’t sure it would work, as we really thought the gas was keeping him awake, but we tried it and lo and behold, he slept through two naps and a night without a whimper. I couldn’t be more amazed!! Turns out, he just needed to be on approximately the same routine that had worked for Ethan…something I never thought to try because he seemed to prefer a totally different routine. But in the routine we were using, he was not getting nearly enough rest and it was throwing off all his other naps and nights, if that makes sense. So now, we think we have finally found the key to this kid!! :)

In other news, Ethan is doing great, except for a weird fever he has been running the last couple days. I took him to urgent care Thursday evening, but they couldn’t find anything wrong except the fever :-( So we are doing the Tylenol and ibuprofen routine, but I always worry so much with fevers. :cry: Otherwise, though he is doing great, talking more and beginning with potty training (we’re not in a hurry with it, so we’re sort of letting him go at his own pace). He starts preschool two mornings a week in the fall, and we are excited about that too!

Meanwhile, I’m trying to get back into a workout groove. I missed most of this month with the insomnia (no energy to survive, let alone expend extra energy LOL). I currently have 7 pounds to go to get back to pre-Reece weight, and 12 to get back to pre-Ethan, which is my current goal. After that I will reevaluate, but if I can even do that I’ll be thrilled! :happydance: I have a friend here who loves to walk, but it is tougher with Reece’s new schedule (I was trying to get us out and about a little more than he was really ready for/his ideal routine will permit). Plus it’s almost August here, and this is NOT the most pleasant time of year for outdoor exercise in Atlanta. So I’m planning to just run on my treadmill and see how that goes next week. It worked after Ethan. Here’s hoping!

Other than that, all is basically well here! Still trying to finish out the decorations for Reece’s nursery (not sure my sister will ever actually get around to painting the rest of the planned murals for me, but it’s okay). I bought some cute picture frames and things yesterday that I am hoping will wrap up most of it. Then, a friend gave me some more hand me downs for the boys (I will almost NEVER need to buy clothes for these kids – a huge blessing!) AND a breast pump (I wish I’d know her six months ago, LOL – have been renting from hospital!) Had I known I'd be able to nurse this long, I'd have bought one to begin with, but I never thought I could. So it was a great week in terms of things we will be able to use that were sweet gifts from friends. I took advantage of a diapers.com sale to stock up on the boys’ favorite pouches of food, and we picked up a babies r us deal on diapers today, so I’m feeling pretty well stocked up for the kiddos. Happy and blessed (and so relieved for all of us to be getting some rest!!!)

I’m looking forward to fall; my favorite season of the entire year!! YAY for football, fall colors and fall foods! :happydance:

Okay, I have written a novel. So sorry! Will go post now. Sending hugs and love!!
Happy Monday Ladies!!!

Angela - it is so good hear from you! Sorry that you were having such difficulties with Reece and sleeping (both him and you!!!!). That is very cool about the Moms on Call. Is the book sold at Barnes and Noble? If so, I might try and download it to my Nook? I would LOVE to read it and try some techniques (just in case baby girl #2 is a not a good sleeper like her sister). Also, that is very cool about the clothes and pump! It is always nice to get a bunch of stuff for the kiddies. My SIL is always giving me bags of clothes from her daughter who is a year older than Katelyn. Fall is not my favorite, but I am ready for some Football as well. Yes, next time I am in ATL we will definitely get together as we decided we would rent a car so we could come and go more readily. Then the kids can play too! I am sure my hubby would not mind making you some salsa!

AFM - 5 weeks to go! EEEECCKK!!! I am both nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because I have not gone shopping to get anything for the baby and I do need some new things (nipples, multipurpose pads, mattress, etc). Also nervous because I am now used to a two year old and don't really remember what it was like with a new born. I don't think I remember how to swaddle LOL! My hubby rolls his eyes at me when I tell him this stuff. He says we will remember and it all come back. I am sure he is right, but still. I think I am going to start Maternity leave from work on August 16th, but I am not sure yet. I STILL need to find a Dr to do my c-section and speak with them about leave and the procedure, etc. I am thinking of having her either Aug 28th or Aug 30th. Still frustrated with the Dr situation as the Dr I saw this past Thursday is telling me that I may not need to have an amnio at 36 weeks as the guidelines have changed, however my perinatologist, regular OB/Gyn and another Dr I saw were all saying I did. So confusing! I guess it will be up to whoever is gonna do the c-section. Ok, I promise to post my 3D photo tomorrow from my ultrasound. I know I am on the late freight with it.

Anyway, that is all from me (probably more than enough!) Looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Thanks Steph!

The book is definitely on amazon kindle (I think they offer a free cloud reader app, so you don't have to have a kindle to use their books). https://www.amazon.com/Moms-Call-Basic-Baby-ebook/dp/B00AN2JPNI but I am not sure about b&n?

ETA: here is the link to free kindle reader apps https://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771
Morning ladies!!

Sorry I've been a bit MIA too.

Angela, great post and so good to hear from you. I am so sorry about the insomnia. Not getting enough sleep is a serious issue, it effects everything. Glad the melatonin is working. Also so happy to hear Reece has gotten into a good schedule!!! It's so wired how a routine adjustment can make such Big difference. I have heard from customers that you've had a ton of rain this summer, I hope it clears up and the temps aren't too hot for you to get outside. But I'm so proud of you for getting back into shape! Go girl!! Give big hugs to the boys for me!!

Steph, wow five weeks!!! I can't believe it's so close!! How are you feeling? Since you're further along than with Katelyn I'm sure this last month or so will be a new experience. Katelyn cracks me up with her no on the potty. I have a friend whose little girl has flat out told her she wants to wear a diaper and will not go on the potty. Lots of hugs and I'm thinking of you often. Ohhh, BTW, girls trip is up in the air right now as not everyone can make any available weekend (which I figured). So I'll let you know if I'm headed your way. And if I am, I want salsa!!! I LOVE salsa, we eat it by the boat load.

AFM, I'm tired. Speaking of not sleeping Jo had a terrible night last night. Seems like we get into a good routine, them something comes up to throw a wrench in it and it takes forever to get back on track. I do think maybe she's fighting a cold, but last night was horrible. I keep thinking she's almost two, she should be sleeping through the night!!! So I think it's time for a little tough love once she's better. And I think DH is finally at that point too. He's ushually the one who caves, but after being up with her for an hour and a half last night I think he's over it too.

On this note I think one of our problems is she gets hungry at night because during the day she fills up on milk when at home then doesn't eat dinner, so at 2 she's starving and wants more milk. She still uses and prefers a bottle, but at daycare she has a sippy only and doesn't drink nearly as much milk. So I guess where I'm headed here is I'm thinking of getting rid of the bottle but wondering how to do it. Anyone have any advice? She is such a bottle kid. Probably cold turkey is best, but man will she be pissed.

Lastly, potty training, we continue to go In the potty but I think it has more to do with lucky timing than her realizing the urge and making a connection. I think I mentioned before that we're not pushing now as daycare is not prepared to deal with a potty training toddler. Se moves up classrooms end of August and then we'll commit a little more. We did go camping last weekend with a ton of families and one mom whose little girl was a few months older than Jo. And she said that with both her kids she took away the diaper so they could feel wet. She said to prepare for lots of messes and take a portable potty everywhere, but that until they feel the uncomfortable wet, they won't be motivated. A thought anyway. I'm just picturing Jo peeing all over the grocery store or worse. But messes can be cleaned.

Other than that just making my way through a busy sumer season. My parents have rented a house boat on lake Powell, first weekend in October. I am very excited for this trip as I LOVE lake Powell . Google it if you've never seen pictures, it's awesome and beautiful and a great time to take Jo. I'm a little nervous about a toddler on a boat, but my parents have always wanted to do this trip and they aren't getting any younger, and Jo isn't in school yet so October is possible.

Plum, you don't have a spare toddler size PFD??
Hugs to everyone!!

Me again,

Angela, I forgot to say how much I love the new avatar. Was it professionally taken? So just a good photo you put through a filter? It's so cute!!
Hi Ladies,

Anna - so good to hear from you! On the Salsa front, we are working on ways of jarring and shipping it, so I will keep you posted! Of course if you are out this way, we will definitely get you some salsa LOL. For weening off bottle, what I did with Katelyn was cut it out slowly. So in the mornings for breakfast I would give her a sippy cup and if she didn't drink the milk, I gave her water instead. After a bit I did the same thing at lunch time. I also would not give her anything to drink until she had eaten a good portion of her meal so that way she didn't fill up on liquid, but I dont know how thirsty Jo may get LOL. For potty training, that is what we are going to do, have katelyn wear regular underwear so she can feel the wet, however we are again going to start slowly and only do it on the weekends and when we are at home. We shall see how this goes LOL.

Yes, 5 weeks to go. I am experiencing a LOT of new things, even with the movement of the baby. I am also getting really fatigued a lot faster as well. It is like being in 1st trimester again. I seriously need a nap around 2pm everyday! I am so over being at work and am looking forward to maternity leave. I am already kind of checked out. Thank goodness I am able to work from home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That is making a huge difference.

Oh and one of my friends wants to throw me a baby shower. It was totally unexpected and I am absolutely thrilled! Well that is all that is happening with me. I hope everyone else is doing well. Looking forward to hearing from everyone!

Thanks girls!

Anna, yes that is one of our recent professional photos. I LOVE my photog, as she captures the most awesome shots!

On the bottle, we did something similar to Steph, then finally had to cut off the last/bedtime bottle cold turkey. Ethan did not love sippys at first, especially when he saw reece drinking from "his" bottles, but he eventually got over it. Takes a few nights of fussing but just pick a time and make those bottles disappear! We had to, because he was sucking down so much milk that he wasn't eating food. So you're in good company - I've been there! :) :thumbup:
IMG_1615.jpgHey girls :)))
It has been such a loong time since I even checked this web site. I wanted to just say "HI' to everybody here. Hope all and the gorgeous babies are well. I'm sorry I did become very lazy about internet after I had Shirin. I don't seem to have enough time for it other than googling sthg or ordering sthg. We are well. Shirin has grown massively. Not much has changed in our lives (live in the same place etc) And we are trying for the second baby. I'm gonna attach a photo of us together here.
I hope to check in more often again, hopefully I can keep my word.
Woow Steph just realised that you are pregnant and about to have the baby in 5 weeks. Congratulations hon :)))) Is it a boy or a girl this time? Good luck xxx
Skye!!!!!! Wow so nice to see you! What a lovely picture. Shirin is adorable! Look at all that hair! Our babies have grown up so fast haven't they?

We are also trying for #2. Gave it 7 cycles, then nothing so we took a break. DH had some health issues to deal with, then just this weekend I found out I was pregnant. It was a surprise as we really had stopped trying and I think DTD once :dohh: Unfortunately, that ended in mc on Monday. :( I guess that's what they call a chemical pregnancy? I would have been about 5 weeks. Oh well. It was sad, but I didn't cry. I only knew for two days that I was pregnant so what can you do? But the pain! I was surprised how painful it was even so early on. TMI. Sorry.

I need to do a proper update. I read all the missed pages yesterday since I last posted in June? You girls are so awesome for keeping this up.

Great to see you back Skye! Hopefully your return will bring back a few others. :hugs:
Pablo, Jo has grown so much and she is gorgeous :)))
Angela your photo is beautiful.
Beth are you pregnant too?
Can someone write a quick update for me on where everyone is at? Have you heard of Laura and her twins? How about Mommy's Angel?
:)))) Hope is all good xx
Wooow Chris it's really is great to talk to u again too. I kind of feel like I saw friends I haven't talked to for ages.

I'm sorry about your mc and the pain you had to go through. Are you better now. Do you have to wait for trying again?
We are going through the IVF route again since we had 4 frozen embies. Let's see how that will be. How's Sophie? Any new photos? Are you still breastfeeding since you still have the badge???

Shirin recently started having 1 long nap around lunch time which I realised gives me enough time for myself. So I hope I would have time to come here more often.

Hugs xxxx
I'll try to sum up as I just caught up yesterday...
Beth is TTC :happydance:
Angela has TWO boys now. Baby Reece is 8 mo old already. Another gorgeous child.
Steph is having another girl :cloud9:
Anna bought a house!
MomysAngel left the group in May I think... :nope: There was a misunderstanding and she said goodbye. I see her on FB and she seems to be doing well. Amelia is lovely.
Laura I have not seen post since pg??
Viv hasn't popped in in forever, but I follow her on FB. She is getting married! Callum is GORGEOUS. He and Sophie share the same bday. :baby:

So many have disappeared. The main posters are Steph, Beth, Anna and Angela (when the boys let her). We also have Purpleplum and Flutter. Then there is me (the massive stalker and rare poster :haha:).


I am sure someone else could probably do a better job...
Oh no, I stopped BF at 19 mo. Sophie is currently 23 months. How old is Shirin? She must almost be 2 also right? I am sorry, I can't remember her bday... I want to say October or November?
Yes, we will start trying again right away. It made us realize how much we really want another baby and I think we're ready. Hopefully it will happen quickly as they say you are more fertile after a mc? Consolation prize I guess :wacko: Either way, it'll happen when it's meant to. Just hope it won't take too long.
Good luck with the IVF!! When is implantation? Have you started the process?

Oooh I love the one nap a day! I was fearfull when it started, but it's so much better. You can actually plan things in the mornings now and then get a whole 1.5-2.5 hrs to yourself. Bliss!
Hahah woow, thank you for the great update.

19 Month woos, you've done really well :)) i cut at 13 cause I started to take some meds to get my body ready. But no implantation yet, hopefully this cycle which just started.

I hope you'd get your BFP sooon :)) I know it's soo sweet when you think how cute they were when they were first born. I mean she is more cute now but that time has passed and I miss it. The breastfeeding, all the gentle first born voices she had, the smell, her little fingers etc.... Hope we can experience this again

She is 18 months now, was born in Jan
xxxxxxx Semaxxxx
Yes! I agree! All those wonderful moments. I don't feel I really enjoyed them the first time round so I really hope I get a second chance. Baby dust to you!!

As for the BF, I made it to 19 mo yes, but really, after 11 mo I was back at work and only feeding 3x a day (morning, after work, and before bed). Then by 14 mo it was only 2x a day, morning and night. By 17 mo, it was only 1x a day in the morning. This was the HARDEST to drop as she woke up calling for BABoo :rofl: I finally cut it cold turkey at 19 mo. I am proud I made it that long, but I don't think I would BF that long again. I got so emotionally attached, LOL. It became so hard to stop. Sophie's sleeping got really bad near the end too because she would wake up at night wanting the comfort of mommy and her baboo. :wacko:

I am going to post a couple pictures now...




Svet...she's gorgeous :cloud9:

Skye...hellloooooo :hi:

Steph...only 5 weeks to go :shock:

Angela....loving the avatar :D


Beth...you ok?

I have been reading always but barely able to keep up with my own journal these days :dohh:

Anyway...almost 12 weeks pregnancy so back on that roller coaster and Louis turns one next Saturday :sad2:

:hugs: to all and I will try to post more regularly :blush:

Apologies if I have missed anyone too :dohh:

Congrats Neversaynever!! Wow one year old and already 12 weeks pregnant!!! You will be busy! That's awesome. xo So happy for you.

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