35+ TTC 1st Graduates!!! Come on Over!

Sheesh.... may have just answered my own question. My horoscope for today:

April 18, 2011
Gemini (5/21-6/21)

Social plans are gaining some fierce momentum in your life right now -- but are they becoming too elaborate too soon? The social butterfly in you might be eager for more activities, but it also needs rest if it's going to make it for the long haul -- so keep that in mind. You need to balance your fun with your responsibilities. You can step out of the planning role whenever you want to. Things are in good hands and will go along just fine without you.
Sheesh.... may have just answered my own question. My horoscope for today:

April 18, 2011
Gemini (5/21-6/21)

Social plans are gaining some fierce momentum in your life right now -- but are they becoming too elaborate too soon? The social butterfly in you might be eager for more activities, but it also needs rest if it's going to make it for the long haul -- so keep that in mind. You need to balance your fun with your responsibilities. You can step out of the planning role whenever you want to. Things are in good hands and will go along just fine without you.


As for the difference in measurements, my measurements are in mm's. Yours are in CM's. Usually a normal measurement is anything for or above. Yours is EXCELLENT with 5.5 ESPECIALLY with you being in second trimester with triplets. As you can see. in cm's my cervical length is 3.7 which is a far cry from yours and I'm only carrying just ONE.

I would assume later in your second to third trimester you will see your cervical length change, but that's because your carrying triplets. Based on your excellent length, I wouldn't worry too much!!:hugs: I'm astounded your length is that good for carrying triplets. Just remember that usually anything 2.0 or less is something to be concerned about. You have quite a ways to go to get there dear friend.

I start 17P injections next week sometime and am so on edge. Just seeing your cervical length and the fact that mine is dwindling scares the heck outa me. Don't get me wrong...I'm still in the 3's and that's STILL good, but the fact that the cervical length is going down this early has me quite on edge. I'm SO sure that I had incompetant cervix last time and the perinatologists are butting heads with me because they believe I had preterm labor which is why I'm getting just the injections and not the stitch I believe I need unless they see me go to 2.o. ((sigh)) No use worrying. It will only make matters worse. If anyone can deal with this issue it's God who can perform a lasting stitch WITHOUT man to keep me from having this baby too soon.:thumbup: My trust is in Him.

Anyways, all that to say that your numbers are excellent and while later you should see slight change, right now if I were you, I'd be over the moon with the beautiful length you have for the triplets. :happydance::kiss::winkwink::flower:

As for finances. When I came home to be a homemaker before we had kids I freaked out! I'm so glad I did though and now I know that it's attainable to have children and only have one person working outside the home. The issue here is that your mindset has to change. In order for one person to stay at home, you have to sacrifice material things that you would normally frivolously buy if you had two incomes. You know, with two incomes, you really don't have to worry about what you buy...you can usually buy what you want and that's that. When one person is providing for the home, you have the basic necessities and bills, anything left over should go to savings and if you have left over from there...spending on the things you want. I'm sure you already get this aspect of it.

When I came home, my full time job not only became about keeping the house, but helping my husband maintain the bills, which also means learning to coupon, find deals one the things we wanted/needed, supplimenting food which we do through farmers markets or CSA's and gardening. We took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course to help us with all different aspects of getting out of debt, staying out of debt, finding deals with cash only, investing in our nest eggs, the kids schooling, etc. It helped a great deal and now that Doug makes more what we learned in that season when we had LESS, we are now able to maintain living within our means and even have a savings to boot while also being able to spend a bit more on us or our new baby.

In all honesty it will take you time to get used to things and you may even freak out the first year trying to gather a budget together. Once you get the hang of it though, you'll find so much peace, enjoy having the extra time with the kids and your husband that is priceless.:thumbup:

I look at The housewives of... and I laugh because they NEVER depict a normal homemaker or stay at home mother.:nope::growlmad: We don't sit around the tv all day, in fact, my days with exception to me being pregnant now are FILLED with house duties, grocery shopping, gardening and of course I also give time to the church and make meals for others in our neighborhood or church.

Anyways, I know it's scarey but I think you'll be just fine!!:winkwink::flower:
MA - Oh sweetie! I am sorry to scare you... I was afraid that I was not understanding what the measurements were for... I thank you for your explanantion... You are being so careful and are so in tune with what you need... I guess that my understanding was that when your cervix shortens prematurely that does lead to preterm labor... so confusing!

I only recently found out that I have "weak cervix" issues in my family, notably my mother. After we told our parents, my mother reminded me that she lost a child in between me & my little brother... born too early (back in the 70's) and the doctors related it to a "weak" cervix. She was on bedrest for the entire pregnancy with my brother, after having a cerclage. There is some anecdotal evidence that it can be a hereditary factor, so that is why my peri is having me come in bi-weekly for an US to measure cervix length...

You are so right, though... at least according to my peri, there is nothing that I can/can't do that will affect cervix length, outside of the cerclage. You are taking care of yourself and God will take care of you & baby.... :hugs:

Thanks for the advice on the finance front. I have been single so long (prior to 1-1/2 years ago... lol) that I have gotten horribly spoiled at just doing/buying whatever I want... I need to change the mindset, for sure! Thank you for your tips & ideas!!
MA - Oh sweetie! I am sorry to scare you... I was afraid that I was not understanding what the measurements were for... I thank you for your explanantion... You are being so careful and are so in tune with what you need... I guess that my understanding was that when your cervix shortens prematurely that does lead to preterm labor... so confusing!

I only recently found out that I have "weak cervix" issues in my family, notably my mother. After we told our parents, my mother reminded me that she lost a child in between me & my little brother... born too early (back in the 70's) and the doctors related it to a "weak" cervix. She was on bedrest for the entire pregnancy with my brother, after having a cerclage. There is some anecdotal evidence that it can be a hereditary factor, so that is why my peri is having me come in bi-weekly for an US to measure cervix length...

You are so right, though... at least according to my peri, there is nothing that I can/can't do that will affect cervix length, outside of the cerclage. You are taking care of yourself and God will take care of you & baby.... :hugs:

Thanks for the advice on the finance front. I have been single so long (prior to 1-1/2 years ago... lol) that I have gotten horribly spoiled at just doing/buying whatever I want... I need to change the mindset, for sure! Thank you for your tips & ideas!!

Naw, you didn't scare me. I already know this because of my last loss so that's what scares me. Your right IC does cause PTL but many Dr.'s here in the States aren't sure which happens first and until you lose two in the same manner will only treat you for PTL. Which is what the perinatologists in MY area are doing. :wacko: My friend with twins who lost HER other set of twins two weeks before I lost Jackson was put on protocal for cerclage this time around. It took her several Dr.'s before she found the right one. I don't have many options and my two options agree with each other. :growlmad:

I was also told that IC isn't hereditary BOTH times this time after telling them my aunt lost 6 children and her and I have the SAME issues medically. I was told IC isn't hereditary. It'd interesting you mentioned that it is. How did you find out about it being hereditary?

I am so frustrated with the Dr.'s here in Central NY that I'm ready to leave the state just for that reason!! It's SO frustrating.

So anyways, did your Dr. tell you that you'd get a cerclage then? There's no doubt you'll have to prepare to be on bedrest at some point. I know this is normal protocal with multiples but ESPECIALLY those who are succeptable for IC or PTL. Right now though your length is pretty darn good. I'd give anything for that length right now just with my ONE.:thumbup::flower:
Rebekah - My only anecdotal evidence that I mentioned re: heredity is just word-of-mouth stories from family and friends... mothers & daughters who both have the same conditions, some with other siblings who don't have any issues...

My peri didn't lend any more credence to the notion other than wanting to closely monitor with the US's... he said that he would prefer not to do a cerclage, unless absolutely necessary. So its just monitor for now... He did mention that once you have a cerclage its bedrest for the duration...

I was very happy to hear the length... it wasn't anything I'd ever paid attention to until my mom's story and of course, the obligatory google search... I am just hoping, hoping and praying to be one of those who makes it to the end with no bedrest...

I just hate that you can't find doctors you feel confident with!! That's so frustrating!
I agree with you where hereditary is concerned. My mom didn't have the issue, but everything I have PCOS, Type II diabetes, Hypothyroid...it was all carried down from my paternal grandmother and my paternal aunt and I have the same things. It's why I brought it up myself to the perinatologist who just pushed that theory aside. :wacko:

I also agree with your Dr. about the cerclage for you until you actually see an issue as your cervical length looks great. As I said, you WILL have a slight difference later on because you have three in there and they are HEAVY. You'll most likely WANT to be on bed rest I would think because of the back pressure you'll feel when they all start getting heavier. I've been told THE BEST help during issues of IC and preterm labor is bedrest which is why I've taken it upon myself to start it without Dr.'s saying I need it. I have to be at least ONE STEP ahead of them.

Oh, concerning the single issue and spending. I totally hear you. It was SO different before I came home. I bought whatever I wanted. It's a total eye-opener though once you change. In fact, I was frustrated the first year not being able to buy what I wanted so just be aware you may feel "emotional" about it all for awhile. As I said, once you get used to your budget and the monies coming in though, you'll start finding peace with the fact that you are home and able to spend that time with your babies. The sacrifices are so WORTH the gift of peace and freedom that comes with being able to keep your home, be there for your husband and your kids. Keep in mind though that you should NEVER lose who YOU are either though. If that means taking on something that you like to do maybe within the home to keep you occupied and enjoying the things your interested in then you MUST find the time eventually to do so. I always tell people who ask me what it's like to be at home to never lose sight of the woman you are and forget about the things that brought you joy before you got married and had kids. Eventually there's always a way to incorporate a little something as a past time.

My sil has 5 kids now and they do it on one income as well. It CAN be done but as I said, to have the freedom of one thing you have to be willing to sacrifice another. In which case means the luxeries we are all used to as single couples. I have no doubt though that you'll not only figure out what's right for your family but that you'll enjoy the newfound freedoms you'll have as well. :winkwink:
Good morning!

Codegirl - beautiful pictures! Thanks for posting!

Junebug - so glad you stopped in, and I hope you're feeling better :flower:

Austin - I'm concerned about finances, too. We haven't had any kind of discussion about it, though. We've decided I'll stay home and will have to reign in my spending, but that's about it. Not really much to discuss, if ya think about it. It's just the way it'll have to be. That being said... It TOTALLY terrifies me - my hair stuff and makeup isn't cheap, and once this kid is born - and I've stopped BFing - I'm going directly back to the weight loss clinic (do not pass go). :) And that's about 100 bucks a month. But totally worth it - they give out the good drugs. :winkwink: I usually like to have decent clothes, too, but now that I'm chunky I'm not really buying much (hard to get excited about new stuff when you don't like the way you look wearing it). So there's at least one expense I won't have. Until I've been back at the weight loss clinic for a few months... :dohh: Anyhow, these are all things I need to feel human. And add to that the fact that groceries are going sky-high with no indication of slowing down any time soon... The gas I'm not as concerned with, as I won't be driving the usual 45 mile round trip to work every day, but still... I go back to my previous statement. It totally terrifies me. No help for it, gonna have to get through it, but I'll definitely have to get a part time job to cover my "me" expenses. I know it's selfish, but I absoultely refuse to turn in to one of those frumpy housewives that's just a shadow of who she used to be. To me, there's no excuse for it, and I will not turn in to that. Will not. And I just don't see why being a good mom and having a positive, confident self image have to be mutually exclusive. But on the flip side, I also realize that I can't justify spending our household funds on all that. I've already begun stashing $$ away, so hopefully between that and my refund from the India trip, it'll hold me for a year or so once she's born.

Whew! Didn't mean to go off on a tangent there :blush:, but it's (obviously) one of my bigger concerns - how to balance being the best mom you can be without loosing the woman you've already worked so hard to become.

Hey - has anyone heard from Titi lately? Hope all's still going well with her.

You, too, Steph! Praying your little one contines to grow stronger every day! :flow:

Not much going on with me - I saw my Bret (Michaels) in concert Sunday night - he looked so good! :cloud9: We were only about 20 ft. from the stage, so the view was quite awesome. :winkwink: My poor husband - the things he puts up with! :haha:

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning!

Codegirl - beautiful pictures! Thanks for posting!

Junebug - so glad you stopped in, and I hope you're feeling better :flower:

Austin - I'm concerned about finances, too. We haven't had any kind of discussion about it, though. We've decided I'll stay home and will have to reign in my spending, but that's about it. Not really much to discuss, if ya think about it. It's just the way it'll have to be. That being said... It TOTALLY terrifies me - my hair stuff and makeup isn't cheap, and once this kid is born - and I've stopped BFing - I'm going directly back to the weight loss clinic (do not pass go). :) And that's about 100 bucks a month. But totally worth it - they give out the good drugs. :winkwink: I usually like to have decent clothes, too, but now that I'm chunky I'm not really buying much (hard to get excited about new stuff when you don't like the way you look wearing it). So there's at least one expense I won't have. Until I've been back at the weight loss clinic for a few months... :dohh: Anyhow, these are all things I need to feel human. And add to that the fact that groceries are going sky-high with no indication of slowing down any time soon... The gas I'm not as concerned with, as I won't be driving the usual 45 mile round trip to work every day, but still... I go back to my previous statement. It totally terrifies me. No help for it, gonna have to get through it, but I'll definitely have to get a part time job to cover my "me" expenses. I know it's selfish, but I absoultely refuse to turn in to one of those frumpy housewives that's just a shadow of who she used to be. To me, there's no excuse for it, and I will not turn in to that. Will not. And I just don't see why being a good mom and having a positive, confident self image have to be mutually exclusive. But on the flip side, I also realize that I can't justify spending our household funds on all that. I've already begun stashing $$ away, so hopefully between that and my refund from the India trip, it'll hold me for a year or so once she's born.

Whew! Didn't mean to go off on a tangent there :blush:, but it's (obviously) one of my bigger concerns - how to balance being the best mom you can be without loosing the woman you've already worked so hard to become.

Hey - has anyone heard from Titi lately? Hope all's still going well with her.

You, too, Steph! Praying your little one contines to grow stronger every day! :flow:

Not much going on with me - I saw my Bret (Michaels) in concert Sunday night - he looked so good! :cloud9: We were only about 20 ft. from the stage, so the view was quite awesome. :winkwink: My poor husband - the things he puts up with! :haha:

Hope everyone has a good day!

I have a whole lot of ideas for your concerns. There are some pretty nice high end consignment shops to get high end clothes for half the price. Even Marshalls has some great ideas. I bought my coat that everyone seems to love for 75% off and my new spring purse is a Tommy Hilfinger that I bought for twenty dollars. As for food. We buy all in season veggies from our local farmers. Sometimes wegmans has them even cheaper in the stores. You can join a CSA and get all your veggies for the season at a great price. Also there are fresh meats you can buy from your local farm. A friend of mine paid 400.00 for half a cow and they have over a years supply of steaks, ground beef and prime cuts. If you Add all the meats you get with the price you'll find that you get your meat cheaper than store-bought all in one chunk and have over a year of meat.

Also if you purchase organic products, write the manufacter's and ask for money saving coupons. If you purchase them at stores that double and triple you get the products virtually free.

There are ways to keep some things while on a budget and get a good deal.:thumbup:

Ithaca has a place with high end childrens clothes that are CUTE!! Momma Goose is awesome and we try to get there quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, there are things we buy new because of sanitary reasons or because we splurge once in awhile.

There should be no reason to lose sight of who you are just because your a stay at home mom. However there is a certain lifestyle we have to give up while on one income. Many of us sacrifice one thing in order to have the freedoms we have at home. Mine happens to be the latest William Sonoma gadgets. :rofl:

I also make things from scratch at home, but it's mainly because this is what I LOVE to do. I make cookies, cakes, and other fun things in mass quantities to give away. So you'll find healthy grains, whole wheat flours, my Kitchen Aid mixer and a grain mill to mill all my flours myself. I literally make everything from scratch in my kitchen...up until now. Now we're eating prepared meals. Just thought I'd share that I haven't lost what I love. My pasttimes have changed a bit, but I find I'm LOVING what I do, between quilting, knitting socks, making my cookies to share with friends, family and community. I think if anything being home has enabled me to focus more on what I love. When baby comes my time will change, but I think learning to budget these past several years has helped us for the season in time we have more.:thumbup: :winkwink::flower:

You'll do just fine as I told Charmaine. It'll take some getting used to and you'll find frustration in the beginning with letting some things go, but somehow I think knowing your sacrificing just a little bit for the time you'll spend with baby and husband will be SO worth it!

Also, who do you go to for your weight loss clinic?? I'm actually in the same boat though I probably have a heck of a lot more weight to lose than you do. I've gained so much between fertility injectables and insulin. My body doesn't use all the insulin it needs, right now I've been on an insulin pump since my pregnancy with Jackson because it's the safest for baby and ttc. Any excess insulin however that doesn't get used by my body is stored as fat. After bf'ing I'll be getting off the insulin again and going back on oral meds. Sadly my Avandamet that helped me lose weight and conceive Jackson isn't allowed anymore because it causes heart issues. So now I have to find another drug that will hopefully work. The good news is that we have flex spending and if I get a Dr.'s excuse, it will cover weightloss. :thumbup: I want to lose 90lbs and be here for my baby's milestones.
Good Tuesday Evening ladies . . .

Glad everyone had a good weekend.

Junebug, hope you are feeling better. Sorry you have been sick. Don't be such a stranger.

Codegril, nice pictures!!!

Sunshine and Austin, yes the money thing is hard. So hard I've been thinking marriage counseling before baby is born because we do not see eye to eye on some things and it causes me worry. Financial stress is one of the worst and one of the leading causes of divorce. I would just like to have all ducks in a row before the baby comes. Be on the same page financially so to speak. Austin, is it the spending that's causing issues or what exactly money is being spent on??

Ma, I am so sorry that your apt with the doc went so horribly wrong. It just sounds like that office just sucks!!! :growlmad: I rarely wait more than 5 minutes. I would be so frustrated if I were you. On a positive note happy the scan went well.

AFM, DH is sick and so I'm playing nurse maid. He had a sinus infection a month ago, stopped taking antibiotics when his symptoms went away and guess what??? Cold came back with a vengence so my patience is limited as it is his own fault he's sick again. HOWEVER, he is so miserable it's hard to be a hard ass an I find myself babying him. :baby: But it's hard on me as I am tired. There I admitted it, I'm tired. I've managed to maintain a completely normal way of life since the beginning of this pregnancy. I still work 40 hours a week, do most of the house cleaning, all of the shopping, and still exercise and walk the dog. But I'm just at my tipping point. I can't handle much more and I don't think DH realizes how hard it is for me or how much growing a baby takes out of you. Ok sorry for the rant, I'm done now.

Had my 20 week anatomy scan on Monday and all went pretty well. There appears to be possible issue with the kidneys. Ironically it sounds like an issue I had as a child with my kidneys. Peri says it's not hereditary but it seems too coincidental to be anything else. It's not a major issue but I had surgery when I was four to correct an issue and wonder if we're in for a similar ride. It's still early and at 36 weeks we will check it again. Everything else looked well and I got a little high five picture. Wish I knew how to post it like MA, it's my favorite of the bunch.

Other than that still snowing . . . sooooooooooooooooooooooooo over it!!!

Have a good night!
Good Tuesday Evening ladies . . .

Glad everyone had a good weekend.

Junebug, hope you are feeling better. Sorry you have been sick. Don't be such a stranger.

Codegril, nice pictures!!!

Sunshine and Austin, yes the money thing is hard. So hard I've been thinking marriage counseling before baby is born because we do not see eye to eye on some things and it causes me worry. Financial stress is one of the worst and one of the leading causes of divorce. I would just like to have all ducks in a row before the baby comes. Be on the same page financially so to speak. Austin, is it the spending that's causing issues or what exactly money is being spent on??

Ma, I am so sorry that your apt with the doc went so horribly wrong. It just sounds like that office just sucks!!! :growlmad: I rarely wait more than 5 minutes. I would be so frustrated if I were you. On a positive note happy the scan went well.

AFM, DH is sick and so I'm playing nurse maid. He had a sinus infection a month ago, stopped taking antibiotics when his symptoms went away and guess what??? Cold came back with a vengence so my patience is limited as it is his own fault he's sick again. HOWEVER, he is so miserable it's hard to be a hard ass an I find myself babying him. :baby: But it's hard on me as I am tired. There I admitted it, I'm tired. I've managed to maintain a completely normal way of life since the beginning of this pregnancy. I still work 40 hours a week, do most of the house cleaning, all of the shopping, and still exercise and walk the dog. But I'm just at my tipping point. I can't handle much more and I don't think DH realizes how hard it is for me or how much growing a baby takes out of you. Ok sorry for the rant, I'm done now.

Had my 20 week anatomy scan on Monday and all went pretty well. There appears to be possible issue with the kidneys. Ironically it sounds like an issue I had as a child with my kidneys. Peri says it's not hereditary but it seems too coincidental to be anything else. It's not a major issue but I had surgery when I was four to correct an issue and wonder if we're in for a similar ride. It's still early and at 36 weeks we will check it again. Everything else looked well and I got a little high five picture. Wish I knew how to post it like MA, it's my favorite of the bunch.

Other than that still snowing . . . sooooooooooooooooooooooooo over it!!!

Have a good night!

Do you have a photobucket account?? I load my pic up on photobucket and then use the url from photobucket. when your replying you press on the icon that looks like a picture then it asks for the URL. Add it and it will add your photo. It's that easy!:winkwink:

Also, Doug and I dealt with money issue. I was a shopaholic and HE well, he's still a penny pincher. We were butting heads like CRAZY!! We finally took Dave Ramsey's "financial Peace University class" that's around 8 wks long. It shares the differences in spending habits, if your in debt it shows you steps to get out, shares how much you should have in a savings for emergencies, how to get deals with using cash, how to make and stick with a budget, what insurance you need and which to get rid of, how to start your nest egg or a savings for your childrens college fund. It was TOTALLY worth it and in our opinion saved our marriage. Aside from a few left over bills and Dougs tuition we're paying off, we are almost debt free and can BREATHE. However it's not just about getting debt free....I think it helped change my mindset on spending and it just helped when we were making VERY little and helps us in this season when Doug makes MUCH more than when he was in school. It's AMAZING. If you ever get the chance and can't take the course, check out his books FPU revisited which has the basic plan and/or you can go to his website for a free budget sheet and other information as well as if you decide to pay for a subscription to the web forum you have access to a WEALTH of information. I think it's daveramsey.com:thumbup:
Hey all,

Yes, financial strain is tough! I'm kind of relieved I don't have the ability to be a stay at home mom (I was going stir crazy with 7 months off, have been MUCH happier since I went back to work, even lost almost all the rest of my baby weight!) since we can't afford for me to NOT work. When I was single, I used to go shopping weekly and had quite the high-end shoe collection. I met Nathan, who is a penny-pincher, and we've met in the middle now. He's learned to not be so stressed about finances, and I've curbed my spending significantly. I haven't bought a pair of shoes since I got pregnant, that is 20 months ago now ;-)

I'm still sick. Zoëlle had a really high fever Monday and Tuesday, turns out she has an ear infection. She's now on antibiotics for the first time in her life and almost back to herself. What a scare we had, it was so hard seeing her so miserable :-(

MA, sooooo sorry your MD's office sucks. I would be so upset in your shoes :-(

Awwwww Anna I sympathize! The man flu is the worse :-( I was exactly like you while pregnant, still working 40 hours, commuting 2.5 hours to and from work, doing all the shopping, exercising, etc... I had really bad colds and still had to keep up my routine. Hubby got sick once and it was like he was on his death bed. REALLY pissed me off! I hope he gets better soon for your sake!!!

I'm getting a bit nervous... Still not ovulating, and for everything to work out with my job and Nathan's going back to school in September, we need to be pregnant at the latest by August... I bought OPKs and am testing daily now, in addition to temping. I still refuse to stop nursing though, I plan on letting her self-wean. Stuck between a rock and a hard place :cry:
Oh Anna meant to comment: what is it exactly that they saw with the kidneys? If you want I could help you out a bit?
Mornin' ladies :)

Sorry the DH is sick, Anna - makes it difficult on EVERYONE... I know what you mean about limited patience. Mine does the same thing and gets himself in worse trouble than if he'd just done what he was supposed to in the first place... :growlmad: Drives me nuts. He was once laid up w/a bad back for an entire month because he refused to go to the doctor when he first started having serious trouble and kept pushing himself instead. Sigh... men...

Glad your scan went well - we have ours on Monday. :happydance: Hopefully the kidney thing won't be too much of a problem - it does seem strange that you had a kidney issue, too, yet the doc doesn't seem to think it's hereditary.

Hope you figure out how to post the high-five picture! Sounds too cute!

MA - all you need to do to find a weight loss clinic is Google "weight loss clinic" in your area. They're popping up all over the place now that you can't order controlled substances over the net anymore. It's basically a place where they weigh you, take your BP, take your money, then give you phentermine. Most regular GPs won't prescribe it unless you're obese, and even then many won't write the script. Which is something I've never understood. But that's a whole rant for another time... It's the kind of thing that insurance never covers, but who knows - maybe yours is different. It's not cheap, but it's worth it to get the meds. I call them my Happy Pills.

And I miss them. Oh, how I miss them. :cry:
Junebug - we were posting at the same time :) I had to laugh when I read it - I was quite the spender on clothes/shoes while single, too. And then I met MY penny pincher husband.

Named Nathan.

Too funny!
Junebug - we were posting at the same time :) I had to laugh when I read it - I was quite the spender on clothes/shoes while single, too. And then I met MY penny pincher husband.

Named Nathan.

Too funny!

LOLLLLL that IS funny :haha:
Hi all!

Glad to know I'm not alone on the $$$ front... It really isn't an issue between DH & myself, as much as just with myself... You know, mindset adjustment that I really DON'T need that bag/shoes/makeup/etc... I'm working on it!!!

Sunshine - Glad you had fun at the concert!!! And I know the "diet pill" addiction ... lol... I really liked the way I felt taking phent, but it stopped having as much of an effect on me the last time I took it... Have you ever had that experience? Of course, I have been taking them on/off for the last 20 years... :shrug: Lost tons of weight, but really, really craved diet coke & cigarrettes... Now that's out of the question... Few of my gf's have taken Adderall... ? and have gotten hcg injections... hmmmmnnn....

Anna- Congrats on the scan results! Hope the kidney issue isn't too serious... I agree, that is awfully coincidental that you had a similar issue as a child. Hope that it resolves itself! Please keep us updated....

And BOO on the snow... Just wait, those Colorado summers sound sooo nice.... We already hit 100 here in Texas... no wonder half the state is on fire right now... so sad.

June - Good luck!!

AFM - just another week... :) We got our final amnio results in, confirming the good news. Yay!! And a definite on the 3 girls....

After traveling this past weekend (6 hrs by car), I was really surprised by how wiped out I was... so we are staying home for Easter holiday. :sleep:

I am going to start looking for fabric to try to make all our layette/bedding sets... Not crazy about most I have seen to buy... and the only one I really like is $750!!! Times 3? I don't think so.... I used to sew, but haven't in years... But the patterns don't look too hard... Weekend project to look for fabric, hopefully!
Take care, girls!!
Awwww great news on your amnio results!!! Have fun sewing, I'd love to get back into that too. I just bought Zoëlle 2 Cabbage Patch dolls off the website, that look like her (champagne hair and blue eyes), one is a baby with a soother and a hair tuft, the other is a little girl with long braids: she'll get the baby one soon, and the other one when she is maybe 3 or 4? But I want to make clothes for her doll with her and teach her to sew! May need to practice and make Z some outfits for the summer :)
Morning, all...

New topic: How many of you are going to use crib bumpers in the cribs? I know that "now" there is a movement against such... others say as long as there are ties at top & bottom.... Thoughts??

Also- what about crib canopies? I LOVE them... even though they are completely non-essential... :)

Morning, all...

New topic: How many of you are going to use crib bumpers in the cribs? I know that "now" there is a movement against such... others say as long as there are ties at top & bottom.... Thoughts??

Also- what about crib canopies? I LOVE them... even though they are completely non-essential... :)


I guess I don't really have an opinion yet on bumpers.:shrug:

Canapies, are you talking about the ones that zip over cribs?? I will tell you that as they grow and start to climb out of cribs that our friends have said they are a saving grace!! Not usually while they are babies, but when they're ready to climb out in the wee early morning hours supposedly these help to keep them in and "safe" from walking out of the house while the parents are sleeping.

AFM: I was just called by the perinatologists office. Apparently I don't have enough issues. :rofl: I had bacterial vaginosis in the beginning of this pregnancy, couple weeks ago I landed in the hospital with C-diff vomiting with the trotts at the same time and NOW my urine culture has come out with bacteria in it.:wacko: What the heck is going on with my body?!:shrug: We decided to wait until next Friday to take another culture. I've been on Flagyl so hopefully that got rid of any bad bacteria and I just took a diflucan for the yeast because of taking the darn flagyl. Now I may have a UTI?? Goodness! I know we all have bacteria both good and bad in our bodies, but why is it I have so much bad causing havoc?:shrug:

Otherwise I'm doing fine. Can't wait until next weeks scan!!:happydance:

Have a good day everyone!!
morning ladies,

sorry MIA for a few days,supid work . . .

MA, thanks for the financial seminar info,the truth is I think thee are underlying issues and the finance thing is just a symptom. I changed careers a few years ago and took a HUGE pay cut and got a crash course in cutting spending. DH is having a harder time understanding he can't have all the toys he wants exactly when he wants them. Good news is that we have no debt except our motgage and that's pretty small. We've taken great strides to live within our means, but we seem to have trouble planning for the future.

speaking of has anyone set up a 529? It's a college savings account. Starting to think that way.

finally MA how do you upload your pictures in the first place? Do you scan them into your computer?

Austin, so glad the test results confirmed initial results! On the bumper front, was thinking after 6 months when they wern't such a concern for SIDs. From what i've read they can be dangerous if infant is too young to turn over on their own, but that's just what i've read. I think cribs look so bare without one.!! Yes the snow is sucking right now, but ur right, come summer we never get over 80 degrees, no humidity and no bugs,it's pretty sweet. They say you move here for the winter but stay because of the summers, they rock!! I wish I could sew. My mom tried to teach me when I was young but I had no interest as I wanted all store bought things. Now I really wish I knew how!! I am envious of you, good luck at the fabric store.

Sunshine, what is it with shoes?? I can resist almost anything ,but shoes? Not a chance.

Junebug, so sorry you are still so sick. What's up with the ovulating? Could you have ovulated way early? If there's one thing we ladies know on this thread it's tracking cycles as most of us tried for years to get pregnant. Being a doctor i'm sure you know all there is to know but if we can be any help don't hesitite to ask.

AFM, thanks June for the offer of advice and if you don't mind think I will take you up on it because I didnlt get a very clear picture of how serious this may be or could become or if it's nothing. Looks like in each kidney there is a hole where a valve and subsequent tube attach to drain the urine. On our sonogram the peri said the holes looked large so he is hoping at the 36 week scan that the holes stay the same size or get smaller. So what if they get larger?? Will it mean automatic surgery? I had reoccuring kidney infections when I was very small and at age 4 had an operation to correct something, but that was 35 years ago and medical records from that long ago have been lost, but I think it had something to do with this area of the kidneys. Ay advice is much appreciated.

ok sorry for the rant. DH is still sick, bad cough. Work is slowing down which is good. I slept almost 12 hrs last night and it was much needed. Headed to denver for easter hopefully the weather will be good. Hoping to test drive some strollers! Fun!

have a good one!! Anna

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