35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi ladies! Thank you for all the well wishes and love!

Sorry to keep dropping in without reading back; we are still in survival mode LOL. But here is a cute pic we took this morning - here's our little guy!

Hugs and more news soon, I promise!

Oh my gosh, he's SO cute! What was his weight and height? He looks like he came out holding a sub in one hand and a football in another. :cloud9::happydance::flower:

He's VERY cute!

Thank you! He was 7.5lbs and 20.75 inches. The height explained a LOT, as the last month I could never even sit up straight! Had to lean backward all the time just to breathe!

The good news was, not only was he perfectly healthy and ready to come out (even 2 weeks early) he was NOT the 9lbs they had told us to expect, or we might never have been able to deliver vaginally. Whew! :thumbup:
Okay ladies, I want to at least try to catch up a little! I miss knowing what's going on with everyone and I hope all is well!

Rebekah, I am still SO sorry about the bowel pressure issues with the pregancy. After my labor I have absolute sympathy for anyone who has to feel that for even 5 minutes, let alone days. Have they said if they think it will get better as your uterus expands upward? I'm hoping that will help relieve some of the pressure for you. Did you have the same issue this early with Jackson? And I know it can't be easy when you are already dealing with the nausea. HUGE hugs to you! I will keep you in my prayers!

Austin, so glad all is still well and I can totally understand just telling everyone you are pregnant for now, without getting into specifics. But I believe all will be well with all your little ones and we are SO excited for you guys!

Sunshine, I would not worry too much about the back pain - I had some of that too, along with many other random pains. I have to say that if I had a nickel for every minute I spent worrying while I was pregnant, I would have a mint by now. I worried over absolutely every single ache and pain and they all turned out to be perfectly normal. I asked my doctor and several friends and the general consensus was most any ache or pain is probably normal (and be aware, they will change as you go along - just so you won't be bored LOL!) as long as you're not seeing blood :)

Anna - sounds like all is well with you and enjoy shopping for maternity clothes! My husband never could stop calling them "pregnancy pants." :rofl: I kept smacking him every time he would say that, as it just sounded tacky LOL! I too had to start shopping for maternity clothes in earnest by about 14 weeks.

Titi - I am so glad all is well with the blood results! Those numbers look great! Congrats and now you can relax and enjoy the weekend!

Steph - LOL I wish I could get some sleep! But at least tomorrow and Sunday we don't have to go anywhere or really do much of anything except rest up and take care of the little guy. So hopefully we can get a few hours sleep tonight and then just nap a lot this weekend. And I'm SO glad your hubby was able to feel those kicks! It's such a neat feeling to see them connect with their little ones!

Viv how is everything going with you honey? Are you feeling okay these days?

Okay ladies, I've got half an hour till there's more breastfeeding torment (sigh) but the good news is the milk is coming in. Pray for me that I can keep up with this little pumpkin's appetite, because even our pediatrician remarked that I must be SO sore when she felt his sucking ability today! I really REALLY want to BF and so I am determined to keep up with it, but really have to push myself through the discomfort when the munchkin latches on. He's STRONG!

:Hugs: all!!
Okay ladies, I want to at least try to catch up a little! I miss knowing what's going on with everyone and I hope all is well!

Rebekah, I am still SO sorry about the bowel pressure issues with the pregancy. After my labor I have absolute sympathy for anyone who has to feel that for even 5 minutes, let alone days. Have they said if they think it will get better as your uterus expands upward? I'm hoping that will help relieve some of the pressure for you. Did you have the same issue this early with Jackson? And I know it can't be easy when you are already dealing with the nausea. HUGE hugs to you! I will keep you in my prayers!

Austin, so glad all is still well and I can totally understand just telling everyone you are pregnant for now, without getting into specifics. But I believe all will be well with all your little ones and we are SO excited for you guys!

Sunshine, I would not worry too much about the back pain - I had some of that too, along with many other random pains. I have to say that if I had a nickel for every minute I spent worrying while I was pregnant, I would have a mint by now. I worried over absolutely every single ache and pain and they all turned out to be perfectly normal. I asked my doctor and several friends and the general consensus was most any ache or pain is probably normal (and be aware, they will change as you go along - just so you won't be bored LOL!) as long as you're not seeing blood :)

Anna - sounds like all is well with you and enjoy shopping for maternity clothes! My husband never could stop calling them "pregnancy pants." :rofl: I kept smacking him every time he would say that, as it just sounded tacky LOL! I too had to start shopping for maternity clothes in earnest by about 14 weeks.

Titi - I am so glad all is well with the blood results! Those numbers look great! Congrats and now you can relax and enjoy the weekend!

Steph - LOL I wish I could get some sleep! But at least tomorrow and Sunday we don't have to go anywhere or really do much of anything except rest up and take care of the little guy. So hopefully we can get a few hours sleep tonight and then just nap a lot this weekend. And I'm SO glad your hubby was able to feel those kicks! It's such a neat feeling to see them connect with their little ones!

Viv how is everything going with you honey? Are you feeling okay these days?

Okay ladies, I've got half an hour till there's more breastfeeding torment (sigh) but the good news is the milk is coming in. Pray for me that I can keep up with this little pumpkin's appetite, because even our pediatrician remarked that I must be SO sore when she felt his sucking ability today! I really REALLY want to BF and so I am determined to keep up with it, but really have to push myself through the discomfort when the munchkin latches on. He's STRONG!

:Hugs: all!!

Thank you. After Doug got me the rice, I felt like a new woman. I'm hoping this will be the trick. She never said what she thought about the issue. I'm hoping it's something that will go away over time. Jackson was in the same spot but I never felt as intense nausea nor did I feel anything more than a feeling like I had a pole up my rump. :rofl: This time is SO different. :wacko: I can deal with the nausea alone, combined with the bm issue it's just awful. I RARELY throw up when I get sick, I usually have the trotts and the nauseated feeling so I'm wondering if it's just my way of expelling :shrug: I can tell you that it's hard to sit at the moment. I feel a bit raw.

I keep hearing everyone talk about having the opposite problem. This is a tad annoying as I just feel SO SICK with both.

As for breastfeeding, I've heard having one beer a day helps mom produce more milk. I also have heard Utter Cream which can be found in an old tymer green tin can at your pharmacy works wonders and so does leaving cabbage leaves on your breasts when your not bf'ing. Make sure they're cool. Its supposed to soothe the breast and help with mastitis.:winkwink:

Oh, he wasn't as big as I thought when they were so concerned. He's TALL though. Who's side does the height come from? Your lucky he didn't kick ya in the bum. :rofl:

Glad your doing well darlin:hugs::kiss::flower:
Rottpaw - Ethan is just beautiful! And I agree, absolutely perfectly shaped head! So - you are both home? Good luck with bfing!! AND getting a few hours of much needed sleep! Good job, girl!!! :)

MA - Man, that sounds just awful, hon! Glad the rice helped you feel better, sounds like you've got a great "nurse" taking care of you! WTG, hubby! Sounds like that is good news from the peri re: your cervix, right? I wish she was able to tell you something more, but very glad you found her to be helpful and compassionate. Hoping you start to feel better over the weekend.

Titi - Congrats on the numbers!!! It seemed like the wait in between my weekly blood tests was forever, but it does pass ... just rather slowly, dang it! I hope you enjoy your weekend and get to celebrate!!

FYI - on the maternity clothes front... I actually found a cute dress & top at Kohl's the other day... I didn't even know they carried any. Evidently they carry an offset of the "Motherhood" stores (slightly less $$ than Pea in the Pod)... But everything at Kohl's is always "on sale"... lol... so dress was $30 & tops were $20-ish... and not too bad looking, either.

DH getting home from CA tonight... I am trying to stay up, but am having a hard time getting to 11pm lately... lol... 'Night all! :)
Austin - wow, good prices on maternity clothes. I love Kohls. I didn't know they had maternity either. I suspect with 3 little ones, you will need a whole new wardrobe soon! Happy shopping.

rottpaw- good luck with the BFing. My sistertold me long ago how tough it can be but also said it was worth all the pain for her little ones and the bonding experience. Sounds like Ethan is a strong little man :haha: and that is great news.

Rebekah- so sorry to hear about the gastro issues. I know that raw feeling and the sense of urgency to go. I have suffered with irritable bowel syndrome most of my life and it can be horrible. Must be genetic b/c both my mother and sister have it. It is already causing me alot of pain these past two weeks. I hope this is only temporary for you. At least you are home and can deal with it in privacy. I can't tell you what a nightmare it is when I have this issue and MS at work.

AFM- tryng not to stress and to deal with a new groin pain that had reared its ugly head in the last 24 hours. it is only on the left side and gets a little better if I lie flat. It comes and goes but all else is well. I also noticed my left leg going numb yesterday after I was sitting for a long time. That was a first but after I got up it eventually went away. Alot of new things happening in my body. But guess that will continue- as long as the little one is ok!

Hope everyone is doing well :flower:

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Sorry ladies but I just can't catch up.

Just wanted to jump in and tell you all about the safe arrive of Eric James on march 2nd @ 3:00pm weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Birth was a wild ride (in a good way) and we are all home and doing great.

Big E is being an amazing big brother and little e is doing his job by eating like a trouper and pooping up a storm :haha:

Hoping to have my birth story posted later.

:hugs: to everyone!!
Yay Terri, congrats again hunny!!!

Angela, the only thing I felt helped me with the BF'ing is lansinoh cream (or other nipple cream safe for baby) after EVERY feed. I did get a bit of cracking and bleeding, but just kept on nursing through it. If you have any problems, see a lactation consultant!!!! The first 2 weeks are tough, but I promise it gets better. Z's latch was also incredibly strong from day 1.

Rebekah, I really hope things get better after first tri! The drugs for nausea are perfectly safe, and I would have lost it had it not been for them. So glad to hear the BRAT diet is helping!!! As for the perinatologist, it does sound like she's really comprehensive in her assessment. When is your next appointment with her? If you're not comfortable with the plan, PLEASE bring it up with her hun!!!

Need to run, have a lot to do. Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!
Thank you girls! We are hanging in with the bf'ing and i am trying to keep the faith it gets better lol!

Terri YAY and welcome Eric!! I totally understand the exhaustion and am in the same boat! Take your time and just share when you can. I am going to have to work on my birth story in short sections cause i can't type that much at the moment lol!

CJ - how long does the breast engorgement last? It has been worse than the nipple tenderness! Eeek!

MA - the height gene runs on both sides of our family so it will be interesting to see how big Ethan gets! He definitely did kick me just about EVERYWHERE :rofl: but now that I see how strong he was right from birth, it makes sense. He can already almost control his head movements (doc said he can start tummy time immediately lol) so i get it now why some of his movements were so strong before birth.

Austin yep we are home! And thank God because it is impossible to get any rest in the hospital!

Okay girls I am off for a nap. Hugs!
Oh Angela I know what you mean! The bad engorgement for me was day 3 to day 5. Warm compresses saved me, I slept with warmed bean bags on both boobs. DON'T express extra milk though because your boobs will think that you need to make more and the problem will get worse. If you're really suffering, just squeeze a tad out of each (like 10 drops) - which I did have to do. HUGS, sounds like you're doing great!!! You're definitely making enough milk to nurse that hungry boy of yours, just keep doing what you're doing!
Thanks ladies. Angela, it all makes sense now with all the movement. Can't believe he can start belly time ALREADY! I'm a shorty so it will be interesting to see who's height our child gets.

Junebug, our next appointment is in two weeks. I had my hemoglobin A1C done, my thyroid and something else I can't rememeber.

Titi, I couldn't deal with this on a DAILY basis. It must be pretty hard with IBS.

Today wasn't as many times to the bathroom. We made it to do our taxes, went to breakfast where I had toast and applesauce while I watched my husband eat a meal of luxery.:lol:

I wanted to check out rugs for the babies room so we made it to two more stores with no luck...went home, took a shower and went to bed again. I woke up finally feeling refreshed. I am still nauseated but thank goodness that persistent issue with the trotts and my back aren't as intense.

If it doesn't get better after tomorrow, Doug wants me to call the office and have them write an order for tests on a "sample". Gross! How mortifying! I've had this really bad since Thursday. Lost 3 lbs in two days at the weigh in on Friday. I can't imagine how much more I've lost. At any rate, today is a little better, so hopefully in the next few days things will look up.

Doug wonders if like Angela said, it's my uterus growing and putting pressure on the bowels. I can't believe I'm actually talking about this.

Have a good weekend ladies.
Rebekah honey please don't be afraid to talk about it. That feeling was by far the worst pain I had during LABOR! I can't imagine trying to deal with it from first tri. :hugs: Definitely keep discussing with your docs till they find a solution. Don't give up till thy get you some relief!
Sorry ladies but I just can't catch up.

Just wanted to jump in and tell you all about the safe arrive of Eric James on march 2nd @ 3:00pm weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. Birth was a wild ride (in a good way) and we are all home and doing great.

Big E is being an amazing big brother and little e is doing his job by eating like a trouper and pooping up a storm :haha:

Hoping to have my birth story posted later.

:hugs: to everyone!!

Oh, how great! Congrats!
Codegirl! Congrats. So glad to hear about the good news little momma! Keep us updated when you can.
Good Sunday Evening Ladies!!

Codegirl, so sweet, so happy you and baby are doing well!!

Rottpaw, how sweet is your little guy! Damn he's cute. How are you doing? Tired? Probably a stupid question.

MA, so sorry for all your discomfort!! Sounds awful!! I have to say that the progesterone is probably making your morning sickness worse. When I got my progesterone cream, the side effects listed read like a complete summary of my MS symptoms. I know it's necessary, but I bet your normal MS symptoms are being heightened by the progesterone supplements. Hope you feel better!!

Vivienne, how are you?? Good to see your smiling face!

Titti, so glad the numbers were good. We all know how nerve racking that can be. Scan soon???

Junebug, Sunshine and Austin :hi::hi:

AFM, well doctor appt went well on Friday. I've gained 6 lbs. so far, but feel ok about that given my need for cheese burgers, pizza and Chinese food during the first trimester!! Also clarified test results. The blood test they did tells you if the mother carries and genetic predisposition for downs and some other things. Turns out I'm normal. So my chances of carrying a baby with downs is the same as anyone else. They did not say if that meant the general population or women over 35. Anyway, clarified things as I was a little confused before. But I still feel better. I remember Rottpaw feeling pressured to have an amnio even though she didn't want one. I'm having a different issue. I really want one, but everyone seems to be pushing me to the opposite. I will call on Monday and try and figure out how to schedule it. Broke down today and went to Target and bought some maternity pants. The thought of putting on my old jeans is making me cringe, so I bit the bullet. Good news is that the 75% off rack was full of maternity stuff so I got three pairs of pants at $7.50 a pair!! I feel like a super shopper. So I have my compfy pants now and am excited not to be uncomfortable anymore!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!! Anna
Thank you Anna! I do think he is adorable but I am biased! :hugs:

Yes, super tired. The whole nursing and pumping routine is running me ragged as I seem to have ton a of milk judging by my boob pain :rofl: but only like 10 ml comes out at a time when I pump. No idea if babyb is getting more or less than thatbwhen he nurses so it is frustrating. I am five full days past birth so seems like milk should be overflowing by now. Sigh :shrug:
Good Sunday Evening Ladies!!

Codegirl, so sweet, so happy you and baby are doing well!!

Rottpaw, how sweet is your little guy! Damn he's cute. How are you doing? Tired? Probably a stupid question.

MA, so sorry for all your discomfort!! Sounds awful!! I have to say that the progesterone is probably making your morning sickness worse. When I got my progesterone cream, the side effects listed read like a complete summary of my MS symptoms. I know it's necessary, but I bet your normal MS symptoms are being heightened by the progesterone supplements. Hope you feel better!!

Vivienne, how are you?? Good to see your smiling face!

Titti, so glad the numbers were good. We all know how nerve racking that can be. Scan soon???

Junebug, Sunshine and Austin :hi::hi:

AFM, well doctor appt went well on Friday. I've gained 6 lbs. so far, but feel ok about that given my need for cheese burgers, pizza and Chinese food during the first trimester!! Also clarified test results. The blood test they did tells you if the mother carries and genetic predisposition for downs and some other things. Turns out I'm normal. So my chances of carrying a baby with downs is the same as anyone else. They did not say if that meant the general population or women over 35. Anyway, clarified things as I was a little confused before. But I still feel better. I remember Rottpaw feeling pressured to have an amnio even though she didn't want one. I'm having a different issue. I really want one, but everyone seems to be pushing me to the opposite. I will call on Monday and try and figure out how to schedule it. Broke down today and went to Target and bought some maternity pants. The thought of putting on my old jeans is making me cringe, so I bit the bullet. Good news is that the 75% off rack was full of maternity stuff so I got three pairs of pants at $7.50 a pair!! I feel like a super shopper. So I have my compfy pants now and am excited not to be uncomfortable anymore!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!!! Anna

Anna, I'm not on progesterone yet. :cry: I'll be on the potent stuff. THE SHOTS on wk 16. I've heard the progesterone can make you sick. I don't know what I'll do if I'm like this for the rest of my pregnancy.

I was okay enough to GET to church (in a snowstorm of course) and then once there, I ended up on the toilet for half the sermon with the trotts :rofl: I had doug leave right away. We went to the stupid grocery store that was PACKED and some 60 year old guy hit on his horn because he wanted Doug out of his way to back up out of his parking spot. There was a car ahead of us and two other cars pulling out. There was NO WAY for us to move....so hotheaded me got outa the car and told him to "not get his panty's in a tight wad" then told him children act more like men then he did. He called me an A-hole and threaten to run me over.

Doug was PISSED at me. I've never seen him so mad!! He said I put both me and the baby at risk and I was NEVER to do that again while pregnant or otherwise.:nope::cry:

Then I found myself ducking carts from people trying to hit each other in the hip. Keep in mind this grocery store is a bunch of people who live with silver spoons and have no idea what it's like to wait or have someone tell them NO!:wacko:

I fell to tears in the car and told Doug I was NEVER going to the store again on weekends and may even hide in the house until October because I'm less likely to piss someone off. :lol: I'm not really in the greatest of moods for idiots these days. Especially feeling so sick.

I must say I DID feel pretty stupid and even like an unfit mother already that I got out of the car like that to tell that stupid old man off. What the hell was I thinking?!:shrug::cry:
Good morning ladies - hope you all had a good weekend!

Welcome Eric James and congrats Codegirl!

MissMuffet - so sorry about the swelling. Yet another unpleasant side effect that we all have to look forward to...

Titi - very happy to see that your numbers are good! Are you still nauseous, or is that fading a bit? At least it's a sign that your hormones are doing what they're supposed to. (Not that that helps as your running to the bathroom...)

Austin - how did it go Saturday night when you broke the news? If you've already posted it, I apologize - I haven't really been on here all weekend and just now sort of skimmed over the past few pages... How fun! I can't wait to start telling everyone. Just a few more weeks now...

Very good news about the test results, Pablo - you must be relieved. And if you'd feel more comfortable getting the amnio done, then get it scheduled. The heck with everyone else. At first I thought that if my results came back like yours did, I wouldn't have it done. But now that I'm a lot closer to my 12 week scan (1 week from today), I'm leaning toward having it done anyway. You have to do what feels right to you.

And yay on the Kohl's sale! You savy shopper, you... :) I was just in a Kohl's yesterday, and unfortunately their maternity selection stunk. They only had about two racks of stuff, and all of it frumpy. I'll have to check back next month to see if their stock has rotated.

AFM - not much. I meet with the new OB today to see if I like him. If I do, I'll switch. I tried using my doppler yesterday afternoon but couldn't find the HB. I didn't think I would this early on (my uterus is slightly tipped and a little high, and my current OB said I'd have a hard time finding it), but it still bummed me out a little. Hopefully the guy I meet with today will give me a "courtesy listen" :)

Oh! And I just bought tickets to see my Bret (Michaels) next month! He's coming to a casino a few hours down the thruway, so we're making a little getaway of it. The concert's on a Sunday, so we'll get there Sunday afternoon, do a little gambling, have a nice dinner, go see my Bret, stay the night at the casino (I reserved a really nice room), and come home the next morning. Should be interesting - I've never been to a casino before. Crazy, huh? I guess I'm just practical - I'd rather eat/drink/have something to show for my money than to just throw it at a slot machine. But what the heck - I'll bring 25 - 30 bucks in "throwaway" money and have a little fun with it. If I wasn't pregnant I'd spend close to that on drinks, anyway.

Okay - time for me to start my day. Have a good day, all!
Oh - MA! How are you feeling? Hopefully a little better, at least! Don't feel bad about yelling at the guy. Sometimes people are just stupid and need to be told. :)
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. My computer is still out of commission and I am aggravated that they want $200 to do a simple diagnostic and repair. Have to call some other places b/c that seems outrageous. So still trying to catch up and post from my phone. Hate this tiny keyboard.

sunshine- still getting nauseous but the last few days are not as bad. I am tying to eat alot of small meals during the day to keep food in my stomach. They say that us the key. The doppler sounds cool but I know I would freak out if I couldn't find the heartbeat even though it is there. That is my own craziness. Anthing on the new OB?

MA- Emotions are all over the place so I get why that man pissed you off. And he was an idiot. Give yourself a little bit of a break. Maybe not the best reaction but I sooo get it. Can see myself doing exactly the same thing in the heat of the moment. I have been known to tell some rude idiot off when I am not pregnant so right now they better watch out! It doesn't take much to set me off right now. I am quick to get an attitude myself right now. Got into with DH last night over nothing really. But he started it - well, that's my story anyway and I'm sticking to it!
AFM- more blood tests today so fx'd that that the beta doubles and the other tests are good. My FS has scheduled the first scan for next Monday, 3/14. I will be 5 w 4 days and they say you should be able to see the sac and yolk by then. I sure hope I see what I am supposed to. I am very nervous about that. Still trying to work through all the nerves - it is such a process.

Been exhausted but going to bed early. Passing out at night would be more accurate. If I make it to 9 pm I have done well. Work is crazy. Have my 9-5 and teaching one night and on the weekends. But I am done teaching in 2 and a half weeks. Yayay.

Also planning my best friend's baby shower but I have lots of help. Have a dew weeks so no rush rush.

Well, have a great day ladies!

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