35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi, ladies. I hope you all are feeling good today.

sunshine and austin - thanks for asking after me.

Today, was a hard day for me. Had my second ultrasound this morning. My FS thinks I'm around 5 weeks, 3 or 4 days. Looks like the gestational sac did grow since last week but no sign of a yolk sac or fetal pole yet. FS said ideally they would like to see a yolk sac now although they were not concerned because it is early. They re-checked my blood tests. My beta/hcg is still high = 16,165 and so is my progesterone = greater than 40. My only issue is my TSH is back up again (I have a thyroid problem) so they increased by medicine again.

Had a really tough time getting through today. I keep hearing that it is still early and plenty of women go in at 6 or 7 weeks and see a yolk sac, fetal pole and even a heart beat.

I was hoping to see some progression today. Just not sure how to feel. Of course, I am really sad and disappointed. Everyone says stay positive. It's not always easy to do in this long, long process of TTC and beyond and after so many distressing and anxiety ridden days.

So, ladies if you have any extra positive energy, please send it my way...

Sending plenty of positive vibes you way sweets :hugs:
Morning ladies! I had kind of a crazy/scary day yesterday. But before I get into that I wanted to give hugs to Titi and tell you as everyone else has that it is early, and to stay positive. It is good that your numbers are still high. I will keep you in my prayers.

Yesterday afternoon me and one of my pregnant co-workers went for a walk, when we got back we went to the bathroom (of course) and I saw what looked like my mucus plug. I started to freak out and immediately left work and went to Kaiser's Labor and Delivery unit. My husband met me there.

They hooked me and to check on the baby, etc. The Dr came in an examined me. She said that it may or may not have been my mucus plug. She said more than likely since I had had sex 2 days prior it was probably (excuse the TMI) semen or left over discharge. She said that it could have been part of the mucus plug, but it wasn't anything to worry about. She did a pelvic exam, an ultrasound and then a vaginal ultrasound and said that my cervix was closed. They had monitered me for about an hour and didnt see any contractions so that was good. The entire time the baby was kicking up a storm so that was also good. She said some other re-assuring things and then told me I could go home and that if anything came up (questions, etc) to definitely call or come in.

I am feeling much better about it today. But it was pretty scary at the time. Thank GOD for my husband who immediately made me feel at ease the moment he got to the hospital. On a positive note, I got to see part of what the Labor and Delivery unit would look like and I have to say I was very impressed. The rooms were HUGE and private. I did say that I didn't want to be in another room there until end of May early June when my "bun" was done cooking!

I hope everyone else is doing well and I will check back in a bit.

steph, so scarry!! Glad you and babe are ok!! Lots of hugs . Anna
Morning ladies! I had kind of a crazy/scary day yesterday. But before I get into that I wanted to give hugs to Titi and tell you as everyone else has that it is early, and to stay positive. It is good that your numbers are still high. I will keep you in my prayers.

Yesterday afternoon me and one of my pregnant co-workers went for a walk, when we got back we went to the bathroom (of course) and I saw what looked like my mucus plug. I started to freak out and immediately left work and went to Kaiser's Labor and Delivery unit. My husband met me there.

They hooked me and to check on the baby, etc. The Dr came in an examined me. She said that it may or may not have been my mucus plug. She said more than likely since I had had sex 2 days prior it was probably (excuse the TMI) semen or left over discharge. She said that it could have been part of the mucus plug, but it wasn't anything to worry about. She did a pelvic exam, an ultrasound and then a vaginal ultrasound and said that my cervix was closed. They had monitered me for about an hour and didnt see any contractions so that was good. The entire time the baby was kicking up a storm so that was also good. She said some other re-assuring things and then told me I could go home and that if anything came up (questions, etc) to definitely call or come in.

I am feeling much better about it today. But it was pretty scary at the time. Thank GOD for my husband who immediately made me feel at ease the moment he got to the hospital. On a positive note, I got to see part of what the Labor and Delivery unit would look like and I have to say I was very impressed. The rooms were HUGE and private. I did say that I didn't want to be in another room there until end of May early June when my "bun" was done cooking!

I hope everyone else is doing well and I will check back in a bit.


Steph, as someone who lost her mucus plug last time I can tell you that even if you did lose your mucus plug, your at 27 wks and usually if you talk to anyone in a cerclage room that has been through it, they'll tell you babies are fine at 27 and 28 wks because they're usually too big to start funneling down. :thumbup: The only thing I'd keep track of is yeast and bacteria. If you did lose some of the plug it needs to be taken care of. I'd go as far as to have them perform a swab test every two weeks to be sure your clear from infection.

I wouldn't worry too much about losing your mucus plug at this stage of the game. Your baby should be fine. Just be careful of infection and if you feel yeast or bacteria get it taken care of. :winkwink:

Glad all is well with you. What a scare that must have been!:hugs::flower:
I asked if I would be more prone to infection. The Dr. said that because my cervix was closed, I should be ok. I do have an appointment with my Ob on Monday so I will have her do an exam for yeast and BV. We were also told to hold off on sex until cleared by my dr. The other good thing is on the 28th i have appointment with the perinatologist as well. I am now glad I have so many dr appointments!
Happy Friday ladies!! :kiss:

Angela - your MIL leaves today, right? Don't worry - you'll be fine! Sounds to me like you're doing an awesome job already. I think it's so nice that you & the MIL get along so well, too. Wish I had that with mine.

Rebekah - yay for you for making the appointment at Strong! It really seems like things are off to a great start with them - I wish you luck. Don't forget to let us know how your appointment with the other doc goes today!

Titi, my friend - please try not to worry. (Easier said than done, I know). Are they sure on the dates? I was in the EXACT same situation as you are right now with my own pregnancy, only my numbers weren't as good as yours. Turns out we were a week off. Which, at that early stage, makes all the difference in the world. And the fact that the gest. sac grew is also in your favor. So please try to hang in there. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, and I have no intention of warming up my pipes just yet.

Anna - how're you doing with the spring break crowd? How long does it last? I should know the answer to that - the hubby's a teacher at the local community college - but he's also a department chair, so he goes in most days anyway. At best, it'll be over soon. At worst, you're at least to the half way point. Hang in there!

Steph - thank God you & baby are okay! I guess you've gotta take your cue from the doctor. If she thinks baby's okay, and all the equipment shows that baby's okay, then it's probably safe to say that baby's okay. What a scare, though! Glad it had a happy ending!

Austin, Junebug, Terri & Viv - good mornin' to ya!

Chris - you were right about the blood work! I got my results yesterday, and final results from the 1st tri screening are 1 in 1721 for downs, and 1 in 3101 for tri 18/13! Which, they said, were the same as a 20 year old. Woo-HOO!

Of course, I also had a scare on Wednesday evening to offset that. (This must be the official scare week). I had a few sharp pains and some mild cramping at work that afternoon, and didn't really think anything of it. Until I got home from work to find blood in my underwear.

A quick backstory - I had a threatened and misdiagnosed miscarriage with this pregnancy back at the end of January. When I went back about a week later for an u/s to make sure all the tissue had expelled, there was a heart beat...

So anyhow, back to Wednesday... I called the OB office, and the doc on call pretty much said that there was nothing to do, and to call back in the morning to come in for an u/s. Meanwhile, the bleeding stopped (spotting only) but the cramping got a lot worse. So I called yesterday morning and they had me come in. The bleeding/cramping had stopped by then, but my abdomen still felt unusually bloated & tender.

But thank God, the u/s showed the little squirt squirming away with a strong heart beat, and the doctor said my cervix was closed and not bleeding anymore. She said that everything looked great, but to call if I have any more problems or questions.

But she also limited me to becoming nothing more than a human incubator for the next two weeks - absolutely no exercise, no lifting, no exertion of any kind. I'm cleared to go to work, but only if I sit all day long. Oh - and she also put me on strict "pelvic rest," which she explained to me as "no insertion of anything for the next two weeks."

Okay - a few things crossed my mind with that one. First - as a pregnant person, I wouldn't need a tampon. Second - if I'm not supposed to have sex, why not just say "no sex"? And third - are there really that many other options, and what kind of patients does she see?? *Sigh* Guess I've just lived a sheltered life. :nope:

Oh - and I have a trimester question for you girls. When exactly does the 2nd trimester start? I've found three different answers:
1 - at the beginning of week 13. Which in my opinion seems to soon, as that's based on four weeks per month, and only one of 12 months is actually 28 days long. Not counting Leap Year, of course :)
2 - at the beginning of week 14, which seems to make the most sense to me.
3 - at the beginning of week 15, and I still can't figure THAT one out.

Anyone have any insight on that? I was going to ask the doctor yesterday, but had too many other things on my mind at the time.

Well, now that I've written a book... I hope everyone has a great weekend! :flower:
WOW Chris #2 - you aren't kidding this is the week for scares! I am gald that your dr said that everything was ok. Please keep us posted. As for inserting anything I am assuming she may be talking about toys and/or fingers LOL (which I guess could technically be lumped in with no sex!). I too am off of sex or insertion of anything vaginally until my Dr "releases me".

Technically 2nd Trimester begins at week 13, however on this site it begins at week 14. I guess if you divide 40 /3 you get a little over 13 so that may be why some say 14.

AFM - I am trying not to freak out every time I go to the bathroom or feel a twinge. I think after my Dr appointment on Monday, I will feel better.

I hope that everyone has a good weekend and that in terms of pregnancy the weekend is non eventful!

The questions in here are meant for the girls in the other forum so you can just disregard them. Doug and I both have had a pretty crappy day and are spent so I'm just reposting my origional post from another forum:

Well, today's Dr.'s appointment didn't go as planned. ((sigh))

After ALOT of waiting, I found out that my origional perinatologist wasn't there when she was supposed to be. Instead, I got one of the OB's from my prior pregnancy (which I wasn't all to happy to have).

I spent much of the time answering questionnaire forms and some were just OUT THERE pertaining to content matter. After that I waited some more which led to a nice long conversation with the very nice midwife there. She DID irritate me a little with a comment about getting past the issues with the hospital in order to have a clean slate this time. I shared with her that with the many areas of negligence, it's hard to move past this issue if you cannot trust the medical staff that are supposed to care for you.

She also mentioned letting go of what happened with my last pregnancy which I agree with myself. I let her know that this too is another issue that will be difficult to just move past because there's the first trimester milestone to pass and then the most important for me is the 22wk milestone.

We moved past that and said our goodbyes and FINALLY the Dr. came in. ((keep in mind my appointment was 1045pm and we left at 230pm))

I told him I had some concerns from my last consult with my origional Dr. that I needed to have answers to. First was a simple one of finding out which compound pharmacy for the 17P injection I'll be taking later on. The next being that I wasn't at all comfortable with a "wait and see" attitude for a cerclage for what I believe to be a classic case of Incompetant Cervix.

Looking at the records, he said that what was written was that I had contractions at the hospital at 22wks and was found to be 3cm dialated BUT two days before, the sonogram showed 4.7 cm's. According to him, this is basically signs of preterm labor and NOT the signs of cervical insufficiency which is why they are prescribing 17p injections to quiet the uterine muscle.

They are also keeping an eye on bacterial vaginosis and prescribing antibiotics as needed.

I told him I felt I needed a cerclage between 13 or 14 weeks and he actually said the risk was HIGHER for any kind of a cerclage but a prophylactic cerclage came with it's risks and said that if early prophylactic cerclages came with little risk, then all Dr.'s would be using "preventative cerclages". He said there were no specific studies that proved preventative cerclages worked. Risks he mentioned for preventative cerclage is the proximity to the bladder and rectum and risk of puncturing either with the needle because there's LESS room than when the cerclage would be done between wks 16 & 20. Risk of infection...he said there's NO PROOF of reduction of infection or miscarriage with preventative prophylactic cerclage. He also mentions that with a preventative cerclage I could STILL go into labor preterm and have ALOT more pain as the sutures strain and possibly tear.

He kept saying "You've GOTTA have RESPECT for cerclages, for they have their RISKS".

In addition to preventative or prophylactic cerclages he mentioned two other times of cerclaging. One was emergent cerclages done between 16 and 20 wks in which he would measure the cervix every two weeks and are done when the cervix is less than 2cm's THIS is the type that he performs and teaches residents to do.

The other type is a Rescue Cerclage which is done by some when the cervix is nearly gone altogether and close to ripening. He says he Doesn't perform Rescue Cerclages and mentioned there is BETTER outcome with bedrest and 17p injections in this situation.

He said that he would NOT perform the cerclage surgery on someone HE didn't think needed it.

Can anybody think of studies done in opposition of what he was saying? In proof against I guess I would ask, because he said all the studies backed HIM up.

My husband wants to do more research on this, does anyone have websites with concrete information for him to research??

Also, since this Dr. says he's POSITIVE that what I have is PTL because there wouldn't have been ANY contractions even that one night and we STILL would have been dialated. There would have been steady decrease in length of cervix. I'm wondering if there are any links to some concrete research that will help me understand PTL and if what I really had was that OR the IC which I STILL think I had.

Any feedback would greatly be appreciated by you all. I'm at a frustrating point. We're going for the second opinion two hours away at a reputable hospital BUT, What if this group says the same thing?!

I left the building feeling that if I have the stupid cerclage early, my baby would surely die from complications....YET, If I make the decision to "Wait and see" at 16 to 20 weeks like he says, I could surely have ANOTHER second trimester loss. Either way, I feel as though I'm choosing a path to my babies death sentence and am SO AFRAID to get attatched for fear I'll lose this one too. :cry:

I'm not really understanding this, if it were THAT bad why are there so many of you with early cerclages?? Why is he saying that it's actually RARE to see prophylactic cerclages?!
Hi There!!!!
This is off topic, but is a really cool artcle about having babies a little "later" in the game - totally uplifting with lots of awesome facts (like that older moms live longer - score)

Rebekah - HUGE HUGS to you!!!! I am so sorry that your appointment didnt go as planned. I know you must be frustrated and worried. Please stay positive and don't even speak negative words about this pregnancy. Remember your words have power! This pregnancy is totally different than the last one. Also remember that this is exactly why you are planning on getting a second opinion because you want to make sure that you are receiving the best medical care for your pregnancy. Please don't feel defeated and that this is a lose/lose situation. Keep your faith and know that God will work it out - Jeremiah 29:11.

Continue to keep us posted on what is going on and know that we are here for you how you need us. If that means just to vent or for support or advice, or just hugs, we are are here!

MA - I second what MissMuffet said! As far as I'm concerned, her words to you are very well put. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, and please continue to post your updates.

And on another note - be glad you've decided not to go to the Motley/Poison show at Darien Lake. Tickets went on sale to the general public this morning, so I bought two. To the tune of over $250.00 (Grrrr.....) First - they were about a hundred bucks a pop for the tickets, and THEN - they didn't give you the option of just buying a ticket. Oh, no. You had to purchase an additional all day park entrance ticket, too. Of course, being the generous people they are, they reduced the park entrance down to $15 per person. Then add in all the taxes and fees... (Grrrr.....)

*Sigh* The things I do for my Bret...

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thank you both for your responses. I'm going to keep a positive outlook and wait to see what the other perinatal center says at their second opinion.

I'm not sure if I mentioned but the same day I found out my friends son was stabbed and died. It's been just awful he was only 23 and I mean, who ever thinks this would happen?

Doug and I bought a huge tray and I filled the cart up with supplies. The church is going to be helping them as well. I'm at a loss and I just held her as she cried in my arms. I wrote more about it in my journal if anyone would like to know more, but I just had to jot my feelings down and move forward. It just breaks my heart!

So I've been in a bit of an emotional stooper.

On a good note, I started taking the anti nausea meds yesterday and they are helping. I still feel yucky at times, but for the most part it takes the edge off.
Good Sunday Evening ladies!!

Ok long week and while I've read everything, I'm not sure I'll remember all of what has happened, so sorry if I miss anything / anyone.

MA, first I agree with what the others have said. This is a different pregnancy, not automatically doomed to the same fate of the previous one. And yes words and attitude have power. I know it must be terrifying for you, but stay positive for both you and the baby. I also think you are doing the right thing by getting a second opinion. How many stories have we heard about doctors getting it wrong. At the end of the day I try and have faith that they don't mean it, but are only human and given to error like everyone else.(of course with much greater consequences) Go for the second opinion, and if they agree with the current doc, then cross that bridge when you get to it. Until then try and not stress about something you have no control over. I know, easier said than done.

Also, thanks to you and Junebug for all the info re: diapers. I NEVER even thought about the day care factor??!! Seems that makes the decision easier.

Sunshine, $250 bucks??!!!! Holy cow girl, you must love Bret. That's a chunk of change!!

Missmuffett, glad you are ok and so sorry for your scare.

Titti, how are you doing??

Vivienne, Junebug, Hi and hugs. :hugs::hugs:

Austin, glad you are "out" at work. I would think trying to hide triplets would be hard! Any idea as to how long you will be able to work?

I forget who wrote about being on "pelvic rest", but LOL!! I agree why not just say no sex. . . of ANY kind? Too funny.

AFM, wow, really long week. Busiest week of the year. MA I think you asked why, it's because here in a ski town, we get slammed with folks taking a ski vacation during their spring break. Last week all of Texas and several other states had spring break. It will be the busiest of the week of the year, even busier than over Christmas. So I got my derriere handed to me. I just thank god it happened during the "honeymoon" phase of this pregnancy. If it had happened during the first tri when I had no energy I would have been toast. If it had happened during the last, I wouldn't have been able to hustle up and down all the stairs of my store.

So anyway we went out of town this weekend which was much needed for a snowmobile club retreat. I wasn't planning on riding as I don't have a snowmobile anymore, but ended up using a friends and had a blast! I kinda forgot I'm pregnant I was having such a good day and did something stupid and tried to do a hill climb and ended up rolling the sled down the hill. Good news is I scrambeled out of the way of the machine and didn't get run over by a 500 lb machine. But in hind sight I don't know what I was thinking. I could have gotten myself or the baby really hurt. Lesson learned. Will try and remember I'm not wonder woman from here on out. Scared the crap out of my friend. Today I feel crappy. Felt good this am, went for a hike with a friend, but then got in the truck to go home and curvy mountain roads did not sit well. Got out and dry heaved on the way home. So question . .. anyone had a return of morning sickness in the second tri? I came home and took a nap but still feel yucky. Possible I went too hard for too many days in a row, need some rest.

Ok, have acupuncture appt tomorrow am and Amnio on Wednesday so woohoo. DH said he would go to amnio so I'm psyched. Another question, for those who have had an amnio, were you told by the doc to take the rest of the day off? When I made the appointment they didn't say anything about that but I read something where it's common, and I was planning on going back to work and need to know if I need to cover my shift. Also did anyone get any genetic counseling??? I haven't talked to anyone other than my doctor briefly. Feeling like the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing between my doc and the perinatologist.

Hope everyone has a good week. Sorry for the novel. This week should not be so busy for me, so I will try and keep better tabs on everyone.

xxx Anna
Good morning, girls! Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Chris #2, Steph & Sunshine - Sorry to hear about the scares!! I know that horrible feeling of not knowing what is happening... SO glad to hear you are all okay! I took the rest stuff pretty literally... and the bleeding did eventually stop. Prayers & Hugs to you all!:hugs:

MA - Sorry to hear about the disappointing doc appt... Hope it gets better!

Anna - What a scary thing with the snowmobile! Glad you're okay! Also - I did have genetic screening done... NBD, just a blood test. I *think* that since you are doing amnio, it would be kind of moot to do the gen screen, as you will get definite DNA results from the amnio and the screen just tells if you are a carrier of any problem genes... Not sure though, I would ask.

Dr. M - Thanks for the article! Welcome!

Anyone heard anything from Titi? Hope all is okay...

AFM - Had a really great long weekend... Was off of work on Thurs, Fri & weekend.. Started off with Bon Jovi on Thurs night (FAB!) although I must say that the concert experience was a little, er, different for me... Lol. Met friends for cocktails before & told them the news (of course, all were stunned!) Honestly, it wasn't that hard... I was worried I would be all kinds of bitchy while everyone else was having a good time, but I lasted til 11:30pm, woohoo! :happydance:

We ended up calling and telling our parents the news on the phone. Not the way I would prefer, but news spreads fast and we just hated the thought that they would hear something before we could make the trips to see them both. I must say, DH, REALLY has gotten into telling folks... He is enjoying it so much, so I let him tell the news. They were happy, of course, but really, really stunned speechless... My mom started screaming and I was terrified she was going to have a heart attack... But it was all good. :)

My bestie came in town for the weekend and we had a great time! So much fun to share with her! My heart is full of love and thankfulness....

Otherwise, did a little shopping and relaxed... Peri appt today for the NT scans! We are excited and a little nervous... Hoping for a great "scare-free" week for everyone!!

Good Sunday Evening ladies!!

Austin, glad you are "out" at work. I would think trying to hide triplets would be hard! Any idea as to how long you will be able to work?

LOL... Thanks, Anna... Yes, it feels SO good to not squeeze myself into spanx, hose, etc... :) I *hope* to work as long as possible (through the summer), but the peri has told me to realistically plan nothing past the July 4th weekend. That will be the 24 week mark for me...

I hope your amnio goes well & am really interested in hearing how it is for you...

Has anyone done or thought about CVS?
Morning All!!

Austin, Bon Jovi!!!!! I have been in a few situations where I was the sober one for the first time and it's a little surreal. Although not as bad as I thought it would be. I always had the impression that things would be no fun without cocktails. Pleasantly suprised that's not the case and glad you made it until 11:30. That's way past my bed time these days.

I too had the blood work for Downs and spinebifidia (sp), and things looked good. However, they do not test for other possible genetic issues and that's why going for amnio. Like I said right hand doesn't seem to know what left hand is doing because I think they've scheduled some other tests later based on me not doing the amnio. I'm going to talk to my doctor at next appt and get things straightened out. Why does it have to be so hard???

So working until week 24 sounds pretty good to me. I think that's pretty far for how much you'll be carrying. Who knows if you feel well, maybe you can work later. I think you qualify for disability too if ordered by doctor to leave work. Incase income is a concern.

Finally, so happy you told the folks!! Glad DH is so excited to tell people. Mine finally got on the band wagon recently and went crazy telling people. It's funny how they react isn't it?? From freak out to all excited.

AFM, just got back from acupuncture and she said I was retaining a lot of water and that may be why I'm not feeling well, so she did some points to get rid of the excess water and told me to eat rice and veggies for the rest of the day and that should make me feel better. Cross your fingers it works.

MA, any luck on your research? I am clueless and have no good information for you but wish you all the luck with finding what you need.

Hope everyone has a great Monday and where is Titti? I am thinking of her too. To echo Austin, have a scare free week!! Anna
Hi everyone.

Thanks for all the kind feedback.

Pablo, I found some articles specifically from an OBGYN site for medical professionals but I have to actually pay 30.00 an article. Doug is going to see if he can access it for free at the hospital this week.

Someone also mentioned google scholar that we've never heard of.

Right now I'm just going to focus on relaxing and wait to hear what the second perinatologist opinion is.
Good morning ladies

Anna – Yes, I did speak with a Genetic counselor, that was after my NT results (at Kaiser they do the bloodwork first and then 4 weeks later do the NT and then right after the NT Scan give you your results) to discuss options of a CVS, Amnio, or wait and do the 2nd trimester blood screening. She took my genetic history and that of my husbands. As for the Amnio, I was told to rest of at least 2 days. I had mine on a Thursday and probably could have gone to work on Friday, but opted to take the day off. You definitely have to take the day you get the amnio off. They also sent me home with a paper of what to avoid for at least 1-2 weeks after the amnio (No exercise – so hiking will have to be put on hold for a while, no Sex of ANY KIND LOL). I have the paper at home so I will try and remember to bring it on and tell you the dos and don’ts and what to look out for. I am sure they will give you something. Also, they will more than likely cancel your other appointments if you have decided to do the amnio. Hope that info helps. Oh, also yes, my morning sickness came back a bit during 2nd trimester. Keep hydrated – that goes for everyone!

Charmaine (YAY glad you posted your name ) – Glad you and hubby are sharing your pregnancy with others and LOL about your mom’s reaction. Also, good news that hubby is definitely on board and excited. Lucky you at a Bon Jovi concert. Jealous! Please keep us posted on the NT scan. I had a friend who did CVS, it is a little higher risk than the amnio because it is done a lot sooner and a bit more invasive. I was asked by my genetic counselor if I wanted to do CVS or amnio and I immediately rejected the CVS because of the risk factor. But like I said, I have had friends who did it and everything went well. I think I will be working until week 34 or so, fingers crossed.

Titi- I hope that everything is ok, please keep us posted.

Rebekah – I am sorry to hear about your friends son. I know that must have been devastating news on top of everything else. And with hormones being what they are, I am sure you were probably even more emotional last week. I will pray for peace and comfort for your friend and for you as well. Like Anna said, in terms of your situation, try not to worry about the things you cannot control. Which is GREAT advice for all of us – thank Anna!

AFM – I have my regular OB appointment this afternoon so looking forward to talking to my Dr about my mucus plug and what this means moving forward – if anything. I think I read somewhere that it can regenerate, but I don’t know if that is true. Guess I will ask. Also, need to find out if I can travel. I have friends in No. Cali that are planning on throwing me a baby shower next weekend so I want to make sure I can go! LOL. Also, my brother and SIL live up that way and that weekend will be my nephews 18th bday so I really want to go to see him as well.

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a MUCH better week than last week.

Hi, ladies! First of all, please forgive me in advance for not addressing everyone - I've barely been able to keep my eyes open and I'm pretty much brain dead today. :wacko:

Anna - Yes, unfortunately I love my Bret. I almost didn't get the tickets, but then figured what the heck. It's the only summer concert I'm going to. We're in the front half of the shell (it's an outdoor amphitheater) - I hope the people have mercy on a pregnant lady and give me a little breathing room!

And I'm very glad that you and the little one are unscathed after the "snowmobile incident" - that kind of thing can scare the beejeebers out of you! Good luck with your amnio on Wednesday. I'm anxious to hear your experience, as I'm still on the fence about it myself.

Charmaine (such a pretty name!) - how fun to be telling people! I think we're going to start doing that this coming weekend. Can't wait!

You asked if anyone was thinking about having a CVS done - I was. If the results from my NT screening came back with high odds of Trisomy 13 or 18, I would have had it done right away instead of waiting for the amnio. (Thank God my results were good). Yes, it's a little riskier than amnio, but if I had good reason to suspect bad things, I would have taken the chance. Reason being is that IF it came back that my baby had trisomy 13 or 18, I would have terminated the pregnancy (those two trisomies are pretty much a death sentence for the baby). And it would be easier to terminate at 13 weeks than at 16 or 17 if I waited to do the amnio. I know it sounds horrible of me, but I watched a girlfriend go through pregnancy with a tri 13 baby (she knew ahead of time and chose not to terminate) and decided that if I ever get the same devistating news, I will NOT go through what she did. Her entire pregnancy was nothing but sadness, as she knew that if her baby didn't die in utero (odds are they will), then it would probably die shortly after birth. Her little girl lived a few hours before she passed away. I'm just not a strong enough person to go through that.

Phew! Sorry to be a downer, but just wanted to throw my 2 cents in as to why I'd go with the riskier procedure. Thank GOD that that sort of thing is rare!

Steph - how did the doc appointment go today? Hopefully you've been okayed to travel to your shower & to see your nephew! Let us know what your doctor said.

To everyone else - Hi!! :flower:

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi Steph,

If you lost only part of the mucus plug then yes, usually our bodies produce more so it shouldn't be a problem at all. Also it doesn't sound like your dealing with bacterial issues with BV so it sounds like all should be well. The baby is also big enough so it doesn't sound like there should be issues of funneling or anything at this stage of the game. Usually if somethings going to happen it's usually between 16 and 20 weeks or so right before viability when it's harder to stop. In my case, I lost ALL of my mucus plug and I had a BAD outbreak of bacteria BV. I wasn't monitored at all and was within the early weeks.

Speaking of mucus, I have some that's coming out on toilet paper. Kinda like thin and stretchy like we'd see during ovulation. I think this is normal production of mucus, but I get kinda freaked out because this happened alot before I actually lost my mucus plug. So I'm trying not to panic because I "think" having little spots of mucus on toilet paper is normal. Unless there's actual blood or brown spots and a golf ball size I don't think I have to worry. Do you ladies get the thin stretchy mucus on toilet paper once in awhile?? Just thought I'd ask.

I've also been doing some investigating with the 17P shots I need. According to the perinatologist appointment last week, Makena is the main provider and the company who is raising a 10 dollar drug to 1500.00 a dose. However, for now there are compound pharmacies who are making the drug with less liquid but same potency. I called our regular pharmacy who is investigating whether they can get Makena and if it will be covered under our drug insurance.

If not, we'll be buying it from THE ONLY compound pharmacy that makes it almost near the Rochester area. :wacko: And we can only buy the monthly supply at a time. I'm told without insurance the price is 60.00 a month which is MUCH better than 1500.00 a dose for the similar drug Makena. So that would mean through the weeks I need it, I will spend 300.00 versus 30,000.00 dollars for the Makena (yes, your seeing it right).

So I know at least we'll be able to cover the compound injection at the pharmacy 2 hours away. The hospital pharmacist said she was going to investigate and she'd call me in a couple days when they figured it out. OF COURSE I'm the first one on this drug they've had. :lol:

Charmaine, looks like your starting to get some excitement now. I can't wait to hear about everything in the upcoming months. It's going to be fun learning about everything you experience!

Anna, It's kinda funny hearing people from warm climates going to "spring break" where there's snow. Of course we've had ALOT of it here in Syracuse NY and we're all SO OVER IT! Spring break here usually means somewhere warm. Glad you made it through the "storm" of spring break folks!

Hoping Terri and Angela are doing well with the babies.

Viv and Chris #1, just checking to see how your both doing.

I'm also wondering how Titi is doing. I know it's so HARD to wait for answers and am praying it was just too early to get the fetal pole. I want to hear that a beautiful baby is in there and hear that she has heard the first heartbeat!!

Also wondering where our Junebug is and how she's doing too. Haven't heard from her in awhile.

Overall, I think I'm starting to feel a bit better since I'm not nauseated. I wish the sun would come out a bit though. I'm looking forward to the summer. Is anyone planting a garden this year? We've been planting "square foot gardens" for a few years now. Doug has decided to go on without me this year. We're planting tomatoes, corn, lettuce, carrots and we haven't decided what else this year. Corn carrots and lettuce will be from seedlings as they are easy. We decided to buy the rest in plants this year since we've been busy this winter with either ttc or the first trimester.

Oh and an announcement!! Our Ice Cream Stand has now been opened! Woohoo!!! I LOVE vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles.

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