35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

morning all!!

MA, so sorry the GI issues are back. At this point I say see the doc sooner than later. Enoug is enough! Being pregnant does not mean you have to suffer. I hope you feel better! Lots of naps.

sunshine, vivienne, junebug and all those who chimed in re: the baby name thing. Ur right, I should just for it. But it's a small town and a small company. I wish I could fire him, and so do most of my co workers as he is soooo ANNOYING, but alas we need the help. I still haven't run the name by DH so I might get vetoed anyway. Svet, I hope your situation resolves itself. My biggest fear is that this looser will think we've named the baby after him!

Mrs. J, such good advice! Thanks for your two cents. I have heard similar things from other moms. I think at the end of the day we can forget it's not up to us, but the baby and what's best for the baby, although most of the women here seem pretty focused on baby health. I hope you are well and hope you stop by more often!

austin, haven't seen you in a while, hope all is well.

AFM, just chillin in the mountains. I told my co worker, who is a 20 year old guy, I was pregnant yesterday and he was estatic. So weird! He was probably more excited than anyone else so far. He wants to see pictures of the sonogram! I think DH is a little jealous. Have a good day!!! Anna
pablo- uh, oh! DH is jealous. Probably thinking the guy better stay away from his wife and baby. lol

I was just wondering about Austin too...hope all is well.

AFM- planning my best friend's baby shower and crazy at work. All I want to do is sleep though! Had good news today. Went to my FS for blood tests and they did an early scan. We have lift off - a gestational sac at 4+6 today. and they just called to say all my tests look perfect. I am so relieved. What a rollercoaster this is. Feel like I just existing from test to test. But I will take all the anxiety happily. :flower:
Hi ladies! :hi:

Not too much to add - just wanted to stop in and say hello.

MA - sorry you're feeling poorly again. I agree w/Pablo - enough is enough! See the doc! You shouldn't have to suffer like that! :nope:

Mrs J - wise words. thank you! Although I must admit, the only birth plan I have is to expect chaos. And pain meds. :)

I was wondering about Austin, too, Pablo. Hope everything's okay.

Good news, Titi! Like you, I also feel like I'm existing from test to test. Welcome to the rollercoaster - make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, and keep your arms and legs in the car at all times!

Have a good day! :flower:
Hi ladies, just peeking in. Last night was an awful night and barely got sleep because I was at the toilet. Today was even worse and we were only out for two hours. I DID take some anti diarrhea medication and it has subsided a bit for now. The perinatologist is in tomorrow so I'm calling first thing in the morning.

Something that came up in one of the forums I asked was that one woman said she had something similar and her Dr. told her that 50 percent of pregnant women end up with IBS in their first trimester even if they've never had it before. It makes a bit of sense so I may ask about it. Doug went to teach tonight and I had to stay behind. I just couldn't do it being so ill.

I'll keep you posted after the phone call tomorrow. Thanks everyone!

Mrs. J, that's not scarlet in your photo is it?? If it is she's gotten TALL! I can't believe she's that big already. :cry:
Groan :growlmad:
Just learnt that the birth unit myself and a couple of friends had planned to use is condemned and will have to come down. It is 80 years old but is brilliant.:cry:

Geez I really do have to stop feeling sorry for myself and just get on with it.
Going for drinks (non alco for me) and dvds with friends tonight so should cheer me up a bit I hope.

Have a wonderful weekend all :flower:
Groan :growlmad:
Just learnt that the birth unit myself and a couple of friends had planned to use is condemned and will have to come down. It is 80 years old but is brilliant.:cry:

Geez I really do have to stop feeling sorry for myself and just get on with it.
Going for drinks (non alco for me) and dvds with friends tonight so should cheer me up a bit I hope.

Have a wonderful weekend all :flower:

Not sure if it's the same as here in the U.S., but alot of businesses, especially those well known ones usually get insurance for buidings when they come down like that. Now I know that realistically rebuilding could take some time, but I wonder if they have a temporary place they'll use until they rebuild again. Have you asked about that? There must be someone who may know. Could be that everything is so knew that they're at the beginning stages of figuring things out but will have a temporary site by the time you birth. Don't lose hope sweetie!:hugs::flower:

AFM: After taking immodium I'm feeling EXCELLENT. Don't get me wrong, I still have intense nausea but it's a whole lot more tolerable.:winkwink: In the meantime I'm going to call the office tomorrow morning and ask for liver and kidney function tests to be on the safe side and talk about the possible IBS thing that came to my awareness from some other pregnant women.:shrug:

I can deal with things a whole lot more like this. :thumbup:
Viv - I've heard about the tsunami warnings for NZ this morning - is your area in the warning zone? I hope it turns out to be nothing, and that everyone comes out unscathed. You and your fellow countrymen (and women!) are in my prayers!

When you have time, please let us know that you're okay. :flower:
Hey ladies,
MA glad the immodium helped! I hope your doc figures out what's up with your gut, that is definitely distressing!

Viv, I hope your country does not get affected by this tsunami :-( Saw this on the news this morning and I hope it doesn't measure up to the hype... Sorry about the condemned unit, that really sucks :-(

Angela, how are you doing? Thinking of you hun, I hope the breast feeding is improving now that it's been a bit longer! It's definitely tough in the beginning :hugs:

RE: birth plans. I went in with NONE other than a healthy baby and immediate skin to skin as an outcome. I loved the epidural (but laboured 12 hours almost without one), and it all ended in a C-section after 24 hours of labour for failure to progress (which I had been warned was a possibility given my small hips) so I was not at all disappointed. Luckily in our hospital, even if you're having a C-section, baby is directly placed on mother for skin to skin while they sew you up. I think the less expectations one has, the better! And the next time around it will be a scheduled C-section so I'll be much more rested, that's the part that was toughest on me, no sleep for 2 nights, 24 hours of labour and then a newborn who wanted to nurse constantly plus a snoring roommate :wacko: Definitely being more pushy about a private room the next time around!!! :dohh:

Rebekah we're making the 5 hour trip to Ottawa the last weekend of March. Figured I'd give sis the chance to get into the swing of things and let her rest up a bit before visiting. Although we will be staying at my mom's, and I also plan on doing their laundry and making them dinner when we visit so they do not incur any stress!

OK off to work, hugs to everyone!!!
Hey ladies

Has anyone heard from Angela?

Rebekkah - it certainly is Scarlett - she's going to be 6 months next week. I can't believe how quickly it's flown by. Enjoy every minute even the sleepless nights because they grow so quickly. Scarlett is trying to talk now, in fact she barely shuts up and is also on 3 meals a day and 5 breastfeeds!

I only just realised that Austin is have triplets - how exciting is that?!

Titi - is it starting to sink in now?

happy Friday all!!!

titti I bet you're tired! Work and baby shower. That's a lot. I am so happy for your good test results! Congrads. Yes it's a rollercoaster. Funny when I was ttc I thought that all the stress would disappear if only I could get pregnant. Nope, it just changes forms. Best of luck with the party. When is it?

Sunshine, yep good analogy, I'm with you on the birth plan: meds and chaos.

MA, so happy that the immodium is working and that you are calling the doctor! Let us know how it goes.

vivienne, so sorry about the birth center! Wow tsunami, please be careful and take care of yourself!

Junebug, so glad you get to see your sister soon! I like the idea of something scheduled, because the idea of 24 hrs of labor and then a c section sounds aweful!

AFM, tired today, long week. Next week is the busiest of the year then we can relax a little. Starting to show, have officially moved to maternity pants. However 15 weeks tomorrow!!!

have a good weekend!!! Anna
Hi mrs j I am here just trying to type left handed while Ethan feeds lol! Will check in shortly with a better update. Going to ped in a few for weight check and hope little man is gaining well!
Hey ladies

Has anyone heard from Angela?

Rebekkah - it certainly is Scarlett - she's going to be 6 months next week. I can't believe how quickly it's flown by. Enjoy every minute even the sleepless nights because they grow so quickly. Scarlett is trying to talk now, in fact she barely shuts up and is also on 3 meals a day and 5 breastfeeds!

I only just realised that Austin is have triplets - how exciting is that?!

Titi - is it starting to sink in now?


MrsJ- 6 months already - wow.

And Yes! It is starting to sink in more everyday. Looking forward to next week's u/s and to see things still progressing.
Hi All,

Haven't had time to read the posts over the past week. Last weekend and this week haven't been the greatest for me, but it is getting better.

DH and I went to our first Lamaze class on Monday. It was really cool. We are members of Kaiser, but the Kaiser I will be delivering didn't have a class on a nite we could attend, so we are doing it at a Kaiser about 10 miles away...Apparently, when I said I was delivering at the other hospital I several women were telling me they heard it was really nice (the hospital had been remodeled) and were thinking about delivering there. So that was a plus. Looking forward to the tour of the Labor and Delivery section now. The craziest thing was that out of 15 couples only 3 of us are having girls.

Well, I gotta get back to work. Probably won't be on again until Monday.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Hi Everyone, :hi:

Mrs. J. I can't BELIEVE it! I had to do a double take and I thought to myself, that CAN'T be Scarlett. Wow is she getting tall! Cute little woman.

Junebug, I'm actually thinking I'm not even going to do a birth plan. I hear they NEVER go as planned. That's my problem. I've been a planner for as long as I can remember. It's no wonder why I get so disappointed when things I plan don't go my way. I figure I'll leave it all in Gods plan. NOW, that being said, I wish our Dr.'s would allow for no interuption on mommies belly. The staff grab up the children quickly to suction and with some you don't see them until hours later. No wonder there are so many attachment issues with breastfeeding. Why can't they just do all that while baby is on mommy. I can understand those emergencies, but come on! Not every one of them.:wacko:

Anna, yay on the baby bump:happydance::flower:

Angela, praying all is well.

Hoping all is well with Terri too!:thumbup:

Steph, are you anywhere near the psunami warnings?? All this weather lately is CRAZY!

When you mentioned you were in classes I wondered why you were going so early. Then I looked and your in your twenty something weeks. :lol: NOW I know why your in a class:winkwink::dohh:

afm: The Dr. said I can still use the immodium until we figure out if I'm dealing with a bug or if it IS something like IBS. I'll also be having the liver and kidneys checked just to be sure. In the meantime, I'm feeling EXCELLENT. I have the nausea still, but it's much better without the GI issues.

The nurse said I could have anti nausea meds but I didn't feel like driving to get the slip and they wouldn't just call it into the pharmacy so I'll wait on that until next week. Who is using or HAS used anti nausea meds? I know there was one awhile ago that caused birth defects...Doug tells me this one has been used for years and is safe for babies. It still freaks me out though.
MA I used zofran throughout my pregnancy and Ethan is just perfect. Don't be afraid to take it if it helps. I found it helped me eat and sleep SO much better than i would have otherwise and even the nurses commented that ethan's huge umbilical cord was a sign that he had been a VERY well fed baby! I would not have been able to work otherwise either. It is important that you get sleep and eat well and if the nausea is interfering with thaat I definitely can recommend that med. I worked great for me! :hugs:
MA I used zofran throughout my pregnancy and Ethan is just perfect. Don't be afraid to take it if it helps. I found it helped me eat and sleep SO much better than i would have otherwise and even the nurses commented that ethan's huge umbilical cord was a sign that he had been a VERY well fed baby! I would not have been able to work otherwise either. It is important that you get sleep and eat well and if the nausea is interfering with thaat I definitely can recommend that med. I worked great for me! :hugs:

Thanks Angela, that was the med they recommended. I think next friday I'll ask for the script. I start progesterone shots wk 16 and I've heard that they can prolong nausea. I don't think I can deal with this throughout my whole pregnancy. I'm trying but again, it's one of those things I'm trying to be flexible with. Why put all this pressure on myself when I can have something to ease the sickness and be able to give the baby AND myself what we need.:thumbup:

On another subject, I've had a pretty good night so I started researching cloth diapers. I found these REALLY cute prefolds with snaps that I'd love to buy. Not sure I'm settling on them since there's SO MANY brands. They just are so cute though. Cloth Eez Workhorse

I have no idea which covers I plan to use. It's a start though. Kinda fun.:happydance:
Hey all.
No tsunami for us,:happydance: just slightly higher tides and 30cm waves. After the Boxing Day earthquake in Indonesia they said one was heading here but it never reached us then either. I just feel so sorry for the people in the outlying prefectures in Japan as their livelihoods and lives have been destroyed :cry:

As for my birth unit, there are others, it's just such a good one and the other option really for me within reach is CHCH womens hospital and I didn't really want a full hospital birth. That was about all that was in my birth plan, the rest was just a go-with-the-flow deal as who knows what the heck could happen haha!!!

:hugs:to all and a great weekend
Good morning everyone :)

Sorry things haven't been going well, Steph. I hope things turn around for you soon. Good news about your hospital, though - that's got to make you feel good!

Viv - VERY happy the wave missed you! You're all going through so much as it is, anything more would have been grossly unfair.

MA - glad you're getting a handle on the GI issues. And look at you with all the research! You're going to be one prepared mama :) So far, I haven't really thought any further ahead than the next test, and have done absolutely no real research whatsoever. I'm waiting to get the results back from this coming Monday's NT screen before I really start believing that we're actually going to be parents.

So anyhow, glad to see you're doing it! That way I can pick your brain when it dawns on me just how unprepared I really am!

Enjoy the weekend ladies!
HI GIRLS!!! I'm here... and all is fine with me and the bambinos... I have been in trial for all of this past week and just completely no time to check in... All went well and it was a little sad, as it will likely be my last trial for a while... as it is not looking like there is any way I will be able to keep my job and I really enjoy my work. Oh well... on to bigger and better "trials"... :) The week was really exhausting, though... I slept for nearly 14 hours last night!!!

I have just read the last couple pages and need to go back further to catch up and see what is going on with everyone!

I hope everyone has had a good week! We are out to the lake to take our boat out for a spin... another kind of sad moment, as we are putting it up for sale. Again, likely that we will not have the time or opportunity to use once the babies are here, for several years.... And DH is convinced now is the time to sell.... :(

Weather is beautiful here, so I am really ready to get out and enjoy the rest of the day! Happy Saturday to all of you sweet girls! Big hugs!
Hi ladies.

Viv, glad your safe and sound. I too am so sad for those in Japan. The saddest part is that it's the rural areas and they tend to be more middle to lower class and NEED their jobs. I've heard it's alot of farming that goes on there and so sad that as you said, they've lost their livelihoods. The worst part in my opinion is wondering about the power plants that are leaking. It's a danger to the people and a danger to the land that they grow their food on. I've been praying around the clock it seems not just for those in Japan, but in your area and those in California and Hawii who may get some after-affects.

We have alot of flooding here too. though it's not like they need boats. It's much lighter, but I've never seen as much flooding in the areas we traveled today as I've seen this year. The weather has been so odd lately.

Chris, Yes. I've been researching. Some of it may be for no other reason than to be "aware". After my experience with Jackson Jeffrey, I've learned I have to be the one to advocate for myself and my baby. While Dr.'s for the most part have a whole lot of knowledge and experience, if I don't know the in's and outs of what they're doing or what my choices are, I can't expenct to make the right choice based on the needs of myself and my baby.

I think alot of this stems from not having a whole lot of choices. Last pregnancy I was told that I'd have to have Jackson by C-section beause he'd be too big. that was the first appointment at 4wks. Now how do they know how big my son would have been? They base it on Diabetes, but not all children of diabetics end up big.

Anyways, I think it helps me to pass the time and equips me for the future. As far as things like the Cloth Diapering and stuff, I've been interested in that since Jackson as well and after doing the math, found that the immediate cost of cloth diapering vs. the cost of disposables was more economical...HOWEVER, I have a friend who mentioned Amazon has a diaper club that if you become a member will save money on disposables. I'm told that some mothers save coupons and one woman spent .35 cents per disposable diaper with coupons and this program. So it depends. If anyone wants the specs on the Amazon diaper program let me know and I'll put up the information my friend Sarah shared with me. :thumbup:

I think this stuff is fun for me and keeps the time going. Gives me something to be excited about and takes the nerves of what happened last time away and reminds me that this baby is new and safely on track.

Austin, sorry about losing the boat. Your husband is right though, if you were to sell it, now would be the prime time to do so. Looking forward to hearing more aobut your exciting days ahead!

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