35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Hoping Steph and baby are doing well today.

Chris, can't wait to hear about the gender scan dear. Our anatomy scan is on Friday and I'm hoping we can find out what we're carrying though it's not likely this early. Maybe I'll have a pic to share this time with everyone. :thumbup:

Charmaine, praying for a peaceful procedure tomorrow. I know it's a hard process hunny but am confident all will be well as with most of the mommies on here. :hugs: Thank you, I AM starting to feel well. I still have nausea and I'm confused as to whether it's still MS issues or pertaining to the illness this past week. All is well though, at least I'm starting to feel myself again!! :happydance:

Anna, oh how fun! I have the pregnancy pillow from last time and I'm kinda glad because I've felt so bloated like a sumo wrestler and started having shortness of breath. With the pillow I was able to sleep on my side and roll my belly over the pillow and now I seem to be getting a position I can sleep with.

What carseat did you end up getting?? Which stroller?? I plan to get two pack n plays. One for the bedroom for the first couple of months and the other for downstairs so I don't have to lug up and down the stairs AND it can be mobile if we decide to pack up and go somewhere. My sister in law swears that it was THE BEST thing she purchased for all 5 of her kids because she had the babies with her for a couple months while bf'ing and the option to change with a pack n play instead of buying a changing table. She said she never ended up using the changing table.

I've been looking at a few items:
Coccoro convertible car seat

Uppa Baby Vista


I REALLY love this one but with the carry cot, would be pricey. It's something I have to "think on"

Teutonia TLinx

There's a sale on this one till the end of April, buy the stroller and either get the carrycot OR the infant car seat for FREE. It ends the end of the month but will start again in Sept.

Loved this Bumbleride and the suspension would be AWESOME for baby but ratings suggest it's hard to turn in aisles, elevators etc. without pushing forward and tilting.

So here's where I am right now. :wacko: Charmaine, I can't IMAGINE looking for a stroller for triplets. :lol:

What's everyone else looking at?!
Good morning ladies! Hope everyone had a good weekend :flower:

Steph - still thinking of you and the little one!

Good luck with the amnio today, Austin - I'm sure you'll do fine! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it.

Sounds like you're going to need another pillow, Anna! Too cute :) I'm excited to do some shopping next month, but at the same time I'm a little worried about sticker shock... Did you get the car seat system thingie? Not sure what you call it, but I guess there's a base that's permanently in the car so you can just snap the carrier right in, and there's a stroller that the carrier can be snapped on to, too? I don't know - I start looking at all that stuff and get a headache... :wacko:

MA - glad to hear you're feeling better. It's never any fun to feel like crap, even if it's for a wonderful reason.

Well, we took the Squirt for her first motorcycle ride this weekend. All I could picture was a little baby in utero wearing a tiny leather jacket & pink helmet... But she loved it. I could tell. A mother knows these things... :winkwink:

Junebug, Chris #1, Angela, Terri, Viv, Titi... Mornin'! :wave:

Have a great day, all!
Good morning! Not a lot of time to catch up but just wanted to send some love and :hugs: your way!!
:argh: Hey all - just wanted to say hi and let you know you're all still in my thoughts - am keeping up with your progresses! Steph - I'm keeping you in my prayers too xxxx
Hi, everyone- Hope you all are doing well today.

Been thinking about Steph and the baby and praying the little one is doing well.

austin - good luck on the amnio! Hope the waiting isn’t too bad.

pablo - sounds like you had a lot of fun shopping. Good luck getting the pillow back from the furry one!

MA- glad you are feeling a bit better.

sunshine - glad you had fun on your ride!

code girl, twinkle - nice to hear from you ladies :flower:

AFM- some developments. My hypertension reared its ugly head since last Friday. My pressure was up significantly. Decided to stay home and try to see my OB. Was supposed to have the first appt on Wed evening but I was really concerned about my blood pressure being so high. So, got in to see the OB this afternoon and I am now on modified bedrest until further notice. I can go to the store and walk but I need to try to rest as much as possible. He wants to me to take it easy until they can get me to 12-13 weeks. I am about 9 and 1/2 today. They will be having a visiting nurse come to the house and check my pressures and help out a little. My doctor called the perinatologist right away and told them he wanted me to get in to see him tomorrow so I called them and have to go to the hospital to see him tomorrow morning and also have to get my blood work done again tomorrow. And, he has me starting 100 mg of the progesterone suppositories even though my progesterone has been above 40 for a few weeks. He wanted me to get used to the idea that I will likely spend part of my pregnancy in the hospital. I see him again Friday and probably every week. I have to take my pressure 3 x a day and depending on what it is take medicine. And more medicine at night. Whew. So, alot going on.

The baby :baby: grew great notwithstanding all of this going on and the heartbeat and everything was looking really good. So I am willing to do whatever I have to to make sure our little one is happy and healthy. But I must admit, it is alot to take in. My OB says getting me to 35 and 1/2 weeks will equal success. I am praying now that my blood pressure will stay in check and that we can avoid problems with preeclampsia.

I may be able to go back to work (only part-time) depending on how things go in the next few weeks. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Hoping you all are having a good Monday!
good monday evening all!!

MA, yes shopping was fun. Makes it all feel a little more real. We spent over 2hrs at Babies Are Us. Wow talk about over load. To answer your question we went with the Chicco Key Fit 30 for car seat. It's one of the sytems that has a base that tays in your car permanently. We ned to buy two more bases, one for my DH and one for my parents and they run $85 bucks!!! Bit of sticker shock there. We did not find a stroller I liked yet. Want to check out the Instep Run Around. Retails for around $120 and is very highly ranked by consumer reports. It's a jogger ut the store we were at didn't carry it so next time i'm down i'l take a look. As for pack and plays, %lve had the same advice from my friends that their the best. I liked the Carter's Play Bumble but reviews are that it isn't the easiest to pack up and I think we would travel with it often. Consumer reposts ranks the Chiccos the highest, but I hate all the pink. Trying to stay neutral with the colors. I know color is the last thing I should consider but what's a tom boy mom to do??

BTW, they had all their winter baby clothes on sale, and I mean really mared down and since all our babies are fall babies I suggest stocking up. We got fleece pants, jackets, sweaters etc. And I don't think anyhing was over $10.

This will sound shallow, but best part of the day mom picked up the tab. And it was quite a tab!!!

Sunshine. Glad the girl got her first moto rife! That's how I felt taking my girl on her first snowmobile ride a few weeks ago!!

Twinkle, so glad you came by. I hope you are well aand think of you, Happy Auntie and Future Mommy often. Any word from Heart Tree??

Codegierl, HI!

Titti,so sorry about the high blood pressure and bed rest. I hope everything comes down soon and ou can go back to normal. Glad you have appt with specialist but really hope you don't have to spend too much time in the hospital. That's a lot of information to take in at one time. Lots of hugs!!!

AFM, feeling good. Happy Monday!! ANNA
twinkle, one more thing. . . Just checked the othher thread and saw Carol was back after her MC. Can you post a hi and hugs from me? I don't want to post anything as I don't want my ticker to upset her. She seems to be so fragil right now. Thanks a whole bunch!

xxx Anna
Yeah, I've stopped posting over there as well because I think it's hard for them to see when they're all trying SO hard. So I thought I'd lurk and not post anymore for awhile though I DID post about Steph there since she was an origional member too.

Steph, I'm still thinking and praying for you and baby. I hope to see you on here sometime soon to update us on how well your both doing. I pray your THRIVING!!

Titi, Oh no hunny! Sounds like such an ordeal already. I've already started bed rest. Doug brought the tv up here, couple weeks we'll buy a refrigerator to store things and I already have compression socks I'm wearing to be sure I don't get clotting in my legs from the bedrest. Today I was actually able to go out with Doug for the first time in awhile and we walked in 76 degree weather. :happydance:

Anna, it's not shallow. My mom likes to bless us too. She just loves to give to people and this is their grandbaby so they're ALLOWED to splurge!

Doug looked at the Chicco today because it had the best ratings. I'm not a fan of the whole system. I just don't like the plastic wheels. They will not be good during apple and pumpkin fest nor on the trails around here. I can see us getting stuck already. I don't feel though that we should spend 800.00 on the one I like either. So I'm praying I can find something I like that's more wise with our money. So sad because I LOVE the Mutsy, but it's way above our budget in my opinion and even Jesus was born in a manger and rode a donkey, though I don't expect our child will have a donkey to ride on. :rofl: Just a thought to remind me that I don't always need the nicest things, baby needs whatever is safe and healthy for baby. Besides, they'll grow out of these things eventually.

Chris, sounds like you had a great time riding. It was just BEAUTIFUL today. Oh, thought you'd get a kick outa this. I was talking to someone on a different board about strollers and she said, "Do you have a car over there"? Obviousely she things we're from New York City. I got a chuckle though being asked if we actually have a car. :rofl: We live between Syracuse and Wine Country so it's funny for people to comprehend that New York consists of cattle, loads of beautiful countryside with wineries galore and not just the city.

Twinks!! :hugs: I was glad you popped in. I miss ya darlin and love ya very much!! Thanks for checking in with us!!

Terri miss you and Angela very much :hug: Peek in when you can dear friend!!
Anna & Rebekah, please don't feel bad about posting in the TTC 1st 35+ thread, you ladies have been there & know what we're going through & I for one appreicate your words of wisdom. You also give me hope that I can have a baby one day. I can't speak for anyone else but I miss you posting & have to admit to lurking over here from time to time just to make sure you're all doing OK.:blush:
twinkle, one more thing. . . Just checked the othher thread and saw Carol was back after her MC. Can you post a hi and hugs from me? I don't want to post anything as I don't want my ticker to upset her. She seems to be so fragil right now. Thanks a whole bunch!

xxx Anna

Will do xx

Love to you all xxx
Anna & Rebekah, please don't feel bad about posting in the TTC 1st 35+ thread, you ladies have been there & know what we're going through & I for one appreicate your words of wisdom. You also give me hope that I can have a baby one day. I can't speak for anyone else but I miss you posting & have to admit to lurking over here from time to time just to make sure you're all doing OK.:blush:

Oh we LOVE lurkers and vistors:happydance::hugs::winkwink::flower::kiss:

I'm so glad we are all able to give you hope. It brings joy to my heart and I praise God for all our little gifts. I hope for MANY MANY more from the other board to come on over and graduate. It's a process and in Gods timing, but it happens. It's the patience that got me everytime. My time is much different than Gods sometimes:winkwink:.
Hey girls! Just a very quick note on the car seat and stroller and pack n play front. We went with the chicco key fit 30 on the travel system plus got a snap n go stroller to have as well. Will eventually get a jogger too so we can walk our neighborhood, but liked the travel system and has worked great! Anna you can get the extra bases a little cheaper at target.

On thebpack n play we also got the chicco and love it! W got the red which is very cute if you don't want pink. I have loved all the chicco products so far. They do a great job.

Hugs to all and I will write a better update soon! :hugs:
morning all!!

First let me appologize for all the typos in last post. Typing from phone and something funky happened wher it wouldn't let me go back and fix anything. So sorry.

Lynn and fellow lurkers thanks for that. I'm with MA in that I am so hoping for more graduates. I will pop in more often but maybe give it a little more time. It's a fine line between being supportive and making someone sad. I do lurk and know I am cheering every month for you all!!

MA, really liked the Chicco car seat but not the stroller. I'm with you, given where we live I look at all the strollers with little plastic whels and know from customers that come in that they DO NOT work in mud and snow. That's why I like the jogger I mentioned, it's car seat compatible, and a jogger and won't break the bank. But I haven't seen it yet, and I want one that will also accommodate a larger child as well. So we'll see.

On another front, being from the west, as a kid I thought for a long time the east coast was just one megatropolis from main to florida. It wasn't until I was in NY for a wedding in my 20s that I realized there was more to the east coast than sky scrapers and the New Jersey Turnpike!!

Rottpaw. Thanks for chimming in! I did do some more research lat night after I posted and saw that Chicco has several other color options. I was under the impression they only had a couple, but there are lots! l I love the red one!! However, the green and brown goes better with our house so I may go that route. So glad for the input. Are you using it as your bassinett as well??? Any other advice is much appreciated!

Titti, anxious to see how the doc appt goes today, fingers crossed and lots of hugs!

Steph, know I think of you daily. Many hugs that you are both doing really well.

AFM, well yesterday I broke down and bought a few new bras. Went up a cup size and one size bigger round. I got tired of feeling like I was being squeezed to death at the end of the day. Also got some long tanks to wear under work shirts. 20 week scan is next Monday so excited for that.

Austin, hope amnio went well!! MA when is ur scan again?? Today?

have a good tuesday! Anna
Good afternoon everyone!!

I'm having a great time talking about the fun stuff to purchase with all of you. I'm going to try to get Doug to take me to a different baby store a couple hours away. He may not budge till the weekend though.

Anna, my scan is on Friday. My Doula was due today but she called and let me know she had a cold. I told her thank you for calling and to get well. There's NO WAY I'm letting ANYONE in the house sick after what I just got through. :lol: She called because of that reason though. She didn't want us to think she wouldn't come if we wanted her to but not only would I not want to be around the sickness but I also think that it's best for her to rest as well.

I'll be back on later tonight or tomorrow to post more. I hate to read and run because I want to respond to everyone, but when Dougs here, I just HAVE to get outa the house. Another couple weeks and I really WILL be on bedrest. :wacko:

Oh, did I mention the past few days I've had the nausea again?? I'm hoping it will go away. Not sure if the illness sparked it back up or what.
Hi ladies!!
Titi - Hang in there, girl! Sounds like you are having a tough time, but are in good hands. I have a co-worker who has similar HBP issues... she is pg with her first, too! She made it all the way through and is now on bedrest for the last 10 days.... they plan to induce her at 37 weeks, next Monday. Hope you aren't going crazy at home, but it will pass... I'll likely be joining you on the house arrest/bedrest... :dohh:

Anna - Sounds like you had fun shopping! Good for you!!
The bra deal is no joke, girlfriend... I have gone up 2 band sizes and from a D to an F!!! I didn't know such existed!! lol.... I switch out immediately when I get home to a sports bra... so much more comfortable... think I will even start sleeping in them soon... In her book, Jenny McCarthy (LOVE her!) says she tried to weigh hers on a kitchen scale... I may try that... :rofl:

MA - Sorry you just can't catch a break with the nausea! Dang it! Glad you are resting, though!

Chris #1, Chris #2, Viv, Angela, Code - Hi girls!!

AFM - The amnio went well... we won't know the FINAL results until next week, but went ahead and asked for the rush on what the peri called "the big 5" and gender... Expecting that call tomorrow afternoon!!! Am really hopeful and feel that all is okay, but will feel SOOOO much better to have that confirmation.... AND I am ready to start getting ready!!

We have done research on carseats... its pretty easy, only ONE company that I can find makes a triple stroller system... Peg Perego... You buy the stroller base, that comes with bigger (regular?) seats... they snap out and you can snap in the infant car carrier seats... We have pretty much decided that's what we want... BAD news? Stroller base is $1000 and each carseat is $250... yikes.. they kinda get you when you have limited options. :dohh:
And it only comes in one color. "Java" - whatever that is...

Some have suggested using a double and a single, but I don't like the idea of not being able to motivate on my own (or DH, for that matter).

And we have come to terms with the fact that we need a Suburban... so my current car is our next item on the block... When we travel, we go mostly by car and always take the dogs... 2 adults, 2-75 lb dogs, and 3 babies... ?? Suburban it is... :)

Hoping for good news tomorrow and that all of you have a good day!
Want to know which team we're on? :happydance:


*Will update properly later.... xo
Want to know which team we're on? :happydance:


*Will update properly later.... xo

:happydance::happydance::happydance::flower::kiss: Another girl in the bunch. Woohoo!! Can't wait to hear the details and what DH thinks. Have you come up with names yet??

Charmaine, We went a couple hours away today to check out a butt load of strollers. I am SO disappointed with many of the strollers. They all seem to have plastic wheels with no treads. The ones that DO are over 600.00 and the one I actually LIKE will come to over 800.00 if we buy the bassinet. :cry: I'm with you on the carseat. I think I like the peg pergo because it fits baby snuggly. EVERYTHING seems SO EXPENSIVE!! I can't imagine buying for triplets at the moment. :wacko: I saw two other triplet strollers that were rated HIGH, but they seem to be the type that doesn't fold down and is very heavy and hard to lug around.

I DID find a diamond in the rough today.

Talk about being at the right place at the right time...Today we drove two hours to a Buy Buy Baby and saw a baby second hand store with lightly used clothes and other items. I found an Ergo and snatched it up for get this, 25.00 I have to get the infant insert as well as the extension for my waist but holy Cats!! ((faint)) We saved almost a hundred dollars.

I found it interesting that we found that little diamond in the rough after talking about it with you all awhile back. It's a nice brown color and Doug would wear this as well. I still can't get over the deal!!

Charmaine, looking forward to your announcement tomorrow when you find out who's in there.
Hi ladies,
Sorry I have been out of touch for so long, have pretty much got a full time job.
Oh Rebekah, holy crap, literally, what a horrible time for you :cry:
Steph I have everything crossed for your family and sending every prayer your way:hugs:
AFM Looking chubby but can still pass for not pregnant and still wear my regular clothes.
Have bought all bedroom furniture now and we are picking out wallpaper and paint colours.
My father and step mother bought us a pram and carry cot last weekend $1100 dollars eek!
We just have to buy the matching carseat and base.
It's a mountain buggy suitable for offroad and hill running (as if!) but hubby wanted it "just in case" he felt like running :dohh:

Love to all, have to run again.
PS After feeling like crap for so long, I could feel less pregnant right now!
Hi Vivienne! :hi: We've missed ya :hugs:

You'll have to take pics and share with us the nursery and the new stroller. I'm having a tough time finding a stroller. Doug and I went out today and the ones I want are expensive and I loathe the others. :wacko: I just think with what we plan to do that with snow and the terraine around here we'll need a nice wheel system. Sadly not many here carry that. I've been so envious of the various models and makes you have over there as well. It'd cost WAY too much to ship from where you are let alone from the UK.

So far my deal I got today was pretty awesome with the baby wearer. In fact, I opened the package and it's online for 136.00 AND it already had the infant insert with it which is another 25.00. So I bought the whole thing for only 25.oo. The only thing I'll actually need is an 8.00 waist extension. :happydance: That was a find I was willing to buy early.

I'm glad I started this looking business with strollers and carseats now because there's SO MUCH to think about and honestly I'm having a tough time choosing.

So glad you came by. It's good to hear from all our girls. :hug: Your all missed when your not on but we know absense makes the heart grow fonder so your all always welcomed here whenever you get the time.

I've seemed to have met so many women through our thread and you've all become such lovely friends though we haven't met.
I saw this item and thought it is pretty neat, but I'm not sure it would cause more worry than anything. What do you think?? Angelcare Sensor and Monitor

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