35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Dog biscuit!!! Love it!!! (I haven't had dreams like that since I gave up the hard stuff...) :wacko:

Oh, Titi - how horrible with the whole sickness thing! I know they have scripts for that - maybe you can talk to your doctor about it. What a rotten thing to have to go through!

Junebug - your sister's in my prayers for a safe and healthy delivery.:flow:
Lots going on today.

Junebug...are the pocket ones the same as "prefolds"? I keep hearing prefolds are great for newborns though I haven't actually seen them with snaps. I'm not really sure I want to use disposeables even at infancy. They ARE easier though.

So sorry to hear about your sister. It sounds like what they did to induce may kinda hurt like a son of a gun. Praying discomfort lets up and baby is safe as they both work to birth this little darling.

Anna, :rofl: so sorry to laugh as I know these vivid dreams really seem real but that's just hillarious! Maybe the bone just isn't latching on hard enough. :lol: Time to call leleche league! :rofl:

Sunshine, I haven't been to the casino in awhile. I've been trying to get Doug up there but he's not much of a gambler and even though they have concerts up there and a nice spa, I can never seem to get him in that place.

I'd LOVE to go to the one at Darien Lake. I'm being careful this pregnancy though so I won't be going too far and will try to stay put during the second trimester.

Beauty and The Beast off broadway show is coming to Syracuse near my birthday and I'd like to see that though. There are a couple opera's I'd like to see as well.

Do you ever get to the NYS Fair?? I have a quilt there every year. Not sure about this year though. I don't think I'll go there for a long period of time unless I can rent a scooter. :rofl:

AFM, I seem to be doing REALLY well, no more GI issues with exception to the nauseated feeling and that's not all that bad to deal with. I'm headed for a nap too because I'm exhausted.

I also started getting the urge to east last night. I splurged for KFC today, though I don't often eat that junk. For nausea I bought natural applesauce, oatmeal bread for toast, peppermint tea, probiotic frozen pops and of course diet gingerale.

What I'm REALLY longing for is small vanilla cone with chocolate sprinkles from the ice cream stand that isn't opened yet. YUMMY!

Okay, I think that things are starting to look up now.

Still haven't heard from the Dula yet. I'm PRAYING she decides to take just ONE MORE client.

Well, I'm off to check out the types of cloth diapers recommended.

I pray you all have a lovely day. :hug:
Evening Ladies!!

Ok here to catch up .. .

MA, about the old guy in the parking lot. I agree with the rest of the clan, don't beat yourself up. I seem to cry over country music videos these days, no worries, those kinds of people need a telling off. Am glad you're feeling better!! So nice when food sounds good again. I am so happy your GI issues have cleared up! Do you think you had a stomach bug?

Sunshine, Yea for the new OB!! So nice to have someone you like. The kicking is crazy isn't it?? I saw my little guy kicking and couldn't believe how active it was at that age. So glad you got to see the little cutie.

Titti, wooohoo for the good numbers!! Can't wait for the first scan.

Rottpaw, yes I think all the BF talk has gotten to my subconscious! Crazy ass dream I tell you! Hope the BF thing gets better. Fingers crossed you're free flowing any day.

Vivienne, happy to hear things are getting better. Can't imagine how hard the reconstruction must be. I am glad your nausea has gotten better. My 20 week scan is scheduled too. When is yours?? Take care of yourself!!

Junebug, Sorry Zoe is teething. That's tough, but sounds like she's got a good mommy to take care of her. How is your sister? Are you an auntie again??? That sounds like a pretty tough process, my thoughts are with her and hope for the best.

Austin, how are you doing hon?

AFM, nothing new. Got Amnio scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow. Very glad to have that done. Work is crazy, spring break crowds in town for the next few weeks. I'm just glad I'm in the "honeymoon" phase of this pregnancy. If I had this much work to do a month ago or in a few months I'd be in trouble.

Hope everyone has a good night!! xxx Anna
Ok, promise to catch up with everything later today, I'm off to work but just had to share this dream . . .

had a dream this morning that I forgot to feed the baby and the baby turned into a dog biscuit. I freaked out and tried to nurse the dog biscuit. Get this, the dog biscuit actually latched on!! But nothing was coming out of my boobs and I didn't know if it was because I was trying to nurse the dog biscuit or if there was something wrong with my milk production. DH and I washed the dog biscuit and low and behold a child appeared out from under it, a two year old toddler!!

Has anyone else had any crazy dreams. I've read that pregnant women can have crazy dreams. Ok, promise to catch up later . . . Svet, good to see you.

xxx Anna

OMG :rofl:
Nearly peed my pants!
Not had anything like that, only the odd dream where I didn't know I was pregnant till I was in labour and then the baby was suddenly a toddler ??
Evening Ladies!!

Ok here to catch up .. .

MA, about the old guy in the parking lot. I agree with the rest of the clan, don't beat yourself up. I seem to cry over country music videos these days, no worries, those kinds of people need a telling off. Am glad you're feeling better!! So nice when food sounds good again. I am so happy your GI issues have cleared up! Do you think you had a stomach bug?

Sunshine, Yea for the new OB!! So nice to have someone you like. The kicking is crazy isn't it?? I saw my little guy kicking and couldn't believe how active it was at that age. So glad you got to see the little cutie.

Titti, wooohoo for the good numbers!! Can't wait for the first scan.

Rottpaw, yes I think all the BF talk has gotten to my subconscious! Crazy ass dream I tell you! Hope the BF thing gets better. Fingers crossed you're free flowing any day.

Vivienne, happy to hear things are getting better. Can't imagine how hard the reconstruction must be. I am glad your nausea has gotten better. My 20 week scan is scheduled too. When is yours?? Take care of yourself!!

Junebug, Sorry Zoe is teething. That's tough, but sounds like she's got a good mommy to take care of her. How is your sister? Are you an auntie again??? That sounds like a pretty tough process, my thoughts are with her and hope for the best.

Austin, how are you doing hon?

AFM, nothing new. Got Amnio scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow. Very glad to have that done. Work is crazy, spring break crowds in town for the next few weeks. I'm just glad I'm in the "honeymoon" phase of this pregnancy. If I had this much work to do a month ago or in a few months I'd be in trouble.

Hope everyone has a good night!! xxx Anna

Hey Anna my next scan is on 23rd March 19 weeks as I have a midwife appt the following week and a hospital visit on the 25th so having to work it around those.

Very exciting though and I really want to know gender so I can get planning!!
Hi ladies,

Baby Matéo was born last night via emergency C-section as his heart rate was not doing so great during the labour. 5lbs 6oz, my sister is exhausted! My mom is going to visit (they live 5 hours away from me so I can't meet him right away) so I'll have more news later!

Rebekah prefolds are the good old fashion cloth diapers my mom used on me, the ones that you close with pins or nowadays, snappies (snazzy plastic clips in all sorts of colours!). Yes, those work very well for newborns as well! Glad your appetite is coming back :)

Anna yay for booked amnios, that's a relief!!!

Zoë had a rough day yesterday, Nathan was at his witt's end with her when I got home. So I took over, full mommy duty! She luckily slept from 7:30PM to 6AM, and N was at his band pracice so last night I got some much needed me time, just watched a few of my TV shows and worked on the sweater I'm knitting my nephew :)

:wave: Viv, Chris, Chris, Titi, Angela, Terri!!!

OK off to clinic I go, will check back later!!!
junebug congrads on becoming an auntie! Glad mom and baby are doing well. I'm sure your sister is exhausted after so much work. Hope she gets some good rest.

vivienne, i'm with you on geendr. I want to know! Seems like i'm waiting for amnio and 20 week scan to really let myself enjoy this pregnancy. I hope yours goes well!

it's wednesday and nothing new to tell other than I think I bougt some of my maternity pants too big. They're falling down and if it wern't for the sweatshirt around my waist I would be showing my crack to everyone! Happy hump day!! anna
quick conumdrum . . . I have this boys name picked out that I love and have loved it for a few years. Problem is there's this really annoying guy who started working for us this winter with the same name!! So everytime I think of my baby boy name all I can conjur in my head is this employee. What to do?? Any advice is much appreciated.
Happy birthday Mateo! :cake: I hope Mom's getting some much-needed rest! And I hope you're getting some rest, too, Junebug - I hear teething can be a nightmare.

MA - no, I've never been to the fair. I've heard it's a pretty big deal though. Too bad you won't make it to Darien Lake - I'll have to let you know how the July concert goes. :)

Glad your GI issues are clearing up - that didn't sound like fun. Hope you hear from the dula soon.

I'm glad you scheduled the amnio, Pablo. Once you get through that, you'll really be able to breath a sigh of relief. I'm looking forward to getting to that point. Although I wonder if we'll ever really breath a sigh of relief until our babies make their appearances. Which brings on an entirely new set of worries... :dohh: *sigh* Welcome to motherhood, right?

Rottpaw & Codegirl - how's the bonding going? You two must be on :cloud9:!

Good morning, Austin, Svet, Titi & Viv! (hope I didn't miss anyone!)

Hope everyone has a good day! :kiss:
Pablo - we must've been posting at the same time...

My personal opinion? If you love the name, use it - don't let one jacka$$ spoil it for you!

Hey - you run the store, right? Fire the guy. Problem solved! :devil:
Hi everyone! Congrats on baby mateo!!

AFM, I'm back to feeling terrible. I have that pressure feeling again and have already gone 5 times this morning. Doug says if it continues for another couple of days we're calling the Dr.'s office to be sure everything is okay.

Usually when this happens the nausea is more intense.

So I'm back to bed until I feel better.

Love to you all! :hugs:
Oh Rebekah sorry you're still feeling crummy :-( I hope you wake up from your rest feeling better :hugs:

Anna, I agree with Chris!
Hi ladies,

I'm up from my nap feeling somewhat better. I have the GI issues back again so I may be going back to the brat diet. :wacko: Whatever works I suppose. I wondered if I had some kind of a bug, but now that it's back again, I'm just not so sure. I'm going to ask around the forums and find out if anyone else has this issue. USUALLY everyone I know has had constipation. I have that pressure feeling in my lower back and the urge to poo every 15 to 30 minutes. The nauseated feeling is so intense during this. I googled with no answers. The only one that showed were two ladies who were ready to labor and that makes sense for that trimester but not the first where I am.

Junebug, when will you see little Mateo?? I'm glad mommy and baby are doing well. I bet grandma is excited too!
quick conumdrum . . . I have this boys name picked out that I love and have loved it for a few years. Problem is there's this really annoying guy who started working for us this winter with the same name!! So everytime I think of my baby boy name all I can conjur in my head is this employee. What to do?? Any advice is much appreciated.

Anna, I have the same problem!! We picked out a boys name like two years ago just for fun, but it's the only name we like and that seems to go with my husbands last name. Problem is my manager has the same name :dohh: He got hired well after we chose the name, but now I reallllly don't like this guy so it's ruining it for me, which I suppose is stupid because my baby will be with us forever, he (the mgr) won't. In any case, I'm secretly hoping I am having a girl so next time round when we have our boy (perfect world!) we can use that name. xo

Still catching up girlies!!!

Sorry your not feeling well MA!
quick conumdrum . . . I have this boys name picked out that I love and have loved it for a few years. Problem is there's this really annoying guy who started working for us this winter with the same name!! So everytime I think of my baby boy name all I can conjur in my head is this employee. What to do?? Any advice is much appreciated.

If you love the name use it! Your baby can then show the world that people with that name are really awesome!!! :thumbup:
There's always some git ruining a name out there so we've decided to pick a name we like and hang the associations it might have!!!!
Hi everyone! Congrats on baby mateo!!

AFM, I'm back to feeling terrible. I have that pressure feeling again and have already gone 5 times this morning. Doug says if it continues for another couple of days we're calling the Dr.'s office to be sure everything is okay.

Usually when this happens the nausea is more intense.

So I'm back to bed until I feel better.

Love to you all! :hugs:

Aww :hugs: to you Rebekah
Congratulations on becoming an auntie Junebug. The name Mateo is gorgeous! :happydance:

Actually Rebekah occasionally once or twice a week before I got pregnant I would get a bit blocked up and that it would always come with bad nausea. Sometimes I was scared that if I strained I would vomit but I always put it down to my diet and the pill. And once I had 'gone' the nausea would subside. Now I hardly ever get it but I am eating less and better so I really don't know. I thought it was just normal for me?

I would definitely tell your doctor but I hope it is just your body re-arranging and will settle down soon :hugs:
Rottpaw - really sorry I didn't check the thread before so that I could give you some bf support. Do you have Lanisoh cream for your nipples? It's the best cream by a mile. Ok, on the issue of expressing - just because when you express not a lot comes out it does not mean that Ethan isn't getting plenty of milk when he feeds. Some women struggle to express as they need the closeness and the stimulation of their babies mouth to let down properly. I know, because I am one of those people and it's exactly that, that caused the problems for me when Scarlett lost weight when she was newborn. The hospital concluded that because I wasn't getting much out when I was expressing that my milk wasn't there and she wasn't feeding properly. They were wrong, I just have trouble expressing. If his ear is moving when he feeds and you can see him swallowing, he is getting milk. I know it's difficult in the beginning as unlike a bottle you can't see how much he is taking, but stick with it and trust your baby and your body. For example, if he is feeding a lot it doesn't mean he isn't getting enough milk, babies are very clever and instinctively know how to build up your milk supply. Just feed him whenever he demands it, it will probably be every 2 hours from the START of each feed. That's important to know, as some people think it's 2 hours from the end of a feed. 2 hours between feeds is normal for a newborn and it's exhausting as it might mean you only get 1hour to 1hour 30 with the baby off the boob during the day. It's hard and I wanted to give up so many times but I've been doing it for 6 months now and it does get easier. It is a lot less hassle than bottle feeding that is for sure. If you want to switch between breast and bottle I recommend "Breastflow" bottles, they are the only bottle on the market that works the same way as the breast. If you have any questions or need some support please pm me as I'm more than happy to help. I don't always get chance to check all my subscribed threads as I usually only have a few minutes to check at a time but if you PM I will respond to that first.

There is loads more I wanted to say to each of you as I have read everything but I'm really short of time.

One thing I wanted to say because I think it's important is - try not to get too fixated on exactly how you want your birth to go. Obviously it's great to have a birth plan and make decision's regarding pain control, cord clamping etc but at the same time you have to be prepared for the fact that things may well not go exactly as you plan. The reason I say this is that I am still coming to terms with my birth experience and possibly have PSD as a result. I was completely fixated on having a natural birth, I read all the books, attended classes and wouldn't read about pain relief, C-Sections etc. Then, at my 40 week appointment when they were about to do a sweep they realised Scarlett had turned to breech and I had no alternative but to have a C-Section within 48 hours. I was absolutely devastated and am still upset about it now. I'm positive that part of the reason I've coped so badly with having had to have intervention is that I completely closed my mind to the fact that it could be a possibility and that birth decisions could be taken out of my hands depending on how the situation develops. I was lucky in the sense that I had a brilliant MW in theatre with me who supported my desire for skin-to-skin immediately and ignored the anaesthetist who said there wasn't room for me to hold the baby. As a result I was breastfeeding while they stitched me up. :rofl:

Sorry I can't stay longer but I'll try and pop back later. :hugs: to all x

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