35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Oh, Anna - to answer your question about Lamaze, yes, I am finding it helpful and really good information, however I am getting a bit fearful about actual labor. It is ironic because Lamaze is supposed to alleviate that. But we watch films and see these women in pain and what not and pushing, etc, and it doesnt look like fun :-(. I am starting to get nervous.
Oh, Anna - to answer your question about Lamaze, yes, I am finding it helpful and really good information, however I am getting a bit fearful about actual labor. It is ironic because Lamaze is supposed to alleviate that. But we watch films and see these women in pain and what not and pushing, etc, and it doesnt look like fun :-(. I am starting to get nervous.

You hear all kinds of horrer stories but I will tell you my own experience went just fine, though it was PTL. I did have full back labor and we hadn't yet taken lamaze classes so I had to learn without. I'll tell you that Doug and I figured it out on our own. I learned to breathe but what REALLY helped was accupressure. If you have back labor have your husband take his nuckles and press to put pressure on the pain point. I'll tell you it was AWESOME and made life so much easier. I had refused pain meds. At that time my baby was pretty small though it didn't hurt much less. I'll tell you that what other women say about natural birth is SO true. I just felt this rush and afterwards it felt so wonderful. I do wish the outcome was better for us but we had time with him and I really attest it to the grace of God and the fact that I was natural.

Though I haven't had regular labor in the front I'd imagine it's not as bad as some of the movies you see. You'll have access to any intervention you need and when it finally happens you'll be too busy to worry about it.:winkwink::flower:

I am NOT apposed to drug intervention if the pain is great. I'm going to try NOT to, but it's not a set in stone for me. I do what will be safe and effective for me and the baby. You'll find what works for you and what you go through will be worth it when your finally holding that little one. I CAN'T WAIT to hear your birth story Steph!:hugs::happydance::thumbup:
Well, seems as though I've been dealing with nausea again the past two days. :wacko: I've taken custom to napping daily when Doug leaves for work and it seems to be helping a bit.

I wanted a snack so I cut up some tomato wedges and cucumbers to dip in garlic hummus. It was a delightful surprise when my palate actually enjoyed the taste!! I'm 11wks 3dys today so just a few more weeks to second trimester. Maybe the eating issue is starting to come to a hault. :happydance:
Hi, ladies. I know I have been MIA for a bit. It was a tough 7 days waiting for my ultrasound this week after they didn't see a yolk sac last week at my second ultrasound. I saw a different doctor b/c my doctor was out and the way she said that not seeing a yolk sac was not "ideal" really put me off. I know it was still a bit early but the "ideally you see a yolk sac at 5 weeks 4 days" was not helpful to my state of mind. I just couldn't focus on anything after that and although I tried, it was hard to be positive. My doctor did call me later that day after she reviewed my file and told me my numbers were still high and that helped somewhat but I was just so fearful of another bad outcome.

But today was a great day. We got our good news at the ultrasound this morning when got to see the yolk sac, little one and even the heartbeat. :cloud9: Saying it was a relief is an understatement. I feel like I can breathe a little easier for a bit. The first few weeks are so hard and scary. And I think I put up a defense mechanism of some sort trying not to get too attached too early. But I have promised DH that I will try to be more positive from here on out b/c in the end it is out of my hands.

Still reading to catch up on all the news on you ladies, so off I go to read some more:comp:
:thumbup: YAY Tititimes2!!! I'm so happy you got to see the heart beat and yolk sac! Nice to hear from you again and hope your spirits stay up!
So glad to hear all is well. Try not to go back to that other OB. Request who you'd rather see instead next time. That was REALLY nasty to say that. Most OB's know that you don't "idealy" see the yolk sac and fetal pole until middle of 6wks or early 7wks as I said the day you posted that. She was careless with her wording! I know of a few who were told at 7wks to terminate and thank God they waited because shortly after they had the sac and fetal pole. Each pregnancy is different. It just depends. But most OB'S won't do a regular sonogram to see the baby until 8 to 10 wks and those of us who are high risk the earliest is usually 6wks.

At any rate, I had an idea you would be fine and am glad you got the good news. I must say though I'm not a fan of that OB jumping the gun like that. I'd have a thing or two to say that woman!!
MA - I am actually still at my FS/RE for monitoring and ultrasounds. So this was another FS that I had to see that day. I love my usual doctor but she was out and the other doctor I like was in surgery doing IVFs. So this one was it. And of course, Googling made it worse. The truth is there is a norm but there are variations in the norm for every woman b/c we are all different and our bodies react differently.

My doctor was in the room with us this morning and she was just so excited for us. Love her. I see her again next Tuesday and I think at 8 weeks they transfer me over to my usual OB/GYN who I have been with since I was about 19 yrs old. He was great with me during the last 2 losses and is going to be watching me with a perinatologist b/c I have chronic hypertension. I am high risk so I expect I will see them quite regularly.

So glad my pressure is finally controlled with medication and has been perfect for the last 6 weeks. Here's hoping it stays that way.
Titi - AWESOME NEWS!!!! I am so happy for you and that you got to hear the heartbeat as well. I am sure you are on cloud 9. Yes, please stay positive as this is your sticky bean. Thank you so much for the update. Also, you should call that other dr and tell her to SUCK IT! Sorry - blame it on hormones :)
What a good day!
Congrats Viv! Yay for Team Blue!

Titi - What fantastic news!!! SO happy for you and sorry you had to endure the week of uncertainty!

Anna - I was confused, I think... Was your amnio today? Hope it went well, sweetie!

Hope everyone is feeling good!

I am flying for the first time tomorrow... Not nervous about it, really. Hope that I shouldn't be... just a quick one day business trip. Otherwise, feeling good here, with the caveat that I have had CRAZY GAS... LOL.. but it hurts! :( Trying to just drink a lot of water... any other tips, gals? Hoping it goes away during the night...
Yay Titi! Thrilled for you that everything's okay!

Anna - how'd the amnio go yesterday? Hope all is well.

Good morning to everyone! Have a good day!
morning all!!

Titti, YEH!!!!! So happy for you!!! The heart beat and everything!! So exciting! I'm doing cartwheels at work right now.

MA, I am sorry you are nauseaus! At least you can take naps, I am glad that helps! I know the bloated feeling. I start off the day good, but by dinner I feel huge. I am all about the getting together next fall to loose the baby fat. I do have some interesting information though. I've been reading "Girlfriends guide to Pregnancy" and it's pretty informative. Both this book and Belly Laughs talks about how most women gain more than the other books say to. They also said that typically it takes nine months to loose the weight, nine months up and nine months down. The reason they say is because your body will hold onto some weight while you breast feed to ensure good milk production. Point is we need to stop stressing so much i know i'm one of the worst) about the weight as long as it's healthy.

ok off soap box, ice cream with sprinkles for me too!!! I'm all about Disney World, never been. Finally I hope the morning sickness gets better in second tri too, although I have to tell you that while I feel good my aversion to food is still there, not as bad, but what to cook for dinner is still a struggle as nothing sounds good.

Vivienne, wooohooo!! Team blue!!!! I find out in a couple of days. Think I will be team blue too, we'll see. Hope you are well!!

Sunshine, thanks for the genetic pep talk. And yes I am going to hit DH up side the head! Stupid man!!!

Missmuffett, hope the iron does the trick to allieviate your fatigue. Just hope it dosen't constipate you!! Like the " suck it" comment LOL!!

Austin, fly safe! I used to be a flight attendant for United and I have to tell you that flying makes gas worse. Something about the change in air pressure. Best of luck and wishing you your own row!!

AFM yes, yesterday was amnio and it went well. I know some are currious so I will tell you what happened. First the whole thing took all of 35 min. I know others took longer with the doc taking measurements, but mine didn't do that. He talked to me about all the risks, what was going to happen, when the results would come back. Then he had me lie back and pull up my shirt amd swabed my belly. He got the ultra sound all set, located the baby and while I was talking to a residnt that was there, he stabbed the holy bejezzes out of me. Ok, not that bad but it was a good stick. He was probably in there for all of 20 seconds, withdrew some fluid, pulled the needle and put a band aid on my belly. That was that. He said he supported any decision I made which freaked me out like he kknew something I didn't, but I think he was just trying to be helpful. My results for trisomny 13, 18, downs and X and Y chromozone will come back in 24 to 48 hrs. They can tell those things from the baby's skin cells they collect. For everything else they grow the cells they collect in a culture and so it takes a couple of weeks for the rest of the test results. I went home and took it easy for the rest of the night. I am back at work but taking it easy. No heavy lifting for 48 hrs and no sex for 48 hrs, just take it easy. After that all is good!!

all in all I feel pretty good about the procedure and the test results, but my mind won't be completely at ease until I get results back. Doc said he would call on saturday if hey came back then because he knows i'm anxious.

ok novel over. Hope everyone has a good day!! Annna
sunshine- yea for the second tri!

pablo- glad the amnio went well. It is a shame the results take so long. You'd think by now with all the technology that it would be faster.
Anna - glad that your amnio went well and it was fast! :). Looking forward to hearing your good results

Viv - Congrats on being in your 2nd trimester!

As far as food aversion go, I am in 3rd trimester and still have food aversions. Though I eat chicken, I am not a huge fan of it. I take eating one meal at a time and find it hard to plan meals (other than breakfast - for some reason, I love ALL breakfast food - except for bacon - cant eat it anymore unless it is mixed in a salad or quiche or something).

AFM - My dad is on is way to visit from Atlanta and should be here by 5pm. We are going to Disneyland on Saturday (if it doesn't rain-sunny so cal has been rainy so cal) and I am hoping that I don't get too tired and my feet don't swell too bad. I will be on the rest of the day, but probably won't be back until after he leaves on Monday (it is a quick visit :-( ).

I hope everyone is having a great day!

Steph- enjoy your time with your Dad but take it easy on yourself. Heat and exhaustion are a hard combination right now. Although I'd love some heat right now on the East Coast. Have a great time!
Okay, I'm just wondering if any of you have been b**chy in the first trimester? I'm getting annoyed with myself. I think alot of it is the lethargy and need to sleep which seems to be around the clock as well as the pill I was given only cuts the nauseated feeling down just slightly.

Today I'm SO hard to be around and I'm starting to think my husband is such a saint for even putting up with it. I mean I'm worse than a two year old at times with my tantrums. I'm wondering if it's just me. I NEVER felt this crappy last pregnancy. Maybe THIS is the normal?! I just remembering feeling AWESOME last time. Now I'm just trying to make it through any given day without having a meltdown about something small and it's REALLY starting to get on my own nerves with myself. :lol: :wacko:

I keep thinking, Bek! Take a chill pill or something!! Great, now I'm admitting to talking to myself. :rofl: :wacko:

Well, I think I'm going in for a nap. I can barely keep my eyes awake. Oh, I almost forgot those of you ladies who STILL have the food aversions. I'm praying for a small miracle here. At least one thing has to subside for poor Dougs sake. :lol: I know it's for an excellent cause so I'll suck it up, but I don't know how Doug is being so patient with me. Goodness I'd drive me to a hotel until Oct. if this keeps up. :rofl:
During my first pregnancy it was my tiredness that was my only symptom... during this last one I turned into super b**tch at the beginning. It was pretty scary how intense it was for a few months.
During my first pregnancy it was my tiredness that was my only symptom... during this last one I turned into super b**tch at the beginning. It was pretty scary how intense it was for a few months.

Well hello there stranger!:hugs: How are you and the family doing?? I've been thinking about you and wondering how your doing!:winkwink::flower:

Yes, I'm pretty scary to be around. Today I was at Walmart and the guy from the next register turned his cart into me, Doug was pushing ME out and a lady was coming straight for me with her motorcart. I finally hollard out to each of them. I mean COME ON people!! I can't MOVE, quit trying to push me between each of you. The LAST thing each of them wanted to do was hit me.

I know doug didn't mean it, he was paying more attention to the receipt and putting his credit card back but don't push me into the aisle with two other idiots trying to force their way out.

Needless to say all three of them looked at me. :rofl: I was probably a bit more rude than I should have been. It was embarassing honestly!
Happy Friday All!!!

Well am I glad it's the weekend, trying week.

MA, I don't feel as if I'm overly bitchy but holy cow am I weepy. I cry over EVERYTHING these days, commercials, American idol, etc. Plus I've woken up twice this week during the middle of the night and worked myself up to such a state worrying about things that I end up crying in bed. I've have never been that girl. Pretty stoic, but man I cry at the drop of a hat these days.

Codegirl, good to hear from you and hope you are well. How's the new bambino doing?

AFM, well good news and not exactly bad news.

Test results came back and they were all normal. Good news. The doctor was great and called me right away. I still have to wait a couple of weeks for the rest but the big three, of chromosome 13, 18 and 21 were all normal and I can breath a sigh of relief.

Turns out all that worrying about a guy I work with having the same name as the one I wanted to use for a boy was all for not as we are officially team pink. The chromosomes don't lie. Tell you the truth it was a bit of a shocker. I was so convinced that we were having a boy I was stunned. Good thing for modern medicine because if it were 30 years ago, I would have decorated the nursery all in trains and blue and been quite shocked. DH is taking it hard. I think he really had his heart set on a boy to teach to ride dirt bikes and snowmobiles. But who says girls can't ride, I do!!! If she's a girly girl I'm doomed, but no sense worrying about that now, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Have a great weekend and hope the new signature works.

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