35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Happy Friday All!!!

Well am I glad it's the weekend, trying week.

MA, I don't feel as if I'm overly bitchy but holy cow am I weepy. I cry over EVERYTHING these days, commercials, American idol, etc. Plus I've woken up twice this week during the middle of the night and worked myself up to such a state worrying about things that I end up crying in bed. I've have never been that girl. Pretty stoic, but man I cry at the drop of a hat these days.

Codegirl, good to hear from you and hope you are well. How's the new bambino doing?

AFM, well good news and not exactly bad news.

Test results came back and they were all normal. Good news. The doctor was great and called me right away. I still have to wait a couple of weeks for the rest but the big three, of chromosome 13, 18 and 21 were all normal and I can breath a sigh of relief.

Turns out all that worrying about a guy I work with having the same name as the one I wanted to use for a boy was all for not as we are officially team pink. The chromosomes don't lie. Tell you the truth it was a bit of a shocker. I was so convinced that we were having a boy I was stunned. Good thing for modern medicine because if it were 30 years ago, I would have decorated the nursery all in trains and blue and been quite shocked. DH is taking it hard. I think he really had his heart set on a boy to teach to ride dirt bikes and snowmobiles. But who says girls can't ride, I do!!! If she's a girly girl I'm doomed, but no sense worrying about that now, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Have a great weekend and hope the new signature works.

:happydance: :kiss::flower: WTG mommy! Wow, that is so cool they can tell based on chromosomes from the tests. I totally forgot that can be done. Nothing like modern science.:thumbup:

So I can't remember, did you say you had any names for little girls?

We had all our names for ten years. :lol: My cousin had twins last year and took our top two without knowing it. Grace and Olivia. Now I'm quite pleased with the other names we have for boy and girl.:thumbup:

Congrats little momma. Now you can buy girly clothes. Will you announce to everyone? Or will you save it between the two of you and announce later??
MA, cat's out of the bag. Everyone knows, or at least all my good girl friends and co-workers. As for names I have one that I love and no one has it that I know of, so I will keep it under wraps until the big day. Still have to run it by DH, but as far as I know he doesn't have any girl names in mind.

Hope your weekend is going well. Is it still snowing there??? I thought we got a lot of snow. Hope spring is on it's way!!

Happy Saturday

p.s. I have been lurking on and off on the other thread, I know there are some BFPs over there. See if you can get them to join our little party.
Hey girls just dropping by quickly. I miss you guys and miss participating, just zonked at the moment with our current routine and lack of sleep. Will catch up properly soon but in the meantime will try to post a few pics to share with you! Hugs to all and prayers that all is well for each of you and those gorgeous babies!
Here are a couple photos; I am trying to add a couple others if I can get them to upload! :haha:


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Oh my gosh!! He's SO cute. Look at those big beautiful eyes! :cry: He just makes my cup runneth over with all that cuteness! ((faint)) Oh the SQUEEZINESS!! :lol:

Last pic looks like he's got a headache from too much milk. Haha Or he's saying "Oh the drama!" :rofl:

Thanks for sharing with us.
LOL Rebekah that last one cracks me up too. I think he's saying "oh MAN my parents are SO new at this!!!" :rofl:

Thank you so much! I too think he is SO squeezably, adorably cute! He's our little munchkin!
Here are a couple more. Now it's time for me to go to bed and hope the munchkin will sleep a couple hours for us!

We are having terrible thunderstorms here tonight, so let's hope mommy can sleep some too!

Hugs ladies!


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Aww, adorable!! Too cute for words Angela! Have a good nights rest!!
Mornin' ladies :hi:

Angela, he's gorgeous! Thank you so much for posting :)

Good to hear from you, Terri! Hope all's well in the new little family :flower:

Austin - how'd the flight go? Hopefully your little "issue" resolved itself before you took off... :wacko:

Congrats on the good amnio results, Pablo! And how exciting to find out the gender! Don't worry about the hubby - she'll have him wrapped around her chubby little finger in no time. :)

And my offer still stands - my brain's ripe for the picking if you ever decide you want some advice on "frilly" things!

Steph - how was Disneyland with Dad? Did the rain hold off for you? Enjoy your visit!

MA - I had some pretty extreme fatigue during the first tri (just barely starting to ease up now), but I haven't been really bitchy. At least, not any bitchier than normal... :dohh: However, like Pablo, I've been getting emotional more (i.e. crying). And I'm definitely not a crier. Truth be told, I can't stand crying - I've never had any patience for the whole "wimpering female" thing. But the other day I was driving in to work and that song Perfect by Pink came on the radio, it reminded me of my DH, and next think ya know the water works started up! I was like "Really??? Get a grip, for God's sake!" Then they started up again over some stupid commercial on TV... sigh... hopefully this too shall pass. At least it's only happened to me while I was alone and not in front of anyone - that would be mortifying!!

Besides - it ruins my makeup. Now THAT'S a reason to cry... :cry:

Well, I have some good news and some bad news. On Friday morning at work I felt a little wetness come out and went to the bathroom. Started bleeding again. Not bright red - more of a brownish red - and not enough to soak through my underwear (about the size of a quarter). Not like when it happened the week before, when there was more blood and it was bright red. I still panicked.

I called the hubby, left work, and back to the doctor we went, wondering if I had something like IC. The good news is they did an ultra sound - the little one was doing perfectly, and my cervix was closed and long (I think she said it was 5" - or was that centimeters? - long, but I could be wrong. My mind was all over the place at the time).

But the bad news is they found a sub chorionic hematoma, and that's what's causing the bleed. BUT - it's very small (2 cm) and she said that they usually resolve themselves, so we should be okay. But sometimes they get worse, which I can't allow myself to think about. They're doing another u/s at my regular appointment on 4/4 to follow up/keep an eye on it.

So I've been good so far and have NOT allowed myself to google the condition - I know I'll only find tales of gloom and doom, and I can't handle that. Plus, I remember when they did the u/s after my mis-diagnosed miscarriage back at the end of January, the tech pointed out an area that looked exactly like the hematoma I saw on Friday and said "Oh - there's a little blood there. Must be from last week [meaning the "miscarriage"]. Nothing to worry about." So I'm telling myself that these past few episodes are just that same hematoma resolving itself, and it'll be smaller when I go in on the 4th. So - if any of you ladies have heard of similar situations with happy endings, I'm all ears. I'm afraid to google even that, because there will still be the gloom and doom thrown in there, and like I said - I can't deal with that right now. We've been through way too many scares already.

But back to a good note - I asked the u/s tech if it was too early to check the sex. She said that sometimes they actually can tell in the 14th week and took a look. Turns out the little one was more than happy to give us a good "money shot." She said "Don't hold me to it, but I'd say with about 85% certainty that....

It's a girl!!!!!!! :pink::pink::cloud9::pink::pink:

Looks like we're on the same team, Pablo! We'll know with more certainty when we go for the anomoly screen on 4/25, but I'm so over the moon, I can't even begin tell you! Now if she'll just hang in there until the end of September, I'll really have it all. I think we'll be okay, but I'm still scared to death about it. Please send a few good vibes my way, ladies - I could really use 'em right now.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend! :flower:
thanks everyone! I miss you guys too. It's wonderful but busy in my little house right now. I thought I had both boys down for a nap but little e has just started to makes some noises so I guess no catch up for me <again>

:hugs: to everyone!!
Hi Everyone,

just signing on really quickly will respond more in a bit - Anna & Chris 2 YAY Welcome to team pink! YAY.
Rebekah - the bitchyness doesnt' go away...just go with the flow and if people say anything just tell them your pregnant and to deal with it!
Angela - I want to eat your little guy up! He is so adorable! Love the photos
Codegirl - Glad to hear from you and we want to see your photos as well

AFM - Disneyland at 7 months pregnant is a serious NO! OMG after about an hour and half my back was killing me and it was hard to walk around. They kept wanting to get me a wheel chair but I wouldnt do it...in hindsight I probably should have. Today my back is still in a great deal of pain..not just my lower back, but my ENTIRE back. I will not be going to back to dland until after the baby is born (since I work for disney we can get in for free and I normally go 2x a month). At least my dad had a good time. Well we have more company over and my hubby is grilling up some good eats. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Terri, glad all is well. We have some busy mommies. :hugs:

Chris #2, so sorry to hear of the scare. Praise God that it's not IC. :happydance: I'm not familiar with the hematoma issue but DON'T google it! You'll go out of your mind :wacko: The best thing you can do for you and baby is keep positive. NOW if I can take my OWN advice. :wacko:

I'd go into the gestational complications board here on bnb and title a post POSITIVE outcomes from hematomas and see if there is anyone who had them that can give you encouragement. I'm SURE there are many good outcomes. I'm almost thinking that you can be given some kind of shot to get rid of it. I'm not exactly sure what. Maybe the same 17p shots?? I know progesterone calms the cervix and I almost think progesterone has multiple uses. I'm not a Dr. so I'm sure that's something you can ask, but I'm praying it all just heals itself.

Steph, Oh my goodness! My back hurt just from basic everyday activity today I can't IMAGINE walking Disneyland as far along as you. A nice moment on the couch laying down will be good. Maybe DH would be willing to rub your feet for comfort too??

If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for Disney? Sounds kinda fun.

Austen thinking of you sweetie! :hug:

Love to you all dear friends.

AFM, nausea is still gone for the most part. I found myself trying not to fall asleep in church today. :lol: Came home, took a nap and here it is almost 8pm and I'm ready for bed AGAIN. :wacko: :lol:

I also woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck. My gums and the roof of my mouth are in pain and feel raw as does my sinuses. I haven't heard anyone complain of this in 1st trimester but my guess is that the extra blood we have could be causing the tenderness. I looked at my gums and they are nice bright pink. They were bleeding a couple days ago so I'm assuming this is exactly what I think is the cause. I stopped brushing for 24 hours. (blek!) It's driving me nuts, but I'm using a mouth rinse to try to keep things clean in their with hopes it will all heal.

I think I'll try the neti pot for the sinuses.

This pregnancy has been pretty interesting in the first trimester. Already everything seems to be more intense and just overall different. Praise God because for the most part, this pregnancy gives me nothing to compare with my last pregnancy. It's best that way. :winkwink:
Angela - Oh my goodness! He's so adorable. You are so blessed!

sunshine- congrats on Team Pink. I hope the bleed resolves itself soon.
MA- I have been bitchy too but I am trying now in earnest to control it. DH does not deserve it and has put up with me so far but I have to try to stop because it's not helping either one of us.

AFM- had my first FUN day of throwing up in a parking lot b/c we were out shopping and had to have DH pull over. Not pretty ladies. Anyway, we headed over to Babies R Us and I got the preggie drops and YEA! they actually helped to calm the nausea. I am carrying them around with me now in my purse. I vow not to be without them. I really hope that it does go away in the second trimester - well, that is what I heard anyway so hoping.

Anyway...relaxing for the rest of the evening. Cleaned out my closet today and feel very accomplished. Glad I felt good enough to get it done. Off to work tomorrow. Ugh. Oh, well.

Have a wonderful evening ladies!
Preggie pops worked for me last pregnancy but this nauseated feeling I had was too intense and they didn't work. So glad they're working for you. Hope you start feeling better really soon. Looks like your already starting to nest.
Good Monday Morning, girls! Was out of town all weekend and sure had some catching up to do!

Anna - Congratulations on both the great amnio results and your little girl! I hope that your DH comes around... I will going through the same thing is we have all girls! I bet your little one will be just like her momma... that's who we look up to, right? :cloud9: And thank you for sharing your amnio experience.

MA - I didn't (fingers crossed!) have NEAR the biatch-vibe going on during 1st tri as I did on the fertility drugs... THEY made me insane, miserable and horrible to be around... I think I just felt sooo much better and was so dern scared the first 10 or 11 weeks that I didn't think about things enough to get upset over them... Sure my time will come over the 100+degree Texas summer... Don't worry about it, tho... I am quite sure all that know you won't think a thing about it... :)

Angela - your pictures are precious! What a perfect little guy!

Sunshine - First of all, YAY & congrats on Team Pink! :cloud9: Exciting!!!
Also, on the sub chorionic hematoma... I don't know if you recall, but I had a similar couple of episodes happen around week 8-9 while my DH was overseas... My bright red bleeding was also the result of a 2 cm sub chorionic hematoma that the dr believed may have happened when the placentas attached. There was nothing they could do but watch it, but the drs told me that a 2 cm one is not cause for great concern, not til you get to 6 cm or so. That is when I was put on "rest" - not bedrest, but nearly so. No excercise and little walking as possible, but I could go to work as long as everyone came to my office for meetings, etc. Eventually (thank the Lord!) the bleeding turned brown and dark, and finally went away all together after about 2 weeks. It is such a scary thing! I wanted to share the details of my experience and what my peri & ob/gyn told me in hopes to reassure you! I hope they told you to really take it easy! My peri that with multiples, he would've been surprised if I didn't have bleeding... Good vibes and sweet thoughts for you and your little girl!!! :kiss:

Steph - Good Lord, girl - can't believe you tried to walk all over Disney! Hope you are feeling better today!! I cannot imagine! I have back pain and my feet hurt all the time now - I even bought a dreaded pair of Croc sandals (lol!).. and I am not a "comfy-looking" shoe kinda gal... Take it, easy sista!!! :)

AFM - Not much to report... went to the ranch and saw my family this weekend and DH went bird hunting... Had a nice visit, but I sure missed my bed! My 7yo niece and 3yo nephew were there and had fun with them...

Another day trip flight tomorrow... thankfully, the gas didn't get any worse and seems to be a little better. I am realizing that I simply cannot eat very much at one time (already!) and need to eat smaller meals, more often... Had fajitas for dinner last night and thought my tummy was gonna burst! :)

Hope everyone has a great day, sorry for the super-long post!
Morning All :flower::flower:

Or should I say afternoon, I slept in until 10:00 this morning so by the time I got all caught up, it's almost eleven my time. Lazy AM and I love it!!

Rottpaw, LOVE the pictures!!! He's so cute!!! Just want to hug and love and squeeze. Hope you can get some sleep. :flower:

Sunshine, yeh team pink!!! :cloud9: DH and I are both coming to terms with the girl thing. If she's girly, then so be it as long as she's happy and healthy. I am sorry for your bleeding scare. Austin seems to have some good advice and I hope you are taking it easy. I think you're right not to google it, there's a nightmare of information out there. I'm sure all will be fine. Sending lots of hugs your way! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Codegirl, glad you stopped in if only for a moment. Send us some pictures when you get a chance.

Steph, Disneyland!!! I was wondering how that would go. Sorry it was so horrible for you, but lesson learned and we can all learn from you. I hope you back gets to feeling better. How about a pre-natal massage??? Sounds good to me.

MA, I have read that bleeding gums can be VERY common in pregnancy, something with the increased blood flow. I do not know what if anything you can do for it, but give your dentist a call and see. I hope it's not grossing you out too much. Also glad the nausea is better. Hang in there sister.

Titti, so glad you found the preggy pops!! I am in awe of you going to babies R us. I have yet to venture in there yet. It makes it all so much more real. Was it fun??

Austin / Charmaine, glad last flight went well and hope todays flight does too. I know what you mean by small meals. Before I was pregnant I could eat and eat (unfortunately). Now I hit a wall and no more. If I try and stuff in that one more bite I am miserable!! Small meals seem to be the trick. I hope you are doing well. If you have any amnio questions feel free to ask.

AFM, well the good news of the amnio is sinking in and it finally feels like I can enjoy this pregnancy and it feels real. I think I kept myself guarded against getting too attached for fear that something would go wrong. But all is clear and I'm in full mommy mode. Going to start clearing out the spare room today. Also went to Target yesterday and took a walk up and down the baby isles. I took a girl friend with me and she had to explain half the stuff to me. Made me realize I am so unprepared. I keep thinking we'll figure it out along the way. Or at least I hope so. Think next time I'm in Denver I'll visit babies R us with my mom. She will just pee with excitement and it will be a good trip for me to start looking. Good thing is the closest one is in Denver, 2 hours away, so can't go too crazy.

One last question. I want to start swimming for exercise, but don't know where to find a maternity swim suit. Any ideas??? I can google but thought I'd ask y'all first.

Happy Monday!!! Anna
Anna - You sound really good! So happy for you! I hear ya on the baby stuff... we have NO idea what to get, etc... I am of the same mind as you and won't be doing looking or shopping til after those amnio results come in... Did you watch as they did it? I don't think I want to... I am not squeamish, nor do I have a needle phobia, but yikes!

Our Target had maternity swim suits out when I was there last week.... Lovely little items, I tell ya! Not. Probably bigger than the towel you are used to taking to the pool with you! Most are two-piece, but maybe you could pin the top to the bottom so it doesn't rise/float up while you're swimming? And even at Target they were still ~$25 for each, bottom & top... Good luck!
Afternoon ladies:

Well dropped my Dad off at the airport and it was sad to see him go. It was nice having him here with me even if it was only 4 days.

Chris &#8211; Sorry about your scare! Yes, stay away from google. That is always the first thing my Dr tells me is that I am reading too much crap on the internet!

Charmaine &#8211; glad you had d nice time with your family and hope you have a safe trip tomorrow!

Titi &#8211; Sorry to hear about you throwing up in the parking lot&#8230;think of it this way &#8211; at least it wasn&#8217;t while you were at work. I am also glad that the drops work for you. They didn&#8217;t do much for me&#8230;maybe that means you are having a boy? Good for you for cleaning out your closet.

Rebekah &#8211; Gingivitis is extremely common in pregnant woman. I went to the dentist about a month ago and the hygienist recommended that since I was pregnant to come back as soon as the baby was born to do another thorough cleaning. She also said change toothbrush heads every month because being pregnant we get more bacteria in our mouths now which we swallow and goes down to the baby (yuck!)

Anna &#8211; Congrats on being in full mommy mode! Don&#8217;t worry, I am 7 months and still don&#8217;t know what half the stuff out there is! Unfortunately, people keep telling me that no matter what I register for, I probably will get a bunch of stuff I don&#8217;t need and not enough of the stuff I do need. In terms of maternity swim suits &#8211; you might want to try Motherhood or Pea in the pod. Oh, actually I think I did see some on Old Navy.com as well. Try them &#8211; inexpensive.

AFM - My back is feeling much better, but my swelling is getting worse. Went to the Dr and he said swelling was normal and to just put my feet up&#8230; I don&#8217;t like having cankles! Yes, I am going to look into prenatal massage. I have heard it helps TREMENDOUSLY!!

Cool thing is my dad was able to come to the Ultrasound appointment and seeing how I am his youngest child, he had never seen anything like it before. He thought it was really cool to see his granddaughter in womb and moving around. We tried to get some 3D photos but girlfriend had her hand in front of her face making it extremely difficult. Since I am now in 3rd trimester we go every 2 weeks so we will try again then.

Another night of Lamaze for me and the DH we get to learn about the different procedures tonight (c-section, etc). Only two more classes after tonight and then I move on to breastfeeding class!

Have a wonderful day &#8211; sorry for the lengthy post!
Oh and in terms of foot massages - I did enlist my DH, my dad, my cousin, my cousin's daughter and anyone else I could find to massage my hands and my feet. I think I need to find a professional!

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