morning all!!
Titti, YEH!!!!! So happy for you!!! The heart beat and everything!! So exciting! I'm doing cartwheels at work right now.
MA, I am sorry you are nauseaus! At least you can take naps, I am glad that helps! I know the bloated feeling. I start off the day good, but by dinner I feel huge. I am all about the getting together next fall to loose the baby fat. I do have some interesting information though. I've been reading "Girlfriends guide to Pregnancy" and it's pretty informative. Both this book and Belly Laughs talks about how most women gain more than the other books say to. They also said that typically it takes nine months to loose the weight, nine months up and nine months down. The reason they say is because your body will hold onto some weight while you breast feed to ensure good milk production. Point is we need to stop stressing so much i know i'm one of the worst) about the weight as long as it's healthy.
ok off soap box, ice cream with sprinkles for me too!!! I'm all about Disney World, never been. Finally I hope the morning sickness gets better in second tri too, although I have to tell you that while I feel good my aversion to food is still there, not as bad, but what to cook for dinner is still a struggle as nothing sounds good.
Vivienne, wooohooo!! Team blue!!!! I find out in a couple of days. Think I will be team blue too, we'll see. Hope you are well!!
Sunshine, thanks for the genetic pep talk. And yes I am going to hit DH up side the head! Stupid man!!!
Missmuffett, hope the iron does the trick to allieviate your fatigue. Just hope it dosen't constipate you!! Like the " suck it" comment LOL!!
Austin, fly safe! I used to be a flight attendant for United and I have to tell you that flying makes gas worse. Something about the change in air pressure. Best of luck and wishing you your own row!!
AFM yes, yesterday was amnio and it went well. I know some are currious so I will tell you what happened. First the whole thing took all of 35 min. I know others took longer with the doc taking measurements, but mine didn't do that. He talked to me about all the risks, what was going to happen, when the results would come back. Then he had me lie back and pull up my shirt amd swabed my belly. He got the ultra sound all set, located the baby and while I was talking to a residnt that was there, he stabbed the holy bejezzes out of me. Ok, not that bad but it was a good stick. He was probably in there for all of 20 seconds, withdrew some fluid, pulled the needle and put a band aid on my belly. That was that. He said he supported any decision I made which freaked me out like he kknew something I didn't, but I think he was just trying to be helpful. My results for trisomny 13, 18, downs and X and Y chromozone will come back in 24 to 48 hrs. They can tell those things from the baby's skin cells they collect. For everything else they grow the cells they collect in a culture and so it takes a couple of weeks for the rest of the test results. I went home and took it easy for the rest of the night. I am back at work but taking it easy. No heavy lifting for 48 hrs and no sex for 48 hrs, just take it easy. After that all is good!!
all in all I feel pretty good about the procedure and the test results, but my mind won't be completely at ease until I get results back. Doc said he would call on saturday if hey came back then because he knows i'm anxious.
ok novel over. Hope everyone has a good day!! Annna