Happy Friday ladies!!
Angela - your MIL leaves today, right? Don't worry - you'll be fine! Sounds to me like you're doing an awesome job already. I think it's so nice that you & the MIL get along so well, too. Wish I had that with mine.
Rebekah - yay for you for making the appointment at Strong! It really seems like things are off to a great start with them - I wish you luck. Don't forget to let us know how your appointment with the other doc goes today!
Titi, my friend - please try not to worry. (Easier said than done, I know). Are they sure on the dates? I was in the EXACT same situation as you are right now with my own pregnancy, only my numbers weren't as good as yours. Turns out we were a week off. Which, at that early stage, makes all the difference in the world. And the fact that the gest. sac grew is also in your favor. So please try to hang in there. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, and I have no intention of warming up my pipes just yet.
Anna - how're you doing with the spring break crowd? How long does it last? I should know the answer to that - the hubby's a teacher at the local community college - but he's also a department chair, so he goes in most days anyway. At best, it'll be over soon. At worst, you're at least to the half way point. Hang in there!
Steph - thank God you & baby are okay! I guess you've gotta take your cue from the doctor. If she thinks baby's okay, and all the equipment shows that baby's okay, then it's probably safe to say that baby's okay. What a scare, though! Glad it had a happy ending!
Austin, Junebug, Terri & Viv - good mornin' to ya!
Chris - you were right about the blood work! I got my results yesterday, and final results from the 1st tri screening are 1 in 1721 for downs, and 1 in 3101 for tri 18/13! Which, they said, were the same as a 20 year old. Woo-HOO!
Of course, I also had a scare on Wednesday evening to offset that. (This must be the official scare week). I had a few sharp pains and some mild cramping at work that afternoon, and didn't really think anything of it. Until I got home from work to find blood in my underwear.
A quick backstory - I had a threatened and misdiagnosed miscarriage with this pregnancy back at the end of January. When I went back about a week later for an u/s to make sure all the tissue had expelled, there was a heart beat...
So anyhow, back to Wednesday... I called the OB office, and the doc on call pretty much said that there was nothing to do, and to call back in the morning to come in for an u/s. Meanwhile, the bleeding stopped (spotting only) but the cramping got a lot worse. So I called yesterday morning and they had me come in. The bleeding/cramping had stopped by then, but my abdomen still felt unusually bloated & tender.
But thank God, the u/s showed the little squirt squirming away with a strong heart beat, and the doctor said my cervix was closed and not bleeding anymore. She said that everything looked great, but to call if I have any more problems or questions.
But she also limited me to becoming nothing more than a human incubator for the next two weeks - absolutely no exercise, no lifting, no exertion of any kind. I'm cleared to go to work, but only if I sit all day long. Oh - and she also put me on strict "pelvic rest," which she explained to me as "no insertion of anything for the next two weeks."
Okay - a few things crossed my mind with that one. First - as a pregnant person, I wouldn't need a tampon. Second - if I'm not supposed to have sex, why not just say "no sex"? And third - are there really
that many other options, and what kind of patients does she see?? *Sigh* Guess I've just lived a sheltered life.
Oh - and I have a trimester question for you girls. When exactly does the 2nd trimester start? I've found three different answers:
1 - at the beginning of week 13. Which in my opinion seems to soon, as that's based on four weeks per month, and only one of 12 months is actually 28 days long. Not counting Leap Year, of course
2 - at the beginning of week 14, which seems to make the most sense to me.
3 - at the beginning of week 15, and I still can't figure THAT one out.
Anyone have any insight on that? I was going to ask the doctor yesterday, but had too many other things on my mind at the time.
Well, now that I've written a book... I hope everyone has a great weekend!