35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hi girls! Thanks for all your comments... Yep, getting more real now for sure. :)

We had the NT scan today and all within normal range for my age (39 in May). Good news, doctor did not recommend CVS at all. Baby "B" had a higher range thann A & C, but still normal. But only took my odds down to that of a 35 year old. We decided to go ahead and schedule the amnio for all three. It will be in 3 weeks. Can always change our minds, but we would just rather know. This peri has really good odds, better than the national average. He says the risk of doing three vs. just one, goes up minimally. SO that's the plan for now. I am really interested in hearing about the experience of it from those of you choosing to do amnio. Steph, thanks for sharing. :)

So far, so good!

MA - Jeeezz... Really glad the meds are not going to cost you $30k! What a relief!
Hi girls! Thanks for all your comments... Yep, getting more real now for sure. :)

We had the NT scan today and all within normal range for my age (39 in May). Good news, doctor did not recommend CVS at all. Baby "B" had a higher range thann A & C, but still normal. But only took my odds down to that of a 35 year old. We decided to go ahead and schedule the amnio for all three. It will be in 3 weeks. Can always change our minds, but we would just rather know. This peri has really good odds, better than the national average. He says the risk of doing three vs. just one, goes up minimally. SO that's the plan for now. I am really interested in hearing about the experience of it from those of you choosing to do amnio. Steph, thanks for sharing. :)

So far, so good!

MA - Jeeezz... Really glad the meds are not going to cost you $30k! What a relief!

Expect two more vistors. Doug and I are coming to live with you until October so we can go to your Peri.:winkwink::thumbup: :rofl: At least we know they know what their doing!!

Glad the tests went well. I can't imagine an amnio three times.:wacko::flower:
evening al!
Austin, make that three more visitors. I'm so confused as to what tests they've run I have no idea if they did an NT or not. Many questions for my doc tomorrow!

Steph, thanks for all the info re: amnio. I am going to ask when I call tomorrow what to expect. REALLY wish they would ha e mentioned any of these things when I made the appt. Hope you got the go ahead to travel!!

Sunshine, thank you for your words regarding the genetic testing. It's why i'm going through it all. Plus doc office called today with last weeks blood results and there were some adnormalities. I just got a voice mail so I have no idea exactly what that means. All she said was that she saw I had a detailed sonogram cheduled for wednesday and that was good. Do they even know it's souposed to be an amnio??!! Rage and frustration abound.

MA, you sounds like you're in a better place. Holy Cow expensive drugs!! I hope you can find and use the cheeper version! As for gardening I would love to have a garden but our summer is really short and I have the BLACKEST thumb!!

ok novel done, gotta run!! Have a good night! Anna
Come on down to Texas, girls! :)
I feel so lucky to have doctors that are being patient and explaining things to us... There are so many questions and if you don't have good communication, things get so confusing! That is why on these "bigger" appointments, I make sure DH's schedule allows him to attend... I would have a really hard time explaining what the doctor said...
Plus, the Peri is a man (very no-nonsense, matter of fact) which we both like. Guess its the lawyer in me, give me the facts, the odds, what are we dealing with - no touchy, feely, etc. required! lol...

Anna -That would make me crazy, too! Good luck with finding out info tomorrow! Please keep us posted and I am sending lots of good vibes your way today!!!
Morning ladies,

Austin - great news on the your appointment. I am sure your amnio will go well

Rebekah - Hurray for your ice cream place and the fact that you won't be spending a gazillion dollars on your shots!

Anna - They should have told you when they were doing the NT scan as it is a separate appointment where they do all these measurements on the baby, specifically the neck to see how "thick" it is. I would just ask the Dr tomorrow when you go. Prior to the amnio they do do a very detailed sonogram where they measure everything yet again. I think my amnio appointment took an hour. The peri spent about 40-45 minutes checking EVERYTHING on the baby and typing in numbers, THEN they prepped my belly for the amnio, which the pain of the needle going in was about 5 seconds. When I realized what was happening, it was already in so that is a good thing.

AFM - My Dr appointment yesterday went well. She did say that if I wanted to travel that was a personal decision - mainly because she couldn't say verify that where I was going would have the same medical care I would get there. But in terms of actual travel I was fine. My only issue is that I gained a whopping 8LBS since last month!!!!!! I feel like such a fatty! It should have only been 4. It is my own fault--stupid pizza :-(. My dr said what is done is done and to not LOSE weight, but that I should be gaining 1 lb a week. At the end of the day if I am only 4 lbs over what I wanted to be then I will be ok. I just have to really make sure I stop with the pizza. I had a feeling it was going to go up, because there was a week where I was slightly depressed and I had pizza 4x in one week :-(. I also did my glucose testing YUCK! It was fine.

We also had Lamaze last night and it went well. We learned about the different stages of labor and a new breathing technique. I have to say the DH was purposely making me laugh during the breathing exercises and kept pulling my hair during the massage (the Support person was supposed to massage the mommies, while the mommies breathed). However, we weren't the only couple with the giggles, etc. There were about 2 or 3 that we heard laughing and hoarsing around.

Anyway, I have a pile of work to get done before lunch. I scheduled a 2011 mommies to be lunch with the other 6 pregnant women here at my job. Should be fun.

Hello to Sunshine, Viv, titi, Chris #1 and our both our new mommies! I too was wondering where Junebug has been (as well as Lucy!) Hope everything is ok and you all are having a great day.

Hi girls! So much to catch up on! *done! if you can believe I still have those 20 pages from before I want to catch up on....... :wacko: I'm crazy or you all are just really chatty! LOL

I can't possibly reply to everything because what a lot of action! But Anna! stay off the snowmobile girl!! Glad you are ok. Good luck at your amnio tomorrow!! Fx'd everything is perfect! Are you going to find out the sex? I know you won't get the results back tomorrow but hopefully you won't have to wait long.

I can really understand everyone's position on the genetic testing. It was all very confusing to me and when I booked my appt. they just scheduled me for whatever it seemed. Anyway, I ended up having 1st tri blood and scan with NT measurements done at 12 weeks. Then I had to go back at 15 weeks for 2nd tri blood. My plan was to stop there if everything came back ok and it did so no amnio for me.

Charmaine- 3x amnio! :dohh: Hope you have a tough belly!! :haha: Jk, I'm sure it doesn't hurt too bad. So cool you DH us all excited now! I really wanted to tell everyone right away but of course we didn't. Then after 12 weeks and the testing results came back at 15 + I lost the urge to blurt it so it felt really weird. :shrug: Then after my 16 week appt and hearing the HB I made a somewhat vague post on Facebook so I didn't have to call all my friends, LOL *Baaaad I just felt like it was old news because it was the 2nd time round :cry: Stupid eh?

MA- those drugs are craazy expensive! What exactly are they for? I wish you could be more at ease and not worry so much. I thought what happened last time was due to an accident that occurred not an underlying problem medically? Anyway, I really feel for you that this time round everything will be ok. You will find some weeks you have crazy amounts of CM. I know I did. I think it really starts to pick up beginning of 2nd tri. How many weeks are you? I have succumbed to wearing a pantyliner now daily. YAY for ice cream stands opening!!!! Ours here haven't yet. I hate that Dairy Queen closes down here in the winter. Being from BC I found that odd.

Steph- I would say your safe to travel. You're staying within the same State so I can only imagine if needed you would have access to good medical care. Try not to stress about your mucous plug. Can you even really be sure that was what it was? I think you're golden. Really. Just take it easy. Only 12 weeks to go!!! I'll be traveling too around 27-28 weeks and I didn't ask my doctor if I could :| I'll be flying home to BC with a stopover in Edmonton to see my grandpa and aunts and uncles. The flights are between 4 and 5 hours. I hope I don't get Cankles!!! LOL Stress not on the weight gain, not that I am one to talk. :dohh: I am trying harder to eat better and stay away from the ice cream and chocolate. I am avoiding the junk food easier due to my desire to stay clear of too much sodium. After my 16 week appt. I was all scared I was retaining too much fluids so I am really trying to we watchful of that. My doctor also made me feel like i put on too much weight. So nice to get the comment- you're not eating for two eh? :growlmad: No I am not. grrr Anyway, my total for 18 weeks is somewhere around 10-13lbs. Not the end of the world. I'm sure you look great!

Chris #2- that's really sad what your friend had to go through. Was she just hopeful that the baby would make it? or was she in denial? I don't know enough about any of these syndromes they test for to really know what the next step should be. I was going to cross that bridge when I got there if necessary. I was a little horrified at how open my DH was about telling everything we were doing the testing. I felt more taboo about it, like how dare we care? :nope: I'm just so thankful everything came back ok. :thumbup:

I feel like I have missed someone. I apologize if I have :hugs:

Someone mentioned earlier about being so full of love and joy or something. I couldn't agree more! I don't know if it's the hormones or just the fact that I am creating a new life in me but I am so in love with everything and everyone more than ever. lol I just feel like I am bursting with love! :cloud9: Guess there are worse things in the world eh?

I need to go rest now. We went for mexican and I am bursting with baby and chimichanga. :haha:


oh!!! Chris #2- $250 is not bad at all! Remind me one day to tell you about my U2 addiction. :dohh: You'll roll over when you find out how much I have spent just to see them in concert.......... :| Actually there is a whole story there, LOL Involves ttc too LMAO *For another day. xoxo

Time to rest :sleep:
Evening Girls!

So some good news and some bad.

First for the good news. I talked with my Doctor and she explained what the test results meant by abnormal going into some detail. Essentially they did some second trimester blood work to see if there were any hormone levels that would indicate a possible downs, spineibifida (sp), or any of the trisominy 13 or 18, that we've discussed before. They give you a number of 1 out of however much. If it's 1 out of 270 or higher you're considered not at risk. If it's under 1 in 270 then some risk. I am 1 in 266. So just barely in the adnormal range. Then they take your age into account and for my age (39) I should be around 1 in 92. So the fact that I'm 1 in 266 given the fact that I'm 39 years old is pretty good. She then explained that from here the options are another detailed ultra sound or an amnio. I informed her (go figure) that I had already scheduled an amnio for tomorrow. Don't want to be on pins and needles anymore. Someone was asking about the CVS and in hind sight I wish I had done that at 12 weeks and skipped all this stress.

Bad news is that my DH said my ass was getting big. WHAT!! You can't say that to a pregnant woman and now I'm all stressed about the weight gain. Don't know where I am. As of 12 weeks I had gained 6 lbs. Am hoping I'm not much over that, but Steph, I totally feel your "fatty" feeling. I feel like a total heifer and I'm only 16 weeks!! What's to come of me by 39 weeks??

Steph, glad the Lamaze classes are going so well and you and your DH sound like such a cute couple. Do you feel like it's helpful? Even if you use and epidural???

Austin, glad you like the Peri so much. I bet he didn't try and sell you hats. Glad you have such a good team working for you!!

Other than that really looking foreward to tomorrow. DH gets his first look at the baby and I'm excited for that. They did say it would take around 2 hours, so we'll see how it goes. They also said results come back in a few days. I was thinking it would take weeks, so that's good news. I'm exhausted. Woke up last night, head spinning with worry and started crying for no good reason. Couldn't go back to sleep, so it's not yet 7 o'clock and I'm contemplating bed.

Hi to all who we haven't heard from lately, viv, chris 1, junebug, titti, hope you are all well. Also a big hugs to the new mons. If your reading this did you get the book "What To Expect During the First Year" and do you find it helpful?

Have a goodnight and I'll let y'all know how it goes.

xxx Anna
:hi: Chris!

So glad you stopped in from reading all that.

The 17p shots are pretty painful shots that are more potent then the progesterone creams and even more potent then the progesterone in oil shots. Much of your progesterone creams women use to actually keep a pregnancy throughout the first trimester. I didn't need that. Thankfully I can keep a pregnancy through first trimester but it's the second trimester we're concerned about. 17P shots are for those of us in second trimester who've had pre term labor. It's used to calm the cervix. Since my cervix moved last time there is a possibility that I have an incompetant cervix. We just don't know, so the best way to deal with this issue is usually to be proactive and prevent with a stitch which is called a cerclage. The perinatologist seems to think I had preterm labor last time but he says he doesn't know for sure. I on the other hand believe from all the research and reading I've been doing that I have a classic case of Incompetant Cervix which means we should be more aggressive and not wait until the length of my cervix is less than 2cm before attempting to stitch which can possibly cause more danger.

It's why I'm going in for the second opinion. I'm quite concerned that they may come up with the same dx based on the records, but they are well known and have a high performance rating based on their patients and I believe I'd be in better care. If they share the same thoughts, I'll accept it and move forward.

Thank you for sharing the information on the cm. I just don't know what is normal because my last experience was the loss of a mucus plug so seeing any form of mucus makes me panic. At least I can be calm that this is normal and just relax a bit. Thank you! :hugs:

What was determined about the slamming of the breaks it that it moved my cervix which caused me to lose my mucus plug. Since I already have a pre term labor in the second trimester I'm more succeptable to one again. I also have the issue of chronic BV which can wreak havoc on the cervix if it gets compromised. The

We posted at the same time!! Everything sounds so great with you!! 10-13 lbs in 18 weeks??!! I think that's great!! No stress for you. I too am feeling like I'm retaining too much water. Cankles here I come. My feet already feel swollen when I get home from work.

I'm not on facebook so there are still quite a few friends that don't know we're pregnant. All out good friends know, but I feel a little narcissistic announcing our pregnancy. Weird I know but I get the whole telling people in the second trimester thing.

Anyway, glad you got caught up and welcome back. You sound like you're in a really good place and I feel like I can see you glowing from here!!

Take care,
thx Anna! Btw- you're probably retaining crazy water right now. 16 weeks was when I seemed to just blow up and pop a bump, but it's subsided a bit since. Your weight gain sounds on track too. i was 5 lbs at 12 weeks but I'm pretty certain I already weigh more than you mountain girl! :haha:
MA- I hope your second opinion gives you the answers you are looking for. :hugs: Are they checking your cervix every appt? I should get my doctor to check mine next appt. just in case. The things you learn here.

I still think you'll be fine!!! xo
Evening Girls!

So some good news and some bad.

First for the good news. I talked with my Doctor and she explained what the test results meant by abnormal going into some detail. Essentially they did some second trimester blood work to see if there were any hormone levels that would indicate a possible downs, spineibifida (sp), or any of the trisominy 13 or 18, that we've discussed before. They give you a number of 1 out of however much. If it's 1 out of 270 or higher you're considered not at risk. If it's under 1 in 270 then some risk. I am 1 in 266. So just barely in the adnormal range. Then they take your age into account and for my age (39) I should be around 1 in 92. So the fact that I'm 1 in 266 given the fact that I'm 39 years old is pretty good. She then explained that from here the options are another detailed ultra sound or an amnio. I informed her (go figure) that I had already scheduled an amnio for tomorrow. Don't want to be on pins and needles anymore. Someone was asking about the CVS and in hind sight I wish I had done that at 12 weeks and skipped all this stress.

Bad news is that my DH said my ass was getting big. WHAT!! You can't say that to a pregnant woman and now I'm all stressed about the weight gain. Don't know where I am. As of 12 weeks I had gained 6 lbs. Am hoping I'm not much over that, but Steph, I totally feel your "fatty" feeling. I feel like a total heifer and I'm only 16 weeks!! What's to come of me by 39 weeks??

Steph, glad the Lamaze classes are going so well and you and your DH sound like such a cute couple. Do you feel like it's helpful? Even if you use and epidural???

Austin, glad you like the Peri so much. I bet he didn't try and sell you hats. Glad you have such a good team working for you!!

Other than that really looking foreward to tomorrow. DH gets his first look at the baby and I'm excited for that. They did say it would take around 2 hours, so we'll see how it goes. They also said results come back in a few days. I was thinking it would take weeks, so that's good news. I'm exhausted. Woke up last night, head spinning with worry and started crying for no good reason. Couldn't go back to sleep, so it's not yet 7 o'clock and I'm contemplating bed.

Hi to all who we haven't heard from lately, viv, chris 1, junebug, titti, hope you are all well. Also a big hugs to the new mons. If your reading this did you get the book "What To Expect During the First Year" and do you find it helpful?

Have a goodnight and I'll let y'all know how it goes.

xxx Anna

Excellent news Anna!:hugs:

On the fatty front. I'm already overweight.:wacko: I lost weight with the GI issues and gained 3lbs. I feel BLOATED and HUGE this time around. I was at my lowest with my last pregnancy because I actually lost the weight. Between the hormone injections and the inuslin being pumped regularly since it was the safest while ttc I am the HIGHEST I've ever been. :cry: I am NOT happy with my body right now and trying to keep focus on the baby, but I'm going to have to work my BUTT off afterwards!! I pray breastfeeding sucks as many pounds as they say it does because I'm going to need it. We're already planning to walk the trails and I'll get a membership for winter time next year to bust my butt!!:thumbup: I haven't gained a whole lot and actually I don't need to being overweight but I feelt so FAT from being bloated that I feel like I'm rolling around.:shrug::nope:

I still have the nauseated feeling and take the meds when I need them and I still have an AWFUL time picking out foods to eat.It's been really frustrating where food is concerned. Hopefully second trimester will be better for me.

Oh, Chris, I'm 11 wks. They changed the date of EDD to Oct. 8th. I still think that's too early so I left the 13th on there. But I'm following their lead with the wks or I'd get mixed up.:winkwink::thumbup:
MA- I hope your second opinion gives you the answers you are looking for. :hugs: Are they checking your cervix every appt? I should get my doctor to check mine next appt. just in case. The things you learn here.

I still think you'll be fine!!! xo

They checked my cervix from top last friday but usually you have a transvaginal for that. I'll have it on the 1st and it will be every two weeks. They wanted to do every week but I won't let them. The girls in the IC forum said it can cause infection and also issue pertaining to the IC. I also refused speculum testing. It causes problems with the cervix too.
In the fall we should all support eachother with operation: Lose the baby weight!!! I too started this pregnancy heavier than normal but what can you do? :shrug: We'll get it off when our healthy babies are finished incubating. lol
In the fall we should all support eachother with operation: Lose the baby weight!!! I too started this pregnancy heavier than normal but what can you do? :shrug: We'll get it off when our healthy babies are finished incubating. lol

I'm all for this. We can go from the "graduates" thread to a "35+ lose the baby weight" thread. :rofl::thumbup: Then we should all meet with our babies at Disney World. :lol:
Hi all :flower:
Team :blue: for us. A very prominent view of the twig and berries! Very healthy baby, good size, very active and bang on 19 weeks. :happydance:
Happy Hump Day, girls!

Aww, Viv - a little boy! Congrats - how exciting!!!

Chris #1 - unfortunately, my friend was well aware that she probably wouldn't carry to term (even though she did). She just couldn't bring herself to terminate. That's what made it so heartbreaking - she knew full well that she wouldn't be bringing a baby home.

And I want to hear the U2 story...!

Steph - yay on being able to travel to your shower! Bummer about the weight gain, though. I'm right there with ya, girlfriend. I've gained so much just during the 1st trimester that I don't care what the doctors say - I'm going to try to loose a little starting next week (once I'm cleared for activity again. Pelvic or otherwise!) Hopefully just the regular exercise will take care of it, as it was the lack of it that got me in trouble in the first place. Actually, I'm not really trying to loose weight per se, I'm just going to try my damndest not to gain any for a little while.

On a better note, it sounds like your amnio went smoothly. Very happy to hear that!

Anna - Steph's right. They should have told you if they were doing the NT scan. Had you already scheduled your amnio by the time you were 12 weeks? I only ask because my dr. said that if I was definitely going to do amnio, then he wouldn't bother with the NT scan as there'd really be no reason for it. And don't worry about your numbers - 1 in 266 is still excellent. Think of it this way - according to those odds, you have a .004% chance of having a child with genetic defects. Not bad, by my way of thinking!

Oh - and whomp the DH upside the head! Ass getting bigger? Really? Tell him that if you have to accumulate fat, better on the ass then between the ears! Geesh!

Good luck on your amnio!

MA - have some ice cream for me, too, please! I literally haven't had real ice cream in years. :( And due to my recent fat issues, there'll be none for me this year, either. :cry: They do make a fat free/sugar free one that's not too bad, and I'll usually buy a pint or two of that each year, but that's about it for me.

To everyone else - Angela, Charmaine, Junebug, Terri, Titi - hi ladies! :flower:

Have a good day, everyone :kiss:
:happydance: YAY Viv!! :hugs: Have you thought of a boys name yet?? How exciting. Can't wait to see what you do with the nursery now.

Chris number 2, I usually eat only the sugar free but since my appetite isn't the greatest these days I'll take the ice cream and sprinkles. :winkwink: :lol:
Congrats Viv on a being on team blue! How very exciting.

Anna – Don’t worry about what your DH says about your butt. Just tell him more for him to grab! Yes, week 16/17 is when I officially popped and stopped feeling bloated, to having a nice size bump. It was weird, I had been looking forward to it and then when I got my bump I cried cuz nothing fit. My poor DH rolled his eyes and just hugged me LOL.

That is great that you will hear the results of your amnio in a few days. They told me it would take 2-3 weeks (it only took 1 ½ though). Looking forward to hearing the results you will be fine. My risk was 1 in 39 (for downs - the other items I was not at risk for) and I was fine so I am sure you are fantastic!

Rebekah/Chris 1 – YES 35 + lose the baby weight I am IN. I work for Disney so I am definitely in for meeting at Disney World! I love that place!

Chris 2 – Don’t worry about the weight gain, it is what it is. My Dr told me not to deprive myself just cut back on sodium stuff – which is hard for me cuz I like flavorful food – and my DH is a chef and makes yummy stuff! My goal is try and only gain 1lb a week…hopefully I will be able to stick to that. We shall see – now that you and Rebekah have mentioned, I really want some ice cream – that is the good thing about living in Los Angeles, they never close the ice cream parlours.

AFM – My Dr office called this morning to tell me that my OB wants me to take some additional iron pills 2x a day. I am slightly anemic, which could account for me being so tired lately. This was something that I had NOT even thought of since I normally have lots of iron. Now I get to take iron pills twice a day and probably start get constipated. I have been lucky and haven’t really had any constipation this entire pregnancy but iron pills will do it. If that is the most of the my troubles then I will take it!

Happy HUMP day to everyone else and look forward to hearing from you.


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