35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Thank you Anna! I do think he is adorable but I am biased! :hugs:

Yes, super tired. The whole nursing and pumping routine is running me ragged as I seem to have ton a of milk judging by my boob pain :rofl: but only like 10 ml comes out at a time when I pump. No idea if babyb is getting more or less than thatbwhen he nurses so it is frustrating. I am five full days past birth so seems like milk should be overflowing by now. Sigh :shrug:

Angela, I never knew how much Z was getting since I didn't pump until she was over 6 weeks old. As long as he is having 6-8 wet diapers in 24 hours he's getting enough! No need to stress about amounts. If you're pumping on top of nursing him every 2-3 hours, your boobs will think they need to keep up this rhythm, slow down lady! :hugs: And milk IS overflowing if on top of nursing and pumping your boobs are still painfully engorged. My engorgement only lasted 3 days, then it leveled off as my boobs got used to how much was actually needed. Hope this helps a bit!!!
Sunshine, let us know if you like your Dr. The Brett Michaels concert eh...is that the one with Motley Crue? I heard it was going to be AWESOME!! What Casino?

Titi, looking forward to hearing those numbers doubled. I've been there. It's horrible to be on pins and needles like that, but so comforting when they double.

Thanks for the support ladies. I don't think I'll ever do that again as I felt pretty crappy afterwards about putting myself and baby at risk. Today's a new day though.

We got A TON of snow here. We all work up and the drive way is chuck full of snow. Hopefully the plow will be here by 1 pm or so. They're BUSY. Poor Dogs ran out and had to figure out how to pee with snow that covered their heads. Doug put them back on the porch and shoveled a spot for them. :rofl: Two days we had no snow. Today people are barely able to get out on the roads. Doug is shoveling the best he can so he can get out to buy us some lunch before he goes to work.

Nausea is still around, but I'm happy to report I don't have the trotts today and I feel a heck of a lot better since it's let up a bit. I don't go as much as I have been. It's an answer to prayer. The nauseated feeling is bad enough. I'm sick of ginger ale, I've been trying peppermint tea.

Hoping you all have a lovely day!
MA- glad you're feeling better in the GI system. I know the relief that comes with a calm stomach. Now I am having trouble going. I hate that full feeling. Yuck!

Well, good news. Beta is 941 today (was 193 Friday) and progesterone greater than 40. I cannot believe it! Talk about teary eyed. I feel much better today after hearing the numbers. They changed the scan to 3/16 so a little over a week away. Praying all looks good in there by next week. DH, my mom and sister keep saying it's twins b/c of the 4 follicles I had and the high beta and prog. I just want happy & healthy. I will take what the good Lord blesses me with.

Going try to enjoy this week and the good news!
Titi, how exciting the labs came out. I knew they would. :hug:

Junebug. I have more questions for you. I wanted to start buying some cloth diapers. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. What size should I start with, should I buy one brand or buy two with one that will have two inserts for night time? Is there a difference between boys and girls diapers? What do you use to clean the diapers with concerning detergents? How many diapers should I have on hand at each size? What should I do first??

AFM today, I just called and left a message with the dula. I'm PRAYING she'll take me as she's pretty booked. I REALLY need her in our room. :cry: I want as natural as possible a birth and since I don't get too many choices, I want the calmest and peaceful experience I can have ESPECIALLY after the last birth that was traumatic for Doug and I. We could really use the experience and just encouragement a dula brings. Sadly I won't get that with my mom so while my parents can come and wait in the waiting area, the dula is the compassionate person that will fill in for what my mom just can't seem to provide. (though I do love my mom dearly)

Another question I have is did anyone have heart palpitations? Luckily Doug is an RN so we have a heart monitor hear. Each time my heart feels like it's racing I get an excellent reading which I always have pretty low readings: 109 over 60 with 85 heartbeat.

I may be overweight, but I really do try to take care of myself so I really love my lower range. Though I think it will be hard for medical staff to tell when it's high because it could still be low but HIGH for me.

Anyways, there doesn't look like there's anything to be concerned about, but it's just another issue that's cropped up in the past couple of days that's kind of a pain to deal with.

This pregnancy has been SO different for me. I keep chuckling that maybe this is our healthy pregnancy filled with 1st trimester bliss. :rofl: Boy am I glad though that the GI issues have cleared up. I don't like feeling nauseated, but it's a heck of alot better than dealing with both and feeling just at whitts end.

Terri and Angela, I pray your both in mommy bliss right now!! May you both continue to be blessed. My cup runneth over!!

Still hoping the other Chris is okay. I think I heard someone say her computer broke. I'm miss Svets! Viv, I love you too dear friend!!

Hoping your all having a LOVELY day sweet girls! :hug:
Thanks Rebekah! I am glad the GI issues are abating somewhat. I hear you on the ginger ale and crackers - I was sick of both by the time I was done with 1st tri. I DID have heart palpitations and frequent fits of tachycardia (I'd have to stop whatever I was doing and put my head down) especially later on, as my weight and Ethan's size increased (only 32 lbs gained whole pregnancy, but that's a lot for my frame). glad you have hubby there to keep an eye on things! :hugs:

CJ - thanks on the BF questions...The issue we're having is just really low milk supply. Some milk is definitely there, but it does not seem like he gets very much at ALL when nursing, and when I pump I only get like 10 ml on one side and 3 on the other! :nope: That's been the case going on 3 days now, and obviously those amounts are not even close to what he needs in even a single feed... and they have me pumping after every feed which of course is completely exhausting when added to the already hectic feeding and changing routine (minus sleep!).

Milk came in starting Friday (and boobs KILLING me so it seems like there would be plenty there) but there just is not much of it coming out, at least to go by his swallowing sounds as compared to formula bottle, and I have no way to know what he's actually getting when he nurses... not a lot of swallowing that I can hear, and certainly no gulping. I also can't see milk coming out or expess much myself... thank God that so far he seems content to nurse for half an hour (total) before he eats his formula, but I really hope we can get this resolved soon and get away from the formula. I REALLY really want to BF this baby!! :cry:

Unfortunately we can't go by diaper output because the pediatrician absolutely forbid us to nurse only - we are required to supplement with formula until we know there's mlik there, and I would not be willing to make him go without anyway. Little munchkin is HUNGRY after every nursing session, which tells me he's not really getting anything out of the breastfeedings. But between nursing and the tiny bit I can get when I pump, he does have somewhat "breastmilk" consistency stools, so hopefully some is making its way in! I hear a few swallows every now and then.

We are now 6 days in. Do you think the fact that I was induced (and body was not really showing any signs of labor readiness at the time) could have anything to do with it? Might it just take longer to come in fully and start flowing? Hubby and my MIL and I talked today and decided to just start letting him spend as much time nursing as he wants, instead of pumping. At least during the night, when we all desperately need sleep. Do you think that will help or do you have any other ideas? It's like the milk is there it just can't get out! :dohh:

Thank you so much for any advice!

Sorry ladies but I just can't catch up.

Just wanted to jump in and tell you all about the safe arrive of Eric James on march 2nd @ 3:00pm weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Birth was a wild ride (in a good way) and we are all home and doing great.

Big E is being an amazing big brother and little e is doing his job by eating like a trouper and pooping up a storm :haha:

Hoping to have my birth story posted later.

:hugs: to everyone!!

Congrats and love the name :hugs:
Thanks Rebekah! I am glad the GI issues are abating somewhat. I hear you on the ginger ale and crackers - I was sick of both by the time I was done with 1st tri. I DID have heart palpitations and frequent fits of tachycardia (I'd have to stop whatever I was doing and put my head down) especially later on, as my weight and Ethan's size increased (only 32 lbs gained whole pregnancy, but that's a lot for my frame). glad you have hubby there to keep an eye on things! :hugs:

CJ - thanks on the BF questions...The issue we're having is just really low milk supply. Some milk is definitely there, but it does not seem like he gets very much at ALL when nursing, and when I pump I only get like 10 ml on one side and 3 on the other! :nope: That's been the case going on 3 days now, and obviously those amounts are not even close to what he needs in even a single feed... and they have me pumping after every feed which of course is completely exhausting when added to the already hectic feeding and changing routine (minus sleep!).

Milk came in starting Friday (and boobs KILLING me so it seems like there would be plenty there) but there just is not much of it coming out, at least to go by his swallowing sounds as compared to formula bottle, and I have no way to know what he's actually getting when he nurses... not a lot of swallowing that I can hear, and certainly no gulping. I also can't see milk coming out or expess much myself... thank God that so far he seems content to nurse for half an hour (total) before he eats his formula, but I really hope we can get this resolved soon and get away from the formula. I REALLY really want to BF this baby!! :cry:

Unfortunately we can't go by diaper output because the pediatrician absolutely forbid us to nurse only - we are required to supplement with formula until we know there's mlik there, and I would not be willing to make him go without anyway. Little munchkin is HUNGRY after every nursing session, which tells me he's not really getting anything out of the breastfeedings. But between nursing and the tiny bit I can get when I pump, he does have somewhat "breastmilk" consistency stools, so hopefully some is making its way in! I hear a few swallows every now and then.

We are now 6 days in. Do you think the fact that I was induced (and body was not really showing any signs of labor readiness at the time) could have anything to do with it? Might it just take longer to come in fully and start flowing? Hubby and my MIL and I talked today and decided to just start letting him spend as much time nursing as he wants, instead of pumping. At least during the night, when we all desperately need sleep. Do you think that will help or do you have any other ideas? It's like the milk is there it just can't get out! :dohh:

Thank you so much for any advice!


Angela, do you have a nursing coach?? Sometimes all you need is someone to show you another method. Dulas sometimes have this service for post natal. It doesn't cost very much. The hospital you birthed at should have a breastfeeding conusltant too for post natal. You should be able to call and someone will come to visit or make an appointment to see what's going on and give you a method that can help you and baby.

Sometimes inducing can cause that issue, but I don't hear about that all too often. I'm wondering if he's suckling all that hard. I know you said the nurse could understand why you were hurting, so that must not be the issue. Is he taking the nipple the right way?!

Call your local chapter of Leleche League I'm almost positive they also have women who consult on breastfeeding issues like these. I bet it'll bring some relief too.:thumbup:
Sorry ladies but I just can't catch up.

Just wanted to jump in and tell you all about the safe arrive of Eric James on march 2nd @ 3:00pm weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Birth was a wild ride (in a good way) and we are all home and doing great.

Big E is being an amazing big brother and little e is doing his job by eating like a trouper and pooping up a storm :haha:

Hoping to have my birth story posted later.

:hugs: to everyone!!

Congrats and love the name :hugs:

How are you doing? I've been thinking about you and wondering how things are going over there.:hugs::kiss::flower:
Hey Rebekah my dear friend in pregnancy, I'm doing OK. :hugs:Life is starting to show some sort of normality:-some schools are opening, business are opening but our whole central business district is still out of bounds and will be for months :(

Almost all power back on in city but only 80% have running water and 60% have sewerage back, so there are a lot of port-a-loos on streets. We luckily have water and sewerage. It is very 3rd world in many places and you have a much greater appreciation of how over half the world live everyday.

AFM I still don't look pregnant just a bit chubbier and sadly (I didn't want to mention it while you were having BM probs) I am rather 'stuck up' up there!!!!
I am however not nauseated much at all now-but I so feel for you as it really does suck :cry:

I have begun to clean a lot more and unpacked the last of our boxes yesterday (all books and office supplies-I have too many books!!) and am now looking at cleaning out baby's room and buying some furniture.

I still don't want to buy too much until my anatomy/gender scan in a couple of weeks and then I shall begin!!

I am so happy that we can share this pregnancy journey together and I love all the ladies on here!! I don't know what I would do without you all :cry: It's just an emotional time (and it's not preggy hormones!) all round:dohh:

Hearing of Eric and Ethan's arrivals made my day!! :happydance:

Just so glad everyone is having good news and feeling happy and healthy

Love to all :hugs:
Hey Rebekah my dear friend in pregnancy, I'm doing OK. :hugs:Life is starting to show some sort of normality:-some schools are opening, business are opening but our whole central business district is still out of bounds and will be for months :(

Almost all power back on in city but only 80% have running water and 60% have sewerage back, so there are a lot of port-a-loos on streets. We luckily have water and sewerage. It is very 3rd world in many places and you have a much greater appreciation of how over half the world live everyday.

AFM I still don't look pregnant just a bit chubbier and sadly (I didn't want to mention it while you were having BM probs) I am rather 'stuck up' up there!!!!
I am however not nauseated much at all now-but I so feel for you as it really does suck :cry:

I have begun to clean a lot more and unpacked the last of our boxes yesterday (all books and office supplies-I have too many books!!) and am now looking at cleaning out baby's room and buying some furniture.

I still don't want to buy too much until my anatomy/gender scan in a couple of weeks and then I shall begin!!

I am so happy that we can share this pregnancy journey together and I love all the ladies on here!! I don't know what I would do without you all :cry: It's just an emotional time (and it's not preggy hormones!) all round:dohh:

Hearing of Eric and Ethan's arrivals made my day!! :happydance:

Just so glad everyone is having good news and feeling happy and healthy

Love to all :hugs:

I bet you that you'll start getting REALLY excited when you start prepping baby's room. :winkwink: It'll be even more exciting when you find out what the sex of the baby is. I can't wait to hear. :happydance::hugs:

So sorry things have been rather emotional on your end. I can see why though. It's tough coming back from this. I think we who live in comfort take for granted at times all that we have. It reminds me of how our great granparents lived during the depression. They utilized EVERYTHING. My gram even made bacon gravy. We throw away food that can be used in many cases multiple times. For instance Chicken carcasses. We can bake a whole chicken and make a meal. Afterwards, we can use the carcass and innards to make chicken stock set to simmer for 20 hours or so...it makes LOVELY stock as does leftover veggies, etc.

As you say, even things as simple as a bathroom get taken for granted. Portapoties can even be frustrating but when we understand that some countries don't even have that and they must dig holes to do their business, we learn that the world is a MUCH bigger place than we realize.

The bright side to all this is that in seeing your area on international news, your friends, family and fellow citizens are awesome working together to help one another. In the sadness of it all it will be rebuilt! You will find a sense of joy again and things will get better.:hugs:

I'm glad you have the brightness of the baby to bring you joy and am SO looking forward to hearing updates in the next several weeks and months.:happydance::flower:
:hi: girls!!! I have missed you all!!! sorry I disappeared for a couple weeks..... It's been crazy and went through some tough times at work. BUT everything is fine with my baby and the pregnancy! :thumbup: Heard the lil ones heartbeat today and got our genetic screening tests back Friday- everything is perfect!! *Big sigh of relief.
I've missed so much but fully plan on catching up! *Bookmarking page 40 so I won't forget! That's 27 pages to catch up on! :| Look at you you chatty Cathy's! :rofl:

I skimmed and saw really quickly Angela had her baby!!! Congrats girl!!!!!!!! I can't believe I missed it! xoxox

Ok, can't wait to see what you all have been up to. Hope everyone's pregnancy's are going well. Big hugs!
:hi: girls!!! I have missed you all!!! sorry I disappeared for a couple weeks..... It's been crazy and went through some tough times at work. BUT everything is fine with my baby and the pregnancy! :thumbup: Heard the lil ones heartbeat today and got our genetic screening tests back Friday- everything is perfect!! *Big sigh of relief.
I've missed so much but fully plan on catching up! *Bookmarking page 40 so I won't forget! That's 27 pages to catch up on! :| Look at you you chatty Cathy's! :rofl:

I skimmed and saw really quickly Angela had her baby!!! Congrats girl!!!!!!!! I can't believe I missed it! xoxox

Ok, can't wait to see what you all have been up to. Hope everyone's pregnancy's are going well. Big hugs!


We've been looking all over the place for you!! Okay...well, maybe we've looked all over the place in the forums for you. :rofl: I'm glad your doing well and baby is on target. Sorry to hear your issues with work. Just remember YOU and baby come first...Jobs will come and go.:winkwink::thumbup::flower:

bookmarket page 40? Goodness. Hurry and catch up! :rofl: The girls will be SO GLAD you posted. :happydance::flower:
Good morning everyone!

Welcome back Svet! Hope things ease up at work, and so glad to hear of your test results! I think that's probably one of the big hurdles we all look forward to and fear at the same time. Happy you made it through unscathed. :)

Viv, I'm so sorry that things are turning around so slowly, but at least they ARE progressing. And Rebekah's so right - it's wonderful to see how the whole community comes together. Restores my faith in humanity, and believe me - there are times when I don't have much of that left. You're all still in my prayers.

MA - we're seeing my Bret at Turning Stone, but it's not the tour with Motley Crue. It's just Bret. The Motley/Bret tour is coming to Darien Lake (my neck of the woods) in July. I'll get tickets for that one too, just as soon as they go on sale. :)

Titi - yay for the numbers!! It's so reassuring, isn't it?

AFM - I really liked the new doc I met with yesterday, so I switched over. He even has an ultra sound machine at his office, so I was able to see the little squirt waiving and kicking for the camera! :cloud9: I had no idea they were that active at 11 weeks! Can't wait for the DH to see it at our 12 week scan on Monday. It's really amazing to see a little person wiggling around in there when I don't even look pregnant yet...

Have a good Tuesday, everyone :flower:
Ok, promise to catch up with everything later today, I'm off to work but just had to share this dream . . .

had a dream this morning that I forgot to feed the baby and the baby turned into a dog biscuit. I freaked out and tried to nurse the dog biscuit. Get this, the dog biscuit actually latched on!! But nothing was coming out of my boobs and I didn't know if it was because I was trying to nurse the dog biscuit or if there was something wrong with my milk production. DH and I washed the dog biscuit and low and behold a child appeared out from under it, a two year old toddler!!

Has anyone else had any crazy dreams. I've read that pregnant women can have crazy dreams. Ok, promise to catch up later . . . Svet, good to see you.

xxx Anna
:rofl: Anna! Maybe my bf'ing woes are getting into your subconscious!! Lol!!
Junebug. I have more questions for you. I wanted to start buying some cloth diapers. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing. What size should I start with, should I buy one brand or buy two with one that will have two inserts for night time? Is there a difference between boys and girls diapers? What do you use to clean the diapers with concerning detergents? How many diapers should I have on hand at each size? What should I do first??

Happy to help!

Well you have a couple of options. Option 1 and the most economical one would be to buy some one-size cloth diapers (they have snaps that adjust the height of the diaper from newborn (well starting at 8 lbs) to potty training. If baby fits in them from birth, great! If not, you could use disposables until LO does fit in them. Option 2 is to get some one-sizes for when baby is big enough, but also get some size smalls IN CASE baby is less than 8 lbs.

No difference between boys and girls for cloth diapering. For boys, same principle as with sposies (disposables): make sure penis is pointing DOWN rather than up :rofl:

Another big advantage of the pocket diapers with inserts is that these dry much faster than the all-in-ones. So let's say you only have 12 diapers (count on going through 6-10 per day with a newborn), then you'll have to do a wash every 1-2 days and at least the pocket ones would try faster. We had 18 size smalls and were able to do washes every 2-3 days (on a few occasions we ran out because I was so sleep deprived I forgot to wash them, just used sposies while they were drying!). Now we have 12 one-size all-in-ones that we use during the day, and 12 pocket diapers to complement, so 24 all together, and do washes every 4-5 days. We still use the pockets during the day, but with less bulky inserts since we're changing her every 3-4 hours.

I think it's a good idea to try several from different companies when baby is young, before you invest the money to buy tons: try a few pockets and a few all-in-ones for sure. I didn't wait, but I'm so lucky we loved our AMP pockets and Bum Genious all-in-ones (phew! Could have been a disaster if we hadn't liket them!).

As for washing: we use Rockin' Green detergent https://rockingreensoap.com/ which many CD'ing families love! We actually only use this stuff now for all our laundry, including my delicates. You need to find detergent that has no dye, no enzymes, no fillers, otherwise the detergent will shorten the life of the cloth diaper by reducing it's absorbant properties and damaging the outer waterproof layer (PUL fabric).

Bum creams: anything with zinc or petroleum will damage the diapers. We use an all natural cream made by local ladies and this has worked wonderfully.

The best thing for stains? Sunning them. Yep, just leaving them out in the sun and it bleaches away the stains. Simple and effective! And nothing cuter than a cloth line full of colourful cloth diapers :)

Hope this helps a bit!
pablo- that is a crazy dream!!! All the BF talk did you in. LoL I have quite a few very vivid dreams that started in the TWW.

sunshine- it really does help to see those numbers go up.

AFM- having a great day of nausea and vomiting at work. It really is a pain to deal with at the office. I am now relegated to throwing up in my garbage can b/c I can't make it up 1 or 2 flights fast enough after it hits me to get to the ladies room. So sad. Can't wait to home and lay down. Yay pregnancy! :)
Thanks Rebekah! I am glad the GI issues are abating somewhat. I hear you on the ginger ale and crackers - I was sick of both by the time I was done with 1st tri. I DID have heart palpitations and frequent fits of tachycardia (I'd have to stop whatever I was doing and put my head down) especially later on, as my weight and Ethan's size increased (only 32 lbs gained whole pregnancy, but that's a lot for my frame). glad you have hubby there to keep an eye on things! :hugs:

CJ - thanks on the BF questions...The issue we're having is just really low milk supply. Some milk is definitely there, but it does not seem like he gets very much at ALL when nursing, and when I pump I only get like 10 ml on one side and 3 on the other! :nope: That's been the case going on 3 days now, and obviously those amounts are not even close to what he needs in even a single feed... and they have me pumping after every feed which of course is completely exhausting when added to the already hectic feeding and changing routine (minus sleep!).

Milk came in starting Friday (and boobs KILLING me so it seems like there would be plenty there) but there just is not much of it coming out, at least to go by his swallowing sounds as compared to formula bottle, and I have no way to know what he's actually getting when he nurses... not a lot of swallowing that I can hear, and certainly no gulping. I also can't see milk coming out or expess much myself... thank God that so far he seems content to nurse for half an hour (total) before he eats his formula, but I really hope we can get this resolved soon and get away from the formula. I REALLY really want to BF this baby!! :cry:

Unfortunately we can't go by diaper output because the pediatrician absolutely forbid us to nurse only - we are required to supplement with formula until we know there's mlik there, and I would not be willing to make him go without anyway. Little munchkin is HUNGRY after every nursing session, which tells me he's not really getting anything out of the breastfeedings. But between nursing and the tiny bit I can get when I pump, he does have somewhat "breastmilk" consistency stools, so hopefully some is making its way in! I hear a few swallows every now and then.

We are now 6 days in. Do you think the fact that I was induced (and body was not really showing any signs of labor readiness at the time) could have anything to do with it? Might it just take longer to come in fully and start flowing? Hubby and my MIL and I talked today and decided to just start letting him spend as much time nursing as he wants, instead of pumping. At least during the night, when we all desperately need sleep. Do you think that will help or do you have any other ideas? It's like the milk is there it just can't get out! :dohh:

Thank you so much for any advice!


Angela so sorry just saw this now! The more he breastfeeds the more milk you'll make. I totally agree with the idea of letting him nurse as long as he wants during the night. Have you tried nursing while lying on your side? This was a life saver for me as I could doze a bit while baby ate... And what you get by pumping is not at all representative of what you can produce: sometimes I don't get more than 1 oz by pumping, yet she always feeds fro 15-20 minutes and is clearly getting more than one oz, IFYKWIM... Keep at it, I think it'll get there. Is his latch OK?
Angela, I forgot to mention: no, the induction itself doesn't cause lower supply. Women with planned C-sections don't have lower milk production either. The body can "figure out" when the pregnancy is over, and just having the baby latching on releases the right hormones to help the lactation start. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misconception out there about the whole breastfeeding after induction/C-section, don't let it mislead you!!!
Phew! A lot of action to get caught up on here!

Sunshine-Chris, glad you loved the new doctor! Isn't it amazing how much movement goes on and you can't feel a darn thing? Freaked me out at my 11 week ultra-sound too, and finally made it real for DH when he saw the little jumping bean :cloud9:

Hi Svet-Chris, nice to see you back!!!

Anna, wow what a crazy dream! Latching dog biscuit, gotta say I've never heard of that one before :rofl:

Titi, YAYYYY on the amazing hCG!!!!

Rebekah, how are you feeling today?

Viv, :hugs: Glad to hear your pregnancy is treating you well (other than the clogged plumbing!). Do you have All-Bran in New Zealand? They make these little packs of "All-Bran Buds", I used to eat 2 packs per day by adding 1 pack to my cup of yogurt and it worked wonders for the plumbing!

AFM: I think Zoë's top 2 teeth are coming in. Runny nose all weekend, and cranky cranky, not wanting to be put down/clingy cranky. But we had a great weekend nonetheless, I'm so happy to be home with my family Sat-Mon that I don't care if she's cranky since I get to hold her the whole time :cloud9:

My sister got induce Sunday morning: turns out the placenta is starting to calcify, which explains why baby has had such poor growth in the last month. Well, after 2 attempts with Cervidil, still no response. So last night they placed a catheter tip in her cervix and dilated it to force the cervix to dilate so that they can break her waters and get the show on the road. She's getting discouraged, actually requested a C-section but was turned down. So here she is, over 2.5 days in the hospital, one induction attempt after the next and still no baby :-(

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