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35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Skye!! Welcome back lovey!! So happy to see you hear and Shirin is just gorgeous! I will catch up more properly soon, but wanted to say thanks for coming back and am so happy to see you pop up!

Andrea, SO happy to see you back here too! I'm praying for you sweetie!

Chris, LOVE the pics of sweet Sophie, but I'm. So sorry about the mc! :-(( hugs and love and praying you get a sticky bfp very soon!

So sorry to be brief girls, am exhausted. Hope all are well - Steph, how are you feeling? Anna, did you gt to go for the girls weekend?

Beth, Viv, Plum - hugs all around!

Ps, Chris and Steph and anyone else who has nursed for extended periods - what do you do when they start biting?? OW Ow ow!!
Angela...if its a nip straight on and off...Louis did this and he only thing that worked wa FYI watch him like a hawk and look for the changes of sucking. He only bit when teeth were on the way. If they're clamping and biting, I've read to gently push their face into the boob so they have to let go.

I always tried not to squeal too...although he made me cry twice :dohh: and took him straight off the boob for at least two minutes.

Hope this helps :flower:

Chris...18 months age gap...and a total Oopsie as we were only planning on one baby :dohh: BUT very grateful and blessed

Chris, Sophie is gorgeous. Such a pretty cutie pie :)) She looks like you doesn't she?;)))

Woow Neversaynever I didn't know you had a baby. That's wonderful and you are already 12 weeks prego. Wooow double wonderful :))) Congratulations hon. Pls update some bb photos :) It's lovely to see the little ones.

Shirin's on her long nap now and I have 2 hours to fill. Not used to this much time in my hands so I don't know how to use it more effectively at the moment. She has lost her appetite significantly recently. I'm wondering if this long sleep needs a better scheduled feeding routine. Cause she feels sleepy just around lunch time and skipped eating lunch last 2 days. I don't know if this is the normal toddler fussiness or is there sthg that's bothering her. (wrong timing, the textures of the food etc) I don't want to start cooking seperate meals for her. I just want her to eat same as what we eat but I also I'm worried she may not eat healthy balanced diet. She eats a lot of fruits and not much meat at the moment. Any thoughts on the matter. xxxx
Never- an oopsie after everything you went through really is a blessing isn't it?? Life works in mysterious ways! Congrats again.

Angela- Sophie went through the biting stage when her front teeth started cutting through. She would dig in during the suck and near the end of the feed I'd have tears and bite marks (also blood sometimes!). It was a phase and clearly never lasted or neither would have I! I tried the smothering her into my boob but that didn't work. I'd just take her off and make her relatch. It eventually stopped (and the teeth got less sharp :haha:). She nipped me every once in awhile, but it never really became a problem. Good luck! I know I have a friend who stopped BF'ing her 2nd at 6 months because of the biting. :wacko:

Skye- take this time to relaaaaaaax. lol Have a nap too! That's what I try to do on the weekends. Once we have two, we'll wish we had rested more at naptime. lol As for the eating, just move up lunchtime. Sophie has lunch at 11:30am and is usually down for her nap before 12:30pm. She rarely eats with us because her schedule doesn't really permit it. She usually has dinner at 5:30pm-6pm. (DH only gets home at 6pm and so by the time we have dinner it's 7pm)... Sophie usually gets leftovers, so I'm not making her special meals per say. It's what works for us. They go through phases with eating. I remember finding dinnertime so stressful for a long time, wondering will she eat today or not? I truly believe if they're hungry they'll eat. They won't starve themselves. They'll certainly test our limits though, so stick to your guns. Don't worry about the meat so much. Just make sure she's getting protein elsewhere (eggs, cheese...) Sophie loves meat one day and hates it the next. :haha:
Hi Ladies!!! Happy Monday!

Chris – Love the photos of Sophie and the red wagon! Need to get one of those! YAY that she is potty training. That is fantastic!!!! I am sorry to hear about your MC, but glad that you are still TTC. How long do you have to wait 3 months? I will say that after I had my MC, we waited 3 months and I conceived 2 months later. Baby Dust to you!!!

Skye – Welcome back! You have been missed. Shirin is soooo adorable! I love your avatar! Love it when they start going down for 1 nap. The only bad thing about is trying to schedule things around their one nap. We do things in the morning or in the afternoon, but you can’t really make afternoon plans because you can’t say for certain when they will actually go down and for how long. Usually my daughter will go to sleep at about 12:30 and wake up at 2:30. However the days I plan to do something during her nap time or make plans for around 3:30, she will either NOT nap or go down later than usual and not wake up until 3:30/4 Le Sigh. Also, yay for you for TTC baby number too. Lots of Baby dust to you as well! In terms of the eating, she may be teething again. I agree with Chris, it is a phase. For the most part Katelyn eats what we do, but there are times when she won’t and will only eat yogurt so I give her that. But that is few and far between, almost anytime I am eating something she will come over and say “I want some” even if it is on her plate already LOL. In the mornings I would ask her if she wanted egg and she would tell me know, then I would make one for me and she would eat half of it. Like Sophie, Katelyn is hit or miss with meat (chicken, beef, pork). Some days she will eat it no problem, other days she will spit it out and say she doesn’t like it.

Never – I am about 20 + days away now! EEEK! CONGRATS on your pregnancy. Almost done with 1st trimester!!!! How are you feeling? Any morning sickness? Are you planning on finding out the sex? I am so happy for you! Happy Birthday to Louis, the big 1. What are you plans for the bday party?

Angela – I am feeling ok. Getting lots of Braxton Hicks every day. As for the breastfeeding and biting, I was fortunate that she never bit me. Fingers crossed that the next baby is the same! I had said that if she did bite, I would be done…

Anna – How are you? How was the camping trip?

Beth – Hope you are well. I saw that you had knee pain this week.

AFM – I am going to the Dr tomorrow to hopefully schedule my c-section. My regular doctor is still out so I am seeing yet ANOTHER doctor. I’ll keep you all posted as to the date. I am now trying to find a new changing table. The one we had we got rid of because it was falling apart. My neighbor down the street has one that is also a dresser and will sell it to me for $50 dollars, but I am not sure I want it because I don’t like the changing table part of it. I will say that I am soooooo looking forward to being on Maternity leave in another week. That way, I can prepare and sleep and do whatever before the baby comes. I wish this Friday was my last day to give me more time, but oh well. I am basically not doing too much at work. I have handed all my projects over and don’t really much to do. I am using this an opportunity to clean my desk and surf the internet LOL. Ok, I am also using this as an opportunity to leave work early. Off to get my baby from daycare. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and look forward to reading more posts this week!

Hello my lovely ladies!

Wow, so much has happened since I've been on!!!! love all the news.

Skye and NEver, SO great to see you!!!

Syke - Shirin is so adorable. I was pregnant and due the same time as Steph, but it ended in a pretty bad mmc, where I tried to miscarry naturally for a whole darn week but had to get the DNC. then a few months ago, I had a chemical pregnancy as well. It's been a tough year so far, luckily I have a loveable little guy to help. We are TTC again now and had too much fun and got an UTI, lol. I honestly feel like AF is coming in the next few days so I'm pessimistic it isn't for us this month.

Never, congrats on your 2nd pregnancy! wonderful news.

Chris - I'm with you on the chemical pg, it's sad but after the other MC a few months ago, I'm a little more detached, so I was just sad. Although I bawled like a baby when I found out an old friend is pg again. Just hits me at weird times. Also because I keep thinking that I would only have 5 weeks left, but then I shake myself mentally and shift thoughts. And you know I love those pictures, where's my favorite bucket picture!!! lol!!

Steph - SOOOOO CLOSE!!! WOW! awesome. Been thinking of you so much and hoping you are managing well. So thoughtful of your friends to throw you the shower. Keeping you in my thoughts. Yep, the knee pain has been kicking my butt this week. Trying to avoid the replacement, ugh.

Anna - how are you and Jo! Sorry about the bottle/cup thing. We are on a bottle only in the morning and his last big bottle at night. I want to get rid of those too, but don't know how! He kept throwing the sippy cup around with milk in it but drinks water from it like a champ. So I switched to a cup with a straw. Quite comical me showing him how to suck up in a straw, but he did it and now our milk at snack times are with that. We don't give milk with meals because he will just drink that and not eat. So water only at meals. Even with the snacktime, I have to make sure he has drank at least 3/4 of the milk before I introduce the snack or no more milk. Good luck, momma!

Angela - I, too, love the avatar, and hope you are doing well!

AFM - knee pain has been incredibly bad. Can't put much weight on it and we couldn't go to the tumbling class yesterday as Charlie was at a meeting and I knew I couldn't chase little Poppy around like this. Which was unfortunate because he needed to expend some energy - he was a grumpy, cranky boy stuck inside with mommy. We are going to the knitting club in a few to get out of the house.

Like I said earlier, I don't think our TTC this month worked, but maybe I'm overly pessimistic. I just feel bloated like AF is coming so I'm trying not to get in a bad mood about it, lol. We have to go to his sister's house on Saturday and you all know by now how Thrilled I am. Just trying to think positive and make it a quick visit. Just trying to keep him away from them in the pool and her trampoline (with NO padding and tons of exposed stell bars around it) will be my job. Hoping to have an easy day where they follow my wishes for once. I know they will bring up the whole wedding gift, they want to send us away idea again, and I'm hoping to steer them in the direction that if we take a vacation, the baby is Coming With Us, and have them decide then what they are doing for us. (I'll try to smooth over any ideas of needing to get us a gift at all, we've been married for 2.5 years! Who cares anymore! not me!!!)

ok, time to get things ready for knitting - I'm thinking of opening an ETSY shop, more on that later.

hugs to you all!!
Wow Steph you are soooo close! Can't wait to find out your c-section date!! Is Katelyn excited to be a big sister??

Beth I had no idea you suffered a MMC. I am so sorry hon :hugs: I hope this cycle surprises you and you're pregnant! I really was in denial last week. Even with AF like 5 days late, I was like, no way am I pregnant, but I was! Although only for a short while.

We are going to start trying again right away, like this week! AF is gone and it was just a chemical pregnancy, so no need to wait IMO. My friend had a CP in December and fell pregnant right away again the next cycle. So............. wish us luck!!! I am tired of waiting. I just want to have my second baby already.
Hi All,

Just a quick update (sorry for the selfish post in advance). Went to the dr and saw the head of the dept. He was great my csection is scheduled for sept. 4. However he will be out that entire week. So he scheduled it with a dr I had already seen which is fine.

Tomorrow I start weekly non stress test. Never did this part before so not sure what to expect. Ok will post more tomorrow!

Steph - Sept 4th! super happy!!! Praying furiously for you!

Thanks Chris, that's ok - it was a tough MMC, I was almost 11 weeks along, but the baby didn't progress past almost 8 weeks, and I had no idea. But we took plenty of time to grieve, and it is still a loss. But we are ok :) hugs to you. Thanks.

I certainly do hope we get a positive this month, I have been so nauseous the past 2 weeks but I don't want to get my hopes up!!!

I actually have a test, I am tempted to do it and get it over with. hugs!
Currently at the drs doing my non stress test. This is boring...I wish I had brought a book
Wow I'm gone a few days and holy cow!!! I'm at work so this is short, will post properly later!

Beth, yehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But so sorry to hear about knee pain. However happy dance on the BFP!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Angela, hugs and hope you are well. No girls trip yet, like herding cats trying to figure everyone's schedule. Good luck with the teeth, I didn't get that far with Jo so have no words of advice.
Steph, yehhh for sept 4th!!! Jo's birthday is Sept 5th!!! I'll always be able to remember her birthday. Hugs to you, sorry you're bored.
Skye!!! So good to hear from you and Mirin is adorable!!! Best of luck with IVF cycle.
Chris, sorry for the chemical pregnancy. Lots of hugs, and fingers crossed for good dust this month. Love the pictures of Sophie!! What are you doing for her birthday??
Never, hello old friend and so good to see you again ! So happy for your surprise. My little brother and I are 18 months apart, and we are now the very best of friends. So good to hear from you and hope you a feeling well.
Plum, hey lady, thinking of you and hope you are well.

AFM, Not much to tell, work is busy, but good. Jo is awesome and doing well. Since we've been try to cutting down on bottles, she's actually eating much better! Most days I am content with just one baby, but just yesterday there was a 5 month old baby in my store and I just got that urge. In actuality, we can't afford another, and I'll be 42 in just a few months, so really it's not going to happen. But I agree, I feel as if I didn't enjoy the baby period enough with Jo because everything was so new. It would be nice to have a second chance. I bought a lottery ticket yesterday, if I win 400 million, maybe we'll TTC again. LOL!!!

Ok hugs and love to all!!! So nice to see so many ladies back!!!!
We are not really doing anything huge this year for Sophie's birthday, although this week, I have gone all out on decorations and last year I never bothered :dohh: Sophie's birthday is on a Friday and that day she'll be at the inlaws, so after work when I go get her, we'll stay and celebrate her birthday the five of us. I told my MIL if she wanted to include other family members then she could, but she won't because she dislikes her husband's side of the family and if she includes her family then she'll have to include his (because my FIL can be a real ass and insist on EVERYONE), then we'll end up being like 20ppl. :dohh: Not going to happen... Every holiday is like this, so we never end up doing anything. It's so sad and exhausting. Anyways........ that's her actual bday. The next day on the Saturday we are having a little party for her at our house with our friends and hers. Our best friends have a two and a half year old and Sophie is in LOVE with her. They're like BFF's already. I've also invited another friend who's son is only two weeks younger than Sophie and another couple who has a two and a half year old (but I don't know if they are coming). Anyway... so BEST cas scenario we'll be 7 adults and four children, worst case scenario, 5 adults and three children. Either way it'll be small, but hopefully fun! I am doing a teletubbies theme :haha: I went to the dollar store yesterday and bought all these pinwheels and other decorations. I'm going to bake her a cake and frost it with green icing to look like the teletubby home and decorate it with flowers and such. I'll take pics. It'll probably be so UGLY :rofl: I am no Beth! lol
So yeah, that's her bday. I feel really stressed and guilty that I haven't included the family, but I am so sick and tired of all the drama. I left it in their court to include their family on the Friday night so if they chose not to why should I? Right? Ahhhhhhhh I am such a stress case it's not even funny. I just really want to hang with friends and make the day all about the kids and enjoy. I never really enjoyed last year because it was so stressful catering to 30 ppl. My DH spent the whole day on the BBQ, and I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Let's not even talk about the expense! Nope, not happening this year. Sorry Sophie.
Oh how I hope there's a few million with my name on it!!! LOL, not going to hold my breath but I'll check the ticket anyway.

I'm with you, going low key. Most of Jo's friends are from daycare, but I don't know any of the parents. All our friends have kids that are older. So I'm taking her birthday off and were going to the zoo. She's never been but old enough to know what a lion is, so it should be fun. And then cake with her grandparents and us, maybe her uncle, very low key. And no o e bakes like Beth, you're in good company!!! Besides the birthday should be all about the birthday girl, and sounds like Sophie will enjoy her friends more.

I'll let you know if I've won millions!!


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